4à ke-aU.mosaeYoung gir.I reaaritcbowm eceYousng egi A r el fr rolmehay areibm oor A i fiaw.bor4l, Yong SWoo du i 0 00D r G1orbcs Ma Pccs lycom& rt tmg oto et à *. vmnS paeli#Wtat mature i a cetin Verio4. Ifihre ilemore Uic. one kUd fatIre-amoe ld, Ilà dWelgble t. haw Urss il maite ai abdui the-, %ee V7short ltruc of clovefre. *ve,, théechater varie imU h tfamI sud elovmrire dWared. 'GUmwih long owk"*hcobnt&Rw»»OM» fllage tear th* groud. T o a*mot 1~ »aslure. They do' *uilfécbhdei ibe ettyaeor bbe,a.em tim l r its sost vanulsi lgiévat 4be reomeof th iuts from beomlag dry. For a tJw but te. k6d I #etgamee ar le ftwcl; d4t prl<don quires fut eottraby, tey tll . laIdte cure. For a peasti oesvot,*We wantgraS- et % th -.& ire Wreot, hýltc &Pd, Çfw uer ut goW*tb. -We neaèd sme1biit wtll $priong peryuBelegt asd etbers chat viii b. lte ir prime la lb. foâ. A-eooneto upply-'ci ugm* 19%»ove cwhatla,,becdad. a b us'é obte.d l>y hb.frct«4 ilead ut.e o t! Vzmol nthe. TharaS14,4. aftr baýbavé t*coomo llcchd Th ik Je .e ,oCa(4iit,wh dsnlailj -dap"teê i j.ud atl 'tEeCuN u ýq#hIEJ. #ei~çrepI oqc a à s IMM& à mà maa te à laI name r n.ç rpiy. ýT% vrni ý ýý11 ,inbdon repaled, the irl 'ePluqd: yifan, bdi. Mlnitcfl y. nlb'eli bzlng we -corn e ? h . elarbked lhëX1I è " Lonadale, wlthr Lordi Wkbi1W% , yl' alord. Courtenay, andin faut nearir aIl thie diarepatable sud, bankn~pt Zngllsh of old* Pord and satin »4 e-. Oows »a cate are prlnted on Engt- llsh fabricu Qnerlous peopl-The Chinome Evilsphrie-Âdglterated liquors Ski amen*-Oheattng ilaâtbl d..4 Boas uf tb. Bible haît MisP44J bt urodern borte. are rntbems otalllng a mran a liarî An immocciit person aked an eitOr the diffiece betot oa ywop rcal. ý'be differ"0e IV$ a 4locuta ckigrl and au old hm q ot a i vbic 5*0 cincu *01e a s" 10* ler teeugcle, W Som*e POOPlWS bad habit c o f ag remembe the periodical hodi4>,o oftthe Freoo>rnlan, wâqodeolmr$ tl Iauted abê oi lxwesha. A Word of Cauieu. As t ueallythecame -Wbcri*îan ar&i pi, f ia. entbasattelrd a wonld- wlde rptlu ydawolrýAI re bave done, certain oupi6l'eà partw*ca bavs endeavorsd, io initate tbhe,sad e;qpffl-so tdqca au, aeupnting pubý.v lie tppris heir frau&nlent warrm trio Bitterà ,AIta rg~atelt "d take üOIe tothré. o14 by V.- L Upoe ai 50 cia. Tb# Ooctoes Secret. Pîrbab1ý o iuw diveioprnuinl moore anrpnise Ibo public, ibuiotamfl tesecret of sucees ef urtain leadia pbà fi rd. ..4ýaIna' Ib thdu- * wr*Xtta mir 0M uw m o ouu~c gmsquawgýe ~~ t*b*d. The iaili lte cret!,suaU tV rt h mn be 101. gt tir ccit-2tws Trial boti1s Daà Pà usue ai hekos ParrvDavl ThePaIn.K.ler ulr se ilu~oby aUr'o; T? TE EthNÃ"WM TO ioi lruy boMsz pai, z.a5 y.0"eb %,es 1a 1d b-ujdesi ub i a ha keymad opium. lIy protracied over- 7 latte*r peth Ie stizlatien ofthébere,.centm ree rire tlks vil nos be saiet- augee'sre tedtwhicbe sSlb.th a ui* RMwtb nutritionof th~e gDffll -&Bd excit, a ~e.Tb* uc fm c! a "i tkblty t-l acitri 9c oreythe le bmore sud my be tvUeuriwd Io Wbsre lucreasd fuutlomdlactlti r~"iZ Plng - -The Poruviazi 5yrup adm' tbey heeme a*,,.lci. hIawl& wIh l inealmm LA ofg eo* ,Ma aM 8o*Id, n~,5oÃŽ Tot'm idi, Zhewa e Ae,-C hi :KNRBY. V.4f ON &0 LN»A~a ADDL-B-IY OMNI.BUSES WILLiA4~MPO RIWAY TR AI NS. C C ~~a~trOm T~.. .........TH R ~~ ,"BB Â T,4& ~J~8 TbsoueaIO rsae Ueofr. A yw. Tow*'i a' PâfçkLotB - ag ~ FOR SA LE. Ohôil choi JONFERGUSe ifine iÀquoring Japan Teafor OO - [ce Green Tea only Tenty-five cents per pound. oeet <reen, Blackc and 3apan-TeISr iO~ as. Bright 'Yellow Sugarfor 1.00 Àash. EVtdzi4-?44bc~ ~.ÂN~ÂÊg e 1~. ~ Pot~~. B? ~ olred D1ün*W Sets -at Iêp Y iir cnm A, Otel ~8IMO FRAE~ - DeroDuî;le, rôif., Whitby. iP as picȔ,,aid for ay quaît SUITA BI E It gR An niIusesto-k,.froïm,-whidh to~~ and ý flr4b$-y-low été., ~kas e~iy î Ji S ýt %u- ai Ba1ttm~ore 8t~, Baltlaiore, Md Piliabarfi, l'a.. 857 ~ ashit dot, Pa., 0cr. 9thhWainu~ Deverell's Block, Brock-St. Whitby I Ifors somelrs that att oveea s m2Ien~ilb Tà get MAT P9 014, pet 3. i mosta' AoR-22M MdOBYI cm~ T- ftrmiti 4 Me 0, k u 1 ý ut &I dromýu Zï C -KED xuc