Whitby Chronicle, 13 Jul 1882, p. 1

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b veé Bu t , ~ '1,. 4O~. P~ POÙND. BAE3I~L, OFPI~S -~9. ~ Goéé%~ ~ ~e40otaeî Kiaigu ~ -W. 'L PilOU! il Um;OOKDAI01 ow~Lt et threimoceHn4M,Tnet.- '.q A TQBXÂTTLAw, SOLICITORINi *Ci. ch1rCy, O0fvymbr, &c. Orrc-In the Office Routh -of the Pont OdfsluInMeMll=a Block, Brock 8treet , ROOINSO!< & KENT, (Lm uaroàn & Bomison.) ABIISERSATLAWATTORXi- O1P1IC.-ii Victoni 04ambuis,No 9,Victo4s Stfirict. *G. TOUX(& SXITH, -L L. B., B AaRSýrBl, &., &o.-Mopey to Loan Ornca-Over Domion Bank, Witby. Tan. 9, 1878.<t- 1140W". .KE LT, T stneil,Wbtby, ont. J. IaMER otuEENWi% oODc Lu"s negotlt.tl on i 42 "l-1 -CHARnlEssC. 'KELLER, A T!OhEBT-AT"LW, SOLIUIOR13 ton, Broch, < C. vy&e.W.lmn Le Te DARgCLAt, TLQCALBENGISTEAT OP THE IGI Lt (ourtofettle; B Reltmro! thé Burrogate court , ( 0înithLe ouuty court, d&0. 0Oe de, le olBoume, Y WtY. -JOUR HALL DoIw, AEEitTR-A-L'WSOLI01TOR B in CbAncir>', Cenneanoeua &o. - Omc-Devrlll's BlOO)4 Brook stree, Wbitby. uOsnETo T EW-Plvàtà ui, lu sums OP tb#aM Obaliv rateetl terceat. (y -JORN A.ECLIRT (Buecepoa. .Krevor'ith OMe.nexqt &»erte Maee oaUzbdg., Ot. .26 LrMA UNtL15aL X0. net TAUMITTEEAT LA.SOLWICIN cRADUITZEofo! Qneu' cvVitoria Gxuiversuttles Iember ot thé Colloge of ÉaPieiàa=sMmd bte",Otarlo. OratSBrok'S',Wbllby, Ont., (hua douthbt i oyal Hoteh. y4 S)UlIGBON TO THB COIINTT GAOL, Bfyron Street, Witby. Win. rdcDIIIEN, DM.D., DM.R.Cte., CUY'S HOBiITAL, LOND>ON, ENG., te a R. . Il. LOshawa, Ontario. OR. IBOGART, phyetclau, Surgeon, Aenuclier .,d. Witby, Ii-pt. Sth, 1874. 40 M R. J. Il- ATER, Newll ver iow ('ime. ButIding), New Yor inl aünlmortzed t-oJul'for .dverieo. ment# la til t, RIOt4CLE kit Our bst rute,,. W. ADAMS) IrEr I sTl. 00M8 OyitiiB. H. IAMEI30i'8 RGroiery -Storn, Dtndast., -Whitby. Ofieboncs tro O .#19M., an" from 1»8 to t, P. m. Resdne-Q(or. of Byron ana Glbert trels. C, N. VA RB, Le D. 8. et.mtraete.l vlr sli7rimii King tret.Osaa. * AIGENT fIVOR TE E LCZIURREÂT I. 8ottl -rante. At Marble Nons of lenaiban W.)! ndseD=du et.. wtIy. 1:AND BEEKSHIeEIIPIGI. i mu.rhelauie.Biii' O lagerd a oma lu beprovflM d vth bot at a rasmaee rate. L2, Wei .R.HOWB-At wî on ùAm 'neerare, 'Prk$;md WbibyMath at."'" Dominion woU YVOPk8, ÉROUGHAM HOTEL, Corner Brookand Main Streeta, in the VUlao!Brougham. irrt-clss accommodations. Bot Liquora and Cigare. Code tabli mda attentive hoatla:i. THOMAB POUCER, PROPRIETOR. Ontato. 7Antido malse of reàk @OMOt, (atm stock, et*., attend"d a ift irechargea. Addre.e T. POUCER, 40.lhi lo47, Brougham, Ont. CENTRAL HOUSE, OSIIAWA, ONT., W. B. McCIAW, - Proprictor. Fi*t-éýc omm e odatoion. Beft Wlnte, tâdquor and Cigare.Good mablbag md mttentive setler. iy.17 WRITBY HOUB]E DUNDAS-ST, WHITBY. ~TME OREAU OP, ÇANAOA'- WALZ LAO!l.. Aio purhine Via.. Luge, Viiol sale andi ea. Boardere taken by the wcck on moder- utc terme- JOSEPH A. BANDELL. jmlsLjoh 18em. -89- BLAIIL.HORS£ÉIiOTIL, Çc. a. i Gxome.Bru, TOR3ONTO. AÀLFRED OFOBID - - PEOPB-1B2OB. («dute 01 Weilmgtonaci Retezl s m.) TERMO, 81.OGPEU DAT. Good mtabl. li for over 800 h«oé.FIrut-elascecoti- Méma f (t taera e au lie, luilg public in géeud. ( WUIITBY. Geo. Cormack, Lr MER XmOHAIT & BILDEE: tng,4 à Tisted Mldlnge, Doo 8uhM]Bnifdà. Rapt BERvilieude mand retail, or b by I a o&& Plan'gondneieerdnf- tlojlon, heag baiig c mvptsingcontactm Où %romad v UA GivToa.-1 MONEY TO, LOAN! 1 mOOFRINETE" ON~ IIEAL ESTATE BBEMï:Y At Ioveulliving tra tesemut. Moe'ueué itWa n10 day et m, Âpply te leein 'Wtby, Pabru#ar 16,18M. lItaI. TIauolby O'Leary's) I DUFA"INU CREEK-rIcKERiNG. IKIlie BROTHEES, it~ Loo houa 4~u1~sehvI W~IITBY, ONTAUKO, taie motus pluesseer .mc. Importeus. Dealoreani Kamufecinrageof aU U fiseé op foSe'.e eptioet 1 us".s Quoi tAbling,*beiroom Mai an atun. THOS. SLEIGH, HOUTSE & SIGNl PAINTER, -Cmi nov b. (oued et bis Siop- TWO DOORS WBT 0F AEMOBONG'8 HOTEL. DUNDAS STREET. r AU Onders pno)mptly attemdod te. M~ Wiitby, Aprl 14. 188. 15 C. N. VARS, LD.S. D NT-AL BOOXS removel from at- kneoas Drug store to zooms over' Shea bihinlo'store, King.8t..ý O0"ava Entrauce n 66gtreti. $ l6ave n yonr ovu towu., $5 Oùtil $Mr.. o rn EvSaithtng nev. Capttel flot reqnlred .»WeWM$=e- lmb yen ve t Xig.May air9e zhegfor- boyeandguzls m4de grea*a.s edrt yen vant a bnsnessat ph Vb youqM m*s gre tpajail the Sip. yevon worizte for IL Haamrv& Ou., Fdýma Town ýand'Park 'Lots -FOR'- SALg., ONEW LOT onBrook trl, i ar. TN LOCE<i o. evé ro LEATHER A4ND FINDINAS, ieT i- BRLTING NADJ fo 81>11 0c SHOT. N TIh.o Au A- I'pST, A RCHITEC Ti- Desiçes for Obnehee,'villasmil OttIpI ~iiIty. Drêving preare'w r - Orne. fr l. 0.aiBis= .umm aO 4onriond. <I. Eflý mw os 1 -tf )a&et àýb -.--BE-C----B --3, thé eriocko ai , lm& %n Oroi Lémi DAgiseto fora i . . W WW07anager,9114 IM .16 A ssurance oompany. INCORPORATED z833. F. A. BALL, onefecow as te lowu t oun Buldogmacadisý, ama char 5pety, *lueda o m uq.Iiy fre. MONEY TO LOAN 0 EASY TERide. Âp ply I.- W E nmi jw 9190 over Ontario Bank, 'O-ti Whftby. "8IJLPHOLINE LOTION."' yi»wts Quais.mmid InTi* O"' Bul Toi Be. n. Wb îÉ.erooe yeb " 1, vhiu li ug ait-bonhe iei watebed fortle thhebone buxnig 1sedovAbq duptba of rn's ithe "Ieast ô Roae-Bral o! Cl'e lovnelruh4 enplm eare ïemài of strtamlt or bfib,"f ,,e lie vaImo!a ir NtXes Por iiiwberrqte R.radiance.'<on Lufe' 1&0. thé l41,tonthe pathway of "Lovelo bl e m the é s ub.o'er othé oalm , And the. voice. of the nightizigalea avet to But ;2E eePMea 1'l"ie'ftthe evn 1Aboyé, t"When vé oseithem xeflecteii (rom ois * that vo love:' oh 1 w.fl mmy our bea keep hie mcmory Âstmegranste branches by Yemen's For vith blm ve haie braathed an incemmc As th. cinnamon roa in 1h. lnbled atreet; And thé e ga tàtth. aang, lii.the ight- That liemzo o!t oeMf l e iio! lova 4nd nov, in the faùret apring-tire of thi WW fedavnlng of Bujmer'.bright W he ~ song.bMdauareving th.ir ileste is àuQm gade, Amd thes fttuitIgtilnglesvIi evening's Libepflrms Who how At a temple offmoi- #To show hlat."lo laI iba -nerm Am24 Wblmidovn ont trbute-* emile -a à teu- Austoudgr vo MnMuvï .va h he oe HgENRIETTA TBMP L E. A LOVE SjToÈY B'T.fQl. BENJAMIlN DISRAELI, EAUL OF BBACONBJTXLD.) "Quouii Sanho 'ResAit out by all meana;, BOOK V. VH.êpTBE 1211 M1K7qD vE 01 L MPI S»RS unOR B-qbuzie MiesTemfple jia'bm "WbyaIl'oofadUie pie b ite," ýai4X o d diitor duwI -ber gaze 5 Anotber wiudq*4 "otica ter l in t n- p're4 rasia river gu. belil ttzae thwt antin Ms Tépie. XIïîàu' oe far; ads a _S-1 ceded to lie propÃ"etion cf Lord Mont-' fort to vieit il.That tIle *ramtblé waeW deligitfal. The uônlty ami thb "auty of the object irestly itntereated bar. '11t wai oharming also to viiw ht undîr thei ' usiceî of a guide 56su -l f i diform a - lion sxand feeling.t -Ah e' said Lord Méontfoni. "If Ic migit only lie your cioeoue st -Rorna 1" '1What gay YOD, Heniriette P'" eaUd Mr. Temple, viii a mmie.-,"$hall vo go te Rome P', The proposition diii not elarm Mise. Temple as minci as ler (allier anticipa- ted. Lord Montfdrt presseai th. sug- gestion with dilicay ; lhe - inteu at some expediente by whlcb 'the journeyi rnigbtt hi rendered mo% ver>' tebotions.m But ai e idîà nol repl>' hie lordahip didmot press the' subject ;-suffidleiatl>' pleaeed, perbaupa, "S cS ah ai not met It witli an îxnmidiate and, décu eg:éï, Wben theyrettuned to thesvilla ihoyý fadià collation preparefi for thom' wr.hy cfso elegaut -an aboie, !la b i saait f osit, lord M eo' ,I Mont tï d- 1 et a n Uet foa iiiat, ami out a goblêotitFalinoad r-' "1ton uet pour aaon"auh, ltothe mympi of the fane"' r4ý ee, boï&uneh. spoknaet -of ý pveyb)!y mLod mntor certan gay1oimit e ,bivut, totigl. -=Q» kWi for ac *-aiad hivbee ami-crant; bhu ho dia motseive rhmg i qme. tivepet-iha ie ibbvHphleo mOe -int iscnus iore abot Ial, qintmu..- btwostiar.e.-mre knd hifor t i Hiune reihé lied argreatad- biier ftheb ver>' ira da temet, thogl b.di thee sno rmaing ho - scive du4 than. mc mnalz Om ay adirsouainros bout go, -. ian oelty ulven r.tieDiendytb riilreu ! thédreux obarcteren social dales tien ite muebacndPitt ey-O ati n o pcigvov iO mam Rgsihoti rvln eiwein qoiec4p olni 7lopeto lii 4 e 'of lie e amone4\ftsi eontribted Sci iapp nob thé.ooe aily evoigilb feel.ratiéUdo, oni of z loosngad ,ni ialyâ 4i in hie oppol Unil i -ptaote-là O feitil>til vs M.,Tenple -Who à' -lb tength ventured tb cdmmnmiioa(tathie 8Ȉgiteir the overture vwhiobba' beén Laid> cohleto-him. isp IHintiettaeýhookber biati. 0U1 "Ilaueetoo griat regard for Lord ù montfott, te asode te biswlshea," ea bettV lime an abruisid epiniifnt m-d broken lieut."fcto nual>' take a vrong1 cm' imrOibl H vicir of. a8£41Z. Lod Moi 0 vet- be.tie boist lu geofh,ýwillcnninéan' tôae aa À$appimeà. '1 -' -I ~ me-id AU n eeiaztw s- enowINo TEÂr T ilà*? enr STE P TRÂT avu i n*t6d; but Ms Ie 13 VER TEE MOST DItPIULT. ohmu ep.ree-aà wislia Abot e vck aierlit viil ii Es Imiglit ha- there, uni--be- abot awee afer " vsitto he ccliiiupon ber .uggpqLi 7 __ via, Mr. Temple santies.datigiter .The» more~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~h alslteydn!!'>>eý<> neel ~~lm. - em LJord IfonÏtoni ta Borne. Ielî iPt'bofore itae plendid- 'reagudr' eible ho do justipco la Ihe-itehdtir -ïceac- Ontionf(sztn nair t4de viti vhtch bis ioriaiip made ý otaui e-l 'e Dafcltoi tie arragementei *-fer lb. jouney, îhem, nd aliyothay ly- ar Wberîver %bey' iel&d, lie7' touu4 &ivw eîl>- for nain> ' e-je thi mu étalonsfo~leirrecptio ;-vd or paIn. am i og eu tg miraébi> ba eâpey.igthecncrt Oîemn statue, ye a env tuàt Mis* Temle -legbiauv4biterh. ;nodù a gaileies eW hi0l amint eie. bdi lai ere ne-yer observés on Sumadis cabinets ofvssos,ý T 0 palace of rLord Montfcrt vas ln in sofa ulur in~t thesw# muet itIgul4hequarterof1flb. rinte-me fu Iae ue oit>', amd i ultui n thé maiof vam b*tli R-i01 UU i0, V5110 or a afre ..oemiiete rq me Il ie motlèlve tlb et-I You bave gaimid&ý rs:iUn y on ic bhanï 881fr,' ç~or~v atW giàst

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