Whitby Chronicle, 23 Mar 1882, p. 4

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"Tsser~vbe1e4' it weuid b. dxffult Maeé, lor thattsIncl my Lea; And 1 on 11nif 72051msusa19 (Wlob the rafly en1 Yeu'd deel» t Iumi.divine ' Tounpomnums "bis dsoerta Wb" *8se Iflersste ntiu- TU oitbale,.4um Nertte Wii'. mauiiWilder letures, Bat explau lte simple veY Il' "<WOUl,ln,"angveneutAnglina, Whou 1 decorat lid chins, Pleusta te .plat. and lin 'er With toast beef litat'.choIe. unid rare; Thon. la kec4 iitlh 014 Plala, * T- it ate! i dpotato, wiiieh 1 graVe.iy preparol1 "Thon, t lie the bsoi huart flatter, tinta euh1Ia somrnebuýer- jusl hov mach Il vere tonuttar Utteriy te give away ; Bat,,à as tclGrouce vas amaI, Whech i l l Inoed ltasay 1 "Lut, ta mate Il mars mthetil, Pot tl a rmare ciistte, Sureime* sdo 1Ibadd poulie, Trarnipe or tomalo.e--emnnai That's M vayttl sbd Ânpelna, "4For ta decorute aid china In l iis vilit oie teind 1" A NOIW'L aai-]WuetbLloyd knowa as the mmrderîiu e1 Chattes' Ooodtiab, bruther ai the Hea W. W. IJoodrici, anudtàI. ov oonfined la the Auburn Biais Conviai Asylum, bsing deuiad the Use a ltigmtnil u contly laveateit a ne irvmy of ompas. ing Î, liter. S8t. was ailoveit books and magazines, a Bible moi a Ttemtàent, sud allhougb uoi permittei t have salse#ors, had a ued!.and me ibreait. Tuliug the flylesf ai a book she Pitch eut upon il single 1,11rs andtbits ai worle ihat vootit compose sentec, saut very neatly madte up, out of irag- ment' of priai, aud lettee. It muet have r&'iuired many woeks to have pitrced t oui. The capitale wera usait onl>' lu proper place. uuà great cars vus teken se to punctuation.- The wholea(J the fini ltier wvia ubrevier type, anuiMt of ithe soecod,.Iuna theb varite wt.r. uuariy ail madte op of ingla lotrs piieit out oi a prnaicitpage eviiteniiy with a needie, uénitthon ccv- et on ahî ljiio tbread. The word Ring Foetus ta lsve beon ot oui of c Bible prntedin l agate. The ciches were taken wilb sncb cane as noi tre leur the paper or te louve upturued eduf a that voutd be ap ite cause aay pari tu, li tara off in taniliog. The edges of ibe pipm eresn.aily bemmed. Dr. 1ltanit once salit ibt -the greatest blessiag ltai a youag ma can enjoy ica verty.' Aad dxc gruaâtept task lintlof. orid lic b convince yan mnn thât the. Doctor ipoke the. tnuth. During the lint vwalz, Oscar, Paint- ing ta hic boots, romarkod ta FPeliciana: ",yotica't gay I have u oih""No," uaid & e, "but you shine aetihe vu'ong I tell you," saidt bm. caviner, "yot have no itou of the bard work tiere le ln Ible business. I in osuber lalking ai vîiting front moning till niglit.' "EBeg pardon," repiteit lh. vielle, "11 have a pretty <ifftincti liea isote lit lng part oi yenr pregram. Nov plesa favor me vith anuoexhibition of tie vultlng paèrt." The cauvuseer eshibit. Borne Eastern Parables. Th&& lteor. ane mare way4 "ianeon et soelng everytblng, le sbovn ilutle parabte of tb. min ani theb.iger, vbi ite bath looking at e picture, la vhiet the min vas drava as violerions und thse bout subitaci. The titan saidt tb. tiger : Dois$ thon soi ihe braver of te man, boy h.ohau averoome lbf tigrI The tiger gave-aniver: Thi Pulte wviea rama ;if agehabe tle pointer, then lb. dravlag veeli have bau la titis maînuer. Uqv euyou expeot yeur lîleuitbc le keep yonr secret, whea, by 96efllg i bila, yen prov" &hat panoe sincapublg Cft Irais lng it yearself. Te ovinae ef bonyo yen ce it felr irttbd@ àle g4mves th. tale 011 Ieea a thitohid rubi.i wtîtc 1 wiflbuyu oueittde cf theait ud Win uot IIi "Mtecrtg layoeebé mhntb« purm t%&'o i o ule bunict lsm«ou ndur ate. Son, itays aller4. m usallr glgtoleth tresoc tésewf lb. woiey va84mut, fonla àpbali isf Aaibt b.caslin am te et tilt lbeY ilsb' Ard -préesai itinger, peit b t94e off at miag wbi Tiepiysiclan cuipt b:iniceit is le lte vay loevejc tH miàg mmg. btoeelaan*i4 ad parteit thence, "The second outins etflits cerp W11 issleu côeeorw*M su ak lte h pl*cces," loudty caili t1h. scelen on.eeulon. 4"Titiliterai brioces to oops.," salita nother, 'wvlil Us Jeta th. pc'eoucu" Àmn a la teetdn k*oekedanetb cla down lluthit beltluaubnda fer oaling hlm a2'nesaa ~ Jt bad $uoî beeet»1114 ime«Lcj* clM (al vettryay itiou mii vu s.ts.hymne, but 4ltr'o fMDn n gb' eut, imd lte 'pp and suth*b.pralons &nalthé peu WbY ima.' th i à ..ea vneeti A,04 Ishipeit. W! t.e eut hi lu about four faîôý the erevwre Ivo bit fbrceditrt ' Mexico,-whô oulentay aster .àle*1 it o sait Whounthbe ventdova lbey a heavy âtué e illi lhea, Adst teO matie fuast ibln ipuCld-o I Wbe'n tihee liêtadi"-a sipeitve e ve coula foltev hlm on tb. bottera by é thlbairbbbl*&. He -ait. iteit a & StI about leur miautea lte sgnal ciii.asd vitb a juep, sm alsatbhoait iooked , on te a a sk orbnxauni thtiIasscoonse 7 h. movedit ila eloud of ainaior ut d-w tome, As itmabgu amoeuul îitnkig ashatahs; Carne , uplbte tuife, vhicith. egsnerullty tovu M D M fino. . Rséemei eomvvitat vindds I sudithettsber nu t ait ha vuigo. Io Takin a abrptuife la bis imoult, ho91 wu lwere dow mutn wvns seauoet lm ai igbt. Ailcr its aitbeo t bout fI dv. minutes ihere came a puill on thse lits insetaI nsarly jaret tteskipper eveagboarit. IW. pulleit unit pled-antl110 Âl was .evidetea othing vas wang, . ut vo ait gave vay bard, and by lteI vuy l ouase vs thaughl lthe vhoteSA vreck vas afoal. Inuiauminute vo 11 itad-Pe'tro's eaouiut of vlt, but the 1 sigbt of Il aimes% made esil th I lin..The poo aon eiov eem'osem covtreit it u maiesoet"as, thît I voeutwleteit ail ven hlm, Ttc armeI unit legs of the animailheitabout Rmre rounit bis usai Othons menu A is armsanmd body, *tilte fastenci t e 1 hsiea big bg 11km body witb a paf'iof Ci eyes 1k. a ost's vith the sumes greenb ligLI yeu ceeluntem in the dark. The sipper uni tIbe ter tiver tnev 0 vhit ivi, anudtsang ont ion taives. NVecaouilun't gel il ounidock, boesuse' throc or four eft lit arme were ctung_ u rcond thte boy cabie, The diver lev- ered imoeclf, ait ruiting bihictil underthue animail eoilit tinhatva. Thtetipper in tho meantime vus ai vork bts the ferechalas, andl haocut off tb.hente. Theu vitit a jerk ho haitï the tunuon boardl. Hoe «bi.1flcai and wc bu<lgte. oui tbe octabust ramn hlm piecotay piauce,anditav-eu mter il vas eut up tIse Ivo jawe lunagte hie al bail ta. b. out oui. Ih toot us baif mu hour Ce cinm, as oscla ecke- andt there werc hunnaiedv aifilei- -brüugiti blond vbea il vsc bru aù. We filleul twa barrais vilatiste picces i ihat ve toak inoni ie,. uni t hé viale t 'hni lmuet buaevelegiscit tvaboa g et mdatd flfîy paundad nd probably more. W. put iltegeibor uftrvart onl uho 1sck, and it eeîeurî'inae iii.th tilu ai the arm e t ite otip of tbmeop- posite Oso u Ivatylve foot. ct eornei halt té flrct ua !ova starte t e big, unit vLan the nexl one roebe thtie boliae ha vas ied laP in au kuot. Fan a einutoe acealit nu niei uleanitWhvissa Ledit mute a r oui mi tise animal h tjel go is boit on it. bollom andt cprang mt hie, undIn Ethai vuy vo hauleit hie ap. Au aut of lova druggisl yesterdap e ntertaiuet aue ai Boson'& apotiemar store sait baudcîi. a cient a simple mo cipe.. "ue dollar ait Ilty cents." sid lte latter' s e itanted lte meii., Ciao ever. "Isao't it-proît,' olop 'r" sastedthliteustomer, îtding, I'm lan tbé business myself, anit tnov smre. 'a Ihiagabea the coat ofteihosigreuietia.,' "0*Oit 1 "ltalerslte eu'" vsslts rvu epne me tMa ets ie.' A àgoo shaorp is tto ofOsa. IButler.*' y emasîlto nterl apon atsa M itaselts Panige vice tio vas leasing rtotiag efavarabletàe ~asust. ue * 9l an la court. Thes Jndge geot t palie ,a -ce lest, sunitsomevital le917l0 ctoiihal "Mn Batler, vhal de )oun ibluti1 aeh hans ton ?" Theo Geacralquilt ébrug- ic gmd lhis shoulitere, cuit replia " #Tbe t couni bas gof me nov." c0 "01d Grimes îs desitIat gond 9ai1 man. We »,«'"I silsec hlm mors ; aMe ils:ne tle veuta leng.oIalst a, a Ail bailtosidova hefore" Why moura fan grimes ?-hie dangiter. blire, Ou Fuittan"s airmeta vs finitlems A4 OthtbmWouar"0i Ortsse's ol.- g& Stranige, but feus. A vert lnaesason la Io merety ever spokon by a mmtuna â» peppeny trame of mit,. id Try brettiiug te lames eftlurpua I' lipsor carboRe sait te reteve heop. esa Try 'a cloua v rung ouit rom colt 1-valer put about'lb& . aek 'it laibfer. t' s. id r' j' a e. ns la e' t. y, il c' Id lb le le' se ut on et. iv sur t,', r," mu, ~bv "k ~l. "g iu~ mc PoWlao ur, or ltsdn - al p of lb. patate, le attalalug muite=b.mtor. Umeip lute asic&o-se ma go, la-lme, liaI"l luLmubinr et land$'csèm 20,0 tou Içmo! iare salitmaubI, *ai tee maîrtîv&ueib latod tu b. muai sretrtian litaI aI vsto ur. Theo anleèlee leaiy neot for Waiag MO' othr minati g -pue., ma& onblg prltati tvitit"M4elà e ou- vontaxi t areti. Atler bavitug bea omîinéhluest viýwtis dvulo«u la*a dresiop fer alît. Danti clouta raolop sudit ashe .lte m but vs kuav ltftiser. lalitgbt aboue tLo clouits. T'ô tise genea-os mind the boavle#tI dobita iotaI tgratitude visaiti tenti ln Our poler on erep' yit. Thes bemleat o UPmraenleto Rst vht au e nmtion,aitdviitt s coetinuat rctne ocletise 1ai o to. emrl pi et be ginu le~~ ~~~ pedrti alsi vratant recepiacle vueremii 61 taus l sW1 ot hie je soonomicallystexeit. J'lcl -uIset'boute thleL rent throah 0s'm aMny bard iglte' against tho Moore areseaon lng biere dusl,' sut lou vilsthuofetXimou4 e.,aiuer the gi"i &om. m lb», hm - rpoise a îlentty coeibotteé, luavbh miner fi ments ofa! is arnior tard veto Cuoe Cbonaven t ofSun Pedro lu :,fa v~ or,. 'myy pes-a h.ce- 3aoge W singwo, 'auy-béitleit ant hitatiistijle n exhibition laBde <tus&! 0tespaniarde, lineD uaY tlcoerlet b,' ltse iaeegraily, bave gav*n ontlb.brausptalu. lise ot a *blgb.seuinitag inscription ; but s giboie-la igornuies acuit l eesvalu' tii, liteeg i hler, vs it thebig ipruce.toekiug moitera wagon I suv la -tb. marteplaoe ans day, itniven ity an suergetie fariner,' wbo might, bave :ect cams luto Bouton ( o aood, and bearing onie saide ihe titI. El Cid. One vouitlok os te scImcanquer- ors@ duel nlchly laurneit vithin tLe ecm theitral-a neobla outgrovth ai tbe tim teentit ceaiury, mnlci by accrelieno et buter 'sont until lie viti tsoue andt wnilmua-be, canulai lb.,the a'ly Painteit style viti ltaI t ftseRenais' tance ia lie floyer. But peritmpe thie temple hban oegi vititoutthse Ci.- Oaona P. Laivanapi'nluHmrper Mog. naite for April, A couccil :Wbereia Ie th. averags aburoti mongregatien botter Ibm ltse Lighwayeeu ? Doe il ual mke ltec poor proachar. standt unit iebiven cvery Witltisestuitenla conaitar"1' u ug- gnavating ecase ovhiiingý" xeceuily occureit ut au muatera collage. Thes vil.y oit juniitan bld bis cow ta pruveni tihe sttulcubti tram taking tien 10Itis top of tIbm itoroy. "île buau mn ixtmtiuî; skia desenuse," Mir§. Partinglon Payi. "Charlotoe roues brokeonet aIl orer hien,, unit If Le baitn't woes hut lujun beait s nsau amelet, il vouxtit itutleshave cut- elunaicit futaity." f "Neyer milti vhlbo the caw is eaiing," isJhe auvice ofai ihalie hoepoarp. Jdtxug tram the citunachiir ofsaine mutk il vaulit b. more te tLe peint neyer tle hitebithlb.cow le drink- ing. A litti. ltlee girl shanflot bte parents lai-Sunity hp tating ibat aL* bid jumi beoientlesiag wyuL a neigit- hor'c youag man te "Purubto af the pibmbeson.*" Wbo'e this 'mn. Oscar 'Wilde T" a a seot &Anatle bis mats. s'Obhi'@ e en l l atMiek t'alsput inaboteuto vhovjcple boy amoto i mabots vitit bu ie tlbrother'. pante au." Jeous,'à te chomige ithaton.or 117 pays ho meni. Vicée ogu us aveca ia octpleasnnec,, but viatue coasales ne aeon *uontpa"a *ý -t Uye vouli t bl ave affiuiÛin vieil yon tvice, len ut once toaitI teschcs. Il 1s vitb itles "vitb calte, b.ovWho 'weutit drink il pure mueat dria il te b&W Vo boots are sa legàI slte lies et mon;-,ne "clruterese oplain aus > moral contact. Il l isa lernilt I tie it tho iLs u itt-ago tht mi ie's pûut business is ho. u-i lu nnol. Buca'ns Arnica Salve, Tb#e But Siilva i te vontfor "uie, BruIme exes l oBul ieum, Foyer Conui f kne"apilons, unitpoitive. ~UMs PUIes. Il là gauaniseit ieopur' The Deatb-RUiCe ba& lte uvenegeof lUïifeisig ieenDd s0"17 yas4ltttae nsaeu0 "Unes, dom rmullsî ::4ealy frdtaiMts iwniail. Au~~t th samofetnuhe u tâs lau 1 lae,'b"4O o e l, rry *Toy &V Muén m M»tooe4' k b dange s adnIad ~om adtm kto, *à4 sudru t"lh t $ît..&Yevry-vntrwU »4,j2 14, Ooww»el-be ake$isg a cerne. saeior ',5ifaneY 'sai,saaeY sM: mental ecloxt tecoasi. aObbuden, Jan >cpcsodlrm4.~theLtbsbudov 'siauee illi- ý euÉl bci li BecOurse te hait sametimes ta stieti à itangerena chamaten. Thés udvlcej sica ste reixcin froua aelve tatu Ide o tappy rasais. 1Why? m tom!de=il sutdan'edau i priny. poravle syropn a io Ih _itWg.Lite tbê elciia carrent 's Corpreaifanetlône, iraisosn p t febldbrùWe e olf'leithe ctei atd hope te eoupandeat. Ilta vorkpeeaplyuand vel. Salthy as Mothers t Mothers t! Mottera'! 1 1 Are yau dinuntedainigiti and heoten of i rsta slekbUhLIsnflerlng anit cr- dourc as ane nin e, g 1one 84&ga botteo tisa. àWxus =v' ao xn e r*i. XIt v"ii nllevs lte poor 11111e osalerniameiiatly -1een tupnI; Ihare, i. no- mintake aboutit. Thsora haarother on earth vho a. ser-usdltvbe iii ellutpo ai once ltaïi h vali r.ale fth owals, undt gieetu the. motter, ait relief unit IV&Iteeltt hé cihdoperaiing ,like usgic. tic penfectI i ae te nuein . auCas, unit plesa anth e ste. andite teprescription af anc cf ,the clitesI apdbast fensutuphyoi. cieunxandnurses fi lbe Unitui t Bitec. "ad sverywhers, Sb cents a battisý Groa chtace le make .oe. GO[Oî~iosevitealvays ojtieavat m E se tiare odermt eea become vetyit hsovt o nt C«remain in pavarty. i.vet man . en semn, baye unit girls to yack for ne igit inlu tem rova loculilies. Asn eueondo bm ra pnpny init aetsa.~t ba"ls *11v1 ipayrmors ttua tan limeortn yvse. Expeaulve att furnisiteit iroe. o eucao t naes laite ta matis moey rapldly. uca davate pour wvile lime la Ibm yack, or anly jour apue momente.. Fuit information ana iii Ibui isuDedmd ceaifee. "&4epu Sinise. Go.a, Portland, Maine. i MACK68 IRAGNKUTIC. NEDICINE .-- r0sdl neud !qveFp>4-Y is s Surs Prompt "unit etuaI Eeuaedp for Voruou4lw«u i LZ Us - #Mag, Waek ymuos'y, Loac of Brais Pe es', lar Pro- giratio, NiZtghl weas fa, peruaorrhSa. SeiaWakneand tGênerai Lu#a cf Powmer. It eirs k;;70#1,os Waste, Bajavc- smoast adIâed ct frg teshe Eafaoibw sdwBend uet"ia rouce oui V1907 fa fià Exsauetd e ive Organe. Thtue pnosn et thenunits Cproves it man Ivauie Brdp. y-The Medicine le pîfOUnëthIe tuse, sunite4cc box cetn"esu&clènlfor tva veet' a dl. cution,atd le lie ehmepsiaucif baLSf.WEaUl pantlic la enontpatapitiet, vitiri vsde- ire' email freeloany edtres. Miaeka Mafieto Mod iciso le solit it Dnsqglets ut 10 o oboxor i oxes for celptci themoey, byadêâ MÂ XBMGNETTO 193DICMNE 0 Wlitcor. Ont. Canad" Slin Whtbpy yW. R. HOWïd unMdaà srilts r vtue 14 Al *tlm ai ylM 1#«5 TC#WN ý UK -LOTS FOR BALE. Appiy te W. H. HIGGsiN . . - <)bT"wue sc* TO InVET 'on 41îtgg Ret Etttisecuîl Aippi t If yo -GOTO THE- nu QD ~J I~lwrnIB' FO1JIURY, ,ftreyn a always get good valueè for your ~ny tire; andl every aIirte bound to give you the os8 satIsfpto, huits of 6oi pho-*~ BROWN& PATTERSON MN G Cdo. ~~'Next Door Saut/i ta dames Jahnstons "Goldmth'aià , SHas opened business in the àbove premises and je now rurning in faui blat, where everything pertàining to 'fin, Sheet, or Galvanized Ihon ie manfaotiïrod iii a workiman- like manuqr, on MHORT NOTICE and at reasonable rates. ELECTIRO-PLATED GOOD 'of-- UPERTOR QUALIT. -AU kinês cf Japaned Tin, sud Shoeet.Iuon wauec onstantty kept in stock. BEPAIRING doue cheaply and neatly. Ail work guar- antoesIlgafactor,' ox ne puy. American and Canadian COAL OIL.' Lamp Chimneys, Wicke, Býuuero, t&o. Whitby, Feby. 24th, 1879 ýat exoeedinglylow p»Ces. to o-aUl and-inspeot the goods and the . - DUNDÂB-STRE~ET. ion van Laagh, TattI, B8 ltat eau raad figure anp, a snovidr Ibm inutrument, - aiaMuisl i rothemaustt1lat,~ .ue Ibis lnstrnmenl anitplay ls i sfghl Pe "en~1t it dedof tunes vithout Anyocent" tevor. "TieMsclTlptn on ire moteel ri nvenfsonac of tse - Y. Healit. "Trhm MusiclT niere thnefI bnIe SpeaknTlda e an tael os au l lit ill ob' luxe., im EDBON UBIO00,or ltronrai ran hes4bogbout Ib U. B.- Asp scdy9m. 0 tucer raqird Al buppaae lne.Milieu. ai aur piecce nviuse. Nveif failt le ive satisfaton and amusement. 0amp!cte lnettiais, vitit evn places of masiacent by mnail for ONE DOLLAR. Send atamp fer catalogue aoflnes. Ta Ibose vitelive la inte conntry awsy fnom touchers Ibey are a nevér-iling saured ai cemifont..Agents vanted. . For 11.00 e vhlnsail yon ilutaue'. Bzvmv for one year unit neveu piece of Edheo' Inutantanes Manie with Ibm inatructions. or fuir 83.00 w. wifl send ycn Enires PA Brvs for one yaar sud coe ofBitison'. Musical Tolephonea ragisterea by mail. Witen ordcning, plam mention te pulser yen iv Ibis advrntsemeul iu. M&5 & 217 WALNUT ST., PHTLADELPHIA, PA B3IANCH OFFICBli--OSO West Balimore. Si., Baltimiore, md., MOX. Oh ait, St. Iouue' Mo., 25 Blxti-Avenue, Piteaburil, Pa., 867 Wssitingion streal, Boston, Mass.. 52- 8 S. Qu.en.et., Lancaster, Pau Cor. Plia & Wainnt, Camten, XN J. H-ARD W AR-Et PA BLOf? BOOT and SHOE STORE!I Large Stocks and Low Prices' being our motte. Deverell's Block, Brock-St. Whitby, MATTHEW COLLINS Informa customers that nt the above establishiment will hoe toun& THE LABOEST, JBST, ead FINEST'asaurtmont et stock af Boots and Bliee betveen Terntansd Moatreal. Don't'be eatisfied with looking at the display in the show wizadov1but go la i delààûïxne asud soc for pauceifthlie store -fiilea it l ovsyttmgtIsu cn o cile fr u 1e Boot aud Shoe tino, for Ladies, Rubbera o Superior uW. 1A LO RES No blow 1 but what is stuaight, in sa2 ng ht h Campes ylunpaosdehoUndereu sienov n ad elarge n stock ne ma 1limnts in hs lUne of business. See the new Berlin Feit Boots.-,~Ladies,' Fine Kid Boots 'iW' Trunka and Valises in 'great variety, at lowest pnice. M'%r Irujj.W Ulr Y 1rL b, Whitby, 0*1. 18, '80. Town and Park Lots FTOR -SALE.- olin LOT ou Exeat Bret.- acre. 01E DBLOlX (Six Lotf9 bel'scan Brok sud Street. TWO LOTS ou Higb Slreet. At t belietit Want, aud sulitla fax it4hding, garden or paitane purpoés. 030. T. MALL, 'et P'ALEýZN T Si SGR~AY'S tac tu SYRU?' RED: *1 $cPRUCSE and examine and bu convmnced, at WfiMTBY-No. 4 Brook-et. 111 & 118 Yongest-TO RONTO. -MONEYT M--ON-EY-! WB ARlE PREPA1IED TO'LOÂN On good inortgages, at' LOW RATES 0F INTE1IES.T' eaul and Seo us, and pay off your old mortgages, thatý .are drawiug high interest, and while the rate of iuterent je low, HATOR & BRO., 1Augugt Sud, 1U81. Cheaper than ever, at s new store Th uesgnedjiiireturning tanki to'the p-ubli c for t libeat patronage extenad to him, bege -to itate tit -avingremoved to hie cosamodieus nov -puomiee, te Wis newl elo pstièn Iser - let supp$y aR their ivante. -- Hià.stock of ~rineeilae very handgome saRts-, and enyetlsthat eau becomsed tarin lis uneliao, su uexazinstion vil convinc e mtlèpuies are ow cugl to suit thse timie. UNDERBTA-KIN GI. *FuneraiRfllM eplied. Wotkingmnen, prof«easmen, and every nman, xequfresnt Ibi-cuson c i te ear -soaîelbiig l givetoue bW bsytez ndi -prepeabin f 6r vor-I. WMi do titis y canlgallnmpnrliec frm lte blond. USE VITALINE Sol& by a&l Druggints. Prico, 5#.00 per boit. THE GRAY BIEDI4INE CO., 4!n47 TORONTO. PA T ENT S CANADIANS eau sour. patents lu lte United Ststea an I thm rame terms as Citirons. -R la sbesita j paient dlu ib Bue sthasecnning bsl", pears Patent ; athervise tins. viii halimnit Zv yenrs. Total ceai ef United States Patent seo0, onipB augm ekinp& application, Ibe balance enly veitoa p tent l loveit. Totalccl os f Clanadan' 5 yeena patent, $N; l ior0l5yeern474--On ruemptoa madelor dravlng ith 7F sin iinvention, vo vulsu4dvceru arncum dcirculanrmre. Oppfna U. S., } oulciora cf patents, PtutOEc4. Wiaitlngtan, -D. 0. r-Zesne mention 'sir. yen -», titis adver. LU MBER!_ LUMBER fl Heros a ad alargeimupply of aU Iite eof- -Barn Lumbar Bourds, and &U nacessuy Building LuanLer.Poucing, Bavn. Timbur, a BoantIlng, .S Ilange qneynllh aud. Lage tdr frLong Bil tI f ffIai fro t it ort notice. Dean., -fssbea andt Blinde alvkaaco hanit, Wbulbp, Map ?1h. lm. ,ly.Up Jjg l~ lL$gf Machinie, I bave met receivcd ny secondê eonssguimuntt of lte IustlTcoelobOate THEY &ARENIAIVELS! j OF=XÇ D6 B Aa Ai BI pâm set mpalng f4 Sp- lutéag inat.sb4 Who s is. TCitlle 4 novr *cd. '"1tai e neaer eamtui, 'A ware, - WILL PAY tis ary 11h te the mn- k agala, taes its arlng. NEW TIN SHOF. j- W :8 esAte ~N ES QCE~-ST, wE~ITSY; 9 IIÂTCr 0il eaul & :BRO 0 eS-> SAVE YOUR MONEY!l TieMwlïmoth,.Pnrlor Boot sud:SiteStore, 1833- Established WTBY., FURNIT'URu, FU] RNIT7UREry s~utst i: . 1 J. W. BARNMS. 1 83ý-j' ý y

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