0% ,ecloL, F irAks. o "Km cflb, Wei" an Mi . 8R obertson à Brou. P"i . .Roberson &Bus .0,Robricn iBrou. &DOTIUN SALES. saie off feam stock, Mperet,4., the roperty of M1r. Wm.. Edvard, on lot o, , te i ocu. of Pickering, on Kedy aroli 28tb, 18851, ai on. ~oiok, . m-Tlou.Poucher, Anction. Ealeof iarn tock, see"p, impismuents. &o., th. prop.riy of Mr. Richard squire. on lot No 6. lu tb. 4ib con. of Pleker. Ing, on Monday, Msrch 111h 1882-ait on. Woiok. p. m.-L. Fairbanks, âne. ONLY St %o PER ANNUM. Whltby, Tbursday, Mar. 16, 1882. Maritime Ontario KorUiwof th. elfoibit f Land wbioh divides the. drainage Sfowlng loto1h. Bt. Lawrence from that floviloto Radson 1Bay, ibis Prnvince cantaine aibout foriy millions of acres. Within 1h. Roue of wbQAI, adaptaid la tbe g fravitaoff ail tb. crsais sud well suit.d %e the-productu of 1h. bitliangarden, Il pussaseboundiest supplies cf tun. ber, capable of bing raftod by au ad. nirabis sysiona cf vater.ways toa alsua open te European sblpping for probably as many mantha off th. year as th. Part of Québe. An luherltano. se in. men.sly valuable cannai b. braugbl toc ofttu vithin th. intelligent snquiry 01 the public ; and le, tbereforo. imade tbe subjeol bers cf seins furtrher investiga. fioos cfilis character and resonroas. The Rivsr-sysltem o! the Atlantic lope of tbis Province i. bued on ibree milnstram-tb. Abbittibi. on tb. essi; the Macs., lunlb.ermiddle ;lb. Âibany, an tbe veut. The Âbbiii and th.e cuntry an sber aide of It are d.scribed thus by Dr. Bell, on page 869 et the Geclogical Rport for 18778 : IlThe Érai ani lowest section floya "througih a level countlry. . . Iu tbe "second *' (46 miles long) " th. river ruselu a narrow îaliey, viib a cîeyey "kottouâ and rocky bille varying Iroi "60 t 200 foct, but avsragfing 100 (set "hoigbt on eeob aide. No igh ground lmvasobservod near tb. river lbroegh- "ont tbe rosi of its upward course, ex- "sep t a the Dock River Rapide aud ai "a bond 10 miles In a siraigbi lice frein thb. outici of AbblttiilLake, vbere "tLle dise on eibher caie 10a bsigbi of * 80 tc 120 fot reepecilvly. ' The licore anditil tributaries ooccpy lb9 c Idie part ci Ontario ou thesa. 4 lii.evIdence beor. tb. Dawson Comnifée. (p. 45 of tb. Report) Dr. nail aye : "'AI h lah vaer you migbl go up the "Moos. Bîvor lu a steamer a certain istlance;butitl le very vidle sud "shallo,; ai loy vator iin occasion- "aliy bard to paso.ila e ceno., aven "vh.r. the riwer.bed lsa amile vide. II#tt lidlt gai imfqntnra.w,'lr. .A.ma. "c lb grevel and shîngîs." la the evidce boeforethb. ocmmiiie. qdt he [ruperill Ocumone, tb. Moose lu desiarci obeb.navigable tb New Bruns. wlok Houe-osai ia verysoure-for * keIlboato. For raftiug Il may b. sai ý«e .falihoetlis characier as rspre. oecned le mmy staiements, to be oun- marpauad., Tho Irlbtuil.off ihs Moos * se.. I. b. off mueh lb. sme dsscrlp- tinr ulduraîs' v elevelb ialul. ahown for lbe Ibrses geatl ri.r.sysuems 01 lb. marins basin of Ontario by facte la evidence s l il.heAlbany. Iu lb. Geolegla Report for 1W8, Dm. Bell tayae: 111a1oerlefd dthai 1h. river b.. "Iveeâ Ibis point (IIamin's Falle and the. Âlbey) and Jamnes Bey le openl 4#os iage osix monihe of th. Jear."1 Bo nauoh for tilt duratlon off naviga- lo Lind : nov for Ils direction ses. wards. On p. 18 of hie book on Hud. sn'@ Boy, Dobbu calye of the river ai Fort Albani, on the #hers ef lairs Bay: "The or e ur #bu Factorywva "frosen ou the 159h (Oobe ); théb 21ie t ame wva agré eg ofsai oélag "se on the rI*er; b7 lias <Rut l1e "fuetaU er is Oharlee OCrash;by . "159h ct Navember ltre wres river vas "frosen oaur, thongh. otnol5, stvong as "10 bear,. Ih oaatlnne4 tbawlng un the lbnadul of Aprhl ...th, 291h * "b.ega aV"Y te tire boad of 1h. "lb. river lii lira59h, cf MNu 4 ma "lb. river f411 Ive ft by ,.ku of tible. c sec t, hie bitlhIn Oleamboci 'nulgallon'may b. heud OA UmiiIbhé ibcny frecees verot"nc u.etgrong aUe e "aetou l m »obba asltoithwen lb ofih ci Me Wbeu 1h. lec gos. cvcy te Ili h#ai ef' the lIdai, lb. 9>lh cf ApIlIbe tu.' bftUungction bcil Opel lla"e lb. off 1812, bi M. 11009êt 1- "lTih. vholereglon maL ire e oevesiy tisibsias a lîvel "plaîn'wîh a gleal numubeof- rock y "mare and, ridgss protrudlng Ibrougla "IL. Ou tb.laver levelu s good deal of sarface le pobbly ewampy.i. "Lukae Abbitthbi insurrounded on evory "#ide by loeloiy.an. . T iii "notb andeseowaly le the nortir. "voalard tb. olay.ievolseme a"uot "unhrokon; sud it sle wll, ironutut "it extende lu ibis direcioniu 1 the "eores cf Hudson Bay." Tbo iopograpby af tbe couniry &long ube melu.sitreana of lb. Moose.vall.y le deecnlbed by Dr. 13.11 on p. 810 *of tbe Geolagicai Repart off 1875-6 thng, Long Portage belug 85 miles ran James IlFrein the foot of Long Partage la the ses lb. river us lbrougb a level région. . . Beiweon the groat lehes sud James Bey the country is of a uery diffrent characier lu eaoh ef lb. ivo guological arese wbicb il smbracos,... The former le somrovbat elevaied, un daling, and dotsd wilb lakea, vbils ihe latter le 1ev and swampy, ud, es~ fer sei novu. fiéeafrom a kes." The country slongte lb.aibny and soe of is Iribularies in tbis Proviace, may serve tu illustrato the 1)4liikrl characier off tbe Avard-lani on veut. The followiag tibrove ;igÃŽt that &abjec: Prom Long .Lake Route. near Lake Supenior, tb. River Renogami fiows north vardly ilob tb. Albany. In referonce 10 ibaet sream n sd le othore: on the saine rouie, Dr. 'Bell syst on page 840 8 ef lb. Geologioal Report of 1870-1: "Eugieh or Kenogarni river fluve ibrougb a level coountry aIl the wsy froin Long Laiete he l.Albany... Tbe whnle country explored lu con. faction witb the Manitou Nawiz aud Ka wa ksasi-gu ns rivers is compar. atively leici. As illustrating the geu- oral level uature cf a portion cf thue region. I may:rofer tte tbe fact thsl ve did Dlot iiîd il nocesary la maike a singis portage ou gou ailt the way fromu Enghsh URer to lilati Lake, except the short one airoady menion ed." 01 a lins frotu tbe led.water cf the Ombabika River, on thbo heigbit off land norlh of Lake Nepigon. Dr. B3ell Étaye lu lb. Geclogical lReport of 1871-2, pages 1078. '*Wo lefi Ogoke FivFr. f . and orousad tbm beigbl cf land wbich epar._ aies its vaeru froi nosuhbor tributary cf lb. Albany iyiug fariber north (tbe Ka.ge.i.ua gaia)-.-.Fcllovlug Ibis lribntary nortbvard, v. resobeil lb. Albany aI a lake calidAbazoiitcbe. wan. - . Bi the cane. route wbicb ve snrveyed lbe distance iu 142 iniles. . . The. ccuntry traverued by tii route preeentu a generaily levol aspect buit the surface là rooiy or evainpy asufer au ve ccnldexamine h. ..Soin. sections lire billy, bel lb. bigheut point amdoin rimes more iian 50 or 60 feet aboie tbe generai lovel." Speakiug of thbm Alba-ny beiveonu Makobatan Laie sud Marlin Felle, e distance cf 56 miles. Dr. 13.11 sys ou page 110 cof the Geologîcai Report cf 1871-2 "Tbe surface cf tbe country on eibher side af ibis section offthebMrier appears tu b. ouly ligbltly uuîlulatling... AIl tb.ecntlry aroundi Lake Maskob. sIlen is su e lvalibat, &e." ftPPtluhç bu a srelit.ut Lo-miiei &long tbm Albay, Dr. Bell sys, in the Gealogital Report far 1871.2 (page 1111): 1 Al Ibhe vay frein Martin'@ Fellu te 1the juecion cf the Foris" 1Çunetion cf the Cenogaini) "lb, Albany lu fiankoel 1by e.p bania, cubher lm.medialely over- 1lcoking tbm vatlr or riulnit a short distance baci (roto It. la descending the River Ibeir general heighî lueases gra11911Y tram fcrly ta ehoul uin.iy fest. - . The country on eibher sida cf lbe Albany blov Mrin* Fallu is quite levl." 1 TcO um up the foîegoing evidence cf tbe topograpby of the marins sctcion cf Slstlng ai "alluvial sou.-" The o si Of thes sautera part cf ibai division cf Ibis Province le indioated lenltho follovlug ostracte. Mr. Busul l aye u i bocSk, P. 10: "Thoe lay.lauds of-heo rudsan's8ey exteni aoutb cf Liabo AbiQîi i tte nemilvard cf 1h. vaterescifithe oltawa." lu th. Goologleal Re Port for 18724, Mr. Moual s yon pae,184 "Lake Aittibi la sumrmodej an4 al siWesbv level lcy Iud. . . Ta 4b. nore.tirnti eîp8sdlly the nerth.vôe verd, tie 047y1,070, sesmç-almout n ted.leIis direction- leté lb.cresopf andson'eIBay. ,Houerti acrées cf ils Bey Ocn a oséal*t, hliiibi, ân wiliresfatory r"osulie. 01 lb. lande on,$lever etrèeir ai th. Ruevr AhittillI Dr.. Bell saye on pape 80 sudS? pi l4.Geological Re.~ OOuemlng cf dift sud tire banke ci tlie Bli . , sonie 'ci bouIder. oie? oveul by more cm lotes amuor Rrae4 sud brownisb lceeny andigraueliyu -1# * sDM Cla imls, ta i. - .1 anoter tunvy afitoellaer#y, '11. Be.11 wriee an pag MO 01fhélIe -gegio eTRéport of 18M 1": "NSortb.w@el cf Long. -Lake Houte tlb. country 1le -oviemîpr"d viti ae "sendy salfa rveliy doposîl vliloh ep. "peamslo0 b oolight to fom, b toi "soli, oxeepi laue orne ic. . luI "a gensid alvy Il may b. sai tirai sbe "vialoe onantmy seaiiud" (on the ex "ploralicu by vay 'di the. Kenoganl) asi . . 'a sudy soul,_ gsusiaiy dry, but lu places lui.rrupted' bY "svamps sud loy rocky itiges. The "soulppeare to be for thbmntsipart "nirlypoor.. . Theee sendy "dep r; e . .arce nd.rlayed by e " agi o o say vhicb oceionally camus te lb. surface. . . Tbe "Hudson Bey Company'& faim au "Long Lake Rouse.lu situated on Lie "day formation." Bpscklug cf Lb. counntry inlani on a joumney frein Fort Albany 10 Moose P'ort, Mattiev Bergeeni bold the Par. Ilamentary Commutte. off 1749 that "Ier. ane vast tracte off land fit for cul- tilvelon." Off aur maritime basin lu ýgeneralDr. Bell etatedt te .Dawson- comaltie, p.48 of the Report: s"de mi,knov Sny region iii. iSsu "tOe l cisd'no single description "viii spply te the wboie region. If the esutema part of il ver. iu lhe saine latitude su lie penlusula of On. tarie, nortb cf Laie Brie, h veud b. almeet the nosain uother respecte; bue 1th. esîvBard îti l 1k. lie country nortb cf Ottava." In anuver be a question as to lhe habitable part of lb. trriiory and vhs. lier lhe cinat. on lhe bardera of James Bey is nob liaI âcroeucoeid ho raîsed hier. for th.enelsenauce human 111e. Dr. Bell bold lb. Dawson Commit. tee (p. 89 of Report) '1Ib ink no. At pribenl liere are rnany ocher tracts ùpen for setlemeul vbiob are more accessible than Ibis; region ; btnt Iere "cen b. no douitthIal people eu live bore (on te shores of Jamuee Bey.) ontirely iy farmlng, once il iunetîl Aund again on pp. 7 and 8 cf tlb. o- oieI&IRtepart for 1877 8, Dr. Bell seye: "Th1'e exemples cf ibe fariene t New "Brunswick Houte.sud Mecs. Faotory shewis, upon a amalilscsie, wiat nigit be exîonded cicr a gtreat part "cf tie country. I have no deuil lutt 4ai soins futurs lime, Ibis territory will support a lae population." St. Palrlck's Day. To - morrow (Friday) viii b. St. Patrick'e Day.« Prooselonesud benuers are ne longer 10 lbe fore la Canada, sud ail tho boiter for the pesoe and qnietnese cf tii. people. Seirees, cou. certe. and euierlainmeîats et a literery oharacter, nov taire lie place of lb. objectionabie processions. Temuprance gaîberinge off Inimen aud ef Emerali Benefacial SocleIl. are &lso favored. And tise iensneof prmmoilg arîby objecte. and of instruction aed enter lainent are ündenliably ptInfet-abia te the sîreet parades sud *"drovuing of Ibm shainrocir" cter 1h. li by.gone lesbion. Wbils tbey are more eievating bo tie Irish obarecer, sud stlng sR gond exemple te cîhere, lb.7 vil net lessen iluhlebut tb. stlacimnanoff Irisimen tlaee $b.d"flto,' or suppres- 11; 1 t eaemory ai tie pit"- or the aspirations off tbe prenant ie lie broutes off our coentryien, 1tese Greon, Brin- il- re-----Quà gloions and fr.e, Firet flover of tlia uti ansd Bret gem a o Thie more raibenal clbratiou cf lih. national ietiday lu Ibat adopted by the Emerli Bonefiolal dociely cf Oshawa. They give a supper aud sutertelument on Fmday siening, ai vblcb, vs are asume*d, a a rseinteileclual Insal awaits lhoseewbo ana piviloged toattelnd. ioules tb. viole timg.And le fartbor ioules pcillutely havlug made use .e any expréseiot prPrctely tirt" la i-i p&pi ejsuil va st tIele iai lie ouceru auy vcy. sii liat on tIbal aceant I t MihanthosmnnewwdaA l frem hi elrà eýa illerof book sud Fat RmBuSiu 1;Wa, v ~ i the¶u1atV erawbie iu.M O- Hoigaeon, 2, ' ýthvîeorisÃk ltc managementi, lie office of tlere al it c ltsE.Hpensr4 secvelcry of thb.'Unitedi Empire Grandi Pair cf fat oeegu-lc a f ojen 1à tlompeny teGan n6ii .aa i ERoai.Qmrarters oci -the Oonsorvatlvs B oi.plough-'4. .*..ullb, 1;-P, OCvMPOUY, bnd'e ýUidlanida)"syqf Pryoff tb. Dominion ef Canada i -PIoerà iSon, 2 9.adc hio club off jobeio, contraluns suda Stubbl-plongl-W. Porler à Ban, 1; 'Au-Act r@espstiný, ihe-T tnld plso-ionueni lastoutdeail How arc j. W.'Bmiith, .; Nipissing Rsilvay Company. lIs iilyfilleua i s e1mlgh in u1. Gang.plng-l. W. BSmith, 1 ; W. -Au AtLoI ta meni the lob inou pra- Oý es' anti due-bille, the mlghly lu H. Broya, 2. ing tlb. Sangoeun Vsley RailvFa oua- chiceuemy aud lying, lt mlà agbty lu Iran Haros-Mr. Geekin, 1, pany. place-iunting and conlraciý-juggliug î On-Horse Bonfier-J. W. Sithl, 1. aALoita logalize, confim sunddei. The erpes cf tb. explosion ateus ual Grain-dill or.1Beoie-J. W. Smaitb, clamre villucortciu by-laws of tle Cor. meroly ta tie vaut of picipe of bs1 orlo f tho Oit yof faKingten. cinhiieta, 'buit ta their vent of sveu self- Tunip-drll-H. Doolitlî, 1. Au Act le asnd sudetend lieAct respect, ion lsving vlned and dinsi ai Herse-aie-J. W. Suili, 1 le iuoèrpor&9o lie, Poit -Boyau sud the Club day efier day sud commltted Tesam-hanuee-P. Richardson, 1. Laits Sbame RalsyCom0- y theineilves ta is support by unliinited Singe-iarne-F. Richardson, 1. Au LoI ha, furiher entend lieeAlot te libations off vbieky-end-watsm and Homte-eboee*iât-Mr Gesin, 1. incorporae thle Ottava Ladies' Colloge. "lot-scotch," ithe rtbcedpplss Bod Hrne shoe csutlired-Mm. Gasin,,1. Au Act reep.ciig thoBrio. amiHer-.. se ccolly outeldo th. crash thal liey Fanning MilI-J. W. Smith, 1 ; W. On Itaiivay Company. have ue afit c5lsd aipon by common F. Diagle, 2. An AcoIta suLborizeelie Gananoqe. iscency ta psy tbe vallon i1 Tics, Spécial for Mioyen to J. W.Sith. Wahcr Power Compsay to issue deben- paon ciltire voudbave issu lefi Judges-ames le Davideon, James Inmos. without wagon sud enreare of vages GIrahamn, Merk Wilhiaue. Au Aob 10 incoriaie tue London bait they ual been paid by a subsoiption 6 Bus. apring Wbaî-18 enries- Jonction RailvayComany. lu Otawa, made ia vemy elame te savo John Viponi, 1; liez. Obiebolmn, 2; aAtotala mend tie Acateating ta fron geaqt-rel execration lie Bouties James Sa ka,-the IbmSt. Osîbsaines Street Railvcy Coin- sud lb. pgltry fellova vbo voo îî.he 6 Bus. la ady-s.Leasir,pay pilakre cf tre Club lu Toronto. 1 ; W. Tb6d AU Act g i o bameudthelbActa relaling The explosion ofiihe U. B. Club is 6 Bus. 6-rowei -baley-Tboa. Penn- i.te Canada Lande Crodit Comnpany. an cbaie cf lis perty's roîtenntes. min, 1 ; W. Tlaompon, 2. An Act rep4ut le elting Gla Pninciple beving bai notbiug le do 6 Bus. Marrovial Ptass-Ë. B»adiey, sud Silver Miuinq Company. witb il8 stasblisment, il collapeo b.- 1 ; Jas. Blaires, 2. Au Loi resreoting lhe Haviasys Gla cause.ils mouaberu ver. not villing ta 6 Bue. sinsil Petsu-Alex. Ciaisoimna udSilvor Mining Company. support il by the self-sacrifice necessary 1 ; J. G, Meuanljoy. 2. LuAmLot te amend tle charter ai lis bo eveu the comman deoonoy cf paying 6 Bus. Whiue Oasu-Jobu Moeeo, Ontario Trust Company. ils vaioens. Belf-seeking heviug arig- 1 ; James Stokes, coure, 2. Au Act b ensile lhe Corporation ai inated titI dimi a natuel deati h et 1 Bns. Rov.d Con-OG. M. Beckott, lie iovn off Port Hope -ta iluur liability' satisfaction cf liaI self-ussiig. Ie tle 1 ; Choa. Lynde, 2. fer lb, construction sud extensiotn off genéral criinacion tbo cinbbieis put 1 Bas. 12 J»wovd Crn-C. Lynie, 1. vaboerrs, sud for cther perposs. mors tien s faim shareonou Ieir jete 1 Bue. White Boanu-Obs. Boit, 1. Au Act resecling by-lav nuinier tvo lion, or jecirel, or vbclovsr tboy chope 10 Ieo Butter-Q. Harpon, 1 ; Tics. iuudred snd seveuteen of tbe Counby te say lie lu, Mn. John Shiolda. Lot us Pe rriman, 92; Mrs. John Blls, 8. cf Wellington. reviev bit a e sasan instance of "-the 2 Bus. Clovr-sod-Qoorgo Miuty, An Lot tb incemperate thie Presaotl Irue iuwcrdnese"' cf Club Couservatila. 1 ; Pbilip Harper, 2. sud Giea.gary Cenlies Jenotion Bail- Mn. Shields dia s largo bueiness au a 1I Bue. lieire Cloier-AIex. McKeu- vs>' Company'. rstatii grocer. lie bcins a ier-ning me, 1 ; O. M. Bockett, 2. Lu Aot tb incorporalo lie bovn of sud a sbining igbt oaithboClub. Whea 2 Bas. Tiaohby soed-J. and G. Peaelauguiseee. inone>'WUvas tnel ho neyer failici ta Mouultjoy. 1 ; Coe. Hall, 2. Lut Act respectiig the Prince Ed.ward give hie note for tle amonal. Tii. 10 Ibo Mangoli sed-Cs. Hall, 1. Counay Railly> Comnpany. Club endorsing bis créditlslip liisd lt.e 10lbs Carrai cod-Chas. Hait, 1 An Act amending the Act incorpora- ainews cf van ta the exteul cf' 8 inuy 1 Bu. Fiax s.ed-Jas. Lieasir, 1. îiug the St. Catharines and Niagara tboneenda Ibat ho vas oonsidered a Bag Pobatoo-9 enîriees-Alez. Chis- Central Relway Comupany'. vor>' prince af geaeraeity. On the aune-boumi, 1 ; Hen.y HilI, 2., An Act ta amena tie bsrospeotînî< cees of the Party,. Mr. Shieldse vu e r Judges-FrecI. Guy, Jnc. S. Steele, the St. Mary'@ Credit Valley', and Her- vsmded by s parnerahlpt in e great con- Thos. Mandonson. on Raivay Comupany'. tract on hie Pacifia0 Railiway. Immedi- The fat caitie ver. in prime candi- Lu Lot respectiug St. Panl's Cierci alel>' ianslerring Ibai contractbis tienlion dIthealmais fed b>' MeuiFs. iu lbe lave cf Wocdaiocit. isiber, bu tek lime by the foreicin l Russell, Howden sud Smith especially An Lottaboezbe-! sud define the lin- standing frmm nmer the liabilitislu- goci. Tiers vers altogther oine 22 ils ci bhe love cf Trenton. curred under biis notes given ta île entries-Ibe reauît cf Mm. Morgan'u Ln Lot le incorporaelil College. Club* iy a lituely sud a dîsoree baula libéral pruze..-An Lot le incorporate lie Toronto uptocy. That lia,, notes &ce. the in- Thestadsed a t faim prices. Thea rigi Park, sud Western Tramw-a>' moediste caue ai IbmConservativo col- Birut sudscond priso sprng visat Comnpany. (Limitud). lape luToronto le, perbapu, trus. Baltslling ai 81.82 ; white lieelird. prise. AnLuLotla inoorparato tis Modonte vs tare iesue vilI Mn. Siiol#,Is e mbroeigbi 81.85 andi 81.86. Tramway-Company. cocleaglesi Wheu îey mmploy ilisi facl The ivn-rawed iamlmy vawuanciret An Lob mspocing a certain anones- ua grounti for spécial condamnastion dovu il 76 cents ;ths 6 roved ai 85 rC meut for Local Improveinte linte cf Mn. Shields. 90. lovu ci Strailmo>'. Tii. grocer-contraclem bas, no doubi, Lergô peau brougli 81.26 fot la&. Lu Ast reepeohiug lbe debeuture doit secnled aorne ver>'boli aea ehcnp prise., coi96 for 2ud , prisesoff lie City'0t Guelph. plcy ; but in tual ho *u msizpi'a s hile tâmal peua-Britpriee, 84 . 2ad. ALActLoi conslildete the debeniere la adicuo lu gnsmnea ainscme aiti. prise.81 aud 82. debt ai lie howu off OvinSounni. eeekiag WbY lien vas be calleti on Bied polataes.sol. et 65. An Act repectiug lb. Ladies' Chais. mors tien lIt lerstontapsy cul froua Whias aaSa 48 @ 49 for Brut, sndtan Asociation of St. Catharines. tie rf sui& cf bis game, lu onde o va ve46 for 2ad. A Au Lo i mend Lb. Act incorpora- tb. iacsr-voriinsof lhe Cocuervaîlve 8-rovoti cora, 90 eis., lai., 92 fer 2ad îing tie Toronto Heuge Building Le- Pcmty froiu publile iena1Mn. Pat. sud 12.roved sl si 95. Doiatiior. toreon, (laie oftls Mcai) lb. Toronto Clouer mao brouibt <5.05 fret sud Au Lot te ensible the Agncuihural poaîmeien, basconvertetihÙ! impoiai < seooui. 1the Alsike broegbt 88.05, Sooieties ciflb.eélecoral divisiona off "cnuioo" utiau inbome off48,00< sud <8. Bausu ad West Kentlthoesol certain s ypr j tlis lon. Mr. Patton las cash- Tmelhy oci-isi. <8.50 Q <8.70, lads. ad hiu l'dvotion" la lie part>' at lb. 2ud., <8.80 ; 88.40. AAcLt teincorporaI. lb. Mississippi rate off 84.000 s year , tie Han- Mn. FIa: seeud, 08. Valley' Railvsy Coinpany. MoPiereon et th. raie cf 87,000 a year, Taliren sitgother tie eprnag fair ofAi AcLtta eslabli sun confimin cor- aud lb.>' ver. juet asermucha Wud linte Society' tIis year wvanoa.off th, tain asiranomical boarnà ae auheb.tret fairpîas AM r. Shiels im a, ta put lIsin boat hbu for a ioà stinte, courues*ai sldeliuee u inte tovnship et houeni manes off ,&mratiePart Bave me f4rontm My' 1tnis n ActuLai binoarpotals thI.GaItsoJno- iran soeing ual..the true lùvsrduesa --ion Raiay Comupany'. of lis pail> ins tuer!>' roîten andi sel- (Prom lb. Observer.) An Loi nospaeing a Publia Hospital Bi. col. Macpherson, ths Hon. Mr. Tesnanan iib i~.e tsd Home fer île Fnieudiesefor Ilé Patton, 4e.- &- kmev iallin aubecri>- ltsheuovneed attuuapt ai lie Oshawa City' ai Belleville' tag thLe 'uai fer 1t.he fit Off Sm Vndicaîor ho drag the nanoff eton. Au Loi ta anilonise Gilmour & Con- Joh9n lMacdonaldi lIe>'lbai maie ami ad. TVN. Gibbse lo us eopi nsuidliigpany le mairs certain inprovoaaente lu miraile &troire of business i>' va>'of rubbii. It migil bave been suppeustithe iver Moira. Lticroa obutlnieg tire baveansd flubes, ced lii aI mImsoo a a reati>',loo u >' i d*A îAtt mn Late cticpr. iaving obtaineti *&fWo many itsa 5 nougi la lIaI gentleman b, .Diudl>' net se cîia Lb. O mslurn ai thoir bres t sa "lnaopon aeu îlemalii4ant nattait. Tiat shoot A c e t h Midlaà ni B ail- ths vaters, liey voie jmcl calla taponbau long bison nalta ionrie abominable, wY f an teibs o f ci go put thlm bande Ilugo&m posiets te bypoiritisour ce, il iu asulo vanu lb.eAc ofinor pé>' ont oaihelie euli cf tlIeu "cul.tq >'- ieunai llatacar-bthe porahion cf lath ein Houa. Hoai hiealîy for the fondOti lr prelence tuhle ter"veof the iovii se bt ipe. ouoiaeu msa . - o. are Party.-OunIbis gmo'nd vo pis nov Se lirongi thi. usat>' sie AhunAectet ciii. viattge YnIlde. fecuse tIbsn-beusussof île oennes mug. Its elaister influences cner n t r etof peilg .ae sudil Of lie> spIir indbody cf Sheu parI>';cocult a Wer*auansuen>', but ils>' bau.vefAufctnespet-o.k thRalye>'.n lui vs aro bouni to proleel non.e hebeufatal Ãt Iow ielpisiti dtce. DufAns Lot t a nfn eainpvisu lessu liaineiier lIe> nom thbircolina«. fend. No mas la <lancia everentened Au . tBellTueconrcrainpn' t en-o use are justifiai la blmalg Mr. loin lie poi"iela&na&,villa <airer prospects teBl éépoe opayo m Shields ferao fsrI"ua0 no vrte. lin îhsnT. N. Gibe, hounable and op. u o rseolg isWslyu a theirs, mien thiugi ho las notsed l. igia l is destinge- active and iue, AmAis Cailegoc aionhe eeOt. p Club ai s higiacr reil off abarp paice. terprislug linsÙiceessdiunbiuamise l uâleOIO9teOensile lie Imnietc. i Huenamo Navsaîpas ~ B~4 canacier anticrl.'toiaesabilitie; lehto dalÊîoplccgealuc v"te.redypopolar b>' ail vira ths tomuof Oragovllole eliof offmnay mdinedroniel le Pnov Canills aiev Cauapany. tai tte lI.ioâscaaigeofrtne crantoue laooure off lb. eea"ian, - Iexp ilnoi maoh gratificationiu 0rnmtm one MutGracions ld7ajety ths Quocu your loyal Aur...a off congratulatio~n- upon Her Mae recet z0a.O pe froin jein you lu i. - th la4 à , s g p elu e'long bi~.ks sjesîy's loving mi a und sbece Yonr rminsluistaeos iai rail*ay conpaipevhlci bave rocevi 'Pîo; vincial charters, soi tls constrtionlma off vipeUslnes. f railvra ie&*Oei aidoi b>' moue>'graute omt lues. anti frein tie uui sonli nDot, ithua abboluse nl- b . p er m i te d tu e scape fro ua ro - .supervision ani contre!, b>' iaving t Ib respective railia>'s deolared ibÉ -til. Dominion, Pà rllamenl to e le i*-tîh goueral, advautigs af Canaie . il1à i believe, muet viti genoral appesal. I have Ãnahltiîed te nie Excelueno>' lie Geviernar-Generai yeur Adires, b bbe laid belon. lie Panlisment ci Canada. The jui l aimseofthle Provincei as au deternaînei b>' bieBonndry Averti, vii continue te noceive lic .sruesl attention 0km>' Oovermmnt. The Rivera sud- Strosins Buili yan bave again passi, iing vithin Lie cemupetence efthle Legelatume, sud beiug deemoi 10 bo reqnired la the pub- lic inLereet, bas again received my s-. senu. I notioe with satisfac¶ltin liai Yen have peesed ývaricus ineceures vbiob wiil tend te civiate lie usoossit>' cf seeking te obtain b>' privete Acte powems wb-coi a ay>, with equal safet>' uni greater expeditioi, tic graeted ender general Acte. Tbee stablisbhment of the Provincial Board ef Healthisl a sIep the. viedoin of wbiob noeoue.-will question, eni 1 amn happy' ta recoguize il le au earnesl liai lie Province lis clive tu 1h.elin- pormance af legialalion vici bau for lies objeottiheo preservaticu cf lie beelth cf lb. people. No lees gratlfying tu lhe country yl bce estuablishment cf a Bureau cf ludustr>', vich 1 ain couvinced vill, b>' its officacicus ageno>' lu Iheir beisîf. provm tu be beneficial ho e valet majoril>' cf the reaidenis cf Ibis Province. Voar sudeevers tu plaelie Agnioni- tuiel and Lti Association upon e mare eatlsfeetcry bis, heviug rogard ta the prssaIt Wânts cilIs country, viii, I trust, resUie. your anticipatione. Thé Lci respectiug mariol fees wyul, I lape, b>' ils aijusumnent cf oonflictiug itreate sud b>' ils equilebie opsratiou, recomuienditilef Cb lie apprevai off lb. publie ai large. ' The extension cf Ils Mechanie' Lien Lc ai eseu efferdt-ile meolanios and labourer@ saine fuiller protection from Ioei off. vges lu certain cases lu a messune cf justicetu a large sud um- portauu portion af lie indumîial papa- lation cf Ibis Province. 1-cocgugaite you epon thie passage cf In ALoic iie.l -initede buonaile municipalitiee te founi Fres Librunies, snd maintilu hem in su efficient cou- ilio b>Iyi a srmue, ao mell s ta b. aos nprlabloelu ic idomre. The edvÃ*nago caable fbeaing enived fremin li a m e ssemanifoldi that I ihaîl leg<led te learu liai extensive applicationnlis maie off the provisions off The mesure vio -yen hle passeti inîraducing ueisi imnpnovslnunhein th. affaire ci lie Courts, sud in the lava rmiatiug la scooci.,saveli as lu tIcs. affectug thie paver. sud proceed- inge cf municipal corporatious, vill be cf public sereice. The nimber and vanisl3rocille Pub- lie end Privai. Bisle t vihl Ibave givsun My msent bear ampis testimon>' tu >'our diligence in- tb. performance cf lie dutios vIi >tvwici you lave issu sunued, aud 1 an; gisi le ecknovl- cige tle clos eatention and patient 'Cane you have bestowed upon tuem, 1 ibsuir yen for lie supplies you liave grnuei for lb. ysar. The ias> vib. ex. peuded vîti siez>'regard ta u omy> 0consieîteub it ilie efficee ocf lie 1Publieservice. 1. trust lIataI al bappinese auti pros-I penl>'a> attend you nil l'agalo havel. epleasure cf inutieg yaum &CI- vice sud assistance libte affai1s cftie Tie ProvincialBSecnry lise a:- Mfr. BÈeaker tandiGenilemèn cf'th. Legù.lat ivoAsembly :- dthle ait legnapla' in lirhe c ,Nrth n wearera Lt erly '-elked for thic D1 Dominion Ti .&Tha compan>' sil lhave pcwur cm sutioril>'. or lease for an>' -loin off yeArs su>' telegraphie lin.esîcalisbs on te b. estaliisirohoibsinl Canada or lu an>' olien Briisl-4possesidà Oor lu lie tennihoni cr temitaies ci an>' fon- elgu paver or shale totiuooling or heo- affier la bec anneoti viii su>'line vicih tie oompeuy bas cousteobei or le eetiorized to canetruot, or to pur- ohais or b lasse fer an>' tarin cf yeers lie right cf an>' conpauy te consîmect an>' sncb telegnaph inone.sd uhulla have power te amalgamnaee iti or to lesue ils lin.on linea onran>' portion Ibereof frem in ie le lime ho an>' doen psu>', board or pensons posseseiug as proprielars au>'line cf telegrapi seitler ln Canada or an>' otien Brillihpoasss ion or lu lie berribor>' cf an>' slate on power, viebier ou 'thm continent off Amerlos or iu an>' ciber part ai tle venld, sud also te enter loto an>' ar- raegements vIithan>' centpey board or peruon possesiug sa proprioloresan>' lina oi teleplonie comumunicationi or an>' paver on rugit houe commninrica- tion b>'inseof tle teleplone oan cher elmilar epparatue, upon sun oeme aoi iu suai mannon as lie board cf direct- oms ina>'frein lime to liane deoin ex- poient or aivisaile." Iu moviug for coamespcutesas ta tle nue cf bariole on parts cf barrais in vhlci American fleur bas bsen import- eti for lie purpese ci expcrliag Canedi' an ficur lu svesion cf lie regulabions as tu drawvascn, Mm. Blaire stabci liraI le vas informthle boads off ismiels lu vici Aneoan Boum bai issu import-. sdinlto Canada vene plaoed lu bariola- lu vbicb Canais flour le - exporfeci. union tie guise cf Aneniosu.flour, sud contravention off bthev. The Minis-w ter cf Cuebmus replici liaI- lIe atten- tien off lie Govermient tai nover been calelo an>' evasion oaihl evse avcned'. The oui>' ulalemont le lad seen vas lu a Monlmeal nevepaper, Mn whicl île charges cf Mr. Blake vers averred, as o bhld vnitheu le a leai- iug exporter of fleur in Montneal on lie s;ubjeot, sud wouli b. glai -ta bning dovu bis neply. Tire Bill to legaimo memiage viti a deceasei viie'i istar bas 'passedth ie gonce wvu emeodmenbe.' Il is ho lis ne-pnintea andsudiussdon ihinrd rosi- 'reuiay sveniug Si Joh n Mecdonald iutroiued- bille le cansehidate and' amee'l lie Land sud MounulsiPolice Tire Beitel debate vas reaumnod b>' Han. Mr. MoLslen, vIa vas nepliei la by Mr. Flynn, aud- suer ,speeches. >' Mosars. MoeDonali,' (Cape Breton) Krane, Bynel and Gillnor, lie debate vas adjcumnde i sate leur; The Corkr Ladies'offtheu Land Leagno. GRZAe nPW TiHUE rPOLICEXM. The CcrExacminer ai bau Ie l. c I ovang r- 1The Cor Ladies' Landi Luage ld a maeeting yesterday et lie reeldence of tlI président, Mrs.i- ai>', :vira*ocu- piodtlis clair.--Pauelsi tc*Iv o'clook Coustilo Car.>', a- coompanioti ,aaaranae a. h ibmdoar off lihe uneshisul' se- roected a. iocimasie lsr taGcd Eompauy a verdict of IlUlffltuwboee g'ven for lia plInlliff. - Tbssurn cdaim- ci Was <400000. MÂsoN'sBeNTUNE.-Meau, vWho cI- [tmit eshoot Gailesu, bas beau seulenedb>' lii cem rtislte dis- banenabla iuolarge hfre isrnybcea cf ail psy sud aalloces sud igit yeams luapniconmin thle peuiteetiar>. Potitions are inceicaleion fan &.pardon. Tire Mxes.-Tle -'Maonsmare sad tobegin to rolize tat a oriels in their bisian' i irt and, and lie closiug seeches before tie aijaurameul off tle Ulai Legislatueegave à a Iur.ecgoi- tien 10 lhe fart liai liraid>' aipol>'gam- ans legislation bas foneven psud.- Gnxre.sx.-SeavMle, Gnllean's con- sel, bas expreesedtheli opinion lIaI par- laps il voeu le hbohter eflai al lIat Giuibu la bang, in arie erho bring about a change in lh. lava vhir vwouli' prebeot lIe insane. ýRe ha. amrmi lie Prasident, hovever, le confiue Guitean fan Hie,, so liaI if ha e bssas eving insnad bis rumaval tleansu yluna vould TEmuizL Tznmxsx-G.nsral dis- trutieo f lre Cheunel tunnil peopîse&p.. pears te beaun 11e nereus uEniui and li diion le ether impedimoants atralifleshion of à trobl6eseuarc las heeneneenalees. ' Thre vieil ci Km. Gladstoesani e numriof mena- bers of Penlismeulnt le lis otebelief lIaI lier. vil ihe su unqÉrir bta lbe -An injeaolion busbeon getei b>' lie court cf u.uenlfM itb egainsi Dr.-Schlilsasd irissc aiest isstreining tlaern<nom idtterfminl tlé ma-nagment of tir. Bdubh-Westei Rallwy>. Chief leese Wood loir tirebour, ieliveriug judgmsul. anti is decis" aeconextred in hy Justis Debue anti. Millen. Selurda>' s spécial eneeliug.of tle oun- cil cf tle Tenante *Beau cf Traie vas belile tocansider tire proposai aineni- meule -le clause 19,-affole dater off lie Ontarioasud' quebea Rà Ualy>. -The. matter Wv a isaasadet ocueierabls lenglirmsud- rsolution, flnl.u io" slrcgl>'oppohiailie.gramling of lis povensscegllle là obtalin IlaroughIr Isu'coe ýTDEcxexon.-Jnstio. Hr> off lie.SupromeCcurt b irasn déticision in auapiainfor't li lazage cf su Ollava wvosa noted. off keoping a bouse cf 11-fana. AHe.orderoi herre Iess te lisgicuti a ie- lad bsan convi'otati- on -Kesisa>' vidence,- vichi vas nel sufilcleanl sud aia- at2ledaI - vilethe chie enauhrits vers le b. uphsd-îrooiugoui liesevil 4ompuain. eti~ ~ ~ o othei lba> MIlubjoot muaI be Mnf. Bsi sent. - sida thé THANES GO» FOR n9a ESCAPE, IAND El-1 mRESSES> ERaORATITUDE mc r.rj.L À landon det saieiasys The Ti, Gazetee syshleuen bas wnitbeu la j l9éb Sercry of Blute fanr-the. Hoe.,i Téimatmant tuaI bt w il.-left Mud Vie id tom yeu vt!, 1dB ame un e gar