a's ini Ladies-j3ine Fur Muff 1B &T gains in, all Wo ID 8BE OUR QOO»8, ANu) YOU Wl M~D TRAT WBl OFIER ALL ýWI.AU OPPORTUNITY,. Tb ]bwtutliCenm7,aboya ýl inventions. It buaire, é te ti n power ln lia fhoisacla.told application., h th. teleigrapitft tlp tonte aie. trolit, s"2 lanmerable ottier dis. aiei" 61 l itlsag f0humanty; eoc day brlng nev surprie u' f fiI ve have bicorne s m outced- fol tite exhibitions cf lb. goulus cf Our cen. iury that au p new devloptueut le at once riculvmd s a amattem et naturel o ceusequenie, sud Most people viii slm plp emarli: 1"I tol yen 5W." As an lnstance oft tiis (acf vi would only eaui attention ta that vonderful dlacovery, wg et. Jamobes 11À A t e r a &go t" is Oneat German llemzdy aà Duroer bien heard cf beo in W4l tt.countryp, to- day pou con hsrdly find s man, voman or chlld lu Iboe united Statis Who has Dot f used the renisdy for smem pain or ache, ra or, et liu aiea vlfeseed its une andu sen ia vwonderful effiots on a fllo,-' being. St.Jacobas011 bhombicornasi iio'a2 remnedy. for Ift.ekucvu lu eviry M cipy, fovu. Village sud balaxtt lu titi eon.If là a ocsmopcllltu prepara tecr6in prst.ed by (h. Amuenoaôs, Germana, Itus, Boiexns. Dunes, ,W Swedeïl, Peringese, Spaulards, French,t ~ -y*&, euen by titi "Hestien Chinet.. lit Maybi eridthe universal hleus.. log, for Il la endouefi by fixaricli and rb per,thelrgymn a:the Phystc'lu flic mitoitansd the labouer. iu tact fui by ail classes of titie oniunity. St. re Jambhe iU, by ifs almnit marvelous oc f roprtioa, eau lie employei for a stsxp. le cut or opran, or thé inotfecesof in- Ulmmatosp rhmati. Pesions vo have beeu confinai" t teir bcd for l jeans vth thïterrible dia"e, lion. E maiieubave bien oomplefely cnnid by yý titi use f a sngle bottie. Bacb ousis have benu quoWed (y fle lisdlug journ. tu sa o!fuou uufry; for instance, th. et. Louis Pose DDup.&M ys : Undîr tic tille cf Cid Preb&bUlles, eue o! the Mot nieful and v*lubbie efleers of te uiîted Gltis Govsruueuf la moci ( widely kuovu. But qulte as vel knownu'It Prof. J. H. Tics, thte mileero- P logief cf 1h.eMiseisiplpi Valley, vione onfibufions te bIs favorite study bave e gtfon hlm an alucet national mpufs. a tili. on a nraeât four tbimug Ibo fe Nonflivest bhe Professer hada narrow0 eieoapm t he serions ounsequeucear of s sndden sud very dangirous illnss IL lis particulans of wvii olih lus refera *o "Tii day atir couclndiug my course j of lstur.smil Burllngfon. lowa, ou fie b 91st f c icmber laut, Iwuvas se Ji viti s suddeu attack et neuralgis in the chat, aimoat priventiai bnestbiug. My puise, u4uîlly elgbty, fe@Il tbirty- 8v.; linainseususeof thie iouacbN suce.eded, sud s ccld otaumy .-eveat ooered my enlirs body. The attend. ing physiialu couid do uothing te ni- lieve me ; sftir auffilng for tblne yeers,1 tiougt, s 1iai bean utng et. Jamobe Cil vtitgood oeffeof for rheu. matie paine, I veuld tnp It. I satura- ted à pleceeff auni1, large enougli te covin My usai, *"th le Où sud ap. liai I9. Tii relief vas saxmoîf instan- tI fansoqs. lu oui hour I wu entirety iâ tra. freai pain, sud vonld havi takin k thei train toe1111 su appointminit lia01 sbigt lu s ustghbornto ev, tsd m blisnda efotdlsuded me. As if vas, ¶ Wtbe nîglit train for my houe, St. Louis, sud bave net hein iroubledv Tii Bouton Globe s&yi: Chartes S. t SWolelsud, Esq., builder, No, 9 t3oyl. diu trict ani 106 Harrison &vemue, P Boston, flue apeaka: "Tis plisunie wiId 1 berebp attempit toexpress oau oly b. blii! onvoyed bp vends. Piy. siesueo! virp high l mater sud noto-b niaI7 havi hersiofone dectaned my rien cana isu u ale. Specilics, almois nombxerlisa, havi fsilld to cure or eveun dlIgvlalc the Itinsty o! île pain, vhioi bus fniqusntyconfluai me 6tnp v oeu for tis menthnet ab i are. O*e vek MO0I wu so esd vifliau sttack cf senirbiumnsism oet he kuce. luaa lai heurs île infini hue, joint hbmen avtoolituormons proportions sud wiihIug rsudered impossible. Nothiug rsntalued for me, sud I lntended tolu. aignuanysoît, se boi ief I ulgittte see monîlis Agonises. 13 olisce 1 lesrnedl cf the voudîrful ocuratve propentis of! St. Jamboliil. I c othed If seas trev, sud lu s fev heurs vas rea from pain lnth u tne, arm uti 4boulder. As lic. fer-- .dI cnut.iu-vodsteoc.R day ivor, ea02, b4taînIel wsd unstiosi jounaul. D vng lb* lI n Plasantania" Mn. Graham Wvas0catain ofcuupial IL. ci.ibftmnd4 =udclgx% tird pinauspvala' r»jmntu, su treugli epoe lu lithéte ad ho con. ffnastisvsmiiyfy t i"sd hb.gasy# vey treubleseutecée o f rhiuenua te be t 409mafoot sva sin- boritpet b#4 h ha lun vaîc aiéà dt. tnid cf, uoptl hoie as neendedq tS. i7sovob's .astatus bit. Boytu, twrd»owîÃ"> vwinimer, Ibus e pisk thei iii. o14 G Lan Eemidy;- 'Vrom constant i:pos. am 1 am .oXmiwh&t subjeot to rheu. »"0l #ai01, sud uothing would @eir me 84=0uutit I got-bold cf 1h. Ger. n RBmedy. Whyd' eu My travels I lave met peuple who have beau suifer. ug with rheumatiom for years ; by my tlviee they tried thle OH, wmd It cured île.- I wonld sooner do witiout food ' deys &han hi without Ibis remedy or au hout. In fect I wonld flot at. impt à trip wtthout St. Jacoba 011, s- do flot ose how I cau get ulong with. )ut if." St. JacqoOl0bashearu endorsed by »rson. of national roputatton. who would mot lend their cames If tbey vr@ not convinced thaf if was a duty ýsuffiriug humanity ; thîy have ex- eorienced the wonderful effeot of the 3rîst German Remedy, and they wsnt their fellow cneature. te know the rstilt. We would only mention in tht. unniottion the Rt. Rey. Biehop -Gtl. toeur, of Oleveland, Ohio : "Excellent r rbeumnatism and kindred diaeames; It is bîuefited me gneîîty. Mme. Marie sa votti, prima -donna. Withelw)j Doncert troupe ; "Nothiug can com- pare with it as s prompt, roliable cure For the silmeut nauned."* William H. Wsroing, Esq., Assistant Qeneral Su- cnmnftendect, New York Post-offici ; 'Provid ail that ie clstmed for theOi1, and fouud eflloaciocsra relief. for rbeuinstic complainte." Bon. Tomas L. James, Pc.fmsiaf, New York, r.- frrlng 'te Superlufeudeut Waing's report couceruiug St. Jacoba Oi ; 1"1 coucur." Prof. C. 0. Dcapuessis, Mau- a. Chicago Gymnasine, Chicago, "11r.Our prefesslouals sund amateurs une It lu prifereuce ta everythin g they bave ever tried." George W. Waing. p_1, BuperîntenQant Police, New ycr oitý: "Msmberit of ibis depa.i. ment relîeved -oft tbumatt.m by its me." Stacey Bil, esq., Mount Au. à cr Iucllued Plane Radlroad, Cincinat- l,Ohio ; "Undoubtedly iti a remsrk. abls Medicine." 1Capts.tn Henry M. Holsworth, Chief Detective Pmore, Clevelaud, Obio. "Sur nlsng relief ; a tonld of gbod.'o Prof. Edward Heost, pianist snd oomposer, Chicago, Ill. 'lIs officia are ln harmony with ifs claits."llaI conclusion ws would say t% sit à 6bsimperative dufy of every family te bave a bottle of St.- Jacoba OiÙ on haud for al] emergeneies ; for the remedy à aà atruc friend lunaxîed; aud the occasion for ils immxediate use May oins whc if is liafit expect'ed. FOl- 0ow tbis advice, and it yul not be long before yon yuli join us lu calliug St. Jacoba OÙ s National Blessing. >Washington Louter. MIa. ]3Là xx's Dwtouà cy. TE£E vu.» Uà lMâ O F TUE tiUNPM STATES ABOUT TUE GÂRPIELI> M.xoUt Waitingtost,D.C., Fep. 4,1882. It voilA ha curious ifltse issue in fie îrb rsidiutial centesi should relst th tbupiragieoft1h. United Statie lu the Wîestern Heuipîei. -Mr. Evin.tt loug sMic. spokieoftho 1huitd unspinage of the F'ed"rallnon." But Mn. Bhitu- as pnopomid su extension o!fIbisun. tath ie qùarrelsoui clildnîn of rou:tb Amenica.The idea viii luA fla- vorno eonly yul ssntirentalistsbut witiai &Ilie anarenot impemviou e au-n liment, bod the tact lIaIsncbuhau senti politician as Mn. Biau is givw*g il prainence,, fltt e hlqustîcu above thi plans cf ordiuary ltenel. Nattons, no mare ibsi individuile, cen Liv. sud die ta thînuseve. VomI poer aboutit le Aiseaooiteil trou vaut niaponaibiliiîy But tii quesition et carn "mild umpin- -agi" on tbît uldeIbo < lobe là net moniy eue o! abstract -duly bo oursîlves. The wondeniltdeviloputsnt et tIi United Sl alo nsd tesnitesie during tb.elait fîflen jeans, lings ns midi dloser te tb. tinth-a ur tabliers, expected te bî broughf, vhen ibisountry viii be toc, #mait for us. Il woiild, net ho 100 suaitl if wvswvire Genma4a on French- mon, lut it muât not be fergottin f lit vu are fifty millions et Ameioans, vith se mci atsu anA .licnicity ai aIt Europe wvi Is 250,000,000. .Airsady tii Asusud ton linoadir mco pe la fludiug epeIninMexîcan reîlvay entes. prIs., nA u bc ulvîsalsapproval of fie Moroe dclviii applhsd tothe Panama canai.- The programme ftofle Garflcld me- mental servces luthc, Housi, on "I 27th test., ta nov comîplofetsud"ale oonreny proesate te botb sokexn aulmnpuq. Tie bail cf theoueaiof 1tepeailsfmes ili.be irpenor thea- mIsinCf4 116mebonoft Coup, suad, these vIe have bien Inv.I.Pni.ldmn Artint, adE-nsdusGrnansd Has.. ilit bistaed lu front of lte speaker'& fable. Tii justices cf lthe supreus CouvI viii oucnpy ssn De tebngto!f e PrealAt f ud Zz. Plrldt. lThe Cabinet Offices, amd lte of eenaivs t eeigu goera- Uentsviiloccuymiabs totiirft ei tie spiakerettable. een«M Shermnan,' Admirél Ponton, and Ibesoffins cof te Army sud UNavy- vbc bave etel a vote cf tbiukefront Copiroes or ait. flnguislied services vii le asaignefi set Doit te tiose o et Iisupnini Court. B%-.Vloo-Preaidente sud Sens» tors viii noccupy tests Alu fie secnd,, Uhir, feuntli, sud fitixrev te lte oes5 o! tie matnaisise.- - Gevenno orcf 8ali snd TerIt cries, sud invlîed guette, vitI havà i mo aalned lienscsuthfiloon- The niporonegaflery viilie.reoived ruliuavetp Wto heitiuse cf petbon of ixah ma. m anAleats ,of ,.5,ndam-Da -to redue stock." rHOROUGHJY OCON- NOW 18 . OY3IV 7b±'by Ch'Gutesu Scutenced. A NEW TRIAL BEPUBED. TO BE EXEOUTED 0BTE JoNLE 011 Satxrdsp la" the motion for a new trial wasaheard sud mfnss'd hp Judge Coi. TIi lellowing smene took place on the Paiaing of tbe sentence et tie court : Jndge Co% (tu tbc prlsoer)-"'Stand up. Have yen suything le 5»y vhy 'intimce should unovli e paiaed up. on pou 2" Giteun(sf111 siftiug-"I aik pour Houer to posfpone lie sentence ai long as possible" Cox-"'Staud up. Have pou any- (bing te say'whp aentence should not nov lie pssaedupon pou 2?' The pniacuer arose, pale, with bis lips compnessed sud a deaperate doter- miînalion tamped upon ovin yfiat uni. Iu a lev sud d elilienste touebe began, but soon Èis mauner bucarne wilidsud violent, and pouudiug upon tie table, ho dellvered bimseif cf fIhé fellow!iig harangue :-"I arn Dot guilLy of the charge set forth lu lie indictrmeut. Il vas Gieds ecI, mot mine, and lied il take csrî cf it ; sud don't let tie Amer. ican, people forges if. He vilI take cars o! 1, sud îvery officer cf tbiaGov. ermmet, fronthbie Executivi dovu to liaI ef Marshal, bakiug lu eveny man on fiat jury sud every uxenber ef Ibis bench, wiii pair for il, and tbe Ameni. eau natin it oit in ilood if my bodp Roofa nb fixe grouud, sud I sm anged Tbe Jev. put tie despiaed Glîllean in'0 toie grave. Foras lIme bbop tri- uwplisd, but if bhe destruaction ef Je. rusaient, forty pears aftervards, tie Almigit7 <et aveu vlbb Item. I su mot afnaudof deatit. 1 aumboe as Ged'a elan. ii me f0-uonx'ov if ou vaut to. 1 au God's usu, sud Z bavebenu fnom the stat." Jndge Coi thon preeded 10 pas. sentence. Re ssid ;-"*Yon bave beau couvicled ef a crime so terrible in ita circnntstanoîs sund se, fsr.nisbing it ils resulta tint if bas dravu upon il bbc horror ofe ii vice wor d bte axe- crationaut pyour cnoqxi.Tii ex- cîtaxeutjtoduedby sncb an ccleuas maie It ucoeasy tumt te muene for jeu s tain sud impartial trial ; but pou havi had tie pover cf the Ijitited Stages Tnîaiury and oethébeGovermxeut lu pour servie, bo protect your "Mnon frein violenxce and procure evideuci trou aIl parte efthIe counfry. Yen have lad as tair sud impartial a juy ese Mrinaiambt.d lu s court oftjustc. 'Yon bave bien defended by counsel vif ba zest sud devotion fIat monits encenine, sud I certaluly have dame rny beettb soecur.s atain premutabion o! pour defonce. Notvithslandlig ail fils pou have henbeaund iguittp. If vouid havi biens ceufont to uauy people if the verdict efthîe Jury bai es- tabliiWthfat tfi et wo thv s bt o! su ir- rispouethle man. Il veuld bave lefte th. people tse satl<ylug billeft fbat thc crime. et plilical aseseeluation va. sooelng entirely fcneigu b btceInuIt. butions snd civlsation of eut OOUDU70y eunt te resait dild bt tbom " com. fort- 'Tlie coannry vili socept las as fut Ibet tIi crime eau b. oommuted, sud tite court vill bave te dl ul lb vitit1h. higliest penalty kuowu fo île Oiminai Court, tue"a. ma exaple, ta chIers. Yonr cancr basbenu soiex- bréordinazry.pelé MigWoviuiAt ie bave dcnbtid our canfp; *but Sona- mot but boliet vth& ln te crime va. oummitlcd eu itcoronghip under- siood liihenatouefet bccrime sud lb. wu bu"Iva otlng as God's Cox outnig-"u haf pou W a icorlxerafse conscience enougit te eoeizo 1h. moral iniquil f etauoi an sa." Pnieoer-",Tbatla a mater -ofopin- ion 1 Ccx-"Yonn cvi b.stiSony esit yoit te<telid vithIbonnes fron> fie Idée, 'Ton "ay yen raye8 agaet IL.yen ypepouthon#,t nilght bé provà ted. Thi.s sows jour consctence wamnd peu a à et ibtby thé. vy.fýed 8seis tmp cf pour cvi znlnd yen wonked ijonreef np gamIuat te Prteof yc ont owi oliaaolîno. Wbsfmotive eculfiý - BOYS' AND_ X>ENS' 0,V] - n louds, Muiffiérs Srfs, Shla ws osiery and.Giv, sAle-pcs ANIMMýENS E DUTIO N L Cheap', TEAS, SUIGARS, and GENERAL GROtC ERIES, CROCKERY. and 'GLASS-m WARE. Whitby,- December g7th, 1881. B. ~OWEL~ Pteji;kYDOM ~---- NEW A E IE E'S -CALL 0ON- ýW-ILla la au la wKU., -0F WHITBY,- For Reliable Boots and :000e: Shoes.1 INJONWAF sud "BEIGIMT0NJ ivto new -Grapes, -1un- heiaigyadvti mMy ptrnsto -plat heifn o' -ntlyt" = ga îfgrcwn uCanada It asstoofi *thIOb deescios e& robut. "nig xi. Wa bunch sua berry, sud - very podcfe. 1 WillM"aibotlt te anis, psot'psl on receipt of #&C, or ealthenlr 8. Agents vantel. D. W. BRIADL3, lSin-4) S.sbuns QJ'Foot Wear of alIdnds sold Cheap for Cash, byl Freish. Oyster8s D0ailyl WILLIAM BURNS, Brook Shreet, Whtby. ON THE WAIR PA TH A GAIN!1 A consignment of Iticli China Goods, arriving too late for the holiday trade, wiIl be -sold at a- GRAT RÉDUCTION. Pen 'cents on the 1ýoIlar Returned to - evey cshpurchaser of China,'- Crockery, and QlI8sware during this month.. We are stiil seling blbs Japan Tea for $1 00; 3lbs-Choie Gmee, Black, or Japan Tua for $1 00; bargaM*in u haico F~iy* 'Groce- rue. Rasins, Cqrantm, Oraugus, Lcmoum. - T-r the Obinese Washer for eoonomy lu nthe *ýLqanüdty. The Louise Baking Po'wder talcs lte lead- Sales, quadnîpjlu at mentit- On band Fruit Oystene, m Xà ddiSmâBlItsMkrýole, Honutrigs Reaf sud Ceufont le lthe Sufferlug. " #Baovxa. oussixeanP.tsaaa"bas ine eqnai for riîievlug pain», bot internai sud uxtemusi. Il cur span lu (hi e,fbac or -bovila, Sors Thnoat, Rhe ats ToothacitiLumbaïgo asud dsupkludol pain or ache. "'If vMiimcatsunei quichin1 fixe Blood sud ReB iasus bupover là ,weudmul." "Jirovu'. Kiëuseboid Pana. oua," being soluâovledgi s the piaf Pain lIeer, and of deîtl ho (ha s 1uutl of anyother Blizrnor Ititn uthi worJ shbould he in eery fstily neady tor uai vixen vaued, "as if iatyla t.hfe bust remidv ite vorld for (Irampailuthe Steinhanlsd Painsansd Au0eoef aR kinda," and la for sale by asl druggists ai 25 centss à batle. Moîlier. I Mothers Il Methira I Il Are en udlsturbid ai nighi sud broein cf por rest hy a ali chld nng sud cry- iu uit lte ocruclating 1 netctl tueti? If so, go ai once ai gitoa bealle e Mas. Wixxsov'a SoorUuc rsxut'. Il vii nelieve titi peor uittle sufféeln tmed&Iaey -depeud upen ih; there Je no iataite about If. Titne la nef 'a totiter ou eanlt vwho has. cmr mui I, vho viii net tonpou at once thit illi ngulate tibovels, sud ez tia tetimollir, antd reefsud fithtote -child, operttng I1nce aglo. It is perfsdlly.4fe tbuse l il osac« itsu plissant toe t aste, sud t in resed=ýpflcu ofe uce i te o1ta siudieïale pa'yai. cmansd nurses l inte lied Btes. SoldeïvMere. 25 ceute a boflile. When Doctora Dîsagree, vit sail Dc- cIdeP Neting la moe ri sable tit fer.Dm eut opinions cf medical 1mon; but irhis tiatheMUte agrhs, on .te premaoene ciroLo disee hipsfleuentetoecide fer Iesise, sud taie Burdeck Blood Bit. tirs, and a dîy reoever. -lflsà fhegrand sud liberate tmsav" freuifhe cptivit'y disess. Wc.k Lungs sud itcv b make flou Bretie vith fie meti ( sd,1 iau ceeas a fu "inte pure os zetose edr. a"97, iMt n=Urilà tngbV uimpl.b-food,.a=4 csail fiosf ud rln1Bilsm 't vem orcixidme. Price 25 Cents Pin boffli. Dylpopsia , - fitiiprivaient d 0a 1 ct iviumalfs la alvaps atfenuled vith asdlscnidesd'r pathioe.= miud adeeeo, andno mnedy l it ter adapWtale Iscthan ]Burdeçk Blood Bit ter " q'siedlgt APOpular RemîdpÃ, Uss'.iPecterai Bastla out ocilla t oliMrvdppplrnenadelis fortfl" cure et congismodar lxofafxn, -vliooping cel, c ppocmt pubumonaîy compait. Trsl & SEBVBD up -lxAMT. STYLI PINX. PLÂVOBED TEAS,- PAXMYL!GEOOBIS OF ALL1 AT LOWEST PRIVES 1, PIS5X, YBM7T, CAxDIS »wD NUm ODDPELLiowa, NOTICE, BOOTS,, ' AN'D si FOR pALTL AND- WINTEU 1 M My position titan lunf bat et those vho have icuuded me t e dsîl. I sital havi s gtorions fliglifteogtorp, buit tht. uxisenabte ecanudret Conktxii villi have s permatent job dcvi bclov vbeme lthe d1lapreparing for hie." "II vii go te <bnpy vhîneuer titi Lord vanti nie te go, but I yull pnohahiy sIay dova lieea good uany jeans, and gît imb te white Hnse». I kuov boy I stand ou thua buainess, and au dois lhe Lord, aud hoe viii pull mieltrougl vibb bite help of tva or lIno gaood lavpîro, sud ail the devila inu Hel csu'f burt me." Tie prisouen tan sous momntus con- tiuued is sautesud bis austhemnai upon tleocourt andl fli counasi for tite proseculion. In order lu silenceî ir bis Deputy Manai lclapped bis baud oven tle prisouor'a moitI. an actiou vhliehthe latter vouid havi qulokiy nessnted vîihs blev iad net a police offloor grabhed bis band sud clamped the baudoui upon bis wists. Witby Towuship Council. Broohk", Fol. (8 1882. Connoil nuit pursuant lu adjounu ment. Reeve in lie chair. Minutes o! tii last meeing read sud approvid. John Davidien gaiseanotice tbat is viii ai neul meetingo e! h.cuncitlu.n Inoduce a by.lav 10 lutroduce pati. masters, peund.kecpens, sud fine.. vvîwra fer theprosmit p Ian. Ou motion et J. R. Mathevnon sec- euded bp H. W. Whiicoi, s bylsv via passed te appoint auditers sud for bic necoouflendstiou o ea mre. Ou motion et Mr., Holday, seeeudd by Mn. Mathovseun a by.lav va. bu- lnoduced sud pa=1idte appoint a Clirk ani Tneasunmr for thc muuuolpallty aud .fi Ibuir salarie. Ou motion cf Mn. Devldsou, second- cd by Mr. Willocx, riaolveid 11sflthe report othbe Comuitie ou Mn. O'Dsp'a elaimsbi adoptaiîd utlaI the naive grant hie eider on te Irisantes lu fayof etMn. ODoy for thi sue et ton dollar.. Ounrmotion of Mn. Holliday, secooided cenk uotify Mim.oM'ocrietoleia tappoint. ment Io tlboolef trcaeunir and ash hie te lbave bis bond s prepared liy titiler din uj extecutildudaid ha. foiý e h. oUnolatasmeeting foub 1.1 on Mcndsy the 1811 mast., sai6G olcek p-m. &onon liof Mn. Boltidayseecuded by Mr. Willooz, resolved fiat teé clark le sud luit ereby neqiesteed teinetify the mauIetostaudit th. bockset lte Ineaeunsn op f0 sud iuoludieg Mouday. 131h inst., sud nepoart if possblôebt couclat aneitlg tehbe bilA on tIe 151h inat. lail o'clock P.=u. On motion cf Mr. *Mfathevucix, se. codai! byMn. WIlcor, risclud tW Dail cildiy 3Jr., hansd is iterby appointai omioner te miii&Biithé timiter ou voad asiiovaue alveuloti 28 sud 29 51h1cou. On moton cf John Davidmon, second- ai bp Mn. Hollidiy, neaolved tt bte tender cf Jan ice er, onprinlieh On motion cf à Mn. Witcox', scuédd [by Mr Mabbevson, teselved Ib"thfe rev ésud, la boneI aUtlcidt o Tor ofthetcîcvieg asicunts : -0. Nonne, insonucqetoicon Tuown- J&Plînsen, bos«dl ta,? siWae, indigent $16 ; W=. jeftrkej,-fa1 pg"es ocE payel md, #ô. Jas. 1 1 0 &rve fr d. Titi rc nsd laid ie lte ogunai a1% éttement prqos. by ft.e cl;thlt e ompuand paysuile of tI4 fuaqddenlved frè beý ax pen dogse to alsfog uetdamnages as 'mi; aiefreux dugi kiing orinun ubeep sud Iambe lu in. wupel~<o 188?te 1881,,both inclusive as.ios Reolphs $8991 ; ~aiins 18. >5In stock <Jhoioe Family Flou, Grùham -Flour, Ciackod Wheat, OPM SCotrn Moit, &o. SbAN, BABLY OALL BOLICITED. SIM.ON FRASERX - Wixtby, anuar ~, ~Doveols Blcck, Brook.st., W~ ts esoou fBnlMrigq ands -D#&ic 4h hrged 60 conusec BIBTHEt,. ADkMIL -On Monday, fthc 81k lni., the wff'e cf W. Adamns, dentist, Whisby, of a-danghter. -1< DEATH8. DONALDSON-At Winnipeg, Mat., on th. 4th mest., James Normasn Don» aldéon, tbird sou of the laIe ?William DoÃildm ocf Witty. o andy -Funeral ai Whit y, o audy 111h meit., f 8 o'cok, trou fthe roi. demie of Misà Donildeon, Byron sireet, f0 Sf. John's oemetery. WHI2'BY MABR7'8. O«MuomLB Orns, Pib. Mi ,188M Fiai Whest ...........0120OD il 9 Spring Whist .......... 128 0 128 Barley.........070 0 080 Fllor, per t....800 a 820 Bye ................... 075 080 Pis.................. 074 078 Peua,black.eyed. ....... 085O 087 Bine Pis..............O080 *0O95 Obtu ................ 088 040 Etay.................. 800 01000 Clover seed............4 80 6 00 Appi, per bus ......... 040 O0O75 Potlos............... 060 908 BS ................. 018 O020 Butter...... ......... 018 Q092 Ohes ................ 0121 a 000 Wood ......... ....... 400 0 475 sboeeùlna............. 1 a1 25 .af o..........011 Q012i Hidi., penib . ......... 0086 007 Pork,percvt........... 750 Q800 Turulpu:..............015 Q090 Celery, perdos ......... 080 f 040 Obckes, per a ....080W 050 Týùéy, ýr ........ 00 0 012 pet .........007 (9010 ffto :Y the Oeoas.... 0086 006 Vilcross, 0,efsil ..000W 000 jaoPa e'.......012 O01 In" ....018 01 Pnupe, put buste ...0 40 0 O 80 Cabbag, per bo&e..... 000w .0 Rhubsùrb, per bnuch...000 Q000 Shaofs, " ...000 00 Radleb, ..... 0 W 00w Woc, unvshd........00 W 0 0 < l s&hed ... ......0O 000 P ail' sud A RWsINeceety. No bouse sont hamt'a bl tioo H-aiprd'. Teiiov Ci4i fl efe acident. buinmtitylifantd emunppeu- BaaIspO*th Cambue ai1and by lhoafileeda ofugl tmer. "Wha eer oso apemunt e14e. Andeveyvixo a âzlanuti sp e iung ecuplalutsCrh sucod, mr s tbsoarnhta u iIm 3up 3.3,3088. 'E fo~ SALE lIN ENTIRELY WIN-TEýR GOODS!,ý * a Privale ,r omt »Provo- f et th. ,ilvîjs, 'Itieute 'juit as ny vers as. fronm 'e, peint- 4 ample mproyi- y»00ided. ýby Mn. Iminf do. hk moue- etractive bovever, the Im- Parties to Iie, thip -out, sud le Bil, if lav, self Doilùu Upou the ftsdi vas opigoen suelenl ouf ltaft olstenc tint dame t, ho Imlpcr- Algenis, vithin lit. of impry'e- ovituitnt esart vere lcf tle 0p- otien onsà id carried. et.]tîn Osemiaei- axea ltaI ML thers U9 mr cK