Whitby Chronicle, 29 Dec 1881, p. 1

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Dominion Wood Works, 1B R'H MBIC Geo. Cormack, YTUMBER MERU1HANT & BUILDER. .L-A large supply of Budera' Furujis.- luge, and a&U kindiaifTwtated Moidiaga, Doors, Sashsud Bilnda. ILITHDER visoiesale sand retahl, cr by hy.ise car load. Piaeleg. Mouidinga of every descrip- tion, Ploorhng, Sboettug, selIving. Re- sevlng. Shoplng, Turning. Scraîl-vo,,, etc , etc. Whllby, Ot. 101h, 187. -48 A ssurance Company. INCORPORATED z833. A SS ET S, $1,101,876 94 F. A. BÂLL, man""g. Insurances effected ai the ioweit ourrent rates on Bufldings. Merchandise, and other property, against Ilns or damage l>y fire. Ci. NOURSE, Agent, Whiiby. Whutby, April $ih, 187. 1e MON EY TO LO AN ON EANY TREnUS. Ofieovor Ontadel*, DANCING CLASSES!i T RIS PAPER rnay bc ond on file st Geo. P. Ilowell & Co'& New3paper Ad- vertiusng Bureau (10 Spruce St., where ad- vertlrnng cotreets may bc made für h ns ~NawYnx.-18 MONEY TO LOAN!1 $W0,000 FOU LNYESTUENT. = ON REAL ESTÂTE SECUIW!Y. At lewest living 'rate$ cf interest. Money eecured within 10 days of ap- pliication. API a JOHN FAItQUHÂESON» Whitby, Pebruary lfith, 1880. 9- WHITBY, -ONTARIO, Importera.DenaessdMsUufstvraf a U BinAs cf UEATHER AND FINDINOS, ouh puid fer Hidi, Bart sud Leahie. g51BELTfl RAD TO OUDER ON SHEORT NOTICE. M B CALVERLErS Dancing Classesi viii cmmenee ie b»course of a veek or so, vison ha viiibc prupored te give instructions le aulthie Latent DAneesý, le- eludlng Tise Miple, Eseketl, Aiatisu sd Jersey, anA tiemI, otLsui6tise latter acknolaigai by ailvisabave smon fI te b. thie nicest set douce yet iuiroduced -Tise Juvenile Clous .1 bbchlâl ou Satur- day aternoas front uvo tlii v. o'eicck, sud tii. Adol Clanviii be halA tu the fveuingu. Tisas. wisistg to attend either cf lia.. classes, viii plosse beave hir names vith WR. CALTERLET Dec. 14, 1L hlby 11SULPHOLINE LOTION." auany mes terpinbu il -aid Tha in scapboll. te fade a-ave. i 19 @meei4su eue. Or- dinar>' pimples. ruedes -bobau, 4meurt rou0bees. valis u Ifby -magl; vi lid endrlug skie disurderst, 101ivo plagneo the .uftéerns for-veans, isenvèr deep'iy -Yts whicis causé thea me, = bliy. I tebeea.5a fuil affectlens.aud-i epufucsa dear heaitly. narel ecuditéc n hie seln "U 29. OL Kae by 7. PPJdo Pspper'i Quluhîsaid Im nTéil eirenbnu mstbh-e"reg idiusu -et, - aimae.1 me, ho . b F« ~ y Pepe'sQunie n Iam lm Tl Raoe..sud deop I tis4 e s torweregis luih a ii lo. Oe t a - Y, ,. aozas, IROXI DNK 00=ty Crim Whtby. s ýBARRITERB MTORNETSL- 1Y IORS, lOTÂBI8, &o., &C. -OP71059 :- 79 Tonge Street, neetthLie Dominlis ait. sud Corner King sud Tonge Striets, Torntno. 0. A. O'8ULLIVAI. W. E. PERDUE. -' ob tacbnlrd, 188. iy.45 ' 5A8M KMITIIGORDON, lu Ohanoer, ConveysnO.r, Ntsry Public, &o. Ofie-Dundas Si., st door vet fLmsrn'sNt X"" $0y lU -Pivate f ond-a*t le. fateret. DAVID ORMIBTON, B.&., A TTOUKEY-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN C hmoney, Ccuveysner, de. Oc»zs-Ie tthe Office icutis of tise Poit Ofie, lu MoRmo&ns Blüok, Brock Street, 'Wisiby.ly-iO ILOIJBSN901ie& ENT, ( Lmr Duoecas h Roatxuos.) IBARMSTEJLEAT.LÂW, ALT TOBN - 474 Sfoitons, Ccnv.y-ouOi, dc. OFFICZi-In Victoria Chomboas, No. 9, Victoria Street. G. YOUNG SNITH, L L. B., B&DEISTRR. &a., do.-Money te Losu Osnzsi-ev5' ominicoBank, Whiby. le. m 118 - (11.5 3110. G. KELLEY, BÀ M»À IaR9E -T.L&W BOLICITOR B iluObhsuc. sud Inifvenoy Cou. mmsr&o. Oflo-Deverlll'a B"Oc, B -Strue, Wbtby, Ouit. J. RAMER GREENWOOD, TWlIMBY AN»SOLICITOR, CON- VOISUor,Nc, iat Publce &o-Puai é nDUboffblt ld $nid ;RaIlse î 11. sud 'ruste umado S"cltiea. Leansnsgstlated ou ail knds ccf ropenty. CHARLES C. KELLER, A TTOB"EY.AT.LAW, SOLICITOR Ul Chsuceryovoyaicer of,., Canuing. teek, Brook, 0.1 L. T. BARCLAY. ATOB"Y-,&T-LAW, SOLICITOR 4~ný_'0iauenfud Insoiveucy,Covy J07HN BALL fDOW. B 'IeTRLAW, OIl Oàffle-ev.rfl'z Bioek, Brook Sbrset, XOIT TO LEND-Prlvaie Fonds lasmmup to e I800 a ai a 1e ae a17. JOHN A. bleGILLIVR9AT, (Buceessr te H. M. Hovehl.) B &RJ8ERh TTOBRIiRTLLW, lotyPblic, dcSoilcitor for the Deuhuln Bnk.Ofo.-Ilaxt deon te Mnadcu Ucuse, Uebndge, Out. -m JJEA ENOIIRL L. B., DBIARISTSB LT L"W, SOLIOTO13 O hmoeory, Oouveyaucer. &o., &o. s=- 0usSBieet, Oshawa. J. 2. GALBRAITH, 5.1., G ADUATB af Quesa dVictoria Boliverahties, l.embr cf theCaolège 0f Physicien madSurgeons, Ontario. Onwice-Brock-St.. Wbitby, Ont., (tie door mchi f ilyalHotl). 17.48 R. i GN.5.f. -enWvtout boar4, lt 4. lob. 27th, 878. pitr ,TRE -ROYAL HWL A. G. MARKLE, Proprietor, (Laie ci th.eiloyal, gariton.) S rwo AcoýOOMMITION.Lag 0 ample rooms. GOod ablunt, d .sbsd rotoenloudqwaimalivooses Board, one don"r per dey. .«5 RISEH LIIRICAII HOTEL, (LATZ »Isou acrez.) WHITB Yý.ONTAR JO. Soues uel reuovated sud tunalàed UMbrcgut, sud put tin rsiclous order for th. recepiion of guesti. Lu omnibus ioand from a&l trains. Pirai-cls s ampie rocus, SIHÂKESPEÂRE flOTEL, k>Cor. King & York-sts., Toronto,Oni. J. A. O'GRADY, - PROPRIRTOR. POST OFFICE SALOON, Touaiar. M. EOONLL, - -PIOPBIBTOB. Oie.THE BEST ACCOMMODATION for Ou«et. (1)47) IT HiE QIIEEN'5 HOTEL, Buocax SarMZ, WmnaY. SPHILIF McCANN. - - proprieaor.1 BesI Liquors sud Cigars. A wel en p. pliai table. Ary bed-rooms. Cumfortabi stablhug sud large yard room. Cisag.a -mdra _- - 8 O NTARIO IOTEL, Baocc-STurer, WEITBY. JOHN LESLIE. - Proprielor. (Iem cf tise Sinsco. Bouse. Torouîo.) Ood Liquors sud Cgars. Commediona Stablng. Pi L-i isLvery Stable sud Billiard Panlour attschodi. 17.0 BROUGHAM HOTEL, Ccrne? Brook sud Rein Streeta,iteb Village of Brougisami. Firsu-casa accommodations. Beat Liquors sud Cigare. Good saiing.Knsu attentive isostler. THORAS POUCUER, PROPIETOR. Lr ICENSED AUCIMNEER for the .LQountie. el.orkank udi0rh and Sentis Ontario. Anction sales of rosi culoate, farma stock, oie., aiteuded ai moderatq charges. Addres, T. POUCHER, 80.îy - oi 17, Broughsam. ont. CENTRAL HOUSE, ONIIAWA, ONT., W. B. McGAW, - Proprictor. Firat-eiasa accommodation. Besi Wmees Lîquoresud Cigare. Good eiabling sua atteutive& boulera. ly-17 WHITBY ROUSE The. undersigned vould letimate tethie public tisai tbe abave promises bave boon usvly huAt sud ôtued up tbroughout, for thie accommodation ai guegits. Boat Wluee, Liqurs sud Cigare. THESGRUAU OF CANADA - -WAL.Z LACER~. "ou purselIbin. Wneo. Lagon, WisoWa se.asd BotaiL. Beanders laken hy tise veek on modaer- M ae terms. July, 2Siis 1880. 82- BACK IMoRME OTECL, Coa. Fcu>r'& ozas Bru., TOBIONTO. ALFRED OXFOîRD, - PBOFRBTOB.- (Laie of Wellington Hoiel, Mankisax.) TEURLS, ~1.00 PEU DAY. Gacd tail- iug for over 800 herses. . Ftit-clse s ecx- madation for fermerasud thie travelling publie in general.(y- TE HODOSON HOUSE, (Loto Timothy O'Leary's) MUF FINS CREEK.-FICKEI1NG. Tise obove promises have been laken by thie undensignd, sud or. nov betng a el fiteqd up forthieept !g e= BG -. - - -l-----iii. travelling puohA. cIUIMEONTO TIM COURT! GIOL, B. le. iurcgeo.oiea - D r uhWhitby. aul houri. _______ -_____ -- Good sbllng, shied room, sud au atten- tive ratier. Wa. EcBIUEN. 31.0., ILR.C.@., wu. HGDGSON. 1~' OPTLLbDlBG,-____ ____te oye B. O. H. L., Oshawa, Otarlo. THOS. SLEIG H, &oeouobD f. T l P AI N TERB t!el* t 1874. 40 --O»gw be found Mai mSop,- ~ii~~' J H. ATES NevpaprTWO DOORS WEST OP ÂDMSTRÃ"ZGB iiil. dvertiîelaAgentt 41 fans H OTBL, DUItD&8B TB=D., Ev <TMme dBidng), NewvYorkl, .- - Bsl@tu 3i0eotvso f ntsdont ss. r AI lrerapromptil att.nied to. «W bot aiesfn. WCftRON CLE aIdor1e W. ADAMSO C. N. VARSe L. D. -S, -D TI TMW ,%O9.mmve1feiat R 0in4on'a D ig We t l.mo e Md«itstroos.  HIe 1,U E C, N TAI, . D 8. DRAW1140 AND 8PRCIF$CATION UIL DI U F E 4IITLSION. BY- Wu R. HOWS.E, ,Corner IDruçj Store WHITBYt ONTARIO. CH+INA HAL L, SION Or Trua BIG ruýe(axExavanan) 71 KINO-BT. EAST TORONTO. Paisoy Beakfast sud Tes Bote. Faucy Dinuer sud Dessert Sets. Faucy Bed.neom Sets. Pancy Jugeansd Teapot.. Siver Pisteci Kuivea. Parkeansd Spoons. iver Pitai Cruels sud Butter Coolora. Silver Pistai Cake Baskets. Rodger' Kulves sud Fonki. Tea Tz ansd Servera. Glasivare, aildescriptions. White Stone vaxe, movn ld. Hotel sud Bar Goods. GLOVEIt HARRISON, Importer. ECI1 * FIV R A PNCE 0. ýLombard BSt. snd Ciarlug Cross, London. zsT&wmnLxix i<1782. GILLESPIE, MOFFATT & 00., Agents for Canada. R. W. TYIIE, Manager, Mentreai., A GENCT ESTBLISEDINI CANA- DA le 1804. Unlîited liabilty cf &Ul thse Stackhoiders, sud largre Reserve Fnds. Moderato rates cf prenmun. C. NOUESE, Agent, Whutby. Wlitby, April Pib, 1878. le1 Urk,'tie gaisbilgngwthbe songvwe rise, Drawîng ewfe noixer ltiih etérntl skies Wouid yen kme, tise ing cfcir ti umph sgg? :Tii the. joyn Ç-heof thi ae og Many a land lus wv'nieg, *Teace, gooi wiii to.dsy 1", lit. Every volc e-, ve e1ome joinlng in cgr strale, Tili n lips are sileutin thse glsd refrain;- Gstherlng as a tci*àrnt llng towsrd iei Lait Mai lain Leo6s smigiiiy harmony. Love mnt deep and iAtnde la cnrtheme te. day. Perfect. In'facemplme.-eef boe t Vltcry o'er tamptation, lUe, anAd eathi anA time; Fortitued ou erage, MerYs force sub- lime; Patience iu privation, pain in Silence, borne;- Grid bumillatlon, *rovu 'of, pIerolng thora. yot a mon le &il thlege-tocohed by cgr grief,- Bruised for aur trsngrulou; sesktug Our Say, la Ho nat vcrtliy?2Say, saizvob nt sing. GIiAl proudly giving bngeteoOur Tes, wits loua IHossannarisc cgr voicou Tisrough tise aure distance, pierchng te the Wtt gratful praises heaven'a high vsult i iven, For to us a Sou fa bora, aN Chis iagven? tise Cundidate. Patser, visa travelathe. rcad oplate Hus,My eulA, 'unstbe osuddate; Fit eesmpis0f hunm-su vous Barly ha corne. udali oe li b. t 6wmnwtbh race Heoallst tbflasm« st vork, H. br..es abores thi.clerk, Thgets- - aesgeiugs Be il iSror-eu Te clseaenmommoe as henvivue an le i.î hi#a nl aul - crmn Beit lulh oruehiiU .sne Hocsy, evdymmbvdy d Hon Ihocin vif n npcv me yot he r uy baudcIllaSvokni amang, loy oaSU 85WU V Dcr ingOus voy agel &Mou n Goaldihorpe, if vory aient, vagnc&.lý klnd tichie child ; and tiugsieing o fr-om thus, eh.veninreal, COiîWut i Occassions, le0s"P" du Lie411 qualiuice cf ber BicharA, ens ber father liai but fon bieL -i fieus! Etvd polI, bolimliéOhaïe peniah eal b ung inn. He noda d4 uAa.qls e d. thcigh bo couas! ollbéit duosti 141,e guy îutetehin hé YiSltm e r'1 of. Nlews lover boad O &omsigA Wbh sieke et blunt mys fni Ibi au' voulti b. vel. ' On l*0 dsy 1h07etisand, - i.0Wl th'rrô'susonnusd hie intentinft*la) éreinalislAnllSr. nd «ru peepealaint sfu nnengv i aradycoaaSfll, tte ls 1ok tin. + egat ýwéb lgeorb againci sacb-ba t9MU~ eno! WfibAt heM l hid gunse lm tsi eumy on suce, oeus ni<i-~ maeted, BIy le~ ~ ~ ~W rti od fl.7rnl 4te, 'Wrqnî tbr.Woir t(cêr Englishmen wore. dbocsv, ul 'hlj1 ered, wob4eOii cared Wu*£me. s ape ohaniné, tatenby er conmmander, a rI bey, dayï prevlon.ily. In oee 'o!ftelle a captiveis Bcwà Pellew reoognized-Mi n. g L:l Gôldthorpe. marchmnd ebnt, wbo Iookea -,;;. jleier by insn yp&n, sud vas cltIé bat cf iecpns tht he- :touk hieipreser?. wh erbnto hiecnieo n fe"A xn inhi t rrïil otsdàr e.i boité li OODOOl I.na a ' jw- 1 ,tbeir besuhy, sudl'thdnas iue ou theagoules « trrb.h dUndogn 1vhee osptuiod iuy.L l. Wr.oh, idît nti b! thein eboulêdlecowhetreaurIl'% isn Wa leli sud hebvy," tii hé "1Wiy, thon, heÀ bs 'not-,opuld ho il tliert on fîRCd Trémays?" ML Goldthbrpe belgsllook.uie55Yi d and Ao muttir $t girls ane l's'yu rio", and ltbît oilr-.peoisily l lime cf van-enghi ne$tle bünden ibei-] »I"eivea vivves "INov aged men to forgelhthain the à grabve te whioh hhe7i are haetening tiisy à yull net ned tb. pearle and ruie* icii sesin more precus tb thons hall u thier chlld's happiles or self.ruspeet 1"d retcrt.d Pellev, bhluuhly. "Do yen t mean te teil me that Nies deserted M? i friend cf ber ewn fresviii ?" i "There wsenc assertion ine the.case" Mn. Goldthorpe proiested, "8he- ventr baok te Liaben vitinme ; and if. on sr- I iving tuere, ebe learned te se. le oily oe- ber fancied attaciment for- 701881 Tremay- P t~ "But dia eh. do tuis ?" intorrupted hiet inoredunlons hearer. «"It wvas108o like ber, for goder ber gay maneer she W a a venin. etesafaat hearl. Did abs do liis, 1uk T" "Y.e-yu ; wby plague me so ?- srledt lcman, peïvisb11 Enri'a 'DÂugilan vas a gecd yentladacvà er on*. It vas a botter matoii for:,Nies $iian If ohébsd a isA îiiyourecuntry- kujubeli. t v.gstteon a y r': Inn ni la neledj ya 7U baveI formad ler iilo Sa OU' gi,; ivbh ber' lscul mclbave- nvif, u o ,wbt? Sèes ordial, .aAâtqSstolebej g.spedbyyeilnulL -Mt*vW*«oilnpitY j ou her, ne feeling -for the bIrave-yung youn cnolels W oo- dlbeas syest t el-'d0ev dti mute WffPe ovfcOdhafey me i* sret-- âe. bueùsa bhe.ýffc;w e -Mauoncola vin foï hb th * vdotory ho sclie t te attainu; bnt-he rlu nma bsmt ii. qusionlaigey "GuiNdITiiee vuld be uc-, llegracsin behng dfoitdby moi h gallant fsliov as yondo. Frenobinu 1" Xgf be h lever il, sudte 'su ave en- my feti to ountry for viocho efonght se bravely Hev a.aahieg fenvavd e lespiit hie men te fro*l exerions wise Richard epr .ang mter lm sud' lnsggd hlm back A siiet bad- struciý h.,mizzou.mssb, sud il vasfailng; but for his timoly ierpesic, P.llov. muit have beeu struok by iL. I cve You y ii.té " h. cried, bur- rely ; bat uiere is neime te tihsuk ren DOW,.. 4AnA, vneging Ch. hand of iifieud, h. speid scoea lb.deck te ruy heoi had fallen baok Whoun hheyhad seen the mait ceme orashieg love. as hhey euppoaed. upon thelr brave captain. The aigu f hlm, iafe and enliant, osilea forth a rlngiug cheor ibat siarti. ed hei Freuchinen. Insteabl cf Ibis iassioir hep»idieg lie dovefail forith. ]FU ab ,eoe0m e a teinsp.e hem -th an, heut La !irgluie A& ilpi o u m Capain)3ogert vs .eMp ifea N02 , -, 5514M .J1.&V 5J, O w5tér vwas htiar shuttlug-, hs-w5esdeW-tiè docrôf the ka oulA, I beieg tiielust ôzid ship.Alter being oùau Wveet hoelewi déheiifl the kithon l .iion-«li - llnensll t O. .T o i l eu s-i1r 4 sabtisît a Ple ern fcw ~~~ng7ou In let1 av i elew g 1urs.1 -10é-DaA-b -é' ~Vea red te 'outîa t 1ho~ii efbe gref sai nbpfyt beai, neea p6rmhiiit eolc kùo6*ii exeeptheii. Âimighoyrther, -44ho lxa lain wore thpa r bsy'OE<h 3,n r bm.t imé dtn vtit ceee à)'. llu at, finEs.- ard getleme, couâ, it hes!orei liiithé l 'd o! Iii. as tsie)brgveiiiPM thre spilnis f ho hso sud p aeee qhii e Obte, hêa egdehie * à rs verkieg se i te - nove rtk& b'.1 tiith iffie liIdeto péiîib' Butont vaïd a'oni otrvd 59 eteeta.ahti ikc i. forméd hwa Abt eabs bas! een. Mcme fbter7q- l*ýnIe a thei- ,lmubut 81-BAvdard SAVNGS AID LOAN COMPAI1I odbyC*IMe u in effecl asPepp.Vs Quinine lbd ,Ir Authorized Capital $2,00O,00OO eé«we lo Offio, No. 72 Churci-SI., Torcuto. dSn HOM. FRANKK MITH.-Bousier, Premîdeut. Ta;xa-ul andPodo EUSENEO'KEEFE, PEeq., vice Peaend 1eu- PATRICK HUGHES, Bsq., W. T. KIELY, Ee.,oîtbo réýeci -. JOHN Foy,Fýsq. ooQM JAMESMASO, -soManaea'0 l~c rîlecln. Mcontg 1ýo l#5 lýS uiipal Dsbselr-t msuese. 4adasudoe ucse ma'nfrensiolrsapyl - 4AA~pJde*&, J~SA~IIC -PREPARED I I il Ù21 1 1 . #1 1 Apply t- W. EL BILLINGS,

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