Whitby Chronicle, 2 Feb 1882, p. 2

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"01 *6amzeurs GaseMe. lrade'he vuds*i of 1749 sa te Alb.ey- .,They aye tvloeattemptele oe ce a Stlioi uoes .. ov l Jne trntpe antpm esae inevu r may udces=6 i ASsale.ta perfection lu Âugust oct Sepleerw.,. liOù 0 C P.stevani. Robe ie pétaletseiShoéisc.intIOi ne Ca «Tho Gaveruor eh Âlbsay baS aàgardeste-11 laihpse-bau t ansd salaSgmi.v vaji es g=S ua luiful seIa ntà gbat'belCaa b. Mor easuseMS aimadin uceutr 'bave ,P.,y lutify reedlfleel yfrom, tise tends ahove ; bul Iisy, iucludlng their ,u.î. voyo ONLY 11 Se RR ANtu. i George inupéon, ver. ornpltll bep ON~ S e PR AIfÙ ,_discrodlted befsore lie Ocinuellipefctbe îea WhIIy, huraayFcb.2, 882 Impéri Cousmous lu 1667. Tic fore-I of set going evidence le %baI o! dlaluteresed 'MM parties. giren aI inlorrals of a century, & Tho Daspellmeut cf Ontaro. sud provosa lerefoe conalielli ai, taina 1he6 castervstîvealunlbheOntario se fer norti a. tie averSe8 e-coast e! veysi Leg1lituse. apeaklng tb hie Bouudary lie Province,, lie tinihor le abundalut c001 an Award, bave-attempted to h.lihll. the anS cf large ase; liat aI Rupert Houusub question by the impudent sîcterneni on lie ou. band sud a% Fort Albany onTh -*at lie côuebry at issela heston, aeuStlie cher, vegetables. gocseberris8, foro frosou, anS vortiese. W.net b toho strawhersles. cherries, Cats. tirire e iiluih ahi. be diprovethile, adcedho (i nlu-vhite Midway ou liat oea-coa, sah rom iii sd hlae atilesoulie mbjecl,) Noes. Fort, lb. actual growtbs Inloade The that il lia as good a climat. as liai cf lu addition la aIlthisse, sncb tender nmin Mantebs, huaafine &elela i vthin tepoulia oaisadweât 1 shel1 sono o! visIsud ie ric inlu imbes, Wonk cf the -County Counçil. geai minras,navigaiie aresmes anS fluber. bol! lt lu fuel telimatsueleof lie 1New The. vo f he Oounty 9Ç. et VIIl boc Ontr ta Ibotter tien liai o! lb. thiluhafouendin tic proee.Sia4e-,i5s-I d lug ue4h4atle frein Quels. te Gaspé, cde ome iecuelvsel vIenéthtey salue bsitet tlrnoîby-bay, o rolms h cnolws* uýb poltces, bautey, oaseasdaven vieci. beadjouneou Friday, iavlng 04CItu4 h The segîon avardled te ibis -Province op lie business ie fans dsys. Tise a by tlia uesdary Commissioln is bound- rejeotio f lhe baikersetaIthe muniot- 'I 14 urth roe aLaUTeisomingue npal slections effected Ibis désirable mai 'ii cOttava, b La eT'u omue, n ~change - and te lie peop>le of Port froc %le Otaw, o RHet'&Roéeonthe Perry, ou eciaiiy, t. be ice conuly oeut norliera bcundary suas troue Ruparle oves a debt of gratitude. Ho.cby vsy o! gaice.Fort, aet Teepcathe lls n b lanil motlb cf thea NoO'e rivas, to Fort IL. ballet business, faiteS 10 mcii. auyIo ,bsa, et thee Cathcfitic river Albany, report. Tbey baS nolbing ho report "81 ;g.iuin ibis province a chose line of upon. ced for lie appoIntaient of lie oves 50 miles on liaItidte-vator o! the commihbse tiere va.esiithr grotind ait Adtioi, Jameu% BayTbe import. nor foudation. The cueil is ii. Wme aic f liab part o! tic boundery o!f rvSi onermet.k Ontario nsey bc ehuovnn legénéral _ hy Postage on r.evspapers. ute lise a"msent liaI il gises 10 aur peoo -cou piliý C icsiou olyo!lb e ali o! w liaI The iar.leiip o! beicg obliged le pay 1aicuýe IeS.80,000 a year te ccci of ie adrance Postage ou uevspaperss8 the veseels smeut lie.Dow, *Il tie vay texiviici was fortueriy borne by bhe f-romu MeAouaettmt. Ilmay ie mevu recierers o! sucolapapers, and te viau n O cliii imortoigaiflemnîlyte lie fiâtereste la-u o"Tu e! Ontario. sud thc jealonstes of Que.- nbpymet oeoyio fI bec, by lie staemeut tiat the marins muci fel i y navapapor publishiersalu brot awarded Iis Province is nearer Canada. The Lax impased sactes ascn lLiver totan Nev Yorn i.; and 15 bar lo e evpap6r ecterprise, aud pro. prectolllefor intercourse vili tis At- vrou the issuiug cf langer sud morsed lalea ogas tic City o! Quéecseroe v as held tb be forty yaare cgc--for. six valuait. uhoots. Il ie in facI a tex np su mouills o! lb. Ivie.- - on kuovledge And net liaI ouly, but lTh Prom th. sec ct Fort Abany lis il opetateoufainly agatesl country W beudasyo avasded ibis Province by publimbers. City papere are able to ed lie .&btrators, fohiowa up tia Middle mie spécial arraugementit for stendiug fo o! tiaIgrat navigable river to Abany. a large portion of Iboir malter iy ex- ir Tia seti-sediSrection Il heldu le prous, wvilcithe country pubheraDi lie heig» o f land, aud tissa roppiug caunol do. Besudes, lb. country puni. -dovnalut. tie Valley -o! lie Eugliteb Iuer le Dot, asie lbe city publisier. sivr, goes on ic hesaine général Si aile to coleet subscriptions iluasably C. reutIon to tic fronier o! lhe CaiteS lu adrauco, and coosequeonly vWehoh - S .Sisaet -I taI.of the Wooda. The out- iigod le psy Postage in adrace im pluc Li rage v"Iiea isbeau actèred ou lu go- ad et a dtsadranlsge. A ing beblathelic rbilstocu vioeis4uas The inereased revenue o! the couatr.y EG givet Ibi bouuav40y e Iis Province nov fclnly wasrante lie remord cof Ibis D, liavelues lulereiste of Ibis people se oions tex upon nevéapere. and lb.he )8roiS 5 Itl la tvrait car reasi- complete abolition o! newapapes poil-. . orsa vllieethe peins t. imprécs -the ugoydS eho mpted as a boonby thie % lecte upea Ibeir muaS . ý tràclg lie viole pool le o!fCanad. Aànggeoqu linose asva have siated il lbore, upon bus hen made laarior o! lie carsylng a iboir 1mape. etneveapere ibrougi lie mails free.inu«B The terullery *"lo la bolug wreted tie Conciles ini viicb tbcy are pub. frou asn, havlag beau, deflused aboe, w lsied, relaining lie tax npou this i prpose aovr to ecuaider brieily inuthie opîse forvarded elaïeviere. - Thiis, lu if filt of ts se»tual productions Wi lie comploe abolition cf nevaper qptatvie', wvséslect, forillratli, Postage canuot b. ccnoeded, veTS bho r IIfipeints on ls uanorliSt limiete soruei o! a relief. cndiS Ille t. b.o -mIen g the »alu f lieo!Hdson Bey. ioped viii lieurged liy membera o!f the Premalis " betaI an ouse, =saven Houage wvien tie question viiiusla te et Fort George, onlie catomshmore cf b. hope!, lbr moit *p eh t- 0 v"- e James' lie-frern10 to 140 Os a s hliie ensuiug session. fusIlier surtfihthl. hore of e!Ou. 'brio -o"p ' ssansl ordluary vegt- TicAmerlOse Wiest Surplus Contre- tobles ur. etZil'iai 'mt41pruee loemveruy. mmseured iuo lest la iamettr -ve- c0ite vilsesse leshow lh. grovthbiou The exteut o! lie Arnericau expert. tae Oulanlo eliors-line, at Rupert ablé ubeal eurplus tiese ujee c! a Fosme, et MooseFort,aSd ai Foet AI. go ele iesiab i rS bany - olda fdsusin ytetod luald. Geelolie Report o! 1977% journala. The Milleru Journal placées Dr. Beli siys o! Ruert Houas: tle. igres ct 95,000,000. ta 100.000,00 'ITse ardnu ff upel Hn..~ mov usila.fteoffela oraciaev abot lces l1nt bushr a' M.acf ildtorily as li Iiler' ora l dabout Woe PI i»t b W fUofatoes liI hmut appreciele. a r ri*tvlb !aelly; suSdilo deubl OcruNewspsper Offices Bue nluNeu' OoUId bi raMas,' -York. la babe eigwel rport et 10lm-, Mr.- BeQl 50upegaUS: -VBSfensudard en is<er5in m b vnetaorans. The WonlS offic, eMMios f lethé tu lu 70 mubels oliUapo1Z te.idio Amrencu, Bttisi AmreiecaTurf târm b»t4 m FisciCatureroicl Reporter, For- as. £wb viiietlsy nmrem eei a o se radstresue, Examnr sp Casl roqipiri otarparts t O50uds ;aid 1 le,Observer, Scoiebuea,, BuiiSe, î.S- Viit#J<51êhhbt ~S isa $lOiibaSa uber etfies bu- WPark BR . w cot miasti sonoyesr2wuf=as dto -ô sctae0l ii'Uae' éf;14b ha à indîtigt ise ,offleomqsr. 1.181n _ n- thelus lwestmelefaI mfllJi me 170ejeofhlu.Hbulleisaylestiun 6edo,êeboci W:h, obssaéoniel l M i bmk. PýMÃŽabil <E al cono- "Atlsthe sxm el asN e b ala s4iý Dnr.unesuhoThomopam84WUIti béfvis »Y mntlyà lis geetnal"th", I tb* WsumtOh ompgo ofsbe7d$. ee4ted*ngiv.ouacf uis pEu4e.stel 0At liqse * eeuy 01g9uanIr.ose" t amlàâ D =(2 ,,*iompçaisIdat ee$ uymcIci,- ioutî lm £a*tsslda-Iai 1 aguselwaquîy sv&Y uK9Ite., àamb of the book lipIuge, iltin-. WSs6eapraotieal guiSe. téo ue- no. - It is more partieularly ?ew for the usoetc ii thenbt irj '0 1ra.1lloner. Theair4tSi 20 es 8 i sapessonciprepcrlyî laehslg1 Muaënts4, mis !tedleamrt-' s,ý eesgnrnnle.bille" of elle -andS ttei mortgage, ville. etc., sud ou. tpractieci dlreellons te the con- ancer. The lei l'lu, the most;l le boru, anS Lt la vonderful vint &Mount o! useful informellon bas à compresseSinto gse§Mma àspa.. i emelnder c! the werk centaine ne asdprecedeati, oee4-r Ivo O! sestiImportant etatutes aud Ihe ex, the viole ferming a handsome ame cf about four hauSseS-,pages seoapter on villae ouleics 'su 9d' ubIe lot of dlreotlons for l."Sav. an àdexecuticu cf 111114Md &anS a rie ich ofhe lau' réisting tovwille la irai, vbhb iiprove Most uuefa à to ls;vere and Icynsen. We >niS lt.oic Ibis obapter pubba- e ,"" c réectteuilgaI e .prepare. "les, vh.re il *Wùud tioposmble to prfcure tie mrvices cf rbe bockt beth luplan and subjeet hLter, l ighiy original, anS se fer n belugt a mèe Canadien adaptation sore other vork, le oompletely diffes. -from ue aony wyovriton envey, élut. Il viii eUPplylavanttlut bat' àbeen feu, sud vwiii sgorS muci siatauce go the praclitioner. .1 beaus ample Markse ocase, origin- y, and rosearch. anS th. seelmlano. lb vas givn lihe suthor by leSing- eubers o! the bar, and vhuch ho se- sviledgss le lie profas. l in itl.!!& dlceuI gueraulme o! lhe value cfthe utenta. The Ontario Bank Meeting. à mýeeting oet heshareboidere cf lis ntsie Bank vas heid iu Toronto cn eoaay lest to reosive th. reuignation lite oid Board cf Direcors and eleci new one. Tioeswu à avary large misse of sharsicidesprssent. The Sfon. C. F. Fraser vauappoint- chairman. aseS cher reeuvlug the intino! lie Direetors,the meel- g rceed to eleot a uev board. seo voîjug lasteti uutil nie. pan., on Vednssday, sud lbe scrunuser itai a their coud cI Iwvie 0oclock. Tie llcviug islish resuit o! lb. vote, tb< xst mseuinthe liel heing dnIy .leobed if lb ti IrowtluS brouaglt up li repott eo standing oomicitl0ou nonsLu KIGse ceamtt Uît..e b.viole tlasnson-Ms. Boimasît lu lie chahr..Report adopteS as follove,: ThsaI liy baS .xaueled tli noet cfthie conunslsimnu & udreporé tfh ie nlkerof lie Nar""erigsu iSly -esau reposis td ie bridg e.an o'od s"ulofe repais, sud recommasd Pant cpe tel-o laminaomcounie :Mr.Buitau. onur., 81.2; W. G. Blugsum, $4;C ens 81 A.Tait, $10.50. ba h e lacommilsionerapolie o ezain lie mac rivas brid ge faneS liaI mil l.t upper portion cf -saiSbridge bcd baun removed sud rabugi, noe liaI hisse i. nom e seS ,substantielbridge, 70 fotIlong sud »719@4h vide s amiS lriver, coverei vili six4aoi cedar, savu, muS 10>fel cof raliig -.1 auhien#. Tie job basbase fiuilieS by MchaelUVmpbnsy or lie sunu et 1 W15.40. Tiare a and benexpuffl by .. Webster, for temporery repaire on aiS bridgedunlng lhe erh#wpunIof hast recoumond psymeul cf oueh&.iaof alS n- : Monagran a ,to.hméat cgrau o! Bleuw..uomribi te thriai W »I Jeovs 1eS %0hllsbadb A. Umars*U fer luimber aud vork 'ou lie bridge et Wusge, doue dunlng lie put year. Tiec cmmilles cal lie atteniou c! th. oundli lotie alluit ne noticeforthie eeeeuty 69 thi. moroai expediture va eve gvenlis euny acounny ef Simca., sud recomunend tual lie olerk aotl!ythie council et Simca. liai for lis future thil econi viiregains notice cf li snac repaniug uj bridge ta.r tsined by the sI onclbefore suci eTéitlthie brIdge oves liaé!Phot sivr, ou the Coulis road.lasUusfa, suad liaI lie - é ve ndsuthm ere c f itaraemlne lié icine enSmoaseucirepaire . sàml bo n';; Mt* carefun ycoulered iy la* neeesp 4 , P 2 Mmy, 1881,zsd flStlb.lav compleS vi, sud reccue meuS liaItle alSby-Iew b.ooffnmed. PINO. Mr. Chlesm GonîS irongit Up lis t report o eo! omeles,wvilci vas ba. ) opteS in cemmittee cf lie vicie-Ms. t Davidson lu lie chair-as foilova: Id Ion. C. P. Fraser............. 4,1 )A. Msuey ...................4,2 r W. P. RevieanS............8,471 îeut..Col. Ozoveki..........*..85298 LM. suiti .................. 98w lecige i.Rose ................882,171 Donald Meay..................82,518 . R.Ookburu............82489 5 Loche ...............8..J ,22s U'ru. O'Brie....................27.M5 David Gisue...................26M8 EL . H. ...................... 25M4 Ron. à. Vilai ................ 24,9U5 tlumber of votes polied...l.. . 8,0 At a sub.e4uent meeting o! lb. al-, rnr isr. 1P. RevienS vaselsol. @a President, mudol. Gaovmki, Vice. p>siesdnt. EreZ r iaend cf lbe Ont*rieBauk, nul b. il" to Iaun of tlisi.reait.- Lies oaeos. souva Oxrrerne-B. F. Canupheil D)r. MeGlItB. IL Brovu. Doam (Weel Ruing>-Heuny Mid- liebon, Richard Windatl, John Hàughes. IPO mM E wYI . Tum SociaL in nid cf 8St John. Church. Port Wbiiby, heou aI the.reéad. es o!fMr. John WiDÛisbase n, ou Tueedy eveuing, vslabely atlended, sud as e usuae tUegatberings,ther vuas spleaman evenigng pssd ana lihera coulributiobe given. The anout realized vas W. OULUX6. - Tii. t i t inaieUd matchofculng viU b. e illaattend. ing, juelgiug froue the dufereuce-Cf the tenus useS iu viajing. Thi e M :th Cauck slip: - haly, I vaut yen te amacà" i he ýJo U l*esuicot. toplay£«m!o ru o" e ie wlb s ont shue. Bhe's -a dsiy INov.. Zitoi, elbov greaae. Nov, led, Iàe twlh mny cern .11.-Val vas uqe ey? round teer, cuiter guasd.h.in ar.-et&. ST. Va rmm-Di.-& ii. the ea ct cupl ddarb-S tb utetXo. S et cou & 11vS., WbIiy,- tumNes. lisd bInome . e 8 Thejuveale dancingoebool. naSes lhe inslsulou of Mr.'Calverly,,bu cit6 a àrnbe1OfPUJli. The.' upe et konuý iénin ofeuhweek at ibe Oddfelie hWl, and bâve ploaand B«..h lifalspin h. tavnw et GJ. B. Rbs.nBa. Wb. - .1- he creeort hlcb vas aoptedunio ti..Mcf iii. v ureccm ed n1coa mtet cf accounteolaW. H. Hîggtn.el men ofhaJ.A aaruvefl. . i, W. PeKoei &Jaas. J.re u A. Mnndyl, for sciai en alec swarding the. o3ntmo.t for the. prlntii 10 Chas. Saimey Kt $185. Mr. Srnitb (B. AW.) bronght up lbi rport of the standing comuuittee, ani on motion th.eccnni ouet imb com mîteitI hsreou-Mr. Dobsoir ije lb hair. Thtt th. cotumittes bad nndsr considen tion th.enuomorial submllted by 1h. coune, of the cnuty cf Kent to th. Lientena G-versos lucocacil. saking liI the ti" tution k«ou a Upper Càaad CoUis aboid b.l»dlseeabâihed éaScouverts ctceh, nd invueid insuoh a wey t'ho th. incm ue.datrSM gb b.grated siti oe tue Hig bo.!. or Public sohooh 1 tuis Province. The ouuMit&e cnt boom iIlueahito.tdme a utkhle tba The onamitte. recosutemd6d, liai i ioUo*ig peuzs e'affippbued to t ROU"neletcniug in théwWbitby olt gis"e Institute sud thli hSools for ft Town cf Wbitby . D. Ormisto Ouhala W. H Reliai Port Perry, Dr. Sauplt Umbdidgs, Dr. Bue= àKoved by )Er. Buméitt, .uouded 1 Ms msuua ia mli after tih voi fti4* lu tb, $.uth lut* bc iîà ont-suad 1the folIoiug iCs.,#d-'9Tb the m::ey ariaing frorn said diseeta lUmn edivfded amongd A-iii.Pu lic Sebocie of the Province of Ontario bfr. Smith streugly advoosted I les&cf the Upper Canada Ooliel and read lb. report cf lie Kinister Education mae . 10tlb.Jacesl Legie ture bo sutain bis arguaint in laves th. qonhnuue. cf lbîtinstitution. 1 olairnad itmIl9vas sscI a àobiwsl for I privlleg.d felv, and 1tbt- WB,, ied .elsocracy ilu Canada.li dddot c gr. Nmaerlià*earded lb. grani laud fr upor.!U <pper Canada C l mg tuhb e a.Ugbt >as thégrant the 4lsrgy anxesa a otended t àil aulé b.don. avay lith.1 elalimeS Ihat .1gb. ont cf aen ~ytoena ,i. lb. Province ver.oppomeS le longfte xitonce Ili. B«»# it silie thslb.oj mtluev onas opoe tal oni.. u wbno.Ei0OliNd W tdt aIlb. la revi e I Il J »de rolm tbeSen MsUr.'Jot ýmajcrity1 duselalu VU msA e the lof ý- of bat ]U n îi Irne led by the vo* cflb gil.; bt'l r te g lise téii FOUB ayJen. 21 OOXNUWWATION5, ho PrMM tie Co=uu-y Court.,Judgee t lng- fer au admiioni-,Sllovaizce Pfrom Col.1.P'Douovae, aüe fi grn oarapuohugmusica struments for .the baud o! lhe 841 talion. ereneo. pnwuutd sues sud segoui for the çcun»y g6o. ÀX aNS Iiàocztmsc. varen imenhieLeesiLegii sud t ii d teGovueno lui. Iseane of educallon,- and s" isiit vauc' néit lia ulmguielo! lie psopls vW 0lsupprdsved < tb. cOntliaUliece o! Upper Canada Collage t.iabou laItedl forth bibeûhntt0o!1h0ebais. Lot ticns., Whio vcni.d il eontiuuauee psy for Il, but it baS no, claishl t4 uerisu .5 hy Provincial filia. -- The foloviug amaeanseni vu theé moreS by Ms. Bunett, secondeS iy Mr. Chilale--Tisatil cher liee Word "pernteS" ilthu-ti tel tns bc slreck cul and lhe foloing iuere-'ýTiet the mcuteym cnieing fronu saiS dlseeaab. lisbmont th. dIviSeS a&mou ut tie public eicclu cf lie Province of Onlatlo." Ms., Smith (E. W.) eontended ualt uotbing vould he ginea by Soiug say wili Up per Causa Collage. He de- ucunced lho'le *Bbocis as tie greai. eset ourse lie ccunli.y ba ereen, anS lie mbops taken 10 do say vihi Uppen Canada Colsge s Sabouerable. Ms. Smeiths(Ceisa) replieS iiej-tcur 111g b Sciols turneS cuit be claisicci menters for lie Prorlncej.uîub tt ppen Canada Cela -ç - 1isoucntuhatîou or tho institutionasuindefeusle, and .4iç ouly lbing ia hi ould ,4B. sin lufa- vos cf il vce liaI Ià vas "au olS insti- tution." The ameudment vu -lien deolares! eerried-enly Messrs. Smth (B. W.) and Joues (Oshava) rcting againet IL. Os motion c! M. Burnoîl (cexl day) >resolution passed instruetiug lie vardeu 1t. usemorialI Legielalure lu tenuesoc By.ieaIselapasseS appoiutiug Rugi Bcocol Truesm GRANT TO SALRA ANS> RAMA. Mfr. Lsrie brouigit. up lb. report!0 lie standing comiltee, vici va. con- s idered iu the comuulhte cf the vicie- Mr. Christie l inte dcil-asti adept.c . ýTial tuer baS under causideraticu lhe ippiiaostc ci tie menicipahilia cf e Mai ana Rama for aid ta lie uferes b i d duing lie mentie of AngustlndmeS Seho ber Ia resîdents of townshipusud rocon lit- TisIthi. mnof $100 lbe appropriate for tie aufferers resideet lu Mars, and tli! thie membors cf lb. municipal caucil i p liaI tovnship b. com=blmiouerm fer sxpond 7n th lee sme, vnWhoahllreport t h on u Iy couechi allthe June afuien- r2ed ?icî tthe sum of $800lb. appropni led for tie sunterera reeldentin era*m&a, tha ltahle meuniers efthle municipal couns of tt liitownship b.e mmnissiouers far el poding tii.Mae, wh sal aise reprtà oe Mr. Isaac olS approvod cf th id gracîs. and vould go for a larges mutr - baS il beee proposed. The calemit es vas on. ici enhtailid publiceas vs sasprivai. loss-soads euS bridgus v. 1- destroyod-#-nPeillY in Rama-and ff vouid tale e large nomuete repais thon' il Acecouaein luthe 'psp0rs g ied Il A- sebsciptions ver. rainaiS for- suiffons S by fieetleoihes laclitios. Iu tl M ony. cianly should begin aI heu asr for tiers mare, froue ailho coulsi les: cf g aitexîemeesasesa o! istresa t.ile dSe cht vitb s nywhsse sioe. As cb"adni r- b. only segstiad liaI lie tuu giî wau net 5l5ilmame hà Mr. Shsaise exoprsas.S l. fevor cf lie grnt. lo MItes lie motion Wbau endecla cannieS titthle municipal coucouls Mu. lie rspective townibps bave thé.di d. position o! the sem" graue- SMr. MoRe. sud Mr. MoPbers nes nu rally reunrued Ibaubs fer tbe gu by a&nS tie generus .ympalbi eiàibit . y&vmwy 16 s teOuoi la naa Te nounou' oaNB. ab- Mir. Lske Ilrodeod, ana cari o." liougi e iyliav, autbenizing tl i th. don and Iraesrer ho hoirsov, ven n '90, e ssar, certain anim e f uo uy or 1 cf unse cf the. ocnil. la- On motion o! Mr. Christie coum c!f 1adjored. ,nar orm a14asbu e au"-e ,u viadovi o! weut room of oouty atony,0 AsM he b.heaing thoe ony buildJgm byj gissue, bey sug gesl l, uconseqiience- et le absence frUL ieco cl - ca -M. ; BlekeU aSdother' olrentMuhances a no c bmit. li~hued ho hale uee«UY y mltow ouetO fi, A - -fl »Tioy seoemmteud liat'I tu iequtebe alias industrie- roferrd l- i i entu- mont cf lie grand jaan sSrprt ah lune session. T by recom ue d s l suuples of 1 don. pair brogans, 5Oc c ord oobal! dry sud hall green; i1aho, huit do. plut lin Cpot 1 do. yards tory cotton for pillav cases fo rnrTh57Tl r e id ppseni tva aeccunts#515 sd 86.45; A. .- W i- son $25.17; . J. Johusau, gîs.60 ; Grois h dranser,' 01»; Wmn. Wlks, 0,5.88 ; B. H»Dee, $2,60 -G. B. Yle, #80M J. B. Powellh&Co., à0 - HLTompsa, 82; W. Wàierîcnse' *9.'5; John B8ler, 110; J. B. Paveeil,ï Tiaithiesun ofai#20 b.cdflowea ho aci f the Cony judges for postage sd antaur-blg umorsase dafa ou lest * srialoirauce. Als liaCnt - C rtJu dgm e t bck bc fu selai.5 for le Olerk. Tisi ons of lie mseiii tidcourt- bouse, ppcsite hie radjury rcom dSecs'bc se- moreS, mud tisaapassage .cluay opposite liaIseo. s, ca. ta gl'roproper m e es of co xm u utcu ou e f r i he s. T ist ai a de l i. Ive p lali ide - be i laoscue iithesonli dorofthle court )f =ios.te the sonli.eatgahe. T1113GRMNTTO TUERI iRcVISWUeLGiLM. i Mr. Burneli moreS tisaI tie varden petition lie Local Legioialere te dis- contine tho grânt le lie, Agricelînral >f Sud Arts Association ;iaI liehe sie > e sent tholon Dryden, M.PP., for - preseulatIlc, anS li&I copies bo euh bc i. leaererai octy municpalitios cmi- le ng for teir co-operatiol. M Mr. Smeih(B. W.) cakeS If tbe mar- ri er baS mny idea cf lie nescl ti-ia n- migit follov lie doicg avay vili lie n- gracl ? DiS i.bcv liai lic hogracIa ed o e e ouely anS townshiip sooieties et youd i. cul off?2 of Mr. Burnett denied Ibal ecy snob Sresult youd faliov. H. baSlcno ien- t ion cf Seing awsy wil he lia.nule ic Le, the coucty sed tavusbip oie1 Se- id acly lie Sisocnticuance of tb. Pievin- cil ciel grani vas &Ili h. anted.- x- Mr. Smnih(9 W.) coelended that ai lie effeot youd ic le discontinue the gracIte i te counelyanS townmhip sc- he claties a. weil as lie «ranI te lie Pro- u, vincial, asse oe t.d bt hase granti ity caentuIof!thli overnment grsnh of 1311 $10,000J le tis Provincial Asscciation oc 'Ie Agriculture end Aria i il Mr. Grahassid il appeared tobhic n. tIsaI if the grant tc lihe Provincial verf ult discontinuoiS, tie rut 1e tie coieet3 cruan sutovnship socitis ould bec-oi hil off. H. moulé relier momorial t ne, Le@ggluire te Aligtibuto lie Provineis ,ru, grant arongel hie couuly andtovs ýaIti spscitie. sund iuggestsd liaI Mr dd Bu=nehemotion b. se cmended. 'su Ms. Buruetlwuas vlIling t. no ameni lhe motion. lu Ms. Milles miS the $10,000wvasi sepia grant te lie Provincial, api re liaI the gpente te connly sud tovuebil c!O seihes u'ere sepenate gavrsmen lis- grnue cf mouey. The Provincial vs a failure. te- Mr. Brovn expîlued uhaelthere wu sut8 se muci mouey, ie a bl sens, apprit itO priated for anciua purpses-tit nicipalities.The Provinci#-al baca laed cof gros sise l iis Province-;.,il bu F r- elp d te rais . te tand md f grier e - u ne ; but the sé er o , m n y u nic th -1and district ex hibiio s liaI tey d, . tractei froue the Provincial show. TI mii Smean uemunlof thie gpeuh vas uch compareS vili tie usefulnescf Il association. If,-s Mr. Smithbel, 1h. grantte thie olier socelies, -von là. culntoffi if lie Provineiali vee isc& tinueil, lieu il vauld b. unvise, attI prenant lime, t. discontinuse ' ru sml- Mn. Moliensili cgreed wili a gnu for. deailhi badbeesu mlA ihal itItbe bien géo in heïtue& o -Ierlhua ,Il bal-, beu s prng up-ytho t rn sýe . I ueiid@, G uelph-, h . à J o(ih mou ebo,ýov ced b. muelabetter. 0 - i pelalie aecursoy- O! fr. Bus sîsiemeul liaI the mtucey-le 't Mj4a ' cenny anS tonshiip ecciollescame-, lihe _ýMr B lh-I admlil- hiat 1'.il Aune vruglere's no occasion Ïle disei ahie frieude cf the village aud neighbcr- becS. ;Tbeladies .iuil as ns peroninent liir éàboopialiiesi ohe, stiagers. On lie iret dy' a-tr a brie! addrees from -the pre id t, tli !olloviug effceur e e.elecledý: --- - rsduMi.' EL '. Brigge, rea-ý eleted ~1iK ilePrsS~Mrl. B. o r ovidenceon 1ho: part of, h., ' lipn oui~eonco18 - ehe*ig «is r .rlu.it dge of commset foirthe. efeudalit,, îereby the jury sud- i-he .expert vi-._b cese forthe prosiecuticn., dalring- a ortion.o! the Irisi,-enight- observe câr.J Luconduci of th. eMondat, té -mubr Bve th h.eprpsescflb.prseculen, *o defoncé: being insait'y, wthct lb etrainicg power of the.,co0Urtî beinmg oz- caie cctl those puirposes 'were se-t mcplighed, téta Ie great prej8iceocf. ho defendant. NXinth, msbe!hsviqtii o he jury in reaiig, or hieaing'rad to hern, newaptpersè calculated té preja- ce their minds againet the' defendant. reth, rlew material faco, unkuown at he lime of the -triai, sud net aitaicable )y roeonable diligence on> the part of îe défendant or his attorney, have I irne té light mince the triai.. Eleventh à0 verdict iscontrsry to the evideno. rweiftb, the verdict lu contrary t? 1h.' ýw of the came. In the second paper the firet, second, sud third gronds are' substantiaily 1h. urne as the seventh, sixth, and fifth in te previons paper. The fourth i. thsît th. court erre<l je its instructionls te the jry which erroru are specifically sel forth ie the bill of exceptions. Fifth, th. court erred in -il. charges té tlb. jry. The sixîli, seveeth, and eighth grounds are substaetialiy the same as th. ûrst, second. and îwelftli in the previons paper. Ninlh, that tii verdict wus mot ie accordance with cor var- sented by the evidec e ibheeoaws.' T~he tenth acd elevqnth are substaptial- ly th. estoe as tl-b. tenhand niuth in thé firet paper.,- The sffidavits- o! the ,riocer, Frederink H. Snyder. J. N. &ntioteau, and George Saouile t-re fitd.- beizrestraiced bhis liberty,h.h'be unable perioualiy le give hWj&teùlion to matters pertsiiig té 1h. question of a new !,rial, anal bas been' oornpelled teý' reiy upon icforrlïation of the' points thaï Mfr. Scoville rma' have beenauilté ob.] tain. à~t, w-bils.7the, comnt 0,- c.no -vi faule iy d ueslà seifriîi 'tb' Do mémorial cf-the ôountu leil of -o, f à ' et feel ih&t ft*théèi egslt«01118- vsZ 7 é demirable lu order te euierSxpQo-Ç * y f i the pay mlen l o! le tx le ied 44M- 0 seS misete provido for lb. p&ymoriÇ_1,.w dernage iseetaiued hy lhe debéin Of !- ehesp by doge lirougi the vadiS. - munoipalities cof lb. Prcyiuuee. Tboye iecom nend lba legi là ioà ,, i li regar d pro te lie tsaalicuioe!doge sud* protection f e! sheep lho Provincial. W Tsiat cl sslhe imperatireonou acî brre oflie muinor munucipaliiee provie forer es o Scasessed a lg, caÙmberëad-sud: secondeS in th. cesessment rol cf eaeb Fol meuiecipaliy, sudnal st ny og found n.c nlotI1,e irugi-1sWh o able ~aud destroyed; *anS thal il ial h. he dnly th e! eory persou cr pensons whc ueay led bacons. possesseod cf a dog on doge after~ lie saïseoeaamadc iltétunu, wm nýeb lu Iweuly d(îayWa ller baving beéoctuen pomesmed cI simoi og crdoge b maire 'Po a eum u tehe dro f te municipal. ta iy, r i a deilat eof, ma ing snob retu rui ser tîbe i. Ubl. b oa peueltjf o! $5, an a ret furîher penalty e! 50 cents per ve'k, èe fon orery veek -afthe le ime epecifled for lb. m akiingof mnob ret rn. - ol That le mineirimunicipalitieià have-th hie.pcver tb Ievy a diocrimiueling lax, th on lie Varions clsses. a! doge. .die TugI vIit regard tO tle sepymeul O! Te olime for damagea for aheep kilieS by th .doge, liaI payment mvy hi maSo iu b' proportion tle ieasmeseavalue o! accith sbeep destrayed.co Report adopteS, after smre discus-th 1sien. TN MISOELLANEOUS. 1w On motion of Ms. Long, secondeS iy, iMr. O'Lasy. a special committe of four ao . eu appointeS le carry oct lie repoirt st c f the. standing committe. oe cocnty th -property, as fair as healing the courlt t .hanse. gaol and regislry offie-saiS il comrnithee to coumiol o! Mesura. Larke, fo tMilles, Isaa GoniS snd the mever. tL 0 Tue varden agein lefsthle chair for ju i. balf an bous. gs . Wbe c ocil *rsured, bfn. Lanke r. a brougbtiath lird report o! th. finance i f comiulîe. on lie andilara' abstract- w f ici baSl ocly heen, sigeed by one ofi tie "auditoire, Mn. Laweo-lie chier,T s Mr. Christian being aiment, aima as h6o13 ae lie tra.unerm bondm, Report adopted.- 5 y On motion cf Ms. Joues (Oshawa)p li seconadS y Mr. Lanae, lie commithe. G e ou healing lb. couuly building. vere %I sirected to report utt ieeue session x-for li boteesve1ntIlaton cf ibe curtb r. necues. On molicu 61fMr. J L. Bmih, secon- SdeS by Mr. Paer' e onil ajcunrued t ho lie tireIT es in un. a1 il a SpSOiAL BDUOTIONS -tlEWiTOuEs AND JxvxWRL-SptMWa'ineductions are, * nov being made, euSaii -couhinue for 0- tue unelfour Meku s ollri Rs all. 6e carefully aëlêôhea,- hy lAs.X4nmtou u- persousll,uthé heul maniets làsEng- in, leuS and bthUited Blales. CaiCsîoge ITEKs-Tbe tie Nevisil on brclhe, Dan, Ciarles ia Robert, as W. Huron Brown'. relire frcm oicketing, lie for this seasen. The Yoeng monicee ng milii.groatlyvakud y erai tus tlic.-.-Brovu and Rohi. Nevihal lb. S, Usea baîsmen, Chao. NeviÂUl, boývlbe, 'Id and lie bQsl ail round player ID. S. >- Neviahi- ut. Charemont. --- eut Souh Ontario Saibah Scicol don- ~Svninmet et fllsremnceul o li-SS and - sd Ob ulho. Tics. vas&' very grat- _ý_ ifying gathering euSlievis te: e . j~ . Garlebor. of Toronto is etartinga Dow car .Wheel foundry -in 'Til Quwi'4! ]HoQ., WO are 1018,-i. ýte Change bande. 1fMr. lame. Pringie, the -formërerpplr Pro]?uiklr cf the. Royal, je 10 becoune lthenew -proprelor 1f.àud Mrs. Geo. 1[âokie :Wer.in tÃ"wn. for a fuir daYs IssI-iveek, both lookiuïg w41. Thséy iea*efoirWiiilPeg mboly. Dnring- the.-semsion cf tlb. county cobno11las'i week, 1h. court boue gag Assemblies aud privai,parties aire, cernerons Ibis- vinter --aud pleasant eveningse .joyed. The markel je veti supplied with bntcher's- meast ci ,tgkindu. mes TExneaPfIO.I15 eidthat on sages wiii be r eceiveil for transmission between Montreal anI New York net pany's lice. TEas CRILDazN'a eulertainment heid at tbe ail- Saints' echocionaou wMon- day evening, vas -we1, atteuded. The. proceedo simouluted ta,- 8.20. The ycuust.s-kep ddig af.v dollars 0&ca1orafltop iheir jIhý .nyScboql imusemui;bO ides. The slorrny-w.ather of lasd veek did , «ed deal-ef damage in ibis section. fne&Ocame tu g4fï TUE F" 1BaxenE.-TXs la anen lertainmeut for* vbich the ladies of AHl ài1td . church are nov prepsriig nme "Utile oes. one - ime durig bis Ilmonth wilb-se isdlb..min *"-Ipgkll Ut4le- piec. Oteai 1ratieniu 1.vàal -an- nururnutàs !IIL-1*aa'e . u.. 5g550e - ls etohe '-utr nus a on riaw 1p he spee Âfter ronv the debate. lions cf lbe timber sel Iby erèrec wbicb haidi by 1hir P lion namïêd ealed lthe the tiover the sole f fer :0 a pWpo- t lat-of lic. byf art net, have public att.î uouthe li ne .again r Sir Joh h b ich Boll The -fhsfr1 Ibe di endl di ý,will bs added. , Dife DOSWO - mu- ,en in the" eolumm of -,dà" itertainment. > ,ý&itîvà âL t-hè - Bi - 1 1 -- 1 duriuu~»ee ho r le sea guest aI the th. eut pied a room ienthe vicinity cf hoee oc-Mod eupied by lhe jury. -'On December l181ýh ,e muble p;WnÉcgthrocgb lbé hall-h. fonnd p p. : tii.doWdor !eelhe XrPonuqi- eutude by the jury, open. Tlxere waà nohody tlema iii lhe rcom sud'there a s nevepaper uiu on the1tlSlal. The affiaxul1 eiippsd mb nto.x a room snd look the newupaper, vhiob JcymeI Ssoved ta be the. Washington BEvenieug er, v OrUdo extra, issueS ceithe 199]j cf No. ,*p, vemiber. The paper oniained. lie 50prà id ceedinge luthe. Guitesu trial liai day, an acont cfJours' altppu'pitet shoot roei the pioeadndixa cal."îatd.ý' iu la ei prejudiceIbe jarcrs againatthsi. prfm. e t ceer. Tfii, agLinl says iwhal purports Bj toe- theb, igustntresof sorne of the 1iDawv, juubrS,-and ofeee!ii.-th Se - à, n The c0a f!.,an -J1Jeitâàl lttrs 6f naines- been a vise rite'n où the 'P"por aîIale N. S. the lime lte Q int tooke il 1ioln -ihe': rooî, O-lb. e ma .veuiug ilài- he h# 'aud b.papethe.> :fat rote oniiàrase bis ini4Ias,ý thé date of-findling the pa. -aio per, ad uth, i nmbês! .cfteroou,2). The amant afterveardE gave lhe paper bo ML Enwville. .< aiiiv Go,-w Urt'a 4DAXM& . - H

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