ma 4a, Md »Wfl b teaun, st. blnd moassed, a luIr osuoI tlaolsitocE- U L» oan ea euS tharcar D maytlUmlnpoeres acie kno 01 e hi oougboolatsdin i Th ur Bofteuon. D$,Ro A"eclo"MIiMWinstheora. o D Aves ib rein' M'"re i An t. b ete Is; bta qhv t Os ,bmhth olan wity ir M 1y milby a thugh' g r Bo - e h tobleanul.signg Esl Givetalthe mis* M Outb eapin, .N1 By cut"a re thrugh WC Ad Ihes soMes the dev. SeI *Wbn e art, No;.c c1mmd bt toitrebein, udp M4 mtilhon, Ams the . poce h e- sr.ot by Bave. Ou madeue.aulanSile thon viole8lWC os lb.n greu ace parf young à ro e bat sb*iga f weran'sIclb. marn ep eech ngretbbiprsng t mo haorS.3A mtilîationuAstho akes aokle havcou- M tro et , ane areeibc p a piBrce cf)E bBCL sh&* upos "nosiugthecsf"'." bre c moa icis jet bad nly brusts the Al C hate ihroundfbc, anS mo ourîiug îbac a Can ourth forwaeaI niionte aout thîce Q»ohee ongmeanS a locviden. thet 04MV tSo h the ahos anS eha vinliM, ao Su0, nd aenIa lbPainceyof b.' îlaasoouallg Wasrposbe. "'L luhi T lsofhthébndeedl uou Mggithe seuIte ts a lareand ged sg tibck thend~ to 1'vlbahInisonlîyanSole thre e itlogandbacbdb u kchkis bne. m #. o thon 8641108madDupon1thé othr~ à bdoeSanstruentaluhe esin Maybf bll f èse sovéme are fou obet. Troo sthbeoelsg aîtaohd W thin aCU téb4a el, bllè e sttae-dn sot a onad a ta the enps oa o'kla thIe foausoaaose thot b. i brou auntoes seSladuneson hm ac., f11 a- 104t blo thereadelnhlsbmk 1 ;-o niaihlse mtonirs anSvor oer te 4SýéWsd W bwi. aebufe eae re .t the mci etll athonge. P ntae yèund buen orelias.hlm, S of0 s.uîu lielie. t bad eovly anS vthet suodlèuid mes luneah Motlle a ffleyho tléasehsuf .H asffn rde-the Il St., caS TanlgBa aidb ugbis cr3 andir luisiond uir ad ae ni aghly1 efo31 umhcuonivathèse tovhsare beO Teymanlisbsugbttssthîady01 Oà al duoe t istest owly andaos ar dferfie i y te xatdofrilgs aU bebse motin a n Iblallotthei oe rapan lb.a trooo adpleeed ibli st gb Oc vhieb D eWoséa mlleo ;bnlas ltordhevaM O.u@ belr o»uthey oter cdidas n 1 blto» ul voreaoul nd t ivWth I of gseof kbomstheS ae 1s0albomp 1 $mathe 61 ofthex oftic s andoted' flesa, agalselhlma lehaiing l ; b t uads vheodSoya, i bit lii oéS er peut e hlu p, dogof u b.on, SradednoIbtm vos 31cr bero and iorMbtlb l a bO»d Atolu. WbmoOatlbaie u ly. tr bea teyande bepacsand ighe ole,u wu c da a p o! c druin, pheston ta ébo in the amn os l. g roond ar rior brs ý nd & ore.bt1h l .yd fl. . lWyoSullb easy grltedu greily heii motiloe s rce. thepfui, luanttepIcly.oh bloe vbèaho, faplked up b - th0 Medicine Mo ass sSlaid iposath cieofmelav.m sttlb. fotof ethl.eS"trioc. The vWeig aistrt bail beau ascepsudod from1 éther P"a fblé Perm on iibiche toose du£rlogth& bo aseanS th. lacerated *4Q f0nb listing been oul îvsYj Md hé wouada dreesèd, the varriot vas 41oti bere hohaedboeulaid. man- fallyb.obcd tatdrgonoIbtherture anAt Iea svaud applause and bd. Miratlit cf1hie felev olîms u d a andb fortit by hlcbï ldctva fsd t Ait bis resute hal tl. >bOUfal jn k " ýe a léeinu , osS tbsllfiég$usbe o u otshas. Asli elood foraà fev wmto he gablhâ i esoiglosa" etrsgtlufor a fiual effort ha wu a erblt,«kteeIboldwSI&E body, vu0"0»4 uiu'elMsad biood, Montwuaiof a ory eslISciS UugmY AIé- Vias ffe SisgBt lié bu. msuibsaviuma; oi in o w igavéeli m as îs hello 4h.0, ttrmeoét hiefotlludo mal febho &01d. cf sà lit ufel inbol i.......... louas .................. unipeg .........i.............. 7.985 Buniace...................... 1,288 rlngfield................... paovsxonaE-opuLATioU 11,496. )rrls West ..................... 2,526 nerson, towu ...................9'77 cereon ...........................1,807 1Agatse: ..................... 2,860 reoyrantlr1e... .......~.. 8,298 rtior ..... ............. ........ 1,088 LISGAR-POPULATION 570 Peul .......................... 860 Olement .................. .1,485 Andrewse..................... 2.866 îkwood .......................1,675 MAEQUET'55-POPULATION 19,449. [aditous........................ 888 1mesbourne...................... 845 ntein......................... 2,206 ramide .......................1,895 rtage........... ....... 1,884 igh Bluff, Poplar Pint.......812 ifeérin North..................1,918 aferle South................... 4,785 irris West..................... 1,947 t Franoois Xavier .............11187 aie si. Paul ..................... 789 loodlande ..................... 1,258 &NITOBA EXTFNSION-PO.PULATIOiN 10,452 alors E tension., ............. 4.201 1 rtb.esstorn Extension........ 2,411 orih-westesn Extension .....1,258 esterc Extension .............. 7,017 uth.wetteî'n Extension .....11605 RE TEIIITOE8 I- POPULATION, 50,446. ,mb'rl'ed.(norib Man. 1 .I'8')1255 t'Appelle .......................5,241 cati Monntaiii................. 4,552 ,rice Albert........-............ ,20 ltileforil....................... 4,880 1miouton ......................8,120 lw River ......................8,7 7rk Faotory.................. ... 910 Liaord House ................:.. q lorway Hanle.................... 528 lmberland North................ 565 7dmonion North ................ 1,159 bco River ...................... 2,815 ýthabasca........................ 8,200 4cRouzie......... ............. 7,808 aster uert's Land........4,8149 jabrador ........................ 1,085 cio Coast .....................4.0832 HIC DIDNT MIND VTxExiNc. Pronstpen dollars for s lunch for tva 1" aoiaimed s prosp)eranaiaocig cnstcm- '10o the praprieter o! a San Franoisco staurani the ottes day ; vby. wba Io yon tek. ipýe for 2 -I know it s a lil-tle steep." said ltse ske-stretcber'* "but ycu're tbe oniy >ni tlatasbeeu n utoday. aud niy sent &Ils Suc ta.morrow." "l1'it blamed if I don't roelly admire kman vitit e nerve like yonroan euS ,lley theavindle,îandi wi&h an am- ieS amithe hobloated strenger toauo-i tae barmh piraeoa fifly.dollos sole. fup. md a dollar ont e! the change te the aà itsr, and walkedeut. "Wbal a puty we cen only bave oe lance et e man like thut," murured i. dyspepsie dispnser regrotfnliy. But,. wbén, the nit day, te sent col- ci îirow ont the noe se a eonnter- 'ai, bis duspais va s scb ltai il vas ait tus vaîlore and tbm cook conîd do ta soivent bis svallovieg a battis o! biis >wu ailoed vine, anS titus puttiug au td la Itimacîf. Tn PIUSEsRiAN irKeOftULITIES ruND.-In tae jutigmont of thte Judie. i Commniteae o!flt.e Impu'rAal Privy Danei luinthe important appeai o! Doblo v. Preahytorian Temporalitles BoarS, the Court refrains fîom giving My Sociales s te hioh ohurch le en- ltIed to adnîulter lhe fond, aud ro- ymmends litIte preveul furiher tigaion lb. Dominion Pariainent ibonIS settle Ibis question. The comte >f b. appellant, are to b. borne by ltée membérs of the Board se individuale. &n action h"baheau antesoîl Iy Ur rgbo! Loudon, Eng., ou hehaîf cf lie Preabyt'rn Churc in lu onnection rllh the POburci of Scabiaud t'O oblain poseession ci lte Qonie College pro. p.rty. INDIAC OUTAGES IN Ta N. W. T.- ilarmfng neWs cornesfror B'attletord, N. W. T. A largo force of Blechieei tas been commiLiing depsedutiaus, enS mardered aeveral tradera. The Sioux &lsole1 a aumber o! bosses anS droré hem acrosa the border. Witen Liae ivuers ovrook and resced thein tbey s'ere pror'entes by the United Sttes" anthoriries fresn bringîng ibheu bock tu the Canadien aide. Ui men haie titeir imprudent Saya. Passion makea th. viii lardof thlie 'mamon. There ià ne atomes utoraiat titan pleasure. Notbing overcuoes lpe.'alan more ,iîan msince. Study te pasi if yon wonid divine the future. Few titingi are inîpospihie 1e dii.- gence aseki. The public meus. us le adveuce o! privaI. preolice.- To kuow bow la vail la tte great screofcf nceas. About tbe ouiy forsce soune people baveà le ir foreof babit. The secret cf folicity teae judicions interruption o! routine. The cniy roaliy bittes bears are tbose viic are shed lu solitude. Tite firsi ase syruptoni cfe mind o!. healtit la st o! beart aud pheaunre fait st homne. Théro is nobhing nc lihehy la produice peacea agol lie -velpropared 10 meét t.e enemy. A norli, o! England papes aipeaka ol. a% yoong lai-r ie , 'rau rapily titreugh itslmproperlty." IHis propca'ly vua anopefiel&. IH o ve a red ahurt< and a bull vas in lte yak, ofthe A vidov aI Lafayette, led., reosives #1,700 s ber husbauS's back pendesn, Ibngh abe vas a vife for a day enly,: haiing nt.ned bim wvie ho vas dy.- lg Why la youî noceine l l.MIiddle -ou ye c? Bècaumte l seeuueft - PitlielpbI boas an artst naineS. 'Bvoîd. Whou elghtI 75555ofe! eebu vas onhy as itl>.bowlé, "iPà t ne flcome complimente on my- tembalesi," saiS a vag. "Don'î give me Say epilaffy."1 *Wé omneolteeo soon cenvince eus. sI oti oyoaulty vée y b. dispenseil vill in tIbs vorlS et ours. Lîfo inlalaifetbittesriasothe " elebtu la l that one MOL'"fe * ~ ovs .sioildefool InjustIce il îoui la Ib hies 1 Imiglt Sedourt.W oitieu m i noue. -~ ~ ~~~~l O ssefatiotnlea aulaxeS hiado~1csyvbloh4 Vérynpleac- Oat mendDp't SHOW lte sodlueut et habille hbaudoa itt ibe. ;I mans s 80ta n aleA l... thmncoin :d atose en ~uyou put it la your pocket you double 19, ami vbeu "yon taes# out yo*-1IP Il lueoes- The Amberet OoU*ge as'tudos have aIl bens vaoiated, st the collège 6%. ponte. à nov collège motte -wil11-bel takes from Virgil : "Arma viiuwque oano"-I e ing cform sudhe:.Viras. Hlovever.aed oil enChristmea trkey vas, yon fanreS fas botter Ihan -RoiS. joseph Cook, vbo lt.e apers ellot-s dweeaon th. Aoropolie, lu Atheua-,r anS the e'oroii e ivery, v*«Y olS. Twomean dlecusng lb. vonde're of modern science : "Looki Istbtrocmyi nov. Mon have learued the distances te tbé stars sud vîth the spectrosoope they have evon fonnd out the mubstan. ces th57 aremadeofo." ,"Yos," eaid the other : "but etrangel of ail tome is bow they foud out ail thoir names." Frec o! Charge. An lapons suffering from Cougha, Colds, Asihma,BDncchii, Lon@ of Voce, orsany af- fectIon 6f1lb. Throat sud Lungs, arerequem. taS 1 tet iW. R. Hoawso Ding store and get a TrialBaIle of Dr. Klug'm Nev Dis. covery fernCenumpian, free of charge vhlch viiiconvince thom cfi L. vonderful moriuland show vbat a regniar dollar.slzo bettie v0ido. mieuy Sei ARRIÂvcn or =19s aNuu.- Th&iesocf ibe e&4-i*vai of tlh Sari, dinian Ma Qnenatovn pots an eud 10 au Arious c o! s iuspense, and re- hIèes bthe ear or >lb.eaafely cf the vessel and thoso on board. Afteî lhe Nederiand baS boon ashod, and baS ne- fumad 10 10w the eteamihip, the Bolivia camne tcber asialance, but could do nothIng more than relieve ber of meet cf the remeining pemengora. Do Not ho Decclved. -- Ihese imes of quack mediolue aSies- lisemenîs everyvieter, isfi ruly graifylng Le lua nc remedy iba sworthy ef praee and vbicb really dosa as recommaendeS. Electie Bitters vo cen voncb for as being a trus and reliable remedy, and ou. Ihat vil do sas recammended. Tbey iniveriabty cure stoinach and liver complainte, Dîsenses of the Kidusys and Uriuiary difficulîles. W. knov vberool ve speet, sud cen really may, give themn a trial. SolS et ftfty cents a botle, hy W. R. Roese. NaviÀ SCarx AaSîML.-In thé Novia Scotin Logitative Assmnbiy ï'mterday te Bailway Bill paseed iLs il, second reading on a vote of t11te 9, two membèa-s vho usually vota vitb the Opposition snpporlin lb.e Bil. Shsquentiy Ms. Butter, an Opposition membher, gave notice cf a Bill teaubolisb Lb. Coucufl, &Dd titere ia posibitîty o! ils being carnieS. Buclcns Arnica Salve. The Bout Salve je Lbe wortd for "'uts, Bruisse, Sorwi, Ulcera, Sait Rbenm l'oes Sorea, ToiLer, Cbepped Handa, Chbfhains, Corna, asd&a i amEru ptions, and positive- ly cures Piles. IL in guarenteed te give per' fet satiimfston or moncy refendeSd. Prie. 251 cents per box. Tait Seox MunDa.-UlenevoS int*r. est in the Sage musSer case -bas heen evakened by thoeitirn'ony o! an One- ide Indîen, who rèeoilecta soeing te murdere>d man, nîbo vas îesy dt-nnk, iu the coinpady af Bue sud Rogers et the Robinson Hall on the day o! bis disappearance. Sage was thon expos. inghu aytro. A Sense of Wearmneos ta ci tee toit by passons vite cannei locale any particules disoca. If iboy vonk t h h- cornteslabos fi lboy vaît, tho1i »on tir.; meutliefforts becomo a burdeu, and oven joya ae dimmed by 1th "0W of ibis veakneuss vicb A aiutoiesltais lires. Béecour si aStsometimes te eifislanie cf adangeoeus chrctes. The adriceo! phy. acians te refrain troin active labos pro. happy résulta. Why? The sys. prcpenly. 1'ernvian Syrnp vitt do tilaVra7 tbieg. Like te elocinle carrent vith te corporeelfunctians, il nsisee up lte eu- feebled, urings ltée colos Lttse cbeek &gain, andS hope laelits despondez'i. IL doese îl vert prompily sud vell. SoiS by all drag- giots. Th et-i o Our country in gttiug 10 lie fcerfully à alaru- lng. te arerage oetfle belng Ihmeesd «or yesr, wit.benL an y -reasoneble cans, Seatt resnttinggenerally troua tee nt imigUÃŽfl seultoign.Ai ibis ssosocf th e e, . Icxl ~ a coid is sncb a eCumous 11118 tha i Ye brryofevery day lit, va- are apl te overloat the dangers atteuding Il ced olten finS toc ale, thai a foies as Lung trouble bas alroad y sel in. Thousa slus titeir tises in thia 'way sîory wintes, vitilo baSI Bosee'à Ge;mas. Syp'p bosu talion, s cure vndS haie sesulted, anS a largo bil trou ae doctes beén evoided. For aIl disest- em efthLie TitroacanS Longs. Boc)see's Gema dl3cbuesyov telt eth greatst aruz fils Un ind iniimediclue. Every Drnggist in tiiscountry vil bel Sof etlsa voudertul eshoot. Oves 950.000 boLies soiS bat yeas vithout a single tail- ose known. Yon Have No Excuse. Rave yen an y excuse for ufering villi Dysppie or'Lves Complaint 1 la thora &Dy resson why ou ahou d oou lrorday t0 dayco in ivth Bor8Stomaoh, Hek ad a 134H laiCostivenema ai pto! tt quorl4-ilei u re.m WZ saab, Gâà iwlas quaburnlnt in pit o thegt6nýohTellw oato4" Ton 8,oad --le lambin the. moul COnIS gupoat fOcfe20sslig, lm *s$sUe &o.«,No? Itioiposittvelyypiwitali you "o.Go ta yourDrght-au gsi a tbotieocf Oreu'm Auguat Ployer for 75 cents yonr cure 10 certasin, but il, you doubi ibi, gsi a Banple ÈBtoefor lbcet anS try it. Tvo doses viII rieeo you. NsksE taco moumeame as sW4sy Dru.idtscSI r=at 5box, or 18 boxes for frsfpsacase- BolS i WWtubybyW. B.HO.WAE anm&ail Druggsts, everyvbere. 1 PA T E--N lIS i W. continue 10 et as Socior# for Patents, Caveale Trade Marks, Copyrighsecfor 1he lunûedStates, Canada, Cb, n0 ad France, Gerinany etc We bave baSIhrty- "ve :seari expérience. Patentsob"tali lbroegh ns8are noticeS lin theCIENWI Aiamcin. Ths large sud splendlid illum- trated veelml ppe, "820a year, choya the Progroas of Snc, b VMTintmrm"sn, anS hbu an enormons cloulatlo5. Addrem- MUNN & 00., patent Solicitors, Pabllsbîes af sciontifle American, 87 Park Boy, N; Y. HauS book about Patente ent frea .à 1ý D-1 taa&.s' i. , Cam UULIStle Lmmm wws jl y à ,amimi«lbo roui siras e.l~'nwetso5 %tê&teti0ý1:rPY len te o 4olO P Sp uta.'.e te oba, IV tlat r ' sOflC1),ô or or tors O e., t n ne-L iISbo e ..,imca&eeutioy I uelruialwarrein If YU W5~ 110 ~~05 JSJ~.~4MW .L~Ly y -GO TO T- OLD .,RËLIABLE *WHITBY FOIJNDRY,' Where you ean alwaya get good value for your moneyq sud .every acle, bound to give you the beet of satisfaction. Yours re qpectfiily, SBROWN & PATTERSON MNF'G Co. Whitby,.3mb Lit 1881. NEW TIN SIl'O?. J W ~E?-N0E a' Next Door. 8obth to dames Johnston's "Goldsmlth's Hatl, Has opened business in the above peissand is now ruinning in faUi blast, where everything pertaiing to Tin, Sheet, or Galvan.izd Ibon is manu.faotured in a workman- like manner, on SHORT NOTIOE and at reasonable rates. ELECTRO-PLATED GOOD of ýUPERIOR QUALITY. AUl kinds of Jcpaned Tin, and Shot-hron vare constsntly kopt in stock. REI>ÂIRING dloue oheaply and neatly. Ail work guar- .ntood sauisfstory or no pay. Amerioan, and Canadin COAL QIL. Lamp Chimneys, J. W. BARNRIS. hItby, Foby. 241h,. 1879 A fiR assortment jLCIA LS &CROCHE. Ware, at exceediiigly kow pis I'WILXj-PAY lto bal sund inspect the- goodesud prices. - 'E Je DS 'BET Octobr 1A, "e1., EDISON9 T&MOAT c I h - c ~ C Yenu anugh, Talk, 51ng and Play T Ùef thUflhlLiio02A thetan roadligur eauenplay lunes aI cnce. ta7ite or OlerlOnel. No knovlodgeo f uabo rered 10 play Ti b'te rarioes e eriecf tunes ombracing a&U the populos Airs, Pritd uipo lsi th. Intrument, at a convonlent dioCinefIrom 1hembth-pie, ao u> te m4j read, and by means of vbich mny onsb, vithout theleomsca ov sa upcn thislnstrumnent and play tunes at olght. Pem sailealar it hundreds cf tunes without any card whatov«- Ti Iuls one ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~X cfiemo oa netosc h g.-Y. HeraZY'o~ o oe vfth otnoi ietton sOth tb. Spoaklng Telep ici s itdoe aUthbat Il vii do homes lng a os ho do not understand notes a la1 luesY-N. Y.Sun.- Price6.0.Pc b malPostae plandarghtered $8 .o mtent by ma i thont being re- a lrs.BodMone 0 ..order or re hoapnlaetedrc SPECIALNOTIOE.Te MusialTe ephone eu oniyb ucae ftemnfc lurons, tbe EDISON SUIC 00,or Ibrougli their everel branches lbroughcut 1he 1U. S. la One Rour Yeu oaa Play on the Piano Organ or Melodeon, vith ED1419' iNSTANTANZOIJS MUBIC. To an y child vho, can reaa numbero from 110o100111sl s plain sdalht. No teecher requlrod. -AUl the papulles lunes. Millions cf Our pieces - nov i useover fail! b givo satsaction and amusement. ComplOesinstructions, vltb maoen plaeo f music sout by mail for ONE DOLLAR. Bond samp fer catalogue cf lunes. Teothose vbo live in lbe country avay fron toaechers thsy are a never.failing souroe cf comfort. Agents vanteS. For 81.00 vo vili mail yon Enzson's Bsicv for onc year and seven pieces cf Edimon's InatntonesusMusic vlth the instructions or fur $800 vs viii enS yon Eiisoxs mRavmvw for one yemr and oeeof Edsfmons Musical Uoephones rogitored by mail. Wben ordering, ploase mention the paper yon mcv Ibis advortlsoment in. ED)ISON M19310 (X)MPÂNY3 215 & 217 WALNUT ST., PHILADELPHIA, PA, BBANCH OFFICEII-280 West Baltimnore St., Balinore, Md., 808 N. Sth st.,St. Louis Mo., 25 Sixth Avenue, Pittaburfi, Pa., 857 Washington mIssel, Boston, Mass., 52- 8 S. Queeue., Lancaster, Ps., Clor. 9th & Welnnt, Camdon, N. J. HARDWARE!,- LIVEPOOL LONONDER A R LOI? BOÃ"T and 8HOE STORE! '1 Large Stocks sud Low Prices" being our motto. Cal GLASGO>W. Winter Arrngement. 981OUTEST BEA P"ASSAGE I ECONOXY, and C031FORT 1 sailing siesy ltérnato veekot mPont- land sudf frua Boston, clling at B.alifa :- CIRCASSIAN, froin]Portland, Jan. 151, Halfex, Jan. lith. POLYNESIAN, from Boston, Jan. 19tb, Ilâalifax ZJan. 21gt- SÂ1lbINLIAS. from Portland, Jsa. 25lb, Halifax, Zen. 251. PAISIAN, frein Bostn, Feb. Sund, Bell. fax, ?Ob. dth. PERit7ViAN. from %Prtisd, Pub. 9tb, Hsllfs, T.It. 1h. Passegrlklng the."mnet Portland vil l"eoWbIby,8% .=0 s.on Wodases- Scyé, et Hnlhf&x, .80 fa.M.onumrdaya. RaT»$ eriASSAGI ; Whftby lu Liverpool vie Portlud-First Cabo, 81, sol, anSd82 ocr 0l epoil- lice of saeercos; love aefor rature tickets. Iltermediate, $48, vitb firu-clas rail. Stoels<e et tovmel rates SteenagopsenOrs are torvarded to bon- SoudarryB= 9a ,GlIaageMQuentovu llibls'~ saS Landau at sainerate Part-esvîsbu t10 snd foi théir friande cen obtabn tickets eI 1ev rates. For tickmts anS fartbén lefosm&Ufou apIplY 1- GEO. B. YOLE. Express O091co Jan. oth 1882. Whtby. o DIKiss, Couatmavaa as vblc HAGVaMs YsuevOul.gsra ,, ieop, 1001xKM eýý x# 0M 22MBr0ii, *5Umm e5wè A«À l.ITmmiYMru suvmu znIZ»= Deverell's Block, Brock-St. Whitby, and examine and be convinced, at -IATrrCla WHITBY-No. 4 Brook-st. :B8 v0.S 11& 118 Yongest-TORONTO. MATTHIEW aoLLIN-SIMoNEYT:aeoNEY In£onrmi customers that at the above establishment wiil be foune TEEB LAET, BEBT, and FINEST sosortment of stock of Boots and BSes bolveen Toronte and Montroal. Don't:be sstiafled witb looking at the display in the show window, buo inemand ozaneo u ocfer yoursolf the store ffiled with éveryftiag thaau can- ho caited r in thes Boot sudl Sho. lUne, for ISies, ]Kim&, ee înhildion'. ver. Our 90 Worh cf Osovem. iAT LOJVPRICES! RiMberacof 8uperior quawiy. 1 No lIow 1 but what is straight, ini sayn that iu the cames yc*packod the undersigned bas nov onmbau large a stock as Most cè.baoin ii bs lneo f business. See tii. ew Berlin Feit Boots.-Ladies' Fine Kid Boots rw-'Prniake d Valises ini Rreat variety, at lowest prices- MATTHEW COLLINS, The Mainmoth Piot Bot sud Shoo store, 1Wbitby, Oct. 28, '80. PIlANOS TWNED. GBO. T. GUEPEICUTe TUIses, for Memr. iu & Mb aiTéoto, vlf b. lu vbilby ebOu eal l. n i 3£6t ay Wirtieseis,&nglioir Pianos p~ay L0Oà hR UPET, Ph crptrWIU- sBi V i 0 SM by mai. to & ic.-' wo iii rmcéirm prompt attention. 17_16 c lA se,., 'sel -il' rat i.Bp. -s DEVEBRELL'S BLOCK. [' 2%0 Om# rAt .miia m «Yjfor (JO ?70H.COZDî ASTHMA, BRONCITI0, LOM O F YQIUB, HOAR8ÀENEB A-ND THRO T FFROTIOJ& QUM@ abalesote Gosm G , GRAY'S ruoeu d'a" SYRU ses of biad mq Dis- 51 p reio etqSPRUCE~~~ lm S4 et êaa wM GUM. tUel "n miOfBrowjdrot Swng mawceÇt4à oeffea .in cuwng ob- iwouon th ie publa cra ml bu ai stc dwmiMsi50.4 cf lie naoOurI aii KRR, WitTSO.31 té 0O., Soupmpwm m it , HAIR N E SS-0 VILLIAM THOMP8QN, Bog l dset'atehlli10bisumg and auororstckoopnslgeveriling la bm a55.ryanEmreaslino; !!j WB AILE PIREPARED TO LOAN On good mortgages, at LOW RATES 0F INTERESTr' Cail and see us, and pay off your old mortgages, that are drawing high interest, and1 SAVE YOUR MQNEY!j while the rate of interest is low. HATOR & BRO., Àntri.é Ra, Rî Ri.- 1833- Established --:o:- WHITBY. 1833.1 F.V"URNITURE, F URNITURE, Cheapver than ever, at his new store BI~OCXsr-P,- -The udr inii returning thanks to the, publie for the liberal patronage extended b hlm, begs ta titate that having rcmoved to Mùs commodioùs new promises, ho is now ini a botter position liai evor to supply ail their wants. Ris stock of embraces ve% handsome sets, everything that cen be cailed for ini honlUne, an y ex nination wil] convince that the prices are low onough to suit thG ltimes. m IJNDERTAIKIN.G. Funerals fully à upplied. WM - TILL. PH 0OT01%CR;"APH Yu WE ARE MAKING A NE W ST YLE 0f Photographe, in sipia, life-size, sun eutirely_ NE, SPECM~ES O EX IBITIoe Cards ;oct o-I-.isl Mr on Mfar- only 6 FARMERST Workingmen, profeasionaloan d everY mani requins aI Ibis mon o! tbe year gornethin5 tg give Ions 10 hlm m"tem "a prepaem, bimor vork. WuUl do tbs byaeonging &impretiemfrom the iblood.- - Q USE VITALINE in aul affections of thé Kid noya. *Bold by all Druggists. Prims, 01.00 per batile. THE GRAY MEDICINE CO«, 4in-47 -TORONTO. PATE NT S - CANADIANS can ecure patents in the-United States on the smre terme as Citizesm. Il bs liemI Le patn is in the Statem, thu-s ecuring a 17 year ptn; othervise time vii be lixnited tiwo years. Total comi of 'United States Patent 660, only &20 on making application, the balance ozily vhen patent is aliowed. Total cost cf Canadi-n 6 years patent, ffl; for $15 yeerm, $74. On receipt cf model or drawing, with demription cf invention, vo vii moud advlce,referencem and cîrcularfree. Àddresm, 0. A. SNOW & CO., ILr-one .S. } Soicitors of Patents, Ploase mention vhsre yon av tl& a aver- t"iment.-5 ~LUMBER! LUMBER 1 c* JOHN 1%sON , LUMBER- MRCHANT, W H I T B Yý ema onhmhsnda large mupply of o l inacf Barn Ln-ber Boordsand ail nefiesax7 Building Luin6or. Fencing, Savn Tinber, and Scantling, e lurge quanit _' cmI'and. La.eodor o 1r Long E ule Dcci, 8sbo~ ail lina ays on Wbitby, May '11h. 1877. ly-2ô The "White,, Seffing Machines I havejpst received my second consigument 'of the justly coebrated - SEWING ÂIN. THEY :ARXE KARVELS 1 veaiy egCaI CALL AND Theyl repay.yti yenbe W ýnetA tenance 0shov Ma - irt oor1 snvitb oe-bal! the karg arangée os]or WraTéSEy cTp <Perfoctly Bilent Cabin6ts Iesursuuc~Ai gtoasce D.B AI O'lbô OPPO.E &&ait 1 SA]