M" 1 i qoh, * mliraCes it' anonil ai )V10tn *Wllitam Wrenst of Bpalisylvanis eoio'lrgtnt., hmsejuat idet athe msMayBoatnon ha. jut disil ai aelenl u., afluround s acent. tri off ifs &nteé -î à balela'a for 98 jen Jeî e*i ',of Offee' oanh'iyes., basJiu arrl.4 ea girl a0116. lr.Lwq Fioketi, Who died ai SsaaRîuok ~ 'it i~blievsd la bave been 116yeu 4do.;8 heWle jqrn la M4 ate.Oslazine Uighlaad aofliarlet dl.d raosutly- 102 yean.. She lied a brotber 100 ysrs aid, and ber grand- Isibea' alto eêýmploted a_ osntury. -7Z q ta à à widow, ofý i sud bis wvUe dl 'wau. gel, abv. oelebssd their dia- Iv. 'weTechidren Ir:liu'at 'fort Abert bu yate à »uWnd<à . ueotà uced ta b. go.but sft4rà s bal th. sentee catatlsd » 4Iprlufor.ui fe i, bas pwa iarln. 14outas laisheclil .ra.lêrcbbieithsb. eW4 w ili net tals. cheap advioe 1 s. tobcfr doerrepeutance. Pilw gay té~ be mor bas o0a frmed laile Ub&tib ,I ohadrautaga cof ce #la obseeve bein. uald 4-m langer iban the tise ribh, longer thai. tbe a, singer than thic le. u!~t & fier happinecq,, "ut.ailadeaimnubunriug for wii!, 14 on0fl is bead cr ini iii 0Of1.u do w. Ihiki ben vs oigbt- Le bat. sud tociwhag it bhavu e ste ro. II5~hm aulfon la frquantiy de tou I tbs bwd6oo. of the chiidren git4y if spsam4,a8 w. îhmak.b.. U i evury4ay bu lsl~~ i Dou in5d ho Th ? ( adguu oflthe. lmbe Ihidenit L rà llSY rvI l teslo ed'matnly by by êý "»oi et t o b. fon reiefby it q» Obre uhlon ofai End.svortla lae oui voil quiltly. use iu our iex' weteu ~- eftppt tsi sud desIdM - af~ m~eleiy, kltsueeitieiii a! sud niaI no real i Ave, sdU -105W ir tbis one.' *Tbata e mc,"<oba UesdtRb, ietro~e 1 iait. q er monItagne& lu the plateg.gla u ijVr st bier eliow& 'lWeIV.' oont4audMa Çaoiloieç'w0','e oicg, l#0, »ji lei 2ëibï W bnq26ýWa rboce#4tiné W. ata'l deoided wbiob, but were lira golit %0 fid'ý ut ab' wbat qnCffin- menüt ébtM tWtflal lkely Wear bb wn, s..? ()otirsqyou're going toe enterta7in hei'?"Weli 'eai't bure yt"ra' *z p1 w i W à ] )Ight "'zîËIvwe1'il l]or Dot, tilt w. iiear frorn- Lort l3opcep vbhether ehe'8 in gocd soclety ini London, for p. beard h.r husbotid, Mr. Lerne, si' rloh a bit." Pâ&raxorîsa.-Uatpiy c-ré tlzey who- have a noble ftchoto W11080 liio and hiatory they eucat loo i u with î ad miratiou and joy. Tlié'v dilo not live iusunated upow itua cari. A tUflit3t geoul tadsaliaiieiuteu tIit'wï*T!iir li tit].li. baI 96 greâttcr Due wîthl1 i1'; ta unit@ itieaf, autl for whÃŽcIî ta ýite. INDEPENDEylcT.- YOU cînnoi falfil 4h. daties th&L devais. UPupYOU ytita r"' latioto t0 almwibout 8014i iupend- suce. Yau essuol liv. witbaal'sZer;. ià g infiuencèi ;pestuap.tà boy -mi.kta YOU for exemple ; if paor Courgoï!ie n.~ g.u.roq.u 11 a srtJu ia' th14o io r Lp pitytlsie à pà lïssÃ, @y uiiý>' rrgh. bt is mtanrfu)lyerli 1h01 ay ~be wiroaug. Scbcoiutreu: Ncw, Metilda AuOC look up sud 1411 me whet flAi cause th. fali of man.. (Noanaewer.) You are very tupid, sIte airvinsgUIet reud ait about it. Whst fruit7 wae it ? Mat,. ilda Annu- PleagA ernil plese rin i orange pool. (Eowle beard1 He aco woxderri, le ignorant lu the! saine préportion. 1Bad Blood. The bicod if tii. tc'u. cuece of vitai. ity, witbsut pure blrrod tictre crtu 17( no and thre varione bornerâ i.udr .cule ol tbe ukiri are only eyurçrt<7 ieOof boad blood-that neede Ut 3t7t i îe fotînttain lwârd, tn rendr-r ite niý,il cariFs pureliuirdock loo 1 o ln' ter f-e7u5:l alenu fle, iblond lrow 7¶ I !.U'i'&7i 'S obaiai nlealthy acti-o (,f thererixt, botlkauys, ekin ti -e, mci d trength.b ening wiffi rûl rglt>-s sud putififc. Ncvcr 13o.Witiiout It. ltristr anil ali wiro ira subject tà a o'ucugt, of daiuaueustur, diet, &o., abiouWiS ever b. vîthaut Dr. Fowler'a Extract of WVild Stravberry, the in. - -' in and bù&&gs Files, roseau., anis, bed.dugs, ra4s,1 aile.. graphers, chipnuînka. cheareal ont by -Rough an Rats#" 15c. Changétible veathat if ir.ying t. lü» qy.iqrn à tdiù -ftuowiable te dis Dr. Ocrscss, Otoaiah & Constlpatlrý, Bitee. Tbeey'anIIythe biceal, ete aU Bilions Stamacli aud Livar disaidais,- anal Wvetoue and traetWthe, oysisai*. Pneu 0ýnte. Formai. byasu Druîgiota. W. B. IHave agent.ý Sick Headabe, Neuralgia, Dyeppsls sud Constipation t-tsieved aud curard by the. use cf Dr. Carason,%Stocmoti &-Con- etipatiotu Bitterai. Try tica. Tbay tira afe sud efleotuaL 8011 by -ati Drg. gises;W. Il. ilousu XAgru A Word of Caution. vide reput&tion by lîa woniderful re- sut., s b.,adbratcŽ;l El2ectijr ,ic t.rs Mkyour rugîiuî for thre Z!,, c! anal ta. no atiers. Sc!]t-y NY. IU. 116*vm4al 60 cli. possible, but b'lo ý,o ewi patioflt gVew gradually -worà se, mai1 <i~I4e~, uohagainst my wiaý, ta Ustià , rp Wiilthi bad cured one of oey tornte? pationts. Qroati'y tu pay lntprise, 'flua patient began til gtkit>ii4d, fa a m éh-mn ihtor' t «rie thaxIna t0 ever expuiet, e;hf4 wtes eoMwPtately ouraid. Thî. nmuue Of tilîisrutak remedy la Dr. Kiraga i ýe w .bi0'ery for 1oî'pIf now n;e t alto- galber in rny pîcetiticé. Leaînlg JltD. E~vansvR&'. rri 'btotle re ut Uowfto a DrtiR Sttvn. -j;,r lnFi iO tobeaseaysln. Thusadaee mciak aie Thomtla g Lunge o 9=9e graeant n ecory êttc kinI lu medict-u Evrt oIo7itl huug try ft'e cure ii .,, ui rwton±a rouge <sd f77< akuwu.en vid.'or& dsu Moutiena! Mothera i ! Mottcrs 1'lt! A ne, vc'u iîftýrhred at night sud broen of vour rc77tt y a sic- rI -,l Uuffring and cr7- i1'witht laiezcrrciatingin4 p 0u1u eittitsg t'it tlicIf ge, go at orce and geL a -bcttie of -MILSr W'uraSLCuW'a SocruTnIN SYBUP. It'Wil rr-lievt' lie pour uttle acrifatet inmirnaly -tiliieidupb.i; thure lanu no loprke ab,;iit ih.'flicrei. ual a muLlir an cArtt Whocbasevrr Uged it, Who veU nDotLtellyen et oace ta talwIL viiirgat@te b avaisnsd giv m'ret ta the0 mothr eni relief' aud bealt th ie ebilt, cperallag 1k.. ame. i te PWOrtcle 1te j a téamtt e t",.Afil te-he p an -1t ciq of th. ciiset bestI fla yl m - rrtTlY Cauwiz V. Yon Hao eNo -Excuse. Rav-e yt>u amycaruefer eutring uithl Dyepe.lmi-t r 'crC-uîiic sb amy rsts uh u t&71go au 'c-m day 1ki clay cr.i~?~a ulib07 <l.ý, ' .lL.od lco tscu.7'ar g uricc' îB ll$47 4171-dfor l'c tuet gISl r ""i e", i "" 7. 1"6,7ifo Ma cieU Mdieins bacansea vovers eai~pit.<vii .er ascreal"the Lb, mW"vascomueeof "nbpl~"I é, retable sud honarab: egntlemn, sud alta, becans e .medictu. vas' ruceai- - oneasbena oka tuhe more liagu the A &WW. ire 8ar té cý p O o ed b~ rit t a bélat'a $lî a ie & harkm- ctif 'l. mtmtian la thoir conteie. -Seé. it. ElleirM Duuiithe lb. ým@ai#4 ud eoisple .v1ka Fodl ba ar liabele suidku ýà " osdws caaplaapil .4th i pmteol danger. Tboas vbase epe@çe basEARý¶M MLIO Pm euiei ida, and ae p ar. W.seMorProqaLç.. us aeyRm0 sirId w'lech 4aiW, adatitsnhf .TOe tilst 90,94P 0 dlr7l~fl itucctca ccly stp- ir (tieour iz co,'CI, deicol'y, draggga t& ATc 4,1 iitiitr-t e op-da, Uan~~îa th. aebalrrcct 1h Odd stOfor tbe Oce et CowrAtUMtia »4 ea. OewIdIY e9 tb*e lvOr. lier Broc 4m ltIia piw io d i(m * CID t [APi'E TRri~ ALI? OtO)Y 1-7 U HOME NUflS~ Prom'tw7î W4 f Qiyea*car fag j,pg Miraong raclieus ct vaiia-1 Aie a lut cf MULBEPIIY TRIÃRSfor puactuauly !L±eiici7( 'o.1 Lut No. 3, 2»d C-n. j'i:Aueuà z. on47'r4'1 Iioad. Port Oflit', Wib. $r. Dai1.y Lino to :ioheseter. Cornmuntini- l7th A prîli,189t2, L TuE8t1tAMEDI wmz- À~tp c Nbec- o lopâonsiliUVI&TIL Dtalere iiStock, &c., 'e-ilfid tlits Lb Bosto, Albanar ' Yok, W o or C. if. GILDSE 11 E, l ' lcisagctail. pot vie--tB. &C..l t- f1TiL 1 Ul opte nt St. West m idc.mtf*iy6c jl iM a m ul dcccPl . L X Oailn w .Y OMNIBUSES roansd frein .T.R. Station .....0. 1Lw VJnÙIWliL*YP. P. 4;a~ia TBÀT - DSiiâtË, B3RCK, -GOTL E A'j iyr b. -- t , 1cir'db-e2 . Gutgr Uonîic pî¶Imued cpiy to MIof Mm.! iump- - 4",titite, 3,ckSt eet. Mrs-J--l. pwrbci, Mr.-Jo MM Mtg' , 71 1 . T6kUTMU-r - 'Wý7 M 7. j f -S -mr_~ -- ema7ée -We; nao, a .i tî am#os8of IT IL PA& ruates the .T«de& -rzldIket, Srrgthl7rw t7w 00. - ,)r4fedbei ras» andBeWi urnen <&e nd Vigoer fo tld Eoa idGnerat rîce ans. eex îu f ioitd h ;8. bon: coltaîuls îuMcieut foi t*w aeeli' indi- caticn,and le 7sc checae coud lest. W1rPal 7 o-.n- r3 lu aur pamphlet, whicl. iwede teamilfa te o y sudress. atý eteîzd t1m fij el free,~i.,~- of' pota c rn cciii of ftie mouey, by addreiîing t tO BoulI in Whltby by ýH WSB and ail à 0 r Druggits, "erywýhei e, I- y51 thé gcalâ W.,J. IS an& liiw filinr ~ SRU-r ema peWo' 7et' n 'ore"o krowoS.pbi i I0oieatsriltri .- a aaeeattas roodiu fr* B"f , W 7Tin~<T. ý W Lbuai r#pob I hmt& am r' tLEA.TIIVALISES ~ $A-ATG«& TRIJNKS. 'ALOT F-. - WI4~iS d i- li 1, Mâ- esP. tr.ghhW ~ tu~N ,J ~"AR~LR BOûbnd 8Ha TR5 Deverell's,,Blocký, Broek-St,-Whitby, Infonns ,ousteomers -that st4-heabraetlihu wWb ~oos n4~Iwp 4wenTor" toand lohi~L 4% ~~~4Coma.for M te 2Boit- - Sa lnfor_-dis 4T, LOW P1I~ ~ '.ruk~and 'V'liseaS -'great ývaritîrt, -~Th M hP-O~~~ e-33-, F~stabhsh~d ï),Dr~ éW Pzc ILOOlir - -7' 0AN- M-ANc ciM, éeur pteýanthaâ Un ta sc thie saie termifa au, citizens14it l, but ta, pitent âzrst i be States, thus aectuizg a17 yeas patent; otberwiae time6-will be lmited two yea re. . élZtal o uUnited statm , Pateu n .oilt on ialriyg applicatin, thei balance a nywhen ma*2t is alowed. Total csosli cipatent fojrmY 1dy ve,~4 ýOn bct.modulor ngescriptiô~ en, 'w. lion 4Voa~r zm bndirgt= Dfne i8 ape-r Bordoe* ilood a ptters maY6aa Re ba sd suri undicug aauary, à & CO., ai Kingstou, vritee Ibat ici laug been emasîdrea the, bêsI .y for l smn-cmln1.theL t. s9d aid? that thair utomar 1- ; -Ãiiýj'iýý