Whitby Chronicle, 4 May 1882, p. 1

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~q"~*~ %te ~ih ~Tive -lie ger Rateeeto#, rui orly prsI.Oml staoicoee is )U8ifl688 Drect o ry5m ONtTARIO BANN, WRITBY. B'EANOH, TROUAS DOW, B[ussEs &ITCHIU .S BARRI$TBRS'& ATTORNEYS A T .LA-W, SOLICITORS IX CHANCXRY 'tic ~ flhOtU~, W. a. Bitumes, ~oeest1.Whltby. oqnxslyCrssAore. 4 ogu7blivIAN & PRD E BlJUS'glî,ATTOUNTîlS, OC OFFICES:-72 Torig Street, neit (ha Dominion Bank mcnd Ocorer Kinga ans! Tairge 81r'eetsTorointo- 0. A. O'SUW IVAN. W. E. PERDUE. October Qrd, 18W. 1-48 JAMESI KZITU GORIDON, B)AllîBU$=t l& ArTOIUYR.AT.LAW, 1> Bole inlaChanêeesy, Coavoyaneer, Notary Public, t&c. Ofice-Dundas St., fitt dnan s'est of rmmreg's RotaI - Monoy te Loa-Prkvsteo lnd-at loy antereat. DAVID ORNISTON, Il.5 ATTORNEY..5>T.L.AW, SOLICITOR IIN Chaucery, Cosrveyancecr, &o. Orsitri-In thre 0111 <i suth of t1'»Pos CIlIe, tu MoNtillanr»s Siosk, irot Sree.', Whitby. ly lu ROISINN5N RIENT, (LAT& Dt'o»N & êt otr>15i»i, 1> ARRISTERtS-AT-LAW,' .A'ITORN - L.eys, Solicitorag, Convoyancers, &ic. OFI>'iCu 0Vitoria Charnbea, No. 9, Victocla Street. 3.0 ttoslg,W. o. iiSawr TA. B E K,. G4. YosING wItTIl. L L. B., t>AIIIISTER, &-c., &.-Motiey to Loa tannser -tî Marriage Lîceuses. Ovî'ss-Ov'r Dusrnlu at, %Whitby. lian- 22,1se78.<s-6 B &uIILSrER-tAT- LAW, SOLICITORt 1ins Chanryty mos! lolvpncy, Conve-~ a,,re, -~c I.m.e"DoerhlsBlet, lrî,ck- tireet, WLsltby. Ont. J. i5AVRl 4REE>.W(OOD, ,\JTOTRNL4Y AND SOciCTToII.('N- Office Drawer No. Il, Whitby. Ont. F'e.n. is busl as-i sols! ;strrlage 88tthe- meut#. , ile andl Traste s M4 . r,1,,li l,oaus uegutii».' on ael kts.--of 1'oporiy. 42-!y 41IAIILE?' C. KEILLERI. s. TUI.d,4#YATLAW, iSOLICITORIN U on, (rockt, 0W.- L. T. BARCLAY. LOCAL ltliGlSTIttT OFPTE IE 1101 jCourt of Justice. lteslsrro<f tire Burrogate Court ;ClerIn of the Connaty Court, tic. Office in Court Bouse, Whithy. JOHN BALL DOW,. B&RRISITER-AT-LAW. SOLIClTOII i Cbamcery, Convoyancee, d'o. Offlee-Devarill'U IBlock.. Brook- Strees, Whltby. MOllET TO LEND-Peivate Vande - lisss rp 10 18000, at 1alow rate of lu- terest t.(ly-8 2 JOliR A. Oh.GILIVRAY, tsuccesbcr (o E. M. Hoseîl.) DAIiIITERJoATTOItNFIT-AT LAW, NUt*%y pablet&c. Sohicîtar for tIse Drzllnlant.. (ffic.-Nest dace ta Mancea nos, Uxlrrldge, Ont. -26 LYMSAN UCNGLISII, L L. B.9 1ABRIBTER AT LAW, SOLICITOR INI J>Chauoes.couavoyasicr,&lc.,&lc. eSm' eue Street, Omava.. J. e. GALBR1AITH, M.D., c' RADU&TE t Qsrea '-crs!Victoria i.5 Univeeslties, Menrlser ri thte Colisige of pùygcs oan as!Surgeons, Ontasrio. driors soulhi o! Ioyal Usuel). )Y-46 Et. J. GUNNS, M . i.UitGRON TO TUE COUNTY GAQL, slJByron i htreet, Wlstby. SFeh. 271k, M7. Proprietor. B iuTî8saAMBICANI HOTBL, <I.aTE 30505OU ev.) WEIT.BY, ONTARIO--, SBouse newly ronovateti and! turnlsheâ thrssaghoist, éadput in ftnst-olae attise (Ct the reception cai msas.An omdbus t. Mdt ito au altrains. ittml.c1s $&=Pbe oofls. sOUL or. ig àYrkam. oMn% D -T5U5S~JD5 Toux"4. ecomi)&I1 0 for Ouests. 0 NTABIO IOTL, B. aocs-Srnumrr, WITBT. .JOHN LESLrE, . Proprictor. (Lato ai the 8(moe BIoums, Toronto.) Gond Liquroro anu! Cigare. Coamaodious tabllag. Firit-elmes Livery Stable ans! Billiardi Faniorir attaches!. y40 T RE UNDERSiINED ha'nng leaed seshIis uany friends to ccli as!d see ha». Farmera ans! cIlies doing btunessa at the Harborewill lad goosh accommoda- ltIon. tcd' PLRAStHrLR-SIIEKHRSinsu ener v->l be providés! wth boatsas reaoable rates, GEOR5GE DBROWN, Wlr'Iitby, MareS. rut, 1S8-2,il BROUGHAM HOTEL, CorneBruet. and 'Main Stresss, ru thi - Vdllagc o!flrougisam. First-rlaas accomo aons. .11,st Liqnori anid Cigare. tiood otal(r'g sud attentives hstlsr. TIIOMAS POUCHER, PRt<u'IIETOR L *ýNN U TIe'NLER for sire ct'utin A YrkaudNoth nsu oti Ontario Auctî,,n &&Io* of ceci estate, faine stock, et.., attendes! at moderate chargea. Addresa, T- POUCHEiI, 60iily Dox 47, llrossgham,. Ont. CENI'RAL HOUSE, ONIIAItA, ONT., W. B. McGAW, - Proprietor. l-'sct-ciaesosn rrrdtus l5c iia Liqs.uorsuad Irgarh. kood esaiig ~anrd atterctnc.r booie i y 17 WHITBY HOU SE DCUNlAS-ST, WITIY. 're urcresgtssu)woolti stsoste k. tire public tuas sire abt)s,>preccaelhâve irea nèewly Irrift as!d i»seelrsp thir,,girsa, Ifor thie accommaodattoncf(i este. liest l'.nres, 4.squors an irsgCeue THE OREAM 0e' CANADA- cA.rZ LAGER. AIma îpure Rhiste Wrne. L&ger, Wiroe,-- salesbd Iteitai Boarders sakeer by uthc veet. onmoder- aeterme- JOSLPI'H A. 131NDELL. Jrly, 2851» 188W. 1U BLACIs HORNEtihOTE£L, Cria. Fes? vr& GomazSns., TORONTO. ALFRJED OXFORD, - PROPJIIETOR-. (Late of Wellinrgtonr IbId, Siarkhimn.l TERMS, $1100 PER DAT. Goos! stabi- ikg for one l300 bories. Pîret-clma actrois- asodation f or farmers cris!tihe travelling pubicseinogeucral. ly-4 TUE HODOSON HOUSE, (LaIe timro(ly O'Learyel) The &avie prearfls bave heen taken ['y the nndermtgired anti are uow beiug evhy listes!op for Use reception of gueta, ans the travelling puiblie. Bomt i nYes. liqocre. cigani, &c. Meals at aIl houes. Goous! tabllng, shres! ro, and air atten- tive otlee. Wtt. IDOSON. THOS. SLEIGH, HOUSE SICxN 1 PAIN'rE R, -Can now h olai Ma hSop- TWO D)00118WEST OF ÂRMSTRONG'S Wm.Mcl IIEN,111). iUIt.,1I, IOTEL, DUNDAS STItERT. CT»UT'S IOriiITAL LtOND)ON, lINO. theé ye Il. s0. IL L, Oeibalwc, Ontrio. A It A D. Plisyliloe>u>. 'isirge., 5 ucb[Ic. c Wistty. Sept. Mi, h.174( Rnw (limes *Iuildig),. New Y..ik, is at,,oissc-d c. cc,,,ur*ci Ofar dveritow- Mt-Ulm tu l1te 1<l1ON1O1l<.Iî.qou, WADAMS, IDE ffl rTI ST Il. IL it i J'USODPS flice ihuîre Ir us 9 a in. t» I-ilat., and (roa l. it. 6 c, P. r» (t>.»> .rus' -Cor. of Byrona LIlVj iertOd.Of l l the fflT test prtnciie (b:heant, bst. 1éth fles! sitIs Guis! mcdSilver. Teeth wÊtraeted wthont pain, by prodssctig local anosthes(m. Dent&l Ioom-in Cose- anewblok, cver AUinson'a Drug Store, Kng Stree, Othssea. 85 fl AIE. DBBING ANDi SHAITG Be Slon, Brook St., Witby. ioHn WoL>EIN-I)IINr rc'.'All Orlers promptly attendes! tai. -, Wbitby, Alirll 14. 1880O. -16 C N. VARS, L. D S. D E NTAL IIoOMS renîtsved tram At- kinsca's Drug store to rocmr aver Sirea & Shirloe cl sore, lOing-Si., Oshava. Etrtraire -nu King Street. Corner 1 oyl(o CHINA HALL,ý axox or T» u q une, rs EisTaSEI) 71 KING-ST.. EAST TORONTO. Pancy Breakfast anti Tea Bots. Panay Dinner &ud Dessert Bts. FaaeY sdro ue. - ?",,y Jlu ati apole. Blver Plates! Knlvem, Forka ti fpad«ne: Bilver Plated Omeuts aiButter ir. Bilver Plates! Calte Baskets. Ilotgerm' Knlvem anti Porkm. Tes Trays and! Rerve. Ployer Sbladea for Llly's, t&c., tic. Glzass-et, ahidescriptions. WitebaStono e ae, evsry iind. Rotai and Bar Gondse. GLOVEBRHABRISON, Importer. Dominion Wood Works, *-% WiT'ýr- Geo. Cormack, L UMBER hIERCILANT & IIUILDER. L -A large mnply cfBuleiFri ings,ow &I sud ealTiitdMoldiiugs, Dooro, Sasb sud Bins. LUXIDER sebolebale sud relail, or by by thse car lcas! Ptsnlag, Muuldirigs af every decnrp- tion, Flaaring, Sbcctiug, Bbhviag, Re- aswing, Sbapîag, Turning. Surn-vant.r, etc , etc- Whitby,ot. 111h. 1878. 48 T RIS; PAFER May h. foiras on fIse at Geo. P. itovehh & Co's Newspapac Aci- vertisng Bureaur (10 Iprurco St.),.vireadas! vuttsîng coutractt may bho asdafort u N Yo m e. 18 MONEY TO LOAN! 0100,000 FOR "IrEETsTET. ON REAL ESTATE SECURI!PY. At lovest living ratas cf latereet. Money seourretiwithin la <aye ofai . JOHN toFARQtJHABON. Whltby, Pelrrnary 1h, 1M5. 9- K UtO BROTREItS, WHITBY, ONTARIO, Importera-, Dosionsant iManuacusiero U i Kinds ot LEATHER AND FINDIN8SI Cash pais! for RIdes, lark antiLeatira. Loatlier tretched.. te-" BELTING MADE TO GiDEÉR oit - SHIORT NOTICÉl. Vay, 1872. 92 A.A. FOST, Toronto.) A Pt CH I T E C-T. Deoiqns for CIsurctsiVillas ans!Calagae7 a& =iecalty.. Dratwlagsprapea>for te., modeiig emaitng tructures- Oprisc, for tire p rosent, et bis reedenca on- Kiagsot. Ro"s, lehsering 4-tf) P.F. O 3c»22 WMrrs. arlam =OMM S&IINCS AND Loil coMpANyl (LIMMTD.1 Authorlzed Capital $ZoýOOOO Office. No. 72 Chnrh-et., Torantat. ru E C T (1R'.' 8.- L4ST îBLISI.RED IN 1836. - .- itavinu fruly tei.ten'i"i&1«R1S RARLY" HON. FRAflK SMITH., Scuator, Preeldeni aî,ld BIIIGHTON,"'tva nev Grepua, I un. EUOENEO'KEEFE. Etsq.,VcePns4e iloîtatîn ci-athvim My p gasc',nsoPleiu Ot DIVnmfHS a. .-.KEY theta. -Vo viS -mot lioslneppisn.- PRIKH.E, Bq7 TICLSOF ",Moore"a Rriv" letIre['est very eazly'bîmit. -JOHN4FOY, Rsq gtripo yet gravuIrllr Can*la. Il t s tad thsesp~st~se he'swser usmnr. "iehl JAMES MA8OII - Mnae aicer gt>'loe'eacFe' Tlriy are bath lange lur 1usd. andi ierry. sôt a eru raur is. Moayloitn4 uodonMortÏNM ealéve I .Imal bush S ry ndcsps pi! assa ntereet, antid n ou nv»I,,tbls ou recespt of-$$900, or ditbrsfor 11.0. oa! epaynsent. No comrmis$on.. ~r AùeriIs vantes!. D. W. BEAI>LB, ant i Gvrumeaî, ans! Municipal Dabmnsur 191,ibl 'St. Cathrarines os ptittuemîi anti advances madie Du,,"@ ___________________________ Par further puiticalars apply ta o $ 6 ceIn yusîn v aa 5ul Cap'tal-nol roqisires. tr. iil fa- usih yen svorytiring. Mey -res sinfora. lunes. Ladies maka sas ë mia oe, agd boys âmd IgTsrlm lo great Pay. eier, i yon waut a a stieso* at wbihye camako great pop aiR theo lime pan vork, wite for . lcasta.ans ECa.,' Porthsas! ARC HITE-C i URiE Ij 21 .4 The s Ton Grig !To mai Arn By- -t Thom Bac Drug. Store,l IN8URANCE. Imu St."at Char(ng Cross, Louono. GILLE.VSPIE, MOFPÂTT &0. Agents for Canada. B.W. ;TYBE, Mariage,,Moutreel. A GBIqCT BST&IJLT8IIED IN CANA- DA in 1804. nlimites! lablhty af sul the Stcclloltiers, Raslarge Rassee Fns. Moderato rates of prriu. Agont, Whitby. Wltby. April 9th, 1878. 16 B a uAIoERCA A ssurance Company INCORPORATED z833. A 88E T 8, $1,101,876 pi. F. A. BÂLL, Massa;er. Insursuces affectes! At the lovest currént rates on Buildings, Merchants, madothar property, against lots or damage by fire. C. NOURSE, Agent, Whtby. Whl(by, April 9Ui. 187&. 18 MON EY TO LO AN ONf EASY TRES. W. B. BELLINGS, Bolitor. 1041 Whitby. DANCING CLASSES M CALVEBEY8Dancing Chas. wall commence ln the ourse cof a wee or $0, whealme vll hé preper*t o gkvo Intutas ( i (hoLateet Dah'e, lm. clisdlng Tbe Bipple, Uatkett, Alestiàands Jersey, and the Iartons Lancer, the latter attn d:4,ýb &UWho have sen ilt toho thé~ ~~ Tuetetacyt intraduces! TIselunie Clame wlU ho he-Id on Satur- day aftnonm frein twQ tilt Ile"aolocSk, and! thieAduit Cims ill h. ha1in th Ue Thame wiohîlug ta attend ktiUset o bos classes. seUl pleese leave tlsdr naines *lUs Dc1410L WM. CALVERLET "BULPHOLINE LOTI ON." I'hir l arceir suren tbn selyllt ta "Sulphaune" Ina i r1dy, 9 asti dcaminan ta fad*amey oes i lu ma P fOr.w Cksay ptssiiise reue, bo otif. rcssgbsesmviabbsiMse f by =aide;,vblaIol essunsgelsi ucies,(bLw bva pbaises (ha auftrfor vaa»014bosver dseiy tuota thebcastie n th(etableiais. fui soooeolm "datial * ,Tous~osir, h*altby. riatal tm gui- pb ohlneLatfn telaid lby tit <lst S&Odi. Made by J. 1'PUPEB All Ibpper,' QuI, &id-: btrouToile 1. littUe lu gt»res to kee w anSitain lIsthéamr msy d4o. unilo orabat 13eieoit stuie, A made smoebody gis>! 01 sorrolm, 50 4rar Hàa*beed ofm1wori 0f 8olace or toeS There a%» homeu.h*taredesolate, Hesirts 1U4tgo *Arat. À LOVE STOBX j B'T. HOM BENJIMIN DISAL1 <'QacliSaoo,<Ua tout, a m&=me ,s forI1mnxghtily dellght i nlg of lave &tores."' BOOK IL CHAFKEB XII. maiut tol mui losbii a&ea l, scan- aiT.Io CONITAXNRrQAN «OsevUS isOmas omoca Tire lait adieris are bidderi;; F'rdi. Ushe art,i sans! le onsirnoms! taArline, fiylmg nol Iblal iran Use vonu vhom h. &dures, ta vas ethir Mot tire voman la virour be (s be. mo'Tbis Urobes!. Re eines! iu hie hors. as hi "A la( enteras! the park. As ho îhovly ap. Germin proacses bis home, ho coilli sot avoid "Yes I feeling bat, allter mo long an absence speci bo bah c ôt teab9dGlaaloriry eibl i al tasti lie inneaa andi côoaderlii on iemoni. erirgfr led. Wblle ha va slonbrilng bis inven. ? lià tion for an oeusar e scaridual, hofais!Gis. observes! s is l uteonhitire distance ; air." ans! riig rip and diamonnting, ho O I ns joiies! that faithful briens!. Wlieîber lb bearit s [bo (bat love ans! falmes!are, under -Inde mriy circumalances, inseparable, Ferdi- 'Tes sans! Atrim.,virose frankuose vas sling il b proverbial, fand !himuseif invvint a my dosr long andi confies! narralive of a visit confose t go a Irlous, selias liehâuaunexpecledty seen, or metol slauho lias!knovu abrasA, ans! foatirig ta vison he vas unslar tir atle oh- vil slu ligationa. Holien mifeebas laregret realiss this bampormry ottraugemeul lromnAr. &&Inde mine aller mc long a separatioasudtitoa compl1 tejoica at bis sacape. No saures ver. Wau ab mentronssi, andti Ir uanaupialous Glas- "Who toabcsry, sleliglrled again ta hbisMecor.-"Tons pénien. inconvealonceil hlm vilI no "Proe croa-eaininatlos. But Ibis vas.an&y vas sot th. commencement af tha sysusu aifvas fit t stegnmding deseptios virir - asaitoti lest idai hm.&D, aibe a Wllliugiy vans! Fendinand. bave de-' SY art, votas! MI bis tins ans!feelings tu lslp (ion, or cosnpanian ; but (n Vain ire sixnglet!*"Mari with the abmorbing passion c ýf bis ecuL. aiosieli H» siveil in sileunctnheiameariory of marries! tire 1I t tresdeys, (tre mailevastfbivoles! (k perlas! af bts existence. HSevas mcody- "DeV4 and absent, esuent vbeu hlie aoulsi bave 'tbore i apokon, vancdening sehen ha sbouls! G"si bav" lieeis, lazmrs!ing rnrdour obser. "'Ph. servabioas Inatea! of geosng, an (ha aid i broasug imua hurte! antiinapprapri- car ove laie commenta ; no chaIta any volhly Ferdf orlifiofo!hie consimol ho vomit! bave ap- lion ; (k pearod at thsesame tins sbatirllasud mals!; Ir exihes. -Ait ength ha maie a lespet. avay mi mte efforitoa mcoompany Glastaubury ta ;ou ho Use picture galery. àma i sta ita bis Yeu V,~ plans. Tisea, indees, vas nat un. "Tanu gratafiito hlm, le il vas a iseals!Ferns selUs the existenceadtihb.e omvena lias af the lady oa ie hemr ie hatoo! outrances! beore tl irepltun c ire Turkleh page, andi imosntes! I. Glas.Il- INwC tonbriry, a Ihonians! Unes. Abat (l*ane vas no portrait ai Beuule àÂmle., 141 voniti sonen bave a portrait of Itis i Heenletla Armine, tIs a lr e sola gel- nos$ ai le%~ îtaglia," saIs! Farisast. tary dh lastanbury #taregi, - -,: Glmalo; 11I vonden if (liens vaj yl boa par- m114ea grait of Henniella A m @Î Om;e so ta' lri. My dean Glsslaubue, 'hanalsei u wibb an air Oa i emain rleexI"OllMentrlkeol '*$lt usbaie & 1wgrua l ia no -are-Ue oads? WliUser a apar- uonrra trait af Hennietti Arniss? I1arn qullé or lady ý f&DuaIilai. Tdaeslh atra tiue. xwCO b NodyunviI.aism ll fo.1e ceértain t-sapal fied IaboUlsh. la bust au 'ri 'Àai5kâl tram vý* GlaOkuMbuty lookaed veyieefuet, tidai Ba str& e elove,,trIis.he!apndi vbld illuels1 là irs.qoet passion e- itue bic Ileet asi paltiS! lraovencharged ti aiA bosmof Ferdinuand. lie puneued the A-lire h. :bauba-ot Iris. aqass,ho langbed 60 Pa"l L in!5ans!1a ui soesoeht&subeCi -jure-tu & -âb£h-SA aSialmet lmglmSl e mo at ]% BALSÀ~I-4J onysmng rouge reusara rietta Temple Ihan ber a rate voioe~; oea that il lu (be~moàt ordipmry co s vas na .an* wbose.iIt s -naturel uni leaaiitû bly affooteti yon. >Sbg ~bu a, greoting,. bld 'yo seita lix. puait. roulis ontimpremsîn~yau mth sseasffises. 15 ~snndati 0, eu t p U Vbaké,', wi uM itj p n one o 6, Ira bàea1 IDha' 1tdy,:wh ka aadeyte4 ýt,. aidV il,4l asuce 1 o.rinot-41,tel iriryl bhd e baut 8151, mSAMe "queg4lpu 1h. vwolouuzorn. ew more .sohdreari e Wôuid ,on a-rare 'ïanpômes," obifid-. bury; smiliisg. : , -ýý;. ' ,- 1my dear Glaatonbriry, balkbig 0. 1 1 aow a m u mtan, suoh 1a àtrodnOe jo taabove mil por. sb. vans!." alwaymlév#i music, dear Ferdi. '99in m (lIbloas!. -op ono musilcal stock'on jour znitlzor's À Miop Granàdionmusical Fil. slle bas, 1 believo ; but I vae iking af that sort of (bing; 1 ,nking of the lady wbo, taoght sr7 ky 1" eaid Gle.stonbnry ;1 thse ladies are higbiy onltivated." 1(ho Germans, and thse vomen y, have a remarkably fine mnn. s," rsjolnod Ferdiniand!, tacot. ûs bis blunder., li (ho Garmans very mucb,", stinbury, '-and 1 ad9 ea aral ay demi Glastonburyyusa ring by moinuiSh., md 1" sait la 1onbMr. ;if you cous! only hear lber ýy snoonliglrt, 1 venture ta sar rQlastonbury, (bat Yop von s! baât ail yonbhad Iéer board orý immgined, of enchantes!spirits in (he air, anti filling thse ar u ertéral symuphonies, wsem eda P, "midi lastonbnry, I"a mast licheti ponfarmer, no daubit1 aprofetejonal 2," o" VinqÙrosFerdinand. S ongatreas." ssuionz 1 Oh, ah, yesl1 No, Ohm a profesalanal singer, but Oe a b.a one;1as!d Ibat id an eoektt 106 toc; fer I vouit! monev, -aller 'pr-fesalnal snger, asnd live ['y (hanmarry againat iny inriiilzf bot cury aaarding ,ta le." et!; "lwat, in she Posngto be agsinst ber wll ? Poor de- ,bing.»' rteol, tideet 1" sait! Ferdinand: is no groatIer ourse on eartb."' wnbury ebook bis boas!. affeotion$ ebouhl Dot ha foroed," muan aided -; "ast feelings- are, nptopsrty, oRtes aur best.' ans! fouUltoa fit of ababrail. ,bon, suddonly tarning round, ho s it passie (bat I have bus ro Artilue only (vo daIys. Do ýOse it really seemé 1o0meA, are very kisto tuay ma, my and," sais Glastonbory. CHAPTR XIL au CAPTIM maRrIV YEis ""it met waea ssêfo.qM$s pbnr ;,-butt l sl.i» S4pqeu ga %0léep toa a.Er vilo Ii 4llY: H. l ak -a 1POosw fu f ep, êri, jumpisg up '&o# -bÀêt oi up and dgwo the roans, lblsk- accurrti ta lbin a!bat asr had ea momnt' Ob'iisua' belleý3 tm1t hîm vti (ob -dndor 4Athedq ef aus ol rêùeÉ - ýVeWllon Spat0t,ý aone-, à' ei -bar hr ids! a r~an, pralices anas! aean 1os;a.Valuei lhàtravishatý!! bis'grb, don tana s i6ugu , o.as' oboau ey. lee1f, mte:i8ig. nd, u!blondod! wbilbis, anê ai mari ui àa boss (rade-, waïAý. hiio.eutec.Bsbat~utvd rse vn aik hn rse bi~-~--, ven utieniy(horunitscas u C isn' g lt3OE wabe Ir o An', o! is- caurage vaiebs! itbh i laély, sliol1tbre& ortér- fiu.roof but inuspirabon. For a marnent holingeriad, poa:n' ubeeer.iyCul(a bu t hbr nisgehlm,. and boite ai. tmai,p ey -e and cantse dat backu (o bis solitude., ha~ ave ,mlnurd.. what., show bas,' à Wliat a nuyatery, je lova.ý I îrh iré ral a?- noeatios ans! habitaeaiof ntlife sink' «Uel otrlaI-gne ferohuro;anm lieforoit. Fous! and, sloep, (lIaI seeux m. ouytbrivrd7siose.Jinin' de oliurcb (o divide Ocrnboing, as day ama!MIsgiri dé 0 (mie v- 7fe_o cfde distaxtos taé divis!. ine, lame ail (boit inflince lover- Habn. Pr an' mn' ingîn' an' talk- (ho lover. RBois. indeos!' a spirltamse& iP1àwaymean mueh, or poffiW ai al. coing, fit only ta livé uponiambi'aula, Cmli'-rio mari 1a- asunier bekése -t f n7 and sîrmber in 'an lmsginiry paradico. i.* linoli uMpov. :irieq -mao i »redis- The- es eaiftire vorîs!- do e tt bc fui gsiigua 1biasq ire praju (nee taris hlm'; iles aît - stiig avent.- -aroe't-4qace1 hlm ['nrbt tb. dus(y incidonts of by.g&one -* ,-.- - an mis. AI1 (ho.fortune U -(ho vorît -Ina Whaie's month. v itbaut bis mimbrese (s-nrleoty - anti - vitlI er ali t. îacs atruiet ét 1met -CaýL t Wood, viro bae- diroan. Bavoiutions, oartriqnuakes, l bqi vs1~ atrAfter adgi change of goverusmonts tire lau of arn- CaredauY ll l!ds ire é mater.' a fMin pires, are la hlm but CobIdia6is ses nducedhbmté 1.11about lt--.probUsly- diasàeitoflà amanly spirit. 'me te to iionn ifbîe.- - -lisou g it rage& 1 about (hem.>Tlrey Usb n0CIillt.Withdll miin beé.s.a ebaamet i ife, ans!(Innk not of. bA à id -ei lok Ps aIIti forbu -d eattion until il ébouhe ioidoil m .Sty, for -I tboÙtt*sIru and tbqzr (b de w ithoul a pn ,lik ~dai ~~. nc.fb:ie Zeuobte forn thiritporseouted crees!.A-r ~ or.,au hsP& msin lave vande ,rs in (be-worid»ua, boi sml iisirs '6id .etomnambulist, vitb aeyebthfraist eauli,>WJ'CimnftOIfain apota bas (dt vloi hl, yî l in~ ~ai~t». jisI 1nSàbIver taidsla fiai viese sotlring but (hein ou riwrdmquU - - c- c- O) 9 (bal -nigiri -at Durie, (tbraungirli iÉêi re _11plain vboae long ,bouge -FeAxinmud Amine "-Tirs Xt'- 1 S-a' rè in - * (,irnult ao ,,nrapuie- aions- S., , véndocd in W(l avs, ans!graves, ns-èlfonfme. unIew * eriIu( feëeding.on tho image aFin eoshnting' ýy P mistroue, valching U hs Oltr7 igIr p r à u~i -a' .isivlre hog ohanubar tis ýas vuta smso b q bet .Pharosto- mariner in-, aont fir " 'ue voag h 'ie morning Us cad lels uP>Ina nuiigcaLma ut lit; irebadout- > rti _'mo * he sestars,"and lilssenad &ie~19- e urratirse ol tIe uPalking birde. It wac5n Oa .. .i longer Ïpassil.(brrnan I tégbenOi4,1" pun6berved ; ho regaïdeti tire .cammnon. ' e --Whit a ns!he do? l4tieha bla-l ~!'~Ls for use lu vr aeo evri ~ ~ (O etttlan.bitp 504-. A GNT OI!TRIC(LBBTB1) il.Scotlh Ganie.At ilarble Woriks DRAWINýG AMD> 8PBçIPl<iATI ofîeiathis ohletieDstdaaB..WrltIy. P UaE-BRED OOTSWOLD IBpT Roba lak ysn OlarotatP.O., 0uIarIa. an u*be rkitly P, 1 - Stc bough1 t nd s14d ou eommlslune BUIL: prernpthy fptreti v ociss sAmn octal 7UÛ4 ,ér'Wthe nirbtingileý ands!"Vanud-- foever lit iohlgYCYSEI- v - au d sortovifully b. directes! hi. ornspi starr p'eteeo f-realfyvas ta-nuali for ail- , té -visions. WIsal a é htr l? S-future1 ioouset? vsa obung *Meler an-ea"vm, ob cure ezeept iniris insmediata, cirel4q, *ie-rilnhnltuceand very machin debu; avalisA vAIranriety b['y- bi-f foitlon;te parente, ans! a young.-aiy sehoté ho vastabout ta .marry-for berl foriso 2? Most imspotent pilogue toa a magnuficent tevery I The past arriveds!taIArinre in lise feratran. As Ferdinandi, - servougsea a obus! relnrning teacsiool, tardily te. gaines! home,' lie recagnizes! the mpý pramohing pasbman-. Ea 1 a letier 2 Wlrat vas ils important ? The bloem lIng of delay 2 or was i (lie lieraIs! oi (boit instant anrival 2 Pale, ans! sick aI liaartira lare open bthe barries! linos oiXaîlimnine., Tire -maiden aun&I bath eî4mbles! sebue getting, art of a paay phime"onmatiexpeuo t! a.,erions &0- ciddonî; (heir visi# te Armine vas nec- oasarily poutpaurd.> Re tos! no more. Tira color retrres! ta bis oheok, rein- fortces!by bis hoar'. liveliest blood., A tb6usans!baulghls, a thboans!- vils! bopea, ans!vilder plane camne over hlm.ý Haovs t toseeinterpoeilan. lu 'hie ,laveon; otheri vouâs! occur. iHo felt fortanste. Ho rnahod, t latise wr> ta bailtUseneses to Qlmtonbory. Hia tutra acribes! the agitation - ta (lie ebock, ans! attemptes! te Console hlm. lu comeasnicatng (tha irilooha *as obliges!- taoimir a lto;i xns aed a hope, (irai, if-liritviais "" epoat., Voanas! for mare Ibîs -adey or Iva, IÇharles'. ulma>rencardiadEvonli- relurn J-O Rambs. Perdiuand-. vanieed . fbrbix-inlo tho Park ta .rijay bi@'freed on. - A butdoî had sirddenly dfalles. - tm-iris (ramo ; Si; clo'us!bas! vanlabe& .To-.4ay, (bat vas go mCOUrsat, va.te b&.7 mankes!- nasei bis cahondar wis elUsses alir. Evon Ar. mine ploases! a (s ky iimas briglit- or, jta vooiia -more '!ast and groom. » Tbe eybsrit arrives! r beyv wanno (b. tbird day, tc, vas 'a -day ofIsope. urioxpootes!, rinlipeîi for ,iteedonu, - il vaés ebarnîly 1 . Wbat >mlib( t u bp.4' pan u lrre days? 2 u-lirthe- amire urigist falrly reomain lun expecltan of* freih luttera, h oouhs! not hb, antieipa. tes!, ie vas nual @ven -,esmIre! bth shcud:iatauly epair ta (bons. Cae, ire,' vais! forgetIb(iis ourse, irovouldb bap. gT;,se pst, (ha fu'tre abowq". sagute -reMte op, musn>oer, -r 14 Tpexrpe, and! buIldgi-bgrîoeiàn iÇa' l>inensW ofa alte. Pae igbIelnrol, ho.lqd4hhe 4d Irtong.nbalo i (oair vs sWoaéae& 4btbggnu stsici po4a nWa -PBEPARED wu. R. HOWS'E, WHITBYe ONTARIO. --(iý -,.r) 1 Apply to- 1 il be - et d bi. %, UT. :., ýi

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