M Ij IT E, ZAM1EOÂI HGTELr &O»»%W 7.91 toas. OFFICES -72 ca Streesi a th*b IAVUS NMISTHOEDON&, oli A-IiteOmmtso'flt tel. s 4cuLo in leILoa-I'9 v~S-treo J-CP &sryCo» y"ao*r &c 9,oia Setci..n ok ro te B ARRSTBR e.US.T-W A.Tto IN. -leo4veyacieru, kc. OFFIzO.Inominit ork fljsbeaYN. len. 92,1878. (1-à "3'R L&;ýT-LLWL SOLICITOR tu riy &a lm n von=Ouv~ a O«ft0oe-DeerWU Bo, Broo- J. âAER R lEBRIWOOD, Forme 1O~it ad soid;Marriage Bttis. =tn.=1a& Trusts. d mai u.istpe Loanu$ Ugoiated on SU nias p llrporty-. ChnAaLff C. KELLER, ATTOBKET-4T-LÂW. $OLIGITORINi onhwoer ~o»veyauno$:r, &0., Canlug. L. T. BARCL AY, Ir OCAL IBEGIStlTRAT CFTUE 1110H ýUCourt of Justice; liegistrar of the Surrogats Court ;Clerl o t&W County Cout. &o. Ofice in Court Ilouoë, Whitby. JOIIIÇBALL 1DOW, B 'AR RISTER-AT-LÂW, BOLICiTOR " nchauewy, Oparsymucer, *, in uxe p o, -Pr alow ate ,u terest. (y8 JOUX A. I.~LVAY DmW~son Ha, M dn. 0ort GSÂA sniUL s ii.Cofg of Phyiciansa:d. Surgo, Oitario. Omca-B3rook-Bt., Witby, Ont., (tht.. doore South otItoyel Heu>. 11-46 URGEON TO TE COUNTY GÂQL,,1 SB yron Street, Witby. 'GiUYSil oSITALT, LONDON, ENG., t.ihee yo BI. o, il. L., Otisna, Ontaxlo. On. U)AT I.$1N LSIJ, . 1>ON, Ttor». I(UL4 of t1à sS .oosBout., Texcat.) Lr4casLivsry Stable ilouaad ,,,EUUMMB N» >haiitgleassi .4. iasPoet WMtby, ,wUbs troviffl, wlh bos&at rosoonable GEORGE BROWN, WhItby, match lit, 1leui BROUGHAM HOTEL, Corner Brock madMain S"roelminuth. Villae ofIBroughamn. Finit-vIsa accommodations. Boat Liqu'ors e.n. Cigare. Gond .tabliug and ettrnt- Jioter, TROUAS POUCEER.4 PEOPRIETOR. L ICEinED AUCTIONEER for the Cousit.. ooa" sX or* and-South stock, utI. ta. Imoeascags b0-" Ao4, Br«qmhmOnt. CENTRAL flOUSE,1 OBUAWA, ONT., W. B. MeGAW, - Proprietor. Firsi-olm a ccommodation.. Bes Wmnei Liquors anA Cigar. Good stabling and mutetives hostienu. ly-l7 WHITBY HOU.SE DUNDÂB-ST. WHITI3Y. The imd*çWégnd voul i laimai. ote pubic ha lb shrepromises have beau îAewiy ýbuM i na -611.6 up ibnougbhou. fo« lobacommodation of guestu. Boit Winss, Liquors sud Cîgars. TOIE CREAM 0F CANADA -WA.Z LAO!ft. "lo pure Rin* Wice. Lager, Wh&$' $aleud Itetail. Boardera taken by thse week on anoder.. aie terrnl.. JCSEI'U A. 13NDLLL.< July, 201h 1880. 52- lBLACII H<JRSE IOTJEL, Cou.. moeur & Qioueas Bs.TOROBTO... ALYBI>OFOD.PBPIE'B <Late 01 Wslagtou Rot&,, >lkahai. publinlugetieril.1y THE ODG8ON1 HOUSElI tLa. .'iucli tYea'o theun ormia sd d ar. nv, bov ow, srtipuosP".Ç fpet, Geo iuhln. ioa AflIU1A Moab&$m tirs T H08-. SLEIG-H, IIOIJSE & SJGN P AI N'r ER, -Ca inov ha fouud aitbis Shop- TWO DPOOS WBT 0F AB*MSTRONG'8 HOTEL, DUNDAS STREET. c-Aul Ordaespromptiy attend"silte. -M Whithy, April 14, 188. -» Physician, Surgen, Accouche r, &o., i&e. C. N. \TARSe L. D. S., Wiithy, Sept. lotis, 1874. 4e- - autmraed tu coitriisotforr adiertine. meute*AnuAthe CU19ONICLE et oui W. AAS ROOMs. OVER lR.,H.MJT"Bsofà LiGrocery tors, Dndssi, ùtby. OM4ce h cure tram 9 @.m. to12 m., an4 froa IJ ,p. m.Rednc-o.o ye liberI uireats. C. N. tA 44-aL -». s s~ ud. Utcer au' Mrýrlz r o'iuliog ore cl D NTAL BOOMS removel tram At- kiou5s Drug ast le ooosover S à e 4w 'if*4isp, esa.t., Oizaa. ait 04 e Ioe. SUtf Utlah pujon ýà il- À ùkgfr boytsd prs wud gret ps. ,Eder, if you wsut a buuixesa ithicliyeà 0n cumu areat paysall tlieyen vot, rte for 1îown. 'aniýa rkrîLots OEi, l 0FrA senï. Hone-' sObo id not urge -the o ewpst e,- ad dccided that J jufited. She 1 ladidi ~ iWas aaroat the 1, ei fot, jplease aatfauadaily taim 4Octs. ?E~L ~ 'yh y BInma Bot& sl aaqE~d4cu bats. rtud en Wôos. rk SWHITEy. CGea. Cormack, L tMBEII )LEIICHÂT a41 BViDU JW-A large mjply of Bufil upurm"s. j.UMBR voleesls and t»tal, oeiy ~lnaMoulding of ove ydex- t Flooriug, Bhe.tiug, Shel 7igR..ltp e. tc. -Tumnt Wkby, Ot lem 278 40 INfflk 0 Wwb.AagimtsfleOm l Pn1. E ie»L aIe*4 uïuwk $st.em& t rtu k n W . L OBEUZ. LOTION, ia ssuma îoewCompany BEH~X A. r:EMPLE. >11V~.. arr. uoiî. BE~ SIly4b1l~ g-, ~QO~ V. "Il-la sol mv autos. lia hâda.smw. 'i*ii yid5l be miesad, rIk,4tIfiee, . "' t>unc '~~5ieU ni KaIimIs-Idsi»ý fuit oezpMctatat îthiau mevef balk. ý% -.Ptfc'S. ' .ai-Soloft opa. soIsdiu ft "Minsé a'Y Moteliasoly reprosob. dêuMe4*tat od neveu oeaee-wbM 04 IbiSyou have deserveti, Ferdinand; M fthelb bht, mnd glwing, dgem- lpt phZEtl me -JO remat, tiennez7UY=i4 sons hl$i. msMoryoouju-ep, &at b4vs bu.osls4uoug, 1 puI>y nlouI t- à e t;mspUt sd - the Ihrüli ua oirsi' li>4yon: 1kaunsim6ephere af "Glasobuq'bas bld yeu?" "Iad 'uIe-be luinsA to bis shatureisud Puidiibtd. býton-boarud COU, tht tigd boiven "qT aloM«omualominm a mnugthe -aboie, mud -vbatmemued ta hie. perbapg otber 35OdosUu vs oms hlm." vepliod nip»s ainugrteful. epirithe ni e- fo " ai dnu, m. l- oucbeoompmoait vsa 'qM . windwakemsd tram so e= i iiiiti oe'oorhou ou mmcm.migl Mu tousoma, beighltrÀ" more fa- l~di~ <r m>' ma lepp Do- memore udia.tuoPfoli,8Berh .Itidtb@»@. h88 Au~uoI temuZIYa-à là as zoo 1 uol>'îI . nui *oèI~ami ia "I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~w OtttoioLL. si mml -r'-iÂ5 ~i. Iu otIlamts e; .1mé-lblt-w netsd mathmv*ed1" taaebob unforlnt. ti arn vtiýbeu oe"sl e iasadtbutyoKtIee -orlîUNI astsli.b*Ilmd<u' fieunvu_>padm., RHIS 1ABItm ybouIone ilsat I '- 'MONEY TO LOAN-! n&mw ON U1AL ESTATE BOz MY Moneyaseuxsâ wttbfis Ã0 4sa".o Aniy lo /~EAHERANDFINDINS! ýw rRLmTI; KADE-TO g9WB -0& WHÃ"W1<TC*. th6 pIinà ià prù1ýseeUt of a 'genexatiOn, aulblaatinpj, as with -mild<w, bthe ~ieun~4~e~t flà la Che, iehed af- kif I'm here that 1 wonld ho urles]," igH.p"eitta Temuple. dagt4r, 't ecampo Santo. She Iid übeaugyer tha t .auotn ing ; ber fa. 1h~hadseieda happy maoment, anid sh idgane forth-to visit uliedeati. - ht veut and cloistereil oemetnywas siadnd turbed ; ual a humnan b4iugi as ther e lave themeselves amol lb. koépoi. The Bon shono brigbtly on tii,' mutte sdoceifecoandi Heuietta stooti appais 'i heaiti. fi saircaphagus, thst esesn'd prepareti süd fittieg ta rîceive ber destines] esheF. borle esliatI Iwonld ho bunieti," saiti iii, Rer father ahuost uucoamecionely luruotd hie heand. ta gazo upon the coun- tenanco ci his .dnughter, la 800 if thera vas indeoti teson hal she ahouls] talle ordeoth. That counuenancewiae chang- @oigu tsioop ub à b.WOOD bIflui ebly at- -gouapesl ta picînrp. Tisai flaehing oye ,mad -Iels bmetbîng of its bniJiiancy, Ibat oupbnrb form seoitbing of its raUnduiesa 4ht stoglike siote ; tise uir the amautling cheek ia ie sot4b. pdlg te;, ami dyet-it nilgbl ois. héaancpatlnug of apprqaching Îî- *ë d s t.ur. ýthé. iunaginary iqmna tbliaà erer ol etouçe ; but ~rauythere mame o more spiritual Pe' p~utI<~ 4iftt ord tet tiwhole op- pqmaps ef'2HSrbtia Temple, anti ~iè- aultà y'miA bà b.preferreileven kit tmoovely and l gowlug beanty vlu.hWbe'hipâpier houri, matie ber 5i.vda'y qùeen cëf evers aud ena- "Il la 1tis&rânge. -dean ýpapa." elle cou-I 11158txuti,"at uuy dret #ioiebouiti he ta rexe«-, t thl Ment hhelr attention ata à smon mu. À tracled hp. tii. sou na of the distant 1001101 g alesai the cemelry apeulng. ýanti gev- But oral peraane soën onteteti. Tbs party me mmd eu xttof 0 e of the authorifflea of aust h Citry"vase, tatva-abte lb paco a btin us îe campé. - 'l'a e innqin rg ids ~, Mu.Temple ea osimtthst the.vase 2104 1 aptilliair lin ed ee1 utbio4s oR~ ~~~W 4.pentdothe 'Cmpe by 't.Ma~ o a jze f Montfort. Heiniatta. -woul I. U M, ' anà ýbronght forth a cmiïous casket 'of- p6acigil by Mr. Temple, "~the contente of tità ak~ migh&. amuse yen ?' nd thoen hoLelle wS 0le ah lIu the conrse of an haur a servaiit *bogr nsçmo fruit.and aluvn&. '*The gritpr-e are fTrn my-villa," Bnid Lord Montiort. 1"1 ventured te order tbem, bepaliso 1-1hava hourd their sain- tory effects haive beee marvellous.- Be- aides, ai this sesn, ovoyn in Italy, they are rote. ýAt lens*t you cannot -accuse mie ofprescribing a very- dîsagrýenhie romcy,/'ho dded wit u liglat ai as ýh hà nded aplnte to Miss omJ. fivà éard butbr i~eit ety asuira onpd hhat m4ûip ihegrete 11an icue .. L p --at~ h ~i eai tiho=ii sp or n, or aà agia u erngwz thie g ais. mqu A-lt ftieTn.spThesdlaed bas0' forea momnta qt;un Lp t heý Swee uic pt- < . r4 le dwat onLias ar', geleeran*o z'k.o-rnue ahe.:aaisl dth a â isth care d sl toued in biadeu; Heriets ong dune. There ma soethnganber an.eLordaoieç1 lote a r epje litoter vaiseaatifimi taon.iin Te feîeuefthrla forb a ehv moen epte nnoppy Trd hoa swiet sia pMihsespple. od *IIlt on bl is aar. m d ern cre iaentfor Msar asialed-flou wutbip I cue, an adlie re niL erser,.,a hy ertendeortionber ba. ordMnf INa Weibang tLRe. TOT00NRV TAh MISShTvePLEpi ourLoDEhip a -And how do' yoba liko -my frieni,' Honiete " said Mi,. Teimple. as tlsay drore home. - , I like yaui- fniend very much papaL. EEe As quise as quiet as you eaid ;ha,,is F$lMOst the* only persan I have Been since I ,quibbed Englout Who -ha. not- jânaed y nerves. t i ut o that I had sa bong preveuteti yau'bcth frbm cul Lvating- each otbet'e acqtain- tance. IHo doeis not intentèe. wltla me lu the lonet."- -I wisli I ad a.ked l imta lodi a 4' upon us in-tise evenln.g-" saldM.Tm ~ple,,rather inqpiigy oiher day. deareat paà pa."ý -h Tbe sai day Lord Mbutfort sent 'a- -note ta Mr.n.reple, ta tuquire aller hie dunghter,,açd ta press upon ier -%be imgportance of eating bUs gtapes. Hiel eervant left a basket. Tilt)re'st of1.- noté was about zinenary urus. ;I- M. Temple, while ho tb.iua6ed ai,. as.sureti hlm of ilie pleasune ilb woub dgieol ie, daughter and bimecilf to sue, hlm iu lIaeevaning. This was h ia nia tioi ta Ilas ouse thmt Mn. TctoiI ed venitnned ta give,» bhongb they liad'now kpawn each other-fon 'sanie tiane. Ia' -the eveung -kLord >M9ntfort-up sofsa, _a4honr ftnier wauld not lot bhon Ãise.' Lard Mdntfoi* .had ,broughtdifz-.1 -Textplegsanie EngIi-3 jôà nals. thich ,he bailreoeîv.od . roua tÉgho.rtt.,,,Tbe gëntiemen talked -a. ihtîoIi ibrst '-ega iMaisc; anel lisecssati the charamtar f otelüM t ave.unéhcconiii ta c Eý[ hdy ' HIà rtet1a-J 1Il clîlightod be uda oRler latheaê on hen sots DonW. sent ber an EIý bek uiligblfly -They eveg -b e fore enuset. I lerich. as weli, 6it shonld lie au bje eions.Ha pah vois wa8: Ogro3, wa prku tim ~bre wa rIý' et!'o'r ttered a*ai J th x tita lià aight mxght ag-n -7- aýelibt yaoqiniuet Rwea "etteêiu tnsôiQ'hluu --i a -Do--ou be tia buibai h A. 4. FWa) List uth Lu~~LaalaES B-C e Dl! hO'> on Bris grAIRt.PRRSt 9-ýu Broctl ACIIGET F Nfl k r-i p'. ,u 1NiG ANU At Md 1 1 , Marti: . 1