TROXAS DOW, &lem W ITOHIE t4BILLINCIS &R-RISTSRS & ATTQR14SYS %t to Mer. e'4. *Pe,csy. sue; poussas 'out to Ia yb be, May mte'Ylad ndcly. elasu ln theb Ia. suSt., New Yack. iï men, sud ossry mase 01 thé. ye te bis aystmIsai rALINE . pric-e, 6100 par 1DICINE tCo., T'ORONTO. LUMBER 1 LERCHANT, itpply cifail kode af ,. 4ud ail necesasry mnlg, Sawen Timboi, t wuJtâtyonband. Blnaalnays an 179 iý -* ' lu:., C e,' t r,%#"or . ER: AIL LWAT. TIME TABLE. am Ott M2d, 1881. aou sursT 0,10 a~ui. 10.1.3 -- IO.8s il-sa îouio sauta. 6.50. 74.5 Ma-.. 0.10Il 1) &'MI.140 puw.. 0201... t.w Il 2. 5 .25 Il 103 ' .11 6M Il- tallonsý. ose. octet Tîme- epplicatic taO sDy cf tlb, 'IICTIONS. -Wtt Grand TrujitRaBa- tand West. istage taorEpsom, Utîcu îlfill sut%la,'.lrk derlasd and nnnîîgton. i-ot. Lttai. itnatt, Va- a rn .rt .sud lit i everuon tiIllasWaube- trlliawittithe s itno Ge FreG Aude of r eds by li Agents of W' Jar Tenante anA by 0li te,'ronto, ton at ionies Nâtransies ehc*geu.- J. J. Rose, Supeintondent. ýn Lino. LONDONDERRY. À80W. I1v, arud CONMFORT I tersais n-eek tmffl'RPot wIen, ciling £AtH ealfiL from Pontlan.!,, , tim Boston, Dec.. 811f ros Portland!, Dao. 8b fcm 'portland, Dac. 50*1>., ug b. ustmbraI Ponê-IS tans VsitI:y, &80, &.ms'de "Pe it assio n ~AT LAW, SOLICITOXS IN W.I C THIE, W. B. BILLINGf, I4KIiWBLL à & IWTLEIIGB9 ïèewnO *gsby. à I. FAiS WELL, L.L. B., OCôtty Otrcan Attoruey. 48 0'POULLIVAN & PERDUE, 3 ARISTRSATTORNBTS, SOLIO. BAER~SNOTARIBS, &o., &o. OFFICES: 72 Touge Street, nsit- the Dominion Bank. adCorner Ring &a Yongo Streete, Toronto. 0. A. O'8ULLIVAN. W. E. PERDUE. October SSrd, 180. ly-48 JAMES KEITH GORDON, BARRISTER &h ATTORNXY-AT.LAW, B&Aoiior lan Ohuery, oenveymnor, Notary Public, &o. Ofio-Dundas St., fint doon west of Ârmotrong's HoteL. Money te Loan-Private froidst law DAVID ORMISTON, Bl.A, ATTORNBY-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN «MChancery, Conveyancer, &c. Orrc-In the Offce sonth of the Pont Office, lauMcMieU&'s Block, Break Street, Whitby. ly-lO ROBINSON & RENT, (L&Tz Duooà xe & Ro»Ntson.) T> R"ISTBR8-ÂT-LAW, A T T ORB N B oys, Solicitors, Conveyaucens, ho. OPCE.-Iu Victoria, Ne. 9, Victoria Stroot. G. TOUNO SMITH, L L. B., Oprncs-Over Deminion Banik, Whtby, Jan. 22, 1878. (11-4 B RRISTE1I-AT -LAW, SOLICIOR B n Chaucory and Iusoieucy Cao.. ancer, ho. Offio.-Deveri1sUa ckBrookt. Street, Wlctby, Ont. J. IhAMER GREENWOOD, ATTOINP"Y AND SOLICITOR, CON- A ace.Not.any Publie, hc-Post Office&Drewer No. 11, Whitby, Out. Ferta bouglit sud sold; Marniage Settle- mente, Wils aud Trnsta madsilpeciatties. Loana nogotlated on al kind cf Propory. 42-7 CHARLES 'C. KELLE'R, TTOINY-AT-LAW, SOLIGTR AN ~.CItaucer È Couvoyanrer, ho.,CnAi8 on, Brook, C. 'W. L. T. BARCLAY, A TTORNEYT-AT-LAW. SOLICITOR in Chativnry and îeleey ovy JOHN HALL DOWt, BAtRISTEA-AT-LAW. SOLICITOR in Chncery, Convi-> arer, &ko. Offic-Deverilî's Blu.-k. Brook Street, Wbitby. MONET TO LEND-Privais Puus,- in umuisup 10 $800, aet a Ion-rate (if lu- JORN A. AIIGILLIVRAV, (Scceesor te B. M Hlone.) ARRISTER h ATTOBNRY.AT-LAW, B Notény Public, ho. Solicitor for lb. Dominion %ank. OMe.-Nert door te lMeusion Houte, Umbridge, Ont. .28 LY-M&AN EN'GLÉORI, L L. B., ~ARRISTER AT LAW, SOLICITOR 13 IChnony, Conveyxucer, ho, &c. Sinu- 1ce Street, Oshawa. J. E. GALBRAITH, ., GCIRADUATE cfolQen's sud Victoria YUnivereilies,iiieaiber ol tlh.Coilege cf Physiciens and Surgeons, Ontario. Ou,î'-z-Brock-St., Wbitby, Ont., (thyme doctesouth ef Royal Fotel). Iy-lO H. J. GUNN, A. D., URGEON TO TEM COUNTY GÂOL, -Byron Street, Whitby. Wm. MIcHIIEN, MD. .R.CS., (U'S IHOSPITAL LONDON, ENtI., CYJ the oye R. O. H. L., Oshawa, Ontenlo. c A RD. Pl4ratcian, Surgeon, Accoucher, ho0,, ho. Wbty, Sept. Stb, 1874. do lR. J. H. DATES, Newepaper M dvertintag Agents 41, Park Row (Tfimes Building), New York, ie [ atosorized itu oontrisectfor sdvont#eo- monte tut. he CURONICLE nt oui -iboit raies. W. ADAMS, R 00MB OVER Ra. H. JÂMESON'e £% rocery Store, Dandaest., Wbltby. Offce heurs rom 9 &.m. to012 m., sud frin 1.80 teo6, P. tri. Reaedoe--oer. et Byron and Gilbart etresis. CM.YAKtS, L. 0Des$ * E M ET l nisrt.d on a&U the Ze"c -&e atoitpriaeiles of teat vu ceupm th oapaut,oau as ced a*4e boat. '&etb 811.4 vitb G nd su Slv. TeotI otected vthou inl, by .pnôdnclug local aatheeia. Dents!Boea.- cvi- eus ,nov block, cvii Â'tklnsen'eDing Store, Ring Street" Oshmv. 85 A -DEESGING AND SKAVING Salonu,rock St., Wbltb7. AGENT FOR TËX ORLU»RÂTED £1.Settiuli Grabnite. -At Mai11. Warks ot suetbom- Wcedu,DnaduSt., Whuîby. 'PUBER-BRD OOT8WCLD SM fl AND EERKSRUIS PIG..J WMt. M. MILLZB. lK90OM" wurebon e loeb. 2711,878., THE ROALý-XT *te A. G. MARrL, 14 4* (Lale ai the Royal; ens4 SUPHRIOR ACC0MMODATION.Jbuge us ampi. moins. Good itabling sud sed rooux-enloaed yard, attentive otion,. Bosa, os. dollar par day. tf-e. B RITISE AIkypcAN HOTEL, WHI AB Y ,O&a .2 Roum nevly nenoneted an" fumlalad tbrcugbcul.eaput in flnt-olm sondes for the reptien of <seits. Au omnibus te and fram abu trains.. »'inat.cles ample mom». Q HARESPEARE HOTEL, S~ cor. King &, Toronto, Ont. J. A. O'GRADY; . PROPRIETOR. Tiens, 81.50 sasDis. <ly-47) POST OFFICE BÂLOON, ToRox"v. M. MtcCOVNNRLL, ---PROPRIR'O.R. SW TUE BEST ACCOMMODATION n ton Ouests. -(,)-lm THE QSJEEn'9 IIOTEL, BuLocx Snarsn, WmnarY. PHILIF MCOAKN. - - Proprtof or. Bout Liqnors and Cigare A-A e up-e plieA table. Airy b.d-rouais. Comfortabl tabling aud large yard roou. Chaerges modoeto.-8 O NTARIO hlOThiL, fiocIr-SnnRsn, WEITBY. J0HN! LESLIE, - Propriel or. (Lais et thé BAnco. Hanse, Tornsto.) God Liquane sud Cigare. Commediou Slebiing. First-cla Llveny Staleisud.!BiWalle Prlur attacbed. IY4c 'BROUGHAM HOTEL, Cerner Brook 'a&.! Main Streeta, lu the Village ai Broughamo. Finut-clcau aecommodations. Boat Liquonsi sud Cigare. Gond .tabling anda tteutive hoitlr. THOMAS POUCHER, PROPRIETOR. -AI-an,- L ICNREDAUCTIONZER forthte Ontario. Auclien sales cf rosi salate, faima stock, etc., attended aI moderato charges. Addcess, T. POUCIIER, &-ly Box 47, Broughami, Ont. CENTRAL HOUSE, ONli1A%%A, ONT., W.5. McGAW, - Propnietor. Firot-cl"a ccoaimo4lâiîn. Bfst Wiues, Liquors and Cigare. Good etabiing andi attentive& hostiers. Iy-17 WHITBY HOUSE DL'NIAS-ST, WIIITBY. The underigned n-ouAtA intimaI.te, tb.h publie ltai the&ave promises have besu n.wly built and fitted up throughaut, for the accommoudation cf gueste. Boit Wines, Liquone and Cigare. THE CREAU OF CANADA**- WALZ LACER. Aiea pure Uhine WAne. Lager, Wbale. sale and Retail. Boarders taken by tie weck au mader- setereno. JIOSEPH A. BANDRLL. JaIy, 231h 1880. 82- B LACEt 1U0"E UOTIAL,ý Côn. Faca-r& n h oz aSTi.,'ITORONTO. ALFRED OXFORD, . FROPà IBZ'OB. (Lais cf Wellngton Hatel. Markbsm.) TBRbiS, 11,00 FER DAY. (Geed etabi. ng for aver 800 borse. Firet-elses eccm- moclation for fermera and the. travelling publicgein ersi. l. THE HODGSON HOIJSEt <Lais Tliothy O'Leary'a) DlUFFINS CREEK-PICKERING. The abevepromises have been taens by the undereigned, and are non beiug uewly litsd up for lb. reception of gueits, sud te travelling pbli. Beet WAu Sesliuars, cigare, &o. Mosets = i4sablng, shed rooai, aud au atten- tiv. ostler. WM. HUDGSON. THOS. SLEIGH, HOUSE & SIGN1 P AI N E R, -0»n nen- b. enu.!et bis Shep,- TWO DOORS WEST OF ABMSTBONGS HOTEL, DUNDAB STRRe. gar Ail Ordenspneuptly attmed..,s Wbtby, Aprl 14, 1880. -16 C. N. VARS, L. D. S, D ENTAL 100MB rometi frein&t. klmno'. Dingstore ta racina aven, Sbes & h irley'& sicro, Ring-St., Oshawac. Entrauce on Ring Street. ARCHîITEC 'IURE I' DRAWING AND SPECIFICATIO14 or B UI1L-DLIN GýB Pneutly Pc~it CHURCII'AND $CHOOL, ARCHITECTURE A Cerraspendeu. e uspcfully SoMo4t 1Ch OMNIBUSES TO »IMPROU' AUJ : BALSÂMJC Corner WH ITBYJ OH INA HALL, nm ft s'TEEan a G(as.tîsnssx) 71 -KING-8T. EA8T TORONTO. Fauey Breakfast a.!TeBote. 1""u Diner sd Dessert Sets. 1Puo" BoA-raout Sets. Fa:ny nJug e sTopote. Sinon Ptateýd Reynes, Fonka anA Sponnes. Sines Plated Omets sud Butter Coolere. SBlier Plat..! Cake Baukete. Rodgon' RKuand .!Fenki. Tes T ansd Servons. Piloyaer nes for Llly's, &o., ho. Glemevn, ail descriptions. WhiteS Blanc nare, snery kinA. Ectei sud Bar Goode. GLOVER HARRISON, Importer. 1N~00-LDS, EMTI- IONI Drug Store,ý St,.' ~por~ (te, seve yen, ste; 'e. gaed.bye.0 r~ heidmo Bclng big Witb 1oý For 'Raide "Geoed. Thue stItg AUl thti 0f r"estn From n The even:i .1(100d.> inn,. blueb, od.bye." ONTARIO. INSURANCE. p PIN mIRE iXSrpANCECo. Lombard St. -na Cheanlg Cross, Landou. ESTABLi8ERD Xi 1782. GIITL 8PIE, MOPÂTT & 00., Agents for Canada. R.W. TYRE, .Manager, Montres!. 8'nuds. Moderato rates of prenmReserv C. NOUIISE. Agent, Whitby. Dominion Wood Works, B RM5]lAMI&A WHIv -iî". Geo. Cormack, Doone, Saeh and Bilid. LUMBER wn-baie andsud cel, cr by by the ." carcd. Plunlng, Mouldinge 0of evMr descnip- tics, Floorlng, Sheetiug, Sbelnlng, Ro- sawAng, Shapiug, Tsnning. Screi-vark, *te., *e. Wbilbp, Oct. 101h, 1870. 8 vertlaîug contracta msy b. e, feor ini N&n-Toax. -la MONEY TO LOAN! *l(50,Ouo FOR INVESTJRENT. ON REAL ESTATE SECURITY. At ion-est living ratai cf inloet. Money securs.! nlibAn10 day. of &p. Apply t 1 e0 in JOHN FÂEQUHÂRBSoI. WIitby, Febrna.r ltIt, 1M8. la- K ANG BROTHERS, WHITBY, ONTARIO, Ampontor e Doln d Maueoturmos. cent Kinds ef LEA THER AND FINDING8, Cash pald for Rides, Barx @ad Leatiier Leathor .tretched. tAU'BRLTIBG MADBE-TO 0111>EON - SHORT NOTICE. May, 18lmU SAVNGS Ain ILINCOMPluT sou (LIMITEDJ Authorized Capital $2,OOOUOO u fft sPe1i1' Qi Ir! v5 Office, No. 72 Clturch-St., Tarante, 1ý fu m, o DIRE CT OR S. HON. FRANKITH1. Session, Prostdent.Taxam adPdohl EUGENEO'KEEFEJ Emaq., 'lAce Prealdentm oow"00 iý£mLoaa PATRICK HUGHE8, q., W. T. KIELY, Eiq., ropt.1à ow nd its" u4o*b3nd JOHN FOY, Enq. gq*ut]br ~~AWF.8pmd bcmNm-- Mncc 8~Meusytaaeden e rats. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~l eRlIreen ntns ~ ts-,à .~~ e s~ma.Ne euutatn inlmpn tteWohw mgam0à M 1spal nd gon fugiler perlinar, ap$ly ta h efaf!la. .! A ssurance Company, INCORPORATED r833. A 8SSE T 8, s1,101,s7à 94. F. A. BALL, Maimger. Insurnces effeoledait1thelovoat aunrent ratesan Buildings, Morohandlme, sud aiben pnaperty, agfainat loga or damae by ans. O.NOURES, Agent, Whitby. Wbîby, ApÉI t l m17. 1 MON EY TO LO AN ON1 EAST TERNIR. Apply te- W Souiclor. m Ofice ovsc Ontario Bank, mu.1 Wbltby. DANCING CLASSES!1 m B. CALVERLEY'S Dancing Oluuee .iY.E vii cmmence An the course cda n-o.k or no, n-ob n-wlib. prepaned le give Inistructions u in&l tIse Bate"nuteq, in., cludlug The RippeReokît, Aimtiman sd Jersey, aud lb. Santoga Lancera, tb. latter scknovledged by ail nho bave eus t le h. tbe nicoat mol dance yot introdod. The Juveuilo Clam wnAilb. bel.! an Salur. day afteroson.frout tvona v@ 1 ineolock, ante .Adult ciéealiib. hala isnthe evenluge. Thase n-Ahug tlaettend! oluhen cf those clseue, n-lE plecue leane ibalr names nitb WM. CALVRLETY Dfc. 14, 1881. Wbitb.. "S LLPHOLINE LOTION" An extorsai mensforubg -sian dîemes. Thae la seere'rpe btnAlsiI b "nibolse Iatn- ay. nAcommeno. ta fade an-ay nOb mAtA amua- pat orOU- * &""-ryptutye& rea, ,0eeA oumst,us, c "sb if b' t t -, nai aoulrtsta tm 4Ionde, ta~v l uie ause Ibaee~b3.Anobi eu l"cAn iula adO B' eqOels Pppe Quinine and Islm oSC Pepr«Quini nsd IrosTout Soms e 'aeip lt nnos ria Ther e n e o mono gacd.byes. Phil'a Secret. I kuowa little girl, But I vou't telo 1 Brochaïin Ao f the gold, An&- etsire 0 'ht« l. n, He saile Aà cf the sweet And ber huart la of lb.etrue, Sucb aprutty 11181. girl1- But 1 von't 1t11 vho. lelenreveryday BuI vcn't Wi beel Il May b. libothean., By the tharn treethoeo, It May b. inltheardn, By tb. rese-budowai. Sncb a pretty UitA. girl 1- But I won't tell vbere. 'IM mary bernmre a But I ou't ttlwbeup The vory sinalest beys Malthelb.velybigest imon, WhenIrmae sa .fater, Yen my ask about t thon, Sncb a pretty litti. girl 1- But I von't tell vbeu. THE WHITE LADY 0F HILL- A NEW-YEAII BTORY. BY iie. o. nasiaUD, Tbsu thvas le ltt.i, t wielimay le sel. ta bave beus li ehginning cf the n-ldomaties',anti, Il muai h ocnteo«. e.!, hal teeà youg girl like Elles Mes- tegs., brouglit up s qnieiy s a nus, th. chio ttu>i vhSfé.bilfe eaui tbe ruomi nsd gclog Ãotan' anly hnoo11. et, il vouldbapeag sumfenIty extisor. "Ifonho nlgbt pneedlug tb.e as day cf 111e Neon, et 12 'c 0,001 misa Elten Monltage toni.!m enost i terrneco blon- ber wiudov 1the gtiee vbc, osnt"t panulsi nxight, lu ual.! ta hanjal t, 8the miter cfibtis lbiter bop lien net tb ho elsnxnd. A mout untiap. py lady 'Rap,under th. diagnise et lh. 9lieut, daim he! sympatbyan.! bolp. Miss Montagne lu enteate., lunthe fia place, te trust no ose n-Ah tIls coin. municeicu : lu 8he second p lace, Atfmli, deci.!. te gise tl. <hast a lierng, te sot as lbenrIntis bai -AR daubtiemu prompt. Stie is vanne.! litai u the iesinsdaction"sslau; 'RelIer inuïof oimpbrtaue 80 ber, auna thase neareet ber, depends." Tb. letten came ou Christms evena. It vasihnonn uElns laIp by a mes lu vockmcn'u coaths ù mIe vas te turng fion a acliuy drive. 8ie ri 18 aven Ivice. 'She vas notgm e bnil.- ered as a yaag lay n-boknovii, tblng cf th.encil.!' miglil have tbeog- fer knon-ing social lfeitsiy ibs'oek the miiut pety sd'flà uou.- l leu n-as of a Most romastie tnn# ci minci. Ever aiues. ah. vs6lyekÃŽ4 of cg-si. vas nov 19-Itie ha.!d -u pecting aooetbuig tidbappen. ', l nipatenlona snoloeaemed Hr AIe~ E8lbe sett inluber -quietros t#y ta deelde hon-mié. abonii.ot éaunie iM.a tzok." viate ~s t montal comment-aie vuas looking aethélie l. dont 1 *it~ h. oe ye. 01ber bithor--I t'oeoymens t6 dà nu p~ tbrug Iismnixonî~so idz-note"' vend than yen." 811.he hld ôUtli l ilac. Butertalnly ibis that ibm band - ber 'brovu .7eyevers aftql sevwes se o ijv.Uou@astc, take lien. Slievasory us ed en~n~ It asa ao a'sâwicrm; talle ender, «Aod.l'boe.I, sili allwaym igente'tii "u a robe of dzzin vilo. 'desoription," lie éhid, bôw.ug6w'i'nt nos.I mîat eg941aint h. e' eeofquaint aId-veld faïshlon, oot~é -the ternae.; Lthie âtïno lg, hain ýaf ed baud.,IIwisbiù you e rnddy gelti aida &'hite' ptn-ied fade, caneider what yqn are doig, ro- the ii. 70cfinoi tfelly oas br wlu =dev', Ceoded ; "since yon have îoÃœS144e wbvich wuas et' ibat mem'nt 8h.e lj thon. le ne --m coeta b.said] onli poîite!light luin . vohe fretag 1obaud. Iospeak ta yennowmsedtsr, aib Motan w befare aIl tbings "St:y, 1.t me lb piper and penouil a O* Ã-ere il Acting on ber nIbaet- a good memeory," moit Lady Pityinig impuloseh 1mevup lier vin. Montagne. e day. 'Il think yau vili ho ahi. t o ree. * ,Wà It a moment," mIe vhispioiè b ber my ldireotians. They neeti u# bu the sutrange vlsitoi r, ha gazeëd etb lerelahorat.At thls 'mament 6a11 I*Rve wIt viiachaugeléi eo ao . "i Wil eso eta saýy iolet bhon sleep." - te yen." "Butste lias sapi c long. It fright Thon, wii ae-boatlng bouti, ah. rau oe u s;.Wheu vill ele .b. ikly to' b. elong thé passage, openod asftey. avale.'k?" dcf ah. large l*'ung'hll,' aud "Don't oh. ightene& if-I ttllypi abe 8evacrîs t. oh;livcolt]i Il vp, once, that Ibis lu ual au orioany leep; idîd11. rayf.pele maoÃŽlgî't straying îil-à a liane.xIl rna&y let fora t ro ugli îe o1utter hns h v~ b ~ b ers longer. W ith your P . roon. '~~~- ~ au. ettack eofbin fevaî.eoutig~t Batmva s .e ý&brave girl, aud me ably frome rsoremela- mi phyic :laver actuà ly leitetd for a moment, aitrain. 1 ibink it likely tli wileUe. Wiih Ãœnoob lio lug ies omel. llthte -ewakee yen wilfEnd bler mmory enb. ehutter bar', and p'esontiy .1e vas I hope se. PTha& vlho aesthlpt standing animiden à .teae , bol! lier reooneiy."seblpt expociug, aimais heping btoi 8=1eap. "And vlet are vo te do ln inch panitian gene. But M atIThere wv agoas. the White 'Lady, leniag ageines te Trou honber sif mohé voie ielly 111e parapet ; ber oy.s' wicb Elten «&,wdhid vhielin luintellect, you vill toast nov, vaetii. toast manou4I o yei lu probebly End lien; miengilien liribody the. vorld, Blxed st111 upon thé. liglitod in every possible way; tny ta direct lier vindan-. mmd ; keep off as long as passible any 811e vas ma beautifuil, strange and un- reféreno.eta lier past Il!.. For present etbly, &bat tbe Youngg hI sbivored. putpasom t il yl b. suMcioeut te allow Conld Ibis noelty ho a bAing cf the up. ber ta blion. thet, wlieu oeopens lier pe mnairP Ilvaueceswany ta mid eut. eyes proemuly in Miss ElAen's reao, Ellen-feAt abs muet figbl davu bon tAm. site opens them in a ewovvrld. It vas orous ave, 50 ebe vent quit. claee c apntty idée,by th. by, ta have flovons hon inystanice visitor and touched bon about.- As snany of tbein as yen Aliko. on tb. arin. Thon 'tb, scovfnl eyes Yen liane soi. musical fnionde, bae ver. turne.! froin helii.vidov ta lion yan net ?" face, lui tbey cipresseti neither sur-. "Thon. le Juan, tle Cliuions' proiege. prise non orilasity. lies playe 5the violn, you knav. "#Wby are yau ont bore on sncb a -<Ahl1> Y.u. Youn uitile admirer. If nightP Can I do auytblng ta help yon?" lie conld b. gaitet play so mhn g of Seai Ellen inemnlanely. in tle ente.raam-" sf 111 arn tire. .1I vnt te gel ewy- 'lDoctor, " crie.! Lady Montagne, ta lido-to rosi," vir th. anmwer, glven laughiog, I"nover yen, profesa ta o be a lu e voies aolbth ost thnilling pallies. bard.heanted cynle egain. It is'nat 1 "Have yon came fan ?" eeked Ellen. yonn vole. I believo you have been ailu "Wleie do yod liv. 2" this ine biding yonr gifla. Yen are ea "*Lino I 1 liv. nevhere. I amndea.!. pool." Have tb.y net tald yon?2 I dieo n "Oh!1 yonr ladysbip ; tbere's a conr- iliat dneadful niglit. Oh 1 Qed i The tain farce lu yonr essociaionne, you flâmes.-bev 1h07 bium!1Hido me 1 knov." hide. me 1" The noice bl iersn ta a The doon opened ta admitEle shniek ;h tdroppe.! unddoaly ie e aseft, Montagne. Ble vas walking elovly,1 pailietie monotone. 1I amn leokisg for 11k.eue lu a dreanu.-j a1 grave," &ho murmure.III tel.! bini "And! 11evis u upatiosi nov 2" agit. I bated the dark, antd ho selil à shlntd e.!io cton 1iukly.1 be 11(118 ibero. I vent to bavo ligl inlu "81e basnet etirred. 811, lgomi =iy grave"Ae if unoonsclous cf EU.u'm vhiie, se plid, I am-afraid, Doctot. preseIo . 'net ber. Oe.supvatdsGriffith, yen ansre oenr; save bltIri &gain tawandatlb. fgh*dw ndov. ycu cas." Elleu'e teoil obatere.! vitb eoId as.d Iltell yen what I caeR de, iss: feiveunsemWhat, vasalie ta .deo? 'Elles," îepîied 111e- antecrai. III saR1 Boyond e deuibis vas 'a pont dis- fobiyen ta ga mb ber noinfer hlb. traught ciesure vio lied ea' caped from promsn. Yon..are boming ce. lier ettondante. 18 miglthedaggeroue vreà ught, Com,ce ômet, i noseuse pro- ta, lake ber in.- But to-e b eran et testiog. I bavs net physioke.! yen froul1 there veul.! be lealli. 18 teck Elles à your balyliod -v-ithoni un doetandiug moment anly ta fonm bonr roolulion. yon a lile. ' Ladry Mitague, witb Layiog ler baud upon lb. etrager!. yVour permisuion I vîli tae.Mme Eilen'm. J arn, e .drow ber villa goutte force ta- post.. Bebd - ue> yar Au e omsbly t varda the vindcv af tle dluing hall. vitli*;bundifu6o!Bcuie adperhas "lCame ta the ligiti," .$he .aïd Bseah, yen 30Icu manage t ir yhanis t 'Tgou " en u cenrst thora. I vill put up,cd-rye, t yma ..t h. ii bide* yau. Ye," as the lady uhruk Glnion s, dbting Jan.0b Re'HoE from hon ione ; "yen ne..! soii,. a- vent te as b. do r, 'llsfà tlavad' i fraii of me. Came." him. 'H. turne.. "If «auy vdeii are, 0 "lWiI yen taIre me thone , eic!th na 0 "J. -ý"bý .et'sts.,ponugynb~îrms--- a l a ou» on~8ce. 'hre'is a,.i I«o "e; It s sMy noin.oa.! bl' luy ouiroo, Mis.Emles. Yées t H4,eu wevcal.! peur banda are 1We vanynIen iirigte Yon-iblghi b.des.!. Came lu; coin. bel. Until I de, lot -nô.:ou éciee p ri qsltkl."- - ut Aune."t *Thon' ber gnidiug taoa vas-folioo!, "And boy abent Joan V2" aesk ajyc ant prée t heby Ive o ieby the, Montagne. Ld bnigt.v.otare, And BlAenin, bot tend.' "He maysecrape bis fiddle Iu thoe' 'oi n u s w 1 oe fo tgeî ber sopér sîtions dining b if le lk a leav log the d on Sas. er strane uit,%w aa oèr ,tà -l -I »imo firTwëo urs,*Uipiee.auxiotypam.ed u tisai. - Sb.$ue l attetion in lu cvy. By that lits. the Young Juan es atoqb1aya~v.~,,andrnowaad saedarrIv., andi, @"edtin.llieioqrp eie abqa't« utteeraee Ilta vndseam edoiing Ellen mo agtqe 6, vas psy- ti *s4is.un~iaà îç&opok.n thatoe eco1w m oto. obies iee esi .I.aee,, iw 5' telle.! o rIte;ba Iarb oled îéWheroupon Layed 72ud pe&ar o! b hü lm ,mr fbený ot- bon et Liverpool 'C' Meauwhjle their strange sud>îaveiy 180. Hsving te, viaitor, Who had at firet emedip. MenOt for Newark ci à t able even of commected speech, vas t, o- as fe e I a r n n g a p î l y . " B y w h a t y e n i l k e " , Y ar O f 1 1 1 8 P u b l i c T; iid,-lilen to-Dr. Griffith on n ocf bs rscfà hCbie po Visits.- 1am certain .11e hauintelli. 'R OfflOOefDot oee si gee fabigli aider." membene of tbe a "81.nover fargets a sigBing 8 vs ntgla wbam ia t tl!ber" aidLay ontagne. "'It ls -William wua4 dl r, r e llY P a th e tic t a se s t h . eff rt s s hie th88 , l inkes to please us. Aï.b apsas e oly one u01o net even ta rexuember lier own naine amby- now, tIi.n Yvow have given lber the naine of Thee. career. Thero ire i 1dora, andd.11e anevers to il ; .11e seems ouly Ivo represet lta 111e 1the seund «cf h. I suppose vo 1 d eliii findout lier naine sme ay", tapherTaibot,,vbol e:The- eoctor approved the ohocice cf fOr G 0corasbire naine. "811e seems 11k. a proege cf'T0 . OGorMîual ,mine as weillas youri," heie slc. "But Cil 80 u a wlere is se.nov ?'Inet been nbroke.n. lbey brought hun -ta 1the window cf . Thsy have heen th. gardon parlai, and poiutod her et n ied flfteen Yeats, ai movilig ,toand fia urncng the planta musterea op resojutî Jthe giasis.bouso near aetbaud,. lier ta niai the.hi "8h. iseli!drosoed, lu white," eb- enig ho called iu à s~e, ai.! Elles. Wer.tre!hde'bé WitN'%oloried' dresm cf tmbmms'a, bu a0 app eae uneae, 8w vo ae ber back-her ons, vhich, afber&ai, uiteir- mcdo afterthb. me faublion. 1118 ont t11k. tha.. Groek -dresses that the geu. sio people are nmaiüg aboutlin Londont juil nov; an. do pou ncv linw aI ber. hel insorth aemint of money 2 Ilus *studded wvijevels." "Imitations, meut likaly," said th, dactar, and-nbeding Elamldg sent Prategt-"What in 'Roseimport. anl,"ie saisI, tnrning toLe-1ey IMontagne, "le our patient'as tate ai' tini. -Do, yen tbink se.18 aà isfieduatl? HuRas elie begn o ask queosPl'" "Sh. lias ut ai ad sauting," noplied the lady: ,bon vaealnulany, yen hnav. le sot nory large'yei, But I lbink oie begine te le psnplexed." "I vil! aee, sud epeek te ber th. nexi tino I come," said Dr. Griffith, tAg bis beave liredly. Tlisadora vas ne longer te h. sen in the glass-bouse. 811e lied prqhably enter..! the.long onenesipassagewvies counecledil i hith1e grdon palan. Min7 veeke elapse.! beforthebo ctara Dei&t ime o! cenlng. H. '*rote ta Lady Montagne luinlte internat., Ho vee 'ovenviielmei vititvonk. h patienta lied chamen le fai Alina ahateli. Bloul! Ibero e beauy urgent, noçeeety for lis attendenose t Hillbury lie vouA.! 1 eko a 'Pint o gig b f Dot hie Tlieu came non-s Ilt biesWonh mbail boon tac. heavy fan hlm ; h11e va break- Mg dovu. .Binethe vonet gcas-e e an.a fair vay.-ta reover ny asiÃ i4ganu'unpUýto Ludo t.o emithlW, '. self vwitli a'littt. nismie. aiat. .0n bis retunheivanîti mekeAt - hie - «at basiesst ei ipnLay Itosiage,ý aud seoifr. bimaelf'v be .ani-: Iie .Elles 'bad mne . e b bteLd H2llburv; fer Ibis h., infonmeod ItbLÇni vs't; ni, naie ibeis' get,,bo0en. utli noighbonhood. :Tbiu ý latt" ertct v kiiavu etHihbnry, tai liedgiveu saie lutile ennoyaeno t u ts mtea;. ,Lady Montagne, n-ho v-as quiet, te. lilng Ant expinontly correct lu aitfber Edeaswhiehiib atibeen a parn a fionilage.,oeQlnltebeer thé hbeught tbat, fnei uy causo , vbaovner, &hé th Piano Mds bro ug ." b - ri~ ..i roui 'The- t9d. Ernma-éTbe - Mo*tben, mucli ulruok-Ai deair .bildf?"Bu=&s- .-B <hem ne more bite il, ëay'Iai, go anti budi*c eslea'tibas." 1 czig" aam 1: knawnîM ilisi n socoul.."Lay- *Itie-"tif lieo lelbas bcoëte on.' Visltnmm-!'Tlionappear doar ~ Rui rn"HneYeUN~ es8, ihiok of hi .Ouril-h, 17 eut of the service --gene.. my'w tootier .-ti .i ti s11 vlile vori do'S -An cO.! 'Iilady -W-hob'ai vas recontly seutenced Ie iv -reprisasment 'for- dlaadetlý 7as auketi vbtahe W cdto Ireplied «:-ý"I bave ti a] e ýbëa tivoenoati 'hy -Ive'lab yenngetlaater buà - beeuï, 551051K x N [rom ibsu viti LcnBley I- a glêy -b- A RCHI tREC T -PRE."PARED *BY- Wu R. HO4WSE,