eNTAILIO f q~$?. ERANOH ttRO%ÂS;DOWc ILINE pries', 0100pa -DICtLE CO.*' BINEMS. MÂRVE LS6 npeleni lady tu aI. wrh JavaI'. ala hbent sud te do am MIANS out of uataci 622e t a allcalen. t anr pattai $mi ucqipl et mlor oa of ainvetnton, va A.L 81;0W& Co, ilkiotra cf Patents, Wasahington, I. C. lYcu stw ibis advet- LUMBER 1 MRCHANTP "ffly o!f.au km.>. cf la à îà a «tll o ba tueag, NIL It Tirad t1 Bliis lvsya ouk r. 0 Iy-fO ICOPITO ~apor Baths. éftl tuhu b mtau, Celui., (ouseton. ,skis Dlee aus, luJ. F:=saPevr d far *particolai ly aî l fr,. 0, eoepaclly Syphilts, y çouc.ded thal bath talLa arthehuti tL vithin tbe reatît af luà voopunetian wtî a palot la more i-sp. liant thet world tram paevai SmThie a-va mc tthe City taj. 7 ta - c n, à c ail Il p ni. Ltils, 10 or Btl lit e etc-St; là -RT. W ENT. ive maIe and fanile 1eeliadi ABRISTES ATTORNBTS. B0L10- OFFICS-72 ne $rat,'et h Dominion Baank, and Cotier MUSnM yonae-Smila. Toraul. 0. A. OIJLLIYAW. WE. PIROUE, October 9rd, 1. -0. Y45 JAMES KZITH GORDON, 11AMBSTIIR & ÂTTORlfY.AT.LÂ'W, lu iorinCbmoay. Oouvlanoe, Nota"y Publia, &0. OMeec-DILUdAa St, g:81 door wvsal ofArmumrngs Hol. IlOnO o aLou-Prla oftnm-atlo1e DAVID ORDIISTON, B.&., ATTDIINEY.ATI.AW, SOLICITOR IN~ C.Chancory, Con vsyancsf, &o. 01P1W-lI1l theOifica eSouth of the post Ofice, in MoMillans Block, Ijrock Street, Whitby. lyiO0 RB1INSON & KENT, (Là ,-auDuooîw & hauîttmos.) BÂRITERSAT-AW, ATTORN- OPFICH.1fl Vitoia (Chambons, No. (.1 ;.fTUNLi sHiTil, L L. Bi., B ARarfStR, &o., &.-Money ta Losa l> teor nt Mariago Licasa.i. orrxcs-Over Dominion Banik, Whitby. lsn. 22, 1878.(t- Jri'o. G. ILILLEY, à RllISTEW-AT-.LAW, SOLICITOlR B in Ohattinry u aslvency COUVa1. sucer,ka 09500Ro-Deverl'5BoýBrcc Semet, Whllby, Ont. J. IIAMER GUMENWOOD, TTORNEY AND SOLICITOR, CON- A vsymucer. Ntary Publie, &.-Post Office raver Noc. 11, WhitbY, Ont. Parmm bonIsaMd go ld ; marriagl etBala Eman# ica, sd Truastemode ecialtis. Lo»amnepate4 aun ail inds ofi roperly. ClIARLES C. KELLEIR, ATTORNEY.AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN * Chao cmuvyms., &.,mig IL. T. BARCLAY, *(T(OC&L REGISTRuiT 0?, THE HIGE court of Justice; Rsgtstrar af th. Surs-agate Cort;, Clark Of thae ont! Court, &c. Offie.Lauort noua.. whiby. JOUN HALL DOW, B il Cbio caty avoyam am8. Offia-Dsstll'mBock, Brock lroaS, MONET TO LEEXD-PrStsl Funds - lu sume up oleuO6, a aloy raIe ai M. JOUN A. MoGILLIT RAT, (Ssoasaci 10 B. M. RIval!.> B A1RIBR ihATTORNE-T.LAW, etay piblia. &o. Bollatler for Ibm Doualla nS. Oumb.-Nesnî £acrte Maan oas, Urbnda. Out. m2 LYMAN 3ENGISB, itL L. H., I.ARIBTER AT LAW, SOLÇTOE D B Cbsucary, Couvaym ef,84s lu- J. E. <AILBRAITUs 100 flIADVATrB of Oee'smasudViooa 'C! Untlte, bomber i tise OcIoga oi PhyamionMsd SurgoanUi, Onlaro. Oimrci-Brock-St.. Wbitby, Oui., (ibroa doam outb ai llod I BsteY>. 17-46 a. 'J. GURN, a. D., cURGBON TO THE COUNTY GAOL, OByron Street, Wbitby. Win.te. EtIiN, .D.., M.R.C,8- G -1U9.S IUOSPITAL LOND>ON, lING.. the Ib ye iR.(0. IR. L., (utlaw&, Ontarto.' C A RD. -A T l)R . O<RT Phyudiaati, Sur80a, fuchér, &o., &C-. Whttby, Sept. îoth, 1874. 4o 8.J. il. BIl", ev',paper %i.L dvert,.miug Agent, 41 Park Ri' (mitW elltultlg,, Nr .w York,Osm autmorgzed t., ceosn. tti(r tdverti*e- meelsl intie (flImiONCtil tt Out best rate,- c1 W. ADAMS, E SLIND047 1M TABLE,' CLet 2bd, 188. WOMo &OVLU St IL .JAMRSONS RGrocoty 8taort, Dundusa., Whitby. c c hauts Irom 9SI .m. t19 n., and Item 1.30 la 6, P. M, 1'eadece-COos. -ai Byron sud Obibeul tre*t.. C,N. VA«, sD5 .eeapruip les cf Usaheeas, vtas saisamitbe tpalu, sMdamgModmat4a beTath Oed tl O4114 *Pcl r - eslsn*aoedlbetUis b mSurl onhi fût -* RAY'8 eod 58q7radCigCOKQXYAioN 0TA ITE-0, the LItenbt"l3-e PSl W-Uaior ,aF Llure-sud Chiore. Ceaeicua I*rblelama l aySabli d Bo==ard M.t attacha BR O ltbe Iuclet, 18aaM.Pr Wtly ROes A biHnuOfad T0cmisdmeL Gc parI TI vAut hla r!t -Ra. 0. WrIOWSE, rrier. DrujStore, WHITBYY ONTARIO# 71 KN-TEATTORONTO. Pony le lI? Tollieta. Sltt~KIlek u pca Balte- Ooclosa. Dominion Wood Work8, WHJTBY. Geo. Cormack, Corner Brook sud Main Stroote, n 1h. UMBBER MERCHANT & BUILDBR. S Village ai Brougham. J -A la-rgeWuuplYaf1Bullders, purnlsb. Firu-cIas accomnmoations. Boit Llqnors tage ,sud «Illktulof Twted Molduusgs, and Cigara. Gacti itabliug sud attentive D1ma, Raab amd Bîlidu. Laitier. LI)31mana-wholesale sud rtIai, cri,>' THIOMÂS POUCIIEli. PIlOPRIETOIl Icy theacanloati. Plantog, mauldiuige cf svety descrp- L ICENNED AUC'TIIINEER for the tien, ?leorlcg, Shsetlug. Shalvtng, Re- Coantesni Yran udNorth sud South snwlug, Shaping, Tutkng. Scrolli-vrk, Oetccrta- Autian salesacf real usaais farm ctc , etc. stock, ete., attaudeata modorata charges. Whltby, Octth. ,1878. -48 Atidreis T. POUClIBR' lttiy fLoi 47, llroegbam, Ont. c Lie at pu thn Bc ENTRAL HOUSE,1 OSIIAWAt ONiT., W. B. McGAW, - Proprieter. lîret-elaaeioneaal.BatWs, iqar. and Cigamu.Goal eIabliug mad tetives Lostiers. Iy-17 VHRITBýY HOUSE DuNDASST, "TBY. The undealgud vold itimato le th. ubbc îLeS s aboyapramim s bve botn ewlybutmsd fittal up througbout, for, eo sccomuutatlan ai goata. Beut Wlz.... âquotsansd Cigara. THE CRuAM ce CANADA-~ - WAt.Z LaEuR. Alao purs Ubine Wise. LUe, Wisoia- ase sud Ilelai. eoarderm taken by the yack on mnodot- ate terme. JOSEPH A. BANDELL.t- B3LACU HORSIE UOTIfL, Oc».. FmoWv & GsomaoaBru, TORLONTO. AtLPB.SD 01702Wý. -pRiOParoiBT (Ie ai Wllingtau Balel, Markbaua. TRRI&B. 51.00PElR DAY. 090d à alb- tng far ovar 800 harsa. irsI-cleas scm- madatan, for farmer asud tis a ov.lliug public Lnueral. - YU- THE O»GSON EGUSE,ý (aI. Tmo*ty OLaya TPhé abattîpeamisMehava benau knbyý lb. cuiadsgud,tan &Ma MWa n o nz à ued up lavt ba ree.pUo4ai g lb. uraain< publie. Bell WlUea. lqarm, cigare,&o. emista '%t lî1g, sbed romu, Md lauln-, tlvm *adet. THOS. SLEIGH) HOUSE & SIGN1 TL--GP.P Ry ba e&eul "- viaklasgeoulratmy be Uaaamlrtui MON EY TO LOAN!1 $1000oFou InvE8mEWtf. ON RIEÂL ESTÂTE SBCUEZTY. AIlovoot lving ratas afintarut Monoeygmerd vithin 10 laya of &p- Apply o10 m WbIlby, Pabruary161, 188. K 1f BROTHERS, WHITSY, ONTAIO, lmpaulmea, DWm »ictusd m fals t Kist.a0a. «ETHRAND Ff NDI#YOO# aSELTDIG UMI1Tuon»IEEO SHORT ]ROTICE-, A. A. POST. am ii XqPPIXOE 00.1 EW. M, limagar, Mouts. AGOtEBTABJIEE ICAlA. Md. nOtYRSE.niy- Agaul, Wbtby. Wbilby, Apati 9M, 18e8.16 B"""81'AMBÀG Ass8urance Company. INCORPORATZD x33 88SE T8, 81,101,87689DL P. A'L BALL, luanranosa sO.ast théb. ýmz Sourmul rat, ou Buiflg, Marbuia u tm property, apluat 1c04or8amgaby.dsa Wbitby, 4WprilSIOM 87.1 MONEY TO LOAN W. B. Bi« DiGns , SolAclIoma 0 Office ove: Omilarlo Saab, 10-If Wbltbyi llANgINM CLASSES8 i .I.Y. viicommUM lu tbe cours c a vaaek or mc, vbmu li e i .preparad, to giv lneutmt u &U lb. tatsal Bau..., in- im beSmrZatBOUemz. th. latter the uoostut Uo ba7 a so maolîtb lb iom JumIna 'lw btra M, "I' aom o 11 to O e'e6 0e00 Theom Wlahlg h ated "ofIr i Uag lasavIplaaam Imva Ibair umaevil Dua. U, lem!Wbb7 BPIIOLINE LOTION." Baiveahru u u, n 1wsa. mbteemtaLtheftraa me. l eto hm ar lSe BWlaas thdis, ithâailea Ssadp4 c 0f pamaou a , 1 isas o iin"u e.brbr The faoe touobdWllh divine duit-- iabliflJn ;~mîhe 1100y" wbar 1 Mtad ya" U Cris.e@liat a revseUa Deu »Wa xon ca"o b.gitan, situ .manùgaga la shol .ln, 'Orbe» &areDo .onisu,ho replisu. 8h. quiok rearud lb. jeal, "Womeu arethera ; Ibol 'm âmrad Tbsy oannai Sud a prisaI1" HElNRIETTA TEMPLE. À LOVE STOBT RI. HON. BENJIMIN DISRAELI, BOOZ IL WBu 1uop ueiiNt uuctuAs ASEIIulz diapalcled-tbm prmtenetusas tAr minà tertnd afly in te urlivs Tisey vaUt i a - t-IreaI be A Plue on the dayaftar tdia wrov. i dsn =6aatthoeaepiatea s îabl isaut. Th isa a of l t aIate., Lba lbaruinea Latdv, u sairnoalms terribe mas Madream.Ilr.eoaIhad<tw hlm", lb a horadfulueulti omas bisa Ilculi.. Haed quittei i{ fmllyt hlm faà lly vWh*verw mc datoitelm, amdt *hm 1 lemc Iiaed ha» ,-aa baIlle cf Newbuy haà a witnea eL ,xltinotia of or lumil* a. veil as aur * AposTage, snuneais* eerage sne yora, la a nue tbisiâ," muiid Hantlatta Tmple, oa- very -fine tling;'but I wcrul4 not grleva, if.ý I were yCe4 . fer the& ; 1 wCanld moner bl i Âu rmine, mg,'thom i baýnot.'f n, sarn aI hU 'twaoyi apie o!v thé-150 ca>, i zea tentlb ritaaIlhIa1. lbL ôi; ant safb ml.ry contfes Idw o nt - vre dly-belevc-fnlb. the Mazy7 e "May yau noaverprv 15.relo arnse tbls! aisl p.êôl1wy p f.a vlumrlee of in i bodh sway, ad tig obu i l rce, o n* Ha uddul7r~mmed- isa e uiua travelo, receuntdau'.atialr ii sprlghllhaams and rapliad ta Misa Tem- ple'. livaly rama-km wilh gayoly snd readins. Tha mrnrnng advanisoed; Miss Temple claeed ber portfolio, and 1fisiteti her floes, isvting hlm le fol- low ber. Hor inevitation vai ecaroely necssAry; bis mevemeole vere regula- lad by bars; Lehaassnefalîbtul le ber ase Lt badow. From ba oenertlry tbey esred 1h. gardon. Ferdinand, wam se fond cf gardent as bMe mimîroea. %abepralmod the fBcwor.gardeue cf Ai- ,mise. He gave ber smrna acount et lia prineipalcoster. The obarmalerofGlsm.. 4o tur>' hi blysula-aalad im wli. Lava 1 ,ja onJs1.is, ; l h -u fa', O iet, wsre pro: r0asaf elSir curage, -bo&h.. nue la canlide on-barTéS-tbns lis look, breatho e hi Lsd deuê ilu ié hie.iniaral, hlm erwhlmnngdalai, imll 1h.rouditmiglal be- <afcid. là W piera&ngaegnt~i igh be- abrokonsî - eaonly and pcverly; but, toitswIa -vaI -u grapple vll it o epgndng ri-;Nw bisfllmbnis,-a- vwa oct b. pricle cf hie farnily thn hat aloa& beli n hlm anti lolve: ilWaa hie owu oulpabla sud bearlou caler. 1 nHa oaered his face wilhbisl handa; scmelhlug icuahad hlm lighly; it vas the paraol f Misa Temple. "I6 arn raid," mIre aid ti. "halMY> viaite bave weared yen ; but jeu have beau tory knd ad geoti." Ha ramseiapidly witlbas mUgLI bluab. "Indeed," ho rapli, "I have paased a masI delighîful rnorning, sd I1va. culy regralling IbsI lite couialed cf auyllaing ime but Cottages snd ycur- They vor te 1; bboy beard te fBrt disnet-bell at Ducie ase L>'re-culereti ,tLe vped. "Wemuet burt>' an," sad ýMies Temple ; dinnor la the oui>' ,ub- ject on vhioh papa la a lyreul. Whal a sousel 1 1I wcederi iLdy Arm. yuil roture ce -,Saturda>'. bW he h roburnaIbr1111 , UmaL. ber à ll Mipen ugu,1êg w.irettoa. cpytel 1h. pie- uiad eue 2,b onde aâ mave I*ha~ Payin, soL-] marras sogIb ai naof thes-e.wlVa~ nalra lric iatattug it nio- prmp o otaitreed iL '~. a ana thre ivnulmân. - 0 Itvis>' did Ibis nighl ave:, baveanau CHÂPTER KI. à NOBUIlO WALK. Il va. a sliude thal breuglat dompasr, te Ferdinand Armine, The mmel lha. vas &loue his eamitluatio brua ilmoif, upan bim ; the maoment lbt . ~a quilledth îe prdhence af. Honuiella Tom--l pie, Le. vae as .a usanuderlth'- luc.etfmusio vbeu l. p rcheelra sauddemlyeloe. The menroa cfÃallmB inspiraion fsilaed him; Ibis l~Ià s z0t, ,aDuaie va. dreatiul. Slaap vaseut çif questlion;-bha did ual aiscS evonlM. kimiae-z ftretl;u, bu't',"'"aedrup ud dowu bis roons b.the hle sstà t, or. . .g.Is 1#sif, vlieuel~iâ,uô ul'asiacaOsquiue deh"~m th.emootuen oauptlor y pas uvseass ave-su a 'a' asuvmm va. povarful *Boueb-,$, -mfWalbc ,SBeo 1my f<alLe Mamie hbaud lis <r o î iudev. - l m an ma !neal hlm." - 60 , oeUiL lora osoer, uulinofdpliy.80,e olevaru the aI aimulb tadue ore il. laper cen-oùr b. rqda ItlE bum*n rte 'by .be hpe om f the ilavW 10wrd-hisimtsCe.Tbe.qjsn mavert orgave biU keperfor 'baving inade hlm ridieul4ým baera the cmwvA samlulole~lf&ù i.perormatc 6n a 110.'.".tpnmnaet htheii. .'.' imoiaa sbeard-ouar.' Tb, vWouud lb.e vaulg'e ft lh.gvéesatcf f.mt! is laç,edaproua,lc Otzifl. vitbl ib~ ?tth le mo ost f moierpLa. ef a6 Logo *aler suaiso called tle "upc- cf th. iea-e-Braxil- Au accident ocon-ad tlaa other- day-.;Dnhe liaks cf 't4. Pie Axaumuby, avlug -101h. !oe-. cf oua cf tboeerepilem. A alave,ý tll aoenrcauspaulous vwdm* vslh h aua f n*ervr hme ea audanl asiaa b a uouruy, ud, lu -- 'p f.5-Ioe-l an :in4eile ( hia. pti$ion 01 , p na radod the maul o!fperdia iAminse, Wébéde Ils dorne,o eet i-Del pli u îLe aornc Iend -te léi&s mpou bla vibls A lere l C d kliie . melba Q~. Ml liéE PAINrER, liaI. with Lso à yI ]B7huk. ~CnevbiaauOblahc,- A RCHITECT. ,, I'WO DOORS WEST OP ABTRONG'S l HOTEL, DUNDAS STREET. a relorCbmtchaa ,IIlaitforlsPm Lri Ail Ordara prampily atauded ta. M-Onr o iapemoa asnlee Whitby. April 1d. 188. o igtnRoas, Pfckortng- ë 4-tf) P, . OBlox » 553 = C. N. VARS, L. D). S. LIVERY TL S -si TVNTAL -BOOMS ruaoved irons At. T W- SIET b"pculmo4d Utaueo D/ kiema'. Irugsattire tg toomu oveffl :Wu bssau~t*y-caréledon r t 81366 & Shiley'& stoa.. Lug-.t Osma. . J Cy.l.rlnglé,auan vil! be laisla l Entrauceon KIug Stret. - - i ttsmd,er heRa. l etil l bm*s. bu w,îdedOb MSbr f rL&n-T CLA55 4«Otp»s, NewIov rm4ia $6 ak lu jour avu ao. G$Ontii B it 1110%as * lOiOOdyttaIibt Capi talueoat.W e -iSfr.ygl5'y tunesa. Ladies makes am inusbsdofman, sud bay au-girls madie gréat puy. Reaa 19l - f gra s s b ime jas n S, rl la ftor . -. - - aliclat laH. ALLi-vhCo., parlIauti, VI! lili!1fhSi !L aiea. -il SIISW Ain Lu .51IaU1I~ Havsifor e.e&Mt>O)QUIS 84ýXY" ~~~~A ~ o #'ffl(4RPO1 be ev ra M D i BO fB C O 9R-e. JOHN ODINOE'S Agotà Ursww .D. W. fARD"ISSINO ANTI SEAVIG - JOiNS WVEbyN A GMt P FOR IEELEBRATID Secltlh *Iitebl. At MarI! WotjpDRWIGA<1 DU-BBRD COTSWOLD- U V » LAND BSSK8HZRS ,uipa. WJ'. id. A(I-LLER, - Peu i n prarhal -~ ~ ~ ~ ~~çuc AND 80M Àcua4. SUOL - 1 1- Il 1 1 ý ri 1 1 Apply to- Wu. 13GDOBOIÇ.