& ~Jo.'s M ~Pei cahu.-pit ear w evul Irnsaona wIiy Lady-Ar. obb tué,» said GIs i -vers lier., ~qp, ,a ivaupe, viti in- OOMAXniG 'rgm Izrmriî I A ?B, ous- WHAT XYeT&lQUB à ADYIIZTUXZ. sq t Il vus9s"aboolliieIy li4ceisaryï. thù. lady Arwinîe'g iagérviewitwihKoir mp e4mrieoy, but ehouldbe -coocfnéi 'mokely tobsuarva- - I 'r timnabout hie heilli. A"yallusion <o . x m. DAI pRXIO#oNmeB. ., O%.ULJJYN Il LI TOI, I OFFICS:- os Streqi, nuit l=4 IBAMMBOATTOENETA.TAT.0AB 0", noqi, Oonvoa ho. &a OFFIoB.-lia Victoria Obambeai, No. 9, victoria Street. J'.. owo,î .HnAi .1E. Kar. G. YOUNG SUITJI iE.LL B.9 BA"lTBR &o, &.-'one toLosa OrPic-Domgnion B3ank, Whitby. Tan .1878.<1. ane O -. (BroELL a. Streat, WhtlyOnt. j. 1AuER GRBNWOOD, TOE ANISOLTITOR, CON- TTey aNo Puhil o.-Poel A. vqano 11. No o ont om undTram a"s Sowwliue Loanegtlated on a&U hindi of YropeZty OM[ARLBS C. KELLERLO l. T. RÂILCLÂY, L OCA.Zd.GISTEÂT OF TEE HI1GE olfjues; RBpferar otthe Oobrt, &o. Oafce ia Court floua., Wbitby. T> AIIBTEE-AT-LAW, BOLICITOB tn Chmacry, oyaews;&o. O¶o-D~erIl'miJIek.Brook- Stre!ai, mollET TO LaNT-Pifral.F-- in ao uep W 8Q00,met a low rats-l» (qom= toA. NsGKLLIKA WSulidilr for th. ont. 'W J. W- GALRRAITH. e,. 5nvedi@,bltb of tl, tiee aormhyoti "detoI> Ontari.4 Il. J. GUNN, lut 1)09 SUGEON qTO T1E OUliTT GÂOL, ByronStet, Wbitb7. Wm. JIoiHEulN, NM.»., N.Rt.CesU ,TY'8 HOSPITAL LONDON, EEG., Gtlé. ye R. .1..LOshawa, Otro C & R T. - DR. ROQART, Phydlýà n, Surgeon, Accoucher, &o., &o. Whllby, talpi. M 801,74. 4 M R.JH.BrE Il NwPar for euffleI4 9" teof i. i; e mue%.1T"toe.fr Gooiud or n dOgà iLOouoiua T% l IhrnaouaRotl, Port Whtby, ti omme vin b. prortul with bous"s ruasomabl Whnty, March let, 188. BROUGHAM HOTEL,l Corner Brook 'sud Main 8lrouta , intheb qileof Brougharn. Ffrmi-lmmmaccommod~ations. Bc aZ Litra su 4uni 000r2,299 1.bpgMd lI1ve TROX&S lOUCHMER, ROP&1ETO1I. -4LSO- m8oo, lm., aSà tea i oe"mh'tars. Addre.a T PGOUOEER,ý 50.ly i:47, Brotgbatn, Oui. CENTRAL HOUSE, W. B. MCGAW. - Preprietor. Liuon aiaSCigers.GouS stablingau attentive bostiota. 17$W pubrlic IhL.meviwprmises bavie »M nivlybhuia nSfilleS up tbroubot, for the ecoimS t siof nts. Bam inesaa THEi OREAU OPCANAA-WAt. A.aEI-a Aie. pure VIA* Wini. Liger, Wltowe Bourera talon by the. mau onmoder- aMe terme- TôMgE A BADLL.; BL1ACIC NORME IS 1TYEL, ALFBED OXFORD, P BOPUIETOS. TEUMai $1.00 FER DAY. G lsbI la; for oves SoO bossas. yFitotoma oco*-. imodatton for armeris-ni 1the traveu Tha eabi pauiedm hvi bain m u hi 9beniaalguiasi r no bag uaL nTHS. SLEIGH flOUSE& SI.GNe PAiNTER, ý -<Ian nov b. founi ut bisShop- TWO DOOBS WEST OP ABM8TRONG>'8 HOTEL, DUEDAS UTERET. '-'Y'.' r. INA I-I AJS.L, outu~mr.aom~<os~an> rI#I8T. rE~T6ffoIfl~o. D'min/on 44ood-Work8,* Geo. Cormack, D ,Sah a ilaisd. oin, «BenR vbolesasnd reanU or by b MeudngO vaydscp lo FornSheetlug, ESbutlié . muShap. 19 Turning. ScrolL.werk, by ctt5h, M.8 - wmT~Y, ONIT. S(oi uimntrZAou 0. UT A -a- I 1 X112 R.- W IE b Wbitby, Apnil 91b, l88.e ~ RIEà aKRCÂ&l A uuranoa Compalny. INCORPORATED 1839. A 6 ETS8, $1,101,6094, F.A. 'BAUd, ~oep.rymalslluior Samagblr. MQNEY TO LOAN o lolor "B LLPIIOLINE LOTION" -ti Ag~ -El M- -W. w 1b t hr eaaa~ hpe aJt e ~ebol4. va r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ è ý 'ü S o ' t a m rmeey i o it n a c a Ilq liipuamblq <o gelda Va1l-pearbawhoeu S-t lait banaai iul Ina <ku 11<1. .a patteonanil saint - be rhen ialmclbrealhb b bav amalà lifels Sust andseolling, hdn of-à iha sporior eadt.wvbch keope tho worM frin spdlln 1 , - labmth AkariAlenIn the Clantuy. A tOVE STOUr BI Tm' RIE. HON. BERUÂMIN DISRAELI, "Qnoih Gaucht, «9odSt Oucby a&Umesn"; gli WluviOf 10*0 Booz MI. QRUTZ1~ XI, - i wmcu wizDmsan usaimus vo e-uv a L~LU fl0DE1~tS0U. hem il. moment et Ibia latin', ner m Who. h1ig aihm à n~ urn the 9eor 11,aie1ô b $înybl eret'. and il ,fsW.» W- wax-h lamly e oita Mêl~aeyouea4 from t hemà . lb- Tho neve.ocua ihu Feninnima' h!,'alliaI for à , feW miaulas..TBf.w.yLady Armine -e vou eitablished as- nurse 19, hareon -, hlmeutv*itgh bii «Port ; uni Gîsoi- 'I buty doadhimâasif <oMie Graniân. h Th lntimaoy, ladie, belveen Ibth"i tairof Ferdinand and hie iulended bride becami iaîly m2ore complote, anS P (Ilaetonbury vau almost ber imsparableole aompanion. She founcl hlm i very lie.s téedeting oua. H. vUa lbe mortagres. à abI. guide amiS *&R -tlb.haunta -of Ar-' * mine and ils uoiguborhood, und drove î bur delightfullyin Lady Ârmina'a pony fit phaéton. He couL! eliare, Soo, ail ber' tl pur.uita, and - openm-ta 'ber many uew t ane. Tbough lime bad stolos one- 'w <bing of ité ',force <rosa the- vois. 4!fe Adrian GlasI'oraburyi lfsl wawondr- aý Oue swel ;bis -mmuaI4aaeomisI ' menti ers e-oompibt ~anSdhpcocut 4 Ibde pTOethe berbâ4lil Odainftefa'iâà is leineiiliai bandvniciin, cpa -ladye lbm.AI bis collectl6as, t _. WtMa Ga-- ifuone series. ie anuled witl A obole. da)nc -kt~vnbea 1 atudy h.raldry4 n.reln I-di hi 0 aa ,O ldr ý obrt e Bhlov='îias1"à m r. andhoeooà n - ezraroî'ld ve araurnounce amioW exer n*nin sa oo as ho-*woc e,tI ii. le i breavemei iia4bis tiiecer UýlastobuivshcaIah il Iume on lt rwuj;b-tred oimo hnl bless 70.4 e, is RKat,"es saS;abwmcb n Ve shaIl mail ut dinner.o dïtao iroIpe,<h3 ft ýfha 1" mid Bir Butcffeo"But 2-4tAIlengil h 4dam krml4 ae lunolike Grandison. if I Armalinivitmbai reai li l-peservis, yon ahould oçn.Mise. çpnc Lav-n cne.tasuer et Mj 'Sparts- reedlnoi ltoa acon nassp.-- took an opporunlt i Granéliaon's goci wisiteà e wani êbury ta jini sunt sport, tairettued hote eylI ad and in Capital, spirite. Il v ' bW di- The white cà ria irhni, oui ys< Katharine a Gl.dun but log ftther ourprised., Tbs s hudea cf aveu-sn r; ednn [ng voe faut desconding, uni the dio. es hispo gincla o oafse Aùmine .wang already lu- black: hanîdkerbhia faible l the -low moun cf lteé lüM*gRonibsirb winS cun4ght baijust -dltlgihai;; -nd bea shaedxi Ihsoo gmnf -fpromiaei tobà ri waieafîft h n-von uv distant- aaoy tlor v a bo. 1. Reveil 0o nîwipapà iê sww Tour-.3 -MONEY TO -LOAN! PITS0.O0O FOR NBTNT 'AppWt* Wbty aarmy 101T,.80. KING BOTHERA - WHIKY, OTARl j A Raelre4apats,~1 ftp~ Q~u te- AUl Ondin promptly attended Ia.-..5lp Kingston Bo Wbilby, Aptil 141800. .0 lr,%NTALR 00Ai Ea~sac.im tg à luet. lculat.f. p « h Co et,amd, Town wd Paà *rk L ots8 J ~~'~1' OU~TA2I 4-f t -t'ai IN TH E w 'Samon ONLY 1