-,i~e~.y.. ~' -r i,-- job tevu.n. cuis-ou th 0.Roerso &Bi- Wetleh a-y 0,soma etr ! 4 o~teniî uamot, .-, hlmsn at ci tBouianp G. B. e .- uslaieu.- i- sW o ' at Qà lalsmtbie 1316-l-tye Mr. Glbba.CandtdSlS. Ni Lataaebei uiiso. Bocauebhoetaion#etiun-jt Pa-ViOaS -jsa-4 j7 Wq Gl Watbw-Jss.'Jolanstoni. te iel , îgenraltectu-OO I wrig. Aseleif lie 'a dt r~~% Nsha udot-a ta e sssary, h ad the Courage te ne- 15i515a aiS5tai;. Tâi-v re lm cuntollIeifolitl - t urée T 119opae os J oboat, ninta Mn."Gibbs of Lie tnty, sud tetel iieludetlimu@5reutoec Ulst M"ô of jevei -Jas, Jbouton. bleu comea pta t ut,-- L- sassa. olu lesLa prodctions pofnISCO- Mi Whaat--ÂI.. Ibm. ucwmà a-do>by seinsPickernrg delegatle ý. tev vtnll inulu delible la-k, such moi aitbela -jums oascu el-for axeliallua-Mr. »ickell fromun lI 8 4 s ta-p e s ema-ke-Mn. Si-li. Con :,etTotno"to etpedi- ,mogistrate cfit riro toenta-ai -Frovel sudBulteage. nomination 'of tLe eairvatlve o-e L iubWitB ~ un L- )Ur* for Ooniasisuien. Of counne, Ihal umenâtlof pro- -t promisse are t e at"--f t Dr. King@- Diacery. . tences la- expiass uen tri tet oconfiA- visible tub, wLleL stands oui4,bovmnen, 001 Dr. ael . 11i. Hua. sce te Mr. blokeîl by gentlemenai"Ligh( bteoerva blut brucesodi u lpug Arrvat-Jeb ananar. lu Office in tLe Cnev-iv soI-exa-mintion ci -witeSeseS. Amfi Th' eys e ý boots anal elaea cheap fer tien." TL Vary&Sauneminul elatte ae u-Alu- Onauge m is c ash.WrkJiu autr Mn. Johu Mller aut hie friands lbst teut, sudthe$juemises vhîcen ssn i2 sacita-i QWoîcaîsîs tran fr uuî hey vneeafor Miler- uLieL îLoy diA yug Mr. Keteall f Ihai eihy tac avait SpeielColniée rai fo Maitoa--"e.vcn.e ih at.", Il vasone cf this thair reallsion ntii bis moue suda8. Stephenson. susLdbenehut6sîe4 Loo intfor lb.élait of Muera-A. -M. cses bo expresseal bis regret lIrai Lho a<ma- aî IB9eideOsudd cfhsn4b Roe.. wuaotaetlthé ouventiQu te give bis oublimu lh.a.-a4eluda-a-ontsof six Wuttforlb.ha-a-us-A M.Bae vote for Miller. 'Phis te *Mr. Mufler's 4oatîorobtps toesoeaof efona sc oun T eSmla tleCe.frisudo. The tact wvas b theLs smacof eharà clr-ihbemm sieale "" auy _______________________ mnu ad beau cracking op Mr. Smith ta-ever of proeuase vbtcb ve viaor luai for vecesbelon. asetIl e nigtit ainsulu18te lb.Wenkiafflsn's L i C ou c the riglit plce," boit otl speni. a MU. luit Evens, 0 lb.niali pîe." sd ulyspke a-on Mr Pro""e, Mr. Usycelas,11r. G. B- Ce ~ it~ t~su.d.ably oMIr. Miler after tLe nomination. Bolle, &.-te say noîhin7 cf tLe l ONY a PR NNM. snu--agi* ete Ln@ueet the Pick- promises &*a ode"np gituon. n-il ONLY SinSe PRR AeUM. oral v@w n,-ae euh t .5555 le a orig dlegtes bu di no aUDdUttxlenslv#eassuaof prcinista te Le- à 'PLe ma-n sontlu bit place, boevTrt, dow yp1 u thlo asu baveslunTala-n WhIlby, Th"rdy, MuT. 23, 18U2 bLad lis instructoncs te g foaBnid.lima-ot," atan m ent lun Louer eraa ________________________ WbIl t bis double.des'llug P Aré 115 for the pirohasom o f tieu prounteos lu ý SkobieeWs Speech. persous Who gave Mn. SWL5 I th - ivisible lt'k, witb all tLe fonce of blaci- i- rosire i- su-ens. iliu g mub sbemd t* le titer jiudlifIgthotu -publiolhed resclu- ,- inatio lie mch sabbtee o au iaieL bus docfla tb taSûr John t Tas OSMO IN31981%. ceuduet levarts lb.e lA friandsaa AMadoal n Ita"party- tIloter" Who Theintrriitosî oUles f Ero end bye of thé party Ibat &Il lChose unakea '1prondua-esigeaned te Aseive.tq ouTheInvernayionatIlb. otentiEuopscfe, pl uns, ubiOfoges sud excuses WLal fou, venîntthon er aeti te bid- EntrOosanjealeostes, apply ta tLe basin r' nov -Puota-p lb. Proise n L str efthéL Moeinau ses. Blues îLe As ve reununked aI the lime, Mr. cont.alnng tLe "Ugly Boret" Ly aild lime of lIaI shuovd andl euorgetl bar- Smuth,@ Domination haît beau slree4y meas sasd wvewava-ntulhbey wUl fttb baniau, Peter Bomatulaif, ena o cgineerea sudI dîerunienpo beoe- baller prise ILsu thé tables, andaide- tLe Great, Busta Là as punened what tLs baud. Wby, Mr. Gibbs vas unition b1nasa car c L euo lb usîc snl t ra lbs ond mte; te Ottawa. thai there unes no occa- C1m vnv, a-r ila "mIianifeet datuiy, Ly gradoel savance Smia h n or the ma natie ont M n thîl, ofColumbus, the Tory candidate levandtés ubstitnîion of the Greek ~î escr h oîéintu for tbe Comnuons, ant unothien gnl.- Craus for the Turkiel- Crecnt on the the uLule tilua- as Il flient" vilimnt ma-o, yuterday, vene dri-vina- Pieketina- mosue f L Sýhi. owaro wo bi pesoce But Mr. Gibbs fri als on Duedas vLae, hn eue et 1fer ber, Oer s a aae.wsy et Muscovite bis serviceos te do s.11bc coa tle geltItinoh tires of ibeir buggy collapasal. TLoy eerp@ssa- footing uo eb Danube by nomntioin for Mr. Smith al l e $ame, bal te retuui-o tovu fer rpaie. a ioa-evbic laimmotalued u îeasd no doubt, as ibe nesultt las Sheva, *"Counina- ens ulcat tboir shadove Le- v es wa e od ImmyrtIaI ls ait.heinfluencent linsvoie lunlaie (aven. Andlfore," $&YS au oInt sa-v. 'Ph. Rus-ana bocaune thon mac-r cf omijl Mr. M'iller ana Mr. liiokeIt must ME- Joui-a IounAEDu, vîno for sorne tLe uncysmenta of commerce n iL.rosi setiieal, anda, *"for tLe saine of the timetbse cecupiea theb.position of amstt- grat river vbtch lî -es nlaaop commun- paty"-tbe Party tt bulis madÃ"te heot n the possîoffice ber@. loft Ihia- Ica-teon by va-y cf the Bla-ek Boa sudi snob an nngraetii returri-fc'rego thear momrIna- for tL. N orth-West. The largo 1îLe Mediierrauasu belwesu tLe Enno- dlaims, and ptlay secoul-fidalle te M. omets cf frienale nvich bo bas farmed, 1 peau WestIsudi IL larges Lodies of île william Snmith 1I iy t' Iey &boutai de bath byr Lia geucal manner and by is Genrmon populations cf Ausinia, Wor n-'a for thai ardent youug mn, vhc affa-biuy, seWvolt s by bis courteoul .tomboa-g, aSudBavantîs. Freun thi lime sht>wed se muuh earoasate enter thé and Obtîgina onurtith îe posl office, tLe Grman union bocamoeAe.ply inter- pclittd5l siens, anal se littilocousiders- l, W tsu r*,nautrs i et ulisg esteà in iathé "muaniitat esîlny" whlcb tien anud respect for isineldenu wbe bat nenture aunona-at "aigenuBoilalaanal pas- te au-eRssiana te proiefor« nva à luaborne the Lest and burton of the dey, turc&s oev" lu tLe ffn West. steaday pOCI fey facreachunenî onthIl- eoli lu trulih h la-leous a my~siony.- freedosu cf iL.Da-nube saai îulenltê In the County Couuil-tLe cuîy public Ta-s MAsQUIS Or umçIUv UTSBREN . tem îL te Black sesi thuins cf vatan cfielu inwhicb thon. vas au opportuuity uani-eTbe Marquis of HiIotly, eba-- k vy passina- nader "the Golden Horn" eofiompainug the unsnlla et Mosans. a iii vILbtaistuga large Siun et mouey or lths Oity cf1IthéQand CaipL-ibo Mllear, lIickelI analSmithL, saspublie bLy taISe prelennosl. as surretidoreal 'Beehoré ad. he 961lspot. on-o Lthefarmer vare basa anal limuelf tei"itautbcori. Tb@h. bea- Teshoe tspu theseula roéol. g vrte ongmnWh u il etBov-satelPotice Cort vu eda e P.atmiape L aknPrn bfdo oe L ou uaavn a r April BrA, and the hearingai t theo 1' tue" of tLs Danube vbIob lad d e emanagen te0&secoue tlb. nomination for Us Bon os. for A prilt I nIL the CniueneaauWar, ecaaa-d îLe liras of Ger. Ibe Bous.etfCommena. Of course Mn. Minaion lieuscaseiait vu aivnuin mas polley. ThattheL.Gormin Union Miller or Mr. BichaIt migtLtokluthîe tire tnu""esof £5,000 eoch, sud IvO cf Of Ibia" dia1 DotparticipaIS, as snob Local nomination ; but Mr. SmithL vas '£2,5Wesch. 'Ph. Maruias wu ne- ta-liacou-Ic va sniunpbet usssu b. uîyins fo IL comou. mautentanal snbeeqoeutty adunîttsa te ' I&théeonilo Wa & riomh o Ruai& tb ouy Mu fo th Comon. B bâl, turnishina- £2,000 biaiitanal ivo 10111t04sue la ntidug Wna-iso. at the aïdîL e wlb vra polonrs, wbonone alai othar annelles for double the amnt. »&ait boa beauesa ssua by telb. e-reekera upon Mr. tSmith as a pliant bd Aiter leavina tLe CourtilhLe wase-ar lveutioa- f ofgad dFrance. ButitheLe 0do>thei blaltin-. 'The sune euh- rnotat on ive variants. a Gerciasu MPlre 09 Bisunat elth ia SuvIie pirt aio anale Win thlu N-e Goe TGLu 0 a5 smu guaAIaislt~cf Le ia-tsanAintrsth îe Censîy Connaît t e sno u e u nts M44 finsel a-ck of geais ysl save L y r-~eBava-ilbs «d un uburg, la noueeau te alter the report of -the commillse Mr n. JaLa-le Da ov te le see Itl. I bo leté directîy a-ail alesply coesiid on a-Inca-itou et iheirbiddina-, sud dlo ntlbi' Hl, WIitLy. WaltLain val- lu tLo« Rulitn désigane oetot-dmy a-a injustea te Le lovacOf Wbihl a- us e u vilinpn batL Dnie runI- wvil soi helionHe. Benater GibbsL s e ad te-vindin-, duth-eL mail te central the western bank t t t e à T.pteins-ucfCbhi gatr- ocore, il vilI Le nov lu enter ta tory sud aa immense stock cf elsotre- a. 5 vî"e ér -Y froua tLe olA Tunkliah g o sn te write labusibLela Ister plîteai a-odi et ev.ny inA. Mr. John- et ofBÃŽI, R Ubok, Slgis i ik. un A.Mllr u ee ura-ssîeq tyf is Lagonds ,bqobd îLe Daumbe vus vateh inet fia mTbody else disstiefled wyuL the bsued hil Le tu Ls touate. fos elu y ohAs d uolulnatiou, steIl"aitmîto inoLu," sudLedeueupnt bter - a d j caly bo s etris g» roo teilI-treatmnul ey Lave 1wr aY&= recl a- ovecokAnd 5fr John wl oSwth B v x ao.U.Sude 1 - . eSY lna th îLe coassa-moe a i, (itecunsuttina- Mn. Gibbs,) apnina- stock l hae~d yel broughi Germ-aya-aA Asina a li Oe-poa masu kolat ou& -tu îLbe vau5e pes 11ud nt Lis large preèbis et,-tboy sseffa 0e Gsnma.Atêteanof vbiob ho Il sObiaunadepb. :1' e b t iemeai -" îis.î te Dot l ilimLong-, ofthIis leva, knmto-le iYeu,. &%id Ombrâtes bu cf lie lâtest 1 011Ibo e1 # c~cflidpod she f tlera thâ vil L e writtonstylea. Cas= ounvrk asiam-*l-a o-tu ofîeBla 195<fbe~ ln au f5rJh Maosteaea-aIA'silînudr oauted for aà a-ooAfU amuI oita alecg» _-spatcý -1- ,# Au M. Glà le ii ae s aun.'a -~a-aaa e e t tt baLk lg nste boy0 nd th anuetiLrtna on îLe s'u aia ome0th@ B nv Leld i O5 'iibg crhwIboa eatea- RuWela se patut fer o on tlisubjala-ain f aLn trLu i*iotu la Bouthema Ero pe, casfor ltaua-een.îsignstues of M- in;S "0 soLsb14etMrers-E*d e tha-lof a ery of raté-. 'Thé B"ri a mr. sé je itsgo Ibht s-fr Johnu a.- Miller a-nAdBObe, otL* BedSttilt tuneso f Turkey aus eceuptedmataly by ao»u -dbsma-Isaained bIspoitnl 4~-~,t ai-Id s d a- a lu inWhblY a-e' moni of** same cr iatshie maJyon b at Liby tg» Continsual surenda - bfeelk. oomumoieng va-aI libl1.pasil ofetîb bopetcfRBUe.l.aad sppl.y h" sthe laterau t fOnlooe "thoe taon*, R gh v«on sika-ty De, te u" us is batof appeal, cclhs at ofthéL selu ajenliy et Queb-s. BelL areraualy giltd " -loQua utilisa-A y iamarn e s 1*9 mhefor uuldea-Ila-ln ceasgrand CaaZ tilOy f'cuiter îLaIstOfMSuIlte lob moeab, ,e, a Ida eeaed suSeitsaom*a-i ma-giseiten lu a-db cf vinaileos 1mhed Inag vLai est meut la IL db tact eunbedy Ia~skt <Essores ut, bu b. bLid st O"Itava,1 'e asbtloa* f ympatby vil oi n bit. Ont .c i . .. .... S 5 rialina- 100 Y.e su a- lyse .8........... 850. BonnVol. ofCaonIoulLs,Il O00, 50 OsîLse ofersy ........... _0 $10 50 Phere vas ne diepute a-bout lthe tinal 1lait items. Noîthor vas uer. ma tbé Bai Item, !on lbvas for iL. udti simply te0saY if lbsy ennlse-, ?t bc file-if Bot, cf coursie charge Id Le ma-de. As t*- IL. tut- item, prninuthîe y*"ssud;a-mBa-for 1889,. wus cbargédntbéomase itl Ad niot one tor ths contlraitf* amfg tinspriI-I for 1881. 'Ih-S.à .aa-A -a-s.pri. vtllmt ianelirmof 1881; bo * of tbemuootildhoBausa in 18î,-su t re fhbem-bmad beUlaAi te a expiration cf thecoulia-O o lb ld Mtouday in lsua-r. Tha eon-ý set vas fer Acing a- Illte nia-tisa --; fret a-p to thal date. This pntin- se Dot requIrent. Thh.Fox-y oba-- su ouolA net semy It va. but b. mea&ked aand gusBd Ihs Il amen or ho coctracl, sud lia-t the. Ca-mes L, bocs* .il Lad îLeea-tmrateb luntina- for 1881.,vas bocund for farulel lisd lista of yas suad usy s for SbL. uaol. ysn ef1882 fer na-cia-.'TLis tei tb. contention of t t-la-mg 1gbt fîLe Boa-IL Wand. D U e-d net La-v Libn the -round iu te ituotreof. tL ten-fon Le l e & am*e individusi bat votent fan tLe payant cf $80 for Avertising It va-a snever ordoret lbY he cunoil, sud Ibat wus olIlyua- ecssany. The préeseacntl ou ng freun i-e Cauc= ciEoffé Wbe vhsl nado a-Il lbe dorenco vith lb. Fox. Tho Mayor, Meurs. Kiug, Long sud oveltok tei.pesitiou-bthat tLs itea as jost and prope aAdid ubl 'Corl -itbiu tLe coutracl-hia vorthip lutin tlug thal tLe tavu *as lhable sud iba me amouni coulA be recovenot. TLs disussion boob place iu commit s» of tLe vhele-Mr. Compbetll il h bhain. The Maý or moved lu amenalmeutt the adoption cf tLe report te adA lbi th. disputen t emiLe Pain. yeae-Meears. Blln-5, Ring, Lon andl Povelt-4. SNays-ubmesni.Anes, Orunistola, Fo anA Caunon--. Mn. Campblal.t onnes0N, give hi austina- voes ilintlb.unan sd se a saunuuent vas rejeoiaw, and rsp<i aloplent vithoul aundmeail. R.snlt-A suit agala-a thb. oupon tionfo toniLlepaliry, but hcnestly emru su and suda-l becana. et Un. Fox petty spitoe-s nisl IL. C«isouIl=. TNAU sa-nMInir sOCOUNTs. Mn. Camnpbell brena-Li oplths repo of Ibis counuiltés, sud on motion, t] scouncl vont lute coîmteseo ft vholo tboneon. Repent utoptid rememndinga-ps ment cf scomnate-Wm. Baes, 8". S. Boa-cns à hCe., gaaelnab O-78 ; ?hilps. gas-baurr $6,80; W.1 Cldel, paintig, id4; JohnU BIO coul, #a.5 The Mayor lutimabed t,I1h oC Le as va-l fer lbhéonoi te la-k.npt politi3na is nurefereuce o le be sétalîs aud dispocf thenuas hLe uni eteondt ai Mrtn.e u aslesvlng toe- Ho adi t-aI tLe buiness belons1 eouneil Le cleareal off ut seuneel] belonsdeannina- CMosillou committof ethe vine] Mrn. Longli hau--he poia roà peollnibtheufl' elia. Qn, Ring shangeal I h ,~b sr lu a propnreetbeons, l the nus migLI bave bsa ofpsaIe. SUc. ant, msouced b! Mn. Anase, tg netez 1uelilOas Lack-to le . ommittf leva propenhys viiiftutin t pentuthe »S milaitna#ofthe. cou Tisma-jon adouetsd et oL lt-a- proer,,coures, Lui-ho w antel lins reascu atetd, toa-xpoattheb nn, and a-s t-e maien vas oue cif torea te, » ,PMt eb a- 410élbhhb dby U. Poveli héla liition hy .çaa-uil sa stsauy ; bt hl mt»'& gasionu vaDa- sffeunsi thb l. Z f-laid ocm sua-li-su w a' Il Il c a s a a, ai ai t s W h tb y , M r T h o m a s W &aJA fi @I, e o e s houu w s M ê le.... . .l- - as i»itio-, ad ho themiliii yCOflega pondence rli$iug tae-the lm minou ofth aà IsIô~ai' indllrMe. prospérons sud happy, ana loyal, too. ihefr présent offerte te obîlin lcl .I imafflhu'l 01en.Onl. 1 c i.r edt b oenetumder! wbioh hey *iývernment fer-lb. uoaisl ,melioratilDb l n nBRado rs Mi.are rmiti drto .ujoin es c andry ft - ,lhua epouateio. b~ flthat by direction of tilibè Éeptà ntU aoara r l"a.kbroad, i vr onr ftU e mie twudMiiter Low utracamiwed every- eutý ofUe'hvabao,1r.'Êy mes, à the globe, Irihmefl have redered their b. in the interats of the empire that Mr Z. a.7Lash bas reslgttêd s PD- ting in hig possession baasng upon Tornt, D. a&qnMi HrriglnUsme and race ,fanion!.- Ia "I tbehome rote s1hoQl4' u sd lrelsud,. lluof 3eputy i.ite.r of Justice fuora i l nwon h of he ail 1f. Orewll,~ U. V»- alke of--lifs thay' bv aistluIhl aud lb. poifict4i 1 -n riraea he purpQge of,rerentering Upon thewyhrerm nau.TDpr- IbmmleL~e D'tufuici mont ettiliénudersotae ttpetheoG dicaor. Mr. Tamln ereete b.cl;a wxiosouQe dîof batge; mediaîeyise. IO fb roeSo el-rsst eu dynoi tale lim 0c Rsfrmr sdamnutte oet er n ierkA teartsan sieces "eulvd, -iî et e quIr - eb riû o ah4 at Ie Royal nMittee-Wi on1t deI~ . tth, -ib L J on xdou, la ascnlbed LteMr. oct Mr. Belmont, M.H ra1,ara F I proarme.nsasoaduactiventtiue of Onmalte The word 'Welcctns" lu large lot- ilinit a as patriote and.pbilauthro- W. Gien,, M.P., ta advooate and vot' ner@se.aridfram.ý-e civ d h aï Ar pie, everywbere. In Spaltu yen have for lbhe Motion of Mr. John Cesia con tors greeted tLe guesté ou suterlug the red of au O'Douuell rnliug under the M.P., prayiug thal tb. Caadin Par~- F!6O-basbeenco- niaae-t heyibl'i pstmêllê71à ý saisban sd the abe reaue ltreg;uFrnce cf a Marshà 1 Me- liameut vould use their ludoneice vit a QO 4sred fi"' themesefomt.Dpstei~, foly ecoatd wtbdeerssu plnt Mhou, iu Austulat, t-C.y f a CotutUthe Impérial authorilieEr to ghnt th a'à fhegrPève -shsroos biuglu pofuicu meTaaflestaIthe' bedeaffaire. -lu ne u stdeaneof the Irish nation as ex'--- .*~---aou iesinà .~i beng *4prfuio. The a l ishé, 1keSir Charios Gavan pressed by the Home Bule party in tLe asocaio' buetahéouetre cf the DfyadSn ra 'oben have Impérial Parliameut. r rdqv* i Bod.Fth. oote~ar cai- r*us. and i e Brvrt sud gaol ojrsouin l eu bMsr. lut a he rwued sloi >teD tultig he mealBeCflfà Asoi. ,ftv> nlsme - Hnryab Jhlant Ce th opietvsuf ahe fo e allen upen the suosa t f bir soclety Lawrenoe-EnglSfld owiqs ber Indien the preus for publication." tenLisbote theprse6titue , sud Le oîu lby b~ tkente sie Empre.Othr I~buen ve ise Themusical pat of the programma bra.- t.YsticS. >i, sl bIa eld bigL positions lu; tbstgrul st- wae w.11 oarried, být and gava mnoh Tons ptehroe;u l esid as- »obugou ' mre pleasaul tfhan ü> outa peneuy. AirRobet Ltontgom- -qtiefacton. Âuuongst the vocaliste mrsvahefml h 'i~ dI se* a number of IrelsurPla -faliLfal ery, amoungst othes. wbo received the were Miss Spurnili, Mies Minuis lial- naturalîy ebjected tae Banlré- H<ose cf nMons 3sts cbidru tusassmbed. Gibor nation- hnasoÇblL -ossof- ParLament, -Aettý,Mies Mager, Miss Hateo, Hll sd manlng e cmmon saior, l iichro alitieacoelebraled snob days ;,Engliud, for a,,ing ,ik ntiv ï, 0UtLa- Miss Healy, and bMeerse. -Fînulganand mitasd advetnras ocation Lea uoPborpbsnltdà i wt a St.Geoeg'sDey, ScotlanrlSt. Audrew's bore lu 1857. Sm Hour Pot uesFlgnl.-rfse sefodpe a evea o eea ears, -u q btIn as, beeauden b b 12Day, tb. Ameniceis, WMahiugtoris asW"goveruor cf Hng Kýong andl bigbly sifisa at the organ. prce ede o 0yseL . lbpotu3eI birthday, and Intahmen were oly fol distingoished bimasîf On ibis Conti The opeming cbrus-"flail Patron bepatataolîad te a steamer ruuning bo- Jey Gonld's- représentatives deny lu ngintheir fooltlpe iu celebratiug ment, Iriabruen have isen te the mont of Erin V' vas Weil reuderedan sd quite-u aeut ew rlens te'dSHaan, n t ât agamain cf L.Wester [sSt. Patrick'& Day. Irlebmen bail ra- dstiuguisbed positions, Iu the Statos, a trest cf ituelf. idamouittri ag ete t, t tassit yLgaour hues. Ibo ison ta féal proud cf thair contry sud (nom Chartes Carroll, cf Carroîltonthe a Teandth. commutittea cf mansuementnes.-ýý ~ f b nbe edeoftei ucsOn.signer cf the dec as*iOncïof indepeu- sdtetd hi sl tieErdu fAeds.Mura. Pe, mben ar ofeda l Ie ne t troc îbat lbe celébrati-on 01 deuce, dovn te P2roasideut Arthur, e tance avery Prauho gavde fo <' lu a- f the ari00g fAerdYofee creat onM. .rea Welst, a mbanag»-er fibe r--this day tsude al tler partisan or man cf Irish alescent, the roll cf IrisL tention sud the snccesufui carrying ont The conservatives of Lennox bave Charge cf crimuinal libel preferred, by bigoted feeiug-lbeir fellov.couutry- umaésuad ibeir services ta the Union, cf the arrangementsl. nominated Sir John Macdonald ne r-. F. B. MoNamee. -men oslebrateal ithe auuiverar of S. i-n avery capaI ouid tke volumes -- - heir candidate fer te Commons. Snksaeo h urael h Patrick frnt fan bigLer sentiments ta euumsrate. lu the South Ainenucan Big F arma in the North-West. 8.PTRC< DYGn rTs e.UieStaeosudhiav bectm e r There vas uelbing partIan lu recallug tStstes il ian the came. A. Gent. o'Etig -ENSGiEuL-i xrlec b elu usm lcs oeepca ei ta momory Irelaud's wroe, is rivera, gins, wbom I uced net se-yii an Irish- Major W. R. Bell cf Brockvitle, bas GnEnorGEraL.-Rsacmpan*.ie ytr ncesomassIc.,mr.sei da Pt ooauesyads oe hrmaasfle ebietpeitien inâ made arrangements for a great wheat Lady Francia Batfour, on St. Patnick's m vas notbing Partisan lu a love cf con th, Geverument of Chili. WZen ue farru of 64.000 acres tri the Qu'Appelle Day paid a vieilte St. Patick's Orphan Mn. Souecel demies -the chairge moae >0 try, lu a love cf iniehu uationaliiy in glanoe. atCanada, vinat a muster roll of district. One.hslf ot the terrilory lisq Asyluin, sud evinced tLe deepeet inter- L'yMn2Pante that Lhe I *$75,000,of triabmeu, nu more thau thon. vas aulhfamous Irit rismeâ le presenîte aOur beAn opurcheseal (rom th. eriaadian o htCai fteAln ydct i i nus etthiug wn n lu glamen or 80010 view ? Baldwin, ltme father cf nespon- Pacifie Syndicats, aud tLe ailier (rouiand h elr fils li-ases. On bise in theaesoteru section cf the Québec men coming togetbercon sncb ocslsio. sible Goernmeuî, Binako, F'oîey, Mo tbe Qôvanument. The compauy cou. ut eRond.e c Irisb Pretestenls conld, uithoniayOa odDfeii r ut a fvncta it bs ra etrriau epartnre e h anded over a choque for GoverumenBad it GscLordDuceofp arebutalfoleced iuvlhis reh entîpriesb 5100( inLu id of the institution. Boody, -vho vasarnesteli at London, Catoli felowcoutryen n té c ta.ient na-r.es -cf lrigbma'flconnecteal Sir John Macdonald Las laid Lafore 34TaU BATT.-No 2 Company Green. Ont-. Ou suspiciDon f mnrderiug Lie bration of St. Patick'@ Day, sud ha wa5u- îL te Gaverriment sud Listory of the HÃouse a returu showiug the total vood.-To be lieutenant prcvisionatly, employer. Las h teen retessd puL g ie gli tevelememom ofbsu vb W05 anaa-.Te ayuneSudInibrurinunihar of applications forloases cf John Edwand Galbrnaith, vice Bryant, oun receguizaude ta appear on Môndà y i ga wl cm &OMOfit. TIi. evndaiTdouceéfid rihmn A mg-ro . m preseul ou -bt eveulug. Aftér refer- fftliug îe highost jualicial positions tu pastnrege lande lu tLe Norlliwast Ton. ncéigued. nx.Teéiec gls i ng ingte t.Patlcks iîntraicuaItibis free couulr Y. sud holding their own itonles, sud tb.ltte urue crs N o. 8 Company, Osbawa.-Te be- very weak, sud tLe case appears Iike myatsry cf lbe Tnlnty by moisne cf iLe in evory walk of hife. Ii oveny impor- apptiod for, tegether vith tL. cumbor captalu, -Lieutenant Ilolomon George te fini tbrongb.- 4 gresu immortel samatrock," the nêval tant bittts-fiald Inlehmen Lave beeri te cfnecrfs grauted or agreed te be grant- McGil, V. B., viee John James Smitb, T HALTeos Mua-DitTÀzà L:-The' obainunsu couclodeal a spiriteal addras lthe front a, d proved Iheir provess. ed, &o., &oe. Thene wene in a-il 78 ap- vu e emttdt rtr rtinrgtrac I.mn Buefrtemud his amidst applauseé. Whro won lb. field at Fontenoy andl plicatieus for 4,215,871 acres of lanad, rauk. ftà Mbrltè n îgý'i Le Aler tîLe 0uuelloyal sud patiotiO à *irade the Znglleh turu Iboîn Lanka ?- tes 4aplctions, for 1,629,6171 TsSA~ABOn Aurs.~ l~l inrgrest fthe Balon Assise. - taoaste, "Sarofuotd't rnaltliug Irish bbey, acres, were receiveal proviens te 25th Njs-M ae iClfribste:h oreo çýëu g<po g ® & M .J m sB it n wv a cubA pora 1101d G r an sous, te Padd b m sl" M ay, 1881 ; ivelve app lca ins , f r iîet e d il o- b ar± l ~ e d - t é n s u n s o u oe lo ýn as givon u a ra. ta respoud te lb. toast ofthéL Emoralal (Applause.) 560.800 acres, v ere received under tLe turcs a-e fer as ihey relate tae 'I House évidencs.- Be admit. havlnâ ge-ne ta B.ui.fieial Association. Re thaukedAl M Waterloo, the Iritbmen willu regultlous of 25th May, 1881, anal 42 cf Bepreseutatives or its members, aud th. Mabers -witb a îpremeditted lui Ã.4 e.. preseut for tb. Louer ConfrmeatWelingto, tLe conqueror cf Napleon, appliainfr20500ars eeuLnvrîeBuec-I o bs it elo fastigbl ahra opo ansd lu refannlog te the royal. -hima-cif an Iniahma,-it vould not neceiveal uoden tb. régulations of Q9nd Lie will ne doubt b. happy ta- lay. tho dangier, bot dauba It Le rhopentem- cbiairm ir spk a i fooling terme cf the Le easy ttell.or ernomenate îLe'um- December, 1881- 01 lbe-wbolo number before it. Besides the Item fer 81,700 plated munder. loa pbeupleb d lsy eiatéeal b elvsuberour cn stynwbeshed- thon c f apphiatieus - il appears ta'no'y for champagne, brandy, vhiskeycigans, Ni-&oÂ.-Â meeting,- cf roidea plIILSIntL eope sd bei olrg. Te bon upn iat(auonshtcdydoi. igbt have - ee gantd, sud îLes. sud lunch,asud8300 for cocktails,i-bers Nia-gara- v aa e ou Mouday uight the [tub vers devcted to theit falth an dl Non et bose vbo servenl t uL dislia' - e r.I r ia ler lb. rogulsOai us previcu d le ila other, ii la roponted, cf 81.200 ,fo i vbeu r s lu tios ver. pa 1soïarequ e tLe coontry, aud bsd carried thal devoo tion i uthe Peninsui, and in the Cri' 251h May," 1881. The applications uwhite gloves. Certain iueo'men, vho ing Mn. J. B. Plomb te uséo b i uene wuL theun tenalprso l.viA es nli uparartcfîL veld rpntent are *11 fortv"eni-y-ne yeane,Ldbencaiu .gneapblc-y-fbeGeumnt hvatit 4y' lilzougb b. admiroal ibis devotion toe vLan.risL Genenala, 1k. Sir De Lacy a b aeof$0pr100 ace a $, fr e. furihe énéraootuth e L it bo egb eirasp a hed -lu îL n go& wtins fîitb.vibed l te e and eeoauslrd gough, sud ovu ta (n- annm, as Ifllova BRouse chargea t athîe rate cf $5, ytLiposnt distribution of seAta. os. taselaerlvit a-aclrarco nalresect ralWolete, s vot kcun eCan- -a ÂrEs. extra daims for caris sud Lelp. Pen- 'W. - or tL. religios Convictions e1 others.diaus, aobly fanglit sud won Buglauna'1 . Cochnsran c h Ce........100,000 sons;uWho rau in unashkedi gIn. alvice -Nov 'York Deémocrats are sa-id iý ivTh srog roodcevhcbLa pe. balls.ThseInshErgtebsodurs2. D. Ford Joue, M.P-.......100,00 as leaîLehestva-y to cool, tue White Lave come lu posessiïon f nfrmaibn nlonsly oxtten oPi-aIrinsh Cambolies dIA net aIl exelaim s id iLs brave 81lan- nc------- 3,7 osaa Loeauc asultk he b eulcn aed a - lu aual us 1 a 1 yu ubt Srelll le>isti.bon aeb- 4. F. S. Stimn à a& Co ....- ... 100,000 a, Lave ent in bille friertobe p ed f-10000 frIspuo nId ~ ~ il aitmlvu e Mnel uuriatà nt. Ill u nîebatohst fLioea-5. Cept. D. T. .....r. 1100,000 iVesOf tLe personai bille et expouss o f cernyngNa SYn ate iii lb. la tii maeeslrue aishearena lbé "Oh, -ha-i Ibis vere for Irelaud '" 1 t6. J. E.- IImin fi3 C........100.000 modee cut by -members cf ta.ha ol nseluProsideuttal ettons. - Thébo dt" ô lrs 0 tfor union amena- tLe Irish cf vas cf the IrisL Brigade, led by l. Gthe 1ogu----- 0.00cuécinyu b surlareatdthîLeiepeurliituroare kucun. tan~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~7 G.&îrebh i o av-glatSnfea tFueo,(hni ibb &erga MP---------. ..100,000 haa n exinwitraenyebralr. - S&,TG1 bseureteLai cale vb haWie t bethno a itelat cltaauniabuesaLm sun 8-J- bld iber ......le....Reunember f a eLimedinryck")cte.-irf ,TolubreParis.odo lb.caget tLs Ile-Ibat vas againest heir lImaI lbe Engliahb, ing exliwd- GAe ,erF o yo lua Botteroli's shea lt uoue blîeSla tugutn-edhyefruio.To"uaOth Ilaa htdpieuec Tetal ..................784,171 AFu.Mara- i snn fitiunof ILs people luin tant vas ou sncb subjectai." - (Appiause.> And watt Jualge Hsury cf the Supreme Court fidrory, Quebec, vas poumdea te deaiL- vieil tLe Czar, at St. Petersburg aLentIy le- . t e ev n t f c acM P llb n g g an e i e n t m ig l t L e b a ve m a ntd e x c a m t o f C an ad a , a p plied (r 5 0 ,0 0 0 acres f 'n ear is ow n u d o on an S i tu d a y ev en i ug . T e P n a a u E o o i o u i 4024 the . whu te ssten upi aéo al land for Foen oy u theIL grosiesi vltory grazig ln ln h otnyRvr .e.- o a eto i onib cethere wa îLe st,s-emf f laurelethn 1h. Kootsuay RiveeR e va-a foneman oet l.he hp a na bla a r et LheTobscco Meojapoly B! ceni vsablibesef-evrmot vo LeBoliLcfvhchîe '"ub difficeulty yuL sema cf lb. men ube eje na- vul flîc, nALefit assured thalt esaou. The Irish exiles, "-Leth lA clping terFiul. - arasuspeoted. - b ac-iyc uvts »t~. if lb. TIaL obtainsd home rois lbey Osis," U a-ltu fenn ononabl mpl'oMr orhwa a- A. ,dvote à furmer nad Eseon. residing - *Geîid become as loyal as su Io tb. ment -nulLe contiuent cfEroesu The Qlcbe'e Ottawa correspondentiu . ei a u nel avcth-e towueahipifiOtana-LeI, bascci liesn Ire ÃŽfCantals adUnetbon ibu.SaU arousto position&, cf til latdh vigyi. Geverumeul Lelpe asul.iet ualttg.- W ildsiieh al If Col «Ã"ifBo.aut he wcultd'nol lieu., Hndreae f thooando et IrisL- iheir frinesgives tLe feltowiug items: bL a na-Lr,",Le sa-id epigraumaticatly, Green a os oP -W ae al eeose-cbb.N .uos uAetl Iesrieo Fa-îLhe -Ondrdonk gels Lis contracl a $20,."sae89e h ole,,, orld gat drnnk otite - - -- ehe &nane b do#" On f.-bc lenmbr-froan 1691 te 1765-ta glveu 000&avena a teer tenAenrr;Powell oun free vilIlIma-n 'sac ona ma-n Iepe -A serions -wreeklerpnant eoiatry Ldp.prdeoslnl.a-I mare thon 450,000; u bt ugl oateno -cre e ntî aer by complion.". Nontheru Pacifie Bailiosil at -Svn nut MIr. Bnittea coueÃŽd su able' speeh Irisbasn, Opupt 0,110411y, reprselnIng certrecf Ottava city ; several Minis T« Ssna - r- î mMssY ir.Om.tPrt.posos i lny rfenhi ugeltgbust L At n u1009, that mate1elei allbrt,-n-asglf- fie;,JISenucrE."-Melville. lu Lis Offical Al aebe Ud ja- tanlleby a-p ns.. h5 nlhen ny claim lb. final t oenMr..,DIistor,0f Il-e Delougasudbtis>parly. The ',reporlm'-i--arad encieaai6nt by A-ria oenýt getersoha 4cti, r- à b . f'nyos pa QuéubLsIvecentosatnuprecloaed.tti offie admen fromLecords loefe rss-Y cl< ea on thr scauehs il;g nefure t ici rIas e b. mo, ncf l. lnllhoa.e omeus aln sor dstnc ;PeerMicbtls lod d e govel ad c-Lua Lvi-gvojisecffomslyluurrai8 1"i a-a... tok5Bedlg asof-vbro,Hlbpfe. louuc;su l- stoncf a-rilc.ra .; G itouarbd, .P,ogelTihelitie arin accd LatiL.Havin lilLieu iba tOshava. W, pientoms Burkn- vt seaie -ygfedSheridaun 'uandte ispa-av ýcrinstnc ctîhealp eicaupa oetivaI1,nwlanal couidene' GfaIj s è~4lsui- -*M p"%itrufes i il-tuleeun-ufcura. vr BuleuCoen.O i-h n onth MIisoualbad -Lana eCedertaiunLeftue.Tartnsis ThenaiS lptou Iiranec5r8i w Ouaci c Ohtaee-fl spres t a--pooasthe nolOajorlai gsoflein mud oficb.euirag ora- fisenfteJannete ros- M'nte athe 10thlueoxefmathe-p w.si. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ rýi bi~il-eu fk itb*~ t~nt5evrve*4-i8t a e Paycra -bi.el% lod H a th s a epBidlue xcelaaI ,navigAsop seo ocmll iani,. t isso, ne bc oord cmtuha-Avania t althé te B :hctialRoues cf lb. ni.vcild. - -,à , -_ve futue mt ra-lo en WultçLi sea auns a rateayIesnoed èùteireualsIl Cnar n Hep Bill ron i hoe- s dostl. banal vorkyof réiinsvb,.db*v Tein ndikl a intln4 ldlWan, eloass te oT. lose um ;roadkthevitiono ae- a- bitienno anA kiM.P.,y omphelairtéais. n oto, pea Ioha--isvi.-.m4itbrOcpta-?*îA i Ot r iw'e B tes a unioipal exprest e bb vhbBbkerlinjn adll ucl. luealtcgetben 'Fl-cee ofeihan a- f-ecaa-on01 ,aflcluib effeapnts, alon 'rfa'i lbwt in laid>4-Tisst9. 3i't peen .fl - etn i ra laaOfp0p11pDgAis te tei-o b ab sut -ubiehi Let Im igyroonstnceded Ttîosef e aspnts.Th ouead opnioence s i1 1 mdeef 'Ol-is "t fsleweo-nryuaoiservb r is ý e -~~yyng-su ~pa Iflla budg-otensf -lu 4,it'ekue. Th-o nol tià ns goris k f a- - -r8e" ~saae Ua-ry Wua- imree .1te* trve ael lrs u ourn'walcistlng. f-be pran&ilIer uatvThaeeCamin.-a. N~catia,--Oln and et'a o b.y--!merd 'a 4hweeas'ad tho~n!Ie. 1 IrtyyoP. -aue mr- --wZeietta wGnvauaaOi-mu oo*.i. sol - - ---- nI :htih ad éme-_o _Bares ia.'Idau. daeût vace -- 'a uiastais bteê weoem~ Tui-buen ~ a'W~'E. '-~pîL. ~ minlp Pnlimeu. - Gia-ettas entr o SI.~ai ___lava~ oe s- iu in au the éet le- of mi% m4b