Whitby Chronicle, 16 Feb 1882, p. 2

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1p4 O. Gra- uqer. et 2r,. »aa lPn D#g.-W. a. iowat. ONLY Be0 »R AkNUM. Wltby, TbUsdyt Fcb. 16, 1882, Tbe Qiiotiloa of theDay. The dispoSe or 4b* Wtbeptche Ions or lbhe Ridlon Bay Company vas 6ctîlod by the paym.nt or £8Ow,0O, stg.'in laver of tbe Dominion. Terri- torial latma ot Ontarlo haviug lain at tii. besaof th. original contention. thie arroicdr o01h. Oompmny te tb. Fed. mrl Govramont wuc subjoot, of course, teothou. dlaims of Ontario. The divis.. ion of th. lcrritory bocame, thbuaféve, a gc*ulav mquenco of tbe a.Itlemn «4teaudso BayOomipany, anud 1878, by au nwimmoem *anbtisaor-Bi ?rancie 'M asfof the Dominion; O ta «oc Harrison, on behaif of &. " Phovns;,lthethWi rbiturr hv- éng bocu choas by îh. Dominion and the Province ioinly; in iii. persan of Sir Edward niiorntou, her mjs&VIS v.pvc..ntallve at W.ahlngon.-TO o li the. @toryinuthie aocuracy of officiai papota, vs show th. course taken an tii. arblltlon by tlisi.Province in Lb. followlng oepy of an Oriler in Conncît. "Upon recomm.ndation aof the report ai t1he honorable Attorney-general daled "3l011ey178r.ccinmnding diat the ho: rab e1 bort A. Harrison, Chiet Jus. tice of Ontarlo, b. appotuted arbitratar ln tb. icaNer cf lb. noiîberly adtheb.wost- o rly bonudarlas of tiieProvîtce of Ontario, La relation <o the. test af thie Dominion, in th. room u a ld cf the Hon. Wîlliata BQuril Bchanis, Whio ince bis appoint- ment au snob arbilrator wau appointed Chiet Justice of ithe 8uprenie Court und mubuuýqutanli réuignait hi& appotmout ai uch arbitrator, the. Guveramant of the Docalnon haviug namoit Sir Frncias Sinoku orne ofthhi arbitratare, in the room ~ou 1t h honorable Lemuel Afan Wiliwaî, docse - ani theb Riplit Honorable Sir Edvari'hcrnton iiavuig been naniod on befl ial teof b overnentiaof iii, Dainn- "Io n d Ontario, anud aao recoomeudlng tbal th. determlnslon of thm avard of soc" <ri arbtrators, or a majority af "tbem, in th. mater cf ail boundaia ourupuhvely.be taken osfiizl and concluse- orfléstl .1 lb. Dominion in obtainlng 64oh logitdation mas sigtb. ecessary for i" ithe, nortiscruandtwestern limite in ou ÎQPireinmo f Ontailo ta coanecîlon go tOMWAt4th*Coaniit.e af Counci sad- bO adopbei anI aprovid by jour bonor.*« Clrk 94Esontivo Cco ai 'on x- $!Tb*. fOrtPolng cdet vauapprovedl :44 by Hlm Rouer the Llsntmmat Go-ra. .-oMnOrl OUMQllon the. Blet day of JeIy, Â.D. u nibonnd th.Provincs in an ob4L= llnof génd faiub andI camiîy W o Afp$ lb.ertI o!ofltheavbtratars, Wvatnthat iwaa taboulai bc,"'as Ana atioonlalv."The. Dominion theth fîoi reportOf à ? :m¶têa of th. ar aPrvy Counciloo!Canada: U' nlar omi'evalon ibjc otheii ounortbcmna t Ud wsern boundimiof thlb "'vonof oOutaio whioli under provi. ou tems MRonnclhhld-beennrim r601 tu8qiaiu ho ha obehsifet 'but vas'ubes.. b t cthiât. H A Whio as bue, tam"a-ti o ailS o! USbc tlw Qe;o'aiaeâof cua- migtUY-« ý 1 oivemer, 814, 1< va t" ifttaUii3aWt Thorn"o ébould -O se baié snob us-h 00"b uzo!reqfi #4G1i 'c 2taaiaou l t k& nw lr alCemta" 84say b>ý7ù' Hlm "jtsor atIPape."0 TiraI.oommltWeo IeporwikAve#.thh. son, iigalnaîth$ o aira lu bavvI: "olu reterence te the awuvtimaI. b!' te "arbltrr4ors on tha orn t a &gnt, 678. a :oope 0otwhlcb iluappendeit, jour commit- ka an01 oinio ilitît o« ntesoribe thUicerucboundaw f fonlto. IIs eme tu jYour oommtletýo . lUcfntout wllh mny bouaiary lin. ever meptit, d o poset, subsequent te b.tvéýi&eal atIe "ahI (1714.>It maltas th. Froýýicclaoni- .arles rnaitnto torritorygranteit by royal "tein u1670 to4lth er~atÂttr "enors ! ngland trading, luta Hudson'a 44Bay.,msoit i cuis t.brough Indian Terrilor- II les Iwhieb, accordin1 te the Act 4ard- "Gecrge II., cap. 18e, Dt 5 àGeorge :IV., ca, 0, tormcdno pyt oaithie Prav- 'or elîher ai them, and it carnes the boum- "taries of Ontario vu'in the limita of the. «former colouyofai sinhola, wblqb vau l a part af Upper Caneàda." Thé comnmittea vhioh reirtcd Ibm vas composcit af Ibirîen. Only thre. of thoe o vefoqthe Province vboae rigbtm *ore la bc àetermnnd» Frenchi canadien jealousy of thé jýlh tif Ce. tatia, wae on the allier bAl -proesit. cd on thé committte by fve-Kessra., Geoffrion, Rcy4 -5L.naaqaron and Oulmet. Meall 'oba, .vwbi8lw" sthon Under theo-nh-O eadaa souglit ho covmaill W Fed v fcrn ment at1l1 doa'e deeply naaistthe award by sa Ac f lber Legilature, wbich lnvked the Faeoal govemamneut t atend tbhe lemu boundary af Man- itoba inti te award.territbry ai, On- laai 1Atla special-geosion calletI in Marob 1881 for tint puipose, 1h. Leg- iglutzo of Manitoba mlioweed lb. scopo of t1.1 audacioue violation of thc riglits o! ibis Province in lhe following rose. lution Remtolvei th i lte sdt'eivable (bat the honud aricsofnithie province mbonid bc ex. tended castwarti, t-o correspond witb tb. Unce marked & th" wemt buundary of Uc. taio, uear te ii. ftth ueerî,bain of wost Ion- gitatdc ;thtlte roqitiretlflneof tbe prime sortions of lto lrocin'-icoutil bt « upÀwt tlitnt>.,? of!tho enmtern kiortiobn :bisole. telich a port on Laske u4per W01îll t1p3r,ýbaho e-nr'.1tetathe "Thse wost boiiilry et Ontiria" vue deflned l'y tIi-tt reoaîîi.s of t<îs L-'gis lature o fnItitoîb à, kit a neiBit ' c <loi Wo thai parposo ttpeci4liy au I in hbal baste, te riia "four the 89t1i maidian of wet lougiiodo,". ci the exolîlon of- <hie Province frornt br footing on tie wesera char. of Lilio SSîpenior iAt lte prouipting doubtiesa of thsa Fe-sust Canadia influence vilci linI ebapet lb. course of ititnitobà on thie Abjnct sud liait etoo 1 coli4ly ai the back of Mr. Dawson on the PPalisamentary Comrnite wlioclireportod against lhe award, the Fedemal Govarnment passiee au Act in 1881 on tise lines of thie Ma itoba resolntion, cîted abave, banding aver la thal province eHthie larritary cf Ontario up ta Maaitoba'mi dellnition of '«lb. veut boundary of Ontario" I Sir John Macdonsîdi eaid on Uic du. bale an liat set ci leaisliiv, plùuder (p. 1455-6 of Hancard for 1881 :-j <'Every ane lnowte d eecripflda af ;country lyiakg betwoon tho haseiodlo Lakne Superor an sd the Laket ai th.Wooats4 lit «Ontario or ta Manitoba *0Il if un- 4'<vise ta keep it as a ters-tocsy and ilapossi- "4blet ta he.p it as s Province. It muai h. gen eittic el Ontario or Menutoa- î,nd vacannaI afforel la give it toC=tar., «if t baeoa bc t. ha* im Lelspo thebolands vould, belong e-Ut«* do'As a mester oc f euneniece< ikstly "s.hnt, for lte parposcot avlug expenos, shsbre trip la baudet over toil French Osnadian jaalousy of tii growli of Ibis Province may bho Èli<rd iu Lb. mjection af 1he award. It vas Irsoelthelb.Dominuion Cosnittee. Il t~sraocd l inte otton by wbich bin - ýiobasougil ta givu the Pirliamoawy ropud"atlia f lie o.varil biq4x)affoect l<Orn9b a newv IlUc avcrac lte aI of O0tlario. And tI ik a, b.tracoil agate lwihb ciaiet o of' tub' M'embêta f*-olmbla s povin" estâîa u vl 0W ofa trmn tela 1r ighie- by hhoir openi Wo th. plot vhieb promoteiti hat repu. diction ana netlOb, thal adrumra. titi.. -But" Iis n éudthle.faUliiciafure ef th, loliago, thé opeulon a thélie Oaing of riveraisiAdthé. gatioea ant Ilfrm thermal average@, vilCe t, u sposItIve, ie valalion to a rostclhueg, uenally laiton as évidece. -of oLnsale, mat are esnob ila *eral4 iret$adber.- tmm.figures whlierrwe W show the, climvat. o! tic s.a.fmon t 0f ontartia, mc far ai thalle raprésontcd hby na cf Ibal front in lecaliic-lbeo1a68tY c ocieoot Fort, on James -Bay. ýTo give ulgnifi- cance ta thiefigures, ve présent tbem, under contrait vitb cor-respondiag' figures for lôcaUlles vbsre climats. bava knovn relations ta grovths of] field ad garden : CLIMATE 0or itAzmnflnt~ÂtO Average renpes-tr. luches g co4ia159trielb aneaI Moole Fat as2lIteOi 56aI wnip97 l n a gro n lîing laI,00as3con21- parait viîb tic cprîng a0 Princ Arubcr<syanding satI a1I58Ft 68Wilam The feping shbios Forteo er- Iater. T f ic nmer he aataIMaos Fort asdear edbty oflienbo eg.resIt oefontgadirence stintheavratgel argetempea bt ire adesit ien pae, Jiy heaprinAgneofat rinoe Frt ibraLnand aitForttWiliamj eam, late. Thue ta b. thecame.stMne Fort. ianplae y he fo dgre tenII collour b (regret es &than a Fort nilaTipe. tautunnparea ItMosFort Wliam tFot Wione , bulas coatrTe averagethoatuu of lie via felts sria-and Wiy nndeg i anger et main- Forad t Forta orlieos aegn ttable tmcfa a e te aologiarer thay ut h eltgila sor cases, acnd eidertionfo!u eracàtca astFr William.Te. vilci shevMongensivrt iiihat uekFort CHONICLEbut aI iItedi at, cf lb.aiim onerb.ciheo! is- Pneiandc m th au liaI lbiat. lu n presente t Mobocue Fort, the Iully as table s aspefer u as too Iis Proviune mait, be ied n aubeadona. ou A îretîo f C aomms lon actoeof '<owia le., li Tova cncluging te pnayera. Lad vbamtliey ae aiagt drvne or »avat arc, matuelu hoe tisti, ait eMunicpeo.teonsIbe a- poneal faptsreat cofmmisaPoie va etallptli tpriiplueà fthes . faret, atIhuieandacho!e rexpndiu ce 'Strtoom s aster 1,te. il &boutlté eneei. approratons ta quastioroautva hv pt ct ovuser atei- foyri yAnda bt theseacelanina, is vrsoneofIbeeprincip .abat ue antI vob lb. couuè nollcsforci ardel hary d uIh obtucn lof tesll eapiur foretii. vr madhIn haudsit of preet oo. Ici 1e ay. lbe. Iu f t è. vateprs ertWmpwrpe l tpntiusthsa lb. coralo netcThetpprooriaivonsda qadsvalàeebve cu ndnve Witin, for hacf*lb hlehit, vth eu vlu t. i .rnthevara nili lebati1 ont n cbul da w.rge tpr gmofnna veto mail te<L hlU*avae fora a o ch at The Mitilant m1amto Tbhebldianti Â-malgamation, Bill osItie beloot tie llway Constlîl on pe.aday. A';largcauimber ai rail- vWq, men antI eproeanlahircu 'of in- loetwmuololpallîlsu vers preaant- amagut lie latter Mr. Billhaga, Mayor Wbitby. and Mn. Ormla-ton,tepm.acutlag tie towe. The mauntre wus oppouet on bobaîf allihe interags of Lindsay cnd Belle. villa, -bal. Ilvas, prowpoie t leinsert claues for Ibhe regulaffdua o! frelgit rtes by vbieh lb. vosedat ighlu o! Icoalis ies i bava bonusud lhe var- lau. veids incleded, Ia order le secune oboptilian, viii ho prasmvd. à number c! clase& vere adaptot, ser- oali remainiag over unlHi bis morning, vie» lb. conitieration o!flb.e1Bill vili be resmnet. Mr. Bihingu retamnod Ibis (Wcdnos- day,) ailernonanti reports most layon- ablyste thbérasait o! bits mission. Mr. Dryden, ho as u, vascoonr- tens atiattentive ta thé consmitta. ; anti Mrt. Cx. preltent o! lic Milant, eud Mr. John elcI, solicitor, gave ovevy assurance tliaIthli nlereste cf Wbilby vouid meelvilthéhefallasI onaitiara- lien anti protection. PneZUiMrtue o M&. TROxu Moou.-Mr. Thoma Moody bas icén lataly zmcde lb. recipient o! lie teali- moulai Irons lie formersaIfPickering, ta vicirelerence vas madie in lcse. columue tmre lime ago. Tic testi- maniai bas assume t h. shape of a Vul- nahie Rnctsell gahi vatch, hongit ai $175, Irons Mr. Catibert aI Pickesring, andi viich bbeasthe faloving inscrip- tion "Presented ta Thone ody by lie fummers cf Pickering as a m% it19 og nitinn oI hic vainube s'ervicesm b Ibm commnnity a a grain injer anti an honeel mnan." W. vili only say liai fév mon bel- tem decer;ve liecinmplimnent Irons tbe ar-mers than Mr. Moody, anti oxpicas. tho viei tIsaIhéanMay long liv. 10 voar and nucasure 1Oit Tîme" as be Ros on bie valiable lime-place. Conservative li ýCouecil. COVENTsIOsN 'mo ite OU? CANDnIDATES- A meeating oaIthe eSie commit- tee o! t'ie Caneervativo AuSoi<týon of South Ontario vas conveatiby lb. Prouident, Mr. Arthur Jobsesten, ai Wbitby on Saîuvday lest. Aftcr lhé Ianasotion of tome businessaudatibev ing lhe opinions of &eV"ralo! lb. gon- tlemen presnt, ïl wu, va arc bld, do- cidot ta belti a onuvention ontbo 2m1 -mut.,ca ilcbilb.thecandidates roi tlie Gommons anti Local Lelalature are ta be selectet. Tn, PHOENIX Fnat IjiseacscaC.- Thiis yar, lh. Phoenix 5Fire Incurance Comepany entered ùpen hue eue-ban- elredtb year o! itas iaano.Il vas incorpartetd by Aetpasadit n heUiet orignal value o! the taatwvu J£U., *tg.;-,tey are nov quohtdi h£880@tg. The.Phoenix enterea Canada lu the yuiav 1804 ; ils finI nreprésentatives bors vcrc Mesurs. Fovath, Ricardmcn & Co., o! Mantreal ; lbey ver. saceet- cd ln 1827 by mmn. Gillec Moffabl & Co, whe .1111 ontinua W b. a sGoa. aor Age. aligropeuMalel Company fer upwa dof bsHoantury. Tbey, vitb bMr. William E inoe! ho, Noath Bitsish and4 XaereanWe ai Mr. Rlobert Wood ti fhé, jga&4 ae véb.- i, lo e enir thée Ulto"rs réo! Mont- rea15 if not c!flte aomtinent of NOM Amerlo.. - Tii. iran ceas lu fareminïg tiare 'vot - Firal, a gooti farwios; eondlbe !arma munst b.it c'good looaliy; lbivd; oIb muet be Safficant capitla ma t 't utivanlage-,anti, havila; houe coui- lions, tioa emuet hée kfil ati prepen mnnagemnL. Wheu they bcd telie rit lire., il wouldi e.m ta b. easy -la ait the latter, batt hey olten eav à youuig ra* -Who, l ait suci ehciroumatancea. by-antbje bacons. embarrasse&, anti wuvas pa*bpsforocti ta leae tl&ecocutry avoîl. t cheotiar handi, a mn sounetirnes commeaoud ferming iu a paon location, andtIainoti peniapo nal lb. bighout icamas, but lhe 'hîgicat comspatibles withtie circamsaco, and puehasu caher fata, peviapu lb. anc awbed by thba m insralpoken o!.' 4s la lie nagesul, il vas peniape unlorlunate îh a erule coaltI not ho lad tiova vbiob voult saou avory farta- or, lb. reasen beiug lisetiffaeeSs in sali, olinsate, asu t alir umvuntiags. Il vantd b. fantl iIf a raie vote laid day» for oue fer-mor'il vonîti be uneuitable 'lor, nothar; s0a àfermer mnaetha aamanoai hboagit anti jatg- ment to nis he ohast of bis clrcn- stances. Their faîbers coaltI ecaîlen the eet in e rade manner lapon lié virgia aoil anti look lonvard ta a goad drap, baltbey muild nol do tiat nov, the circumelances baing cicuget. aud liey Mosi adapt thounsevea la thase airnnnstancee il thhy vonid ti lai» tbe igiecl succes. Tic PARURE VsST BE A MAXt 0F TROUGRLT, go as laOla>' hie plans, andi iiving laid is plans,' muet vork 10 lieus day by day if h.o<rouît ceoomplii lte beel me- malle. He had no cympaliy viti lie m»an honiti dplot on andtn1idla- rthe saun a pshe linli ils hi@ ft bcd toilel, villiont stopping la coaider viather ha vu la"Dg lie beat course. It vould be important ho stop andI con- eider whelien camue otier plan vonld no h boitter. Il bcd been saidthlia lioe. ere ton vaju ai doing a lbing- a rigit vay santi raug ay, an easy vay and a liard vay. c ekilfût vay and en avkvsrd vay, a neal vay anti a slovenly way, nnd:a cieap wcy and an expeasive vey. He adviad lie fermer ho.atop anti conaider, anti cio.. the fireI cf eahof c! le vayamentioneti. Aga, lie PAUUS VT T REA VAN Ot L1ABOL HMa bumýuesa didt altier tram any ather business. The, lahoring man in every tcp&armsitofcfi11e vas tho man, Who soù,edet.' Ticr men via veuld to «tedib9"inumut- lahor. Re dit net meen ta uay liaI ii evéty cas il voulti b. te atirntagu of lie ferm- er le labon ville bis hanta upon tic farta. Pemiapa Il might tet ho expodi. eut. Bat lie fermer ýmuaI bave- con- tIe cf lb. labour. Heonagil lta have e moradica knowledgc cf i&Il itsdeails. 1-vanit h. botier if b. coalti bantie hi. ploags, anti lott, ati spate, an liaI bé. couidthIe bolIer direct bis men. Again lb. sqoossful fermer sicait be a VAN TIUA? 15140?AB0?E a-, S uri, jmibm t Ii,. 'çàp4«ivlgaen lion W il.'IHa mae .a Mro g Paint o! I"is.Ths m»an viaeaw bameti cf belng lountina lhe sbop or o! eaitin^g il. bande bcd. botter lavu bis aaien! Ia sounetbLIn cise.,sa oould noysr' acoseet, ac voulel AndtI laI qbalacls wenit preoeut hbmelv,, andt liat Macu voul t s auSooed 'Ai A larguer. They conid cot sîpoéo, Wc"rryon tarsu- ing inCoa"an s bqy 81M in jeglaud Tierwer-s thie ols lu Engldn-- Anîtlhan d;scthe b.fermer; anti "bird, l. abuvs-al istnct lu Canaa" hvonu i hh , oomeiuÙhled te a certadin Yeusr as-sq vasiwpeu ]gode ti i eivavr.fi.a Io aultia y' lti Ilwu eor ukeo sov lug etly, s thv va ne tb lu tbe truc. Ta bear ont bis contention Mm,. Drydea ollet a. couple af instanceo A» il wn experience, la vbiecb- - ster ocving,thie «noud bImtbeeli frimen, bah the soeet iabath instances vas un- inJunat, and yieldetI go od crops. Thora vas more risk tan bjy savfug littan-z early. Early anvlngwas aa deoltiot el- emeul aI auncese ln lanmiag. Tic nexî un5.ter vas ROTATION OF CBOP5., Tbo anocauuful fermer veult b. aable ta tell Dot anly vial b. vouit anv Ibis year bat Ion uevsral jears ta mcme, b.- cause lh o olt haro in bis mint A reg- uhar rotation of, crops. A1 great deai vas sait about Ibis malter, but a casl iran-raie coulti ual be laid day», bc- caue. cf utcliffïirence o! sal&atirci- c«Instances. He- dit ual follov lie arne rotation in érary fieldI imeuel, but. cian.gadtihem le crcusslançes. He praceédeti ta speaof w ! vtl i. m6i- ceiveati la heiafouadahion ;ai any r.- lation-vixt- Buccouelul grass.groving and oepeoicîly liat cf claver. If lise rotation votld nol perunit cf the «nov- ing a! a goot crop cf grass, no malter vial the roataion wvu, it vouiti ual be -soesu.He coneidemedthIis la b. one ci bbc pillera o! succeseful «rasa- grwug. Thii.vas. a malter ici beffled iim mare than anyliing else. The us-ual pla be foand la hé a cons- plete falinra, but iL vas vien lie aI- teunpted la seet clown a fieldI lmemily unanredtbtiei.bat beller succese. He gev île roots onau cield like liaI aller-gras., plaugied lb. seet ander laIe la lhe flau, or esrly Jla lie epring, foiioved liaI vi&l bably, 'lien unanure andI vieat, andtI ten seedeel dova if il needet rosI. Tiey ehoult becs- in mind liaIvhin lie grass ves eedeel davu lise gmaund g501tho bonefil. 0f course lie number cf jeans dependet upon circumetanee, butlis-ce years vas bis aim. The ides-liaI fermer. bat, o! barley Ibis year, viesl naxt jYeu, andI eomtiing else lie Ialloving jean, vu ali vmong, antI dit mare ho muin fermera lien aaything clee. Il they nared hem -farna more, anti ver. ual so basty lu attempliig tbgel rich îiey vcouti Ant inleton jean hbat lbeybad matie moré nsoney The, plan C& grovlng ahi o!oneo anhèle in c Yeu noW the oxclusien cf chier: tbiugs loft hbém alvays a Yer balind lie bigIt-priced produicl. Wien banlcy vould boa goot -price hl-u tbhey vaulti baveail visat, cand 80 vith cther thicige. If tiey vouit vork vith. euh pajlng se snch attention 10 malt- ing moery lbey vouit findthlaItbey ,bail @0ietiiag lthâv ouit pay voîl, anti tiqy vouit malte mono moeey iu th. long rua.:' For MASURE in TE OROWING or CLaVER. io depceddalmosI enliraly upon tva tibnga, ptasterand i hruj'antimanunew. as» lieneet uatlooak for auytbiug better. 'A «s-oct sany bailthe i. ecaIlisthe pIauLer Ougbt La bo c alati apuon tie lncv e Ie mpf, b t lbat was a mis-, tae, I h gt ho b eigetl utete gront- bufora 1h- vonit have ils e;ecc. ,IL sionle b. soti d irlitlieubo&pro , g, soa sd go$el'i.bqeaisothc ie pring rains., Au W baryard manuro, tho boul vas - rffquetI d, a s tock voiit have ta b4 ted iiroi$y veolIlukordi or W prduco lb.ebaul. Hovottuald ccli9 hisuauoocs fu amer -vib* devtalgd bIUaalticïeneittreiy ho ýgrcln gnowlng: anti b.pla feùv oattiée jpl leonumée i "-.cva. oriemÇan whaoi uld hi mh, 1- tau et of anti vve leh se of, 1 % >mem. <at lui- aI 11.111e ver a ei.fa 4bo1M or * theî sa s!fahl "The Claie! Magistrat* cillaS Uni&649 States bas beeu îýffW b 4&o an assassin, ÛÏtd, Wat -' eomnaol toar peoA SuvWIt ieli vcs Dol liaI of our 'âtù ý-b bore clone abouit bé héW -g as notier, litance o! teI é Pb* Wbich alnites in brtlerhoad tlëBie5 - Empire ced lhe American Uap,' TEE NOTE-wEun,. "Durislg thé recasa Ihadthle pleare cf visiting lie Province of Manlba, anti of tnareraing lié éxtaeirb praip*es o! thieNorth. West, cutifrom ppmaeba examination cen eincetely coongnalulatë Canada au tié possession o!f soia'g-,' nificent and fertile a region ta h. in- icbîtod,,I trust, in tie course cf -p»iren by milîlions o!thiving anetcoaleutet eubjects o! lier Majesly. Tic, immni- granIs have not confinedt Iéselves ta- -Meeitqba or ite vicieity, but are mccl- lered ovsr lie coaalry vetalwrd-thé.lie baud allihe ocky Mounlalue, eut froutu lie international bouadry-10 tie bake af the Nortieru Saskatcewva. - Il i. thetelorb Iboagil liaI lie lime ha. corne for lh. division o! the erritoriem mbt four or mare provisionai districts vIi appropriaI. nomenclature. Ti. :ubjecl viii be subuiltet for jour cau- siterclica. CONDITION OF TEE INDIANS. «Dumlng nsy joaraey I vas met by namerane Indiau Irîietz, allexpresmiag confidence la lb. coatinunce o! lie traditional policy o! kimaness cnd jut- ice vilci bals iîberfflovenedlie aborigines. 1 regret, bosiever, lo say tisaI lié necessily af supplementig the food suppiy of lhe Indians stili exvie, antis l ikely to continue for soae ears. Every exertian bas -beau madtIe e lle lhe Indiai bande on reeervýec, andtiet induce tism eun betulte themeelves ta lie raising af ouIlle andI cultivating lie mcii. Thse o ffort., bave met vilb a fais- mensure of succees, bal vu ceeu anl1y expecl, by a long conlinunuce of patient fArmuses, to ineluce lies.citd-' en t!hle prairie andtIhle lorel te abandon Ibeir namadie habita, become aell-suppas-hiug, andtuliiratly -uddtel lie industriel vealli aoflbhecounlry.I The influx allihewvitla population buhâ grealy incroeset the ~danger of cal., lision b.Ietwn O seLlier -andtihIe ted: ma», cnt iamy opinion rentera ane- auguncnfiâion, o! thé MomantsiPolice sa rnatîer of urgeney. CIL aSEVIE RFao ! '"The.reporlof the -oiznsnision Sp. Pointai e o nvetlgite lie existiag ajalem cf Civil Service. vili be laid& beloro j aU, and a -moeanroon lie cnb- jent aninitti - faoan o ne 6hidaralion. 'ODUTEN F SEtSSsiýTATION. 'Tie teonniaI cousus havlag beu teken lut yea,the datyý of nocoasider- ing cnt re-cdjueting lb.r tpreseelatlan lu tie Hotus. et Gommons -is-imposegr upan Yeu. A.-nêaure 'fortlb. purpase viii b. lciuýfle6s-Yeu. "83eorarl echer-measurs -dr', porV tance vil beubmttd tayoa. Amog lies villhbila efthi vni pa Insolveut BasIm neurauooemfCa 1eu, antI Tradinq Corporations; or the consoidation anti- amendaisa o! thse iavs r.specting.,lb. Domiûii nd aus ; for lb. ameadaient af the Acta rélctiuag la lihe Bupreuný o Curt afCanada; ;sud> .bille relatiag b, ti ture of offieo! lte> juiso! oféuniy courts, snt te fugti e lode*rawilbintuhesEmnpire; antI r yonttentjiit tvilbeO ocIod la- 1th. pretsautcnmalaaeposition O! the ' wvic-tfaîjuidci CANADA PACUnFIO IAIÂ. mexesrea W 5U i»- -d SîemasBi, -ant i ntubM-'- 'gent noe"uty for amoudmeqte lu lthe Extradition Lav. Sir Join reepl, tiaukiîgitho leader o! he'Oppoeition fer tb. generonutone of his ronserls, an t h. Addresa passet viliout division. A. number -o! -depentnsenlal reparla yens tben siubtiteti. Tiono vas aely a aborl session oallie House n Moedcy, luting anme fos-Ij amutes. Aflen recdlag a ssi fi-ttise Mr. Mo- Catiy's Bill to constitute a Court of Raiivcy Commission, lie Htine aof Cpmnsone-oiepoeed of a largo number o! quetione ant mations bj privaloe meunier. Amoag Aie former vas one visich elicilet fsomS is- Carme Tupper lb. infor-mationliat the Murray, Canal woulti very acon be lacabeatsuant bb conîrach for ils construction 1o. Motions vere carrieti fan infarmation] about Ibhe Ontario Bountiary duispute, lent sales andti imbes- lieees iad'h ,North-West, receipte anti expandtiue for lise lasI sit mantheof eici caien-, dur joar cince 1874, anti importe anti axporta for tli"e ame perioti o! esch jean aine 18774 thse Provencher sud Wood enquis-iea in Manitoba, conAiden- liai printing, etc.- Very litle business vas-done la lie Senale, thi. mastinlemestiag item I-bing lie neceplion af s petihion -from tlie Monts-euh Corne Exchange aguinsh the dalles. on vsansd flous-.- Taasdaythe House euh -aittil 6.15., Sis- John A. Maddonald miaseacbrie! -etatemout oflthe Cabinot change. tlur- ing the recesa. ý-.Han. Mn.7Blake loliovîA vith-some commente ofa ild Miil-'au the--?O- Iý&s-aus f tlle Pcctcffico tram S8r Alez, t0easpoinImnen. !tcftuetg j~ luIra ~ -ot ooJfelc, clal'hioli changes- -i. coasdevetiinexpete ReHodepre- câltid i. remordààthe'èpcuhfcliéu"d, Justice'la lb. enet , thle béat cf tisaI Deparimént- vas Âttornny-General as vel us Minist. o! Justice. - Pssing an ta tha appointmautt o! Hon. Mn. -Mlèaho apok ofAthe. fonuior'rIa- lians between him -ant ir' î*À Oh.nb Tappe., aid. cemplisetei bis ou lb. febicitaueocipiono b. heMinscen cf Bilv&ascont&Îs-iis s peeci,, on- Globe. H.-cucludet vitItàabri.! at kity-efree-to lie silence of Bon. J. C. pope, wbiuh -ehieited- lie admis- -sion, fs-cm Bis- Job» ibaI vile hia boa. eiij beâlih vas ; goat bis mental condi- tioin, a vas oy tiscourcging. -Sir'Iticiard CarivrigItfolli>eet vit deaim ofanybIotiy o!uofln iten lbý lihe King. larde 'antiCeaiment ciâ lant, maie lave 'bfwiich Trois vwas loi. bounti, 'asilIegsi uucomm tutionci Man sgnevaucethelbnoma "iaI Ai te povue exercimotby I Priry Council of bob blukinoos, a& calor th Iolvo-m, ena ee cntiltio'nalnticgneame- lie 8rt, wlýiolswshe one ftiàd Graîlcu alc=ne, vu Ue foildwave T vo, li o -ssiars I t e nigi privato judgaontlmalt On rh lo be eaqly ecr-et l inor isio se-..;laI v. r.joioi Mlutlie niai tion ar the-Ponal lave agaknsl oun man (Jaliolie fauow.subjece, an Iraugt-it ih e happiel consoqas e -thse union atiPnoapihv o! hi habita-nts e! Is-alanti. Thes. resgj lions -ver. -e hknaisahoiâly ratifia tie conventicn, ced vent eh st ChiSnlamcnna 'aiia hiesolernu 'dteraiedneolve oallie ersn ve ïnairso!ltepeople. luotantcsatof Biiahbinie<ry. S woèrk vea tial eoaaa vau Buala ieathleindpnioecowus&W lived,;ýiuleuhtwenty yemam vcWr8 t ilvaestnyeet by Ibo eAï Uno~teMost-onnapt a nti nab oua measun. ýby whieh hi.uigils ir 'Irc people vere, eor .overon. -On the Rip. - bu PUe d605 map rofoed I as' -fia wia buofc!ber~

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