Whitby Chronicle, 13 Jul 1882, p. 2

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~,Powell & Oo, 4 po ras. a P ý - P. 8 B s w A'sul * OXLY s'Zog R ÂNyux. WJlbThumaIJ itiIy 18, 1882, * OPe0 Couasei. laEmout hbas à uast the Bon. lMr. .eltbàisi hf.rw ilettr. Thougli mre 10"os PJs7 be oiued outin lu m Iug our ooitiovMaf tual report.'thoes je ounteseou ileh bboi1 s lb» othur way with gr«aI lao.-tii4 1r. liowal te Dotthemainwwi ia W pg qt the Provlieotoe Blbnivuicee sud cm of 8, geaustl e1gIld wilfous u.oasmiiy vin"M Ku I. juatiooadvos sue ide ase àai off Isiu Wu 55fougit &bd samiple isga-Ihal lm W t Mâ uhi gobred by tie Cou- ma;ad nt b. .tdtfafrlyite ueuderlng of thé verdil. et tsu appeil on Ihos. Pro- leas s opeeally osas b. hrdiy osIt ovat besus. of lb. sa....ule0sbehsrdlaid b 64 a s ue.aaly. Bal I ncsu ft hat fiadiag th "Irasponsi. MePremier cf Iho -1il Bs b. demaudeai gaullitmeS wsle cie. Owen to e lere luS îward-laad 4 of ThaderBay for the Parvore laumberlag. OSamilà of rosI 't orprodoiou bave beuareo.ully bis. uhlregloa, sud linsalea e:&omanwllou ot ils- tituber- prm t elunde rlghl t DomInoc, i. Ibm esua10"Omof teamry ei *b. pcovluoe, NOMtiof b otiauti ý &adsov est of the r aterlghte o: Oniario anc pr oiisu'let e d-praerty; dm7 boiLvhle.b a.ougbl ot Mi Susemuaatfly. lu doub- urtenslousofet lhcederaGovera- ntin lth. .vctlhsow ot har àauity îa h.gum wvbhbla bers by thea *ri setemeou t f *ba ,nm.nt. 13" . M Kevi sa odoublipliosa w piio uto .mbbnrasml ui du. at." sètelof m" sud y veU'jýw ws h.ir icdhob- à. vîhý"ew ïï te IW'Ufw 4"suinter- I o tw Ib is ewu, psuelv.y. » a oftlusa uthe ii as. 1,k 'h. Dot "q u=uipalls etYOMi feitolb. s.çvrfllug et îerisI i4terosels o=lbc rovue, bave se on, cicr uupe Bbc reudeving of kIvat, sud dé1* lire. Dot con- jie por as a ~ttM un a au ap- à*c ttlhée .leeusn* s -sp"oa Kovatu bhm effort (o tt Il d lb. théProvuos, bas hl ehm ny b. snppoco C kt lu ee"Lduby the reaul lxa selLoma. a t, who fu fMrshb bouma i uredor 0 ' et. he Px-sefmcs ux- l UV@e homieva ibiy bu te. 4its boutlgbhasdu ,dul"ag b.tisfor vb"e =,Ieeasamdoitna. 9 At 1h11 Proviuo4 viiâ 1048 del&y than * '" âîi4o rh Yok afà taoe th" ie smalus now &Ue ladý givon -10 It u in os. ooumus: Th tn Old eoumhoollul tbeughgonrymsfld' ered got of ésU r.eoguilo, u hWshi. lotie usme, sud hialori e Usoclatii0u in oouuooonwl*he Iii beral Pmoey whieh mue aisys uneti. Wbavalie: poIldolal bonear1psdtdwl1hftW Our own eoutty of Oulaul, le baislç oay old politlîosIoouuellou uif 1he N'orth IBIdugqook, the remembrs of whioh sciillsuwvlvcm and ooullicuste silo u4 a nelghborly Iniaami lu DA Çeo- cocras. là katSot thon withouh aftZlsV tbas 1he reimIS of tlb. 1.1. cleotlon bat. il. lu:North Ton tiwa looked for linbis diatoMr. Mulook, the. Libam oadidste, vwu voltkuo» ÜLu Wbiby. aie qooaneotion withhth. Whuîby, Poil Pry&Lindsay 2allwsy, .Id§ profw, 1lousi engagemnt$ inluth. courte, sme lhe limnéeai lskeu by hlm la u oioe4 affaira have galned hl may vtc oly sadn to tas; zut. iù Un oOO stbone And we w.y tiuuly Y Ibs the uevs of Mr. Mutlo a ltltoi by tic hindutuot majorlty ObtDIucai va noreoa4d vllh equsQÎ 1sstol.1r Maoo5khic unobly te3feamed th. lime- hoioncd eonailusiuay. Ha6vWUOf 6111 suera, pethspo. lbi min béât qUallfld W vWin soac vltory. Bora ia lia rldlug, sud mabtng hibus n ay augis. hauduai lireuitlb.. vorldto tle Ucpre- nant Prondimllon wvbacb ha boldo, bis honoéible lcsa messafui nsoîmuaI have beeu vatiche i viiip ride hy hic oaily r«aa cec lsand trieuds. No wondsr ihey hsd confidems luinlthemsn liat wua- able le ovaroome ge mauy obstcleo ut uoOIn iii eti lIt e in the elotoe. £cd Dow how amply bai hirc slIjuslbfiddheir confidence f 'h. Lindsay Poat, aise aotiiclg thoa Nerth Y~ork electicu, sper-b of Mr- Mui'ock la the folowiug eciampimnary toe :s Circunstsnu gava Nati York for a liime ho tihe Dodgea., but il bas uov a roprosentative vue viii worthity taprdseul th- tie honored cooatituntcy ana oet theai we aro con. fident the cieclors ail ho prond. lMn. Niulock baste obili sud itl4e indastry le mako a nams fer hiruseif in poliesc, sud the Liwala todovoto ta publie ian- viocit and pablia questions lRa bas lu Ihapecaut coalest displayed tie ha'ppy faoutîy-lhe fscui&y that moas tue. gentleman - aof 41ating au eleotlou brmvely sud ws'PY sud ressialag the ns- speci sud fnicudehlp cf hlme ppouents os Weil osalihesiaty support of hi& ovu aide. Mr. Malock aid yeomau service ini North Vion orny yecrs>cge, aid made snob s go;baiimpression Ihal he vas ôffored 1b0 csudldali FraT vi prove a %uful sud Yak"abe uember- of the ne* bouse, sud s venlhy attenei ofe lillustrions roforkncts w vi ha Mide th.e sahiteaoy famnu. dotes% upon aomehcdys ahoulders, nov tiat thé eouleat la ovr. sppcaw io uM lin iihi ofa vsny nuprofilablê i.oo of business. AU theb. Miagny nur, nov ehargtng the rosaitfteetle.cciot, le 0 eu"s, lien tgsuother, thon tle s9it snoer, amouate tojaëtiso muCi -uselose conpiiainug. Every MaWho foueta he I b. li iaide Do doubi d' ltiàt. b.d Su bomvlag oaghl in lhe Llb.ra rsk te .ulmoti of bis pcv- or, betb.nssiilh o1his Bgtilgvbhatil t 16. hoe l satm a m ber of the psilj jae toIsefmt" flllovhlpaMW mutiibé hldisi àbrsiher iu bsou- ai#, toho b.conunle a sudrcuon*I ulit sud if mtualiy aemacij ~ien on lionne lu a spirit of brotbuirlsco char:::ssade lapi"oneand luaugetý sud poasa Mme 2,28.aga.rlsaly do do good, bat ou thé eootiry ar e iolalc le do a Icfge.smoui~ filas hlef. Ooà sldersllea ot the Canaes , cf te lb. du 11, hoevr, a v.rypropet oure, ihi a viev o ho iker teuuovcl; bat, -taoute thug rtei, the omeosdrWol0amuat bu eaux-lad onIt a" c3'la st=i$ê5i s tcudernéesalutalsiO f vioeul dea. clalion, Tisasholdto itb.repensbli mmy have cde mli*ukes fÎbut 111. deaign.,n'suai clathsai, sdlii bo mou bave hein asu uscliipovers h. udon vil th>e ...vthe Ibete vDo au,' o ls allgsPartydbsergssisa. v t a- foule, li" at rbaiD a"nIS.upou suMs rwwg. à%mC mIZO0 O#i. v nio #jrý"" iiad ha mtoAnd5sd *Il 0Dm. matm rr imn. orial at llc' w m1 be 1ar mo telliùu as v»l mn ïùllvi. 1 aý,Tbemii gaegoo uade for th. positive te uli e. *,Idb.v puapi ib &Masaf iae tG1Ofn wau =e le etah vote, and ta____b'bÙýù elui$04n won tiis*rhe sud ilt e lbl ing eOMbnlmn .4Th.Ppe oto Andatow t i. tel#, sMd wube~f South, lfOd aliblbS'41ow hl aSmutma atmt b. a uslà Isak v lPovoiul a oto=oUad deba*- hertft tvau W nve lib HMlI0" t b. Zl.oog h bta- tha, u h.y umilnday. aLbtlvoiziiI If~~~~~~i& s otlvllêt.p.g-mot - unih fer ]Bilob.lcopu ds. à n. qje,ýM ijarity*èuldma trablu. rmu o L sé, Mr Ge o isgctol ueh.,1 The uses a *shfmtdallon mii.ged agilsathle.Pelles UKsgts su" agsst daoUieditor oft1he Osaot mea slrdly Mla6rot*a. -Modies tbey are.,lby ry lhcl*r ,v rafale. sion tg lie mInai of ay oc.c disposuai ta iveemi ere o lelhearIeebargetifo modlu à," flrmulb t omdl, Bbc as *0c .ditoroa the.C- MarxoLisoa- Cerued. Aigade ePoce ags irais, $o e 1 à1moID n>of htu if sltaothen vauting. Ilspeaks v.ll fer Mn. Gienansdbhlmfrtnds ibat, vlh so mach deair. e lsid fapl, Msd blug se- cuatioas agalil th.m, the& trlampory allogaties ane the moal astlcus chargea &bar' oa habrought forvard. Loi Mr. Smtih andi bis friandae uiy *lry it, sud ve promis liai ticpublic choit bave soueo arions reaeiious cf éection Coorupio-uel aIstMr..<3Ia'c aIde. *e W.ha ilmigied tisl, wibb. vote cf the 20th, of Joue, oar électon isl. casajout, sa fat as thiii icalily vas cou. etued, wvoaid be or 1h. lime tonnin. aleai. Tu give cor r indtenLcCeuser- valuves, tbeir due, vo beliove luIt snob woold be liItdesfr. ' Thos. cf ibst vhbel4, bat beïr mou.y vith a àooai guise sud palai ihoir lossslike mon. Itlslhe neva p b enos' otthe 0ev eSlo ndth l sud tcl ofesuih? Ot o ait.- bood ibout a Catboie Piesct lu whîsh tily roveI snob Sailtabhep4 (1) 40 Mr. 'Bmlh , visedo the *qo.aig.ý SThey tie givlnetégulai guhlSStUr kret t îir "cAisdaisrellen in bis 1bIl. And as 1he. idUratDwpalr vlsc sd a*mal trons lth d onsuls l'ovbioh thy have blme.nv W . ow istla c f sbbuula ienu ail hhiimif tWb. lpimuonby .outsiders vhus ho. te b o h.iraflo- shoeet an au su ily Imm vhleb $0 '.hsutdaelil liai cCà Mc. ol ' saud e ,Mlsle -- vIbi Sle oi im ove ialiaI hticrulpilflii f tabsur talshood sanot b. "Mae @ erve ocv Decth Of.<oL Wallac5 1 %at CoL JImusa WsI bdidsud- adenly ah hi. roidanueu,.ik pakiimm liv t M vA tgvery ceuemestc ,îoeliof Mayor la 185, sd amon Mar md sd qiti 1e i tieo9 «M 0 me ppao"s.dGai tin lût.J. wan4iai. Tia voBhavoesttoady Urgea'Br",i 1. IMaiuty mum~sA antI ply ai- 1Bes a I e n . i t i e lb e c lh av_; m $ art y * %IUn dellgthbthi. diffictties vwiêhtbel -omi aparhy, u6gdUoaeluwetier uaierMiehe hW>.a oft-"Uwso..Coiulalngs.f M et eeuvetiou viuiol, vbüele sm 'ntome p- là t nmr te #vaety mebr, epaqli .-,h pa w1vthshohaveo ls~aÏ upouibhau vaphahu. kuoltltdeclulman, Jarry Gilifia. . OudJuty,ý' hmsue. 9» enim dovu W ovu *àairjy lu lb. dey Widh hi. 110 souto i 10.8 of cm vol. 66, liii. PaibrisIsfor G .ia.Siilu 'Swarda l.tehé usJ war e ouaü- 14 h.ted . "10b"u etBy llialjuffSiid have vohed o aii n the day, "ad"o ù wis-HOW ire yc Mlelh.c Offlia? Andi boys tb. tamly Ad 1 hope Mlsthrmm GrifUBh lt- : ,& Thursly morula. Jist et.p lu, may- be v a ugelaÎ Maidr sumhhf, cliho Ii t eokmhuu daY.' (DnCat" Wau lu a baadsome rig. engsgea for the day 10 carr Smith voihera la the polis) Jerry, ootbia '1oatb, si.peed ilo thel buggy, sud wvidhriveu Ibro th. lova v1db a gtand loturl-"'Dutoh" a&l smillnansd lsffin from cartoa ar at the ciphure hh ail m<d. The "dhrop" wsgot smivbirc, sud vhia Jurry's hant a hbot ho h. aeftmaod, h. vas asd te vote for Smith. This Jariy secl b. cud nol do, as bc vas sa i ma. Fiully-iud ifthor macla pur. swachun, asudauadhry drinks av cooils, "Duch bgo& Jurry 10 agMe, togo bomne mud Dot voe t a &H.ad se, aftber hivm a tale gooti hospitable Ülai of it, Jury wa briven home b he b ck sîhiectasud loft aM hlme use, "Dutcbh* ohuoklijuover biescoces lapurvintiu thsl.vote goiu ia for OUai 1It vu vhila "Dutab" via bosalIn cf vbal bo "cd aoompliahed tua sfid of his came op sud acehei hm, "1-WLst moori of a d4po<l hovastmkl of bima "If," Ihit tuai Mi» bod voted airly in r th umruu 1 And tibm. miybe thbro wa»ant one mcd mmn tarin round for a wvile t - Thé. Cow alory wva .doher hamor of th. EIlokhu. The Cow-bel dpaper aU Lthe Gircff-sbelt auh ow *Mucther OUn a d bola fdusco0, and toulai vIdagrave is1u cms, sud vidh mhob indignant eon"udnisbue o hoh ,tbailmcda preint of tb. bal iory. 4,thuriolthe priel. Av sorselivwua Il c ie t s t h i " u hr S m ith y d m oi agilty of for &Ul th. orl. This was duo tiseeshlgh tesefh ie Caiho. Ibm."à in trtIà ..rite &feell am hlgb se aiythaî vas iv.u riubM ainoe the dija vhluie S ow >mpud ovor the 9 - âidl. 111 og laffed tom y aloi sport, sud th. -,d"broc 5wa7 wiil P 111e epcon.0 a TieMlanfasd sport upon this oksu ,Iàiuu as0ginthe forblcs1horsof the talauboe. And shoubey jlive ho lake » rd n lp y ueclcouu, 1 have t, oêpen o00& authooely tbal Oovs,sun > Oov.bsil*, bouU.e a"ves erdg il 0 b . p* u dr bo de be th o naejAhI' t*"didaefrm tabla any porfi lh wg soHalemàm l .lmb, y u sa v M " 0,Ny "s bu lhfae wdh er sa&ipO cUslo- abaà*4hefre. th ýt IN& IW @ H8. w . -S«P 4ut Ilonof ot. MaXvira sas ight, urougas the ut sud boi l7llersnié èInflex- où$ be alghteïm lgh*iiona bterteiPort 'Phares sud Goverameal ehb Foetui oi ai the a¶m8ne ipssd lAS bsuiah 1he POiU lum inPbàoiîto in~c-oprai.boi th hah ab mor vih the dVision ouflo de sc hatilzéïdO lng lbempff au the test. T'h. gu n veameta BlttftiîdinnïeIO in cundor, Beacon, Dwooy sua Oygnst st' thore w.rml&adi iaeked 1he MaribouihaliOYe iSt the .' Ou- ldnW«e b* oc trane os W 1h. hsbou4 and iakng as010110, Ou W.aeM desruoIv rag.syon silsnP.d 1he,p arlalooralswes aflar whu.h hhcv ia ia sd mh.lt*d hae àa roug ber o#a u»&"adthoetol3llr &bon Ilaot aParh0 0 bS.j*Otté aud marlues, vho senedt. oilMa 'Phe bombanslpàhslyssst st a00Ccu, ioughaoiec bc*i'y gsa ywen th. louaer hrbot and douiiatlug th. lovu. 'Ph. fat domsrM reply. Ou 1the wholcitheltgyphlafolughhhleb"lie$ vili more d.oimlmnaionU Iasvw u peoed Semi athvorks bbhud hihgunm vere muteivr.fcDi te h. mero up.of #saud Sborlly aftet mnU theÇi. sposot gua on lb. forla were duamouned, ad oay thoea lu sieltereai sl1l o e.able. re- lorn 1hé Btlim-fire. Fosi Matsel Kanal, vhloh, vasbic.> op, vas oaly cenaplted a veek &go liat Buaday. Aleradnii ,Jaly 1.--Tbe rmon'!d s hipa vere lun lbefollowiug poslieos: 1Tih. Alisudra, Sultan taid Saperb vene uder vay ou a -une norheist hy oacI, aud frotm 15,000 ho 19,000 yards uort.b- West.-of Enuottua peint liglthense. The Inflexible vas la Carvutte Paie, tii. narroet ichanual taadnloto theb.bar. r bon, and 8700 yards -nohh by West ,frein Masse fort. The Temenire va. ta i-the central obsunet 8500 yards ueortb . e neti- est of M arre fort, and the kPealpe, Invincible acai Moutaobwete a X0 oD t1800 yards wu'ý tle sort-veU i ot Misse fort. Th.e icamoued abips a vere under vsy, venkiag uhelr gaus la t tbeaitaivautage. Tho lerpedo depot .hbp Heola ba rived. Fert Ada, the à Magainle o cf vb u bsbeen bleva ap, * i lalocltea cloe.tetb. vice-regal palace. a oniside cf the harber. tierruN? sveo rTm m-ens. London, JoIy I1.-A-deýspatchb dalcd r-"Off Aliasarl&s"tssy he Bi g ypiani rcocu-aievdoue muon exoulleu ba thhir iimiug bae sa lma.111Il la diffi- cuisteW demerbe the1e cillm.ul ofABO sanoms.Bach abet v*s vahoeeti u gre auzchy B""ry nod *ee as daybili udmsy býa. lamtgetit * Lou, JulyX11.7-A Oor*Mondent intt tw 'bwv seu'ftî thoariatiu M'Ph kas-td iahsd. Thc fine of lthéguuers v * ohiy dirsoteai *«&-m e -e.o ce and lhe I fnlmblc,' bud lb e rd p l - 'c opali rouind shot. ,Tboir: .levîlo t as Wt. The %viOLnplle5a. siet& i Tbii. 'Plus arouret théBap5b v a 840 exeiuzmple t ieiui tei f la jumpig ~o i aae s *,In ioa *Web uad fuçtthe lviiel pIo bov UpPoi$l %:ýi# esv.wl d.aý bai. lb.e fort. .1Pb.Sa7vy<ian bcd ùs dw45l5 wbWb ** 'lfo-.tecmai da sumber odesaalil-sou,"ibi rlit 64 mes. th l1euai tÉii.Liec luEs. sud okld j irûzt wti ulmfl not be.lu t1ewiOfoes sud much su outlludisi plccc uuiil ia ai.wa tbey ooasulivreu@51bsIsiia tbrouot,w IL mmimet A wonuigu3ti'~ leifuterrieblel speakera ia tefereuse Bs 111' future vel.ý fane f meo auloa s U oîhe5o b are . oraint iheir dsily bread bY tlieordoasbtihe sveai oflth.broV. OonuMis eawmnre 1h. cilail. forme te mcii. artaeg«Emlu Oging- szpiation.u I bt att11ovas lu OulArf sMd cher sude 0 P ro v in o c wM vii h. rep res etted ... - ù u v e r l x f 1 hagh 111. ?Tovu by-liv fonhida i telo"0 0o the keepl»oo lgwitiinsa eer&aio dw;ibet. la suy .m tance oz-dwlùfhng&Wie la as u*haeaic 1fe anadfat observeS. Ou ThiusdaY*lait s fsrmer Amerioaù peop ficai the uorth fume la vlh atVagOù le lbus beesa b.nd of the beauuocs. He bad uaDot U1 ite ialf-donk toïble ln dlspociug of lhem, heoase otafe, Psud ao before he gel jato ltheatof the awa mueut saislm0 thtoy ver. aIl goac. Th.y veal liii. hy 1h. teflelic 'bel cakes, sud aaw su emasioui huae abliiûelu Ihu Bat in as t ho w ill have tbe fatteal et i sd. h sud heaviesl c ai hy ou tb. let of Match "ba ndlete oexl. Tbey cllai hheY have as mach baiglaped v riglal l aielueàaprize plg us farmers. bas ajoarlsi Let ibsua go in andl win. been displaeî Lapt Friday wua flied as the date for st&tiers and puttihg the Cow, Heorae, etc.. by-laaw inhatbseu force, as veilias oompslliug propertiy od asiphor o n ers t ho nct d w a t Aies, bt rdock , b ed ou l r ah an.labor -nozins weeds. Very f.w hae esngt 4A e p aid ,any a t otion . t e a ttin g theo coal D otu i a ever, the Chiot Constable w'Il psy brin bin&a propenhy oununs s visit la a féw daya, civillzatioa té sud tell theaz bis ,rrand, sudif.tbey sud refleohiez. do ual givP hlm a deoided aud îalisfac-îby eae tory aswer h.. .111 del'witb It ilual bdelaet another vay-.'-- - - as-toleralod- Alîbouih vhea the aummer vorl phehogn;auh & a ver. asvefafmilé ci f w"àenîblo mo»R * laid ; the pfuie:part of the$ or moral oblqu a doue. Geod ovensoelag aCconui « lot ien thaî pë - b. hasaly OCOmpIelou ColIona mruohes. .deplerably co * The examîusilou of tb. Saparale "States. bSoboot pupils took -place onuasdsy ou 8undsy, e veaicg lait. 1ev. ýPaîhiRr P.fcBal.,nfit aulvets * Mi. W. W. Tamblyni, Principal Of ithe 1h. corner ai sEigh Sobool. sud Mi. James N~ugent, criai Chuteb Mslbmatical Masièr of. eHlgh of tha Deelpie obhoot, ers pissent, sud put- the schol- helb. er 1 ttar,,- hrougb,, ait of ',hom -, ansvered LHT.uas, Jg wibcrodis tle 1lbimuelvot# a*U ubir-th . 1 The ieIabd cf ne« hëy osaleis mb suroh lt Ub 14tw nsaturdai Ias.';T hcre malt be m au,.r-I W siova by oe ét c itàts oil ai sol ha îtwic M large a. msy. a~oaouosrigî~qw GargliaiMt. U t.J W-. Higglubo"banl 01d it.. ou eM. Mr. pouadu o'a,>lrli grei:tttai li'eîou Ailtlbsbugm lu Amenia,--u.b -. I Tvo eigr~a hiaus ps.ad jml o t*ct- bniie i wvith Oe ms, IfoiregisanAdtivîes-lliol no Sofeibur lIorëlgn ýoeutnes; vhill-the. Olauit ivsocmapeasti eftves~u Green lta cme off at iis*av-8tailon. ,_ hh.stv.ral r5on L *s oge h ïwd ±'ssbe"ftoel.iby moratte ho,-à efrmý â1'àv-ot i- - edIL: Jenobt hi. long twsn lait momueuts w' -.' -4 * aea aîn tiat bui -î~ a iréfie I ipenunotbis s abdote . onld He rer the tact ths hie name in head lines in tionuande tbat bis photographe haro ed ia the. windows et (j pbotograpbers ; liaI luis :made hy thedistingubti'- and tit asecaled wonoa ht bis antograpb. oo mneh lao aytlat Ilii -e occurod bu auy courtry niled States, sud il ubonld 'bestera about Amenloan, Là théedeceaoy ot silence" n. Manuers - are badbcîci- - te moraie,Sala gôod testeî liglea. 'Pie had baste thsl lb th duaîplay et Oaiteau's no giZ th viii photo- dea- Pealdesi, bis von-' -an&cd -family Indicahes ~j~suju4lfatle amcu- tiuhy .gtabbinsk valgarbly la ouspisnoas in IheDUnited, Y, th1e mesnoftJuly, tis awy of lb. asassiaation, bue o ethe GarielaMeai- i îl be laid byibe pambor as Ohurob antI Ciapiu of Rol. J. 1D. Poyer. Hon. mef. Tesnueok anaiH.*o of Tdiue.'h. crehi h àaui60 dfep hongb uiearly ge S ibtu vbicb Preaeu ind.d sud I, it illbbuilt 3gr cnd. - H favk 'Vbo aima adisli le% nelta a e , 7legram fr.mW ofepoieqtInUO, Ibumbug I'-- tbit hg expirea inaKafe vim- té",!ov diapo trace as ho bIidesi1ya . - uv -athlie 11e o vir o6es udiug trcM~ the indian Teirrllry -voit arn b Iàoe o MerICO. .- are àie nmed 1h11 tiiny-ave ilies ci this teuce la ai. - noady uIadet-coutriOt. Its ceoraSIii* be la lie lins -ofethle canafiuaRivet., suad ites purpoee le le stop th.eadit Nothieru cattie. It lua abold sud splendid enlorpriseana.d -wiIi pay a largo po'rceutage oet hieinVestmont. Tie fonce wîll'ie ever 200 miles loag. The grcat abormtu ia few days &inca uwept even Sontbwestera Misgonrl, deotroying buýndreais et precious- ivos, and -Protatiug onLire towns, iuiclndcd ,n îts destructive mark _several clar-ch- aes. Amgag -thoue vas lihe B-abtist ciarch at Mouat Pleiiant,.Iota, vbicb. eirhsudthie Uhnroh of 111e Diacipiss ver. Compleloly daxsaelilie4.; A Church bwan miles seti et ýOgdea vas dostroy- @di The oburcb otkIreaia vas vrenci-ý ea frem ils fenadation, ana lh. Preshy- teria oburci 'at Mount * PloacSa vas b02l.- rsoked. Ai -Maleclm svei -.anci vasdeshnoyed, so 'Iba Ilàva oescury to'boldftunercali heaticee. lito, behzg thse final- pêsmeuger b cýie ,."r th,, C. P. B. tnom Prlno. ÂArlhnrs EarIy on rfoaay mornlng, ,Coy-wl-7 hsm fOuet Etigineer Pahna al "U»e îleIt tantsb* oud bavpifer-ièsn S' e nions 0uP5!iiOiiis ~o aumte ou - 4, OaîhIio omevablves' vers' amogm 'y atogai', - poùesfl uoiarofhetiivhoprofemi lo e heon- 8 ervalives for tesesonl Iy., aoviru ho liomase,u ndi cîbors.are lnflaeucod by pett> arivOviiuel&Pri monte. - *1I do net 110 mnch complais eftihe Catholics liaI vobed aga luat me. I nover soiicihod uaiuport en toliglnc grelnds. AUl tiat I bave desireai la tiat my oppount sbould nul laite any unain advanage et me in thul usure. BuL ta stab me lanthodur,-t lby aid ; andi suc nobanamaalY veapon ceniiba- ld la a groat neâssie le my defoat. j: Now, vitfi youn pcrmiusioni s word ertw tvna ailoîber malter. As for tb. 'Nov Depuirlure,' as youlî trm ilors I mây say; th. pioaollon- of7oorts Csiholitientiomis (whom Ipýersoîaily ireupeet) le lb.. Dominion Cabint, etc., -juaIpcutelb, vethlb.liielectlea, I de s ol thbink the leadereith1e Goveiamesh Or tie Oonserv*livs psily io enlltled te3 au&y pantieula i oE for tisa ithie mbe. ?1 diappiove- cf ,-pp.aIMg la nainlsdrligleù syzsau mlupo- lai.. is'a -haemi ' Ciblat able and -bnes iOdff é«it uob-b.saii-1 toforly .bovn, thon g ynpahy cfý ail classes oa b.fairly- elsicaed;- but' onti ihyn ià weuld b.l prepn5utêfât a l2ho csa.-o o m $0eledi0aiCi symphb~4al -lb. duemu~lb' umr4~AualSn Fa -Benon as- Ywlbsu a maous 5 se vay~ fth Abe

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