V.ry ana'hi stc fWeesaaCotï c h avk otiing a~i f.cy rousoingo. Iew goo Baest-Glo*v-, Sox&.d Brdo:% ~ GUtteniL J: sorniobby siuit- Lc~udou Brigani efuly, .urronuiai d -ihe. 4o1. t v aun llgîem; cul yul!.one ci th.fr AUM0, 1h w1O ero to .pgqd 11roligjoue b Dikessoff ylth a 'wa"oor s arn, oouveratlon for omre *tîie. This 1h07 render pursuil impouiile »ad ~ mortg îLe rtope l -au inlth.ex. eve4 langerons. ýTh. eulretnlýtls to sentis vas.ilgel Up &l finel. irle h 117y l sornetimea rses. ploeof o! ailla, orlglaly ofl&sae dovod a rolitekable illusIration ai lb. sigbts e , vlilch limalbeatretahel ime of 'ý4he lire et lite Park 4beatro. utill Itl lac!but lhW.'auier ase, and On Ihal ulght the golden L4ae ,gang forlc.i fealtlong.-'.ho pisioning vas ont, th. Park Iheatre -bolng--là i il corils &aeof atout notots.îvi&aIsePro- district À tralesman r.sdlng lu a'- rnired. The dbath wArrants a u eighuorlng slriet wu then lb isulby the Dèputy Clark of th e toWtnIOTISo a qUIl Court. Tho ozootiun takes place bo.. tance whoii a hurrioe menercv twoeu 12 sa l2 'cloeik n7ot Frlday. ad to ici«= tit lbêeI. çsvw$ l'astes n Itodhas receivod no reply rom 1h- homo Ore"bis bos; W bdle madde." 1 realont te lb. telogram akng fora The isttlligenue wasablilni but mot exodutiOli. emageralod., Whex lhe siiriv.d ai bomne v tay of b. fio. o ousd Ihat th. Goldon Line gang If -Aà &và oiE LETTES. vas subjeting ih 10à a si1go. AIl the Thse ttomrey- (loerai lntructed the idows vere broken, thé panel of the ifeupe MaraatôftIsedistictaniWardon cf door wvas orked, and ate ee uko tiL. gsol te ksop the prisoner ip striat sboworilu btatrm a&l directions, E.- pofe confinement, and à slow ne oséà te ses hevlug bis vay Ibroagh the crawl, lbe Lins except is spiritual alvisera, bis tradesmas, a tout Northerner, entened physicieand olthée officiais of the g901. bis laOss mil a volley Ofmissilessud Guitosu bas sent the fllowina b o ye. found tbros mon struggling in tho pas- M1r. Hicks :--Go and mes Artbur Aud sage. TIse oxplanation vas thattwIo cf j oth, E shako Jour l'qt inlubis face. Tell hlm I thse menn ve detectivos; lb. third be- Foot4 tuade hlim 1rsideut by my inspiration, ing a tialf ho laed appropritel e - j suri bc inltt giv'o Iie an nucnd'itioni wateh at the ire. Iu cenvsying their te Prnar piron, IltI il lie doeos Dot, Qed AI- pnseuner 1te s tation, tbe officera hari a sert, Uà lglà ty ,4L iat hii<rftver. I tell ynu. heen evertaken by tho gang. aavagely brother fliekr, 1I an i)Gelaniâr. tun] i;rntiltetl, end co"~eled to tae. bel- j lié God taltes cerne Ofhie ewn.' ter inte . Ir oie btuabad AU open scoviclebs î,,ivîta, itri., . Iber berviiL,-tiey averd, they 8 D ET,& the propidlent aettitig tortilt itt..L iuiwntiu1à probibly bavu been kilied. The , donc omore ti art 1 l , - , iendt of thîi.î rîiiittuiable incident vas fnwdiy effuire, a-1 v c ir- l'.. ..U it[)Rs ol 1he ofic3rs lad te Malte lis c.3oyo iii, Lut îv-W--ie <xit Ly un' hack LduOS' sad summon a urgs îe reedclut-g . ---,-forc e ûv-h-be te rh-ar the street befere - - and vet ylald t e tilijnatiette tiîir.-i 1)r 1ie c rîiiic r couldt'a e ecurely conviyod vengeance wbich linds Il.i:h i ,4 ! w t ,ttcleP!c- . atciî1. !ho blo alike to juatice. 11< iaintain t 1toi i-.. t ittai question of aity hi tot Utî i 1:ilv TO..IN-4i ND FAILURtE hètlîy8ý 8effld. Il oi %oce Irow congestion ofth, U 1 the VI kiiiADY O 1>12-4 a r I i i, fo>llîcular dlieae of tb. 0*Ie k Duringa econversatio with Dr. Ilicciq lauri-e, or rulistera sue throat are It4lt to.tlay Quiteau salti :---l aum G-J.d ofto te reerilte of broecial troubles, fo*î&a1M man aud cani go t0 hoaven to-merrow sxten&ling op. tLe treachea, and larynx, p140, Bai10 fur tIsaI matter. 1 would't Emind afféecug b. vIsole muenous tract e L. iis I 1ing hasged rigbt owsy. Wbether air passage. TIse. iseates are the a 5.n tIse à morican people cen afford te lot outoome- or expresaion of nerve d.bility b laIC I me b. bangod, or whether they really and blond impeversahmont (rom over- eng vhi deaire I shail se lie, is: suothet' que@- workinig thse îystem and exceaitve ue I tics." of thse organs invvol. Hero conalitu- t OUITEU ADAPtiD)ONSAL Uà OsE. tional tretiient is requirol tu restore nutrition iscid perce power. and uehauge Washington, D. 0., Jue25. - ui. W EEELEIRir Phosphate.s ud liss1ys Jpq-â leèan passied lb. day qnîotly, ap s.entIy bas boas n esusffsily ni by singera s EuU'* undlsturbed and composed. Me rose and public speakers.1lmb i st evoe, hlLal, caldaMe the prison pane fere witL rellsh. IHo is net inclined ta Thse clebrated Vogetable Compeund taljk.. Wandeu Crecersasys heoLba for feniales, whicb, vîthin a foeyaa, beon more reticient ovor suncestIesaI. bas made thse Dame cf Miss Lydi& E. Fliqs, verselciso!ofthse Cabinet. Ho Pisiham ns own insevery part cf t1h. mica, grO pacel tLe coîl reading tLe Bibls, cul civilized or oid, relieves snffering by by "BLoug mev no eue tbrengb tIse day but 1ev. the sae ansl ure method of equciizing obanie Mr. flika ai threee oolock. Bev. Mr. -iL. vital forces and tbus regulating b. soystein e Bicko nov beliovea hlma sane, altbaugh orgauic fonctions. It la enîy by snobh eue. AI Le ptitioned the. President for a re. a method that diseaso ta ever arrestel Dr. Cars apite. The telegraph coxupanies are sud rmovel. Bittera. rtinlng a vire mb tIse gaol. A etrooR Thrce requimte-peus. plnsad aIl Biliot miltary guard is maintained. Guiteau celdles. The twe latter ye au get cf csul gir bas renouced ail hope. Dr. Hleks aymai, but vIion you vaut a gond systein. vas arourably inpreased witL Guitcau'sanyeumatoe o 3eb .Dugo sinn!ity. Re vas humble, but sot oh.: ugl nscfEtebrc1~.Dngs iject cal esterel Leartily imb Lb . - Di%. SMITH'S GREAT GERMAI Sick H ligbous levotlons. TIso Warlen mya WOBM BEMEDYi nvariabîy acts sa a sul Cons bis l emeasour lna ta of a, groatly die- geulle Iuxdbîvs, opexatîng vaLthou te use ni appttol iman holding op under Cireat pneer nig tipatioz mental exctemênt. Hu doqs mot Sp- meue aul Prohba that (lutteau viii break dovn Art aud Oil- gai on tb. acfol, neitbox dos Le anile!- 'The Norfolkt (V.a) Virgina4uof Jau. paMe that ho viiiplsy <b.epart of a 16, 1881, refera te the romarliable cure brmggat. Thse gaova sw!C alterol eftoted by St. Jacoba OI1 lu thoecas of As u5 se that tL. Lady Wini bs lu full vtew Prof. C"romei,-known lu thé o eouy ci. of Iru ailier lb.e<Un. orer for -bis magui.fiant ArtIllste, vide rep * tions-who Lad sufieredsd urnciating b aso '% iekel prohibitionist vag in the lermouts rom rbeuanatism,unutil ho have qloi Stat. of Iowa makes au embarraosing- Iiel tLe 011. whoeê offets ver. magi.bv u appliatin e!th. argumeut noually re. cal. oxpoci i 11.1upo leproe -lie tO pur liduo epoo t atit la botter ta An Impoe.tant Omission. ÂAk "or lsoeb I Ian tu proibit tho sale of strong .Six Ij..MTi n is returu ln refer. trio lut drinks. J& a~ppore thain tIsat Otate, abîmaisOttte emn. sdtk esIn jos~e ors, Ibm t a hss once t: taelloite e e- u0lk le-a tinmt,,tlô'iï sry îsuapotet lndouiry, adl 90WOO a probib tory law againat lsorse-aîteallng, oeevIahI M O t uzly given emplay., und yet ovox 150 bornei have lieument te may b auds, bai lias ibrougit. stolon iwitblu i% monthe. Deupelisg thoelafneno ,cfiLsheN. p. relises cf thse prohibitory prinaiplo, iii. vag tbonianîs prooss a emedy tIse passage of "a rboex ta from'pbysical eafoéring. We a refialai jud.cioa horscsteeilg Ucone îaw' tIsaI grat romedy fax cor 9, ihe for he pevetlouof he @il.PJTNA' PÂUMuSaeCORN KTEATOL" moned fax Le rovlate» c îL evl. Bure, as, and painleis. Sir Loonard av .T'he reaidons of vitorisanadlNov may oxclaim, "Cauaeor Canadias,"e Wesminter<B.C.)arecomîailngbut,wv onet emphatioaliy .xciaim, e ! e bittoxly cf lthé irregularity sud catieos- iputnamlo Painlese CerOM strator fer osaiia nos of the mail service betveen Ihose corne." Bell ,veryvhore. . vrie tva points, wvicias l in thiq aentxcl cf Kllney Disease. Oovernmeut aentraetor. Pain, Irrttion, Retention, Incon. , Sslenid assertoxent of bsct val-tinuee isGDvl e, ue y meuaLn ors pat, 41liini luchsudcrate Buhopiba' l- s.ompkllai . î'egrtUlr Cezî~ iiîîîîi.tIc.Maine J5armr, o, nloWrn - the- tainel aumiiîîm i.o lc-r - .y ici giVîog 1hioity te tIse greal Cnrest tenianip. If thue- ar crif î ut Yc ccwplle.i n l ey fsmiliyin îLe er- two thousenit p(i-racus wiil be hcitileee. l85Gi. Durio l': te*sommer of thatycar tuy Eon, leury A. Archer, nov post. Tie prt-siutatiîon o Mers. Paîrnell icester oet îiis place, van attacked yuL and-iil ln of the, freodocn i o îty i f ,i[îttiug of blood, cougli, veakâm so! Dublin cili 1le mnde on thse l5th tiflii, and general deblliey, 0 maIsgoe Aug5eà t, the casnion of the apeoir.g o!fta our faiiy physicien declarel hlm thme xhibitio io>at City aud tLe unu- have a 'seatel consompton., 'He vellibg cf tIse statue o! O'Conneil.vas entier mediesi Ireatment, for a,- The labourera hantIse viinitr of nsiLer of moaths, bot recelveul ne Loniford, Ireîsul, are uniting te obtehu benefit. At leugtL, rom th. sololta- coecseaiess fros tIse farmers. SIsouli-thon Cf bima.!! cuil obhers, I WU lu- <bis"attempt afil îey wiil prob&bly Itlt uam.oabtl !Wnt' ecduaveux to mourseidirect dealinga 3LAs rWznCmi bloh liens. wihiiIe 1Isdolrds inteal cf -viIsIL ItIl tmhemeh Iobtinel ather, fari. - -vhu- elsarl urne rstcrellslm te. Thse bas b tlî# stormin uone ceusty bis umucade o Iseaibli. teI sam inl of Nebraska 0 000rcomeoIbs esl l thrsl Ti roéIj#ntieo! B f 1itter, Gorman- 9«rbortato ho.rT" oan»T.LuxNqRxm*nT l"à io f Pioas.; La# b.up-ancepteëdt 0 i*M51 PI hoft4i, - u gun"60, in My vcitary efering ta Ivo y.riope sges l tportéd.- - 50 cento and $1- e botli. dql Iby flapLlbas boy ossIle -tise rie'. ers . nb.,>M. a t O v n s e n » 4 n a e K s s p l e h o u s i - m 'i ' *Ia86eh - - . ajfl.s.tia s nbtuir.- - t, h one .~jr WewillSialSUMER GWfj A FU LL STOÃ"KQFGROEIE The Highest Price paid for Fitri Producea Z . - -B. Whitby,-June. ;28tbe'1882. and spmkJa, Dumfia d Pelai, Er ad Neuduohe, PMofa tdll-EafD, aait<Ileha Paainid job". meime «. .rth b orluafla 2 iuOm out", S4uate cMd cbap Exsaum à UWalOntl, but the saqiasady BOBbs.e dV . LicI ifthe lin. essece cf vital. St pirêbloodt&hmeeanb. no lu à ^o1t»$, pto=a1eof bal -heb te îÙ rlbularie irdoe* Blood Bisi e.ffectuly ,se Itood frote &U huom, heoalthy sile"tof1hé ier, idoeys n an ail lrgth. ble it regulate a4wIpuriAes Never Be Wltbout It. isuMda&U Who' aru obu aa of elimte, irwsrh&o., acerbe. wiUaou Dr. Powks' of Wild Blrawrnyi, tbe ta smedy for a&U Bummer Cern S.pul" adBUS- roacoes, ants, bol.dugs, rats, ,phera, chipinunkd, oerl out Igh onBats.*' 150. ,sable vosîher il mg to the reuderlag it more-I bie te dis. s a prevenlativeofo! olknesstu aons titomaoh -à & Coapatllon TLay purify tai.ble*. are as tomachacul irer biserdesu, se toue andl straegb 10the Prîce 50 cents. For"elby ail 4. W. IB. Besagent EioaduLe, Ncuralgià , Dyspope. stipation relie>ved aanelby. of Dr. Csrsose Stomacih à Couin a BIttera. Try them. The 9s à oefeelisal. Bell by laug W~. B. Hoose Agent. A Word of Caution. me ment tWaUoet i woTId ýputatien by lb.vodaiful sM- tIse colebrated Elcotuia Bteral >ne, oortain nnprlnolpled partie keavoreî te Imitais thons, mmd e Indlues au 'mnsipeoting pl-- arehae Ith* r fiadet vu*@. ar lmnùisi for ihegeause leo aon, tIsat are guaranleo te oui, ie inaotes Sellby W. B ile cnd honorable esllmâ*14 à oatua lte Molicie vws reec.- i ainsau th*mmre lIsathei [ruggstsltha ais tha esot elUua tbey bavei, a ltIs a it gis 4fan teibustoniie Sca nom t gibr scînnin. Ao W- Prden ti uat, anti vils n 04cid Malpibandi, 111 Those ulscs ex sxsalof Wim 0 à S ?«Moecf Binis, IMarriau, UM]q~.-Â1 bis reýl8enee, Pori Party, on the 251h lue, Mr.Dansai lotLa, a nmative cf Argl1hrc. land, in bis mghty.bavent yomr. WETYMA tM BWJ8M 7611wýhat............ t2828 Peu.............77O P..,blae.ec.......O 0 1* Dieesa.........0 80 Osts.. ................. 049. . . .rse............ 804b40 1 0600 ....b.s........ oit But ............ ois8 Ch.................. 012 a Il a.......... 1 000a ký .......-..ou@ Hile,, p« lb............. 000 Perl,perovl.........7 2 Turnipe?-----------. .....O15 O1Iex, *perdes .......... 080 ecblkes, Pre .... ....080w ya .......0100 B.f'bthe crss à .::W0 Eetel-ioe. muttan, by th. carasa...008 Vedtam,60 l- a ...0 BaOcn, armiea.........O012 1* .. .... 018 O Cabliqe, per hea& ..O.. 0 Elmubaritper buneL ..-0.000a SIsalob «lo' ....0() W Ecliabea, " ....0000 W...unase.......O 6l1 - h......... 018* il 25 1 80 e890 082 0 SB 1000 4 0 O016 o17 0 12 8 25 O2e 040 060 0 14 000 70 0014 O014 000 012 020 à CA R». aIl 'whc re mmirl thf e I errors voaknes. eerlY &lm Of ns cmiubcod,&st FR» OF wnlI cTub e you AmrIa.SeLà = f.drssLenveol t.lb Br.ZornT. I*îua SM"eUD" TUE GRXAT HIOLIDAY IE X-CURlSILONS8 SIR. NORSEMAN.» - Mlliery at Reduoed Prices.' Oarpets at ReduoedPres ýFeit Blats at, Reduoed Prices. s, at Oost. )UGCTION, l'veI in, order to Clear them out ND OROORERY, p Àf H AARHLUR _______'J Ue e la~ ~~~e ecined li Pysalana loti. WOILD, m arle c he 1&AU. , 1h i ciiutC ua Mero X«h n 552 Mun cue Si e tu t boa Ca.OSOt tihi l.ueh -O ura<nlb o boaSu ibiau i mdetIn tfïob=4 byWV-..eHELLEà M00 Ma ejo isw elland. . rt-rt c1mbxtali!ess nov be~xe lb. pnblia.: verk forus liaia:anything olse. Ca*isl sol nedeti2 We vMi tart o. 612 saiay nas MadOmsl homde bythe nLdusirons. M,wvanen, boys Aud gis vau,ùte&jtev errvoxto varltfor u.Nov la -te tio. YTou cci vdrlt ln sp ~ ioonlY or oi*e youx vhale limeto i, uinesse. Ton cam lire at home acul &c 1h. vck. -No othek buiness vi» Ps Y nsaryove lIc ans ean <FSd te mab s normets-psy by engaglug aI oo. Cosly Qutflt anl o 0 free. Moneymaà de faise"UaalEd onarabiy.- Addre uxz&~Ce., Augutv ailne. -11 ~OfJMItI8HAL NEW ,GOODS' TO HAN O- Waltham Watches, Key and stem winding, aise the patent duel proof case. La&lies' Gold Watclies, the fiscastdock I hia ve ehe'wn, quality guauantool and pri- ces the lowent possible, ,Walnut, Niokie and other Clocke in gréat varicty. O-HE4 ~flE ~coI~. GERRY: RING !- OR REDISTRIBUTION, HATGH &BR Oe, Uike Sir John A ., stili corn e out ahead, 1 ~I noti~~ tueS lis'] They have a large stock;,ogi before the late rise in pricel and&-are determined to give theiru- tomera wlio may favor them With théir patronage part of the beiefit To Builders and Carpenters We woiù1d say, you wl1 fmdl special advantages with us, by calling and getting prives. A large -supply of Blacksmiths' and Carrià tge Makers' Fmdmfigs. O ut Nails, 3 inchiana over, $2 -90, cash; special puc«Les for large lots. Good quality. Whitby, May Brd, 1882. , l-If- ISPRING1 'Electro-Plated -Good, -a1 T fusocks. S~os Innor ndN Tes Enives, in Plated, IvcYManl imitation ivory iBaaies. -PiCkle Frames, COmetis, Bnttei-Ooolce, Berry Diehes, Cake :Baskts, card Becovere, &o. S lET -A C L ES, TO SMT Mà L SIGHTfs. JAXMt SOfSTO!(, stemiui vin on y htavefIilb*rtocTorosle vnjMToroai t 710. Iavii lo bave To % m ura d a , >osfx tip to iser s iS>' AHRJ'VALS-, -0F- SHOESi Thse Bixaml-natof! - v»be hol& aI 'MHGR SOHEOOLS, J canimenclng XOND4Y, 3ulJùy S2d, ta piesent tI AdTsee2sabLe IsCaulidal JAMES b! Inspectas CAREG~IE PIKERIN« .JMES OARNXGIE<JP TWis Bouse Las becs 1Used lng clSeu Pik xn,à y l7t,169 rot- SAME ORIR -SUITAJBLE FOR EVERYBODY. An immense stock from whieh to make 5 Latest styles- for 'Lde' GetlmnE RSY luE and- Mis"P,,-,eýr'mrk-ably Iow g,.Custom Work as iusual, -aaBpeoialVy. c-.5o Rmember--No'th B tôre Market 8look, -WIiIyhova Wblh, arb 2,88. JOHN"SAUNDERS &'RING TWEEDS 04C .TtIS;r'~ - -fko orh =11.E { 3. ti GOUMs Las arrlelai st etrsal-vith coff9em d luger. - Oue-baIl thelovs ct 6t,. I -13., bas boss levaotwê b y0 dsm&go lu $50,000, oaoulului-l before aMon- eyed sof Ie gungai. per bot- tIsai cuis s 71 nu»,e wn- >'ý,ýFowlefj 1