OQILY, Wbftby,'T uceful ssa tfiasi i &Iatea the sava utr, av Mntce oet ite., vasi du. part vilai eau ""Kaiien' -Rmvetéle 'aIlli bee spoeeb ab muent ié A*Bill *. BM: lova s'i & B811 msavcy lavaseb: À BIut et satiei of fret I lue hoped $Wu estto- mania, tUe 'w dessa bia ts, vu orav e a~d as athé1 Mr. B, antiré os-s,, ti$aWC sud WU thlet+ tolp*ottng t 'evw 1 ahbeol4era cf the Engl pn, u oneequk ue of 'bit "-4tn.1Alta. .'We are rleased te know that Boule oft roc S54*4 . Rott 1hs Bank sherebolderas arc.gtttug Witt : 8pu- . R Iobertson &jhefr ejes open te lie eberecter cf 1Mr.' Glass. Net cifew Ii tht. neighbeur-ý IL 8, obertm de Broc. bond bave corne te ni, sinon the slpmoa.from1 « treu. urs made in last week'a OnnovicLa, 1fr.C chane b fr,1TOw ProP#rt>' telllung us tisaItise>' hetl wtldrawn the .ShAZI i poï . dusio. proxies thsj ised been tnduoed te trust ed tc Unoe.i te 1Mr. Glass, sud there la resac to me tl sutsti-Mrs. A. Pest. belleve liaI tii. came course wiii b. 1fr.( lheep asud Lambe-Jemes followecl.by scores or others, xviîo, caine oseci '1r4 svgoeor h. les& Bank meeting bave beauen-on- d atarl Business college. lightened as te tbe crooked transactions a w 14etadaee-w. IÃŽ.-nomsetc Mr. Glaes ana thse nefaricue part he indac lât.le playing. Tihe following are a few He .roobe, Psu. bfrther peimees cf Mr.Glacss adeel- chan, tb truueLon Comipany and theOtario Balk :Ote .......Tihe affaire of the Englisis Loan Hal si 5e PER ANUUM. Comnpany wve thé subjeot of e meeting ____________-- on thse part of the. ebarelelîors on rhgrsayl Jan. 19t 1882. Wedncdcy, at the Tecumseh House.. Tie meeting was iseld in cousequeuce B( ____________________of tise postponernent cf thse Annual Jeut Practicai Work meeting, the Aulitors' report net bing Orm fortbcoming, Il csemre from state. livre t ci goverument mesures mente made tisat during the menti of ben( oit in the Addross ombraces Jul>' lest ticsttie Management made on- I pralevorthj work. n aise e epeculative inveetmuent ie thse stock Thi cftlb.Otario Bauk. Thoe puce peid Inao a enoit gralng onuition of fer it vas abent 80. Ver>' scan lthé tee qei of ti.Province, vils an market value tell to f56, and nov Pt*"& -_T surplus- the. recuit of cars- et 60. The loas on thc quenlit>' pur W.l @u@folbe& management. On chaaed (2,000 ebares) wouiH b. noety lolci et ie ouner' Aard tie$40.000 if the stock were te be fareed B et f té BuacaryAwad, heupon the muarkot nov. Wbet the aie- Rive ken b>' Ut. Mowat anti hie setiefled misreiolderes say je tîcit, tItis Ibmt k "I b. baciketi up b>' the. as an unauhthorized speolattien ; te pal Ontaro tu a way thlat muet wbiob it bas been answered Ibat il bas 00o: itfai s.1t Ottawa. T eset&acide been senctioneti by the Bloard (if app d efthle arbitrators lu tuis Diroclers. In thet case il f elle poli ýppontildbj b. ve Govern- under the octegor>' cfunefortunaee S liDomialon snd the Prov- speculetiece. Il muet not bc supposed pa: a6 htgh'heanded prooeeding ne &bat wien the stock i le qsteion as A oC-leb. athories et Otave subecribed for il wee puid fer ont efthle teac muet be subrilted te. Ontario present fenide of te Company'. Tic froi inclut upon tise lit rigit of mtioti adopted wes to borrow tie den ine. toe se dspuled territor>'. moule> from oeeof the chartered the. cili the. people cf Ibis Province benke, thse teenCompany' pull ing up Pm a bave tser local affaire ad.- a 1'margie to kcc.p thp loin sa,>', As the e4 bj -the.representatives oethle .leclinowinte Van, cf tlio Settck 'A itit! e Provinces anud of Britishs vent cn, rosrsWr.ZII itvllî,trih s.' vilcS Sir John Macdonald whie.h tht Engh htoîttv ii î j et1 dlubis dlsallevance cf Tbe firiti th~ttrscî tjt i and'Streerne Bill. On lioe whîsh th1iIgýaliai gcýt. L t3 t Mugoment 1 isever> Math le Ontario, who et once tur-nt¾l r, utt 5 uon tcI)irî c r place part>' bofore lite conutr ,tors of tit it 1uio flm- t lriqvin: c-sex É up lie position tQien ln theise jed tifalmer c".10î lcti, viclil, u.islocd. Ga It lb. opening of the session. iug the ircetort- t-tiuced t-irnt t pI th. practical moasures of invetit thse manes sof tbtiir lients ald da cml ttroduced, bj tise Govere- pledgs their ertii ct iHolt aniv a the foltowing whici wll cein.- cint 4)( Oltîrit Bâtk rtocc. 4 scelles : It je evîtent ticit the Euglisiq Company 1 eipsting Mrirkelteeas. have icet hc 'l .'lie puiblic viiibc ho for arnuding &aticonselidet. acut u cey, -Si tutîioitic verse for eu lavas gospscting lins -fonces tIret. If thse 9eiereuîoitiers cf the Etiý Du ai weter courses. iii Co. were wvtuhug to look the natr n te g provide by e general law ie the face, oed pi>' up te lctrsts tuat rties cf water vorke lu cilice, hiave ecarued, ait migil. be well. But B<OVlags unfortuately tiey are net se wiuded. [provldwng ftrtherossina of Tise>'complein hat wville lipy vers tr"ia by saguets and rosads. under thc belief tisaIt teir moues ee u foér lhe inspeoton ef boiers. bing iovested legitimatl in l bns ou th uîlgpoision fer main- reai estate, ueerly oue helf cf them C, ttponongpublic beaitis. voue used, for epeculative purpeses on CI fo (rSe enplifyingestheti stock merà et. They dicepprove cf merlng rosi propert>' sudon- @ichl a transaction, especially seeieg cg. liaI It vast Dot inanclaîl>' encoesafnl. 1i go mov@ e tsein tise laW I1111lied beeea successt efha ireioid- ffl- ers vonîs have put tise profite in theur le0 aiseou amors saiefactor>' pocikete, sud vo aboula not bave board il.. 1e of 116.1. auythirg cf lthe vuangle te whicus et- a 10 fasilate t establishsment tentioe bae of laIe beau directes]. Stili, tiries. tisaI is ne justification cf e transaction ai preleai on, visioh itlaIsta viieli seeme te bave been beyoncl the 4 11) snot ho delayeti b>'Oppo- eP 'Of lhs Pevers granted lu tise le»totIc. Charter. MntyTim r VurvedAn informal meeting cf tise sisare- reor Compliment te Mr. boîtiers cf tise Bogiei Loen (Company,w Botos eton. beiti et lie Tecutasei Bouse, London, 1Othur ,oluman it b. u=a & Ontbbc lth istaC, vas a stormY anti netb ut Uc ouppneeaenlbenuelver>' ereditable affuir. Tise regnîns- Of e ooqummul bqtMoeetig waio 'kaVe 4ekoe place 4th4e I »«Ou O t - e l et&0ialou0, Oôrnpaby's offices tisat dey; bel an speuleci eleni cudt rocure of adjourneet bcd been ennounord b>'b m. Às viii hi e eu l rom lie circuler, subsequeulte t ie ccli. Sev. ,Comrvatteaand Pefor sa ieriilis ted)atie0m mespsu>"a offices, but fonudes]tcdooi te the lrffe Iret mtupoU es 00ocaion boarcd room blocled b>' Mr. Dav-id euer à o gond anti faltiaul old GlassA. Protesta, angu>' voîcis and] b Of lhIiltownship vies. COUec- menaces coneumadth le tinte.kt tise Mi lo emnos omre six-anti subsequent meeting et tiseisotli, Mr. 7ey a aanti vho atm11(Ro ho Glass andi hie frisude musteres] iunum- atesmgbihre)dl5ehUM e i.bers representmng e very large mejority a âa su M st solincerel>'00Qcou-eycue elsa ho beîie.ve. tVe tt.cr tisaI IMe car olti (nend, sud pre> batisa ftho mnagueiment vhieb bas chmerre- &Y survive nsu>' jeau jet iliaI îo ttizeaed ii ea cospaey wvo i b- bIgtblhi hh é hpa lvsYs On- ferre oth ie bcuk, recôvery -wouit bot te mank lte. samraof Tisa' hy more lien donhîful, andti va cn«carce- sp"&td obronometor vilS vison 1> cenceive of anythiig mor-e likcl>' to 0i b u roetiW, ud viois -te b.c lamitone 10 lite bauk tban so aà itIlUbe 'bantiotidovu as anL heis--traensfer. *'kl bu aiy. -JIlsuc>'be truc,--nes Mu. GlS" ays, t ~that he titreetore ef Locu Cempaby ~pSeOCOt of Bucceesinloi1fe.. are-non et uninspeacisable integrit>e - ~but fiIs not tish se I rne liaItti>' 0 bve jut neoilveti e oopy et a vent etgive tic etegtl Anst ceeAf. vork entited-ï"Tea Bis doe n ov reqxiiresl -or ltes sucteaml os Ce ennagernenl cf tho Ontarlo Batit. -, (OsiLaneB;f rnser' iu our las& veek'sniss-e, vo pqiutod ~ Ont lhetact .41->tMeenua. <Qlspeanti duti inouadig a Pna"I Ù.usalis;î Leaviml ""0.5fer WisnycA, of Iis m term"su oc ou &g, W " in elEnti 'lilhttu d aover l"10e Uw iS hortotnsu, nSumi W34the th ProiIe é o4 "MtheGla me nttscjarig i eSctietheM4er;cf*41 Né 'Compan>,' Whbf0i Aate ne pie, on lie 11h lu .i4n ;r"sic voulti b.' aCertli théi -Onlailoak*lldere as-e s-ting r.ean ichn 2nti, 7à Toronto, maso eoemuniea'ua - va... usas sund bi'seul hînais pnu>'. -siolteien eOntarovWinIbe aurpria. ilecra 4litItle sboye stahcinent 1a correct. Mr. Bar.utemot rttten le tliaIh bus andeti hie prou>' 10 Gases to use allihe meeting then lu don for c puailar -Vole, but lti Ls on inteciton 'hheIJA veeltireecis à oi. Mr. B. maja "ho il ual ples- witis Mu. Glass using is name le ce othe ouaeat isir prou>'" furtior satls tli a eMe>' jet ige hie mia anti go himself te us] the meetngfoi thé eleellon cf eltor, or trust bis prou>' tesente cir Part>'. SHABIRHOLDER. ' fxN8,lotit Januar>', 1882. Bloard et Ochool Truseos. coars] met on Weetss]c>'veleg. uer>' 111h. prosent-Mesers. Dr. miston [iu tie cdir] Smaiti, MoGil- a>', Powell, Fareweil, Dov; bis ci- Jatige Daruel, Bey. Mr. Camner- -Mr. tbier,screer>'ofethliseboardi. sure wse e&as preseel, Principal Rob- iou. aud Meses. Willii anti Brovn, whas. 'Iia,»tq f alle poli for lise Seuth ird vas matieantidn5MfcChlian'c letaluns tram-tic cbool rais vo sun anti frorn lin t ilouiti eppear et lioee ae ovei-crowtitg. Pricii à Robinson reportes] 155 pupils lu lIe ilegîcte Institut., anti aseti for lt ceOinlenrilof a monitor. Thse ap* mImemnt vas datais-id. Several seceuticie ers orticisti Lymeeh. à resoltion passes] instruclieg lis tubai. te coîhect 60 cents per menth st e ci ls] cf an netaecd non-usaI but attadng seitool. Il eýppsarod cî -se outaide tIhe limite madel0 rcalice cftlis, ans] beastctd cf vi&i c>' liads] sves] in taxas. A moliot Cepe>' F. Clark. 820 fil Ling the ecicol oceusus vas deferroi thse inuen ots f iMu. Farwellfori- ýrlier reptort. Meitcrsof et tc mri. eand M? ýrowiîteariser antishe Model Sciînc1 .Prre-au Opiniýn qtite fas-orable t a(oc ceevs- cien cf pcciccl bocks.. Tieý i- ettion authcrizing lie hll ,av Syttn waBstt ecoudetd- iloard e djourueti sVtTP rat lt'TUcilHAtititAN. Mr. Ortisîcne calendes] a cordial ir itptlÃ, , ie of es Itise 110a kît) ie oPi-est thîe annuel supper Ri' iu b>' hlm as cliairtnîan, atdttieh ho low iecîtuti a recoguizeti lpai-Icf ùt 'indinu Ppi-ocoodingE th e e>ear. Csr'tLîw.-Wiiti>' ourlera Seat BDo tanville club 18 pointa on lhe rink toc latter, Wes]nesdalai et. lolomnan, skiîp. 20 s. Ucay, skip, 1 nitett, ". 21 R. Secte, Mueson, 4" Armnstrocig,' inebttet," 9 Tvees]le, 59) MisitS>' anti East Union Agricctltua Sciety. ICLECTtON coF FIdCCS. AC lie annuel tissaI. ielti st Cola, buns onithe 121 inisat., lieuerasuae aîtendance. Tise folloviug effkad wero eit'ctad. Pi-esiticul-M-. Boni-y Jeffu>', Wh b>'. Vice- rmenict- Mr. John Roes, B, Ian. Directoes--D. Vale, fGee. Mo-bue>', Tics. Fieltis, Joisn VIp Joie Ethelle, OCh as. rne>', %ÇW and Alez. Wilson. Searetar>'-Mr. Jno. WilIiq, Wii Treasurer-Mi-. J. Bleel, Oshawa. Auditors--lahOscrs. Wm. SSmith,à J. Liait. Nms. &ua.uesrttses seiscol bot taionerj. fM., selling ciseap. Mi-. M. Colline, wbo untisivont opsi-etien cf heving bis log lakoî lust veis t aransgladtiOle&Mas- gressioig as avell cmcoulsi hiex-pet undor tie cane cf Dr. Galbraith. - - -aea'ionCoF*- Ga. Mr-. D. M. Defter, cf Piokerig, been appointes] cunI>' gacler lu Joinuto blats tidt.- Telceat elaesvattie. ts anti best'sall usapalort tle 'Oébool', el vuiteJ. 8. 'BoitCeeu& Bues.> acc bookelaus, Whitby, Ont itrean cf fine Young mon tisa ont of Ontîario: BuaisuaColege t "obse cf a cessona-nl Iiral ofi nasai' by. Il raui'sents ai Depul>' Reeve ; *Oeanetllos- Mmas AmeBurna, Carnen.Campbell,. Fox, RIng, Onmulalon, Noui.a-euiPOW" The Mayor hofors pooesaig « business congralulalt hiemembers of the -couinci upounlieuotion niae congraltlatetiho ratepayers Upon lich celeotion cf lise able gentlemen sent te tise council board lthe Peceul Yêlar- W't the ic.Assistance et gentlesmen of-Bmo emuec îil>'y, ho fait cctisfled ti athie affairs cf tise tovu vouiti 10 vel looketi &fier, and tit esesîs vetchoti. no bopecl lhe assesuiment et lhe tevu vonitiSe oises] &(ter andi tise vou cf lise commitsea ofutlje&r be coulinusti te Ibis direction. Tiarewva s om.eo mellion about tise olti asceemor t~iring, if se, ise truste t laI a suttabis and veil quelifleti man voulti uceoive lise &p- pintmenl. attention as clledti lele hotter collection et arrare ot taxes ; anti&ase' lethe visis goesali>' express- ed allihe lato municipal' eleolien caa- paigu cf havlng a cômapotent etreel cemmissionmr appainteti. Tiese vere &lH maltera for lie eonglderallon cf lise bcounil. Te> voe avie ef the rai- v&Ya>' amlgamation tisaI iad tl)> teken place. If there voie en>' virtue lu intii saing- tisaI, union'- le strengli, rlthe stock f tie tovu oulti nov Ste r avrtis mous" han eeleore. Ho rus. t ed tisaI lte nsvarrangement voniti Se Sfourte hofit oet1he tovn, antiIlu lis ýemalter toc hoped. le have lihe assistance cf membshoeof lte conclilauhelpiug binai te hok.after thc tewn'ai nloreste. The Mjo of Oshaaebcd e conversa le ion avili biai (M. Billicgs) raseciri thea Ottavacund Toronto tees. At Oeui * a a deputatten troa ths coûiecil eus influenial retepajers hati besu appoint. edt temos-Oinu lice matter. 50 sas 10 lu once lise cempan>' to bring thc rosé souCia; lie cuggeste t he appeinîmen, ci et a simnihar deputetion cf lise conci andi ralepayers et Wiitb>' l etclcou a joint1>' vils Oshawa le lie malter, anf coucludet b>' wisiing tite a al a itappi i-ncw jear. Mi-. Brown agi-ced esiCivit a h to flien fro m tie eay r. Looking et thi tecomplexions cf lie Tovn Couneil lIh ýjf preseet yer, he iteliet'ed il vas an ile Eirovernieit upon toqe f ame 'eat bacc, ans] ho believed il vac tie vie cf es-si>' member le assist lu doig th best for tise love tiat couls] be don( e- Ail vere liere for liaI purpose au i-s] viti liaI object ilu elo. Nothing bSt t-v te neccssiîy tial ai-ose for a aient as ceulti bave inducet i hm tleneter th las couu ni hd l o uls]deticis ulmoat1 Ic-rs] lie aintere&Lte'et Whitby bolS Cie tove and ceunI>' couneil. yW- T s-ANa s-VrttG CeKXITtTEuS. et Mr. Brownu mos-s t iaI aà speoiai cou utitîe ho appointes] b>'ballot le soe 11 the standing camumittfe for lie jes 17 Motioci carrneds]uti rosuelteslu lte *le 88 lien uf Meuars. Brovn.. Camupbell, Kin 17 Lang aud Peveli-Moann Ring a' - Nourse, icrutincrm- 78 Ou Motion cf Mu. Camnpbell, t] Major loftItise chair for halt an boc leW!oalclia hesupecilcommillees tebs-i ici heur report. Councuiresumet-tie Major li cbar.- Mu. Brovn reportes]lishectandi am. committeea masfollovs;: far B Finaccee ands] Â.e svm~ t- Meas fe revet, CampSoll. Long, Nourse s cers Ringz. Si,-eet$-Meurte i-aong, Powell e ,iCameron. lfr'e and-s]Weter.- Messrs. Rtl ja.Fox, anti Nourne. Printig. - -Merss-. Foi.Aunes. E. Ot-mistoni.- cuti. Towon and] Market Propertg. -MI a1r sors. Powvell, Fou, Brove, Long, a Burcis. îii>. Appli a. cie te Office. -Mest 1.Ormislon, Ring, anti Camerai'. anti Licons.-Tiso Major, antiMem Naurse. Aunesand] Fox. Rsef- Mosua. EBte, Oumisi etc. aud Cameron. Board ]of HecUW.-Tis Council. On motion cf Mr. Ring, asoondt Shie Mn. ILong, cumail vint fuIe cernait n cf of lhe visais on ltse "port. Mr. Campbeill ohjeteà t o Mr. 2P -W Dai&ume as chais-m; ho fait l"t 91L.- vas hjsnelf entitled le lic positiont _hac mes-4te&nti zenllon ltahsbis ni tti a&U$a4-n 1.1 it fftise cmmîtlese upen toieî4clitt8ea. Liamtye Capuulrfasedto ssrvîUPOei T~i eosmllr8, anti sult les-a vi poas ist -oe eenitiLle-thSe joonurittOo e cI tiche nac-"n-poa whbà le b avUIt -Ou mtioncc. -- - - - Pals Theamondmnitî beic«sgpal 'va Mo ?i thne . ehasrm ena seB u vrwu 46H. B." entwlued illeV*run aooti ont cnpccsy The. <udr ws i taken b>' Mr. JhnMilieu, reeve oet Pickeuing, Manthle- VIee.barc vewrs illes] b>' Mr. esps o ks t dep - ut' ReveatiMr AtieztoS no At-th lbrigislof lhe chairmmn vasOset osa tise guest cfhe eveniug, ait on lie loft Mr. N. W. Brown, e0-1. P.Z. Amocigat tise preceut'mnweuesn. P. R. Hoover, first dapity' Ireeve, et Pick- ertng; Wm. Forrester, second de p t>' reeve; James Taylor, J. P., J cu Pisilipe, J. P., 'Wmc. Smith, deput>' reeve Eat Wiily ; J. B. Biokeil, ox- reeve of Witby * Robt. Milieri Angus MoKe>', Dr. gabbor, W. il. Higginc, John Mitchell. coUncOs-, Pikering§ A. 'B. Whsite, J. B. Hoover, Jobu ontitbert, J. A. Campbell, D. Docker, J.e. Fere- well, ceunI>' attorne>'; L. T. Barclay, deput>' clerk th ie crovu); Levi Mac- is>', M. Gieseac, John Barrjy, Ira Sher- rard, Dr. Freel, SâmL joues, Pals-tek Laîkin, John Rn»Us'l, Chas. Srney, J. Chaunce>', Coi. Button, W. H. Brovn, John Hcvdsu, D uti Be]aton, Wrn. Cochren, RobI. Và srden, Dr. Perrier, Ralph Movira>', Déaille.>'y, Wasis. Weodrnft, W. Ht.BarbefColin Philipc1 B. Veinou, W. Getov, J. Madli, Qe. Deoker, Da-id i Pliiribice. Tisorutela, Cita. Nieoclis, W.> J. Taylor, Heur>' Doolittîs, S. H. Stéophénsoci Wrn. 9Hoarý Chrlabopier Resderson, BEh cBâetaj, Des-id Barcla>', Wm. Wilson, R1obt. Covan, Ueo. Gibson, Daul. For- syth, J. . Lemoreu, Oea. Burton, -GeoDavd.on, 0. W. Ualhhevs, Chas. Hubbard, 3. C. Boll, James Tiorntcn, Noble Stephenson, rîrmsnbativeg ci jthse CusoicoL:, Pickerinsg Noes, Gae- zestte, andit Markhasm Sun, &o. &o. &o. About liait pas1 aigist o'ciock dinner wu as er*<I, ici Excellent style, viti a profusion of c&U the geodtintge cf lt sesen, ant int a manner le reflecî the bigietee credit opon mine hosî,Poucher, A andth le bosles. After full justcesSeing dons tise goot 'y tiiege provided, and] tie removai of tht ýd chothi(figurativai') lias ohairmen cberg- cd i te compan>' te 1111 theli glases and le gave lhe toast f -Thec Que c." il D rank vit l t ie bono re : re Band-*,GodSa-e is Quee." Rh Ne t fo lo e- "Tlie Prince and Princesa cf Wales andtihlei-est ef lit utWiiteae-1 Blue,"-siaeg in gooti Stylt "Tic Gos-ierorGeucraiandti ~CLien eeeet-Ges-eriter of Ontario." te The. Cexpbel'c are copie', on tIl in beqpipes, b>' Mr. D. lisaton. An en tucoré biougit forth a etirring Seol rosi, viici ise th ie effeot of bringiul sorne etftise umpsay te tb.ir test- n- vils "tlite santimll cihemihsh »tl ha tleue besia oui>' ZOom for a herl)i ar. cisouecu diîspia>'. ec- "Th ise> anti Nvy anti Canadiw 18, Volunt.uus, 0c0pWt iti thlisDame %s etCol. BnIIoný 1a;r Fcarevell, Cali Hfenderson snd Capt Taber, brongb ha thsse gentlemen te tthissufoot it suce on, sien. lng Col. Blatn ifeiset %o th. goriot record cf Brilain's ar>' cutiDavy', n he fering te tie achlevarnhite cf lise f* mer cipon cana"Ienscit suegite ng lte CanadisanVoontiers as men Wv haël neveursitit t ram dischca!gir uts. their dut>'. Ho gave smrnesari>' reo ns] isolions andi bis e un expet'êntie ae volannler-sumcrell' ueuticinlà auti eneounter vilS the "Colmue Get las" at WliiIby "ou e certain occasion eg, Anti afler condernniug Coua>' Conne! ss nov a uselessudanti enaive be and eue ba ['rom é4ilcaet M ieas't t "Soliacisotlte de put>' itfeovw shaid les- csft off," conoinded viu a varm, -eut suti gisen on the blicisarseter of Mn. Be ton. er#. Major Farewellinl replyiug. ref«T, jokingi>' te hie flgiticig superene, Mi". vievedti heiistor> cf tise Britisharct in macy i>'eldu, espcialij te vb 19e,. Wolfe heti vOn on Canadien sai; -,f defonce cf Quéeceeginit Moulgoet 1h. suusfllrepulliug ef ellemptet i b> vasions freut "1th é other ide of lie iet 4W , ' tà , DSalisbsii>'. Queeusten Heig Olwyuer's aFeai; Col. Fizbbonc déi- *fpin lueapluring cf tis. ,Americ mit firces; tetoiise 'Markiscncas-aIr>' - tsub d ati otir charge upan t Wv ýq M 11mbus Gonil a n sd Col But et ho i lodtiinsl>' tisus leout off lisebho Sb>' cf deput>' reevés, cretng match Iaul &mne ter., )DnUg te the.guest cf tise &n lutI ing. b. gaveis supoubuc oeflisenme t tespmeteflObllta -1 cf haie l grééâble tes:,'ceas , f e miueug .Yu arnel tohen of thefr regard and of 1the htgh eeteern in whidh yOI are, held b>' Il efiords nesrnuch pleasure -.fler ce men> yeers -cf officisl lifé to b. able tb tastify tôte i.atlefactor>' manuellu whioch yen bave dawhatged jour duties, Dot on>' ini your intèeurse with the. general public vibli whcm jour duties s Oerk -sud Treaturer have brought yu onto contact, but alBc st thse counci board, eiding unobtrusivelj with yottr advice aud experience, ail who baie ever sought it. To oxpatiate et auj greet length on tbe manj excellent quelities cf head and hart, wbich yen pessse, we know trom your retiring mauner, wonld bc disteeteful te yen. thej are wideiy known and fol>' apprecîated. We beg of yen te accept cf tht. watch and purse -net however merel>' on account of their intrinsic value but of conveying in eamaili degrea oxtr bigh appreclation cf jour veluable Ber- vices, sud ve truist yon me>'b be long spared te enjoy lhern, and that e kind providence me>' grant yebealth and strengtb te dill jour present office for yeere te corne. On beisaîf ethtie Commnittee, I arn Dear Sir, Very Reepectfil>', JOSEPH MONKEHOUSE. tintineset bis frientis, anti curing hem &btisIalbhhio coula, ual pro- tons] te mate a speech, bo toIt andi op- precishetiouahI ie>' iai dons fer ut, ans] coniti nol belp feeling puons]allihe s]smcnstration tlst evenîng. Mu. Joisesten feît prend aI ise Jemx- onats-ation, il siovet tises-as-m Seerte et the people of Pickteing. Tissre s-a ne epeeili iscer due 10 5uj individuel for gelting Il np ;:11 aeua spontaeons getheinlg. Il vas rallies- a pithy îat people vero sometienes se sceet ci psraise tathie living s-lieue pi-aise vas tino, pntling litn lu mies] cf thse inu- "A living Homnes - iggeii ils brocs] A liendi-stl cilles claimeti e Homai Josas]." Ne man s-as loves] more sincerely andI iearluly lI n lMr. Beeton b>' lIt people of Pickering. Mr. Joinston, fi-cm tisa vice-chair, proposes] "Oui-Miuicipal Inetitutions" tcouples] aili Cie neene of Mr. J. B. Btckel-e gentleman long connecte- aiti lte mnicipal institutions cf the -cotant>' ands] ho vas entcuses]in sc oeiiplteutaiy a manuor b>' tbe lti enliai Wars-nnCancscfL. S Mr. Biohil, atter smt preliminar3 -remaut. as te lis dut>' of discaudinf t&Il peroital anti political insinualioni -on snoaita occasion, sais] ise s-s gîs t, Se prissent te Ps>' a compliment Ix 'a Mn. Bealen. Ths rateayes o f Pieo i- bagil inhbimea orh>'neutaegoc tan allihe liect of lte coiporatian ; i sd ai tte et i satof tbe orportion ac t>visedi>'. andtI s-lttan>' tespeel i thli reave on dapul>' uoevee, Sut tuai ing, sasha dis] lie influence of an eille eieet cleet ic i sscarging lis ntunicipd Il duties. Hoe aet upon the valus secS alcuktotecorporations, antibec liaI Hector Beston vouit lis-o ion an nt lsa vion hlieaet te tua1" w's-uls]Sas-e stars in 'bisaras-n un th le vonltocorne, s-Sera s-e cllhopes]t We meethiini" 0_ Mn. Wtn. Smith expreses] lie pisiÀ a- uae bho 1e t a Seing presool. H a i a alvaji iseandthela ainsetof lco 6a ealcu mntonsti ailis revss-snce ai Srespect, an-d thougiltiat tisea sa be ha onethiîg mos-e titan estimer>' luh à t charactes- tehbave atîracesnobsucIsais te w esoss]o joua g man ujan lia os-eun >;Speting on municipa mallers, Se & e-not thinkthle dopul>' neeves s-culs] agi ho cul off thetu os-n bhe, nos- dis]1 ~'think t wlebcuu efortise intereel t i u-countyhtts-' iI b.'sieultido no. I lmt tsput>' neuves toues] lu tise cen ai ceunail s goSd, sebool. lien reived holraining thora Ici publie bie, and .1 de aictai>. Ho extollet Heotos- Beaton ,'" bosving bobinti a cheacter sud 5t »ý n emi avsieh ldltii. eli for i in Y'oiug MOusulista e M Co.BuIlcu à ees]lif hyoung i n. vhe liai poke vante t ahoreosvive1 tes e ductalln ailise pbi t pOf -, (Isc i g is r.> liu. Duos-rý"n briefi>' reepeies ra eé bi et Whty. Ha babie-ad tise ime vat 4t 0mrelen moo 00nut>' auascila v ouici, Ici, done.ïave>'ithIù at a saes] po Oid g-stltcCiminerrnunlepalittec., I" 'M..r. dc-e ia net expeot o&t , i calletiupca -hs b teck lia opî à h tinil, hos-ee, toua>' vwithiail '1 ,~ avioi as]ahreeds]>poken thti1e t L guecl pledoa nludeiug" isouen te z ' geulern teot l Ia ' il a u; igislye els ai 111! As -a ineaiber oethe Pljc vnng oour 1>' lie gava crédit tile leinhfer set e9ý I~ lbm igist'liseuevsn ibýe> mcâdo a s lay tcko.:.f&nc 1in ayieg'li- t isýt e ai 'vmunigpl'ttcsladgenoten avthI c'muet truble ni ripne e- lits ex-e e, cti -Se- à île Won- ,tet le tati.t But naid lue , -h" t- "NoUAL KEETING. The annuel meeting "a efb Couait> Agricnltural Society' of Sontb Onari was held ut the Towns bail, Wbitl>Y, Ou Wedneeday. There wois a large e- t- tendance. Chair taken by Mr. Wm. Theeeoetery, Mr. Noura., read, the, annuel report,. as followe The- Twenty-nint& ennuai Rep6orf co the OfficedT8-and fDiTectors cfj the~ uozsnty ýAgrwcsffssral Society cf' Soutfh Ontarie. ii. officiera and d.rectora beg leave to report:- 1. TÉ.e~frte paBt yeer the socetý, nùrnbered 48â membirp, paying $480- boing u increagce-of 8 pntém berehip of the prpvicus yesr. 2. Thet lie annueal' exhibition wae S leicIon tS rd a'nff4thý of 0tober, at cent eeusus iba~ ss-n lt ileppu- Lion ef tise-ProsisscAIaisesinliehe st*,é-- catie l-asis] ty nanly. 00"ot ,00c lt uuls-itistandiug lihe number ofoL ur pooples-ho, 1t'fuoxvars-tut' causes,lias-s s]uuIcig-lIs3e e-a-e>ars pntt. 1.11'lthe Provine. I s-agnýat Ie1 incar yoa ait'Session l aid, ho oe jour 1 ling as >oting eleri C& nreis c- Pr- se- Mi. -L.' aacia>, tUrSi>J. lcatm tuée eipti~bo a 'npl OVni titlegrpM bu a ean recels-es]fs-cm Mr. bcthi saine' as thie preavloii yeais Gien expîessing regret .-l tl- -'belflj 'and the-membersbip 'baê - iuOr61aueti. aile te ettendi, anai sndtbg4-bieicou. Tii. amoant of hie, acte du. b>' lie cons tribution ta i et enfnih(hes):sc a raiat'reduces] antiho Mn- A. B. White respondeti on isehalf isIsn a'rioe oli' cois f hi . 'faeithr' anati o" D li ne tà d h p à tetnoie to s, o l c r Beebon. Mn. matie dusiag tise oaing ' s - ta aise v ipe iW-off. 1ÃReferiring r~~s rég A28-, col. Bulton* antiMu. Biekel lômohion ftfhie tovnship socle - e -e e ras onds], as ia vcr cf tise. mevemoul. 'The 015 Tis eLeaisseti Professions. couphii bvnltpsOtlie aidoue goiad , litf aili the names cf Dr. Ferrier, Dr. t-é~i 1.w4>,bt-herday lhsai -ce Freel, Dr. Brovn, (hatel>' hem Eeg, 'pient fiul y u, --Mmi neir gaiconula ' lacis,) sud mesars, Farewel anti Bas-r-don. isfjôilng le c-nt3r scctv. be oc>'y. AU the, gentlemen nemetii ras- 4i tie>,ccu mee ti pany'. th *twtv lehi p socielies 'cf Wiby vite Mr-. Brova, late acf Grej's Hospital, Mn&Pickeringvonuti b. aé -greel iselp. ant London, (a yonng gentlemnuoui>' Pickering men, toc, s-ho Socame mei- ope' linos tiays out freen Englanti, acut st>'-beocf t5cm tavuasipi-ceciet>' 01inet Wa iug aili Mu. Arthur Joinelon), seugit cre to beconto members- of tic count>' gel le turu lise tables on, or ratier te social>', andthlieotint>" social>' s-aaveO lengh, againstl. Mr. Farewaell insente louer outa0 con.Ti nci fB ver >' p lesanti>' poken phrass , andxis]th t a c n t. T e u ibz f B l 11brnghtdown-tbe boue."a.offices tof esoretar>' anti Ireasunepi vs' "brogit es- lis hase."vopedetise, uliioso. ie ,enov lied Bil Mn Bria'aiematie n tes-ver>' butuss te Iraneect .ftonna ta eth e vie, agreseable reaeue luns-biais iaspoke Case. He recommande t tetgooticer ofMr tieaon tndes se vel paes asd onkers Se phace incioffice, pais]a oct- us b>'Mu.Beaonant cfisimoi cea liaient le tie les-n cf Whitby for dor- Pi "Pickering Boy," anti vas aveumi>' p-iPg le br nts eea .sa e pades. sure iscus ] linte patutus-evl ise efo Tie Manufaeuring Inleesetbrougt >glsureutHou nepressetia iats th1c M r . B ro w nv cia g a in l e ais f e te . e t i tif r et o nsH e u p s] s e d h e t hk a f i i nl @ T h e to a s t lo et h e A g r i i c lt n a h I n te r -. s f t e d r se n ac >or ln t e J e i n n a uo f i e s- n t h i esta vea eloquentl>' respondet ta befprn. io heJÂdns hono Messie. A. Molxay. John Hevtien, ELOON o-li. John Russell, Wm. Smith anti ArthuLCOINP FIE. f Jo isston, W ho v idicate c the. position* A fter cere fu th r pr aieinar - e - f titefeiner as inentr ta Dnoueofthte marks and tie payeent etfnsensiptins in leareti professions, anti avo maintain- b>' memabrs, tie eectin et officers w va o s ] t a t i sh e t i n e i s e t i c am e s e n t h e p s -o e d e d s -t ih , t h - s t e f c l o a i n g r é - f o tai-rmer s-culs] teke hsie rigilful place. suIt T ie E d u ca ti c a l l re sts . a i li A n - u s M o aR e , P r tsod en ; J . . M a- th ,vsic tse naie f M-. Lmoreu watt thes-on, vceprei]ent ;George Or- tai 1cou hot), ronit e recpense fi-cm tisat isteit, 92e vice-presideel. la B e - n t i f m ci p e t cî o n i D irector - D . L ick, O sh aw a cd Jas. Il sfuese, anti ex',ibiting îim as a leacier BîksEs Sîy .H m tas s-ho untlorstood the real vork cf hi mnti A. Wilson, Township Wiits>'y 8profession.,' andth Ce as]venîagee and James Campbell, Esq.. sud D. Oumis- - ui a v a t i g e t e p u p i l o u n d e r t îh e t o n , T e w n f W i s ib > ; R l p I t M o s b u ', t ; p e s e e l ty t e m . T i e s y s t e e s f c e r n - R o b e r t M i l e , a n s ] A r t h u r J e in t o n , f r ' pe itivo exa in tions an ti cra rm ing o i- Pickering. ai ws-acndemnei by M. Lmoreaux as Delegtes-Wmn. Smith andi John à ] v ow l l a s M r . F a e u e s - l l , v i e p r o p o s e i s ] h e l o s ti t . q e toast, andt ave ouunceti by eeu>' Auitors-T. J. Holiday anud J. L. a in p i-ent capable of offering cuin- Smith. t r, teligient opinion pon the subjel. A number f gentlemen ses- propos- t i, M r. Glee on ivig been c eleti upon os] for tue différent offices vise resignes, c v. as pursasdts] s>'a tes- os-eden amongal llaem lie outgeing préesident id respeesae te tise toast ef Tise Ceenter- ans] vice-preoident. ans] Mr. James I.1 oe c l I n te r s e . H . t o n g il t ic >' v e n d D a -id e n a n s] M . G . Y . S m l lh s a. o i n a e p s t > ' ie a l li > ' a n d ] p r o s p e s - u s c o n - d ir c a î c s . 1i - dition; liaI thereas-eue fâeeifaihures aSCELLANEOUS. compares] aili a tes- jears cge, anti The eccretar>' rbas]-c communiciation ry tisaI sning in tie courtss-was eaiuntrec fi-cm tise Agriculture ans] Ars Asacia- g per cent off. He arami>'auhogized dtin, te nferenca te cshirn- peti- a M . B ou ton, sd p o -oke a c bea t >' grec bo k.y s] haugi b>' sajing lanconclusion tisat bilti Ou motien cf Ms-. A. Joinstain, -ho a hos beea calati upon acilier in tise sunt cf 8 seondes-es]ta i. paiti Boit. ir- eveni ug, bafoue li. gel se tubl, Se migit Devenul fouis expenss as delegate., >d bave beau able te do justice le a toast Beeclulicua cf tieuke te lie ret-is-lgc ie cf ue maihimportance, ant i -boutcm-rosbs]eul and directes-s centaludes]tise ,a- braceti se lange a question.businsse cf tic meeting. to Mi- Les-i Macke>', viseaili Ms-. w. Giceson, liongil baeSes] doue his ciare LegisietureofOtuario. e- durieg tis esvoning looking atter ever>'- aI thieg anti making everyboti> coinfor- OPENING OP- THEHOUSE. t cf table, vas draggas] fois-a-s]fer "a ed speech anti ccng." Mu. Meeke>' bries] sEL£ SPEECHI. ig, te robe1 ageinat te double duly. Il ho vas ail iruagrular ans] ont ef culer, a Third session et lia "fourth sPar-lie. ,ho cepsihure tromthlie regulai programma, ment et Ontario vas openeti on Satur-, ta ans] sa on. But hoaielte malta his de>' b hSonor Lieutenant Goveruor OPeeeh4 ansi a veu>9'1gOnee il s-et, andRobtinson avit tise usuel eeremniels. 'a- Yel> applesudeci, anti ses-asu s ad- Tiers was e large cuti billiaul galier as] mireiti>'sang sang - "Tise. ailor's ing cf ladies eut gentlemen. On is tor Grave." honor teaing ieseat oal e liveradth ie. us) Mr-. John CutisSent iavieg been celles] telloving epeechi nt upon gave-"*Pttd>' eis te Bey," lu iii goti styla antias u cousi. Mr-. Speaker and Gentlemen cf thc. 'ge The bagptpas came imb pis'ayIete- Lcgislz-ive A8senibli: Dg. tous-ale turing lia evening, anti enliven- IL iu aili pleasurea ta I oneà more Ili ed the proceetiluga a gooti doal. bis] jeu veiceme teatite metrepelis ef ra Atter oee 'ciock lu tisa mernng Mr. lte Pi-ovine.,eu nds] Ibl Icegratulete he Faeweols-as talling theaster>' et "The Yeun upon liaeucoregin.g crciuiitaf- tise Plaairoen" hs-be, "es-ci-e fnd against ces undet which"'ou assemblé for lié 'ehoeis ClanMOTas-tsi," anti song, speech performanct fls epnil its il>' and ti ster vre etap pmueS leter. - cf viic, sa-tise reprosentativae cf lseý i a 0f cous-se "Tic Ladisu"avare toastas]. peophe. yen hava eauso put Mi : charge'. ho antiPô eree Thea Hast ans] hostess, anti The public revenue for -the juan is i.air lcking il altegether eue of tisa pleascel- acouettirabl>' excecie etiaatnonal csti.- asn eut es-eninge speat for n long liste wssmnt'd ; tise jear bas bëeu-nenêOf gen-~ 1 a enjoyeti. oral proseepaity'thle result cf lise lete th .abund nt'hürvutî tise -genere' teival As-YuL ci] - Tarrytoava t apecial Mar .Albany' ch 5 noca,iu a Dnytl a=4 lest avenus fs-a b>' an siroos]. S ju-es] TIR s-ore cars hlais-e. Ti cf lise Chlic, andi set cos ses-en botte ia borne] on& of lie minutes big The tacts chscago, weH avio èesired teen adslili of lien be extra engimi lb. train go' avitisselthe o f bath FÀ partes.AI stops-as ile attse rocs- Spujien Du seatatati a cach. Cen - jbrakesman 1 les-n opec"a st 7.or il Of Conduulo ly did notsi s-ytçwp spec, of Is-snly-h rnuuihm CI strnac e s e ngine s-an t car, anti tint "Empira" w M xcnder il nsm -5ev anai axe thea sasiosià , ils; oois~egchlon '~~f ~I. - -sa-s loohicug a4ei.s reo itou lhelnitiluiotei. uit>' hgauush - xplosions; aBible t jaie provisions for ntainlatfiing sud rornoting tho- Public HeaIh; a Bill )r furtiien eiapifjimg tise lava Cen- arl RélProps-t>'ati'SU vja. Cg;we'Bfil Icoraesmo ne eecsl he Las-cf Evideuca ; a- BU I o Place z a more satisfacterj jfoatinglise Law ýfLibel in certain ees .ntma a illte acililathe isetabliasr etXLl u5-s Il Saving become secess->' - n< lie i tie inleracta cf satlement ansd s- penus to place under limbe- licencea 'ýf6vnsbipS Iying le S outh et FrancisBis- as-dus]Lae Niplsing. in îe Pa-s-ycnna euan;ipmssng t is.- ttolts, bise activil> ty biste timber Iras]. alt jea affortet i av-esaSle oppor- uuit>'o e llng et'publie antation tise right te cul tié pielimier ine hase towsips, aoves-ing tisa limuitare&assaoe 1,821, square milese; anti it is gs-atifying oe kuows- iahe5.resuît vas Molst ali.- factor>', tise salaeisaving (ameig ocher .tvaubagcs) inascases]lthe as-chabla n eaus of lise Ps-os-inca b>' neail>' lis-e- uaessof a million cf dollars, becities ctlting te the revenue tise anaual reel to viicthlie puiciatars as-c liable, anti mie tees ounlise limiter s-ici lie>'me>' eut. Iu- censequence etofts-aumttanes net aritisin-lise centrbS ot aihssuGovein-, mcent, tise accoota belveen_ lia Do-- mnibe are elili unseltle a;ýn&theli moue>' oomuig tromt liaCommon School Fondi for local improvemant in tise conties lunvisics lis lande tisaI prodciei lieFundae s-a sh a s euDot jYet Senrosais-es b>' lie!-Proivince, iu vies- et tsepocgeidl>, o- meut tise payaiment, c-f the prIaipsfI -(aient $125,000> te tis,- conUes laCter- estes], ouI cf lie Consolidale] Revenue ot lia Province, in- anticipationof thtis- receipl -cf tise mn-kfoz& lia Domne- ion vIncial building. edequiat3 hoii grow. ing s-oquinsmeat t ofteý Pro'vice, anti bise accesuities cfthis publie ses-vice is cenlinust o reces-e ùmy ettention 'dur- ing bise peat jean. Mach more lime lisan lied lbasa expeataivu*as nuiet in pro riiigmos]bactions t be, matie in tise plans réà e-ct preons]>'lyl1e tion aftis spe .citiéetions. Ths .prelimi- ns:>' s-euh as mnow - eau mpae; tenders hSaeauencaleti ferý; anatihie resaut Wi vi h omxtcttro ju. Tise Publie'- Acceunts, sisealng -tise reocipte sua axpeadttre cf lthe pà sIt -yaaî, athlieostiniaas et moneje re- quireti for-lia serviceB -of 'lie2cnrs-eut jearwailiebclaid halos-s yon.'Tise -aiti- mates Ehave hen propos-edavwili.es-eny -regertifor eoony consistent villathe public untereet . - I cunol allas e- presant'oppcrta- nit>' ho pesvithoul exps-esaing ia M> es-n name, andtin that of tisa people of eti au..e...,.ath ii' ili m f dfnh lent