Whitby Chronicle, 23 Mar 1882, p. 3

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An diffieent patterns of SéOtch5 urnibigo.stkofGts HTT~L'IV O Êgoods arriving aly Ur M.i1inerTi bw aemde special effor ts t-o Place bfoepur customravrûopeeadcoc îprepared to receive orders 'at presei*t. FtisigGod.I ens nderwaSitDaes LserGoeTeSafBae ~"We invite inspection of stock; confident that for extent ana vaiue it la not sur-- White and ]RegattaShrsColsCi,&c BB~~~~4l â?- à& wMd u o A n immense stock of American, Canadian and English lEats, incluigteclbae odo' 1 1>135, in silk &ffur. 'Tl t ~ >IIrb 82 po Tbe CI-_£aP b a1~~rfflt::; 0 The ~ ~~SUl0tI8Rlrothe0 ' Ii bt Fi li 51 vol in 'RE ATTENTION 0F Thinkioig -MOUen jealI.d to Dr. WHEEBli '8 Elivfr of Pliosphltas and Calisays tisa sentifie manite. It in the ont- nme of many Ipeara', ermfiil- lanYSSi- Mlon et thà tosaisfry ma medi"lal zpaî'0 s t PorWs mIa oOlD ode a erltn tuése itI raniai - "r4 8.th* 01 nurn, i l *le" téi to -4, o aii -enb. *--- u taaii jin ', -- of e.eeto,* sudin' - -. - the -stan-d. ~~~~~~g-- ý i~ a : vsp. - -- - luCHRONIO taomin W n F*t0iopm"gffl -Y Y - - xýind the OPIUM ?h con. -D" à4ne IDU auunisipal Charlatans and Quacka. len-0. E. Rav I. Collectes', $80; Rave long plied their vocation auntse ,. Pox, Trestat', $80:. Miehael Me- eteriug padilsaif te people. Thea th. Asesser, 090 ; W. P. MoPhée, 1huifa bas pareil ta the quik ;. canstie ,rk, $240. applications hava tormented t.e viclian Messera. Bruce, Thomson anti DeputY 'ai corna until tae conviction ahaped it. @@v wor e ppoinleda road anti sl-there's ne cure. PuTreais'éPArN- idga commrittes. L585 CORNtaEXvTon 0ltprotes on vbat lit. 0Lcary gave notice ltai liea éodrb6spbi pno fe «Idhl l$ @'&meeingofcouot'reste. If you sufer frons carnas et te Itraluce s by.lshW la ebajnt iltea Extrautor anti you viii lie satiafisti. ah diviions lunte townuiiip. ScIai cteryvhore. oc mtotionl af Mr. Sulliian, secontiaed lir.Thepato, bs fiialupobegea Snatched fraie the Grave. fer njadae in, Iloa Divis : Ni Mra. Helen Pitarvit, No. 881 Daytan q 19 Con,.Ili ; Nt 20, cou. 18 ; Si 20, dt, CtcgJla o ebrsxy :01. 18; tSi 221cio. la, andl Nt 22, cou. et,,hth year, anti statua chai ut. bas ouf- la# bc' iako frins division where titey îr d vi Consomption for about tee DOW r, andth onHrisepstbdivsion er arp, vas trecleal by .muîe physiciens, w(rom l naris pat0hcn.Ilmst. l, of tronpronounciop ber case hope- El8, o.10adSi .0 COU'i I) las. 8h. lied give np ail hopes oi a, rei No. as and atded tai No. 39* evreoveriug. tSeven boulies of Dr. ~B ud 1).cao 11 li sdedKiog1& New Dîscovery for Consumption ,lso l'ba'litaiJuàes LI. Eld r- bc illise~~50 <i~~ s fr rui ci, Fîrcealileoly erenaiher. Doubtiig oece, alloeIito orkSa fr guthDu airpie ase drop a postal and eecisfy your-- Valley maid as the. 111h con. liner. eIvoi. Trial bottles iree ait Ilowees Tb@. bRa' vas acthoited ta rensoveadr-ugsalors. Lange iz. $1.06ô. jug. lurguson ta'Geneial Hospital, an__.0 pIdace vitere bc would recette prapen ('j13 A p AND GOOD.-For 50 Cretsyon tue.. cao purchsas froua aey reliable drug Choques vere greneltias followi :-gis abox of Macica Maguetie medi- lifrsn. Iolta.. O'Lieary anal Sullivan, rive, vîwi cautaîns forty-fivetiares fer oxpensanud tins, poing tu Toronto o, ts la i cs p on titan any otlsor inilar r. DOW coisty.&$12 oasi" ; Tînoothy 0" medicine it, anti vitle il is cheap aur Lesry , "tapmesu for wonk. con. 7. aruggiosa ay it la te beai, anti gites $17 ;.lao. V1.lerpairiup roati scrap- ,'scisiectmoe le a Il casas. 11sd ch. ad- ens, 14 4 Luke Doble, do., l.125; Hale vertîsonient lincaoter colutnu. à lras.. adverisiup Court cf Ravisian, - pritîe h allat papota anti auditors' re-Raa n onot oteSfeig port, S$832; Wno. BonItou, retond dou oiadCifr aceSfolg lat, Il ; flugit Maormot, repairing "'BaoWN'ocs îaOVLHu DPaiac'i" bas ut culvert, con. 11. ietwsen lots 20 sud 21, cqus.i for relleving pain, bath cternal and 13 as. rcrfuud- dog tali 81' ; l el.Iures pa7inin te aaide, tiaik $3; ~ ~ o Claro iels, Bore Throat, Rheumeatlsu Lra. MD-neclt, indigent. $5. Toothache, Lumbago, and and any ktnd ai Counocl atjournee until te recond pcitaor salh. "Il vili manl anrely quickert Baud e nApi.the lolod and B.l, uaSUact cing poves la Balnniis April.wcaider-fu. " "Brovu--HosehdalPanis Never Clive Up. ce&," taenia acknoavliiged e- the grost Pain Ilelieer, and cof double lt.eatength If yen are rufferinu witb low snd de.aofai y ailier Ruii îor Lîliînrt suche srsei 1iite, losé aif appetite, gênerai vorlîl, .hould bealu ster i iuîlý rady fur dsbliy, lior-ontiblooti, vealuconsti. uneo when visiteai e t re&aUy , in the r, kqtonhesach, r ay dsese o aremrdith e e worlal for Cnaanps au the tilacitsaicie. r saytilece a ~Stoaiie.ancd l'eslun aud iAibes ofiali %ilý0us Onature, , y Il mcm, sprocure a kinaje.' andiin f or sele by ail .rtggiite a boulie ai hierric ballera. Fou villS e 2b1cets a boulte. arprisi'l ia e sitheraptalimprovameul lbtîvil iallov ; yon vWit a tnopireti ("'gis as, ae. i.tb.trinebittîs, pea Withniickilo ; sîregh aed accavity las ith. broet anad cliert, r.larvcd aand vrt wil retur-t; psin and<inuiaery vil ceseby teOiqe ose c fliCrmns i'llnoaîîî, sud~~~~ ~ lîeia-hyuvi ..iel i.Couglh Dratîa. The mont l-iable teutîmnsci praire cî lIlecario Bitite. hou1 av ility b laeaas- vea. WtIL l-r .aeui'go cnsa ibottle hy W.» * Il.loweu. Whittiy. W. eilli te attention af eut t'adore Mr. Sailmnet MrCi.W.tiie Weilkilown Ce l01e i. avsrlutiiet in anutr columutaduelor oau theWbitav andl Lindsay Rls ci te Seitil i ldicin Co. W. s.ro vey.sasys ;Dr. Caranc 'aos ScsanduitCtl stîpalioto Bitters Cuidme of dya.epsaa. certain tliut tIliusands af maîbpes il eîvsys kbnp Ihensin tiibonaus enidi bail villa >oy te advent oa inchcoin- emthons leveluablo as e f emily teedicene.V pany. - 'lir tworm nudiciae lias been 1h. Revueagent for Whscby. lese.lnd o i îiie s deraribeti, e greal Dtcpgttssthrosaghaaulthe coant t~testl bain tui seller-tnp lum.suity. lu Itse to tb. great merlU aif Dr Crions tomac 0ar41aif tapeworau ve have boece how-n and Cousititon Biters. ' Ne medIca Que wa'aeurirag 80 fet, out)' o! 82 <set tbey m'leuace te promptly itecurîng Dy suadee o 14 led, vîicla hava beau pepase, indigestion, bilirusiseus, Liter-Co pesîrd (roui the bowrîs of tbtee diffat. Ëo» in gent Wloby. ti individul@ after takieg a ev doses __________________ of 1)r. Sttatchi German Worm RaemedY " Thaineauda af ceaurenniali an le passel-s: . Notice' of Batiks, MaTTaag tien1 of-ihoe gentlemen oiawing aeaaly and Deathg chirrged 50 ce a ach. tbth drt vere mediôineas are al ltai *- lley dlaims then tuob.-Montread I>oi. -D E A T Hl S8 A Oaod Thitig ta Knaw. SADLEI.-Ac Orrenveati, Ont, Professer Herrmann, th. vonderful Tuosday, Match 14th, 1882, Willii maiian. known ttauphanutavanîiSadIen,$suer. spet i 81years sndi for hie s sil. useti St. Jacoba Oul for a meanthe. saisi.. itaeck aifnlsoumatiamin tle ta ADDISON.-A( îWîaitby, an Fr11i is the asiotandor, sud vas coroti by il. Marcisl7t, 1882, Harriet Matl He conadrs St. Jacobas 0Ù1aevaluablo youegest dangister oaihlb.IcCap'i ptejaraola. Rave, anti belovet i vie ai J. H. A. Cranmpe are imiediiately relieveti i ton, je ber 29tlh yeat. tehina a criaspoanful of Perry Davis' - Pain Killer an a ltise milk anda ugar ; WHTY MR T. il laitest out tva minutes ta relieve HTYM R R S 111.' orsl ases. aceescna ()a'vca, Match 22nid,188 Atsaiaîv AisES'TE.-FCLLOWb' COU-atrouWbcal .............$il18 GD i rouie strni'OF H'poPtia5pHlt. pigWitet .......... i 28 o W«a;seg of tisseaiolte body iSannresi.' = ..a..................O 70 Cg ud, te nstscles matis firre, sud ltseFleur, pen cvi.......... a 00 ( nerves regain tem rpavter by oiug ityo ......... :.........0 75 (@ fe[C)Ç-6,Copoud SrupofHypph l e" ;s ............... 07 feloîa'CorpantliyupaiRyppias Peas. bnkayati.......... O bb pie.Bille Pa",...... -.......O80 (P FromRev HL. ilma, o GlvetVt.ocs................... ( 0 o Frovc.1. .tlanoGlVOVi ay ................... 8 00 (4 'Il have bhasetrouitleti for sever« ClIe ctl. .. ...... 0 ( veste witit a diPcultyaiflise iteart antid Apla ptbs......... ( ]uuý9,Iavoappied o sverlph ic-t1 îe................ .V ak lui,,,lst eplci a eisclphsEggl~s..................o 12 @ ianeafaitbep, sud have tried aimeit Butter.................1 ( cvery ensedy recammondeti, vitisout Chasae.................O 12 t4 receiviug any assistance; btlidbeu Wodi........ :..... .....5ô 00(0 ~n wa'ealtran ad waaker, natil S it e lu............100 @ =a OfepaiWMAT.i'S BAL13AU OaF Wra. Ud,, l.*.......... 0 il eiep r. -..........0 01 a À~ full stock of General 'Dry Goods this week. À large stock of Carpets. Tailoring. on the skortest notice. ..ý# Western .*Air. AIIIT(~R A uvu ru '1r'*' * 5-uu ,'Miflinery in a few days. -r Whitby, Maroh 7th, 1882. Tise841> ae aric abBE iess nov befere lth, public. NEW ÂDVERTIBEKÉÊNTS. ThC faseizo E T'rbu cao Mate mcuey laster et _______________ ,w-rkteruni than at anYthing- SPECIAL COLONIST TRAINS es. Capital net needl. W vlIl sitwnyeu. N TE HIGH COURT 0F JUSTICE, $12 adaay andnupvsrilmadest hoetby thea 1 CiNziLsa uois. Ibis %eanon fer St. vinentu Fange, Grand ludust.nolou. ien, 'woment bo7s and girls Foûes, lBMsnManWlnuip Prtage la Frai. wintid over bers ta w-rc fer un. Nov ta zil, Brandon, snd pointe% the Notbvsst, the lime. ;Yeacenork lu spare lima ely Be GAD& Y. viiilabe e Union Statiou, an oregve yaur viiole ime te, the busineus. Yoen e t home and âtbe'vork. 'Na irgsva. Wolfendain. -Wednesday, Match 29th, '82, ôther business viii pay yo euarly s wel. AT- ..,SAR, No ane eau isil te make enonmtseJaby A E Y S L AT 1 P.M., sismSsuo" gaet once. Oosly Otfit n l H NC R I Andi wili be iccmpanlad bia irespousile fi-.moneymudeiaeasilyand honrbly. agent ai theCompany ltarugh te Wiuzipog. Address Tauz & Cao, Aug=, Maine. -l-0à Tiaes trains which, have be oecaiUyav rangedi onr the coeaen HOUSE TO RENT. Town sud Farm Property. durlng Match sud April, îeaving on Wod ruant te an order made lu this cause uasuiay of each veekaud viii be mn ibrougloc c. b on faitexpress time, reaebtua Winuipea o n (ONTAINS ZIGIET BOOMS, lu gaad there viii be salal vit teapprbation a th. follow-ing Baturay. Paisengers rom CJ ordan; arden and gooti stable. George Heny Dartnal. Esquli, Master of eat oi Taranto gt thein baggaga bocked Apply te- tbis Court ai Whitby, ta Taronte, Ihen bandl Ihein checks ta the MIlS. DÂNFORD. A ASHTL Great Western bgismna bs heUnion Whicby, Mancia 15, IM8T2. ti.18ZL, station, w-ho mudiatlly treansfens (vithout in ce .sala Tovn ai Whithyat tva o'clocl eny chaffge andl n-chacha aIl biggage in the itarnoneaofaiSATUBDAY, lias 2bt1 tbrouglo te destialution vis the sanie train asu A . dya ACH 82 h olvn ad paenasoon. For tickets ai LOWEST S EanHAT al pfemises, liMte arols:ig ad tATVu 1ci1on 0.". ýStepheson, Witby. wdpeiei he a" Aise single and retcme ticket* to Chicago, PAtcZL .-Fittean acres, more or leu Detroi. Sarnia, London. Blrantforda! tneile 300 Bushela Arnacta Wbeat. being Par0th*la eat-hita Lot Seventeas tan, l'as STonseinGulpth e .Second concession elthlb.Tevnashi St. Cibrina TU'flalo, e! EasRineBridgs' Cen n re rr ars fBt Whitby, as dascribet inl a dee andpenatonoBridge, CIaancet Irre tramalares. <nomGeorge Smitlsta William Gadaby duly B.a cl pits eyouDN ovtrae. A.LEX. WADDELL: ropistenad, save sud exeepi oesacre vich Great Western R"aileyTelernils 10-ste Clrmont p .0. bas beau sold thereirons for cboal purpoasas &ud Oceen Scast Tako gn,______________ This landlasfirst class, with an orchard ci 14-1 in Wbilby, Ont. about 40 trses. There lana gooti ireme banr inC stable 86:40 it. ll distant about lI C. DAWES, miles frein Oshawa. rPRENTICS WANTED &c2.Oear oolstin A v th CENSD AVTTI R composeti01ai lofl e us t-hall of La CHRONICLE OFFICE. Tventy.lhles on lias second concession0 P>ORT FERRY. the Tavuébin et Wbltby, described inlu Appîy. peronaay, ta bMr. Stanlon. -dcvi fro ei tB insiata William Gadîia ______ tAVINfG talioennut Licensesfan the daiy regisereil. Tbi la vacant, -but la val - .5e. whoie Coaty of Ontario, sa,-dl fanee, ant isl an admiraible building ie. F A M -t'~ E be promptlyetlauded lu cuy iocality. Mn. A i M TO , l' Alexander Wilson, af Aslsburn,lin my upecial PAIcCEL .-One-quarter ai au nr, mot M~ent, andi ail arrangements made by him r Iean, d Se s ixteeauih 5-16) ai an mi tii be vshid, same a se ae vitia ysli bripr t etbinitlhieLeuin OTNo. 2fu nch. First cocesion aoc. AWE. Tcn t théi concession oe!th i theaTw asi fWilbycua n erylit. 1882. tet T ofWhltby, as dosoibe inua.6et 1 97 Aes", ta rert. inaoit Muggerdg te WilllinGia 1 duly ragltared as meanoulel Numbsn 291 :1 Apply taesOn thiaprcuty à erecla alduelilugla - FAItE WELL & BUTLEDGII, A. Kgnuficent Record. Merly katwevas th. Gadeby HRoi, wvi àWbttby. - tano vivcant. 'Wbiiiiy, Mar-ch 22nd, 188. l14 lin 4CCIDE RT INSURANCB bas, until tJl .LXita rwnutly, beau limited in its The renairs *111 aly preduca snob tIl b ' ~' - - nefoineasby resson o et t ilgiarata ai deedi as uh.sy have lu tixir possession.ia lepremiunss ezacieti by stock cempeelea. itira"siamsy cbstrsct exoapi a rugiatrn s Sr EE W HEA4 The wr-ter n lubis luresilgaion af the saab- trict an copy iereoot ject oi the labilty ta accident, cctating TIIRMS.-Ten penky'lhl be requir Y OR A F over eue million pellces. bud ihsl about te be psid te the VîDaos Boicieur byt l' 0R SA E. aner-half f ai baaemlun aharged #7 y tok putchas.naitltheltme ai sale, A" thlx etcompanielas n ythe Ibasansd lea uce a1thea ebemousn -a reassnable a ln or capeuie.mon tt h. Thara viisrtM ry Apî aci Detroit, visichuia aslu rte undaiu Îfsa!slevil! liase standingntitti Indiga mui»scdn ln":,ao Isondi~to be il frdom ribtof its plam nea3y181 .e L Mpoiisélohave beasueil. But apor Dtai ti Lt Mari,18. GOLDSMIaasssuoetHALL.niu deyste thieltime. R..DBNL 1er su~~d mare ibm aev.nty 011-i TbitbauGO . ATE w. - patal in fsU be/ara <day wr u.G. YOUING SiTH, ma W.occpataenm are ClassUéd oceding te, Veudari a' oer. eh azard and he Tmunt of ene s psy' NEW GOODS arb etbe aitl e.___________ ment is 6; yesnIy du", $2; maniemernt.,L A TN Cireulane. mli faupanlcmlans, usaionM RS L LI TlyHs.ND. application. NSWANTED. J am T0 H NDAddreas, J. T. 'PATTON. SeY. W H 1 T B y Waltham WatChes, Key aud TIIDoUGII EXCURISION TREAINS BOOKIIda Is1c Sf1 ?eSte wing. aiea tiePatent dust TO * -pr-ouf case. M PIR F SIMENTOP? ounLais Gold Watches, the ~T E IW SRN il six Linst sock tIhave orer shown, N - H- T ABVD TRIS WBE. qnality guaranteed and pri. Semetue4 New-MUsMdsud ethé I tay ' ces tire lowest possible. -VIA THE- fa-GRAND TRUNK Il'y, ~PeWrBiA,&Aiv Walnut, Nickle and other EVR WEDNES»ÂY$ P 7 =-r Clocks i 5maI variety. l te-av Electro-Plated Goods, a jJurng âte MËoft March-& Aà1t1 .in& rat".a.fnree ff2. ful stoak. si veq large,]bÏsto- fAtgal i I 26 rorilStpOOflS, jiflfl& anti IEnT CI.AsB COACHES enly IibianpAbus 12 okSons inrad F mu on liass Spellxunsot tcla ornstnimy saiuaubp <lor 0 Tes Kuives, in Plat.ed, Irory sud -"the-Acin4stco!Sal.yam g~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~a mttonIoyHdia -Lowest Emigrant Rates. i bandal ais Iieeletreu. - O 76. W ol-SMI 0888 Piekie Framaes. COmets, 150 LB. OF BAGGAGE a au is i oeu4ces, aLt wà <i 92B5 ê olrBnyDihs aelcroe A042 Baskr oets, rycc ie & re tCake D L.TI : ie 100 Bakt,76 eevr, o ret ahA U1 suda ebra1 d isê Md 4 75ia-.,ycUl.f PKT.PR!1 sip v.. i. ed àtsan, I 0 75 iznrTRifroL BMCSj FM 19 ,& Wslkluag StickS, Va 028 S PIEC T 5 60 TO SUIT ALL 8 1025 0 12 JAE 0 007 'Practies a25ý 020 Br o o Match 22nd, 088m. 0 14 LIVERPOOLa, L 006 000 Wiùter Amar I000 ip 000 sCONOur, and When yoe are seifoinp froa boy in- &Uho an sufeérn i tmtheerrore au 'IMM ]ten nu, cu te<pal tiiscoaifcni viatéven, or from T n nueuu 1luh ecutplnt,à,à otu èe suy cwtaiOeoliCaffection, doe'l aggravoeatsT> nie raldot o ai yn. useos, pels, o lie aset by swalovlng mineraIepoisons, I vinimaea nclpe ibat w-il cure ye0, AtllI butuseDic l3anaL' Suas OATK>PEllE 0F CHfARGE. Thie egrsmadyPemutin, Peilan, Api PuLs hveboe l Im a daeevs&oored by a mttUM lu Bulo 'pilO iLLtyb ena bi*saiag teAmate&.suBod asieîiaddrmesd .enval eaBeis aseA public far upvards cl FonT? EY"&@ESIte thée R. Jeurse T.luns, DicApiD ticid eceryvhsno. FblÉ Houes, liN erk <Miy. - Anltt The Frencht Canadien Roman 009119- -A14- Und."~ A ice ao' Nev York, et aatlng hst ld OuNE VETSU T. Ay 4 suu3day lu tué Chapélle CnADdlacepiW' -~l gsb.--Aa Francaisé. lu Scveuysévoteuîr leel, -- %hough 0a eou gstloa of but dvvel'u - -A-K4 ýx standing, sud estabbitd ilouy fort V- C AS, wES~TLAKE,- ---ï ôtb* pups ai Lenten services, dulemia.PW4âumgtei ta bpl' hri.Tseac200 lTOIP ,AND DEOVE> ýw' m" W m @ familles lu réiguaer aitudee, and ase NORE T L lta*i l n oeo ou or Frenc oir crri ber., Cardinal MsOîoclcsy bas gi;r o ~MRfT IOi ati permission for sollectlin$le to ibu .(LMatoy upedby %ei lee iona sn condlletie t tire mout@y1bu e- Mri> turned inlu ase eproject fallu îbrov -Tbit sruture viii bu an IseSf>I5"LBL iü o one, as tIreFrciliOMu"dof 'ueeîl abourfamg mca. lm Grnd lury iresbrougltiotg" illbu' UtonabMaiil OBor4n'fer (%o; 'YéaleislêAf* ~ . C L ES bilNBTON, inem VDONDERRY Id CONFIOàT i Sveïk frein Fort.ý lhtng et lallie:- ol 11h. Ralle&, a OttDL. noea, Iy a1h. ~alw WITIIOUT tRKANSN'1I sîo t.pronaal hoir steck ou ibe v"Ya's, g I estinalien.The. n rn 'lssnUaiOO skiaM15 ,ýMBB, wALLJ imýii4 smth i, tlm, 3je B . CREDIT SALE N B W A 1) VERI I8 E-N T s* The "'White" Sawing machins,~ Farm Stock, Implements, &o. I bavR IusN G A R Rm IeVoA L S I baven Th ndrlge bsracl& ukieie -0F- 8E9WMG MACHINES. MIR. WM. EflWMU)DS9 RYAE AV, To sel by Public Aucia, a Lt No. lu I f TC A I LJ E' THYAEMR LS the 8th concesio a Pokrlug. adjinie BOOTS AND SHO(IhaVPerlaty Suent, heVillage ai Baleani, oan EasY 10 un V Duble, Tuesday, Mdaro7t 28th, 1882, SULTAB~LIE FOR EVERYBODY. B Oeiplnd&1Whmný The foflowing taluable property, vin : CALL AND SE TEMI lBlck ers._aed:1Mas, n fal;i - o:o- They 'wil repay yen for a visit, whether f IBakHorne, an 4 . 1 Marlh cl;1yen boy or nt A competent lady ln et- Spng Cot, Snmn; il, Cws, tmnane ta show Machines. 4telc cpon Ar tgC e ,brehdBuiigh- A n im m e n se sto c k fro m w h i eh to mn a k e Lder otj ew lV Htel,. bre d Bull; 12U Hfrs. lu o sifta thorough- i r t o r bred Bull 2 Steen, 2 yarsaold; 2 Steens, Brook Street, Wbitby. 1 yaar aid ; 4 Fat Gattle, about 1,1001bu. a selection. PS.-I guarantes the abats Machines ta ish S redn ws Fat We- mun with one-hali the labour, ana ta do as ther j 1Lumber Wagonu; 1Sulkcy Harsru large=aÎsn=eifwrk a y acbline made. Rabs; i RevoivlingBHanse Rske ; lGae L .oTo1c'(?~im ii ratd bcteayiarSY. -19 Piow; I Set o! Harrowo; i SetoaiDouble LJatesLi styles for L dies', UGentlemen,- Humns -iSewt Single Harness; i Cutting Box; I 'lheelbarraw; Good Chuta; i, . 11-obvlvK Oaue; A quanticy o e s..e; and soye- hP AT EN T S Io.grln Cheailson ; 100 usheleaiention. n~ vî~,a rmIJ~taxJLV ofprices, forAcaAhS M. S l o d offm 5U a i o u, P.in e., h 0. N A I S lé TBREMB-AU was & aa ndedr le, g Custom Work, as usual, a Specialte. oàcn secure patents iu the Uuiîted Statea au l cash; aer th a amo n i, Il m ath s' créditth a e er es fi n . I n b t o nt ont=Nota . Intvesilcloargsd ram t ,, yjethe Stats,thus securiug ai17 of -mue* if uot p ndwhudus. Fore Fat R' hememDel'--IYorth S~tore, Market Block, WhitIb - gr ptet; thervise time wl elmtd attGa land S.<d Grawmin-, cash. Six per cent.oy4r. Totil cma 0e, United-Siates un lowed off for cul. %AIIrI!fl Ptet 6. oui1 $20 on makiug apiain T13 MA pet anu 1% J 0H N ' " lb , thébalance ou>v when patent i lowea, PickeringHBMar.4L14,'81., Total cast ai Canadian S years patentt3,8 Pikeiu, e. 4,'5. Auctienear. Whitby, Mardi 22, 1882. No. 1 M.ÂIRT BLOCK. for $1 yesre, *74. On zreept of modal Cor )r. *rýdgwth description ai intentiaon, va ýh VALUABLE FARM Address, O. A.SNOW & 00., 'te 'U. 8. Solicltarof Pattitai FORSALE. -CAL L ON- =et no2fce Washiinn D. C. Th!sor.ba viis PbleAuiinue ~mention wbere yen saW ibis adter- ic Te suserbrv.Ose Pblic uOo n Yf ~tiseinent.*1 g&On MONDAY, MAROE 2011e, 1882,-OF W H I T B Y,- LU MBER'î LUMBER 1 Oor Lot No. 82, lot Con. PICXEBING, bein1 sb. 100 s, 70 ai wbich &»cleared. TRehbleoosan hoslanHd ON lexcellant and It in undar cultivtlo. For Ceibe B ot n h e . WM Thare ila0a pramesHous. seto .aud-&-hali, th rm Stable sd oa Log B'arn ounl :oth-LeER M RO A bal- ;emis« flanmslaa god oung Orchard, MB R -,I C I NT yd Thi fain lai2 miles itemx Port Iuon (013- Foot War of ail kinds Sold Cheap for Cash, byWHITEY sac TeaeirdaImo salday f1. WILLIAM fduLzfS ianibf Ba t dS. =iay I3IJNad Soautllng, a -large. qunt¶ n bauL G. TR.O. . LEO, ES Aunonear. Brook Sre, Wiý1Ls drs r en Set Leng tuf, *11.8d North Britih and Mercantile ON THE WAR1 PA TH A f3A IN I "" utar. INSURANDE Co. -0-- IS 'A onsignment of ]Rich China- Gooids, i 7WE~Z5 a!aapp9uta Mr C.anrvig toos late for the'holiday trade,,wiil be soiýat a abovsnazn.d C fer lb- GREAT REDIJOTION. . Rt TOL ADON, ùto Ten, cents on -the Dollar Retunweto,Ï mmanrse, *mec t, les-- 2t eveyaashpuclise ofChna BS ~~ ~ ~ l - rceyaJWasw are during ti nontk. NO T TICE a or $ 00 Cho* Oout o ntnl, u EBzYGrut, Blaok, or JapàIi Tes for Il 0O; barè$&not ainsinccàplly: -D W su té IuW 10W .- "EsIb t es B a s n . O r a tl l3 n eu L m o s - - ___ th1 OCIJET 0F »UIZE, lirP$ne,4 M«laA à O "msu -« < Gel De-Try te1 hies1 e 31160Ws'r-for eoumii i theJM3y.- P fi .fey,hýl e M.si» éâsfor the COUNTY. 0F ONTARLO OPWOr)1 aesqs aYm~k~ ' lu tha O~J~T lOUSEOith"snêYtsh O tors,' nûAaUdies> Bloates,XAl grzek mi tonOhi F Mlo aWaéO3'm r J E e p , X o ii d a' hyle l i abmni. S-1 wi& SUf' N, Whltby, )anu9 WbtBBy 'Jè ' Dor -la- aeion lu.o sudn 0 lâit ila of n wil ortly. lparias ou the Bset anit re- on lIhe ùr van. ile nov urgeant -Grape ctes ta separt- trutture Mci., mpany's burneti aon ever *tirovo inlg tise es sud ~etrday ni atng intoi ~.Leau Esoieru ~ocation. Ilà vile serions. pretnseta- aére vas 4rraipar. ôWa noit. the nsw l0a0 Que. te ves. maillsfor ork sud .Pctoinceé ucnae-ai neur the lilo Vsud flillu, ires ».&7 jwà i m duo g-zoqr- full stock of Groceties. «CW

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