Whitby Chronicle, 15 Jun 1882, p. 4

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Aaecaosrr5~OM R EAR ~E MILLIONI strpri acarsjrtosaMyI doýr.' subi itir. ia. ratyho,. A liaio oush s hol ,,,aost tta. h.on lia atriooo t... ios . filsot ais ý1 .aY My dur, F o ' h E'ilsim of Shalcs 011 l'-~Srtsr rîtll trertri .ssdlsaW.ea DaNsassssaaa soi sra.ta, bave fluais t aie. LottITt sad ho np bslsssa a. Ths. ea llS eh.rs. iss tt0,sa01.tsotpttol tosa it ri~~a.aticrpr te.sb ssb fosls ta retifiet tisa hele tac oeis. b.trouthea' home P Th'io hesdas namrpia.tios. es~Os t . fors Bahiss le s s soa s.O- 'WOfL. non5 -Y~ cirti t' *Sa5m Oit.e s Ca mssaa as l 'YTa vsearteaa l.. spospadyba. --Of au titg.! tae B.7ÇdmAau »lamang, DIusstahsas. riai Irao aaitl chiaans t" ami sacrs, M &39 ,i Tb'. Necý ladssy. sa apprr ohsd i t irds o.attaa.ly man ssrEsgE n tassostMtt ei I .,c ..le or raieuirtsg tChathu-»C yW"ot ab.s spesth n. b,. laSss , abc, h ar atis.W"ih.,.os ce. es- .a- :Z WCI no OYithhsft-.srsrsaty.r thoatt ?" rasnrssccOsaca Ooc.t5O . ssest le. il eg-n.-P e.sapn a aVe ThOsit. i.ls c oop I. tc. i., OposI.'tis . cr =w=-.SsiSrssOc.555005555 r 5 Eait a 1iait. tie r1io. terîil Ile)hss sla r orO' c ~ o s r Th..i.-oaiaiot hl lo iis a tia hati tic hM Relier ctStsSsotasscsr ~ i40tt ay Thttsryrs ha Ssrthsttto I tto.it ken. ore. hja th. ahipl..cy sitora.trtrrrorse ttosc rra pa.t lortI fga Ilt lo rf bu.~ ,,, .to;trro.caahs srarssoLstsnys otlt. L ool a sia, . ..... a . n", C «,4s 1bd.: s "7e t irAt -at N., r iai s, t. Ypp la oi th ale 1,sa -thalle oa.araat5~dcfohts.ra Wtaa.,crits altos. bnei iltsis ysr.t. oct fila fîaosllastoia o a-e..aoO.O t. lift . Sb,.O..ao har hrsd -oY, aset. . lie. ~ t h siioç 0 t.055 . essi vits effigiesr 15 trc 1 itaaaaatottrOrasoisLntarol . aI iaa a. laI ,. 1-.oa, ,.,.aaa a - ni ao t.aatlr -osas-- -âe- aa~..srorsrsr Zosc 2VttIcs. 1" . ý1, le.ast. ns- site a oup. tloarot le, Iii ,,00. soatOsst rssosarsaro. s TTrarntslri.h ir. sadharha stdi apont hurein tisa tea,,,a, naaaas-., tasso to .là ics au6ci cone ba boitrO~'00 re,500e fu aosO.Ocs emiu bYa, - etsa '0osdass5 .The ro i er," t a.sid Colle. Herberi t, i 0 o.so.oa Oaala r. -, '~ zoria r litsmyad -I. a mOats..ca s . o. ssl oat f rs. Hs J. tse --If t dooltysopraiydo "snorted assOrasotroor.il t'a-. enasoas ftzno gns Wi cu tas -nrioss ns omttss .sd,I cash 1wr; 5oa e. Romg ut tir. tlpoopsniîits, lins ay as tis. mtt.a.t¶t tt50t555 ritsst "" M.t.slisoSt sog th. quiet l'put hi. potbr.ad flt s t hoitare. t~aoeosseo rsro.ota osbissass t Ailtrs hîmors ....t ha tiront TisrrLr smoe fsos& mase the rOgttors5 rt.,he ta sama OlrIssi by sIsrscIk J aser lit. u s :PosiI. uth, r.iltw-todiit gen t r.oah~O 0rtt,~a t.A Dry Sc. >i TeUL sosarisa n o usail, siehdathon tirs1. irSp1b . eai s m.so Je te iepd sosasostast.strasa ha cusa ie Eits,lLttaILs a nd vt prhsiy a lrs ui &euI at r i as ttyo h d i at ssrhosna hs t lo Ce s i ar a tiok rstai ' tu sainastad Cher@ Uk a sso..arnesrn .sr. LVRO L LN O D ..it. n t cs d ta l hsit & ut 'A i l "Nec ha.lgfrSt .de owl ot6t. . y b o 'entîl e tiM'5 aa Lia ib, Mr.s ctsi-laissa .am tho, pose v - A ll .L i n e . ttoa ndPoe o nt , o a robà5 juge l irrs' i el IIbctin an st d irsdsgt Je .css ut'os s.ta sns Setai th oas seartis at. n aosati auLiagle of asi go. raos anose.a a..s.ttossooso.mr t'IssJam t 'te'ai n hr rdirccin sh. asm and ut lit allas aotsa Setitrx àta rhsaMn.,sa kat vie hebr W JiOBita rtts ~ .... ... Moy lOtIs, assotta t s t , tel smortel- moments ma thcs baouis t 9its spitis l . Mîii il~tiias rc. psant.o.sr.r.~ tile. 5tti5s5 tisird tai. l. itîs tait.5 .tstning i.tccs tits os asti W.ti -n"', !ca aya is ' '7ti5ssI5r ,".~ eue as.lstrsstê mst toIt tcfosss corner and cbtlmsg s ta osc lIictsrro "otsiaih.."'1 I. « utoi. bior s fc sr ons iii noetao &I -idtr ho, usi bcsi yosfai The.'rrdcsrls luttslrain oo s..,r- .. in ~he ssi y ic alle ani d lsiisd.itakrd do yss thiait et tiits te Constituet. .W Ieý W b-vyFb .saa -oa But i lthappss lsatjnst Pi.Sopnylsaeiilh ash. bas tatli hfis ea.trr.piare o s th e ittssity. Tac DrAOrLr Esss.,-Th iss ts iaca as or cAuffas. sppsattlas~ ~ ~ Jca aiatts .s~ha 'l partent palace t" slle xasi iso. itLasg ftititiraia*si t enpratie a.se cigiit blcvr, à «eninsssoal flasho a i c. ".Bot sayr tisar. how ase yoe'going iVa sac tias vorlà baiisstyt astih t%2lRt tau erasSi tic, tisa fisne ia bars § t e heurs tsa el Oat " fiîlia for th. occasion. tisoiecoos ---a -- -s ta fsi's . ti ta. Iorcatita. lis. hs sa tissoic a at sarrcocto, sd noya 'Val h 1" roaroat ie. lîtoopr c l ts pnapa, cari, dii th.isrs' siss.. o sant rsatés. aot inoLb.rL c artl ight. Bstle Is k. ii .. soig lot. il, ai. t i , . th- lao sa b i irath.b do. Y.. îr 's 5 lnos las.o tracs arc isaPirattos frettaltiotue, ant iota yr tali moi ha W is y Psat maameîno, a.rooioo; oial o vie rir Stuaî oO ,atsa, li.ta ' sc sae placeso ba te t ils taJt...î lsralasy.lfilis, t.ataa . Paly i,, yen. Do yat ccmarcher .sit.sraaa .ppreprLatrss tlir stîs paratzsd hias, tac ? Ai.citoY. ,Rrait l 11 ..y lota J'at nd, Untir.itBro, faasaaai c osatoirta.,O pslntlscts ao nse! Li lî own-.. grailsroit?,, tand tiJe i. -atorsta .. IItAaa too-ho. aoo F- -àtrie paiay brJersasBrwni tien Idot aly gi ..ppahrib Lh,0 OrO lac. a. t Itîa . 00 att as Op lao th ata - a.h . E * "Trcsrarsvadiiioof teoslion. .bol.is i t.' taurs1o aIt,. spOtasa riev,* 1..1 1 laara sproLioat lila r Otttl a ai a.taMaia1, T~he tiseto sellette, vche sercc hes dyite. ..,a i' ' b" Ta o 3-e yoa5aaaaLt mors sto huit atiogonsrout s day, lot 'S ao 1m" yrlictiMI. llaoapaalyke. pra.a..t.I la itroalia lionI eildfatll sor sîsy as.&v lsttyclr rs lirs ta isosisîhi.thro ga' Lia striora. ilî'. tti atta PI i:aaaot ' a.t a iar . Un o locheetcr. na.npn..ai.. l'ba' r.t h .tt linset c e-Wstaanyocaoire rp -ilair h lit, al.otgîL,.tt'f ,,, -a Ial satasbss', -ha .r'Y- ritales go Aulnoy sd thc tise hnll say sorîoa elac yad. lat.i , a ,a lis, t,. - tot k-1 1oorrt Lta daneLi. 1882 dosto tn oas tsour and lcrsy'nigbit "-Four sotcas, foor hlos I' ha maor'ts, îtoly.a iIttis i b illa aminutes- iAnd tb-rcl t e ietr et Plîar-, rat, a.th Il ss i da ine al iiii.a'aaoo. heras ieurely n al pos ba tsdiehr cmwres s'thhs cho knoco hiiictpools, duaid tii iii. 'trost csp asor 4olet s ta hl oreboin Or ssonto. Xooa sptsIttatas in thr srct plnces of tte rok., Iim rmenb thc cool at aiLi Ihs apadis . isnaal Tcta ao tne tisys &firr, Lhs arr js&aiai osr wttt trimt. mat hos £[os tontandy on bsod. If yon liait s r.lne.tî sta w iei et sac C tek..syen.50 ari-y autis ttf socrsy dont sas th.bl enî c aut, sois lar itt' thma.Ltac. The symuptoesgr-a MsIIAiy adby .taatiy anti sircaitss rentai. and s ittar ai doe send cutis tonifie aîsrsessgaadaio thr tor cae gtt lcac e$os. asciajo Isl btetacu mis55 gy. ".lias 8a0i. araiega il tt td ssl aitiltsss .ltii N R for aiglaist lItSrtloaaaist.asaI mortel~tss taoa su sca t h silaste i l 0 f OÂWP5ED. tlsataci LAr. Aots a. faIse, signe., prat' 'partis cants haIlst Lea le I tisr spoaîi et iipteis n stiralY la lts. labitisir pnoedtist grnorat priasiplar B . t'yir ail cotnut this iatsrssts hy pr&otio f ltili is. Titrr. 510 -a-brl asait ber »k% t t Ob " 94014- eai lIa ara1 Garas oft tID98noenp stppyie bars lsera gaialg stl,. tst Clhar e.s ai PropsiagailotOug Jt YsEAVIG 1 =wasrsav i bWSe Prose trs th. itnuii.t liear is.Eoins oa rictI prsdtiooic. aisatis. "-Wat ssîîsi -o th opes o te Infscnion, sr tortlactrm ait. ot Ir. Ba. Wstatis orAsoslsic;Jso5t ituirhL-aHo _yaîmoreshisezsinthi, psuicnt.r oopp- morseoeraiitle oP.,.tîo. It B Bst. Canstas aiBcisssrciodo . se. maentay, conilitiy, ralas -sorad, csecho 0 ont flia posta soi balrsotiiOI patit. T st C sa tiar tr Casri ate N.1 aioslty,~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~ote aLy lootoIt thé icoPt isglosaaoLor m,,lcpaiDos - - York SlCaastior ntirltalit tieds.sat sas ho in rosapocrtaio Po tfilorsbu -op îog01, , oaa ..oy tas ean Tir Iloctors Ltast Happy Rnsr Sans asetasne hOgde rrr BALa se "Phecar tnits tai,,ooa hi. ' it t.at, l, -1 Nia., .ý. lat aur.1 a ee y aloalo.a tonitc ar ati l 9sc.e..ltlos "Y.. ..yaarcal'.rashtt.n eltrot' 1hoacr".i. ",ia,. epoto iremet arry. h 1ý I e. el aiest as. ntele y in as-9lendars O1ic ll,Lî o-w ? ,,aa 1,.i l iae o assa ,, ata v leOai a, hot tac Iea t a muet e ia ti dote t ttailss i ig.lta5tsosli. is. acs.oaooalst"s syotsr tI-t bodcralî ... .P t. nPartsîasne, -trei na arasa -t'n'y, bol sd bit b. Ont tir. issisas --S'p... 1' f. riria arlpat tlgs ta gel-, ara Citers adtlolanditdoublelook tse gans e a ni m noc insoplatio as tor a grsîifeyr in ..eh shere, tire. thsns1irrsd p- rtktsses,.pta: yenr ioliirtarisso l-t te thr plsso. ,qaaoe omstatb .ris Lt , Irient.tab rIs ascsopirtiy B. OTRP.BsNOuiO »..tsOtgit lansltar ssbiatto$ fi. "Sreatli "s I.. lttha ipr' p Bon d. , csrstyl Dr. L tat ias Dlsarkasre OTtagraGissepstrn tatsan0 .Jta ah f ss tis a traroae. tnSs tiett.,n ast lts tad sli t theil fsr Connstaeptibs. 1 DrOc ara et ultGa i.. . Wtt tils, asti tthe anssdit fisa-s <anc deys Ira. ast i-ssperrrt. '-Oblas. ara gasir la se t«Ies Lodiis* M D. _____ tî t ast tilet u . ..ps hslW. sasti .5e."t tra . edri la troua rstio hoir '.ia 4' I N COURS» pfOL oososrs1n.est a s .ttsets 'Wldido ytsy. clracr si.[i rassisen itheoeir. soglit 'rse P" lisî ri i. 9psopse. D dls, sale doubla lota. ils bouge. HAis r mEi-n POEO A14AD selig irsInSbet. 4 racL n. t," sigtoritt.. n h Tas5aTO5 ut forrRY tI ~ 8 udykqr, 1Ars8oriknjb ardoh. ltsLoIDNEnsions1Aas s artsst Lae, aatI Denrstaafaara- s.a sr hosils t t . 1 don' beiB Isolé mai -X «.ja .l sss ana mery st ttr parts istabaitl saro"l WBhWeld I. v baass i ba i sa a essnaa I . OUNTY 4) il 'RIOS tttu. srnut AticnsAn Di.rsai~a. poolk soalarssos e ,-In i0 wuisola il csriI. th ata og aslent frsadi la lasýFmy tacdaac prsaa ù dO.se dr alr ri i littnal ta t Th. t a aira lis tth.gs -,mo. -ia l" o s M f$ onr f t le ciit asolisatal is . [Surc aty ., iia Ot, rosoi Iss.slolB lstanl plit ossi s ffla dsitis i itlttisr Tav - - tiei osas iesailor.Af as ong thesasox sssa.aain sta.-tdsto viei fis ,dssa5ttr asss dissin j oa p a at e as sr lebon bik stoiaati t e i nflf als ti jen i as sn. thé àLatscItad byyeelngslàyhe at, te onn s htqa caabo.1 oaftaslas5 aoslth er.Ih olioucr yia prspa b a s s [B rtos Ba l aiaiir.is rpsnThen tattit s ofssnhe toysCscyai.Ul man itsn h. iPare of ][ar ste ttiîor pzu ibab cn ycioe ir oîcian -- ia, I dtsb- t ..y r - ctrtcro, dégâtsatBth-Scr siJsesSOt r 0fsr alos wlr bso'.al an a o y stoti aeo t ai Yo ra huit a rat b -, -ta t I l. At.tLi.,l sa1 lan la m oorssast-""Ü,i cildssdî bis, totirneur M ssillr, sti pand tftts ~ Is~~î,a ', "" t~lrria Ott is tîs ge .p pl s i d tas e Wr the tisae a he asres fi ca 10 iv cg t es o r ,I.11 . .11e W.tttasfso icitî Bu athet " do ml elt t ginl sse gao atsoi Ltaa e t. . s- h. a aige tt.s . ai o.,a hD oc,.,ail banale i et a ge aU ts aaa Wou s iinea do iit sitaena tise itosas'e P, a ..a..a 8a. r i -4 -Rosa a1 m,.caslil ec ilt sr rpai hm" lie ahta.s5 Isiso riiast salitr,,< lu. t'h.t . t,,, ' "' t 1 E sbt a s ld 1 l h . h i n l o s s f e n t lita i a t s i . s - j i d r Wa. P" l e ut, m al ,a t * m.a l s a l yaos sea cis hoir tisa l rsh b sai. A d rr ia i t ias, oa se lii tat. C..yCu aait i llott yrs te ye u l. forrsoamSitstts . oiststd stseducisatsghhtr'hactrlaa rd h s .l'.!,a s l sia,' il' ,a.alt,î.st -kaslIs t. intsi. bast i chs luts dollar. ai Io l hcr.. ao i lied hio es p.. o,1atu' ar.tr, O atlc..aaaa.listctr..ftt in sthe apirt i rtfs, d t hacut b ou dystiratn.sook s ga,a a a.îîa t s. ',. a -l ,, t , l eaa... thoa l5. tsl taldiâ.tfTr Ictt doar ofkat ft hïsr elat iesi a. Borte spptaîioîrîa.i. tas 0boa'n't"tan.to t ttt îl '1-'io.o aP.tr,.aia.,goaisl-s brala lo bs g do e rstc rsf, tisedha.ilygost bt.., tias s bas'.do I ca " it .ea saoho n ' en la o t I h. Srsus Vtila gi"l wor wr d a n bo ut asisorlr the arrcens si a din t a ts a a arsrs t h natîr,. istOý,g rler't tart ty. aa y ..pgtms al poatia Siu d b esalt issn.s Atcdhy os. ci litsr athe do t sion rir asr rlot atOi sot.i" tia Aao î îEs l. s.i-c ahg s tcas th ail tant dho aras taI las isado ast enl .I . and llinsaaOasg.Laptatao5. --'-'lis lU tMg~it $t 55,si.osdiss.E tr a.er te. s5cI!,a - t. FRESHt all «Irwhe awnre the do.le a s iart t i thei Ilts c s m foul sai ts dos ea o trn dDT Du st oltlO.ir ted objcitaciodnso rlih as tes horain. sgua. ir ad li at. e b -,EA _UR .1. 1 .1lh1- fe.C. ts.uk all t neds, rcsgmbs toast et10Y pmihdJo 8,e I tirai. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i«L alataatso et..it1a ogi..ipaersdsriiaa at donë -a. cdlcals. ~ ~ ~ ~ e ..ilyt Pl.cr àcsen. opr hici Pestait me iais chy»tofs d otgea amodsit - dis i ma s i i t irs . l u hi.îs ati ns t.ai. . jbW.cirraes oairs seaaisgariL ametaparitalaslsan timidre one ofti th aIetos Viei tll eui 11 - ROYl.r HOýTDeuIa, poils. sOnts a lis m mg l * a e ,rn ni Plra tranrte diao rtcps la it BaastalssoOiad.iarfcrlob iacr vuliscal. "T li5 00k.l doff astis amàlu 0111 sà thais, acnssst lacs Omo -1bsta55 e bisaii Ba ai s Bat osarlssstsc.ilts ttrsoi. isas' ai te asstp fsrcas op aU.Sacseasuotcut si "' a""ya.il no Bagtaisss.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~h tiaaai-oftt.atIcsalu t..o ssrgcd e, a.ea Btaalle s i" seatih gets a it îsa. iseh enata-srac lep. sutd in dtru s a i s i r a im O b yI IS a sni o frs s M r . B~. A d a a o r g ' s ic e is t u e b i t y i s t s t i s P s a a e o s ' t a , s s a , i î d s t s s t h s . the drlttngssthsai10elaimlai at sa. auh ii.lMO a.r la a rs 1ps Aac itagsr a psa on 5taS tty. Mtin he 1hîs t cfliaI M i. d o,. .yse c a s. assl aroaml t ht.lstd55 g»"~~~~~~~ Masser; eend tas Iro'aaOt fai, t.,s -lid . t ip. bAKTBOK U tWilsasI "dm 'a r'» "ftssî oulin p se r gE s. arr, ll ý-, b e5'a@Ttitszrhncsa NUR N E i mac il se capse. câl Wist lse I a0 dol . su'te s pro .! d là ouf girls Md p u4uit by a l . atie, e-el,ý --ssif Wj as A'A$5 a inRlV 5V5 ZL ~ ~ ~ aossapa Da.asar' mulsal in aus.d d)raPc.,. 0011 Bi Pareo fer et'.t~ aI I atae'eaytssaitaî o aa naist ce douar -4!icý- ta ti rPoptass hlaa.sii 1Sl.B as, ni aga! et5Oitl Mietshan iastasZsc tom opa Sots. ioîrL. mD -a - d e.ï-r%_ ga tait D 5 eLae C v5u '.a aant s .tM 5 lih.1' ( TV lf t re -.otî,. la=ok. JOIiN ' S T b - i oahoalaatsis mta i!ii asusHlls IN IE TORE. B3RICK COTTAGE '10 CgiýÇI niLaI cT a.. Y t ' N10 t. i , .1 %V a. The io.a.ta.hl0 FOt SILE It. iA-NE. '0 E t olIT r rIOtct, aSt .'EAPaslSr. o 'VNEXCflLt.E s A Br£J if LOT a iSOT oSO TRB5 PCTOI, OXUEPEETHAN EVER 1 f-P aRti .kispaini h g 'GRAYS : SRED ~~t SSPRUCE «-itsli i, reîaoa'liolî,toam'i îlièria K£Iej.hliiY, W.4 y\iooY suCo., SAD DLEiR Y H ARNE SS. WILLIAM THOMP80N B.g tssdi ral sttIssis ilr,-a LEATEEIVALISES'Atu) SARATOGA UNS te w! p.A th.tla PATE NTSI eiatte Trtir On'., iiryiîthMm.r'at, doh. itai sW . alr, Il C .rio al, .1;1..di Mal tr,-,loct., <etc t.,Wn-hnrstinyc i luf-,COIITLPi 3tT'T'INGà O i I VPlilO li ;ii. u d82i 1 - O. ln 8.spt. 1t . e, , t ii;i5. .fiyO, sp Bma Js t I, Nra1.71 j ue .Wot 2. CPet. 4st lb i, Ns"s O A, QOa. 1, ta. 25 j 5tapMr17, Jn.1580Sap. 59,Sao.1a i. c. . FasZwELaî. W'bitby, Dr. a., '1. ti-ft h.M rp-s TOîWN & PARK LOTS APPIYt- sW. H. HaitINaSa NIOLLE ILLSin cr10Wi"AT0R AI'a.PONT WbOlTBr FARMEIbS t.iart IUYEBS wit P-sta '-M...stesEasrytie s. irg5T ta5sodsr ME I J 3 r.as Nra.OLLP.. Mîrtain ealc (dte Secuity. Appi> t. CHAS. FOURRE, io n j Oolatarldosist. ~'~' I Pesç'* . Wonr 00 1 'oiiitna'Ar forssen. Fmsd'm# 4 JIaaa]. el rboces 'river aasl 'XDIZCýT MUZgIG OMPAXT5 ON AlLWA5i<IT5. PÈMIA EI5MAl' iSANitl'aDpLiIla-BOas ,. siaar., Stteara, Mfti, l»lt.los.Iooso lis.. t5sitt.A, Pttslaait, Pi.., 857 %Otsintaenn tlr~esBoëtots.s 62 On. Qasr'.,h.toc f-, P.., Cor. tobolW.ict,end.5 .J. PA RLOB BOOT and 814,E STORE!. Deverels Block, Brock-St. Whitby, M ATTHE W COLLINS Informa castomnero tisait' liste abo're establishmment wMll h tontai THE LAB<OEBJf BEST, ad FIBEST adr4loant of stock ef Bootir ati hoo etwgaaToanta andnitepa. Dont l atiofied'aith îocrkiiig ah tise display inte s how aiso, ,bungo itandasiandoisec fon yorrlf ths stars Citai aNish cyrytts tsa as la tarlinstheilsBrai andi Closlins, toc Ladies, Êbort, q9ddStut ifoc uaita.es. AT L 0 W PRICES! No blow 1 but 'ais straigist, is saying tsatin atise ncass yataspaioitise osiorsigtaoi ias toaa0 on d.waisaatasis m sostosesabisments tintitietfIbsinss. Seeotisa new Berlin Fait Booha,-Ladiesc Fine Kid Boots asaptialty. j&- Truruisi tod Vîlisos je great vniety, nh lowest prions. . . - - -r 1833- Tise bâtnotoodPatrlorBrdand.Shuls erasu DBEPBELLI'BWBOOK. Established 1833- FURNITURE, FURNITURE, Cheaper thant ever, al his new dtore BROOK STREET, WHITBY. The underAlgrtod iu returning tlassx to thse public for tha librai patrosapo atndsd ta him, biegs teatatatavi ng ramoved te his coramodioosn w promises, ha ia now in a bottIRposition, thon eara 10appi'y sai toi wata..ý Rlis stockof iFurnitusremeobracat vey handasae ts, asnd evryhisg tia eau sbersllad for in isolino, and an asamisatio wil conatoca thst tisa prsoas ara lors assugis ta suit tisa timas. UNDERTAKING. FuneraB fully supplied. WM. TILL. PHO0 TO CRA PH Y. VIE .AILEMAKINO A NE«W STY LE of1 PlioLo1grua;,iii a.ipia, lfa 10uo, aut ctir y MNEW . IIOCLSS. SPECIMENS ON EXHIBITION. Cards and Cabinets furnished ini the lateat stylé of tise Art. Framnes of ail sizesa lwaya on hand. A. BARRETT, Photographer. #:I- Opposite Ontario Bank, ~ A yssaag mas irsirioog te tady Phsisgrapisy, wtfl fini a garai aianbe fo riling an Mr. Barrat and gttiag tsraap. Wstisy, JasaiM,1879. NEW TIN SHIOP. jj- w ý oô rE BROOK STREET. WHITBY. gA Next Doit Soth <o lamiu Johnstton8 sGolds mithcs 5Hal," Has opeaad buisineussta tise abovo promiss andid l row iurtning ia ftul sinn, whare oerythhng prtsining ho Tin, Shoot, or Galvnnizud ¶roa bs manufacturad in gi workman- lika mannar, art SHORT N OTI CE iand ah reasanabla rates. ELECTRO-P>i'ED GOOD rf UPERIOR QUALITY. Ait houa of spaoa.i Tin, rai CheettIron t asc roran.liy isp in toris, REFAIRING doaa rhoaply and seatly. AU aori guiar' ane sicti isttartory or no psy, *maricart ad Cunndian COAL OIL. Lamp Ciixrtys, Wice, Buneroes, &c> J. W. BA1IN'IS. Whitty, Fsly. 04db, 1879 11511.1941.Eq!,Sl r nîitîl asta. sOr Y yotdoa0rMinyisetslihaétinf. TIIE CihIWfL UfflhfîL' a di Ana t8L gs Eetk. 'oklt«p'r *lt.b 1 om" and t, Mei, asqsiass Mta ""en elt pair t.réýyinè% a as Staolao, ÙeEVll«rALINË jls i 1 5e O. Gis> .00p .a. .e.'-p a i l ji- tau ,hé .. f iijowPiasItia st t tiou. Ttlet0 itea Stat Toale tae ..ist rI i lt#u-5c 1tic 15sisaca 0 tsseraitoùs r.Lit thSaidéser r insnnt. t LUMBER 1LUMBER 1 LUMBER MBR0R4NT, w H 1 T B Y , . do siss iso.tpyo itsu d ef Diarnstatarassit, ai rtels.asery Dsittsg Lomv.rc. Paalna. SicaTial, -at soaUitg, sta pqsasssî onransd. Lso frrc ia .og Si îsas, Blind Dsr-, asesss, ao Oln. .ai.Sy, a Whiily, Mayl7thlen55t st.a THgE TORONTO Turk!8h cdVapor atha. t-.i.o ilsais. 5ng sinitp Dahifs Il tr psunsasytseiidn ao hevAshlhati Vtj ard tlas oshrIl ial .w sca tI pocss a. tshol QoitAUias.feho t ilsaohé-M atici etw 5.Vser inoi51s tis i 55 ..«« tg..m h ain aMe.P 7tilti4t.w J th oe mn Tès assanst. r â5 p 55., 5i., Mss LsOs ath.,M. " 55 Pa Pao' r»Bo"hanso. osa e a' ;a_ 1 Whitby, o.t. 26, .80. Il

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