Whitby Chronicle, 6 Apr 1882, p. 3

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weed, SxtJydi ofGents' -urni 'e nt. patterng of Scotch.ý ÀLINER.Our goods arriving 1 w. iprspao.,re yeorder s t axo, inspecotion of stock; confident .th at for, m1ea ini tovu. »ssUs Wtu. ite Grand ýTrun sMd Ooeat Wewu Me Railaiw=ylut as, giheTeeuandGtsbs4 0-) Thsf a evorn lnvcutory ofibitaPo ptopoy on the 29tho41 Householt aoode aifinitua, 1booke, pletura Noi 6rr,. ,000.00 on. terrine hotse ........... 100.00 oea -Mileh cov .............. 40.00 Faria rente .................. 115.0W Otfeeyiird by urorsgage.. 27,6(608 muney ecouTed W>ybis insurnea, £1000 sterling, say, t....4,.W Batik@shrre and othenstocke Iproselit value) ...........42.822.W0 Loisuceecnuisti... ..........86,000.00 Cash on bast................ 100 0 Csh lubank ............... 1,616.87 Cash in bande of selicitoreu u et tire tiare of i. ýdeeth ... 087.W0 Proportion cof bit icoome as 'racler due or accuubti due a&ithe lime of hlm deathà.... 1,6.66 Total ..............198,855.01 Whitby Township Couricil. lrooklin, April 8, 1882. Couecil met pursuant ta &ajoura. ment. Ail tii ernimre preseul. ileeve tai thre chair. Minutes ai the lait meel- ingeatianti- approved. - Tira P.evrebd anti laidupe tire table lia. follovlnt, potitllon; e1 I. W. -loung anud R. AI n ieelloUngto bot ai oversee r fhlgbviysu amt e»sMa n e es. h. appointed inlutioir stai; of»UhoGrand Trouk URilvy lu rater. toca tetUeir casoseannt ; thé repart of Aie:. Wilson on tb. Valu, cf rendaI. on Motion cf mn, HeUltiays.snded by Mr. WÎIi. oL solvati, Tiret Mn. Davidien b. cuti lehrehy requstcdta l netif y mnJ.. o.Peara utg tilninue boerâl;g Icîbella Wodken »d John Burrovi ath$.ernua o1i osph e tion ýitoW*ve. à..ran Iis date. on motion cf M. Davitsie, second' cd by Mm. Matbevsena, a by-liv vas lu- ,iroducet iludpaieti, repeal by.law No. 552, sud te appoint Overaeru c' lablgbwcym. bon motion ai U. Davidean seacaded y Mr, Wî1lox, a by.tawvrasi ntimde 5d anti pcsati, te authotite tbe Beet, < anti Tre uurrer te berav a sci ofmon. s7 aoteatiing $2 000 te dleearge lb. commet erpaos cf t1acorporatioc turing thc prelent year. 1- The follovlng amaonts vire ordena te ha pali; ,John Borne, or.., voi fùms lseat M.r@. Omeli, indigent, 8; Je Hl. Dlang vonh on roada, $8 ; lobs -moermmonanti C. Bvseteppla, sarvice se codtlln, mach 02;S 0.Pession board tl Isabellà Walker anti lob Burnovs, indigents. $16; Aies. WUmsoî salsry ais asesud ntivaititor cf vroc allevances, $100; B. . 1 Harion, le quartera slary ai Clsrk, $100. Ou motion of H. W.*Willoog, second e4 hy Mr. Davidson. itesolvoti, Tira Ibo report cf U. Wilson on lire renta value cf rond aloan e h.cocpted Oandthie Clark i. rointate t 10natafy th Parties mentiometaait report tht tboy ulli h. ixpct te aigu »antr turc ta lbe Clerk an or before tir. Lau of Ma yau "Mgnent viiirhavWi On- Motion cf Mn. HoUidy esecnda by lMm. DetItisen. Remolvat, That Mi Quirreon Meoan he ant int. oreh autorisedtelafunnlsbMouées Warr sudvifs, lundigent, vlth necaseenies 1 tho a&Mount af $1 par woak rutil (anti or orders. Councih thon adjoroot until onee -' loek p. m., lu lbe finsI Mcnday in Ma Gladstone stîtoiluinlb.Imperiý Houa. or Commons that h. voula ii trotuco bis Budget on th. 24th cf Ap0 Elkeuch P. fStedomin cf Cine"»n board tiraI bis douâbtom bai appear ia chait7 sutertalnirent eilàLomlc teMae, dreseatinlamaie*osatum [n bis "llljust admiltbid 10 prohete, foondt lb follovlng clause, 411 ha h.ero.u-qrr urrruAw in o? I- 'mirr cfLty pmperty bhan prudor jutified. i1a$bai uat leatiroer anylil 1 boaird sire appearoti bofore promiso eus asaimblea trisstiln e mu'cli, ta eloit. thre admIration af tire autilen trying- ta raie. mcney to psy a chcî derlt. I cannnI deoteai.ey mare snob purposaa."' No vaman a! tho vealirr c sumo'& hoiday more doervediy Il Classa Vtetamne. Miniatuir sant if i iiiw.sienwbh o!more fusion, o f the lattero 1 lawelkaovn tht SU ti Tunk mpny bave for tr D ibn tslvlng teOrn &bout snob n arrangement.,mat bave n donag i thir umoat by alterna.&oa 1 g:n1 B thraen«ing 1W accmpl a h poas. Ieal t vol uov ailec tha b reat Western biet for yeaer beau paylng &DY ecuaitereble dîvîdenti. sant ibhu n baeio the carda for acmo lime tbat C uniesa au lndapeudent eaatemn cinnc. tien oould h. sonred t l oulti ultimata. îi iy be foicedote uccumh. à few monthe D ega an attempt wua mada te gel out cf e, the diffloully by tuesi of an amelga- t malien of lb.eOGreat Western, thb. Ont. it Valley, sant h. Toronto, Grey anti Bruce Lin. viîh tb. projeetti Ontario andi Onabso te Perth, and thare te oh. tain connectlon Meth lb. Canada Pacifi Whsîber ths maternent vouit bave1 suoceedeti or net, hai ne hostile influ. onea.basn urtéd -te prévent lIa sue. case moi h. malter cf opinion, but b tbase cen b. ne doubt i àl bo bai d tb. affetcf maki tha Grand Truck a Company more desirous tIbm ever of i obtaining controI of h. Western, secas c te taite over ite traeile on lb.on.elbant,é and prevent, if possible, tb. couio lion cf a dangereuis rival an tb.e ther.t Vie bolievo the Great Western pro. prielora yull meke a very greet mîstako il tlrsy allow thoirndt 10b. aisrb by anti baceme a more braneb cf lthe1 Grand Trunk for the occusitlion of a Ibrea par cent dividonti on ils prefer. enea aeouities. This, litlaIru, là more they have lately beu %.eeivlnbut that elîhen the LOnt eanti Que or noms clber une yul yal h. bouit frm Toronto eaitai if ai certain ai &ny. iflag eau h.. andi after valtlng no long I'l vut b. boteefr lh Greil Wetern r ropnietors te viii a 11111e longer andt1 landt héir vluabla aid lu secunlng th. construction cf an Independent @"tomr 0otlàltfor western tn0c' But vhalav- an th. Great WeelerCompany mai thik about B. th* ,centemplated mal. qamIltiO% is mett 1cannot but provo îtjuri o t 171. .outry, a<di ifMust b. opposc by Parlianm.nt to the ut- Mest. If ne opposition cmaailI la ro arvn cocnunm tlns Ieteh rîed tops must b. talion et once ta p a nopo ci possible checkon The whol'e of Outarlo, veut of Toronto co esno fford l e h.loft et lt.erMercy of a single rail» e rporallen, anti the je management ;1 tb. Grand Trunk enu- no ne .madie toc, monp ob roughly plav bae atrarevecfib o BmxîtsAut IMPORTANT ARTICLx nor Mâjrevcua.-Tbe novai anti in- en boesting proacesanounucdo e. ime ne smon, i France, by vhioh the vool on nobéei smoi be translorniedtint tvlve, llkely ta provecf indui l d Cniora..U tele'psetie at slreephistaunaiet vlt lb. od on, bave only bien uand for m&ls, inins c f coteet#.,'anâ tbe, veol, not bailn ait been subjecteltote&Dy propartinlei '~alviy.atai anti surei. Ovserving %batalthe innumerable libres are naturel Oe ly tisposed luntire mont regular antir il4 (et ntier, pecullanly M tfor velVet . r.an ingenlous sootzaIs cencevi" the ides Mt cf clonelng lhe skinandut ool cf al Ï1 imporltle, and of cf epreparing andi dresalg thsm ithIe haire vonîti h. Ad well preserveti andiDnet entanglot ena fr. vih th.e ther-t. coccrrneof th. by lttler Octlngsncy belnx. cf course, fa- st m t th*b.&Umme$sof tbeopération. Af. ta tir long anti coàtbn@5s expartOrenta, th sucee aeu uboën eclilveti, the article pretuceti bain« elike buatiutasd ais. >'vicable, anti dêttlneoti, Ilat thought t À7 beccore a parmanent ant i mportant sr Iis t 6fmanufacture. Lieutenant Buohanof (the otodmuet ial Nîhilet) vas sud Prlday Sarrnat' in* Cronstadt ithe preseceof th. troopa Il-, of the fortrsa sIl The Ottava sbipcainsi so13e0e0t. roi &gain bing agitaenlNorthern Kiobi 1w; g au, and 1h. Dominion Goverornint, e go. deapatchxsoaysiebeeau iki tegrant le in10,00,00sacru of lanti te &d the vo prajeot. îer ne@ The Uited States TreaizyDepart- agi.ment. lon- Hou. Tiroma B. Prian, U. B. Trosea. jng ury Deperîment, Washington, D. C., ce9, U. B. A., recommende B$. Jacoba OU ýrb as the moist vonderful paln-rouioting to anti hecling remeody lu the vrrl<. Ht. testimonial ia eutiorsod by @OMOocf thre ant ipais froaéative l uIt > eeee atsud oomuaratively-aeoluslan, bettir. Quesu . Rmanabe eo baslronuccntiuuanly ïn affoelaibiana.1 Mr.s Géo.0. Clark, df Port Dalhonse, sua in". 1887, anti fourlyfitev#eaumid' Ontenlo, sclas thMetslae irai een on- e long eatoerof nalnlerrupltorkL iriatto er oni Om ia#àlong "a e vh Whau banreîegnna Prime Min.'lhtidre inuuldusea, ConsuMpllou. iter vua eepying hlm final offilpoal Tirhe oter "aosieh. eold not emmape ah$ vWb& &407i a poutimofs o!sma au auerly pava, -but ,onluaslly sh» ompeniub, anti lad dbbinsetgréjol hegan tialg Dr.KinpoIiav DIudve q cations villa b.he lngftnlndt citfol.fr conunupmtlon, sudinla eshort, lime da. vminu, sha hegei actIlle va aoilIecyit. cliuees viren mem sie veekoued mèes obtiol- pleae l inie. Otarke, antdhoeon ha y i s.'npue,"Isald e notito ve inoai. -Tria l bbesfre. ab ov aZr*o fonmes3ugeAtoat.Une olitlMDrag SlIte Lrg ase11.00 a mare tortu, yenrsusbmltl tftel praceedinge cf cots martial ?" t-Do '"ïei<md taiois 'Usuel Hslth. yen, ladea? Well, I cao 1el1 'on, thon, Profm Ituie M ?muura, asv.llkaowa tiret the unàderutants ;U wlioleua4 Ku Maeurrr *t5ya1nnfie1d, Vt., nos& asi# OUsuI de mnytef. "-ilsenal yaini&go Ivieas ttacketi Shav, AMtnlanConul $ Minetübes- vlb severe lung tiU3lly, viisrva ter, lenealetureet Cromplen ou V04 uté ple leming. I IidWsere uliti day clglul, stitïItiet 11et, Unisted t*o ý-dr h péoli jf sîctea 'Mhniste' hbavilltes in ex. 41àmo-evNMiil. , 10 lep 'ii bwitilo triaL naý me&oile. ,titr. o uplthe ubJ.ipýo! btheaulteaiono lcs Coton. .XevenIi bout t bondam 0, c bt ia oleo bli bpcelLptob te Wualinen oc lst*urt oittiof w _____ - subjeel. 6 talO MI -, Weoenspiatsmlo lxrcmite partiana etene i.cier dicIu » vthont ny pino blsomet. Lo the evho ae af.lg(om orn, eatulhoptiac eaten,&ryIl atibylb cmpet. fcmmnrom anh'sPaiIsud Ocra mbrra ' lor t ts. wb m Bore Byes, Sors eer.nd Bore Scalp. hoy andi cli of 1hee almentsaire met lunflingly l.y flhuaro.su"*-. Colvmn e"xvàaxAPInL., hich col be yao andi cleansa lbe bîcoti. bey aeth rets knovu remetiy, eot onty for almets but for almoeî every otber hotu7y compiaint. Try hbem. I atrongly recommon t h. us. cf Fellov iOoMpeund Byrup cf ypop. îospbitea te a i ho auger in anvY & 'rom diseisetor eaknuaof tht junlga, 3ronchia Tubes, or gsn.ral d.bility. J. H. W. BOO1'1, M.D., Gagubowo N. B. Ditamcca àtrioDuaoeaay are par. heps the moal common of our .very lîy fls, andi ovepy peraca nearly bas soma spleal cure cf Iheir ova. Ours is Perry Dayia' Pain.KUer. andi having us.d il for many years wo can confi. dently soomment 11. Lirat 1h. Eslcrhrook Steol Pou Ca. are every voar briuuglug ont now styles ai eoel epas ta mol lihe popular tomant. Ie fib. meintmo, the olti standard me. [hable, pans are iraving e largor rmu tran oear. Ail the stathoners kcap tbom. CHBONIC DISBA5ES 0F THE Cital rgesondinenlly dstroy ieé by lisses staristion. To tntigae.andi promott nutrition, Ihat la vhat WHER W5 ' Blair o! Phosphatas "al a e l o r . e f o r m u l a a e el n tire c 1male .zrnesoeo f ogicai tmedia Z orks, an vertIry f omsi. touai, vhelber introtineat theI patient by pbysioln or journa. Whou yoeocsttegob. ycur ova doetor, di. aiminita belven e a mUy sainaile niedidîne devisetinlupraeîlua 10 meet a dally vant inail fônio f debllly, anti proetion#,. pnfft.up nostrums intendoti only te impese uponthe ce. tiulity cf fools.* Coughs,ceolda, asthmei, bsoetitis.pain bribe 'use of Dr. Caumn's Pulnnar ComghDrops.Tire moat soilabla lestimny bas beau recelvetises lathain iclancy. In beltios, 80 cente. W, B. Hos agent for Whhtby. MCr. amusl MoC&v, lb.heiOUknoevu-n daoroen tire Wbby a» ntiLatsy Raii. vcy, »scys Dr. Careon a Btoanac santiCou. aipatiýn hItteru cureti utsof dyseet.I hlay e m ina ahlbbous, anY cosiden themluvaluablaamsatirnily madiola.. W. RL Rosa. agentfer Wbitby. Dr"«"al lhcbrou t lb.ceuntry testity 101h. gnel marleof Dr. Canions Stomeh a4nti utica Ittera.NoMedticinue cie »Il acta so promptl lu eoriog Dya- popuata, indigestion, biltimnauLiteCern- lt.Rae vout*rdi I W. R. là avo.gent Whlîby. A General Marin la nacdet vhan the frima t. conurnet vltb leer as i vhbaelov ire, hrougbl ou hy sluggUenees cf theskitinayaceo topidity cf lire liter; utekBot Bittera viibot onutheseystam likeaa ehéelal ngine,lanti semais ail lever andi regora te normal-s-et" of irell. Prie. 61.00, trial aise 10 cenle. P aucy Drinks. Bnrdcck Blond Bitter. t. net a Saucy drink, bat e puaemedicinal tuis, al. timnalive, laxative eut nervint, vbcse affect lu ta peify. netere anti huiltiu the impovoriuhet blond andi enfeeblut body'. Pria. $1.00, triai aime 10 conte. Dr. Fowler's Extract Wild travberr Cures cancer of th. somieb and bovela, dysentery,choliera morbue, anti al "For dyssntery, diasrhes, anud *Il sum. .nereomplalnasuse theirM eaest cf 4aU punre, simple rmtlaD.Pw*' EXE&-ror cWILT>Siumer. Ilt pl1 eaent, rapiti. railable anti effacliva. Fr vale hi @JI dealoe. T. MILBUBS & CO., Proprietors. »rlgta DISeaSe cf the Kdaeys, Dia&- bele. No dinger from lb.. tée i.e If yen use Eop Bittr; besldes, bezng lh. biesI 'faniy medileine ever made.. Trust no other. laeNotices of Birih., Mamqa, a"t Duethu ochargef 50 COnta sach. )ROWE-At lMaple Oustve, Whlýtby, lite daptain Boy,, ýlu lb. &th Ywet.o ber ege,. Colewcu m M ., *Padl 10 8L Feu Wbsat........ 1 ai9 .y............,.. 76 80 Oct.. .......... a * 9 0341 Ha,...............075 07 Cioesei......... 0 *4;0,9 clover m.....-.... 440 S1 M ......se i ............. 012 014 BUWced- ... ............ os 02 s !eason, we hav'e made spéci Furnishing Goods., In Gents" our, White and B. cugitomers, au very Completea and choice stock of Geuts' ]Iosiery, Gloves, Ties, Scarfs, J3races, lUmbrellas, Collars, CufTs, &e- An immenise'stock of American, Canadian and English HIats, ineluding the celebratedi Woodrow's Hats, in silk & fur. À' ful8tock of General Dry CLood8& this weeCa A -large 8tock of'Carpet8., Tailorinq on the'8I&ortçet notice. .~ Millinery in a- few days. -0j je. SWhutbye Maroeh 7th, 1882.- RaIl andi Couifoot le the Safferlog «Bm'a Ho ouasxô*&a PAracat bas Do equal ton reivng pa, boat inteianud maeni-Il muîiain luthe-slde, bawk or bovels, Bore Thrcab, EBeumatbsa, ToothehaLumlbagoanti"anay Mie!c pain er ache."4l y ut el urely quloken thre Bîcetianti nu, sa ilsating power t. vonatirul." *Boqma HnouÏltiPana. cea," bcbng ackncwladgeti a, the great Pain Rliover, anti of double tbe usth I f any obher Rilir or ;Liniment la the vorîti shoulti h. ln ove" faxllY reaty fo j ue vken vanteti, "as*aà eally in aheb.oat remetin lthe voriti for Oramps la the Ilia. d antiluforsasie by a&U trugglataet U5 ceule e bottie. Top off vtth a uit cf Pie. Wbat a pecular Americen custeni, au nti du bich, 'tagetirer vith bol otbes anti &%un o f bltes, laye lire fonnila. tien fer firul-clucas esof dyuppa- Bettr ue Bumdock Blooti ittant. Prices 1.00. trial aime 10 centf. .Na Wander Meny a mantm lave bau beau lurnet lute loathiug an account cf unuigbtly aruptions on lb. face, ant i o! b. offensive broath cf bis ine... This trouble cuit bave beau atoldeti If ahi euly ha t ens onough te nueBnrtock BIot Bittes. Prie#1.00, trial ufre 10 caste. NEW ADVERTISEMTB. TUBE EECIA.NICS' LIEN hCT.l in lAs matter of GEQ.BBO WN BUCK WILLIAM HZ WALLAB p UUl UANT te an prder for sale madin this eause, there Win b. sol& i th thi tuob o~ f Geo. B. Dirtnefl Equr &= JUP1the c l.County cf,nlaro I the Hotelinb GLEN MAJOR ut On. o'cloch in th.eaflomicn on XONDÂtY, the 2tth day - ~ I 19,by Levi Falrbuàka. Alaien. sefo=ongLanda:- The Dafandants titI ea at taredinti laofathelb West half cf Lot NnmberOn» lu t b e enth Ooeaso f th. Tovuabbu of Uzû.ldg44- Marti bb sa ncreof laudeingtbefflé what te6ovu as the Primi va. ts Ohurcb on ngb Pugb'sLot anûisaabcd lb. Uxbhitgo Roati Therstb a Frame Rouas on lt.e,*ia bail acre. Thé right cnly cf tha sali Defendant wfl b. »MIinlu sala promi;bVla-iht toa ccnvsyiacofrom on e ils ",.-sma pon of ne the lb.m f01#anadintarest freo TRMUS.-Ten per cent. on -the da yoc sal andil.blneviM brydy standing onditions cf thecCourt cf Cha. <'70,tbar prticularsani conditions may b. hati fron G. 'Young Smth. Solicitor. G.IL DAIITEL#l, J»4'0, cuby ofOtal AUCTION SALE 0F VAtLIIABL FARM PROPERTY 1 M Tm lathe Comîr cof Outarto* Mthre viiib. saion Me ONAT, the S»U tiay et AM LéSit ne0'omlok la ir tira Tbvn of Oba oilnnafp 0an viii be iarotiuet tba Township - c f ly.OoulyetQue, tn a i nlghlF *OeMoMsiid at Bit t utu , me , vr ,B'Bsyteba.tent of 06- tarchm tire t aile. n wdo f i For furthan artioulÈs,.e =mmm»c' th* UBO.hLAW"PZ5 .8llIcnMsuibd1, oma 0 10tDÂMncr 01, 80. 4 WANTED., Az~Ap"rEnoI a' ieB NEWÀ ])VI àTIBEMENTâ. TIN TEE HMGRCOURT OP'JUBTICER.a .-OIiOncaRETDIVISION. CHANC-ERY,,SALE, Puroupnl bolieDecrie.'anti final cran 'ferU esie AY enl.theTE vi i(be oit wlbTir ) Mast e t b u i l itby a l o a ailber Ba on EONDAYte tT e TonshpTo y ulevb Fairans, Acna.snsMe irte fortvlgm Lanthé la on. eciTr Norheeasuo ennt iq on cf «Le m e'ba4>ts I tla e oasco;e h euhpc Po"kar hé. r atisneas re Fery ty cgaorayerlem., ai aa ml lalronoftgagttra aintusif ad Tndeâeutareutiren tT r cs I ai tnd. cleere te antitracr ue pirt1 l24rft, t semn coai,on T dha sntlani lea t idre=a *bcftvner muleg hm oGIr aid lanti, anti bout oné milee*nces romBeelag Théai n oar anc tanti hait atoniesh i l t.ed si thé inabutot m ontr m an Mln net fumnisi »Y atact ur th= a eBe- altner'm bstréact orecpy thee. Tire tire expoea1 tre oouvyncble ITire properly viihaselti aubjeet te a mdtguge vinaiiras hen esugucti te G. You omi mti nvblah hore lunov tue about $M0, vras ey romain en sait pro- porty, or tire purcase :aiyPpayai the îsiar.anti give e monlggoor $0,t a main on said promise et 7 par cnt.lbsu vilain tva yeers TERMS.-Ten pur cent. ca the dey of m il vuho requiradt t be paidt thIe Vend. cr'a salcitor, antithe baisaco vilain oua mautentlredsau, or $50M s aieys.mayi; main te b. ecari by a menbgage on sl praperty *il7 per cent. per mauim. là Uilcther reuiecto he ermeanti candi. lions of salaeame the standing condtitons cf i. e outof Chancory. Funther perticularu eauh.budfrornG. Ydn SmithOouor on tram tire nader. Wirlby, Apnu,iont,18. Bni RNOYAr. HOTÉL. a. W. BAmBgY,- - prpionio. ilUnd ht a b yslrpnleter lb.heyovI U otel viii b. outtousasa tulA. able aec fctlo r ho t. table re suuppllet ilth tha st cf evarybhlng lu saison, santitira bar vlir 1us$ton at an tnttlaa.Enleot yui Whibli1 prUi , U Ltî-le For S.1. or t«' but A GOD OUOGH -CAST OOMY - balS aiumrepleati vli ie "bcfng fru4t ovarlesa Ioira Uk go Wlil bhnubsi r u»Mtio esoneble terme. appalyta j or ta DAVID ORIMTN# lb.TovfetWtby ýf' a,3 . OWLIt vf . au. Capiwtal udal w wliutyu ManSaO~. e, women, boys ana girls ai 4.7heet4cwc orus. -Now Io thetie. 0wlleonwork àinspie re nly or rour ffr hle Urne 'tblb.' business. mb en e t home aud de tUé worL 1No at. osns 'wlU paryounearly awefl. No on. cm i bmû. àencrmouszii by egong et Once. CoOutlil an tra bl. Nfm idiefast.sud atibonorabi IArss an hOc, uguata.Mai.. -U HOUSE TO RENT. C O3TAMflB IGHT BOOMS la gocti ordsr; gazde sudgooi ;aï.e Apd o MS. DÂNFORD. Whltby, March la, I&1. 11.1 GOLDSMITH'8 HALL. NEW GOODS TO HAND. Waltham Watches, Key and stem winding, s"sothe Patent dusý proS! case. Ladies' Gold Watches, the funsi stock I have over shown, qualty guarmnteed sa dpri. os th.lowest possible. Walnut, Niokie and other Clocha in grat 'rety. Electro-Plated' Goods, a fllU stock. Parka, Spoons, Dinner and Tem Kaives, 'n lu PIsted, Icrand imitation Ivory HNdiMs. Piokie Frames, Omuets, Batter Cooler, Berr Dishes, Cake Baskets, CardBeocvee, . SPECT-ACLES, TO SuiT LL IGS.- JÂNES JOIKNITON P O W~L Id NEW A D V ,11S EMENTS. SPRING TWEEDS à CLOTHS-.! The Largest and moat oarefully eelected stock in con.nty, and at prices to defy any competition. AND GENTS' FURNISHINGSe ,&P 33C> 'rrMc>M £W1 Garments made to order order on the shortest notice, sud in the latest style of fashion. READY-MADE CLOTHING- Constantly on hand.-Something nobby nobby in, Boys' JOHN FERGUSON,' TIIE BIGGEST BONANZAYETýý,! -0 --- à lbs. fine Liiquoring Japan Tes for $1.00. Choice Green Tes oly Tw.enty-fiye cents per pond « Choiceet Green, Black ana Japan Tes, 8 Ib. for $1.00.. 12 lbs. Bright Yellow Sugar for $1.00 cash.- Pure freah-ground Coffees, frm1 25 cents per poundat c V COURSE or PEEPABATION, AND WXLL. SHORTLY BE PUB- A HISTORY COUNTY 0F 'ONTAkIO.- the (Bdtlor of tb. Wamynî' Orsorxc,) IN 033 fLGE HAIIDBOMR, OVO.. VOLUME 0F 600 PAGES. HITRcomneelug vltthe em- b eCrpeaon émeErl eutn of thce 0 ino"ieton tvire thge fo lAppno mont. "-Agde r's~ SIMON FRASIER'Se A ohoice stock of Family Groiemies àt lowest livng prie A LIG AD'VÂnrIED.,ASSOITXEN 0O HIA) CIOCERY NI~GLASSWIR2,- AT 'uE IEAT»EF GOXlTXION, Beéautiful Obina Tets prces tosà Ir-ROmTEE XOST: '0IT]ROI CE Il 000 MDtAUIC TQOI' ' ÂBLy CAlaiSOL hUIT O*iMIR Oie N.- B.-Iighestcash ~W PRIU boa mao toe SEED WHI" 800Bush.Ib Amuscd SEED WJ Thora le, alr aI1, ô* 01' bon. ci onateton lxa hev« Ibet les ut 1m heu Tire qugei> M00 W e$r8 -.00- A full stock of Groceries. Quande lot Iii> P.seO a lot on ince o anretcf l 18sy reoey le fg he r"porttia un ehillpe t painlen. ,nêey con. n lire dock. ibîdoules ,rarriot ta, ou s0.1.17 y.to ldeet fur iyaan stlI'heomne Natharine 24 yeors of ail.Tira t, 1 -î- DUN]51"T., WHITBY.' 1 sets 1 1 1 March 29, 1882.

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