-BOYS' AN.D MENS' >OVERCO. ~NToIGods xi lous, uffersSarfs, Shawls, Hloiery anft Gloves, a sale prices!1 c- Uieapeési 0l-wo11,-Grey Flannel..ini Town, -dsome genuine Bargains iiû]1n1es Winceys, &ce 77- 4IU1fPER CENT OF1É ALL CASH NJRC ÈEsOVER 'ONE DOLLAR. It tie Plinit ring im- ov York eafbéa cf *eu i. eof Card- uluabted it of Ceai- 20 pissent tictesi by Mi. J. P. Dr. Rob- Îos la the paebis vaI. Mr. ý'e nov rs* ccco Mill$, and vhie à re vWbeai The feeI. A1 lie Most Mious c!ou- usià eoWttuto uad ant i-,b («s, su oi. 'ocS plats, ats, 1,M&5 r" rosbe, #hà t yards M4 damna lbh vîci le' d et use in. lsnt. L, wu kilt- eong. It siveen hie v an s th j. nievon oeuduclor #c es bavlne 511cam Cook .,Hic vIfs a hie bond. I fe siesp.- Uig on fane. Iueti seame- ig ie l retmouey the Lieu:mn sta Spencer tcaticu cf ay, AUgUtat an ista isite Ja sud$aiv. vr rebellion h e vlirity fsetesi tie '.-.n in con- ae Impeni41 eanSdlieuse listeuiag te ty a'ljooned UMorf ethLe, bde sgalne sn t1he case uvotviug lie eCihotieby oppousts cf li Dounadai ths COterie Iater, tha île opposition sProvince of iai Manitoba )It tlsobser' tloverurneshi, fer ltes"y Dowc gottlo% for - nd. Us*xlim AN IMMENSE REDUOTION IN ALL WINTER GOODS!, e -, Cheap TEAS, SUGARS, and GENERAL GROCERIES, CROCKERY and GLASS-, WAREO je. me -- IWhitby, Deoember 27th, 1881. À conférence. of 2,000 tenant farmers Ri Belfast, Apait .4r.ac4utlens de.d.t. ing ithe reductilea. et roui by the. mb. Comiialonoesinadequat. and depreca. Ëigtecompensation of landiords. ickscn, î3ivan sud Busseeli,, meuibers cf 'Parlisment, sbippoîted the. fumblu. tions.. A Dublin correspondent telegrapli. tuat the question cf iberating Mr. Parnell aud &Le cuier members cf Par- liamnu will b, debatud st the. forth- comlng Cabinet Concil in Dublin Cas. There is mach différence cf opiioin on the. subjeci, seule persona loRbi suuhorlty favoriag their imâ- luediste re!esue. Mr. Quinn; Assistant SecrtarDon* u, ho had chargeocf hoi le gal depariment cf the. Leagus. andi-wo or three elerks of the. Uniled Ireland wit.l b. rslesued immediaiely. Mr. DîIton's rese. îiiy b. tooked for stay moment. In London tuer. ines runior that Mr. Parnell and the. other imprisoned inembers of Partîsment were saked te give an nadertaking Dot te continue the. Land Leagne agitation for a certain time. On refusing this tiiy are not likety to b. releseed in lime te attend P'arlisment. The other day s gentleman well knowa îeîurning afier a day's bunting, rode up Suffolk mreet, Dublin, snd wishîang a drink ai *'Spad'q" Hetel, rode hie horse lie tith hall and up te the. bar. Havlng bis drink the gentleman coolly turned bis hors. out again into the street ln the. presence cf an admit. ing crowd. Tii. Orange placard&aia the Derry electiin wsie a curiesity la ithe wsy eiectloneeriog liierature. lHors la ens specimea : *WiJI yen, Chriatian peo- pie of Derry, dscide ter your Ged, for y'our vrtue, for your morality. or will yen deeide againti ail iii...? lne Who votes for Wilson will b. fût uhem. Hie who votes for Porter will be sgmnust tbcmn. Let, therefors, iii. cry cf the. Obristian peoptftof Derry as ttîy go te the. poli be, Who is on Godes side? Vote for liii»P2" It appears fromin s Pasnentary re tumru eeuly iusurd thet the gros. totale for eates up te December, 18M0, under the. Land A-ci of 1870, ln roépect of whîcb advances were made by the. Bloard of Vorks i rlr.io.watt. 44.Q9ô scies, et thie sonnai velue of £27,852. The. ann~al reni of ibis land ie set clown at £81, 188. The. grecs amount ci the puretiase ueney was £723,187, of whicb- £288,867 wam paid in cash byithe ten- onts and £484,2120 wtte a'lvscedi by tha Board of Worku on mQrigsge. The arretri of imutai mente due upon the. au vances amouut te £982. Onp of 'the Most extrsordioary tact- dent. whicb bas yet coccrred la auy E at ef lreland in connection wit nUUtiog took place aiet Seperoa. s table land skirting the River Fergus. sud la proxmity te the. demesue cf Lord Inchiquin. Prom trne immemor- liSt. t.pban'a Day tisa basa recog. aia.d au a gala day for hnnting in Ire land, ad te carry ont the the . ime. hoaor.d eustom a deerhnnt waasir. fangud for tiai day by the. young mon- qi Enula, with the. Kilîstreet Jlarriers, proveîblalltheii.he and famiest pack in tii. county. The. enlargerneni was te takte place ai Sheperlon. It w..sa rua for puare sport, snd hsd net the. toast poli tical aiguificance. Tiié aston- tbment cf the. people was greai, wben they fieund Aitithe place cf rendeuvous, posted inaskirmibing order in tb, bigh. wsy. andi byewayoe, a detacoeeat of the. S7th BIlgmeut froua ClareOetle, with a force et forty conetabulary, und- erthe coumand of Couaoty Inspecter Smith, Mtf. Stlpendiary MoTernu ansd Lord Inchiquio (au Lord Lieutenant of lhe Couaty), in supreme eommand. The de.r-hunniweni off wlthoni theleut unpteasant incident. T he paper, "United Ireland ,"isete b. pnbliehed at Parie. At the. Munster aseizes on Monday the eutlaw leader Conneît appeau-ad Au Quaen'a evidence agaluat J arn.and Jeremiah Twohig, chsrged with ataok. ing Mrs. Fitzgerald'& house. Coaneil depesed that h. hail beau leader and armourer cf s band Qf men swern te seive thé. Irish repubic. Ttueir act& of braveryv ers rewarded with rueuey Iplodpoes lItto npol betdlapatitie Iaction et-tii Provincial Go4revnntu i *Il denittiiis and laufut es* rute Iprmtrve nubroksi suid 'Intat thé tetrk i ri isft c ii.Provin" *ai"U*. oenà ibdç hheoJdng Mutier 1 jOea 8uTUi, OFr maii8Tu~e a DEAfi i ommsturay aigu John Buaith, s quiet sud lubilcuelve reaideni of the ievnaiiip cf Aunarauui, resdiag about four miles front Shelb=re, w.. foully mnvd.ed ala bis ovu iicuee Saturddy nDigit about six oelock. 'bè îtfetu. nese vielli was a bachetor about or over fifty jeans cf ago, sud uuslty liv.d atone, but luiishppenfed Wheu the murder vas commitîed liai a nephev nsmed Jobnny Scailli, about fcurteîn yesra of âge, vas with hlm. The. boy's etery in liai bis unce ansd biaiseif afuetakiýng sapper logethir, mtt th emme e an uopoa ire place, snd shortlytfterie heaH à sreport, -étier of s gua or piutot, aad the . ainufelI. Ha looked lowsrd tie vindow froua viience the. report came ne sui a a tatI man witi a dark inoustà cie. Tii. boy immediatity stsrt.d for the door, wbich vas opposite the vindev, vWhou tic man fired ai hum, the. bail passing thneugh the, top of lies cap. He reiu for dear tif. towardu a u.ighbounu bouse, wbicb ise quit. a, distance. After iho bail rua a utile way thc tooketi isci snd eaw lthe bouse o ire. lHe darm. cd tic ueigliboure as soon as aosiî., and reoroed vith uhein to iii. bumning.l Tiuey fonnd the. old minu suthe door dead, sud one log burued off beiow the. kuce. Tii. old man vas reputcd le have bein qîuie vealthy, aud te havi kepu s large smiidien about Lie bouse, but h ainet kuowvu vheir bc badl any aet Liii. ue or not. Thîra ta ne clueii te eassassin exeepu vhsî eau b. gieaued froa thc boy'.@stony. Tie greatesi excitpeani prevails, a.sliie \ Id man vas universatly no.pecioa, as t ne old man was nniv.rsaily reupected by a-il Who mev hlm. A Raiway Enquiry Iu a receat article vo pounted (but tuat tie province of Ontario bitd $pet s v.-ry large porion of its surplus in ubilie. to ritîutaays. Tht-se aubitidies were givpti oi t wo mint groundis : irs-I thast nev country wouli 1* op.sed np (or fttis-reti nt si second thai POTr ilisof tUc province slready eujeying raihsim3- tcltu,. w,,nld tîav*- tie ben.-tiî Osf cowpdtiiuuowing Lu thc ev hulies. We siowed thsi tie irtt oftics. Ob jt.elo. bail bt-t-o very tairly attsined, un thai rospt. Bunt we ttu.o showexi tisai as regartds the. second delibtraiiî- tus' ereatiolu et coinpeting lilles-tiiti-e has heen a comaplets failire. Whai Lhc people nov vaut te knov us hov ibis (aimbre ecourred ;sud 10lInt] this eul t il athe dnty ef lie legioiature to name a com mattes cf mention cf the bouse for tie purpeme. Lest hem &and for paperu sud pîreons, sud ii ticheirue tacts cf al tie retient consolidattons be got ai. Thn re emoin luOntario vbo viii. lu s fev yîsra have dev.Iopeil lto erail- vsy magnaica. Tbcy koow eomutbing about (boe conasoldations- Sorue of them voe very energetlo in gaiiiug subâldies froua Lie geverureut su1( bonués from munmîipalii.u on tha competing itoutes. Laitliii.. geutie- mien b., éalied before the commtaie and gir. thé uppertunity te exp«tla these consolidations lu whih they ha 8e premiaeatty figure&i. Furtier, the people vaaât te kaev wiat portion of the rney tiaI bas cbanged bauds ln these raceut conselil. dations stock tote fingers cf ihose Who teck an active partinl affecting tien. WiII the goverumteut move ia creat- ing suci a commttee or witl they Issue the nr for mcmi private monm- ber.- World. BouT Biu5NT.-At s large'sud indu- entiaI meeting ield ai Brantford on Menday lthe folowing nîsolutions vere pamied : Moved by Mr. Ârchibald Hariey, seconded iiy Mr. John A. Cook, snd camred uuauamouuly. 6"That ttua meeting desireu, on bhuai? cftae.e formesra of South Brant, 10 expres their continned and raa.ved confidence la the leaders of iiie Liboral party lu the lieuse of Commeus and Local Lcgistature, tue Hou Edvand Biako sud the. Hou. O. Mowt, and the piunci. rt* shitciie Mi rproesni aud advocae; sud aliate tir fuuI1 -caudannae a thoir- prsnreprentativ-Wm. Pater. aon, . P., sud the Hon. A. à . Rai. Hoftlble bMurder I A horrible deuil. ,tiiûîrsi utinô. mittesi lutsiday nigil about 4 ruilât from ua Omisvile, uar Hamilton, Ont. by s man about 25 ycars of age nanssi »Ulbia.l urk, vie boardcii viii an sud Insu tamad Ilasar sud is daugu- titi bolL ef *hotu ho inatrdereti viii n ai. 'the mnfrderetvas in lie- bouse ahen Mahuas on lttrfui uhomea faon, Waierdevn, about lb e'cldck. The murderen atiack.d tie son vitii the aie. Young Mahar defoneadsi m-, self viti a stick vici. h hin bluis bande, sud ithe murderer tien ied. Mahar thon entîeed tichanbose, vici vas tn danaîm, stnack a ligit sud foiund bis ftiar ilg dead, vith a lange gash in the'adêof is heai. lie Lien vent inte su cdjcluiag *eôùu sd fud bus almer lying on ber bock dessi, isving aie beau killesi by a stroke o? the axe on the bock of tie neet. Tii. murderer iss been arresiesi and confea- sdes bsguili. Patrick Mahar, Lie murderesi man, vas 84 years et &go. I is maisi taât after iii came froua Iretansi, mauy years &go, ho tivisi on Ring William ainsit, Hamilton, near the old Police Station, sud in s framne dvslliag vhici occupiesi the place on vbuolu Mn. Wrlgbts mure nov stands. lHe bas nover been ablle a ccumulais mach worldiv gear, sud mine h. bas ltved lu Nalucai hobas been mc pcor Liai et laie lb. municipalcuiiorilties bave baid te &id hlm lunkeeplux gbody sud soulte. gîtier. Hlm son taraud 22 cotes, sud the. dangan Bu-îd1a& limed vilh sud cooked fer theou l.Thé fu= a thei property eof .M aeai..Tii. olsiman, vbo bil a muigit pluymlcat deforaiuly dud not bavea anature liai oes outd hava axpocies te p rompt te cny mach fate as tLiaio bius.betallma hlm. The murdenid girl Bridget vas about 16 yeare cf &go Wheu lbe family loft lhe aity seveateen or eigblasa yesre aile. Si. vsquiet sud inoffensive, aud frou anay point cf viev vas as equally nndeserving cf ici fate as vas hen aged falber. Tic muurdrer, hKicilat ouik, la about 25 yuasof &go. île is saisi te luve net very far froua Lhe sciai eofthLi trcgedy. lu th» viiaity oethle Brook Boad, and iasnofarasceau be leanuesi. an nnarriasi man. Last sommer young Mahar teck a job ai choppiuug lu Lb. neigiboniiood, sud biresi Bourlu te ssis i hm. Psounk boarded lunlthe log boasa viLi Ltaefaruly 1111 Thnr.ay, visoishoaswuatdL Ou Pnlday bo veut Soya te Neocuvillage, çot drunk anS eugcged ie a very boisteroits de- mou.tnaton. UsevWm pcnlculry aux- loue le have Il maya tuaIha carad for ucbodLg ad s5sxued liai ony eue vio nadh ý»y voldfiad iWgo bord viti blm. Hisgo Wtureledtilemurder- smorn uet betonee i. gt. vas ev~. The neigibors vhoa yunug liben aroused, andi te, vim onilerWWletis tarilelesony, bcd ne dlffisulty ains»d. itlag vial ha sasi vi e » b.. fseWe esmeuev. anti, aIonce set-,abouti truinglis foehsieemwvikh bhat bse boutlIn tha directo f Cumdomlnvi. Eus mâtive for tue deesi cm ardy ba oxplatued. ^Il aeilalnly wvast mone, »se tIo dollars lt.e lt ma bcd vwu leftinlabie peekel Tii. dagi. tlevIs upu=dby thedetormle bave W,»s supposeiati 4becfretia u famlly «a nlobrbbywffl bave beau uMdmitiei b.ba rppe the aSoci., IM am41nsltsances hoeneterd st 00q ;o th *à owoof helieltcheuz. The ine iion tue dccv show boy ha macle iseil. Hni bMeemard snile realize th ii rie helu."D ecnla, s ho vent onily a 1.b3cv say, andi remain.' eati uer. 111 areeaL e OWUltave bendeatvlhmamauiyb the rcwd lnghic$muclua c terrible crime veuiti b. vitypunltio liiy lie lav. Bogue Sflis of Nerb-'Weat Lande. Touehng the suies of ieea i oveD pu leotla purchames Pllene». u EarnPuetef -sugt be iteume. A ELUisjcu Mà .u'a BzrgTmsvOus.-Mr. JL. MeNeely, -nov case of lie mcml ptosp.tottm - fâtra.e d-Pwlukî connty, Ark., Lin. déeribes luis eporinsneof beiiug hutg sud hp edoubtnang son- talb»s lem 86, jusl aI the éloge cf théuai êsSroubér éaesmte rny 'housein searc of uaoneq, As s precaulion cgaiual socivsiters I baS iie& io vachs sud $600 in golsi te s iruaiy ooloured voman te keep for me outil time. improvesi. I vas lying lu bed, crippiesi. Several men entared Lie tonam, aciiwtiout eaylig suything, put s roe s ouad tumy ansd began te PUll. I telsi tien a Etf lhey yen go. log te bang rme le vait outil I ocâlS gsi uay crulci, 50 liaI I coulsi vshk te tie iaagiag-placi. Thay teck me eut en lie gallery, ansi, Liroviug thé roe ever ithe cros-besn, sked ai. for my noney. I ltheituaislaII bai noue. Thay dîev me up. For a moment I experisuessi a eiokiag senstion, sud tieu I bedaine Insensble. Whou I ho. carene couloaetr beitig taken dowu, I lugm sitting on lie stops. The ceusa- lion, vile regsaing conecioaencsm vers veny mach like Lieue experioncesi duriag s nigilmane." Boum s ucex.-Ai à a sgely ctteudod Rotorai meeting butS ci Cookstovu ou Moaday, il vas siscidesi le briug ont s candidate toeoetesi tia nlsing. Aconu- veatica for ths pupse bas been or. rapgd to eutst 4Aliutomu onutLis ui. The expensofethle Oltean cseloare ailimatesi ai 450,000. Bai tis dosen't incluSe the lAsgraoa il baspetl n ntle Ameil systarn et adilaslJg jas ce. Thot coulIS hardly ha esttaeti&. ALL OLASSES sON P roiesonsl S"d A basia u ma taIlme aetibjemite extremi nervi prostin rôm excessive bralu vert sud vorry, sud, by advlce, cein. monly ruecet te stmulantt, pim, cuoa or broaides te éflMae 1ltsiity sud-rsci légumues. Thsse agents only pst te sloop the. senîinlaLiiarus lthe systeruvian over-vonlesi vil e avaste cf vital force contines. lusi atargui conuaption et phospate..the sou-"e tf ueu-ve poar, tia um furnishd h e Lifoodi, sd the 8iceacy may b.asupplesdIbylie use et Dr. WEBL BR'S Elizir, of Phîspistes snd Olaiia, an maslly assimilable ferai cf lii.. elemenia ci nervi nutrition. Bul cee opi.. prévill unîkul lb. vend,sud LiaI immo trcgy ln lver of Pery Davi' Pain iler tiaI ne cther article iviraneailaoue i e i.presadpopu. larity. Palier la Gettiag WeU My siaugilarsys. . 'Bey mach botter falieris mice haetiHep BiUen." lie lagllu vl abter ls long uuffeing trem sdsaedoclares i ncurabe, sud vianre.e &Uts. at ha usaS yonr Biteu-Â lady et Rcester. N. Y.- Utice Hes'cUL - Aasvcn TRie. Disiyoeer 1mov dy panacu toeolU witheuont ionocf le Stamzaci, Liver on Kldeya, or di yen vna»Iow one-ho vca veilw v ieir vu obdttd or inutivri and di you evor kuov or hmesicny csm et tbrklud liaI Hep Bitters vuultl notoauw Atycur uslghben Lia ane gusailea- Tte m-- ho heeumot tL wanuins of Pain or aufanling, whleb aiwm P-racade Watin~, 0" ss cmtb'L t tb irusrf mc Miaa' lw le. suas, Tue et an thfrev mtThoal9mstvel ticu ou ieul a M» s"mot »rb.vlarneila la" Pen peau. ler vlubeuplm r DOMINION WAREI Consunuptlon Cati le ured. In this changeable climat. of oun", elety one abould remamber thaifDa. Wsim'a B"uxor Wnx, Cutnuv u preven Ituel! te b. s positivecure for consumpiion; mauth- ma, brezuchulla, sud ail lung diseses.. bon saved ithe Ilves. cf mzay even aster all hope hcd Led, Meny ef eur meut intelli- gent foamils would as seau b. vithout veolen clcthiug lu viniar, as te net have Wîiha'd Bsu.smal ways on haud, for It neyer tala te fmmedtately relieve al sors- ne, ef throsi sud lungs. A uingle dose take aiat boa tirne vi gently warm the blook cause refrehing elumber and by morui au rdinsy cogh or coLt ii b. gene. Âsk yeux druggiat aud your frieudi concerniug the ment t fWîmvzRa mBaLm, W0 coensd $1 a botte,. Sold by dislers Neyer neglect s a ogh or Cela, a they are very spi te lcad te serions JTug trou bleu. Dr. Canon'. Pulmanary Cough Drops have a wonderfal effectinl relieving aud curing couglas, cola, sud su affections ofthle Tinosi sud Lunage. Au Dr. Carson is a weîl kuowu C "ainphysiclan et ever 25 yeassunc- esttpatce, thera lu ltte wonder that bisRemdie ar oe poular with the Cana. dian people. W. Mi owue, Agent for Whitby. K Notions of Birts, Marriagea, 1and Deat ha charged 50 cents cach. MARRIED. WHITBY MARKETS. 1 Cumouîcu.sOprns, Jan. 251h, 1882 1 eà â Whoat ............ $120 Ob 1 25 âprlug Wlust ........128 a1 28 Barl .................. 070 0 (80 Flowx, Percwl ........... 800 820 E&Ye.................... 075 < 080 Pesa.................. 074 < 078 >Peua, bladk.yed......... 085 0087 BiuePesa ..............ose80a0o6 Ost4 ................. 088 ro 040 RHay................... 800 @ 10 00 Âppl«, par bu......... 040 <@ 078 ........018 <a020 .18 <a022 1Cheom ................. 0121 1 000 Wood ................400W< 4 75 shiesklns ............1 W (41 25 CaiOit .......<a.. 01 012 Uhles,par lb............006 < 007 1Ponk, per c*t............ 7860 8 W1 Turnipu' ............... 016 i 020 0.lary, perde....... .080 040 Turkey, per l .... . 0(09 <a012 Gm» efi. lb ....ca.esse . G 07<a0 10 B"f tyth, .....500W<a60W MaUton, y thecaroa.....0O 0 j.sicaisse.,60, reatj.O <10.()Do000 Bacon, ParMer'........O012 <a9O014 Ham #& ....-... 018 015 Puippur biubel.....040 Q,5 ýCà bb ...... sd 000W<a000 Sis, " Al.a0.... 000, .Eadidhmm4 ~oo@000 Wooi~uuvuee4.....0iWG 0 OCo 4.waaupi...... .00 00W -NEW ADVERI'ISEM.ENrSO -CALL ON- -0F WHITBY,- For Reliable Boots and Shoes.1 Q>'Foot Wear of* ail kinds sold Cheap for Cash, by WILLIAM BURNS, Brook Street, Whitbv. ODN THE WAI? PA TH- AGA IN!1 A con signment of ]Ricli China Goods, arriving tao late for the ILliday trade, wiil be sold ai a GREAT REDUCTION. f Ten cents on the Dollar Returned to every cash purchaser of China, - Crockery, and 'Ulassware during this month.I We axe fstii seling 5lbs Japau Tea for $1 00O; Sibu Choico- Green, Black, or Japan Tea for *1 00; bargains ina olmoice Farnily Ore-, ries. Raisins, Corrnts, Oranges, Lemüons. Try the Chinese Washer for economy in-th-e-,Lauudry. NOTICE TO 00N7'RAOTORS S EALD'TENDBRS ýadiressai o ïbe- undrmgueimdendore niai U.i - caïveal hbuaDîutmiil c f the dlock. noc, ouTHUSDA à ,le&ta t FEBUA ni Mc l.inslon su9 coetiof lii wanliat B1309&i for Otaload cîntala Wouli Mai <1>f Tbe Plan si sp tsiomçP te, or (2)TePlnsdSpciccs rp- ]Lited formaset1Tender m beineil ci Ibis Dip;Mu, u d penas elnids are y m.sstlotifld ltl>eyvllWRuno ,nlite La hve thm Tendeïrs cadent unIs, ltsre asasSnsud lui esa pice vith thèseum.pnntisi forma. mg»ael the a, cf ivery pssop g i acb mimbeÎh oft-s frou olodb1usalofce add*eisà L priw operb- ;ýU~e4 'a&hTender muat hie, scouppowui 11 TheOtiulIatu Trial; TII~ ~ ~~~t efIctÊoAugB ' 'St tar. On Baturday the. primoner tok sa st la flue vltueu-boi; remankiug a" b. ast down, "bacause I oaiaspealu botter, Dot et i a m arali cf beng &hel. The ahootilg bùduisà sa atng pilas ot." Tiei. plsut crfully etrra&ge hi. glaise, ad wiuhà Éfloilrérad froua a manuseript as fôlo*. ï- ourixà u'iS PEXEH. "Tie pu-eecution pretead I ama vicked ma. Scoville and Reesi Lhink I am & lunau.lo, sud I presme yen tilnk 1 sa. I certsily vas s astic ou Jnly 2nd whîn 1 tlred on tie Preut. dent, and th. Ameriean people geun. atî.y, sud I proutiuae yen ihink I vas. Can yen imagine auythlag fluore Insane than me goiug te liai: depot sud ahoot. ing Lie Presidini ef the United Sitea? Yen an.reee10 ay viether I vassamui or insne ait th. moment I irad the &iot. Yen bave nothing te do vihu y condition befone or ince.the. miel vas fred. Yen muai amy by youn verdict I vas unue or insane mtliie moment ithe siel vas fired. If yen have any doubt et my ssnity ai the moment yen must givi aie lhe lieuit cf ltiedoubt, sud acquit me. That ie, if yen have auy doubt viielier 1 fired liai chou sthe. agent of Lie Deiiy. If I fired il on my owo accouai I vas eau.. If I fired it suppouing mysel! lie agent cf tii.Deity I va. insane, sud yen munet acquit. Thiis is t asgivon la a receut decisioa of ithe Nev York Court cf Appeis. Il revoluticnlma the, olsi rutes, and isluasgrand step tervard lu Lie iav f cf lmnty. Iti. vontluy et ibis &geot railroade, el.clriciuy, tel&- phonsansd ih valornes froua the, progressive Bstte cf New York. I have ne beallation lanmaylug Liai it leaa spîcial providence lanaiy favour, sud I aak tigLecêprt sud jury no teocasmidir it. Lon. o-Twebeau people ia America tik une the greategi rua cf us age, sud tih feeling le grovlug. Tbey b.- lieve lu my inspiration, sud Liai pre- vidence sud 1 really saved the naion sa'siier van." After Lbauklug his couaci andi paylng a iuc compliment ote icros sud abilîty cf Mr. EScoville, wion lho preposed soon Le revard vlti s very tuberai tee, b. ,xieaded grateful acknaowiedguaenta ote acourt, lb. jury, tice fficers sud bailifei. sud lest. but net liet, tote icAinican prm. The latter vs-me a power Liai geuerslly u nti-1 s man vion Lioy get dovu on hi. Tiey vire pretty bisvy ounith. prisoer cit irai, but wbon iliey knev big motives îhey changeai iiîîr vievu, sud now tbe ver. tresuiag hum veuy fairiy. The pnisoner ilion ressi frou aa uewapapor hie publistied speeeh. His excitemeni vas betrayed by hectic aprIts ou each cheek, andi by bhlm uutîy dehloiet ,tterauce. Whan h. rossi the verds, "Ilmave always sarvailihé Lord, sud viiethar I tive or die,"-he brak, dova compietely. Hlisateppesi, sud triesi te cioke dean a lump lunlbis tbroal, but tond il impossible te kasp baok s gennins soi. lia buried bis face lu bis bandkercbuaf c fev seconds, viped bis eyed, and i vlh -adatteraiuet effort etart.d &gain. Ha sS>med te recver lis corupcsuunae quiekly liai ortie beltvesi the viole effort vas macunfsctured. lMme. ooville, bowvevr, vas deepiy affeclean sudobbed blttlenly for some minutes. Outesu centinnes te resd, ocSseioually msking brielcom-. ment. on tie texL ..sho proceoedt all appearacas ot nervouvm w oie off, ad wtilie ulmost composure, and jS mocticn timat bordereti upon (ha bul. cru, the primoner realeon viii ai- lampluaI etveiy eoccevable form of cratonicat elleol. Rit description cf hlm taklg off the Presidet vas given viti gtiklng iffeel. At timas h. eîoaed hié ayez or tunnes tisai beavenvard, 'Wavd bis body bok snd forth. sank hisavoica tqaviisper,or raimiedà tote6 higi trible. AIt raquent latervals b. uluphaizesitoeauasetenue b y aet. ing or cemmenting npon Il it. L ime, p.ualg, h. lafld -tçvard lhé Jury, cati 0 <~hizing vihu Ils heasi sud bande, Mr ot nattefupt S aIg t §0leMA- ity. -I taIt yen. gentlema, jusl as sure asubaiot a Got in b eaven If yon haro 4a hait eofay headti ts nation vilIÉ godova lu blondi. Yen cm pu$ my in~ l the grave, but Ibore viii»)M &M'rlu1uli'ecnuucd Ahat Jusgeý Porusi' vînuable -» op"# itedsy, ct - A CÂIfl.D I I . MINL V.l~O & il vho aasaiu g re1 Li nnà sMd = ou. 0 lle mcfyo u nrvouse vsatnm.,arlyflyýlosaubod,ôtFRFALAND WJNTE"R mWER. PUER -ON H aG. Th- ge-1r ii vas lovsalby c iilsanaryin, Seau Acueret. e f a lddrseset nvl AN 3JTIRL NjW TO K NEW ADVERTISENENT& T~IDEJ~vSL&test Style and FMshions VoIm -CDAND FXDI 03 - and -Best' Workmansbip. TU»B TQWNIsKpIF 0FWUITDýY .-.- FOR TITJC' EÂR ifflo, for a on bit fiedb Loi A ii the Pt it von The Louise Bahing Feyder takes thle d.Sg.es,4ùdruplcd asI menu. è Codfish, Treut, &o., &o. Iu stock Choice Family Fleur, Graham Fbour, Cracked Whéà t, OatmeaMl, Cern Meal, &o. De<"aIî A. N EÂRLY OA.LL SOLICITED. SIMON FRASER-'-' .t Whitby, Januaty 4th, 1882. DvtRaevink rcks.,Wily and M ~ INf~t!' A lI 'C LiE n C iWg land'. eandldie. ax. ansi li ie t tel t.ecomen almoeel sebard as tlà * diuod , aud wvîtioucbs.d witL s ltte cil or turpi-utine, tb. tools a". saperior for enga-cvlug, cui 618o for piercliag the, hardest me"a.. A JPUlY looking begaar womsu-r.eeu. ientoed a&hop ini Dnbii, and csked aiii. ov ero eUrly. lSe @book lds head &bd ssUM I am Do be t i.$gir. yon anytblu." Thi omanà i,nc.obe*r. fol totia, promptly »iepld, "Tbsnk Yeu, loir, &sid Juy Yen long be a in hem Olu$ecgo 1lsd dmcvered tbîee and tout h u r: roteP oZ ii rajd, thoil 1 il" ým& cblw