Whitby Chronicle, 29 Dec 1881, p. 2

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B. ow lui Use . 900068ivs y.MSr, up 1 Wbhoil. vea leted veules of the manty-thns rlieng front the lowvoui b y. Sièrart4 1h.ébghest municipal position in lbe gU lL.people. Aftur i. varden., 5 W qre Stryri s I Msole. .- ship-h. dropped oct ofthmucpl yv et r4n-E. H.életions forîhâm eas. But again, i 197, sanme to thé front uts re'Ve Ofi t~' atatoheb.toweshlp, aud brio bsld Lbe positionr . Heue.. $ver ii-rlh e9 pposed Yser after, -~~tIL~ & E.Wh. U. yen théybéabtBmon that eouid b. piitd spnsi Ib.Ti omade of te b Iiebe#-D. rmiion. to.nblpversai Lai ime in a bod to EI.ift -4t.. W. Brown. eondltion. 1Mr. Biakeli mads it onsc to iii eIers.. B. ]Powell. his principal objecta te givo bbemn bis 11*U* f KetIfISw4. a. Greenwood. personal attention, -gave bis tisnp and lpeisI-W.-B. HowaiSdfl(lsi. spent ne inoonsiderabiesusm of hie own ~w14 .Rbiioti.ê ros, Mznesy,and to.day tbey aàe in snob a _________________________ god $tatsa se t te bhesurpunsd by ~ &Day Otheon in aey township ln Lb. Prov- fltDLLttb ~ov te ince. Whu hi teck the reins of POWsr< besvy iawattit-tbt o f Captain Hodg. _________________________son on secount of the road aliowanos.1 ONL? Si'50 PRIR ANNUM.' Thiesnitwscaried on aginst Mfr.C __________________________ Blckll'swlsb, and resultsd in lb. cor- Dec.29,1881 ortion bsig mulote6 te the tons cf WibTharady, Du. 9, 181. orZho vent Ont' le 1868, __________________________ the Toms' suit for damages arase and Two Coule!? itE.-À buief sketch the township hoad b psy for damages1 e th Lb Mnlipal "mrer oftwIo Ooenîy andecaseilethe ncigbborbood cf four1 mes l ils tuen n her columnul 1th. tbosnd dollars, for wbet 1Mr. Biokel i readrvwlli mark 1h. contrait La tbsirallegeg bhoould bave ssttled for $200. alamelr.Yet witb ail tuis, tbrougb oareiman- - i ulation, lis taxesaLo, day-7,815 mileIi.l Anu ssetiai ilform. le. dollar, for county and ail other - perposes, are the lowesi of sey iowe- la ameUter 8019.5 ve reprodues a b Ip ve know cf. huer tom0GoumaiRowson on the 0 In lb. Coeniy Coneil hoalaways $W mmw .C',-poplar eioti hipaud C fought -Lbé batllas of bis lova. C"Su te 1* lh -ofet an bslollm. ing tb. coeeiy aaces. In doieg hise T. lte *lkinÈInstance of thal iruth duti l e spect be necoesaerly madea glloa hi bil.t.r, va may &adone -,- One'=---tut stili hoacsted iebispart IL ou" h$n vI#esà mombet of Lb. boldIr and above.bcerd. Il vws he Quvent, £ered t létet il f wn foubht, sncessfnliy, against tha théPrmie, nd'àvngr.elbgagr.,vla" boridfs charges for mileage, vbich 9t hoir m alu ese broughi dovn from 2600 ta 500 e aVas k"keioui cf Lb. Cabind miles.IHeabaiseopposed paymeni cf IguM atilu'b.0bai ver nais tes . éclaies of 87000, vhleb otixar memb. Qvlng lb psiton to ufa e rs wone villing 10 concede ote bser. tai dravlng lae salaries dring hi IL and wbicb but for the county treas- sIq~ur'lbeJoaees4 8r Jbsarer holdiog ont and instructiig count. Ifaedaaiiar, is d.uiid5Li cToat se ato lb. matit. and particulars. uberdis&an Applierin esoel force te old bava been paid. It vos et bis go. rlahl hou.,ËoIllomUane supporiers instance tha memorial wa dopted, do. laheIousofoommfone. Thseeau- ing avay vitb two Bossions courts lu the oetes f s pai.ersna in eyasr and asaviug of 82000 par onnum psslsmu,57.onLiua few genîls- effected ta the couuty. On the Board Mo oesre rotes idependecOs; but of Audit ho vas careful n secropulous 1 %bas seovsrrnledby a lsavisband ama t .iît u a ogtnefflier SyresI msnajority, of wblc aob t0 wrong or injure individuels And gaeie .,mèber, bainnian* axe te grlndisavaty mon justice. ThoesctabIi'luîn'nt hoad band and foot te ibe man et tbe of e Bouse of Iodustry aud Rrfugo, for Waldtonet1 the poor bad ito% engin with bhlm. Ani1 lMXe Gladstone, vben forming bis aitboogbha efoud few te sido wîîlîh eablast di sot annroaeb the Marquis hlm ln the heginning, ho jers-cniLl of Hartinhto or bMr. John Bright as a oetil ai the lest meeting of the oinîty àî êossugbt Ibsir sunnori o unc1il anMajority of the nisinera vmOc, [srli-s of Indépendant type. orthougbt in faor of tha principle. Au.t cr.rtaiinly, v-s verb@ csaW-t a parhasmentary takiug hie own tewUehlip as a Criter .ni, majoriLy. Their raek, vsaitb, social Whau lest year botwreen seven and ciolîIt standinMsd représentative cbaracter hendrad dollars were paid out fin î'lio ba" e b.l obm eathe. cooncil table uup SppO outtia peor, wliich Wi .'. te thse oenstieutional tbaory, as bis of indlustry etablirlied wonlld nct nui outi.AlIbsl essd es h ii te more than 3200,-Mr. iol' lie, liaprWaiprécéeninlethe ase la tollow.v. ieweupon Ibis subjeol deservo te be 04 laCanada oniside ail1lis propsr con- ragarded faorably. Mr. ]ickeil, hue tiLons. Like Britisb farming and Most Mon M11Y Dtnet ofre froua fault, e thuer ysou bh vork vallenEeg. -Who ta ?-but va have alwaya tonni liai Ildécaads modification fer suc- bies, le publiecand privat. liSe, e mon eeesfu app tcsao unar Lb. radically &MOU et mon, anuinl a long friendiy duorul srunstansue.ising*moup5 acqusatance of ovor tweniy yeors va Va, nsver knav hlm to be oharged wiih a Wle ruand ileii of Lbe party le meaus action. No. thora a uever Pom re, oubdis, evota tole U suthle fais, or &habby &bout -"j. B., Màr leoton ,ac.aU is e nns. T bey sd altbeugh vs bava dl.ffred vith hlm e vo prmsume, nvllgte continue Ou som cont>' maltera.inte apoot, bc# e o ogrna b in systeni of and stand opposed te hlm to-do>'ppe "rpr..nalon, tbrouab lons Ofetpa,. litlcslly, vs ail Lb. moeswillingly nov sciai tntems% or othervis., at Lb. vin bear humbls tsstimony te tba correct- et *AY es auna.Thi.Refermen ra , nous cf bis municipal record. W. are hbevvr, bossai le ry Ont agat thet a1s0 giad to eabuethat altboogbthe aàbfse, Dot ouiy as joint entedias of business upen vbicb ha bas entaed iu Paslànetary indépendace, but s a Toronto wilI teks up much of bis lima, bedyeaeelUy do"tea the .eveis- aud bas naoaasstatad hie retiremant, diensfet hai oeeossion of pollîlcal bis famil>' viii continue Le reide aethîe 'ltbiag vMb itit lot ls bealtb and oid place aud bis home wyul hae etla trnUsoonlise cmaintenance cf indeped- the toweebip. aMI iadivldîaiiesso. Tbiy are under - supesial oblli qs. nos only as a poi. Whitby Coîleglate bntitute. ley ofetties, bet as a dsty of principis,- ti rd" . Useory for a retors» a, sicLootXAXNATON lng b Useeoibauofset ti orsimiaister ET - XAIAIN by bis upporters le parilaOnt, vili, Tauulhlferyaxmnto l uraw et sig ov b omn pcuteover for admission 10 the Collegiate imati- 'ou sy-n tgvrne û u uis vos bald on Wadnesasy and ParlUMsstaxi represnt ailes a practi- Thersda>' last. Thera wers in &U 70 «ài re51U. candidates, 27 boys. oud 48 girls, ro. r.eentlng 17 Publio Scbools. The on- S Appoluemonts te the Senate. orage agi cf the beys vas 13j,,and cf - ithe girls 18t. The aga of the yonngeai 14» Gvermint bha"e a lust illeti boy sud egir l s1, of Use cîdet bdy die eof g»esenuescsealorshlpe. The as utir,17. hiky-euàr*Thom Mzay «. The examinatic u as osusuel ce Novay m s STiao Ax. McKa, Ipapers uaiform*for lb. Province, and M. P, lea Seils;AISE OgiVl5, pr esdby the Higb Sobo i aspeciors ~msent brailduInavilo. I s le sgiverhn le tha feilowing tabeU Tii. beneeu s--14là VMry7 o p a l i Beading, 80; Writing, 20; DieU boulas. la grin aloe k &ethasilies, 22; Fonrtb Book aud Spaling, ' usai ~ ~ ~ AD deibllrlssWe an eni 4vMnssr, 100; A.itbmstic, 1I Qeorais', 2;Capostin,72 ot sl~a geai seheolesfor "Sr lufru Move regreto'sen>, id be"l bas soibossmu*eSt.. .. HolealpresM -i aiivil us»for pea, 280, bing t' 501 toal. One-tbiltd lunoh sob aliserequinci sund oua-hait fàr g q u e tio n s. n e e nd o th i soa outhées ot ani e se t'me-te a on o t eophe.nme. aller Thom, of Deuharlon. 7WalWrn Theom la only12- yens ofage, but he obtaiuid AhU se Marks e : us. tory and Ditatiou, sud neani>' a1l- in Pourtis Book sud spoling Mauter Tb is OWWerall> a creditte bis teecis. or, Mr.' Holmes, and bisscinool. Tise btn gill isCordohisi Fcrroster, cf Néc P i .kýpuspUp f 1Mr. Thisa lheds'rson. Th iseM beI I o thrs - Bulov a i*6 t ofi atise sue.1 gnocimous)y heston-on tbe vole citthb. reertèd Ite1aOb'l- mans rÏick, qulte, L'ottbà lise butber- fe' s. us 1I Gordon vae lioe laIe breasurer 0of-Port porry, and hr rmisa 'àrnilbal. suce cf $80 te isput e betvee hlmn- soit andi Use laie councl. Tio,,,Ïfr. Gotion vas et course iivays re»ai> le hand onen, ifiL tbebougse lisebvàillage. Thers e sno ocoeis»euilabout lise air;Bul Jeisa tei unlil, Use losi mosment bier. the close ofthtie Dominatin on -Molday, asd tissu tiikisg Atb. bidGordon tlgint oud tisi ailotissr nominations voeu hob for ,ioeasojus t sitid r.-Geo vas inlgiblea se .onddme. IL vas ans cf lie11111le doigos" in vilcis Joihua Ie sucis au adept. But in order te @poil blé litlie game-eabenli there b. aeytliig luLie protosl-Ive olber caudiîtes-Mr. Efivori Major sud Dr. Joutes vers eeminted-jiist le LbessicoS f limebisor. Lise nominations wves declarsi clos- ed. ¶thii bai litheoffet of tirovlng Joshos, off bis balance sud hi roanoi and isged as usuel et ie s iscoasfit- Sl la aquesîlos feorbise Iavyers vheo tisera is auyl.ng la tins proteul. or aeylhleg le Mn. Gonioe's position te renier hien oligible. 4ny Ivo ratepa>'- ae nia>'nominite a mas for candidate, avein lma sabsence, sud bis saie nia> go ta a p ail, bt ebel shlleionIolavin>' doubîful visother be sheuli b. oesid- ered ad bavieg accipîsi 1h. poscion util ho isas taken lbe catis cf office and bis seet at lise council board. Bîfore ualimUne, ond aven istore tise* dey poIing, e udersloudi a tisesegrùunl for tisa aliegai disquaification vili hos nemovai, andi tiat tho litlî balance lIn dispute viilhocpoid over ta Use Se' treaurer, or isposited lainthe bank. This venu oentitie 1Mr. Genoun te bave bis bond as tramer cencelisi. At mosi, uhould the .trick u.uccaedt el ht couid bc donc would bu ta vei the eai action, andai enev election orderei. wben Mn. Goenlon wenild bo able tc sueci tihe nedoubtable joslsue onseven termn". Pttwif question veyny mcl wietlîî-,r ili a ragcofet dis kind-vbere the rinnp ràLi,1n coula b>' un possibilitî3 -r;ï,r ;mi ta its interaGse ere c tf, _, itJ'l in ues-en>' wy, the frae ccc(e f tlite rate woul ibe set osids bv L-cureu t a tnere Lrlticaiitv. \V- aelvi'.-Mr. t;or.!eu to uotLing, but M o !u'e t o.t isi. ie la srulil rus monil t ho rylt in dCci. Joshua, dhci;' n ep-n--te. lu tut plainna o ga cf bluil. Tîîaaidity ai Lis menace lbe wouid ecutnîse suto cowa.2diee aau augi le eno-cessetrlais littie trick The nratepayene of Port Par>' houl loit up iei;cu'a record ie the Connil Cenocil. Hie ovu yard sisauli ot bh acceptai lunan>' case. Heovas lhe mat Who several years ago oppoiêd lise ai, option oa à a mscial b>' tia ceunti concil te Parliament le iessu lise el pauses cf grand jurons te counues, aui viicisuistldInubringing about tUs ptqeent syottees cf holding courbs lvici el yeaetswid ofquareri>' s fomini: -tiras>osving liii ceunI>'acs o thousand dcllars a year. Joshus' voeee as raiseil against tisai ovies Later on i vas la fayot Of paYissg lb, lote Siorlif Reyuolds o claiecf esai savon tbousond dellaresne tisa Moue: venu abaya been iost tisa couet>' vos 1it net for tise mlarpesitic cf tise Caum 1>' Treoinrer, Mfr. Laiag-who aftet wards gel littie tissuke for bis caroWt nass. IHa but tins conut>' graut of $10 te Lse Pont FerryMoiel Bohool-vii vexa Shave Ieeu gironen baPart FeUT an>' other ropresentative, but vie Jeuneo's sharp practice on theniombet dsfaed, Joibs taises crodit for hi àdoiegs methtie Board cf Audit. Bs .likeSelsaie isbosted eoni>' bis. le isall chie and prattene. Ho iiaegali )oui dcvs a fev misereblo acocuete, ts vbicb 1the parties attorvanis aned an 1.eblanal judgent oui oosts agaima 1 tise cent>. Tisai vaspart cf bis 5001 tomi>, aathse rsult o isini. i e As v ek ocoasiou-to, say lua pri yviens issue, tis nimbers cf Abs ocuai council, isave lait aU econfiduce Jossus, sud Ibis confsidence lanet 0ou ilait t hmas a reproenstative, but I 1 Il who have anyti eA do whb hil le bnis deaiings issîveen man 4 MW n as sua hoeis keovs says suad dosa in diace l.ite publie cbaracler ofthUemut --Winaru, 271is Dec., 1881. Bd' ic nierof île. -Whý4 tsy lir< -.Bu-A tieni bahmilsi iai bai>' eau pai f ým susk cas nos»ialics day .tec parsmai-;-bullI he g le s>' Ihit i sol s»>'Iutention ;i feci uTaMMfon te gnon aginal tp"orenlties. W. hai as &Umi, sudi&Wlfor toUeir gosideubem s l 'u b ui n o s e q u a il . - D m e s* em m 'l" qll smsi"asiAti Poeua iuatison,3.souîdsd b Cou. Don .'b l-,-nsevd Wy lbagdo SeaaiLi, seconda by Jnmon, 'uk. ai DJ. ur. RaMiv-W. H. Hba Bs Or-oe odby W.. oàdduras eoeied b. v oi fte. . 1.Wo.. r-mve bYbl Jsruseesodse b y W. E. Chugl. av J. R. blpmv .. byWeJoeydo Sechondi ' D. Orist on. vi suvd sîcndrsWi n gageerdsolll Spskbto eaLbnie..o e candi-eb] dates, s renn W.ol:ceiedup i . BI iliegs, vho onJ.c0mielorvard vs eceins .wristb har. Ay craol vbre e pared ifors en, salmoers tr. Blan gu, oer616hm ie horte eeot la mpea t loethf meayort>'eacamai..h dater shrenn et yor caldenes. if O .bienihsge b aonot Lb. Morr d uhn1 ppibr edsecondre gI vas 0Mr aim*o vae ue b estilge ntedva. me a ter0le0tof Maor. caee- Mv bas od te huagetel etteMafor b. ove. e ri.laeeood te s. IcoW" o af wab> be boa srei> Sali. H»sdvas-W not a afid intse way le victhem stti v.Horers maadedh.asthecar-;D h. a a bothieg o e>'aaeîlie air' au m and hoitieiteahe oould ; beLA capabti of Laig hyageiet our stre Di Hts wvas u aver e vpgu eavrk;c mani . woddessbast hl onld Ju tha ist wuether morycoomn suwtoan catae ombea gchaUse ou it* godR e alo pins vr fvi the sesaen mond bad edd lted onsma aavand os bonid lath slayofarue tu axe et vais e fl on te dllr bs ibis year à lhoualter. Tore va, mcanheIffi t ho parboterdes vig a sock.H 0 nzo ore ftein th dbeniuro dcli c anh.oaa teed octi;om n ttons-bel an dollyyarth~ingpaOe, l txes wiaL abeu2t1urle in thedllwars as moia ou e lid at ear. sicoud e wthot th dben- i;alias bod b ac oredbinmsrando ctepaties i the oba sdto.ad nej deecd te tbebe oreeto mthauie rwoauctieo to tub about an>' bytter tonolaend o ead J ah che îb. arrange etoe vo theai yeby r duoliou re aineen teosi e rent as obt urcanai lu tlsrate oi d ntersetieia thetserbe wctonon Us L. Tepiimtgagte-froit te Git e six eut cean t sud is ued tht ilk outm E y b..d beoersldastfrison.cli le, i e tiseb arrpaneovmae vh h baa >' cil b a oroldu evc r'neeu toal d pe cen keep oliebain. innthedteof Ç b>' inrsbu; ses»ta he ,aUciapyN ov h Til jearagnng'fror the t e siceas detd s eilts.) u eoom h r.tBegau i proeedei aspte l>'btor iasthmeedt lbver e te cmtta ouai ld oe rope, oS vacisfoh. ase r obaiessu, abteitatse re nai fro 75 rand Lb.exnditu fr te 1222,0.cH roi poedt befors iacuclaee 'y te metin th wor ofte mittim a sel iman. Billing t, esithefi lfriem themhal, bovas&laacnt"ebeers224, 75 and he es.ofituvseg e 12m5.een went over te ire seaiteod l reot abdIore.thebad4novabm glb the em i =eepneesîEi rasth"v t'er wasun greem Len aan'tls of vand l. Boni>' sanlofo i rlie lv lOva heesudater wse et e agef t liaiun-àà la a eue. ysarWbsL or ta et vasthe ondp nnl> am ordsasen be bau., Ti demyeril% es 0hbalUe es on or ;-&ib apdeLris l Wbtb i volaWeUs fe lt e is thes sy ol [M cheldwnbsatter. He vabuei tl> theb octa indse&ndool ?letW"o oe vi esiuopoudant enoi sm'aoa ep fr aMindponsut mon. w b ~ nelîber e porsela heitutigon aI is eao.,I .d vrng, teilhs e a repratpaeetre l>'sav ing çbe.o'a.poulls tti s tew i Ho obe~lei os iion ofiicendiot. 11 ire, obocad or , vs ngate aisde4l'te ,,'Mayor selicîtar tnÃ"h.fnea get oS lbi.tovu. l> l ec qd be*ôsdligin. *hi me. Wrv0I,.v1 basaintle laoi;poaofld4y-,sa th harofy.ar Pus iîSilU!195I&.ê lblmwvif$afls Agio Ml be- temarb Mi mîlohionwts& sjWrG. Re (Ufr. B.) wo, oie#e mut a puu ~ Uiï*l i:teuid make lth*igchoie. Thou . ,ctW misoli attend tbobine lOviabudul' w ais sud asonl sot negleei1-for Ussir 77 Wu. He bai alvrays ondo~e i teOscis tisaI, sudboea h o(Ovordi teaiut idea lune for bise ratepayors for Use mon.>'Po tpumai. The gnieL question alweys Tz ish hlm vaiu t sne mnooe> ssoul e hiui [pedbut vhat wva asolutel>' 'Prk cosser>' sud aI linhe bwava bioula Goes t valus for bise mouey expeeded. Tisa Boef~ Duel Use put year isad- nol exict>' smiii eut bis vievi. e ieievedl e> 1,bail ons Ieir bst ; bultlisrs vu ol, ang somovhsro. Hoesdadot knev naco at hoevouli havi an oppount, but Hamn ,se ho trusteitbisa ratepayîre voeul ome fonvrand u utala himes s tise>' Id isfore. Cissens. NE Mr. Pbllp, after a fsv vords, docie- a ta ise s candidate. Thé riturning officîr Lthen iecisred Tc Ir. Long a loielaid as depuly-reevs, ida appointît tthe pollug for thaecliser Yn eudidalas on Moay, Jas. 2nd, and djourued lis eing until 12 o'ciock n Wedeesday, Jan. 4tb, wvis o s vouli malt deoluaaioubf Use pIl. Tise sominaios, lae ie feres rudu tocS place as toov North vard-T. B. Powell,C. Nourne, ).05-miston, J. Weslesy, B. B. Hatai,- md loba L cck. T Contre Warà-Csas. Ring, Heury'T Lnis, Wm. Bure, M. O'Dounau, )r. Adams, J. B. Robsrtsou oui James ampiaIL. Wi Sentis Ward-Jamos Campbelil, Jas. 3ameo, C. Po%, lue. Smsith Georgs lickingbottom. Municipal Electiona. On Tovasomas.Wau .- Reeve-J. L. miii, acclamation. Deput>' Boava- fori Tohe Dihson, acclamion. (Jonucil. flua ore-B. Biokoll, D. Hoihlida>', Wm. lun Dob, W. Hour, J. R. Mstisvsoe, H.T E. Derby, sud I. Wiboxz. pies Wsrnisv EAST.-The old Coueiliorspl elected b>'acclamation. PoaRTPraîmY.-Reeve- H. Gordon, Wb JWright, Dr. Jones, oui E. Major. - louucilor-J. Bolpb, . Bruce, C.* Y i Tcvii, C. Craudel, C. Doas, E.* ma-. tir, Dr. Joues, J. Phiilippo, J. Helm, J. èlattbewc, J. Il. Paterson. à1 MARA.-IIeeve--Philip MoCre, b>' accleamtion. Depot>' Reeve-Timots' )'Leary. b> acclamatation. Oconeillora -Albert Gregg, Geo. Bruce, M. G. Sullivan, Patrick Maepse, Pater Thom. A sou, oui Wm. Boulton. CÀANrNGToa.-ÏRe, Wesley Bran- dou, W. H. Hlo>'e. Couneilors- Henry' Majisie. A. DÉobsou, Tisa. Lougih, W. MoPherion, J. S. Wbsl. Bacx To ~-beb Cunningham -llqÏe1. FirsI DepuIý7 Ree.....B ihourand , Tise se. " Deput>' Beive, fu sms t.olie, '14-a lames Buian. Mc Donclor-wüoam Baird, William Bvart. aud Wilhln $aker. TËoamt.-eRoesiG. F. Bruce, so- clamation. Daput>' Beene-Chas. Thompicu, acclsaaion. Concillors,- John Leslie, Aloi. MoRne, Ben F. «T Brave, Noil C. Gilcinisi, Geo. Drabe,' Robent Bruce, andvTios McEaciasrn. Uxnwaao.-Reeve-L J. Goili, s'- elamatis.Clonecillos-Massrs. Camp- bell. Cravfori, Sumeservilla, MoGrat- tan, Nelscn, sud A. W. C. PlanS. G flxuaaxecTovasn..-Mmisers of mi ,Concoselai b>'acclamation. Beeva. foi B. Parke.-Final DapUiy Besve-t'. Mi Gouili. Seond Deput>' Reinei-G. T. »l Shaw. Gouuillr-John Wien and k Fr 'IiaAr. p- O»uwa&.,-Maor -W. MeGili, F. I Bis and W- F- Covan.- eevs- J-.B-. ILareSo FîtsDeput>' Raeve-J. Diokie ,aua ', C. Smiuth. Second Depul>' Sc Boive-Oý. T. Jeues. Caunillors- N~orths-ButLword-R. R. Soulicombe, John Famb>', Danvi Garev; North- ý , e a W . T. Diegla, J. W . Hig- W & M, M., J. Mcsveoney ; Soutis- .ýWard -M. Quile>', loba Cerne,- ,Naît, Thsomas Ccreiss, sud Jais,T ý&. Obcou; Souths-West Wari Jas. i Powater, F. W. Gibbs, 'WIn. King. Tisai. Morris, sud J. Baivin. Pxcmue.-Tii. cli conneil re- BzAcar.--Tbe cli councit re-eieeted. ScoA. Scugog sud Rama baeinet T hein iseand froes,but IL is liSel> that the ohd memberate Use conut>' csil have T Bakin. Fîrsl Deput>' Beene-D A James. 8.ooud De p ut>' Lve--T. Wiseon. AUb aclamalion rn .........0 .. 09A 'o fors 1u0rter w akine ..............1On 0 0 U g, perlb.....007 @0 00, .700 @760 «Y udl ......080 <J 040 *enB perpsfr ...080 a 050 says, petlb .........009 aJ.012 certlb............ 007 (à 010 f'-' theCaressee...000 <J560 pAa-100. on, by theatenn ..006 <@ 006 Ietail-Oc. oaeroue, 6, rtz... 010 '<J 900 D,Ferms ..... 012 <J 014 s, d .... * 0 18 0J. 015 W ADVERTIBEMENTS. i TE LEOTOBS OP THE NORTE WÂHD. tr vote aa influence are respectfnlly .solioltefifor lb. re-election et 'HARLES NOURSE, AS OOUN2OILORF01R 1882. itby, Dec. 27th, 1881. -2 CRRITMA~ANRNEW LEAR' FAMILY.< GROÇER'IES!*- NOW COMJNG ME ANNUAL MEETING I THE FRESHES T A ND BES T SEL EC TED S TOCK bitby & Eust Whitby Union Agricultural Society, vili h he t Lb. 0110WN INN, COLUMBUS,- THIJRSDAY, tisa l2ih DBo f Jeenety, 1882, ATTrWO O'cLoCX, Pa'iL, tise purpoeoof receiving Treisurar's an- I report, olecticase!of flIcers for tis eau- ar, sudother buainess of Lb. Society- rese-tDirectors an& Oicers ill Le meet ean eclock, a.m., aI tise ase es and date. B>' order eoftisa Pruet. v JOHN WILLIS, Sec'>'. itby, Dec. 27tis, 1881. id-i l o Ei E~E WINEI*TUS & LIQjOOR~S our Vote and Supportj That possibly eould be purchased in the Best Markets! D. ORMISTON, 3cOUNCILLOSi FOR THE NORTH WARD FOR 1882. Whitby, Dec. 27tis, 1882. -2 50 TE ELECTORS 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY. a ethe Nomnation for tisa ce t REEVE Vgfor 18M2. I vouid respect- 1>' requast yen votes sud influence on :odynx.Tours trul>', N. W. BROWN.' lhitIs>, Doc. 27ihB«581. o0 the Eleetors of' the North Ward.' HETEE :Isvlng beau nomiumted on raida' leut bterecaut yau in Council >r1M, 81 I hrevutr.s alicit your votei on sudsy ext. MY business engagemnts uin:1 allow me to me a personsi eau- us, uerdo I tui kIL neosot>'; I am noia toaail of Jan. i amn a largo tax ~er, sud auyhia ectiug your intereat afet mine. Il yen olect nma te yonr tunil I viii proteot your interesta te tisa est cf mny a.bilaty. Wiuasag you ail Tisa Compliments tof tise eaoI tomate, Gentlemen. Tours sinceaey, J. Do POWELL. l te Elect&is of the Town of Whlthy5 fEM 'UXDERSIGNEDInVITBS TE L lectani of the South Ward la-a nellng te a e bliiru. laOve'Stene Building, iu caid Word, ou Isurstlo>, thse 29th Daceaubeo 1881, At 8 o'obock, p-es. ha Eleotors of the Nants Word at a M"s ung to e h sla le the odfeibovi' Hal, on prIda>'. the 3Oth Decomber, 1881,9 AIS8o'ctack, p.m. nudthoeIBecterscfi the whoie Town te e inIig b. hala ile .CeniciChamber et Lb.henov TOWN HALL, on gaursty, the 31%t Decembet, 1881. AU! lav.abi ig çcitizens sud nomÃŽneea for îe -ToviaConseil on 188u are Corll tgeitte âa i n>'or Sailff Us:Iles. m t *couesel, together cenourTeiaq inoedbtedae ilterset, -c i and àmsai couaits, loiÃŽg sd-coutrolable abllls sssseta Sr.ud ocieoton a ir so0 , s u r v e y 14 s e o o n , u s n g e u direels sud thee lmprevemnartc thareol-oIUid i oisn ter s mutisa ni>'anise n liseceSm. iou lnternat of helRat epayus., - Oua cf lthe uomeue fruMayor >aoc. Ob, '81.,- for 18m. To th-, Eteetqris of the North «Ward, - > aroe apeolfuyl> cioited 1cr - JOHN, C. WESLEY, lie Forth Word cf- f 4., Valentia Raisins, ail off stalli, Loose, Museatele, Sultanas, London layers, Black basket, Blue basket, Blackç Crôwn, choicu table Raisins, also table Raisins in single layer boxes. Currants-Patras s fiuest; Lemoîi, Citron and Orange Peels. Canned Rings for Scotch shortbread. Oranges, Lemons, Grapes, Dates, Prunes, Metz Crystalized Frenchi Fruits. A fulllime of English Cosacques, as cheap as 25e per doz. PICKLES-Cross & Blackwell's, Moir's, Whybrow's London, Batty's Mild and Ht, Nabob, South American Digestive. SAUCES-Lea & Penin, John Bull, Batty's Duke Edinburgh, Efders' Royal Holyrood> Prince of Wales, Salad Sauce (Cross & Blackwell's), Bengal, Chutney, Walnut Catsup, Muelirooni Oatsup, Curry Powder (Cross & Blackwell's goods), Clery Sat, Tellichery, White Pepper, S5hot Pepper, Parmasan Cheese, Blanc Mange Powder, Alfred Birdu' Custard Creani Powder, Extract Calves' Feet, Gellatine Frenoh Musted. Rowintrees' pure Block Chocolate, Bensdlorp & (Jo.'s Pure Soluble Cocoa, Epp' Cooa, Queen's Chocolate. AlsoChocolate Creams in boxes. Special attention paid in this line. Java ini bean, and grotind as required, Mocha also- ý1CaLe Des Gourmets, in lb. -botties. tr'JE~ A. GREEN-Gun Powder, BLACK-Souchong and Packling Congo of choicest quality. Yung Hysou, at ail prices ; tise fineat Japan iu the market-80c pet lb., sud Agent for thse Li-quor Tes Company'. ail other grades uncalised.- per cent off! mx i 1~ Liiias Fr1 sixy ilas struclk it Ilis 3 lbs. choice Grees A large stock of ail g New Valentia Raisins, a' C-hoice new London La) 'Fine Viga Raisins. Nei Almonda, Filberts, Wa Flavoring Extracts, Leu COFFEES.-Finest O A choic N~EW wIIrE-G NEW CllINJ - NwGlasswarei We are bound-noù Alwîzys on hana-G. Iflmneai. &o.. Port and Sherries in a vaiety of choice brauds, in bottie and wood. -A fte llght Span-ish Wine, $2.00 per gai., 50o per bottie. Native Wine, $2.00 per gai., 40o per bottie. Oraham's PorI, 1 par bottie, highly recommendeci. Colborne's Wite Portin stock. BRANDIE S-Hemessey, Martell's sudJules Robin, iu wood and bottie. Cookiug- Brandy, $8.00 per gai., 50a per botte. GIN-Red and Green Seal, Old Tom Gin. Jamieso's ad Burke's Irish Whiskey, Scotch Encore Whiskey, and Btus'.Jsiaiea Hum. MUM's Champagne, pts., aud qts. ALES IN BOTTLES-Bass' bottledl by Hibbert, ps. sud. qls., Canadian Aies in botties ana kegs and ou draft. Agent for Labatt's London Ali.~Porter 'on adt,_ aIse Dublin Stout, and Blood' bottled, pts. aud qs. Peter's Cherry Cordial, Blaek Hambur Cherry Brandy, BRed Curacoas. Bye 5years old Walker"s and Gooderham's Bead tyee-an&-Waet reaucea price, We nave a ful assortment in cinnea goods of ohoice s,eetion audi& vaiety. Salmoni Lobster, Sardine, Ânohovy (iu glass), Makerel in Tomato,. na Mustard, (lodfish hals, Pinnanusdies,Tr Boston Beef, Boast aud Corned Beq, Brawn,, Pigefoot, Turkey sud Tongue, Oi Tongue,-&.. TINNED SOUPS-Pigeons Ox Keelers' Black and Red (Jurramt 'Jellies' ang j4m, Damison Jani, Marnialade iu ilb.,, 2b., ud 81t., Ginger, Freuoh sheet Isingle~s, -White ia eolôoed, Gr - Fluid Extract Beef, Imei1b grond Mace, ground BËôo Ging ESSENCES-Maokay'à Quitesences. in Mace, Nutmeg (3H ISTIESI ICY Grapes; sol- Our Go-,odi .1 CO,",+WSTING AS FOLLOWS: Le. Shnmi),,Paa-te. Pàteýsù-E GOLDEN BULE TOBACCOY a Town et w TO D3 OF PURE AND CHOICE 9eloja6llo rmluia6ml»--

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