is in Ladies' Fine Fur Mi B'ýngins in il' -4reduëe st ck. EOUR GOODB, AND. Y0U- WILL BE THOROUGHLY -CON- IUT WE OP'PEI A.LL WB E ADVR1tTISE. NOW I8 YU- - OPPORTUNITY.: a1o i ry la hI, le lugis, if the Mn. arA,, a aperion1 4sue- poposition t lpa on exibitIn b lien, Aquif cdtle atbonenthe xhu ail, oedy oi lie puein eftriu1 b g ,te iho effot t lho be- ararud t l iaorcd egtUn.4* U. Blikke, Ù is à de'stato th~ e t ied etOsinarvon, 1usd éoputmdd 4ltaI lii The diruotrora of IWervey Iaaêit, Doodzkin Gevecnoitihave telUo Keuroal, by. avote of fi"v. blhroe, unbekolpooipdlplownPrvi.havh* OI4»d.tl1hs*a foe~r Ur. Ur,41* bily ol&4l bqV heuro Abtorue saIsi~~,MW, a I reoel41bb >r êitý Ibanhi hu'anaudeliaaIh si.y'v, atAtt l,'e, i*la et O I - w hhhonld,boe arilved aI by tie arl~%raona Opa ne jutlf éieaction on a la t1h., Address lu r.ply aofle Dominion Goç7ernmenl la repu- BLau t'O tue speech lia lirnn. u viataiug th. Avard ad nfouing-Oahro FOI pm.The folovlag lnaa sumsry ber r4h11," Test, 94; uya, 26. y& of tue proioaduu:- Pu.- Metrs. Appleby, Aviey, in After routine, Mi. Mowat remumei Býdgorow, Balatyne, Batterville, tis debste. Ho mid Ihsttheii.obJee.BAgler, Biahop, Blesard, Bonfielai, lions of th. Opposition le, the récent Caldvell, acaden. Ohiaboltu, Cracks, timber sales vée. nnscund, bacana. Derohe, Dryden, Ferria, Field, Fraser, Nu îiuey verè caiendlog agïînat a patifte Freaunan, Gibona (Hamilton), Ghbaonubeau vbuch lied beau asysiamatloail lolleid (Huron), Grahamu, Bogor, Harcourti, Beg by ileir Piedéecescr Another ebjec. BoardyH kvlayi Hay, Bounter, Laid- Bar, tien uamed va. anc ageinut vil atW a îs, Livi nl Lyou, MCraney, Mc. macl cslled the conlrallsng leudanclua eofK.m Momgilin, MoMahon. Maci, Oethi the. Gcvaftmaat and Assomption of-Mller, Movai, Murray, Nairu, tors patronage. Ho canld only -ssy tia% Notion, Parde., Peck, Robinaon (Crad. woe the sole oflce vbich lied boeap veil), Rahinson (Kent), Robinson i(Hal- sud taken aay tro tu i nclPalif.les. S0 ton),.-Sinclair, Sulder, Striher, Waters, of S fur mei appintaient vas conoenned, vas Watîerwýortî,-Widdifield, Wood. Youug. babil tiaI of lioeuse inspectera, aud te do Ntys-Meuars. 'Baer, Bamiervilla, *as tigi tie (overament had hoaua urged Bell. Boulier, Braston, Broder, Creigi. hid by ail partieu and the ue nicipalities ton, Frenci, Jelly, Kerr, Lauder, Lecu, midi iioîuuelvea. Tiose. miner mattera vere Long. MoMauLer, IsIadill, Meredith, Ng not, hovever, vhat wevoe sattratiiig Morrick, Motoalfa, Mounk, Morgan, ende public attention, hilci vas centered Morria, Richarduon, Robertson (Haut. pros upon thie tva greut qutestonso e ings,). Toeley, White. vill ljundary A.vard and lie Rivera Bltl. The pragrapi passued. On tie nexl out lie again roferred te the pelai. cted by parsgrap the. Sir John Macdonald su belng lieue on Mr. Vionria moved an amndaient te have wbîoh BilIs sieuld aloune bcdiulloved. the. offect -That tihe Rivers and Stresm@utau Thé f4tun vs the ie ab sould bc 1Bill vas a violation of public igitu, eut, causîtutional. Re ield thuat ths vord Iat Lte disallowvauce vauunade lu boer sololy spplled ta tie BritlishNorth socorulunco viti thie provisions eofithe A Amoi m'-Ad. Thattlus vue vithin British INorth Amerlos Act, sud hy Ritpe thi. powers cI theProevinceunuden the Exoelleney, cting under the udvioe of thée Brituih North Amerlos Ad-vwas net te hiu Minlulera ; sud Liai lie Houte, ci.,l ha disuted. Anolier poiut vatial ile daly jaiena of eil public rigita m tie Bill eiould net cahitvithe gea- sud privileges, did net regard lthe dia- en,, ural interest of tbe Dominion. Tii.salovunce au any luvaien'of tie niglule tan did net. It wvaltais laid devu iy Sir oethle Province. ben John tiai if a Billva. denilfai, due Mn. Harcourt, ater anme remunka, Tii correupondence sionid be ield vit-h lie mevetian umeadment Wte eamend har, Province before dluallovsaoe. Inu hil e mnt la the effoot, «Tht thie Bous e esae tiere ad heu nooonieuordeuoe. voulut reset quoroaehmenle on lt-a me It bad.beeu etid tiaut Mn. Blakiedha xigliue, sud lia itil va.of opinion that Ie givenlexpreasian a. Ministen of Juillet the*onu@tinhlen coul t ua$suvive the diut Wa viewsu vilci justlfled lie disallov- vrebcb gîven We il if tie Dominion _o anc. cf tie Act. Itl ie.bil4don. an, Geverame o lo pon lit W tdécide -vo tien lh. (Movat) and hia friande veultilLie policy or question the Actaetflie mal nos fllov Mr. Biaks lahile contention ; Prevince psed vithin thieven r i e but i. tien ghi Mi. Blake ihai net sa.i<givea Il by lie BrillishNorli Aunrican Otfl Wb&$ vue ailed, su tua Bille reterrati Act.- ro le vere vielv différsntinlapiniple tW Tic Bouse dividea-Yoas, 10 ; naya, iv Ibat nov -under discussion. It va. 24. lier aise said thal if Mr. Bake iad neai con- Yxà s.- Mesura. Appieby, Âvrey sud uemusd the. Bill relallng te Munîtoa balIanlyne. fluion., Biuiep, Bonfieid, ou] lade offoialilie isd beeu gullty et Oaidwoil, Ca.ead<n, Chilaieli, Crooku, tir impertinence lu expieaalng aun opinion.; l)erocbe, Dryden, Ferri&, Field, Frazer, 1 bas if a, ho va. jussifid in lu bis couneel Proeun, Ghbe*on (Hamilton), Glbsan ha, by the Iimpéal autionltleu, via, Wvile (Baron), Grahamu. Harcourt, Hardy, mi lie y dld ual dlsallov Canadian Bille, Bsvwley, Hay, Hanter, Laidlav. Liv- o mii lfrequoat-i expieuued lhie trongeat laton, Lyon, McCrnuey, McKim, Mo. mu disapprevsl cf tiu. Tiey hai atroe -Latugiin, iteMahon, Mack, Mls, i ly condémnead thé courue poiaded luthie Mevul. Murray, Nira. Parde, Peck. *Lelellier cue, but yet hsd net advised Robinson (Cardwell). Robinson (Kient), Sec tie Goveinor-Generul ta refuse te dia- Robertaou <Hilton), Sinclair, Saider, in misa Mn. Letellien. Biker. Waters, Wattervorthh.Wells, SM Mn. Morris sald ho vua not avare WiddîiAsid, Wood, Young.Pe Ilusi the Impériai uutienltleu hid x- NÂs-Mea- .Baker, Basierville P pneuaed aay epinion la the. Letallilen Bell, BoualIer, Brareton, Bru&aer, Crolgi- ta' oa.. ton, Vreuob, Jefly, Kerr, Lander, Les, soi Mn. Mowst nead tram Todd ta ushov Long, Mudili, Moredith, Morlon u. ytl tuat lie Impérial Seorolsry of Stateu Morgan, Morris, Neer, Richardsan, na Jeepatob adviaed lie Dominion Goeurn- Bebsahn (Haahlgs), Teoley, White. ti ment ta *recnsidr hte .gnaviy of Theis e thon paed th. Adairesa, FB lie-subj.ct'butors imking snoba a top and adjoanneai et 8.80. l ste &aivistue dt==usiof a Liautetu- eOICuCi eF N ,N.fai mut- (overnon, sud poiuled cuntlthe Mn.Meredith imoved for a netunu inubhl dangers, vhlci migit oaile. taei Bach a the - ai Législaturee ofMembera or ti' course. Objection had beu taien ta te Laceso Asmlywoweel lie Pilvens 1Bill au boiag retroactive, but e-ebr fAsml i a.l no ee vulddsn tit vry ottNoMbene six moulthsprier te appoint- bh no ne oul doy iat luy li e npubic aatsoffice, utuce Confedération,-bai retreactive législatione n e pbi dtsof resignatioen oeoseats sud rni iteesut. Bnci legielation aboundeai, o iet eofcadtem aud lie alatulc beah of -Canada and cf"Pointel W ofcsu i.1 England bil Danmerons Instancéesof il names cf uncbh oera. Adjourneai. MW Il lisavacce va. adviued ou liaI. Moaday lie Bouse lied a aient it-pL> grouud, ilwva sDovw ieparlura. For iag, lhc preceedingecoeasisting mainlyl14 example, the. Resd Allevanue Acti ak cf lthe introduction oi Bille sud mations ti iug any timben fer munioialities vau for nelurus. Tu,. Oirsi moeure of a vi retroactive, but alioved pu lie grouipublic chunactor introduccd wvue tbe c cf tie conuptence cf ithe Local eg disallowed Streasu BI i.wiolu nec.iv- *e- lature by Sir John Macdonald. Anotier ad ita lfret roading auid obeerp tram in M wut ortlîy ef notice vas, liat lths lisGovenameul aide. lu reply la Mn. n tp uc tiËuli rpntI ra i onigtona smalien for copie& ci cotae-ou-ra pluunlefretpue alovaril-sud thepondonce beiveon the Geverneni t vw wiele argument etftth. Opposition Oîn adleeetCwdusdQe bauod on the. question et compensation. beia aniînaîon Lie Toasariner ozed l3it ILas te be remetabereai Ihut Mn. isil bieOn tlaMiiry vier -nainr.-90 MeLsren'u land vue net taken avsvta h ntroMnar wr mtr-e It wase loftIfer hlm, but ths Act enly ponuible for lie dls y lu the selile sl pnovided LiaI he aboulai io compelled ment ofthtAe qauipu. Atten éoine fui- ec te alîow che ora1 ue h, sud tousavere tien disoussion thie motion vau oaînlod. w asuuguocai hm. Xi coula net -ha $&id A motion iy Mr. Morris for correspond- te liaI tolaé vere net enaugi- le cempea once e-boul lic Boundary Avard wsa, aute far île usa of snob impravemenis a&fier s briot but ubort discussion, ellov-- Tho meinien foi Mukoka, Mn. Millee d tW stand.- lid salu thte other ciguhutilfhe Mn. Lander'i motions for informatien Goyrnmnt ockalltheiwprevenatsabPailt Algorna landsead plana fer nev cf OntarioolaIe Ilueir own bande aPaliment Buildings ver. coarried e-fter haudâbme revenue migit ho acquiroal, tebuketrmlie-reauner sl.ud Cu- sud uunely a toit would milfice Mn. rbk - onte raae sdCo MeLrenfûntlo ne c li,, muaeuetaiPullie IVonia for hie rock-E McLun rte Bt uenyo etien.i mnt mAeud brne enaslenly enie? Te vna allewet utuan. Ate uege_ BOYS'-AND MENS' OVER(- )d nClouds, -Mufflers,, ScarsShawls,- Hosieryad_-Gloires, at sale -priees !- AN IMMENSE REDUOTION IN ALL Cheap; TEAS, SUGARS, and GENERAL GROCERIES, CROC4{ERY and- GLASS- WARE 3 Whitby, December 27th, 1881. Wshington Letter. cao OBTOURT lx Oanas. Now a a mSrà .s Mou= aCmsps-Txu ex.W YNoV EvvxrerlxaT13BP. 0. D. Wshington, D.C., Jbuy. 28,1882. o reusukable législative von hbas ascoompliubed during 1h. week. %iaq oratory, ln memory of Benatora neside ana Curpentor, ooonpled eh of lb. lime 01 Congieu S.oine Ai. orabions notsbly thoue eo Sens- aHarrison, Edmauda sud Lamer, ae of a very high order of eloqnence 1of thooretical finishi. lu spe&king lenalor Carpenter, deceaaed, tia à iîualy ceaid auaturÃune Edmunda an sovercoine vith emotion that he ito.panue, for soe mnoments, in the uot cf hit addraau. Now that the Gaitesu trial hba beau e4, Il la .zpeoted Liai an sotive eeoution effthe Star Route Cases, I be bogun. Tii. Goverument juroe. ting officera have nearly ompleteai 1work ef preparing the Came, vhlch ae beensolactiedso.aa le bho, au far pouuible,'repreaentative cf thie differ- tdegrees of frand alleged, W hbava n Commilted. Alarge nunuber of diachargtes are 0%- eted in the. P. 0. Department.durîng acoming menti, sud hundredu of !rkm are trembling viti fesue ual they y b. the. onea ta fiud th. fatal yellov rveoe lu heir douku, viien tb q eu r heir officea. Il la prtly woellËnovu re why tisa disehargea are mad. a9 nov membera of oongreau muaI re placea for hheir friand&. Mauà y tubera ows feotioli W tue emise eft lieem e.. ther nmm Ss hope for re-*elot.îrough the. tribuion oftu t renagat a sfev orkers fromein lieuIiau; bhau, esi mienced oes puaIbSdleîobawgol ake place for tliee viebave Daexe- wionce or. itluese for the vorn. Iu ber words, te oeenIoda are alioeu cm thoe. kflled la tusir Uue sud von Wo bangleru. Oaly big corpora- ns@, likge ii. Uîtd"tesu, eaustand iii eu nnantdud drainons a"uimof tplayment. 1 do net mean te aay bat the Corks nov la the empley of las departmuet sare the boitthlim"l va boen s.leoled, but long nLUae bu bd. them very familiar w"vth uir unik, and they are iv better tim sw o in, eho vill b. appotleaiituelt th ghteul reference.te fituaau. Wahinn ociety has juai had a nuetien, folloveai, Ihui. by a feel. g6 Of uauasa. Oscar Wilde. the self- a-luruded leader of seateis. tap- oarod lu car midat, sud @mocf Our oiblinid aeciely leaders miatoci 1h. awdry humbng fer s rosi Apollo. Ome o et lieeleaders have onhape nes ,el r«eald tueir miatalis, frtue are >1 soute or crilical, bui go for by ring labeleaid lih"or 64RAy egliah,» lke, guogeona fer suu *lUie. ai fy-bsit. But tuer. are eliera, tuai è11ev tic lesd cf th. leaders, vho are lsrlily auhamed cf the. Incenea liaIt bey have been bnrnlu a ansuè»an athe ___ ----e1t__a - _o -u ST"-,ever put on rj 1h. long-oared peole.They bave igun Wo sl lomulves, Wba mithli 'est clalmaeoft li.affeotadly exceutio aon, vieosme nere in long haïr Sud ziieval outumte, W r"sai atille coin- oiiurehsrse d d pilad, froat auiin. Whe-i do«.ho knov about wn ; whats lie palatea-,Carvid, or rrilbeutuat entitie hlm, Considéra- aou, le uMy nothlag etof mage. Wef Il admire lie bemutifal, vwith taste aoreo opeu raffned. *The\low.r uni- males &laadmire tie beUmtlflsuev roider et Darvin la couvinceai. But riat la tuer. ecn 1 iybealUl uW' >eoâr Wilde' airaton cf lie beaul. aiû liaI mokaOur vulgar ýW.ahiitôn cpoie y rn aller hlm PhTilu but au- othar expression cf morbld aentimenît, Ilm, sud igorant unhealtuy deprar. e0 appetite or ordure, Auchi aa luces remea ta ueei the autogispi Cf Gui. teau. -Aremariable family gatei'iug- to Ëplace on Daembèr25haOored :aglgnd, au ancestral uéttcf Ib.o oh Roman Calielie Vanibag, te blesu a doipeulieobe-apol.,Ti.won*iet thé uqure,~ Buha Vaghùofp4moIlbl sud ~ ~ ~ .. Pabruliufsu thautà s POWELL a. cbo DOMINION. WARERC Noîii-West Mbunted Police. Hia Exoellenoy the Govoruor. Qea- ruý 'a bs alon been pleaeed t10 us he i. y lowlng appointmealu sud promotions ut b1 filvacanolea eulating lu th. North. d( leut Mouuled 1Police force : " To be oomamuoiier - Lleui..Coi. zbouen Goaford Irvine, trÃ"m lot Nov- mb.r, 1880, date of hise bamporary ap-.1 lintmsnt, oieéLent..Côd. James Par. buareau Maoleold, appoiuiud Stipen. sqr Magitrai.. Inupeotor Alberti burtliff, vice Superiateadeal James vaer, r.aigud, tW date trom 24th nur,1882. Inspectai John Homr cli.,vice Bupeeluleudeut William rinder, reuigned, Wo date from 24th annary, 1882. LieiaL,-Col. Alexander ocKenzie, vice Supsiutendent William *Jantes, services diapeused with, 1o îlte from 241h Jaunary, 1882. To b. inspectorae-Ayleuvorth Boweu i ýerry, Euq., vice Ineeoer Albert A ibunliff, promoled, IodaMe from 24th t' snnasry, 1882; Heury Rouso Prevoul, aq., vice lnspeolor John Hecary Mo.- Iree, promoted, Wo date trou 241h mnusry, 1882; Bz8f-ergeant Frank ïorman, Wo date from 241h Jonusry, 182. To be Senior Surgeon - Auguatua Fukes, Euq., M. D., vice Surgeon John 3. KilUeon. M. D., relired, Wo date from ? Jannary, 1982.1 Tii. tollowing are the. preont officera >1 tie North.Weat M6antqd Police, ail Aber oommlaaiou are ýhereby caucel- Wd ;-Commuuidoaer, Aoheuoa Goaford rytte, appoiai.d lut Novemb.r, 1880. Buperlideul-James UmooWaloh, loiu .,1874; LientN.PFi Cy roier, Ilii Bepiember, 1874; Williamaaul. lay Herïchmer, lus aulgual, 1876; Al- bert Shuilli, 241h Jamuay, 1889; John Heny- Mlir.241h Jauay, 1882 ; Alexander Moenotie, 241h Jan- îary, 1882; Su Po ltendeantad nia tant, John C lot iJanuayM181. Iouler 8urnou, AuuastuJakm, M. D., 241h Jauar, 882.-Assistanutsur- gecul - Robert Miler, -M. D., 251h Cel» ober, 1875 ; George A. Keasdy, M. D)., lai October, 1878, Inupeotors, John preneh h Marehb, 1874; Severo Gag. BOU BidAprll, 1874; Ednd Precholle Ilti Beptembëe,, 1874;* Pranel Jeflry Diokens. 4h November, 1874 ; Arihur Beaiy Glesbsib, loti Jus., 1875; Perey Ropunald Nobslat Jaly, 1870;1 Bamuel -B. Steele, Blet Aixguub 1878 ; Aleuander A. Maodoueli, lot September, 1878 ; Thomas Dovliug, 151h Bepletu. ber, 1878; Ayleaford BowenPerry, 241h jaainary, 1882; Henry Èoioeo Provoal, 941h Jana', 1882;* Franki Norman, 241h Jaaaary, 1882. A SurprlaeiPicianca. Adylng umilaul recVM a lrangi hla. terpoelllen. ef a humble Germna.-Some ou140 ouletie Umauu.lo alêe honue h. ~IMUn&smabufuj $au aevealngha vlm baud thbe In a ebu lm d Joiaties,ê gwMy - Wfan dud not b. e .I a !uylbxrme dflub hpts~ Mille. Jeanne Bonaparte, daugguer, ti'laie Prince Pierre, in tbeb.mar-, id nexîtumonth W .Abe lMarquia de rlleuve Bargemont,. the ,elion of a snbLgimial f smily. The. lay'. owiy le t beb.1,000,000 france, given y her brother, Prince Roland Bons- Mi. Thos. C. Rester, of Ottawa, vas jeoted one of the. direotors of the kmorican Society ai Civil Engineera at ho aunlnsl meeting in New York. He a, ehOralntCanadian Who has been o0no:uilu in adirection by thé mo- A -CA R D. T O a&R vbo are uufferlng froin the. er sud indiacretons of you.h, nervofli weakueaa, early deosy, Iona of manhood, &a. 1 wll end a re ual ths i iMcmurn, PRBE O CHABG. TIà sgres at y was'diaoovered by as miauionary in South Amerlc euil ondauelf-addreued oenveole to tihe Rv. Journ T. laxx, Station Bible Hou"., New York Oi. NEW ÂDVERTIBEMENTB. GOLDSMITH'3 \HALL. SPECIAL NOTICE For the next few weeks special -reduotions will be made in ordêr to make roÃ"m for. a NEW STOCK 0OF GOOD8 that have beeu 'ta NEW ADVERfJ-S:-EMENr[Se -CALL ON- W I'lleIlA.laa u la1S@ -0P WHITBY,- For fleliable Boots -and -Shoes.1 - :0000: Q-Foot Wear of alidnds sold Cheap for Cash, by WILLIAM BURNS, Broèk Slreel, Whitby. ON THE WAIR PA TH AGAIN! A consigument of Ricli China Goods, arriving too late for the holiay trade, wiUl be sold at a- GR~EAT REDUCTION. Ten cents on Mhe Dollar. R'eturned to' -every ca-sh purchaser of China, Crockery, and glasmware during thig rmo nt h. We are stili selling blbs Japan Tea-for $1 00,; 8lbs Choioe Green, Bieack, or Jepa0Tso $1 00; b 3rga lminchoue$ Fa Mily Graco- niec.Bna Ourrants, Orangea, Leoe. À M&TEODIS? CLBREOTNeI<8aNcION. The 1Bey. Mr. Peppr, a Moliodialtelou miniater Wvire i ehviied Ineland, tW et vhieh h. la a umîlve, raid W)iis cou- We lu ain n oue of tii, Western 1 b. ayhoconfidenLly uffirmad tuta m lioa ilane kraalinluKuffirlunai vhich pai peante moe ideauindications of q n aller barbanlumthm hi e 1..vena rt of dl Irelaud called lie prevince a0 Ululter. Si Hors la a areimeneor Ivo cf thé bru. Wo lslity ofthe iaristocratie govenuere cf Jui poar Ireland ; A passat an Lard Me Leirim' sate hait a deceal hanse la W! plae cfthe tiahched ce-bim la vhlieho Jai vsliving. Witii greal pride bo enter- Mc ed Ails nev reuldence, orpeollng lie D. firal ime bis lundlord von Id panu, h. del vould uay, "Weil doué'." Bal Leitnim, l th. tyrant und ruffian, deusuded tle FP inov vierelh. aid houewva., "Tain- SI ed fit lutoa cov honm,sidthie ten- J& sut. *Without my prmsson ', ei- EB c"ama the Isadianai; "ie o back, to Ill the aid cablu sud put the. ov uin lie Ja nev one."' Lard Lurçan, anotuer cf Il thhosa hlM vagabondaun thie connty cf il Armagh, oummandedai aboua. 10 b. anleddvusd levelled teiti. ground J' casethe poor voua» did net come G. W thie door sud sute bis leiduhip 24 viion ho vss riding pamt ber dwellng. Wheu Isv uand hoard tlieeoutroguof o uy bîceaitled la my veluansd reg- ot ialered s vow te Heasven ltaI I1 vould hm neyer rouI until tuas bandedan sd lufa- Ir mous uysi.m vas evept fnom Ireisud'a Si blcomlug paraile forever. la Tic charge lie-t Irelaiud'e miaerieu il are te b.oacnîd tadrai*suneuu, lu- la dolen», and religion uta f"anssd in- b fanaiy falaa. 1aWiv r mmernau- moisin r«hn4ýWsles on one M-l trdayuligt us In »Ireasd ila ni heur veote. Théic meh aut-rondlug ta destitution I belleve v.wu itéeceouy B of Tyrone,ilaw"vhlo bra aresixteen I2o squr.milsviersorie.lunet a drop g cf liquor sanLd.:'Tlbe atisimcaof tic cl goeaneushow tuaI tuer. la leu. lu-1 tempérancein rslsud hâin u»sY et y thie BrillahilleaIl lé siuply dinguaI- n lug siand ureus for religuous editors lJ sud clerical bigots W charge 1h. troubl- 1 es ci heeualry tW *bishe1 Neitfhlu tutu wréeeedum to le 'V rua e,«aujdefect la lie ciaracer oet the people. Ia olior couul4eu vhor. theyM-i.fiee trou t"alandlardonmn- - arhulus, h.y prva lieueiv 1 eqall agulu ubuuer te 10ieallla aThin nuli oy, enrg j mua Ùa ,e yleael ekologd »ud thoir dol otie a00eilawory et unqdue-ldulprile.. Four oh lb. richest mon ia oui- ho)oved Amerlos are Inlaimea hhoy osmo ber. vilinet s dollar ula biunpecee.leJohn Tilugur- aid, lthémllloutf ead r oulbX 0 Oh ilebiauh, toM numaltean l"a-ho arnrsd la Nov Xckibigne 00 ïôiuIs Girrd ame -aumgat tihe bigileel Javela lu ni eoclouiatoal idflp., A$ lhe bar Chaé. 0'Ooauer, Jea. T. Bady, and JohnIs gee8w'_,, baeonosdis- ltlouiproudeol foreaDuo oetr,7. oïMhlg seouee cf lie ruploadea- imuorle-Isof CQro sudIBam".Le-d.- lord robory, rlgoublglrY, sud: 'wfnioursesvwelhpvo, felleu nou hl devowl race, Sb . ii Ismauhoul»4su 4,l othoralion. noue lin Xr#- lauqdi The pesira e nisud bona-' mai, Ti grarenu"din4 t" ove du #$ ad altev rd oruod Ofha pe- biosme-ansd clmeo"-- outiily lie olilcn mnlh viionl a trial, Ail llueumain laelld4, ettin~e-aon Amuire*, I dolive é-4 atlie sble end -of lte boue viji, 1 vas hotu, lbe oMt who»IWem thy rsdinUs hepuiha 1ui4 frh~uih Oocd Id evety- Ibig su&n& -uzu<uuig. 'Thora *ert aoversl lihanof bruu. o*uistao Pr" ee- trnr. p roau% e-d anme the loceof oh.lIoure I droevacoulnateusîuthle ïusiale vo péïlul19 Our-oios a Um ioe psld £--la Bilain, ei*l aïli-Iout.PresideMt reotlvea $50000 very poar for lita uer. vuas, lhiIthie Quoca tck fontr millions 1-é n efly. octaI Iraliai lefor- ever deutiai oed W ly nader 1a sPe?. SIMON FRASER, DevoVero Blocli, Brook-cl., 'Whtby., Why, Jaitu.tytir, 1882. NOTICE TO- CONTRACTORS I CEALED TENDBUR8 aie e lite ujndrigned, -ad endora4 'Tam>mu ,os PiuZR uzr BUn.umea,1 Wini be Xe- oave et thiaitment unt i 1 of the- dlock, eon on TEUSDÂY, thi 15h 0 aif PBU Ry nult tort"ie ereoion Mu coeietion CI New ar1laent Buipg for Oluarlsd celaukwork la c=nna- lion thhrovitb, scoraînè te <1) Tii. Plana sud SZeolcatloua *Pep5T- e h7 Mau&a.Gordon &Hehliv i cf oneL' toi-or (2) Theii. P ansd Selolnaprepaf- ed by Meuars. Daxling & Clurry, eofthle eau. ointid f ormu cf Tenderm'Oce .obtuiuad at lbin De ent& and 'eaalmdering eoaly otig6O lai liey vii net be "te iý4ve liefr Telùa oenddlid unlaule ame re udeo-ïn sudinacou- pliance vith lieue prinleid-forma, utÉel ithteact g ure aof every -persan a=rt) felowed býnhia peut-offeadreaa, s-a vii ail blanka in the forma -properly Iled& %ahTenaor muaib. aocompfled vltb snocped bsnk oheq-, b-ai te lb.- for Ontarlo, for the um of P,.O-0, vWhieh vwii b. forfeited. if tetY-.pat e»dering de- olinea or fina . to enter filtaa - Cmùsc baued aponsunoh Teinder viien oaUed -flpoi to do'gn. Wierelb. parta ner id 12et moepfle, lb.he que iiie b. eurueâ. Wheo lw.Teuderu <".,-ou.-bmaM upa- «Chhset of maidPnasand sé Mmrende oidr lyQUmecoyr9Q* l BO TS ANOU SHOEl M; R.PÂT. AND ,WINTER- WEAR. ~~:1:E AN EiiNTIREL Y NE W Wpety, paYecea sud Latest -Sy1es and F'ashioi SAL.atnd BeatYW.rkb' "Mar.Ux -4 A STOCK purohased iu the best mar- kets lu Enigand and the Prao"ioaWatohmim. mouty mse g WINTER GOODS! usAt * mes- cori nexî ret elai os mon- 4&d 'Pie 20. 'Pie vw dollars y Scicol evecnagas veai diai j section. îy ste-oh, eï e-n en- 4les er Ail r=n anme righile Otisi a%- te le. vii If date oh Ie viwu a mruid gea.- le* veiy ex- MIl gsudlu- toalug's an - M. Spli. d osemaor otber lec. îpp, eluin- ,e i-assit tAct bu fti Landen ý-Speaker oet b. appoint- M.ea goe-p. Mtile. Tausak- tinderad nec- couptanol ef MIeo Rat. D. F' rance bisu rment. ducea inl tAe. iprosoutatives tdntiy, af irni ider, arrcsted bf mnrdoniug un isciangeai k blloba, viii, >croate le ce- Lynchin un. .à On lu Mani- uîin t-o ueai wrkiagmsn, lut; upo i h. o0 ispeome îhe eed cacen the ýM. P. Tb* sim appears ta only relinsut l bieg pîsosul citedl selsed 10,sud singe bea bauds-t thi ceroilus sbeld la u -t idAudington ra saai e on- pue-sec Bab=ai, Pib. lut, I58 FOR D Try the Chinese Washer for eco oumy in the Laundlry.- Tie Louiso Be-ing, Pavaer talces tiheouA -Ssek quadrupiclea t, mentir. Ou hand Freoli Oyator,' Plana» Hlaaes, Blosters, Meaboérd, Hernn Cern Meal, &c. -V' t> AN un.L OLLSOLICITBD.-