»n bnitowtah. vklp athé ag&lion t'Vary oam* tu adsstowaito a prat1y, îmut îho bit oiu"ewlhbhe i.er Of Whoemade bi, reIlU *e. qw.aieldr.seed, l iSaau reie skîatinl S oaitr. yeýre7%Wllae f.?t I 20~ Wonider hoWv4;11hmiio 0 If o il III bIIO I al)d give he -theediâmonas? Do flot lb.Decelved. Th m topoi8hM wlth n.e "Mrd te detIii1 fo -ý it vae In'éèt s~hm coo1 PI le ihee Ofcqumo qdlaie md 1164 box, Areai'1 th,'bridffmil L a anmd whicbellyi ,vcmue "fI1I wuVm eap wbsn 1thé f.ilow beg- Tbmt'ma hil dauSùshr 1 Rietrie Ihtters"VeomCi'rouchti f gM off,anid seid howould lemve bis- 1 h mcl 111 had .uIrl mberie, d lmt jr pt"" Swlà th theprop:«Ietor as se-. 1 Wond, eî vwlhmbl nu mber her glove. ie? doosmirecommouod Te yla Tby aybr hosm"i vez gti tâhadur. oyainüà D oujlty MlMI iunug. tsthi *I hs iat4gi lrai n themiddle 1 te Izjd aan. TPhe gentlemen, atu eider lte Wondem Wd oasritne adidhU no hiet n d.Cà *flSinwý, and the felloNy went bobina f~o erhi01 e..mrr "y,1dm t whom a -w u et 4 met adlout the sroi ad dlveitd biîUoiIf f the -ot bis money Of Contru . IbulBy . ROWSO"Di store metionudi eavlng! on eolyiIgb1 IUntlho hadome A Slv. D owvtring of 1bit gAdoriotbilig. WiI11 HZ aie bomee samk&heg8 uearc ave b i lse bttloned Close erouud hlm, î4ooa lke cions clwn 1Thé RBut Salve in 1theworld for "ail., bs s1llhaid *appvmean 0 f IF _ 1k adnon muerI- les 8lt uha ee f 1ne oîiough for mny811WmY. ëturib dnud$~îsoan, mg at009iS8h.vouyu mlasiu pta%, 1> , tuud ýtbIi 1215top boots. M I**1sft 11. 11.1e rie reth" u err ]nOW îy cure$ Pilos. -T is gmr6eel per- breeches and veut cnt. Enterlug a sho j 11ea mM Someody, dlduil sb bo mifmloi rmn> fnd.Pi We wîrtaln prominent hotel h. wlksd te N. 29 e ikd ir.~cents per bor-. om, tbe register. eelrd bis name and de- Hne,@lo aiw, mnyvmy. bga. te"m fWerue imauded e baiive i W hI e Mow Whiuis o llr1la Olten fuilt b>prona Who oanot loomle d luatruted b ave hl callo uî ? suto m hie cller Iais,e». Ilf h ywork itlib.- h o'clock lui lhêrnoraiDg, *Il of whieh vas Why donlt they linr> u -?caaYpis lor; if tlioy vafli, hey noom tire; oomplied with ; but vhen thee-boy ocml- di- o sayme>c mie vu dobey ?" 1~o ed 'met8ock tie air about 1the Toeteernareî"jB dmed by'l h4ob aO rai vhlch *p over 111* Ir u . cmtiowablue vith profaDity and 1the Doeunl ho loch mppyTie V tellow ordeîed the boytoisnd the pit U ilie oulailt Iadiord imméudialy. The landlord, (W i1vereinlier place 1) aedmogeacue cherot.er. The edvice ef phy. eti Ibm ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Wa iagsmti c e~nd1. WiIa baidmomo couple 1ieuà te rai from move liber pro. Hs nadtey ' 'ri t6toroom sud sitev mwa 1W a eveet 11111e thing. t" Liepy rosulleo. Wliy? The oye.- fod i pprîrtly ila eterrible Dmi me, vus ais: opù znc., perly, W Syru aipvi o Iis vey Wôùldblt ain talc. .eueaaiow 1 tLing é to know vbat kind oeat i o tô th els woreou< .îî rasesuf te n rît elIl be ethe r i lileda lluehokp tefulOIptythe- Weil aI h'm o. ierflthr' lMnb#&t lutt if(6$21cee0j1e e gain, eos.ehitokt teo uubet*"PY idie, Don't mieolin tightly îob111121, th I moicau e - doaidnrt ~ dcoe o11 "itlokyuhreadh, She-limes amortgage ou hlm nov 1 voik promptly aaveil. sola by mSU ding- "my pgaaloui, ' caieig My veto13 H o ey'll bo hepy. gsti. aid~~T poktbo i ot D OI îy eyco v" iatThe Deati-Rate of oci onoolcd vibIbis bouse teck Ton emart for 1dm by a j agful. 11im, fur tîhey mort bave rawlîd i0 Thero, îhey ire geting lun1the carnasge 1 Oui countri l getlng ta l.ierfdully alarm- ovii 111. tîaneal3. 1 toel Yu l'il give That magnificent drees willli 10e quuemed 1 ing, th.everage of lite beinqlee1 sa oi 1111IgttN swa o veiy DMau oDthe Tovîshe odcccook at hlmn1 70".W itht1 î.xom0OmN2 a io.e = a,4 .tomd. Tue ladiord vmas coDiderably Woriip ho hmnged i1.1e's unI> making oint cilgin. At 111. ceeon' el 1à eyeât, obm4i1neal abOut the mmlii, manait believe 1 opeieli, e cold le uch e common- thlng out for a pbir of pautalcoon, andasmeth1e Itle bAud o' nioo 10 gel mrried, ient it ? 411.1 ln t1e-hurt ovory dey 1e ve ame rft f bilotho$ verse legant, an ie. Ne, il'u e dresdiun bore. a t la overlook 111e can"g eatteuding il a vampaichasal Th felov Wmeu l I upid wediig Poo fand, tao lite., he$ ealever or Lang W&u ameWatt reakft A b4 ehovai Wh"l dovdy drueiec trouble hucltdad it. TL h ouseudu tue.sI 11.attention lb. houe couid efford. stnjaelsuflocated I111W4Boscovo'e emais SYMpup heteeae aft bredkfmt 1the leodiord gave him Tarod te deelb 1 cure voùlA have vesulted made lergéb1111 -#20 asho hâd W'ô oIeve lmmedltuùl, ha it's avec I hotu edoctor hein mvoiAeaâ.For mIl disette. and premismol toleeve aie atone onînîn- Oh, leur 1emof the ý Thepro veoand Lcelm lobe 111 à d nultha thief vii discov*icd. The tn iounextyec, wadlra rmeo1atuovr o îekiIla mAD I Anuuniyouug- ypetofma svînt le a111e tt ecvnrfoffeot.. in over 90 00 iuitit, redenemd ie entu, lhe as-b. ried a 1mw daycagc a iParis for forging Eaiy ýJIliiisin lais 11 cuntiy vii lel torav ed eled hie1et@, aoudt$1. heboks for 16,000 france. Ho wu bora 161!eItscolA les fet ote ml9g50iai 50 ebemd. lu 1840, anA cella iisoîf Valentine 81. un kwwa - ~ bapollo. Wea Ourday. aid 1hovas Yeu Have No Excuue. The utvllg floulnn nlefI aI 1the foundling 1hoîpitel i Agen. qWrtuie villa etbuocslnrthe At 15 ho loft tht lova, aind bfosome ti HeRayepma excuse for suflerlng vith icoe c aie:taoriuay mrace pe>,t9rn a aiair, a soltier, a truveiîer, »ad Dyspeflaor iver cm at? Is there- W"ichwu mugeted te the rector, 1the mt~arInis iquer a swenc .~ W ompbs.aiii8 wlth Içur stOtemmol, B.vMr~%Jhtey by.11. Poucu leyta Aievit1 mSwduch ofllcer. 10Stck flache, Habituail oei4veaiîuu pel- of OWerAwmergai. The intertat in then turned Op a a a ttor ta a Raimaln îitainaof te Hoazt. Hemit boain. Wter- th1e play groe dyéM11*ad lb. reprodue. family inIloliand, and vie riext lboerd brit11 nmaig amubrailng pains aet1the o tBardeetil. vlieohmvlng beau -piti th1e Stomach, Te av lu On osted lieuW04s vitueued by a large numnbore aus uig13 h cried e, agnp off realt nth o f ap mortcf wbom bcd CeoCon- ceddrn hewr omrida 0e po od oretlng, lo pbtà . *lderabe Aatanea.Inastyle 1the pioce lady Who nuffl hlm. Hi e pclibar &a., NO ? Il la poaiîvely journi oa 1mt11if bcd been mcde o Imitis8cimuch as andustry in more retient jean ViWu o do. ta W our Drggit-ma possible lb. <yod PassîinPlay, lilîmbboaimme the character of e dooton, andia batti of Giiins Auguet Flover for M&gorgeons dresses hevîng worm 1imsoiîlite the confidence a o- . 5conte jour Or scetibutil ifeu1 M gest com. Thue par- mon patients cf doubtfLIl position. At doub~trthis, gel apl ol or 10 cents fenunue olsiteA f a uies at 1 b lbivenitt ime ho %dinîuitered m. i.Tva oes Ulrelleve van. leum izai64, repneenthavrions a.v-cotie, and robbed111cm cf viiet bhoobiLaiS et i letho lite 0t Ohujut. Thoe. er. coulA fand. Whon Irieti. ho esaeîtod . Th,. iagulA, tirceme senatmions, osas- eiit1~ Ity eriUetsk.g utlaithe'~tha e o as lb.e'Mociciafli envebplug iyto'toeléoioly able lon ycor doranoi bf -50 wgafrow cflbthe Ul cf Pisteo;',thet ho bcd e fu; thsl Contant drain tli la kig front [O? aa - dis,~ y, ahtinct mimai> cif many'auteoei x. ,oqreytm uiite aiti'driving the utt.Vto IWOomis lb. adpas s -îfu f o-ib lomI> i orebeeike ; 1101continui- .. ff lt d=f, 4 iit chercterfrom llnos&uIpmdm evcumio &mt. truai upoa jour Vital forces, nnderîug tine e int. u zpaieioi meemiueychoslmand hîuitn ingratitude. 79b lmudfflimaI, cen *Maly be. n 91«W et.1 t e WOOfttableaux, adtewcrmddt atr e bi.toe 11 i.f4bat mmivelous remm.y iotloios cf101, o ej4drementhm. under medicel observtion, toi Hop Btters. Irregulmitleu a obstrue- lb p~ffhzn0 ren E.. h"c< test hie ieuity, anAdvwu breughl op o 1ir jtM &MreueIvd et once, etgan the allier day. vh.n thé deteis 111. e» j lel0ý"Of' to PU salA ho veu shammirig. Mm"me~roaoed o : OWUai o arth.,w ra L iPio.lo A seond Adviail procher mcdo cen- A Vexcd Clergymen-. .télu Qo11 stainsd bobblOd t> hie verte oie ceugregatieaioftUniîted auth- Rveu1b.paeimoeueo Wud eme « rSux . é' bd 00gent sffb) ,ho ton icepting Ivo Diembers Oui>, et lmuateA mire b.te preeclier "aA edeeoriug sli, ud for a dc> or tvo kept i eveeb îd ont eh.Onke oiti.b be to ho tInsst bIw uel n è vIale ie er . *Bltm b bold Out ginol iithe mavemeut vms keepluai unsu lceseaut ceaghlug, mkn no- ttt a.tliecahW lu. .a th-1e putor, end bis Cfile vii giver e i t Imposilor hlm tc; b id . Yeh *0 bi *lm, lx voutilie lb novmii.v.ry easy &atIl I bise avcidlUy elply eN haS I#&W" "'houallisuidg Dr. Rite's NevwDe>e y>?O to play poker w"th .mebody. t vas Thb authorlsedmannfbtrofet pic. siais #s- 1.1 béit long b.ore pcfeooiai<ambler iag carde li St. Petersburg is îetd ive vmjVl i auue avoini Le fm t*hl, muai teckproduco 24,000 boks per day. Loti- Wommn'a Tino Fried. ofl irai Anotb# t ln 80, and malng tlb.. orking deye cf lb. yecrt Afn i aeAld..Tu soli *st unllIabout #11,000 d boqu 800.tibis gives e total of 7,1101t0q Do0sam ù»y. ampmclly vWhou Mislanco geuuled vay hemuithe. roem. By Ihst packs a the manuel corsamPUM Ois reudred vhen oneientesortiy umlcted lima 611thec geuibler ne l 11 ova ves bise, rticleinlaiRusai&. viti doeseeunere partlclarly Lmc. oin- vRéla i. gel aI112e- viclin. Tho iiuîul eaD o knneeIdle a".d weehuleeaeese common le cm la uminupvo a dbalyV, an& o onee ay - meVen n areSureorlo Bîtteriin are vomenea of bigla iethe Oedoriel put bizuteroi eelf a reproof teoBérsr wle ovI$50 head oimtom cf The otbu hiremacais-het 1the seaCon ta hoellb *Yeu vbentil niea. «tut wvas iI ie .pllhebhAc utuiend. - inaie triaevyo pfove oui asserion îmaTdebarare plemeut t. <b tome ad OM aid depirted.ather in ttni We1 ecif>coesa botu. 5*uld b>'.2 lguub a Wsfi - ',iu le , I ,by - Du Du lm e M postamge ca r asglte et - 1>02e, crl boeêsfor -GO TO THE- £ÂSMGNTLMRI00,OLU RELIAIBLE WHITBY FOUNDRY, a. ail a<gstîeer*lmt -Where y( ii ls~ e~go aluqf f r monoy, -an 6u.every article bouud ,to giveyou the Ibeet cf satifation. A T E Nt,-T S I, Yors xepetffl]y, BROWN'PATTERSONMN>ýGo a continue o t eu solicitore for Patente, wegt4!remde Marks, CopyrIat etc., foi Whitby., Juno lot 1881. e ',ee À e tiec. Patente obtalned U"ig ai i oied lath. sorrmvI neicti Tialele eadsplendId ilium- N W TISH F ZiAI TIN SEpe, 2IeouO hoe b 1"Îe64 oro, svtTESeUUl- Scolf~Amorican, 87 Park Boy, NX. y-__ LauA book bot Patente nt ies. 51 J - _ _ NBatDorSothte"m %noniec ad.Im "5V1381 an lw r - o Allan LInO. LI VERPOOL, LONDONDERRY GLASGOW. Winter Arrangement. BilIRTESýT sEA P'ASSAGE i Ru Hsopened business inu t! rU2lnhDg 'l funilblast, where - heor alvanizea irvu i like metiner, ou SHOIRT NC ELECTRO-PLATED GOO] AUi inde cf japaued Tin,, ad SI REPAiiaiNO doue oheai -riteed satîsactory or ne pay. Americaun %ud Canadian Wicks, Burnous, &0c. Whitby, Feby. 24111, 1879 PA RLOR BOOT wae) ute October 11 EDISN .~A. ~~f' Soi~hnUaimot~Lnac --Lerfori et iacci-bs pweavm0 - ~ labi u ea igum can pI7 tuue et once.The>TPoisn 4cjAi.d of Mde5'iliu ajird tovori. To n3111sf-là cnblege lntrme t éid ,00.NýAo nceuiul on t b'mI itbà Ê bef imbove preaiui &U liud iusaoAi" prnl i- ter. u o )TICE and at resonable aitea.cnent ai ce y on tacPeu", Ongo r eIAgoi IhlD5W- ?. ontn' Sis IThe a ll,,"V conf1the al cf mai10 meut4b rimlforh e DOLR Siicaipetml< -oic----- Fpor 11.o00 v Do iimufte#, c - 1 oseoa' v !s t"-o o'.ji1an svmpi.e Ilan luasoetIfo lb. p ear ynevi aor simOuit lu. GOCÈAL QL. amp Chimnabeys, of. MUSTAC5T COMI>A3Sflr,'T and SHOL STORE! ô "Laige sets adlowrce"ben u'mtt. WHITBY-NO. 4 Brook-st ý . -1 11 181ug.t-OON lmad anA =ran 2oaoue ci I mmet Slt.- OUICSI., rmPried e-,I, f>~ <mslers tha't -a t t he above estabhishent svi be 5Polà YNBIAN, <tmBost=n, Jm i. ti oATELÂBGBBT. HEBJ- ji FtMT iSorltet f-stook af P P~NAR , fotPfInl on. 21 tfloat-,ihe dia lay ih sho 6~1L4Ëb. VhidOW - butgiitmie i&zthi e60 gtry~~eiestr umiwt ABSAN, fom 0Bomlon, Po1,i. > à , Hall- pERauvIA, tfSm Poraà d.p eb. 9ti vytiitbAlcbec sfer in -tiii Bcd ana sho. ine, for Ladfies, vmmnomeIgt.tmnrtoeal ý$ WT~4fOilO'iAiT LOW PRE CES! vIli alea'va, M0,.m. on 'oduios- RUm of Sispeior uaulty. m arEs ar PAUAS03: No blôow1.ibt whet is straight, iu sayî*ng that lu the mctetbi4LuSke,the bs lnerdbs ns- hndu dc à là Pyuutse.toeIbl hins *s beuticos etloyr ree. Pçr ticketsaAhieerrinaUon epply t-GBO. B. TUL Ofie ~an.9IklS0GV e _ ~Fm18and V îieslugreat vyarety, ut lo'wes-t DEVEBELTB SBLOR 'Whitbyî Ot.20, #80. oeov~ $YRUP' MONEY i -M--ONEY! WB ARIE PREPAREI) TO LOAN on goo4,mortgagýe , t LOW R OTE F INTERE8T.ý ie &re ra'wing high, interest, ýand- ni Z4.ad oves>' týUpi requnsAt eth$1 iason-of cib.he701? SEVITA-N ~TJI-Gl4X IEDICISCo., 4i~u-47TOIRONTO. CANADIANS- eau icer aet ul.Una-d Bts on patent. fisI u l tiais -'Ocau5 effl patet; Othrwls ie ii mbemited Ivo jean. Tomtal cet oai edSletui the. bac iriPatent iu ioviï' loi~ ~ ~ md Sîyai$4 u oop roel or- dra,4g,'wtLdiOn rpeaî c lneou v viiire sand& i chnAchirinee- AddUse C .-1 10tet, BlTet mntion vhmre.you smv Ibis mdvii- -IIMBER-1!_LUMB-ER-l while the rate of iuterest is low. f'eit 1833a ~- Established FUJRNITURE, H1833. ýÉPheunaersignea im retuning ýt anke ýtoit jibjalpatonae etended te hibéé! te date the mis ,ndesni prii, lis iow ii a bellý - to suppl Iltheir ~ns HIs s.took of Fumiture embraces ven ~.nuveytungthaombo'oaled for in hiiflme,5au cciixo ia ie pntes are 0e-nul tju$t. yJDRTtT ta.lg icioprovlug thae bonscflb1 eit, jiAI yhen of t ôrt u idr-O U-k lacer vu oe ,'~nitqvtpe W itterso coma oSi à tea'IulethIko s4o-bo vrordd Te Wvdl o -kpmuimenit Btea ayoti"lahtfehah 'Paltes %-gh', ~be etatatty zmeuded. t in- A FULL A88QUTILE*n 0F 1 onvet d1 r mpi Wcaiigmoiis u ta be- vsrfss4rgi tesalli.oroln 0Ai*S wci-oai~wtiuko hOOP '~lu< sure Cuire for a Cugli. ~ <'ype.a1î bL îw1ethu~irnThe.mcop Vfor -ea -e: RI YfB past ý colAa clu Ie ,u iabraoua'c p à mafiLb"ul, golen U Doe. meom -ellboy@cu-I have Tç LIct Liit MSs*woy vi, a b ootë ionin> yem I - F irli -&z :S IE;?..# -0 - 2 S >- -E1 & loi Deverell's B lock, Brock-St. Whitby, 1 -PUNOS TUNED.