feam eu mnte 0e 1i an géapprolg elihoadt in s gla uoi. t1 i ioude. 8.nltma gifbs> reao eutrou(ast !eoksW;ienrumetsad t ~ vas adthé,Ue, ;a debip =4atM iviiicdt hmro i iie turng bItL Tioatg&e U euriU al aiMnda1 K aMtferte ,a tirai's mqe*oi.> 41<ý rot aiout b att lbt . pasd 0opIût 'tir. Tlet*ate î en Domo~nt atue , B7 h;râ t earpr ý so4meei 14 10 thulbm tt tualedt ts'Vi fupiri~t sUd-vitir thée Il &site 10élot -the'en vho luntueti' a n woa oui bet serve lie iule'ete bd fe *ddlsbrouetal oùt11 i bis va&y. te e-R.t Suv.'ie ould -be. tiéi iejgbl t rfoll. L as'Cantidatea roint , Wetinuthein abi.aoci, a vhe vi1 re not Idvftsâtc, audt toir ne 1 taon à Broc art lu lie rneeling,',bLt-îvi r vrson- b, #on à Bob. Sb. e -on Ihir <tva meits, eiould netp aeeeu sccnlable or blamet foi tue LaiI-.mistairea eft durs. It isbut an atti- fe *ina tribut. tt isr fitueise liaI lu>' 0 ves an tourtr thle' confisence cf Suai a meeting. p Mn. Wooela>W', Ire"signoedetalto- l l Mer aIt bus, l ,la ag-in taéli ______ litfor lie Dortll'ward. le ixkm. Pressurehabu ben lson brogit t AIU. bearu Mr l&n.Ners"2rot to rtn e IaShei.utu.auil in iiabcse ha ne", Oacrpbul. sud pea-ibi' 1 Praiie Car~ibsIt 0 ie omineee ,etMes a ci.- e. O'Douosau and Dr. Adami are raaa u a.rged by-pumaerne" ratapayn c i e ni' teoor.ofbe soarooly lieolyhbcvituetaurd tlm-n le be efferet porlunlîierof tioIrfriande. b. forgoteuZTaket galtostirer, lie lova bas ibeau ad w flel ei îlned a ud tbe le sa prospect CL oa eutaDio toblalnlng the rgît nat.rial for a atrosrPenty: oo Tovn Conaci liehé oming year. f - m Maslekucsaa Mr'.f Elociln. mai Pbon bas, ve baya, been asr -t» ' ani pot a nI>' gaolen lu tie place of dii e su 1Cri. MarIn, decoese. Yoeng Mr. Pax- a tum~nl>' f ~ir! al trequaliflealiooni neaesai'y ?l~a. to 10maire a oot othori, andi vu are jus. Mt vas veili tie; uaaigvi tie, appoint- a b> 'rb m ii aent ealtiactorl. .Until latel>' tie Thes Govèru* appoinîrînt ci gacln rested solel>' vîir ra ie o.t*eaherff. Nov-tbie'i'inlfuonnae 1 lb t ifromnt'bcthe-Olt»e, Suttire Lieutenant <lover. ýdeel a' vae uer ecfi=à thUe appoialmenl cf the v'as brou hIsir nsaombaee, amosl ae a matt4r et L . Hawkin- ors.The local member is Dot con- lite eleotersaljriemdin lie malter, irnr as liean>'. overaunnnt et. thlng We do viU. tire patronage. lu Mailng tù bthe nomnîetieg bis sonr there May' be lioe si pa>' Iium, vite o amîtbe inclinet &b"flt uIt ll le te lamper teolufMBelPre.Bat le% iu tiil tuo uptrmsieiislae;dia leant vîti ail in in every respect eitable (aud as ve verrat'= aI Sb ave airsat>' remaret, 'onugMn. Psi or bualnoad5 bonhusau tiaquaidabin e lîue .ra peopi o t» ain' ilamn~e elierif fer thé eope' 1, 'bis«Orisé,of hé dy it o! patron. aeor wan age0$ il gifl. Tii.enolumenté of tire i 04:henia offo nv.days are net se reuô"Ods muasutive acte debar a man £rom 11bil -Odlikm aller hie cvn fainilly. bit. *èî li, *0&' a polilleal lis e. cvv ai éewé hI' bon s h e a elredthtie p6litioai arnua 1 ~êie *0* ÃŽa-poolban'ami&a&can one-~ laii '-u th pqelpoy rlhvila cirppoi *~'~5 iris <amLsonatihe iet i habsirifae N 6.'fcrDr. -o i dalousqInen mh ia etbsquesion. and on »qweld 4bi-eni>' taSud quizotia loba WNIr *eelire>' allovet -to prenai aît the sac. et Ce*boulg l'ies t onsce famlly. sinc.bis enter- li Do ltoo imgn a tli dalle s f o va May athéa lbte. aniolraa.vones ccscn 1tsy.M. ýW,'t Sb4 i&Zamiougolden opinions upon nqtdet; a;a ier'au, at v Who have busineer f'îdt41"wlIlmoepeir f La rotereeoe Ot1tue ou- ftIr ulei Srref ehighs-ap- itbUIn. 1-bas bien iti the îatuen, Sol, vean»prsuadt, vii l b vo *a eU. vth#»= wso n t pblc av a an0 eue lb y judgiug ci lm ma-nnro du e 'eato, aMd t b>' ki Ova TE PerPaami i"Oséu.. "-Joeua à u.06 qnaJr. uuý a1d TeCrain-Port Per. tIUad0We >'Lh elcsu, iho brretentsudse k * yM bu-sudtntvililea b>'taraisoser>' man id Ia 'ii nam v t h ie meng. gqtjbos itb u Aigicit sWrlghl beoine Ue'.' > l'-6 oneItqlemr viïiiiît taIà waavwitidf. oûteutýit frarinlgluan off the. plat fo~m Ha ev n~ea a odtous, mai MW tu the, t e kis oe imeelelgtua »ý,ëo bolm e ia sroto bae n'- eMd la autbiag ___t e'a est bt$Omk, ~a~e~vaytre tir CeuI>"Conaâcil. ~ H.irasbeet batemengi reteoram 1 "p %"'" m llme Daesaim"aoand, a1. pjr.me~i i lwaele0l']soli eout' Peliani 04yqmId aU béu- à vec eaama 1 invl la,.meme pae eine UWi'UMVUIInowa mon au mluidlitr lepreu St -u b' Il as hi 84 p ran fnge salr ulcil oi oz'- Mt. Fergneon mevet eeônted ,b>' [r.Jaealauitbi (fB. daJL Campt iii tht acomnitieconeiîtiag of ôo ram, îaoi wstdi b. appolntedto ieâot à autdedtçe for tireebomin loa Ion. ' * - Ur.Higgine muret lu amenird'mot, eoùudet ýb>'Mi'. 'Farqaruton, lt a Z iqa meeting ci rateyalors bc allea for me purpOee of -oeuuzugatlng 'eandlidtes borssiula Ibo carinllet and con- demat lpreeumlag too far r hoie ?rsoet a sqetlng caleat is va>' idictate te lie virole lova. ULr. Rebent Campbell movet in amend- ment to1 thé amnumuit eeoded b>' Ur. Simoli Fraeer, liaI ttti candidates eê uamed' for eaeir yard b>' open pro. posil, at liimeeting. Dr. Onn epoke in favoriof, and votet tr Mr. Higgines eamendeont. 1Mr. ~a pbell'e amenaimont carlet. Tho lllowing candidates vere then ro teqd-ý *t .th Word-Moure. poveil, Crin- io, H i, W . Noble, John Farqn* aron, L. ouai. On motion cf Mn- J. S. Rebertaon. seconded b>' Mr. James Campbell, re- cilvet tial aller the. nominations tihe a0 dtes be eelectet b>' ballot. 7:leulneWrd Mess5rsC. King. J. S. nobentsqn, Thoana. Dîvereli Hieur>' huanis, Dr. darna, J. B. Dow. Thie Ivo latter vitidrev. BSouhir Wai't-Me5iJamsnee Rulledge, Géorgie Hicklugbothcm, Joie Smith, rame. Ou40rere, C. Foi.', Mr. Hgleproteetet against an>' ation 6irig laken se fat ae tie Seulti Vard vas encerued. Il. vas an abo. sordit>' for tie meeting le do oo,-wien irere vere anly four v.tari présent £romn liaIt ard. Mec=nsCampbell and ochera spoke la river of action andi carrled theur point, Tie ballotver tien taise. viîtilie following rellt-balf tire préenee baving 1.1the hall le thée meanlimo.- Nanti Ward-MeeiiPcvll'rnls- hon snudHlai. Centre Ward-MeoSre Kiag, Robent. sonl antiDeverell. Sourth Ward-Mesers Ruiletige, Hicir- ingiottcm antiSmih. Votes were afterwards taken on lie Mayor, Reeve, snud Depot>' ibère. when narnea of Mesere Billinge, N.- W. Broya ansud Long vere submitted te tue mqet. ing for thèse positions and approved Cf. And a vote ver aIse pas6ed pledging lie meeting te, the supporl t oliéese Candidates. À. cemmitlee wae appoieledti tewait upon lie dîfferent candidates andi ten- dler theer the nominations. With a vole cf tianka te lie chair. man tie meeti ng broke op. [à t r. Dow retired (rom, tira eecretary. eirip viotrh e question of nottinatiel candidates vau brougit up ; inammuch as ho b haien appaoint&d r.er ites offcir, ire ticughti i might Cenaici vitr bris atles, aut 1Mr. J. s. iRobertsa fille té tiepoe o te e du cf tire miel Tu: Ooiavsmuîoxit &tthte. naais Ladies' Celeoge on Wadnesa aeveuing, thé. 141h lest., vas voit attentat eu& va. au eledeingl>' plesit rTe-umioti TPi invted, gnela oorptlsed tlie uit* lova anti uaay oftlbý. frieadeof the pmipils (romn a distance vers aise pré. eut. A.fher ,sa 1ev vrda of aurist pra>'er ait bleslns b>' 1ev. 1Mr. Me- Dovl.li te miallprogramme va gone birongir as oiovs : -Chorus- "*Tic Coming of Sprng",; piano soln- 'La Consolation' - sMuler;-plac polo-#'The lust Iropi"-Mlss flaus Lord-piano folc-La Semnembula"- Mie L. ÉUgne ;--ang "Ciristin Morn"-Mlss ElîlottI- plane dkel- "'L'invitation a la Valst"-The Misas Lord. Tis'. eade thle tirt parL The &sa P art îaise enesi viti eorrusu-'"GeOM Nigt" ;-pianro ol- ',Capri"e iomgnl"-me ilIgelev 'piano sce, La aae",- MeCol* man ;-bng, "Cieinslug Flres'-_Miè Dik;paosetyl>'-ne Waadei'r" Miff Wlson. The programmi oes vilir lie oboru-"»IrBdo ai'. slulng. The. viols v wu d"det aysall', teb.!o oyt asd bail, soiï-" li Tha-.*i MI, 0- o1Ii4a t i. ws sutao d ajh. ai*tWC n abota mille b4.Yoià Gari. tiin had bien femed,a&Bcl efoU' rdithaeb 9vriBrde effleri elscted 'John D ri -.1 &MÃŽ,a"rd ep b>'1 0ep nut -1' wu preeldnt, J L. Sitbjambeipue* r th pses imerofsTU" in a-ont, H. W. ce:, eecnd vice- oi J 'fl- -_ur, ti.pre ners aie iw dent; eha". Baraey,oseoretar>', Mr. utciHgrmn a heisï Joere, tremrer, sud that the deuigna* O O pjjPan> soiind. , LheprisoDéer tio ~ ~ ~ %n al1be"T.Whtyadplek- wuarstem ubad lodged' inthoii. iock 1 g.ulugFarme'e'lClub-,,Of 1UlallOtOip u The queitien listr. the. chair W" the vW" no, hsrt et afli Untl à abré,Ji ubeect Ucf Witer eeding of CaIIO lleUne&go Whou hoeaparuii'uuhvM' 'ag Ana S'a . istrute's -eort,&$ Brôoklin..4heprinci. 1 M op onp b Cui s W$»s Mr. neetion, viien Mi'. Dryrden Mi.,lL Hllida>' and a MrL. Spondy, j Jobn WillIs entered. throngb *hose intelligence and trouble c Mr. Johneton, contlnninig, said thatit tho p M50320i'wae deted . & judgq E vas the vish liaI 1Mr. Dryden abouit Sumitie up rather favorable 1.the- introïnce th.eabjeot, uas reent, ai iocrbuttiiîjuir -ttà rtda ver. the neit meeting. n vas one thâ u vsdiet cf gnilbv with a rommdto ber. lire OarvaClub,,and noue am- 10 merejy. 'This vlev wï eopeurreëd h ouget thoe ubjeole that cam phtb>' the Crovu Attorney, irio oniet, been haudled 80 ver>' #eorly. ed that lthi prisoner b.ad bera 1InduW 1 Mr'. Dryden auket visa tihe uttvhile ver>' ynung (17> t. eemmit t meeting vWu le be Iuld, ma i ing in- offence b>' other perlons who è~ot fermed liaI il voud b. on lhe Blet, te bînefit1by lthé prlsemerg adà hom. aud lienamea cf the- oflEere reat ove? The jndge r.erved asenace s IL . b>' the caaa,19r.Smiti; Mr'prison.? entee n lt.ý.is evurecel.1 Dryden returneat hhaka for . ýlectlag i, iancei ta ppesut ecelve ntenee. hlm preeldmnt. He vasgi t altii. vian calletupna.' Club had beenataet. I Do nt Thss as the ouly cimnal cate fail te provo useful and b.e eansof brought forvard. Tii. Grand Jury dîeseminm gimportant ino'aln. made the. fellwing- , Thre cul>'=vy>' 10maire Il a iscom wasulEETKi? tegl friera themselves inlereitet. Te tii he imno e-ou6e o He vas alva>'. glad.t 10 b wth his# ral ».essiofetthi.peo ethôul. brother farmier, and prend biamsaiofet etOntaria the. Dame dta farmer. Hne vas afrditTii. Fteldinrint b D ebeil "éra he vonld b.nunaile 10 LiTe> aU hetirelinge-0af ý heqr'e .h&eesis lie that ho venît 1Mk.te th.elub. but of ti eeebeglo- p romu, t asfolous hovoul endeavr tu bevihthom sa 1 Tre' av lvesigated âa"ei. oftea sas hocoua, and vouit alvaya 1maimatters brougirt belon.hem h>'y taire tire livellit trest ila hir do. the <3enuy Crevu Ateiuie>. inga. At th e ot meeting ha vonit, 2. Thev have yialmethlie gael and s requested, be prepared te daiver tige m asu 0 zain e u thée, fcer oponing atdress ils yar&4an4PUMIM sva ern Mr. CapbeU, and XMi'Smltb saiat uyto usUely, tbéýn'-tbatbwsuv: tiraI 1h.us t irhe lova hall oguald b. k.pt-audlirsîueîà uly no' aisai oblainet vitirout ansolifiit' for tiretiares is kepIiiila- m ria> meeinge ot the club, condition. 3#es hava em tiade Mr. Campbéll euggeeled the laking net oui>' et i.goaRiisb1Ioe op of a voîuhar>' subicriptlon te difra>' tue priseneré, têlsger rmiene. cern. gîpenees. ~~plaint cf uthoreamm-h>fe Mi'. Johaston didt e t ii, u it tuaI il i@ ebly 10u-te M -. ?4er, the. .might have tire effeto f heiping 5 efiint giolse absattera b ts aa 'y i >'fuadt tat thi>'bat te une>' andaêmsagmubsbien, pay îventy4live Centsa At thedor .1 me ntitrtidigliIho adviied waiting nntil lii.>'gelot io bkt, hae been fer sme . ime laborlhg nadir .1er opratien. -sèeree ll n d at liii>' prece tire4ope MI;. Drydîan onquiret viiehher an>' liaI cuiefuf ah officea>'*yso6n re. Constitution or by.law b.d heen a*d W&h gai.iis alh. 1ted, and war anivered in th negatis The geaad jet> are quit. avare the. 2b>' the chairman. subjeot of providing labor for. pnsoners .Mr'. Jobushen thongit lii.>' van un. bas benufrequeutl i>ticuasedand pro. .nocessai7. - seetey tb her grad rime, neverthe. Mr. Dryden erked lrow lie>' Wa ex.rleuer ir>'are prud ia ieam ranget for the neit meeting, vhotb« mate Cannelê' OUé . isuus ther. wuauan orotiie mmtte. hto at a On Iet o s and t submit a aubjeot* for the fol? ov iag meet. ceira oo=nnoi ag hbi proeut * inz. ant having been replie ol inth à "r>' o ors eoutie- negative, lhe suggeethle appu o f a conrwittee te chaos. a sbj18e0i erovedti lat Meus. Joheelon,, n.Th . Catnpbell,tLe chairman sud W. 9 aomia cemuittee. b prepes A &jwr b for discurssion to be ÃŽubarhIl4 mot 9 ceItmeeting. 4 Matien 0carSe. Ou tlai' ti the meeting, 1Mr., Pot thle busieew cf theiiià Club vas trauaete.. ~.'-~r~l Aller ssa con ptanti tics. prmsul Mtirehé,= i (t or a fortalgirt. lrieu Tovwn Ceuncil. ll, as *onk, nWtW anegusarames»t t s o s i a I. s t '4 I Long a lie oh Slo# W, Bheni, D Camb pii4WIU Cmbeclloese Eduin al>'iî îlot oBmlltoc miea8et 'ilfuit mîlots;-?iof. . A ootf ibem»ade lireduLt>' amite>' te spenta 01 lise intee-Li slit iaI lihe me. i lu lirenamninis' aice Is ne%'t te b a of peace ama pros' anteas rsmdereb>' pastr lnpete ofi istrU>'astof vans ssg' sentamal and preai thre an$ebc titi Ire w t>' vas titi;' oumuti: -simnt riretus ci!r lon aon revsi eTeeslepa>r'MIS ivreof, *"', ber e - he$m ine su fr, mrnen' 1 aE hamg IrIs ha fer an ts>' enleresI lie oeil. bit up . mutteaél>"vIlirsi fot fe. ni -the laty's beit, -sud ehi ffee4 tù anti veîlsshe0 mi Ãom en>' ue id goulusco vto tend sUt" ci upeS'a sut liaiÇ vm er a .,ambbadqn.r..... tefore quarte. 0ii âl . .~ Jer per deS.... bien, perpir . L'nnkeys, per ]b.... blutton, by lb. canr. peiar sa..e.... Baon lrets.... am.......... Piedp. ebL à Oc? à - ô1110 0060-00 006, .900e 020 0 911 01 ' S a015 003 e»005 000 0 cc 006 000ec 000 e 0 w A CÂRD. &I woantfatrl1 from the errori veniah7,of 7ut, flOTfin : .âj # m ,loued rnaubod,&O. nL4 iulcpe-uiiat Win cure. yen, FBER OFOHRABGR. Thispeaot remed was dlsoovebra * meonft I n Amae&o. la m aIdruî&enveleBa bo th Ii. J. Omu[T. ixW jugeJ Hotu", Ne Yol Oy. ONTARJO BANK, à a.I reelgio iria pcagn tuto Banik viihb hit n Tuesti ,lie 24h iav reitlag b liiApprn=ouloifsan- th-o6bue L'à odà e LiJIfn u ivac ncieoh 11cm -à 'conadaratlon cfraSUlmaltea vat- =w e htie consiteret or trans- ans CL gsesame eti OOng of lb. -Il> artir ef tue Board. O. KOLLAND. General Manager. Toronte, 7th Do., 18811.' NOTICE. Mnathe tventy.thlrd cf Janeîry net b. helast day foi' rfeving P. i- lieus for Private Bille. Monda>', lthetiirtietir ot Jaeuary net, yul re 1he lait day for întroducting Private Bille to tireBouse. 0 ia>, b.th cl Febmearn>not, wlbl b.7LL 1itstt fr pregeetleg Reponts cd (Joamllledltive te Privat. BIUs. ORÂRLES T. GMIOR. Oteni of th.eLsglslaive Aseemb'. l7hh Deceraher, 1881. 1- Breëad c BAcuit Baker. CHBITAMAN AD NEW TEAR CAKES ÙX-UND A-&NDRt)TO ORDU. CR0101 COMFETIONEE 0F Ris -OWNMAE A PULL ASSORTMENT 0F XMÂS -CANDIRS. PRESH OTTRS 1 CONqSTANTLY ON HRD. A ULA»") WELL SELBCTEt STOCK op GROCEMIS. ALL EMRS 0F RUTS, FIGS, DATES, ORANGES, LIMONS, &c. a. SVOW, Me.'i. 1.11 D»uaBm, Wbitby. $10 REWARDI tram hu k tmrtaof *iet1hEoyl_ Rol&, on Q min r h e10 a t. s dlaà @i vt eof thbe tule. Fresh. Oyster&'alily I PIREPAVOIM ?RA R&W ir WDscrGAMS, FAmromIL 00011o p ALL KflID AT ILOWBOT PEIÇEBI tes" Fea,- CHRISTM FILY GROCE-f NOW- COMJNG THÉ FRESHES T A ND BEST -8.ELEF07 '0OF PUJRE AND TO CHOAI O0EiE~IE8. wIlJsrTE That possibly could be purchased in the Begt-arkéts.i CONSISTING- AStLOS Valentia Raisins, ail off stalk, Loose Muscatele, Sultanas, Lcsndon là ye~ Blue basket, Black Crown, choice table Raisins, also table Raiss ism B Currants-Patrass finest; Lemon, Citron and Orange Peels. * anned. shortbread. Oranges, Lemons, Grapes, Dates, Prunes, Metz y, ize A fu11 lime of English Cosacques, as eep as 05~er4 Blaok bagket, -le "layer boxes. jgs for, Scotch LFrenchi Fuits. ICKLES-Cross &Blakwell's, Moir's, Whybrows LonnBà tty s- d ana Eoi, Nabob, Sonth AmericaDigetiv.î* t______ SAUCES-ýLea &-Périn, John Bul, Batty's Duke Ediuburgh, È1ders -yaiHO1yood, Prince of Waleos, Saadý aprc (Cross & Baok*ell'), Bengal, Chtney, Walrut Cù,li Ctu,~ur Powder (Ciou & Blackwdl' goods), Celery Suit'. Tllichery, Whito eprShi Peppér Panist -18oe Blanc Mage Powdoer, Alfred Birds' Cutard irai Power, Extract Clves' F ee» Gelliin och Msaa Rowintrees',pure Blok Ohocolate, Bensdorp&Cos Pure Balïable;Co Eppa' Coco., Quen's Chocolato.:,Aise Checolate Oreame m fo'es Speoial attention paid _in this lipie. Java ini bean, and gro und as roquire 'xoha'-Qç- I Café Dos Gourmets. inlK. bottles. BLÂCK-Souchong-and Paekling Congo of choicest quality. Young Hlyson, i'nai pricose; the fin«4utJpau, in the market-80o- per lb., ana& Agentfor t ieLi-quoer Te4 . Ooxnpauy. Port and Shaerries in a vati Wino, -$2.O0 per, gai., 50cper,- Robin, ni woc aid bornle..,, oc Tomn Glin. ,Jamricso"n'sji iid4 Bi Champagne, ptà ». ad <ji. AUs bornes ma dkoge a su d.craft. boutà , is. ant qis.Ptes( GQLDEN ULEB We neyeQ ,afu SQtlO * Bosiom Beefi Bouti m [PÂ~S'rA Ovy ast al cther Sgros unce ty of choi ce, brands; -in bo tle and î1-- tIe: Na= v 'W ie, -2.p m pp r gai., 40Oý.pf PortWhin. sonc,.l- steak. Lü -Brgav. 18à .00ueý r. zaL, 50o e rboe. t; - susL p thia pl ting mi