Whitby Chronicle, 26 Jan 1882, p. 2

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IBrown,»Bu l, iatC,-.P. IMn. lBrucgesevd5 tanfsBrou. I uirt>' tirovotee'bastb eut. Medicine. oNtLY Se aPRR ANNUM. Whby; Thursdayt Jan. 26, 1882. PopulSi DIrectneseaand Intelligence. Tise Oouservabtlvese lu tbeLogîsiatuis d eof lits Province gîve s hsif.ienrted t support tethie demanel St heh uaPro-. vines @hillsuje>' Ic rlgbtc acierthiec avard oeth. Boundary.Anbîtratore. Tlbsy igittote mev latI al tha play a 'je ta -dhacnsiug 5thequestion vith a Maunioba, oran sgulug 15before ltheE ?nivy couneul, la e rg&i1deit b>' sprao- 1 MOIalpopîs like ucro, s thse asiwsiie cithéiciv o tbibg. If the Conserva-1 hv.-tàlb.Leesl Vii tiuInstance en à tresteuat(i cf lbhe eritoiy pluck. -'*a fruatOntario b>'the.Houes cf Cern. Meus, ivitb lt.approval cf thcsOttawa1 * Çablntt ho acoepeld b>'te lsoscrs cf Ontario le su Insistanoe made lu boaat>, he>'mue jinludernding- tb ie., s onlarom, thaealtuiaU-ena-j Mr#-Sir John Mactdenat, his Cabinet,1 sd his majeril>' lu the Commous. Short f01atséaepesillylige ofllie1 L»ooi Oesrvatlves "Ii . eb>' 1y heic pespila b. b.be cl ubug. The cie- 1 osu ,sae and praticasi lhelkiug of bo meonkicobave out Onlerie cut cr lb. #eO*o4a. pil upou the eeueenee Iliat veule! drag hleethiraugh protocole sud preoouts suit pleameof poty foggmg; aud trat i e hnort ot tue iirgb and na-son of the acc uantan )COuelterahioui bers, b>' ilmsudlcg liaS hileProvince ubý1b l o ed yi > f# deapoilers: Sir Jobn Macdonald, hie cabnet asud hi. maàjaril>',nlu nquesteduatjo>'uenh ef il!thie aoli, timben. territar>' aut peo helevei apon ber b>' lt iaicgb tribunal, lie arbitustoua hseuhy sou- sont o! the Province anad lie Dominieu. 'ThielHan. Alexander Morris vwu elioel in a colexudes cf the âtarugmhlose of 8ir John Mactonali, tas lsèdur cf the Consenvative Mmere cf *0lb. tsue ci Ontasilo 1Tie alter ressaIteie mpsrtinenteuby procoesi- log te the eobole.aiheu il bef lu lie wilduam ud udoad.uo bchoie à gsetlema aou ehballer qualifleil fci the peatian, M. W. R. Merdith; The --snob peltlis upon "thebleftalu," dia sottoruis&a sufflon ef mondera- là ute bis pietenaoni, for h. yenS ou Imusolately aflerde te carry out ils persal polley cf tiuckliug le lise jeuloustés msuddealgus of Quehooc; sud, ln a <lai th of bupou, caucelloilthie uvurd i " ibgh tribunal, She Beau. dury.Oaaemlilasnoiftrs ed atAvani Cave *moeutons of soit, etci mier, et lba*tioi, sud oe t abhritorial noihes, te Ibis Prvince I If th* epésnttivesiprinolpia voue sel. s beilevpràtence.1lu thseuof B% * Je, .daUald's eolesgaetramti. Prevlaaoc vue enupposai âthie escri- du asdaof.Oetaao n the sacs cf the Bomiur s"Asuil, could haie boen > erubse! la th. Cabinet? If lic rapîs- outatie pinalpl. vers Det s mous mo*As7 la lihecase oft ho *zpoiaui ofacé, Whoiadangis at lie hisisetfBiu 366 u d"iados umimbena t iParila 'eséafroui "isProvince, vie supposes Sislbosu0» Ms mu old bave du.- 04 0tt, U fotacStleuplot vbieh bs u ulakon 1 desoiol Ibis Province b>' meseof a Major. itr in he h. Hnoufcf o"nsu Tie bemyal oathelieugisasd Intersita of Ombiuo la leueefthleu reversai aI i. ,,ward oethtéi.Boundar>' Arbitra. mtse" ovmihlra cf ibe fndamenltal pihielpisof oui polihleal ,yshoni. test of!Iml ansd Provincial représesntation, hlisI Il ma>vWebi léuanie ewhole gtsr>',gtea eIsrna ti aricaiet-oui cabnee, msklug vlit a vav te thoex-. sliul as buuo ofrli th"leses.mau. poser."1 Ti.peusnaim of Ooevatlem lu *e Sir Xoba MicodliJfou ~ts!qpoUItialI>'befons te. li. ouvinss. Tii. sab usfouseod 0put'op=. hi. tb.he â îbl> 54biter §0osi 4o lot ilu Sucs lu lis, Canishlws etOn. 1 villa6aavlng lisi Provinc b, fihu * si rplé sud abamoi suma eup~n e>oai mrit il fr Li ci fau vo wi Se th il Manitobsa Spolm sOut. Tice Winnipeg Preou Prusemya c "Il nia>' ceseil b. undersloodfit asluth tiat, if thie Parliamout of Canada vill nal upheld thée ugbl t e uProvince, lies.@rigté i vlbe mnainel al.an>' oil b>' our peeple. A mouapol> yl uthe b. uritel o, sud aveu>' athemfpt eftIhe Mouapti>' Gavernmeut te enfonce its impuoper parposse vii a oouan- ace ta> lensangelle suad ieermnedi rosisumo f She pe.epleocf Manitoba. We cre voieicg lice faelieg cf lbe Prov- ince sien se spali uinti. vc* * The Legllaure vil po u owther Ait grautlug a charter te lie Wiunipeg snd Beute-Basteru Compan>'. Whstthoie? WiII dialiowauim e repettad t And if dialiewsuc a sholi &gain insus, weul il nolishie dut>'ofethie Wismi- peg anil -oti-Eceter Conipan>', abaulered b>' lie Manitoba Legialre, te buîllcthelu lins ail an>'rate ? M*aul laisà eaunoelonger sebmiîte nuetjuit dietation about ber locali affaire ,rtra people wvisaire 150 Iheasanilcmla And lise Glbeoispeaking tics undapb- ted soîltiments eft hie <rosIbuSef thie' a eoplf Oclafi-and ehfs&Uslso pl#b vlel.ugits betere parI>' serïljt liaI ha "peoplie ohboiemd ancilai, ~avsf ia u>'spte ltl lie gou thtee nle Puairie Puovinp, are tjoralfth et Whvioue, of ouuo &ge. rLands, h voulit appear, bail eÃ"me k q iý uuoetandlng noSte ovoite» b ie ut tb ati LIhsix foroe. on Mr Bitti, ,bey manageal the mutter wltli aýý Ïv74 ïsi'aputttok Mr. Gouhde uime, 4 orwara aa, au ostensible oseaddato, sua, olea'ente b.impression lthât the.auj. botrsc onid sna Bruce voulil sput. ni Usibore are l in îacuil onty - fteq ri eau concadeil that the. attur bcd theé, vardenship lu their baude, and tbat IL j Ras Ouly a question s ote iMan el tuonget thomelves upon whcm the.(j et.t would bie cencentroktedi Butuhere grei toc iuany spirauti afufgst hem. slves, mil Mr. Goeulil" maie thnr the majority campletsly off their gusrd. l1d Geuld s vote net goee olid ; hadll thorao a ssiigiavote out of il omet for hlm ;-the remuit would have beau t différent, and interminable baUoting wouit have followeil, posaibiy deetroy. 1 ing liruce's chances altogether, or thé E chances cf sny other candidats att hoe Roeform side. The clection waesce clieriy ongineeoiêd that "the chber t aite" couit ouly look ah oe sanotiierluin amausmeut viien the rmoult vaesu.n The aller prooeodlug labout the blai* I ballet busincess waus impiy the. euteàù of a feeling cf dieaapointmeiit. Geauià mnu coulaDont Rot over lhe muilden sur- ~Ers, or fortbs moment undeastafd owtë âibeau s e edfiY ohilgbbS. eraisil. The reeve cf Boott-eSlie'o bai! dit. mita -le un doubt mWaikeu about the. blank ballet. Dr. 3,m48, explanatieti la the reasonabis ont, sud oe e bat, un- dir OthercloSeSC. would mest witb a ready. peceptaflOs. Ailthe rus and forme lave bae cowlpie iot lb seid Mr. lYuce le the dnly andl legally elacteil àud declared varden. Vere there s queiot S Ias c lebie right te th:s .eat, the lime for raising it wue on îbe. ecrutincrs' report, and net aller ha hua base allowed to e i coru untc of- fice and the buoineaofet he o unli Pro- ooadcd with. Thutlihe ia weIl qualiflat to digaeharge the uuties, r.nd will mnate a good wartion, no one defficg. Net a ennber lias a word to urge againel him. On the contrary, bis fitnepm, bis abilitire, and ielmt knriy bearing are tapoken Off With the Ihighaclt roîpett by evüry meuiber of the vcucil Iboard. And wa aro qnite persîîaded that dur- ing lita year of office ho, wil.l ha found well decervinu the confidence placedin l him, sud will worthily MI1 the pocition te which lie lhac been fairly eiactot. A Caec Calling for Ceunty Aid. The cese of the sufferers by the dis- srone lires in Mars mnd Rama hiet oummer le one Ihat must appesi te lthe coneideratien cf every mnomber of tb. couely ceuncil. Thensute of dollars worh o f property voie dstroyed dur- in gthe anioce ciz veeks that the lu. habitante cf tbece towshmips vers fightlug the ims. Borne of lhein let their aIl, stock, grin, houssa, bains, fonces, "a o euything boita seapt away. racdering them heinelea sma penilese, sud msuy moeswere enifarera te a greater or louer extmni. Tihs township ceucils bava doue ail thhy coula te reliais the diet.rea ',tbey have ramitteil Ub.taxee--4iu<,ite ecf Rama te aome tbirty cf the impovsrich- ed rateaaeraneib ave othervise grailted sid te the axtaut cf Ihaîr power. But tha magnitude cf th. dietresa ije heyend thor sbulity La previda for, and tins thce appai, whioli, wa uncleretalit, viiilha made hythe rosie cf Riama sud the reeve sud depnty riais aofIMars le tics ouety conneil or assistance. The Zlukoka poopia, wbo havi e " Pub. lilly chdel, are Dot eue yutl ea off than the. poOu faèrare of the coîtheru townshipa. Charity, <t is Wai, begins at home., Adtiea, o1ertataly, the Couety Conneil of Ontario baçe a caca ai theirdteadescrviug imenedlshe sud subsatiai relief. The feints, wa ara informat..will bie appliedt the pissonS eda of thece vhe are ie actutl vaut cf the. usecearias cf lji., aud te tha purchase cf aaed, &ô., for Lhote Who. uniae a siet, v iii b. unable ta put lu c crep. OSier counties bave granlesi- aid lu aimilar clrcumatauce% Msd ti.County Of Outtrle vs are confident, viii. net bu behinal baud lu a oeas Shah appeaua no forelbly te thher chriatian Dpbuiautbro. new osivéus .the ' kmdvlmMî lame."' of mE < sEftuSlei <lii', dlastisi*l bite unulual âùage or Po, u1abr eeut tors, oe imoi'of tEemeaives avaletul thé auer the deaire to e their oonibu- loue. .Of Uie oo Roi»Apbidthli- racuî, Item W. Jaao60feô*-.,the. late %e rik. BStoakteu, "i- IL," B. So tedinan, a., O. Iluué>ýr, aeh et whem batbhisepoli audiene. r Ncia!LÂeF~ORa gfltRY OPabe 11th c alof et i.advsuturaes ofa f aiau prince, lsirtsd vfwth a beau. LIfi frentispiete lmy P. , Lungren. Ohhor short elotilas are: "The Man an the Meen," à tale full cf humor, b>' Sophie Bweah, with picturea by George D. Brsie,-"Tbe Round Stene," a Bngariau Folia-ster>, contrlialed by bhe nou. jeremlsh curtian strik- egly illuetratei b y Alfred Brenulii- 'Ooriivalls'î Buokloi" 'au Incident of ievoluîionary tilbes, lu *beh fighire a anlgirl, s loo, md th. luglici * '%aderln.shaf t 1hSillt)trallone b.. lu bý G. W. udwoxa,-au.l "Lady âutu oV*aiottIns'," s tale itIli ut inter- .lth sal6nipictire v ib T eu HÀili'BMAGAàoZIN fer February le à vér>' iroug Numbor bohin uthe.iter. ary sud the. ardioemes. Bsglung- ui an *xoollaut portrait of Victor <luge, vbicb servieses a froutispieeo, us hava usit au .xediugly luteriet. lug description cf Philadelphie, by G. P. Ls'meaor', ioautlfully llluatratea-.The. anhhor'aclever dellnestion of the sciul fissurascf the. ait>'-,ssi e 's idlinl. atilutions s e .attnday Club sud thé AaeembIyý are 'c'ey entertmumug : sud net laemsecare his personal sketchos cf emeesul Pbiclpblase, sudbis se. eunI of the at alitie sportsansd pas. limas cf ibis eut Quaker tewu. A GAvi SE>soN AT OirAwt.-The prospecte of à gay vicIer at the capital are spoken cf through tha prise. Lady Balfour doiemg the honore in the absouc. of Her Royal Highus e haPrincesa Louise. haverai Amerioansud itCcc. atian faunîilesare expected ltgtake op ticeir regidenoe ah OUtava lu crier to participate in the fechlvltiee cf the. ses- CRYSTÂL WVi£DDm.-Mr. H. B. Tay- Io;~, Manager Dominion l3ank. cf tli towu. aud hie geet lady ebebrata their crystal vîdding nou eday ovin. ing. Thare vas qute a large galber- icg cf fInonds, sudthe prseuts viii numarena aud soeaof S saà biautifui aud.Àmally. The. gueshe vies utertain- sa lft whsvsh cf bespltality and 6al bld 5 tery onjoyabla esisiug. Lv.nRy AccesMusicAL ENmvi- MICKT.-Tbe membera efthle Whitby Letge, A. O. U. W., bol hher ftrst et- tertainment ou Wecinesda>, FEsruar>' lot. Fou lie -ocecasiesu e>' have au- isuged withiMm .lgder Owen Flilet,a la yf o!ugh sîtuensuents sud acht e 1- * enan> power, te givea sprogigmine of readiugcsud recitatieus lu the Lodge room cof thc1 Odhifelowse'hall.Tlu avrIl be -one cf ihe gr"tut tresaof ltse BSSO o l WhileyPeople. 8t4TsU BÂîueLON- APPexNUENTsc.- M. J. J. O'Doeoîsu bas bien gazotsd Second Lieusenant ot Brookhie Ce., No. 6. Tic. aged se et bfMr. J. l. U fli. usera of -Wblliy tovuahip, lied ou Balurta>' 1ai, AtIthe. svsuced age et 86 ycrc. We ver>' mach regret te bava ho diroL.icle lice tcSth of Miese Fan>' Eliza Greos;dauglitr couz tovunan, Mr. G. C, Grec., vilci sud event teeS place on lie nsoratug o et l insmt. Anoît- tpaper cf unansl ilerai>' minI i.a Mr. W. H. Bieaer'e"Gem- maerciai, Social, sud Politic esi Maie," aise illustritel. Il ooculai mousoeor, noiel sud vaInu*be ictenmastlinasta M[exiesu inactu>, tagesuoli, IteiirN, and amt. Tust man vie bubai hpuapoi«. cshlng i sathh elinsta, vi ll k"hnd cf tiopleal fruits gravlug, l intèe n«o- theru ragions, onel ta haie -bea arunelfoteio pal liii. isste sa boy thislg am preghieng iu liii ina iurrabouts. Th.elesale wétuil of TSo sofor the put Furea s uktt t 1884,00. Iu pilue, te a Imm oo T totlt tradfthe !lifi i'spsoed ah lSLflT.- 000. 'A foUinaçne f t4 liTo- Coutry i>' Mloe applied viii eshool bocks and iteonesu>' close vialsoale rates ,S ssmnWrsWliy CAIReaIM. '04'*oo Vlcies skating rcuuk 1o4wàL ,L 86M Sa gan ostume.ta hce Md. ewï Hors papers re 'e dveehUg a lt lf a rb>' is lie seasn yet, sd yeh' tiersa îesvai apiants for- hie toiîie el"ifr k liW e t > f oroaltbofor 1888. It if voalta haon timeeinu-tus apro- gressive cge., Baunti5 a tmm a »rece7. >' oeils eau Leauae1Bus 'S Robert Row. 's Buz -James Gnsisu I% Oea'06.F. Buce, (J@isule omplo . WhËitby-3. l. Bolti, f oit IDylil. sou. Town. cf Whitby-N. W. Biovn, J. E. Long. Ohawc--J. S. Ltîke, J. O. Bmitb, Chaes.e oues. üAuuingtoný-W0sleY Braudon. Umbridg-ilsaaJ.. Goule. Port Pcrry-Biucad Joues, ÏTb; 0lerk havingrsthe l ý Bila ha venu silow tli kinitebto 0risalva notulnatlçUt., .- -- >2falo. 1.e ,mk,în*èeüù m. . QWiý . L15n LH,..Lon. B. Id, Ealu Bi.Cnuaiam, W. fSmtua L0J. Oc lOOLsouBum, B. PauSer. 'Lonnlu ' i Ca. et =- , IL Bretar- John Miiur, Jaso ains. PE. Roover. Tiheunmutes havlug emihi, b. cierk aksd the. mmmbeus a te pre theu halota, sud spplnW edreu. Joues sud IMonkbouae acrutîera. The ballot reuted- kd ji,; Brown, 4, Bo*llud 4 # fà. a, m111, ltçluhnIngbu-o1 tSlâMier 4. Mu. Bine,*vas deolafred àotd var. don, hsvlug recolveil a majorit>' of &Il lis voles cut, snd vaï cndu@led te the varden«à cbgrýbis ie mor and seconder, Ut i'aà sud hohp- son. No ballb1t *i, esut for Mr. Goulil, vhb habd tbhe ffeat cf conceuhualiag ths votas cr biiafriands ou Mr. Bino@.. Tii. oatietof Mce having beau ail. mieitereil by James MaPiierion, S.q., 1J. -P., Usais cf Rama. 7 Mr. Bruoe thaukd hatleecuueilifer t ha Position lu vibci lb.>' hailplaeed i hm. Hs couaidereil It a groot houer, ual ouly aoceste himisif, but le the imunicipalit>' ho repreooueil , sud io kusv, frein tbhib ldusiettended te -hlm for the put exz yêcrs vii.ou lhe fleo fthe. concfl, thstatuhiicg lu vbici ho vaslackiug voulil i. made np b>' heu assistance. On motion cf lMu. J.- U. Smih, se- oniet b>' Mu. Davidecu, saset coin- milIeu of saiean saj aliotel ton to sniSe thie stsuiing oinmlttoi. bMenu. sac ouean sd Lsuka eesappeluleel senahlneere. Thé ballot uceulllil favor of Mesure. Millen, Ounnlnlieun Chisitie, Isse Goulil, MoRse, Lauks sud Mopeiero. on motion, tie #au"nulefi lia thain fou ialt-thctr, lbt oSer le giva lb. seleelct rneitte. an oppeuhulait>' ho bulug lu Iheir nepout. Ceuneil uslniltie vanta lailtb chair. Ta SÂe±6l! FOsRvissa QuKtmoNSO. standing ceiltteeeMn. B relieur teeS th. floci slshing t151 ho arcs. toas question et prîibsge. Heoibd Suor. Woodelthah au tho elacliclà eofaitudo 84 ballots bad -bien oail. One cf lis ballet ts saI akuovu te bu a blanli ballot, sud lieus beiug 88 niaiSaI bel- lots beidsoma srnmninier muet bave 'pal lu Iso baO ts. o oonsudehh& aeeerding ta rnis, lia saries m« eb eiacted b>' a majenit>'ofethlievases a! the- membuu. preseul; liaI eeuhd nol h. lhe casa, tor il vas cetain1r eblibe- ing that ono eihe beïLd Si lus bank balleS, t6s aI ac»e.ns uuelbave putil nuextra balleS. Uceelr hhse elurc snisceho1e lalosItisI ctase -eo tien cf Mu. Bruce vis îual vil 1 . Mu. Greaam roêse ta a 4c4'140 cf oider. Thare sasu tig bétoie thé chair. Mu. Sithi(B.W.) sï hit vu Ilp--à MosS unvanislteuiighâ8 t»a iu tb liensrasuhôtting li tissuh , afsthe lieelplm&" ut iIba lbum SSu (of *&aM-od u B.W.)spe ut Oft' ' psbu mu . Gabsa*$ee.Temlo Theumotion baig beaun put tsouathe liair.- U Smultie(B.W.) veut on te speab Mu. Gusee »a" h hm qau"te one' alie va. sol speahId&% telish sase ca0 c blluots M4 ose mut isie vteo Mur. Larke. 11 point. Tise'0 sboe sîldoeuli x1.Aiaa traaol-s. oui . DIO aintté onamitts, but 1tink h xp4amstions "aesdjy <lieu ludýbe baït tim ie aof, Sééta is! W d Voidltinsësatement steIbib o so hoied no% itee éstttntptl 1>' but vasinudeuil,> The. motion vas déclaraitoaWule. Mr. Grahami- Mat ha vouhd ou te- usoriov mcvi for leave te liroiluco a by.lsw te appoie instubeil pf 1the Boardl cf Audit of suiminal justie Mu. Sniiîi <M.W.)-ft lt *oheld on Thurei' otp e »P4epiônf fa petit" nttathbtMi Legeslstun te toutlne lia autlte4m Aucwstùnd Aits AioiallY,ý m D» ttl e 4 h o l toll e a by s U p .. 00cent>' autais' Fp-r.e2%L. î-,à1th-Tbî,ho vauid on to.mornav maya for leave te intradnim 0i tevuhapof Wiiby Mu. inlh - -ht ha oniet on tc.moriov mev. for 1me-iteroi due a by.iav ta appemb c eatelaoc01 lbe ourt lboau Mfr. M ibw iis'tll b hesOutof slsb ibtstîSt epo nsitedraftS lhe 1t,%gontzles vici ys ailo p d s feowuo.-- ca, n-Mosr. Mi, Cuning. ham. Szute'(Su«tt. Lenke, Grahami, iagua041d Msud Obatlç. Bduàiieùa.Mal. Smith, (B.W.), Helovor, Dr. Smith (Whitby), Joa (Oshava). Brown aud Bunst. Rosisud Bridgea-Messi. Roy- landl, MaRs., Moiheffli, bMoPhoron Debeon, Parker sud Devîimon. Couni>' I'opesly - Maure.Long# Forslur, Biuthoui, 3hav, Bmnît (Oshawa), sud-'Dr.Jouas& Prlitlng - Masue. ohé&. Geat, Mothossil, Thompeon, Brandon, lbà sud St. eohn. On motion cf Pti. JéaUae, secondeil b>' Mr. Isse Goulil,cocuncil adjouruet. SECOND DAY. WoduseÂ>, Jan'>'. 251i. o'cloek sand cilil hie ooe&oil te cier. Minutesai estseuils>'resilandl approi- d. coNsIctluioATCd o. . The falcviug commuiation@ sera rese;- Presqutation cf Gial Jurystthle Ri"- Exhua l tro of r ouh a es eî.on rosIesu" b= -dgeiMtsy B&M"eas. te a mmeta'iss aWil*rOxohnan aauu«,m- eieyb f ae5 its ODPiaupettlnstom rd B asiesua Coliagicte Inellîtlos. . rmo eun0oiqS Laete pa py, soinn'udpetl o n a, t ai e Prom eoauy eleuk, Bilé ite cep>' reiolutioni cradarisaljueufle ecnts, seile4n of jurs. sud grant ta Provin- ela Bilbiiesi. Prcm onousty hrewmurs, 2uon, -e aglactien etanue.m Froua Lt. Coi Ohleî, asldng grant ef 510 teo uharieRille Asscation. Pýrom Bpestt à Killn, Linds>',cru puddlera' licoe rffm W41Meh5m»., c-o-.alsse hy o»inluRama. ApVLcàAuxo voitcl criEor cohi Àpplfsllosforer lf o~ f court. bouse eahkeu vèe r coivod treen Y. Làinten Jms aan, mf Ti Jonthan oleuln, J. A. Haut, fiee sud Aices fLgdesFianoîe Beatle Abraihamn Wast, John Bolet, Auedrea Audacu. baul' Selden, Jaunes Jeti Jouepi Ponc, David Mlhewscn Donald Ossupholi. Ai 1 «49fr.ý Blow,aMut e ltin eliawgeunil sait sa andtsud liIf aie Sieceih ,bave lo give up béfous eul s ionAndr%, uh1. EBlcv, Md soaneMai mimos urai Puesuad b>'Mu. 0 mmg~.acpnl Mu. Heovsr gais ngof à by-iau toeOO"rma&sutelub>'IaW of-hbeCor' porstlaofPIebolsg. M s'. GraisSe cises ve talute du. bylabh ut 'o oC liii bill-vas Itas sU W& buu bat previens retroactive lsgib"D ou lid been alloeeilb>' SIrJohn'Mieioubd Ci vbsu the. tva goverimauts vers friaend, o 1>'. The Dominiong ovorument vasu e laflueïed lheiemSer piltiesiju AaulaêitO<i, i. isoelmors le- mi Portan eoù iesuttlbMhll !e bcatakaîs *yudiSA i eproiuno valu- on, aile ase Ilvas. -Tiieopposition had trc changsd tliu position as thes av&ud tu tisiasStwo yéauc.,Ts hyba.f @ïl thi.eou.Io *EYu5AP liai50 eàoai bi > 'doiug'se. If-thi. Dominion tlu aîultes bail vishatl te deal fafll>'b>'W' Ontario lb>' en u have given them thé. teiter>'oe whuie tbi> ey spo»t bi se0 muai moue>', The. opposiiollen ft&00 ing thé. bottuisi> sud Meoqasln agaluatt li,,takcS seti I th sir.ià Joh ais oidonale, 5,4w*rè< #dee al fuon Outariolo t ~ hieh e.tisdatlfaaouly~foi thes province.fIc Mr. Oigiten (Soih "I)>', mail pi liaI Ifthie vsiç-pov.i v:as .tezdsd te Za bs sipplled, eiy, ta ilge 3m~eoiic a tal avuth'srs'W dt o, usuilféer t sud bcdrail @Sa appeSIe te sud haît N la deîd.sids esaiPuov0eactaeiE Ti boaudan>ravennet havlug basa rn coufiumed wvusse tuci vaste papur. th 1h. govermmet bail nel don s aything g te goitis tie qaeiln. Xitougtl te bc b sealeil b>' liesprivy ceunii1 ho gev. E erument vers ilollig Wihh thii quoi. sý tion lu aidai to mac lie lîai capital e lu the Dominion eloctiolis. Mr. Rose5 (Wet Huron), ai f tha fluai declalon l i theercer esebeat b oas, vqesinu aver cf îtes Dominion,N îip va>' iu whiali tamou?' bcd bae Il expeudeil voulel ho reoeguiesd as ana%. b ceptieumble sud voWid Se coufirmeil.J Tioes as a lime vban part>'feselnge aboul b. laid acide sud aIl stand np C for tie iglhi cof ths province. But thie 1e0Ppeetien bailgiven SBr John Msetou. 1 aM 1: underat a I lb.>' th ould enp. i peorthi in l a qustioin iheisuthe Dominion sund the. province. The con. 1 duc f hi. Dominion lu regLtard te c boundar>' aait as ovwardi>'ansun- 1 feur sud hostile. Tiare vae nothing iu lie eharacler of the swaud wvila ebotihl acdeuâtenIL1*. ohb5igctuel bd sai&! againit lie atbiti-slow .Ontario )dit net gsi *ist ee blélied. Thei .ciaima mdie by c Cemaagainit hie1 Huadson Bs>' ocrnjiLy vert far groat.i aor. Ou aUliualim ee w ab flueS due1 àte lies province imalnasIll lihe Domin.1 ion. le Ocn1'ulday, allr routine, Mi. Mors àdithh sid liai s sevoual membeis ils- slned le speak, aud as itwva-thie viii 1of!h uts o atejour asaIsix o'cloek,1 4and as oorns cisdmînt8 bcd ho bco .moeei, ho bopsil lis Govsrnmsutj wouildntSabjet to snobl a coures. 0 Mr. Movat <aid he vas nes opposad ta saob s courses. d Mr. MoLaaughuiu ussamet hie debsle on th. Alhrui, and reaapituiated mail> c f thi.meat saMiens argumenta lu laver1 of Ibm posItion cf the Oovermsenh ln 'a anneohijis 'cili lie BcDundai Avad. Mr. Robeillacufolldovoilonhei.other Iti Idiisu efenldee he aation oet he Âclministiallon lu is te ipütl *1i hle -Dominion Goerniont as ta lthe Bonnu- -dan7yAvsnd. ItIi lvolved àigrest lisu tse for asthi. value efthle tiolber vas Lcoueeile. Ai ta lihe Rivera sud 3e BuaamâBillho. isel tle toubltstat , Altvas lu effeet lîgaI, bul tb. common-ý 140« aimew ofevet le ci*as onsetoflin. ,#portance. Il vas MI* ta suppose liai L th. e rs qnoiion ed iemuneratieu of a toiâ la n orne linally luta lit qes. a lion. No toilaae e tiùuluhe. se Improvmeute vers otâideiu b>' à toile 3fr. Millèu saldinlutUse uakekadis. C d 'biefib *rotaCtim o th le et t c q.ý màdU.b>'prl#îte eil.uiji. L bMie V ko"mEVer ael l ysien ucOblbproviS ment Mi. Moena aend Use river ti a st e &tr, Mi à icimad.ýtie 1 ateressei. Tbous vas isa s qui&. W' tion-vil ail- noS Arise sud e!th"h: vaswu hesfaut tIbathe l ie lis Imbes'o the country migitbe- 4ét!yid by,,Rms 'S Mi lies lë mprovemoùbr of aprivas@ 1. lit idual.esiglhit hdoW dwortIeIip. Do. XaiiU'suo.. ndeuftnd R. W . wet nu6~1 ndeww~ tduil su d pamaiappoluting Aa.fi ffilhon aussnr feu-lie p rasent >'au. On motion cf Mn. Holaday, secondeii à lr Mr. Wlucox, neeodthst ltao w- 1 miappited for hi spreis, yesu ho a àgI erby requestldta ài para~e' 1 ittili = d teéta4ra1te I S t.6 it m e~g cf tlii consel sk sulao in- odes sbr r is flz>y.itesla' 5es. ciug ere No. 4, 18 ; W.G»ov e 1, ;ju. Bune, No. 8, 7 ; Gaoee. Bebeute, Ne. 8, #12 ; R. T. Harrison. aegietrar birlbe, etc., U14.20', D.Ptohetl, cudaing fans ah hall, 1.80; -,A.Due hav!, ii.0;Chas. Lynde, ýweik ou 48det; Wnz. arle, coder 6; Odoe i'raute, von okeh , 5b 101h . Major, rosi! piaule, 822.06; Jas. Xempi weuk en -ccÀ d *; Wn. ffiaÊ, iaý at kêdd, 1l; Nkos BâSuuhà,do) IF ou motion of I. Davideôn, secondeii s' H. Willcoï, - ieà*d Ihal ,Massre. PTlileo* sud Matheveomi hé anilare ieui>' m pýýilted.d tee têê10repent Iocti cotincil at ils naît meeting ce te J. O'Day's daim. On motion ef J. R. Mathiewsen, soc- onded b>' J. Daviteon, resoiveil that Messrs. Wllcoi, HoUiday and Davidien be and sue henehy uppoiuteil a commit- tee on reliof te indigente.. On motion o!f 3. Davidien, secondoe b>' D. Hilfiday, reiciveil tiat H. WiII. cox sud J. R. Mathhevon hosud are icraby appeintee a cmritie te ne. caive tendoe for printing fou Ibis cor- ponction, sud t eoet ah neit meeting e t - h " e c n d i l . - _ ' e o d moied by,j;. B, athe*scil, eod ai > .Willio, Ihat tie cleuk h. sud le herehy ueqairedt natIf>'ail jah masle ho hava not made tir us. turne le mae he camaon or hefora the 801h deofo! oi'neit. Ceruied. Mcvii e>' yD. Holiday econdail hy J, David.ion, test is clclr'sâBe Rll be accepai ed1iieis neleidn liI iereved =nat, li auderôauthe treasarer for theaonnt of bis celer>, $90, and ttthe lollowlagiumebe and are beris>' aloweelhum se uncollected:* Dog, $11; X. jaqus, parsnsl piopert>' (usmovad), #79 iB. MacOisunan, no g coda te deuihua, $2.81 ; rehste ou Wiakst's uns,112-64; aurore luncl- lacton'.roll. el; ueigent'isue,#8.18; Coiuci 94#="nud itau fd'M-Monilay lu Vebrt< 'l o uue t tc Mar c Cncih-- Tiva bel Ma, Jan.-Iqy '82, Conei sttt.dt',aler haklagth uecessoûydEýElaahonse f da»ien Thé Beeverai cemmunicahicu fresu Co.,Tneaurenr, recaÏle et lead lot bA.ek taxeesi na frcem btituice O'Comneij.p.,. nM ecuvictien sud fiue agingi. FÉ"" Doy'le foirbis dcg haviusg Wonuld a aheap belesiging te B. DufiL Petilion, la i t tabecfWin. Tii Sildàtiesis tohsve..O.OaVWi-L. ou"",Mn.ila,.E. sau==taos. M1r Thompuen, saédd ilbY Mn. O- Lesq>, moute test MichaelMoGrthibu spostdaffaucu for thea-pieient yau., The folbolng oques vans -guenta W e e:-e.Barbier, Jos.iFot 7filïamehpdsre dbYdog, 1.66 reint@ MIlieu 4,e1iauIgdaaus reitei, Sud -Depuhy Reove, 489.10 J Miftchell,, Cauncilai. *80»-0 Heor Bete, l 1Ssu!Tis.,udfuIa vsflin '.sud oche ,repas.5.0Th. Siaiin, aitaker etfisil,, 25.50. On motion et Mr#. flerthe repent a e 'ieiisud" mdo ple, sud he Rouve erdoraite gaîhhii ord:e» ne the Traseutrinu aver oethe parties recoin meuileeltiorein. Ou mgoeof Mur. 'crrsllie h on- ail adjo-irisil ânes iie, - âouday a&ntdsr>'1y Tics Coancil eluot of lie Townuship of Picksring mel parsuant ho ehahilte. Fesant, Johnu Milanr, Ruais, Pý R. Hoover, lot Dopai>' Rosie, Jeu. Menk- houés, 2cd Depat>' Basîs, Win. For- resear, 8ud DopaIUsyBevaisnsd John Mitchell, ConoUellb. Haiing takan ths reuaiail deelsuaticu et quelifcâtion sud cf office, the msznbeis teok tbsfr sahs ab the couneil board, an&he Beeve esieil tee meetineg te, eider. minutes cf lasI meeting rese sud ap- Mn.Hpovar esoyeil hist Masue. Mihel,'Praeseri ikttoeesud tie moyeu ho thée-t8n'cb.-CS mtu onscocu nhesd nMitoni-uadhiatlihe Reeve, Meure. Ifonkioese, asud For. rester tb.tlb. tblsng C-iomenîtls on "Isel e sep b>' dgci t tii. yr toi an heur. Tbs Ceuncil rasamedt, lie Reuin the chair. Mn. Hoover uaponted tram. tie com-' mnilleounecofinta sud palitieni ueocrn Smending. let. Thotate .gusi teli thel-oi -ovlg ailetetroms let Jan>'.,te 81L 1M a >' ; s i s i T e m p le .'s ud - I éa h o ll ýGrahami, '75'catse émoiper vwei, P.,-. SHoeîeîf coin.; WuidosYoéung. 01.50- peu weel, J. su~d D. Macnab. cern. ; 1-Wiov MORes,.50 par ek, Cia.- S B r c , co i'.; M artin L ai , #81 O00 par - 'vweeko .4 Wright, coni.;',Sîsik sni>'. 78 ele. pu é eiW.- Wôodinf, coi.; -Heur>' Brovn, 1.01par vooS. George Farin. ai r. ; Mue.,Beaumoul, 75c., par yseS'iB.'BuÂingi com.;A iiu $1.00. par veekThos. Mon kicuse, 5 1.00 pr eu wsi h T Sce ailler, ceec-", 1Mue. ]L*pp, 501 cntspr eu ek, J-ams Tsloï. eorn; Fla raleyi $.00: vsa*ek, 1!. Gla 9 ta, moi.; . Test>',7Ue, par vsskk M. lees-n, cern.,; Allen tai $' 1.50 pr e'vebi.Geao. Parkter, 'd 5 .Wdsman, 5100 -pinr-week, Ti n. !oSouse. eo>m. ; Jas. Raiman- ,; ! centspoieek, Jue. Mitie, emm4, 7P. Lyce, 7b cents pan- veéhvT. Tripp- À billisas beau b-tcdùcd -, ihe Onîte laléaeHou"e cf Bepïsealahvi0 parnl t o snaàgm f migboII ver, thalu raWi, vhisletu manlsâ ilhoh-gun !vhaut pa>'nga -meto ut>. -qàwi g Te Newvork Benate bas passaI a carieiiet iséclationàs asleiig îheàîmneal Goôvanümunt te, assiuma the.New vYerk BIaIs canils Sutdrna±ain hom-fae et tld 'The iresolatlcna bayé bee u- Sntfeil-fou tie concurrs.ent le He nai Farinera'j Clubsi? aU oýertiglate sM ohfermai ~ i h- uorltora ou le cher bSud -al h Wisiglnil lords are upporting the Tory candidate. A sqare iatle n lhe landl question le expectal. LIBEKL bMrmes' LaT WEE.- L beral --isslinge have isonea heul u BuhBuEsso, Norh Mddleelz, sd Carilol. The Buthi Eaux nu' Northi Middlesermueetings,,vera ailhuebsei rspetiey b>' Ho. D. Mille and . W. Rose, M. P. Th'I LibunlsocfCar- vel, beoîdsilectiugofficPs!,neminaled candidates fd or liUx be. Houa o Gm moue aise! lp. OlstQio Asoeiilý. fPot lie latter Dr. Robinsoni, he- puient efllesuhmember. asr.nW" haa&b a, perfect!>' -unanlnoui votaeasd a sin- Uear houai va- couterrànlu. J. P. *MeLeugeuin foi 'lié fermer. Dr. Bob- i5igoufl ericasferhwo sesitithé le Limtr#Asezb> bàvoýa matahie Inme m.iintyvh- ihova.M. *MeLaagblin, in amember o e! e l- SmnciWn milliug fluets' eftMeLaugilin ;Moore, a! Toronto, visai. hanov re- iles. Ha" is a native et Mono Mille, 1 n lie enuàe f te.khifl&5,here b i.eiided"an$l vai>' 'ice#stl>' nil visus i. h! ares ,on an exîtensive v wbeah_ d-nius iUI nilig inaiius. Thiseel-" 'ing aI lia 1 Couvention was f the mot, iastotry Slknd, -tise unaulmeus con- -IVieliou beicg test bathestcdidbtao viii -beIécted.-BQ ecysa heQpb. -hat tihe prdution his seu cnf hu.- be uMuekok. PFery Sounild-ala- getu" e s 8-follew s. w 1legs, i ,- M wab. n ., 24 rvry ; biosil pine, - amblfe t, l i teusauhk, 1,M&5. <ihe prospecsfta!he Inada sree reste, nt he e a.d lu sa gee& tiuyardu - are b Aie guoshly incsseil -demsucu ,siqpucta& siwean-4hliaMoul-,e-st lu epn b>'rail. -Thse.reneyal of, hinu duihi>' lu egarded sa peumnent. flivmWHCCLNb.&le. -Zay, Icol gu. uppu 'St. An yeaseu islaenocsm epposs te e eegner. ai nts#ésau, ihissitehqinter. est ssnd Wiiif edtoMulba. - )à. D. Ceexiex, et Devus>' Statio,, IOv14 mide ieil le oc anadaà,waIù a es chisShorthoenn,vwihraeé la pur.hàulug 150 eifém e0-f. lJamué I Dsvldon'a lai Mpoihati3.vis.: $AXA. eng lie redu rhg dia -ccmu eofI'arliamnesu tie.& i - th" the, qe Pauiansd IL liaminS vil!Ib Céahi. Thers eplicon le fiadiahe nejeis sudw- or tisr Irelad vil l lm Mu. Dillleu'ime ah su>'mnimea ruinai tiat Mu implisenol mi ver.saked to 1< fou s certa i- lime te altand! Ida 4np - u2 hiôou..hie- à Mag rovil. Thes Orange elc-on ers >'ou virlua, fou votes for Wildm them. Lai, thi 'Vote for Hier?' Il a5ýp5Ca5fri

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