Whitby Chronicle, 4 May 1882, p. 3

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"-5 i "u e snadohDCpe stook of aneBai-loths of the' pe.Z o atn ua noTrouserixigs. o, ego i.ln leu ,181 sassant 1. 4.oumï, rsý ien4f eep Meb noue.re. 1Cbl.fhstlee &a C.dnauî w pedrso q)a th. mate-l eItstand mb lis vsin hape.m 1'1te 1h. mal- !iav Si.rpJohne elle. IliaS n hlor oabtler tnve W Ireamno of tIse contrant the constructian a i tise Wellatnd , nsie 'la dîs- as, il vam moSe aiv. ne.made »sUtiact a! tbis al tenders iuviled ssii of by pubico 'ppr esaiS that lin t hie man- pslaioa o!f1fr. iehargueofthle id Ihet Mr. lPagi ours.bîcanse lbth. cyclan o! Und i la sîptiug bti voIlw ti. Vcrka Act. Mr. e Ion or timeve [cm baS elneaiiy fier a camevbat ouleset malIens, 'eclared l ouo l~idequi: offereti >f1h. publication, î tagiultural a! anda iti an io might lie pro. lb teMeeting o! member* af Par- of trouble. Sicr 4tstice îogardiîag bearge ef Ccstome ly tatemenle It onglil peihap e vould probelily aeutaiy esicialea statistici vils re. 'acre prllcularly Ur. Boveli diS tion made conîti At large cash. Ai ohu a motion Vas the. object in v tl1! Ilcoula lii expenfe. Mr. a question ai so- spraeity belveen bvilan Islande. iappointment of s usaddiecat tthe 47lir John in the km saiS tha ui ah hiosone cf Britieb Cluns- lion o! Ou ase pesi the mavr ofo dl vilhdrav t ou turing Ilie coming Cevolai recaive thi <Gover"nmeul. lsusian tie cMa- Tic rernaining ndisposeS o, sud the Boance vas an seked thât i, .îey sraS sedution 'as il vould ual gaiti tus session. rofttîseil, anil tie a r' (seon on~ 7X- 1 üppo-h u of( .>O unt ito e yoptertiay nremit- iv victanN for te 1. a1'm ît i on o" qn b I c'aa Ly rg lit Iit(ulee,, &bdoiit linsgal On of aithesysîi8e teIive rwofO<~> ê ra.sbyasim The Doctars Laat7Rappy Ihgvltueo laId.$ Jan. 1 I flcl h&A w.wlff 0 enome cfibtis remarkabl. l kedy la ,Dr. Kinge New DiseoverM b 1fri. *" wabodue- flClà tltpIOD. .Inov use t a- 552.an ap I e eeters aassiL - battis frseaitaI owues 552 si m alpi on rroo.Idag Store. Large site 01.00.se Or. moine0 MmEssolvad, Tuai lb. Mn b M. Wllo*-.ý ,Tha th W HEN INVA.LIDS COME TO sur èlek is udisberbyreueiele, t undarsîanâ thal in ail diseuse, ly1 nollfy Quinton MGoan to disoontinui vhther amute or chromie. infiamation yci the alowanas ta Moues Warren as or fer, lthi alm cf Irialmant te ta fiti vite ; ueo 1Mr. Bdnvnd Tiuk, the al- promot. contrucive vork or ta, ripair Bit lovance ta John Tuoker, indigente, c ftisue and arreet excessive vaste, On motion of Mr. Malhevsou, 111001l'îiey viii stop bolig préenationse w ded by Mr. Holliday, teolvid, That seaifces and cure-alse devoid of med- j Messrs. J. L. Smith, H. Willaor and linai valua, sud resaitto b pysiolagical, El David TwseSie, be and are hereby a9- ratloual medlicatioo. No malter what tri palinted Oommlssloners ta impair Ilie dieese hua emacieted and debilialed Mi bridge bei@Osu lots 29 Sd 80 lu BiS. lthebo<y, rialoring nutrition is the an concession. ouly meane of aura, has vb bave in gel On motion of Mr. Willeior, secoded WHEELER' Phoas phates and Csllsaya p' by Mr. Hailidmy, 900c014d, That élément$ of nervi force.audtisne re. Mossie. Mathevean aud Hollidsy b. storaîlves Ihat viii benefil any form of and are iereliy authotiied taeeli or debility, no matter what 1h. canse.. les.. the lieuse aituated on Duke streel,I Braokling lately occupied by Mis. Card. A Nclghbar The illowiug accounts wereaordered Gaa me a doseea i Dt. SMITIIXS le bc paid, B. hl. Lawrence, for road GIioIIMî%AN WOIIM 1EMEDY and il lrinber, 627; T. Paxton. digging triai rc.wt'ved n iarge utimber of wvorms (romn pas, 50o ; B. MoQuay, for l'onite ri-i uoy cli dri n, afto' tl o ncilleil worm to April, 15, 1882, for Mrt. Gibbs, iii- îî. -T..i. digent, $15 ;Mgr%..Pear-ont. orol C.. î. .>:. ci oIru :l 1sanella Walker, atid .loluinlurrou jidigente, 68; . .E. Fii.WIr'wd oit fu; -f. otjdid. .' cuit ve. Grand Trutit i trilvililcrSt-. .1P, . ÃŽ.Baznt;m IFa11s Iio Linc. cn FillIelino baIn-oct> (o'i"qSN . :1,2 it', !. 2 -. ,'il; 'V', 1u> tc îge .ve 1>1. con., 603. uC., ýýtt -li ugîter.by D. HlioUîayi sacondtld uyMr. Madl. roca' nNew i uni daîlies 10Bar- evean, moved that thé couzeil do tnow Luw saly 2& Ut.on.uison's egtrong oný adjonrn aud cland adjourned 10 the doreiment of Si. Jacob@ Oil au a pain- rsI Manday in Juue, et lhe l'OU? ci roliècoî-r They lau, have fallan imb lon 'clock a.m., thon to meet as Court fine. il would ,ea-m.-CiYiucuosati (0.) ai lievision anS for allier busiaess. Etqurr Carrsd, nS onucl m~onred.The Stomnach and Bowein. Washington -Ltter. Tho lghtest derangement of thce - vital oruaumuet be attendeS toata (ReglarCoreupodene.i once-. ïelays are dangerouc. tDR. L. Washington, DC., April, 219, 1882. Iý IiE îîaCsE.SU" COATKDVETAh1E Wheu Mr. Blaine appoate in a con.- Pîi.. are a soverûign remedy for ail mille. room au-a vituses Ihat commît- such aliments. They nover (ail. Ack tee raom ta lransformed int a cirons, for them. They arae eold ovrywiere. vhile the Sinate flouse, and other Boryuink afiedeta vorîd vanderas hrink in comparuson Boryo iaeafind cta ta idesliavs. Hsppy the yonth vha peck ai c5hî o' thLo hm","but you tîaad examines macla a vîluess. h. fume i. o attoeetd ofn u ht made. Six tlionaaud nen-spaporo ro. or the pan you lino-e just tricd is c izoodi verlierale lita naine. Profornd lan- 'ne or nul. If net, iry Estorbrook'a. ing acd brillient oratary, mature expar- (Jr. peculuar charactetuetîr of Fl- lence sud eminenl service are au noth- lave' Compoun.d Syrup o! Hlypopluas iug for notarioty. vlian wighed againuit phiteu ts its power of dvcompoaýirojZ tb, thse ad captandurn of cucli an ancount- food in te Stomacli, rünring digai,- er of vite and lamper ac tiat icplayed lion aud assuuilation motoe perfect. by Mr. Belmont sud 1Mr. Blair.,. The This partly eccounts for theua rpîity mass eau underclanti a q usuel ;evcry villi vhich patiente take (,l ech whila 9 individuel aud hic vife hava hndthie ueing thse article.1 experieuce in their own 11111e poily, Fortunes loi Farners and Mechanoîcs tint questions of Import, revenue, state, international affaire, are taa hayonS. Tioneandii of daller ar la enved Drav the snuffragecravned and partil by usîng proper judguet in taking handicappad eavereigu citizenr; 5mw cure o! tLebhonlî.h of yauro.oohaud Luly.* the moral anS apply il yourceif, or If you are Billlions, hava sallov Catuo. tinqe and lido yl uapply it for >or.in plorlun, pont appetite, low and de- fie ulîape af a blister. Thse raesofaia preered oabritE, and generally debilita- vitr.uesis net famniliar te Mr. Blauia. tel, do ual delay n mamadt, but go at <ho has so long poseS ands poker. only one s aisiprocurea nbottieo 01thsee a for palitièài effeoltIsaI lie bacomes wonlertul Eloctrie Bittera, vwhich naît-c mestilols sud sugry vIser. this sud tis op- (ail 10 cure, and tIsai for the triffing BumX pocd, forgets Iliat lie ueual lIse idolizad of fifty cet.- Tribune. SolS by W. lader of bia parîy iu tie flouse, anS R. floweoat 50c. gralsu lthebair fai tIse vanisbed gayal. TooUTACHE.-D nt sufer wuî tL tS l TIse oniy le itimate abject for lho 'u- Eo bny a bottie o! Perry Davis' Pain- vetigation tEt bas beeu praséecued in liiller anS ied relief in the twiukle of lIse comritlee of Foreign Affaire, wasc n eya-for Tantinohe it is a epecifie. ta loaru ltse Irnîliregsîding th. suimne of lthe action ei tb. State Deperiment Tise Preelideni hes ignified bic in-. lu relation ta the South âmerican bel- tention to repre.es Indian raiders vits a ligirents, Chili asd Pen. Mr. Mlaine strang hanS. and haavy reinforoaments fait Ihat Lis political faine and fortune of troapa have been ordered to the were invoived, sud, accompanied by a icone. hoaitaf magr.elized nes-paper con-es- Rest and Comfort to the Suffering. pondants, proceeded ta lie Capital a îas' Hiot'gEnîîau>l'îuACîa to valntaenviluse, ot 1 thrv liht qual far rauevteg pain, both internai sand on the question, but la vindicale Iim- extarnal. it cures pain in lbe aide, bock selif. Whtler lie haut succoeed or not or bowelc, Sore Throaal Ithoumatusai, i an o pn question, butI 1 amn ispaced Toottoache, Lumbaga anS and any kinàd of la thinrkthat li le u apsapy over Ihie *r' rache. t ii Most m i urely quickou thl3lood anS blal, sueite acting p aec la buinese sud il&isSigraceful chmaxs-. I wonsenfnî." "Drovn'c Rouhad pana- have net epaco ta narraI. the yards of cea, béie5 aeknawladged a the gruat thse angry qearîsi between Mfr. Blaina Pain Reliosotr, anSdaifdanuble the tretigtl anS hie q neeioner, ?I. Belmont. It of anv tîtr Elixir ar Liniment in the eoin uM r. Blaine charging bue que@- 1 l, sould ba ii cvery infmly rendy for hiouer vilS flseeooti, anS by Mr. Bel- remodv in the vwirld loin Cran.psetri thoe nmant telliug tise distinguisisod vitues s tua.e', and l'aie.a and Ache. uf ail titat hoe va. a bully and a covard, and ktndos," and is for sale b1 s.11 druggiotu t that lho vouldsecuIl. viii. him u npeu- 2b cante a bottle. ThMe. b fcoîoetur a> Soothirig Syrups Supercedel. uThelîsoie to trig f iaonale lttcoe Dr. Foolar'e Extracî iof WilS Strav- of Mrt lftoa ooon y o 'f<,- > 1..lrrv o im h e O-tel oedy for infuioto i ore>uui Afairo (otnunitlec Steil a dS- tce(tl>ti'g, il i; sfe pleani anS reliabia, .ertsîu) or opinu lî ii. L-ot o'ýui heoro1 and! cureprouuptly ai forme o! Bavai uIli ahi fn oir-oloaî't, 1uc. 'r. oCo Fa'.Ior Canuidiian Choiera or (Ilantue satîhmuefo, v Uil inj:>o lo1r (oi o o tnoy fther chiîdmer. priorelaiofvicut t oN' iuoot 1, 'r. c- S L :> I-ru s o e tt bler remeeJy. tMy lost Seslh. I consciteti phyeicians, £a finS a boter remady for d opeîaala, I trieS many remîdies, but o btained no indigeetion, sud Inspuritiee oftn elfood,. hielp, but daliy geîv vorss. 1, bad a than Bordock BDIoSd Bittais. Pria. terrtiblee eoîiçjiasd realsd sa d ii1.00, trial baIlle 10 conta. of biaod. ls profuse niglit seats Would Nol hc Wiîbouî ht. and severe pain in my aide. I con. tinued lu Ibiestsata for monutis, euS Oaaevîto bau fsily lesteS Dr. FowI. became s0 veek tisa IIt wae viii groan r@tat oftWildS 1meverry ,îliongh difllIsy 1 onîti walk, vian 1 vos adc. rjufficed againet proprietory medi. viseS 10 tîy WISTÀAWB BÂI.SAX OFWILP cine iu gurerul, vriteo -III watslti ua Cuaxsai, andt 1 Mxy great joy I acon rest ovor night wvîlîtaulle.i reimbe, faund tihat Ibis remaiey baS ereeled iC0mdy for cutidcu attnoks of Colla, ltue dseae. I continueS loaiue tise Cract4c anS Choiera Morbus na pie. Blobsm ta tb. cîleal offire lbabtte, velent ln thie Summer. seeou, I kcep s and bave aince. Iboe xparioac no baItlleraady stjîand."1 diMouliy of the lun g . I lieiue ts ltheMeesrsa M aa>îcaîg Di la ia Po&, Bais#m iveilmyIllfe, sud 1 shall @er itive remedy for nîrvous ýexlîeuetiou bolS li la higit estimation. 1anS 411 we.1e.poftheb.gesierativae rg-, ô '0 cents andi #1 a boule, BaIS b;rans lu bath sâc2es &c 4$yaxieqýpn#î ofa no eau"tss ~B Ieels, anS.gir. satm"*li N&4s to lb.whol.s slua. Tri* alarge baIlls' at 56 centf.. . owse agenlt forWhitby. Peu Net. AU Wng aminéri cnlane bpoclallea-e. Dac.bDio«» n4 liver troublei, Hep 33111ri vill arl &ùa lattingly cnrs. Causa exet- 1-ik. your ovu bave bienucurail in euî avnu nighbaîhaa d nSyoeau id imIaeprooatlhome ef what Hop t Il hsa.deau do. Vhal Evury One Baya Muat b. Tins. Ail unit, in praîne ai Dr. Fovle,?s Pxtraot ot Wild Stravberz7 vho hae red ils effoecy ian-anrlng Cholera aorbue, Crampe, Dyeentery, Nanela, .5d Stomah anS Bovai Complainte, ,neielly in ehildran or adulte. Every )ersaneshould kea a P* on hand. oe izjS nd$ÏSprain:t, Oi.and Scala':, Sonoral Bodiy Paing, Touth , Ear aond Iloadache, Frouto Fect and Ears, and ait othop pains and Ichas. m a 505fe, Pure, , pU =..n ,,.p txtrual Reu-, At..À.tr .ilsut the>. ampaz$UIwI7 tru.Ln>, o>U ay cd 60 (cotg. and .w.ry os u* D.fr. Inf 0 ii- eLn cn h,. ob-.' anod podUfve pruof 01 'lun. = SOLDE î LLL DEUGG15TB AMDEALULS A. VOGELR & C0.. BatOg."'. t.,378.. t--Noti-ces of Dirths, Marriages, and Dra 1he charged 50 cents eack, D E A T H S. FR.ANCIS-At Whitby, ori $the 10t1h April 1882, Emmna Eliza A. Caddy, vite of Richard Francis, and the yonug- éât daughtor of the tata Dr. Caddy, âged 815 yetrs. BAXTE R-At Pickering, or) the 28th April, James Baxtar, aged 73 years and 5 monthil. WHITBY MAIR&RTS. CUICOICLE OFFICE, May 26r.d, 18&j. Fllu Whvat ............. 81 23 5(Li28 Sw'»ng Whet ............ 125 w 1I3t) Barley................. 0 75 @ 0 K piour, per cwt ........... a 00 8 2o Bye ................... 077 0 82 P'eau .................... 077 @0 82 peau, black.eyed ........ 0 @ a0 à Biue Peau ................ 080 0~ 95 Ot....................O0 42 ~(I 4.5 RIay.......*'*..........800W ut10 (M Claver, sýd........... 4 40 > 4 W1 Apples, per bus ........... 0 60 0 Vs: pata&tocK ..................O 60 0 O70' Egg ... ,....... 012 @0 14 Butt r ....... ............O0 18 ~ 0 25 Choac................... 0 12  0 13 Wood .............. ..... 50 00 66ou Shüo skmuoi.............. 10X) 12.m Ca .... .......12 Rides, per lb ............ .6 (ýu%(J 7 I ork, per cçvt.............. 7 25 a b 25 Turuips ................. (J:l à »e 0 2U Oelery, per dom.-..........O 10 j 0 O40 Chiekens, per laur....... 0 0 0 60 Turkeys, per lb........... 0 10 ca () 14 Gooe, eearlb............ 000 e ~C 00 ]3eef, by thee are... 1500(q> 7 0 MutUon, by the - c00 ... 0 Qe)5j3 0 00 Veal, carcsse, %rt&jl . O..0U00 40G0 Bacon, Fermer 8..........O0 12 0 14 .........ois 0@ O15 aripepr buabel.O 40 0 50 Calba&ge, per osd.O........O Rthubarb, par bunch .... 0 0 0 00 Shialots,... ........... 00 O00O R.adiahesl ....000 ~000 Woo,unvashed ......... 000 000 vashed ............ 00 022 A C A RD T 0 s&H o are senafram lhe errais weaknesse, arly decny, ou lac imsai)oad, &*. I wifl senS a recipe that viiicu r q, FR111 0F CHARGE. This pgmt remady vas dscavered by e mintaonary ln South, A.mrica. Sena s selt-addreesede 0vl8p la the 11ev. Jairupm T. Irxax, 8(aUoa V Bibt. Haose, New. TarkCU1t. NEW ADVERTIBEMENTS. House and Lot for Sale. T HAT HANDSOME BESIDENCE ai - present accupled bv , t amlly ai Mr. Samnuel Phipp-near Mr. Butledgeu (<M.- Drapeî's aid place.) The hoise lea a m- fartable, roa.ay, tva.storey brick; ta <he bout ai1rePair; goall outOoies; handsomsyý planled garden, vith fruit troes and gver plots ; liardma so sit, vater,madsi Uer For termeasd.part1LUaMla tappyt on the promises,~ or ta W. HM BILLUqGtS Sllello 20-l b FREjvSE[ FISU! RECEiVRZD EVEUTY DAY, -MÂEKET BI>IOÇZ - A ND CÂR ýP ETS, --THISWEK--- t~hé 2lst and :22ind Inist. - Fuil Stocks of Cor OASHMERES, iesI4~es'Gloves, ~T'FURNISHIIN, 0F FAMJLY je a WhiMtby, April 18tb, 1882. NEW ADIIS M ENTS. AIJOT ION >SALEt -0F? VALUABL- Manufacturing Propeîty 1 -N TllE- TOWN 0F WHITBY, ' IN TIEE COUNTT OP ONTARIO. There viiibe solS an Saturday, 3ulne 3rdl. 1882, At ONE OCLOCE in the siternoon, -AT THE ROYAL MOTEL. lu the Town et Wbitby, liy virlne ai a Pwoi of Sale contained in a certain marI- gage uSde b y N. W. BRONSanSB RS P ATTERSON, vahi ilb. praonaad ai the sale, lh. iallovlng prapety : Part af LotINa. 2Wm in theS concessian of lb. Township 'of Whilhy, lu th. Caunly ai Ontario, better knovn masLats 3, 4 snd 43, la tie Town ai Whilby, sa s crbed tinaa p S In 1iro madi by John Bhir, Esq,, P.L.S.=dnS ituated on tlb. uaIaide al Brook streel The iallowiug improremeti art saiS te bc on the promises: A tva. storey brick building useS as ai machine, pelul and Wood 4hop, shov room sud office, &Ws a manlditig iaom, A bleeksmith hop with 'iran shed attached, gnndig roù=m engvin. house, cosi shoe, &c., &., stocke la _Ita 4impravod machinersulteble for cauiying on an extensive mannlaoturine buainées ta agrienitural ituplemenis, au aitatld ln lie centre ai one ol the bout agritultural diatrictsin uCanada. TERMS--Gne - tenh of the.perchées- cney ey lehipalS Sovu cn ths day ef sale. For balanae, -terme viiib. mada Inavu at the sale. Par ftrther prtictîlar apply la JONES BROS. S& MACKENZIE, Bolicitors, Masonlo HallI, Toronto, Ou ta C. NOURSE, Ecq., Whitby. Taranto, Apnil 93h, 1882. 1-20 APPLE TREES! ABOUT 100),0), -AT TU- HOME NURSERY, Froua tva ta iauxyeaisoaiagis, enbraciag &Il lt.eiest va.ities- Alto n lot ai Mt!7LBERRY TUBES foi gala. Wholesale aider, by latter or olherwlsey puncînaily attendesl ta. SETII C. WILSON, Lot No. 8, 2nd Con. Pickering, on Kingstau RocS. Pait Office, Whitby. 8in.90 WANTED.'« C' OMPETENT 'OOK. Hasetaid, anS '.)Parlai maiS, te go la tia Stalco. Apply ou Thursdy, or addross MilS. WIT NEY, Bin. 20 Bassin Hou»., Tarante. CHOICES NEW PATTRN8,I gff VERYCHEf'. ýj FOR BALE BY THOMAS8 MoCA NN BROOK ST.,. HTY or Gel Bargalueit ime. -1 A XagnMfoont Reoomtd (SURAh Uv base iquli1 The "lWhite" sewing Machinai FOR SILENCE, BASE, DURADtLITY, FINISMi, - RANGE 0F WORLK, AND CCKEAPNES8. UNEXCELLEI. A FRESH LOT 0F BEAUTIFIJL MACINES DIRECT PROM TBE FAOTORY5 CHEBAPER THWAN £VER!1 REPERENCE le kindly permitted la the folawing ladies, being a iev ai lb. many vbo have purhasad the " Whlte't-Mrs. Chas. Scott, Mus. Wm. Marahal, MUe. Wm. Botta 1fr, Wm. Grangor, Mis.C. F. te w- art, ïfce. B. ArmslanMis. Jas. Reid, Mr%. Jas. A. Camplul,1ra. Jua. Lavdec, Mrs. Samuel Jackon, Mms John Tanner, Mne- Ai. Jeffrey, Whllby; Mrs. Benjamin McQaay, Brookila; Mie. - Grills,0 Mn. B. Hntriek, Puckering. Sole Aganl, 'Whitby: L. FAIRBANKS, 19- Broak Streel, Whutby. ,iuaooi t. f i ,uF a ..tut. î,,UCsgaio. end FEWY 1 00.teiel Mie1l. DWELLING blOUSE for SALE 1 B TWO STORET BRICK COTTAGSE T wth Mansard reai, on Byron Street, tbe propert oti Mrn. M. S. H&m. The bone in wel1 finislhod and vell fitted Up naobth odrcone-pUiec. Appltu fr vieth, omraenienres&. Aytncnogii L. T. DAUCLAY, Ezeautor. Whithy, Sth Febrnary, 1M2. 8 Notice to Creditors of William Pa.rosatt, decoased. P IURSUANT ta an ORDER of the Chan- .Vcery Diiin of the 111gb Court ai Justice, made in tho matter of WILLIAM 1'ÂRE8ATT. Paresoit v. Gibson, the cred- li ai fWilliam ParesM.t, laie ai th& lowu of Whitby, in the Connty ai Onieri, Labor- or, wba di.d in or &bont theÙinth ai May, 1267, are on or befare the lst day oftM 1882, ta .end by etprepad ta W. Y Billin g olctor. tbytha chita and minmsbad essauddescription, themi parc n ofsaitheir cla.nia ae- ment aitheir acoâi, m te naurfa th~e aerte i ny> beldly hm ; or, in deiaUlberaitey viibep ramloy eelnera& m e benet0ai1h adrder. EvryMcreditor holding mny eecurtyv le l produce 1he mme beiare me 1h. underelgn- ed Master iu Orlnary iQue Suprem Conrtat nChamber u 0"sgaadaMsllin thel t o Tarata, an thé Bb ayaof Wy, 1882, si 12 c'elack, fon, belng the lime ap- pointed for adjudication on the claixos. Daie.L the 141h day-ai April, 1882. lin T. W. TAYLOR. E business nov before lb. publie. B or for u ny sterytin glse. capital Dot needed. W WI sayl70Ug Mdatron Z a, iomen, bey AUa eils vaats&-8evhare la voîk for us. Nov le tU*ainmW. bencen vork ta sqarp ime only or give your vhole lime ta Ithé business. Yeu cmn live et home anSdco he voîk. No alliai buiness vii pay yeun nasly as vell. No on. ea ail tla mak ou andias pyby engegingat once. Oostly Oulfitana lermas ié-oeyumeeat,ls and hunorabiy. HOUSE 10 RENT. C ONTAMB 1BIGET MOOMS, ln gaod ordar; gardon anSdgood stable. 4 l t MRS. DANPORD. Wltby, Mardi 15, '82. 11.18 GOLDSMITH'8 HALL. NEWGOODSI TO HA'ND. Waltham Watches, Key and prof eaue. Ladies' Gold Watches, the fineet stock I have ever ehovu, quality guaranteed and pri- heh lo-west possible. Walnut, Niokie and other Clocks ini great variety.1 E1ectro-Plated Goode, a full stock. Forks, Spoons, Dinner and Tea Knives, in Plated, Ivory and imitation IVory Handies. Pickle Frames, Oruets, Butter Coolers, Berr Dishes, Cake Baskets, Card Beceivers, &c. SPEC(T A CLES TO SUIT ALL SIGHfTS.' JAMES JOIINSTON, Praclcal WatchmLakar, Brook-st., WbitbY. )marcb22nd, 1882. MRS.,ALLIN'S N. T B Y Potai 800K, AINO Music SÏhRE18 nIRT -;MU4T o0F Qe.B VlNEW. SPflU.BSjThe TIET AGB., YQI E - RIDM V GRAND TRUNK R'Y.' Tickets hy ilb.iAU la orciWaêtel -MIN<R8OTA, DAKOTA,- M-ANITOBA!1 A.ND TE NOBVHWEBT TERRI- TORIES. SPECIAL EXC1JRSIDN TRAINS la Manitoba sud lb. NorthWetgva At Lowest Emigrant Rates andtenbllng hama tk. eaetoi and TICKETSo 19- ROY SamehlngNav-suad a th Muket anS Pane, Werk BUs" à. ANov Lmin t ipany Pvîmes. Ak ecmplate stoak aifa&U the Poosesor in tÉe nee l S-t les of Blna lng, suitable far pissnt. p ay ag steak of Autograph aud Pho- tograpb Alums. târ Blrélhay man4lFrendsp lards..M mé1té stock e1 Stua sq 7aiwai m sahoci Bocks, Siats, lnk, Baoi Bei and&so.1Shool naesoe st aIlovel pos- 1w unday Sahlool Idbriree and Oards, supplieS ai albersi discoant. A Kew Lis tta, Gimulwen's V4lsu aS Weaikng 99tiFks. Mr TEE £BTH8TIO 7M IBen bM&d lAllan -i~e GROG;E-,,IES!1 -coR%. 1B1%0KA GERRYMÂ-NDERING!' OR REIJSTRiBEIJTION. COUNTY OFO10NTAR H A T C H & FBR 0 O.IIGIS like Sir John A., still corne out ahead1 I~ N vLRG01ER AS. They have a large stock, bouglit before the late rise in price, and are determined to give their -eus- tomera who may favor them with- their patronage part of the benefit To Bu.ilders and Carpenters we woluld say, you will &wid special advyantages with ne, by ealling anS getting prices. . A large supply of Blacksmiths' and Carrnage fVakers' Cut Nails, 3 i and over, $2 90, cash; apecial pxies for lare Iota. Good quality. Whitby, May lIrd, 1882. 10-tf THE BIGGEST BONA.NZA YET 1~ 6 Ibs. fine Liq uoring Japan Te& for $1.00.o Choice Green Tee. only Twenty-five cents per pound. Choiceet Green, Black and Japan Tea, 3 lbs. for $1.00. 12 ibs. Bright Yellow Sugar for $1.00 cash. Puire fresh-groand Coffees, from 25 celit's per pound, st SIMON FRASER'S. A hoice.stook of Family Groceries at lowest living prices. A LARGE AND VARIED A8BORTMENT IF OHINA, OROCKERY AND GLASSWARE, AT PRICES THAT DEPT COMPETITION. Beautiful China Tea Sets, and Colored Dinner Sets st prices to suit purohasers. A FRESH ST OCK OF FIELD & G~ARDEN SEEII8 FROM THE MOST RELIABLE GROWERS. On hand :-Choicest Fanm.ily Flour, Cornmeal, Oatmeal, CHOICE HAMS AN BACON.' t>- AN EÂBLY CA.LL BOLICITED. CfNA~nki lACO E,) BYe. rTUE HISTORY, commoncing villa the -Lproclamation aI Lod Dorchester, ff85, sud lie Act ni 179-4lst George III., es- labllshlng P&rliemenlaiy Govrnmt-vll' emabiace Chaptere on. lheb ary S.ltlement ai tbe Oounty ; the oarly ploreere; the 19. E. Loae'Rais anSl settiar undler Goveruor Slmcaul ' pîo<lamtnt h.e truggle for separatie: tram York and Pel-tho Pro- visional Cenucli; Eultablishmenî ai the Counly end-Counly Town-Eý'reclion of the (10ty buldlng-Fight for ltheCounlt' ofi I-adBidages and Harbars-The Georgian -Bay Canal--ýSrggles-avir BRoaS ApprOôriailon5 sud Equaiizng-the Assees- mentEols- Waiden aranSMembera o!Pt -Stock-breedlug -' tonly Va~r-SurerasdaewtteinenloiTon,- ac mplt.ra Sp la 1889,an4'lnvsloebli bok 6f rdemaa, Tii. WrkviOll )à 'itid forsubserib Iooly. M F'OR SALE. THAT DESIRABLE BRICK COTTAGE .NCOLBÃ"l, -TBE3ÉT, ' At presnt ,Occupiad by W. Gre[lgerzo4.. For parIolss ~ytaMr. Wan. Thomp s ,BroUàu tircrt, Whltby, Feb. luI, 1885a - CHAS., WES-TLM<E-ý Devorell's; Block, Brook.at., Whitby. <.îi.cnidb.M B.-Highest cash price paid for any quantity of;- itoes. S.F. meeti o &et de >RING T WEEDS à CLOTH8 S .00: - Vjoit, h2,1M La.rgest, and most. catrefuy soeeted stock iu tho - ounty, and at prices to, defy auy oompetition. TC>WN, A PÂI esrg. 510n~ I~&YX~ A.I'~ (j&jE [EIIBYSTAt AND GENTS' FURNISHIINGB, Garments made -to order order on the shortest not ice, a.nd in the latest style of fa4bion. READY-MADE CLOTWUNG Consts.ntly on hand.;-Something'nobby nobby Lu Boys'.. MaroI~29, 18,~. SPRI. NG ARRI wg Houge.. (OMPLEEMINGE1N Fu a seFU L .L, . PP PRINTS & GINGI-IA-MS.'- Hosiery and Parasols. 4C* CLOTH-ING T0 ORDE-R." muce_- 0 Ré M 1 à. %.q"»Vu 0 lj;;= ý 'Bittem MI y 1 maràtiaiiiL thée i3nt-, 1- "JOHN F

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