Whitby Chronicle, 13 Jul 1882, p. 3

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Milinryat, Redu'ced ,Pril3c Th.~o*e d xfýa&ù»âàt n ü OÉn,4DE E~T -t. and eitHats at Reduoed Prices. Sefl RReD UCTION, in order 'Clear- them out-before) The llighest Priep"ad for Parm Produce. B . June 28tb, 1882. DAND OROOKERY- OHEAPI-»7-' prncn Mau. t W inno !llwe ol alleis l& i a- som smi. ouest!aim Preumm1 varipunlep"ecf elivsr oin. cf date cf 1779. Thés apounni luaEsabecourt choIes I làlemain- 'lali a tlb.h*OCar i ml b. e omnd Onk itennb*ie.. 1fr. Qadétono bas deolded te soosA lbe rosent airsdectelcu cf tbe Hlouas cfCommons ud oontl nuel ~lt. vit bnr'on 8=urSyous-the The Jeafmautc narch pnrty under Lieutenant Meoiville havlug prnformed tbeir moisacholy laek bave beeu order- Id bogus. Judge Oier's decinion iu th. case of ][all, tse b.m Jersey delaniter, lu bat the prieoxer ,hahll e blad for exks. Durîng racn riotu at Tredigan, Wales, yeterday, tha bous. of lmnuy lrimb- mon vmesuaoked by içfnrlnted Weinh. meD. Tihe outlook for the cropn lu Great lIritain sud Iîulgn4 le- Véry gioomy. Uniese the mother im ~roves greas damage-mii ho rought. It. ov uetatnd Ibat Mr. MoLouusu, *%-M. P. for Giengary, milii ucceod Sir. A. T. GaiS as Onuadlan Commis eloner la Léudon. -Th* Canadisanridle leanu,despit.onu. favourabie vostber, have made good praoches nbcotlug, sud hbave loft Worm. mood Scinho for Wimbledon. Ail fearethat Skobeesinffn mth va@ the rssuli cf foui .pay have boom &l. lay"aI 1à1nov ýknovu $bai b. diod turougbla nmtae of the VOMsI§ cf the Tue. atmmpi cf th. Quse. oGoveru- mont ti<pct n lCi ta O ou hui- Suay fluaci ueutione lu Montusal.1 a despateLfbons Sima, LBriish lu- iia, ocveje tbinelnormation liai a ugotiticca relative the Afghan frunilmi wrs raoped biwecuOres Biin»4su! Ranlala Dconmher. The Marimo sud Flheéries DoparIt ment hu an ned au Order la Cannai epecdlyig the number of pasengers le h.e iid on ssoh iteamerin. lh. lake, river, -sudferry service. à <rme»'ra .daumailDoioughly wu $notsud Morwaiy mouad.d i Ennie, ooonnly Claie. . A rallaycollisooeod aI Cork, Bonds, , by mhloh thlrly personu veto î4»;tvsive mill diO.. L» asà» Leur Brao.--The A#- henoeum propos 10putaisi certa * eiyorrespondenon of Lord Byre d«toetsich viii OUl"eson lb. miu elaudeasbrought te »thiby Mie. H&WuleB«oohr Stove. ÀAn abundaut haieut I4 promiand lua Manllobo. The sorsgo c»f mh.at and ethet cxerns sd recto isle lrly in- crossed.> AunAnmrican Commission rocom- meonde irrigation by mense of artesiu wens 84 a meano eQIsrclaiming tins *"anti teglon" cielof lb. Rooky 1fonu- Impril iDlipptovai'of the cogt,»4ga involtWons lu auuouuc*d by c*blu. That le oniy mhaî vas exp.d -ladtone le ssi o bave totshsdom. cd bis retireount£romua îe isadorship of lte Brlieb H OUN cof Commuons miten hoieatu at mif aMr. Trevolyan'u am- Ond'Meuts to the Rnprueeioo Bl w an - atried Le would bave w ouaonider is peoneipoai4ion. 'Cboiera lu epidemia ln Houg Kong. liou. Mr. MoLlan às gaîetled Min- iner of Marine and Fluoerise. The bitianh Admirai han, il iu tated, coaÀctuad a tresly wtL tLe cote&. 'Houîilfties are imminent beîween Chiuise &ad Ilsia ofilcials lun Centrai Ais. A lurritane ai fHong Kong Lau causied gr*&& deslnaoou sud thelouauderiçg o! a iBritish visuel. An Aypinrlns party profqis ta l&" dlscovored large bords of! buflabos où MelvileIlanad, o! the noîtit coat of Australse. The iuaud leiubsbited by fierae ilacitu. Thé OCustomu ietrtioue te vleio seiero sud others en route frin m "(ld CasdaW' 10Manitoba msre unjeotedit Port fltn bave bsen :obioyed i'ocîut. ]y hy eu arraugomout taeImonthé DoZ m a theud b.United tatos -Gov- Fatal rioIs oecurcd ysst.rday bsimon tie etliklmg frilghi bandions sud th. i taliese, mbo ;uppfled thir plaleu la ilm Jesy ho Iliue stached lbe utni26emath ivoivcra, and un e tiker.- Loglhleurs lavlng ulgnd adirnu loibe Irisoi p*opbe cçahln m un aile lttugnugp" the &sssaably bas pama. ed areian ondmoi»n b al tombeUsIle a" m ire bo'lty Bavyelte »Lon $Puiaw *--TIM. emMétb dpoiss theUS Qeay ullç u ' lslauetc oerali. Tbeciboat.f-his mbt .hand-, tWd s St F8~rauooiig.. gtxýie4 a&- The pteof MlIaNorila-veui iave, il4a r~4 ilb. #polis agaisi ttb iaaopoiy cI vièto i tb ave tn tuade tl b lvesanda e i iem C le9lia teliy hav potetedhi ïnao -vgroCs.An inlelli ttuâ inergeiq' erp e auDot1tub. tuaité bdàCu amet iher l. 2of tue Trent Workn, arposes iua-g1h. onunbani vitha mas on, sud filUng il grael. This is lii h.a great ýli'rv.meut, âla a u improvemtent mblh hie a0 lmpoallve uo.sey,ase Ai *preunni iiba ik a Mosa onte A DouewmmuEzeussivu TAmsTI.- The other day, sasuthe.Wlland Tri- bune, ont ot our citizen$ in counlink mzouey droppeil a fivn ddin1r bill on the Aluor, vinere it lay untili h o ge througb -ouuling the roll. Uufortunately a puppy epied Ibe butjili, snd vbeu <Le gentlemran ftrned te pick il *up, th eel corner of the V. wa ju dissppearing dovu doggy*gu hlachlevous mav. An emetie mac hantily ad.gnîit.red,,wlhlcb producedtheb ilin emmiii chanige. but the pieGes ver. trsightend out pastl on piper snd takeisu t the hsuk. where il van redeentes. À good mauy other bille thal have gens dovu ýpoople's thîcats durýcf, thn election ampàlgn are net àdo exy r.covnrabis. SiexiasQunrrurLa.-Tbe Huron Record stateu that Mr. Charters, of liennali, han a cal <batreoenuy gave birli to five perfecliy formed bittone, eacb %asoed to lh. alLer. .Tbny m&» tbrlving wmou. T»8 PIîOcra CÂmînoFLCri7Oy le nom ln poil morking order. 4,000 oins bave Wum Irni ont, one ton of nhubs bubanbeen cauued. ind thb.eau- oing cf tmbnrrien vwu commencd. Pifeen rmon are employed. Ku.L.u iT ÀBas.-isthau Brieco.,, the îosbeatiby oes ad dfi in dAns aminutes. Brise..wmss senly. Niw"uea ENTEAp*IB.-TLO cou- seýirvliof Brockviile, havlmg ne dsly organ ike the Unformer, have fotmed su $8,000 joint etoek oom- pazy 10 eabiish one, milh 1Mr. Leavitt se edilor. Weathcr Wiudcmn. Undsr tbe titi. of **Od Probilîlies ohis of lb. mont unefaiandI vainibli oafcere of the Uuited Statue Govleu. ntis mont midsiy kuow. But quit. es w*maifnnlaProf. J. H., Tien, tho. moteoseoglat cf tino MisuisippValley,, whonn conlrlhutlmonstehWefavorite stndy bave given hlm an almoStnifou. ai repullon. On a ieout ,Ieotare tbrougk theb Nortbvont, lie Professer h*Na s urrom o«upo frenu lb. serions ousequumocf a Qu4den sud very dinssions ilanos, 1h. partàlaneu o -wibcbbibus refer. 10: -The day aller ooouffudngoymy couscf lectures' ai; -Dnrflngtoalovar, on thb. st 1ec Deceuber bat,"I was oe.zed vilhi a suddoet"alacof neurIgla lne sohesi glvlug me *exor n Mdugpi a udSio prevendbres.tbliU. Il pusuIiy 80, foul 1085, nlenée. abc"oof tho toniich Puooe.ded thm cold, olammy smeat Qcered w; cullîs body. The atlendlmg phyâiiDu qbold do nothiug te relievo0 me. Aller mEteting for Ibre houe 1 theugh$--as 1I hai bon nniig St. JacobeOit %ofr 8odeffel for rltmumutii pain-I ultu ry il. t' - stratnd a pîeonMof J «lel lare oougla la caver my ohesl, mitb AtseOU, anud applied it. The riefin su &Iwo@& Iu- etautaneous. 1l u eehur Ilmas enie.. ly free tram pain, and vold bave tiren, lin. train te 1111 au appontaient thalt nigh libmthencighbouiug tomu had my frian4s net diuead"e' . Ans1 mas, I took IL. uigbt Iuilu for My home, lu St. Louis, aud bave net boon lîouhiod aiuo."-8t. Louis Poot-Diopaich. F 'UNCTIONAL HEART Troubles Lao ozaoniy the oucome of ian- psired generai beîitb froan depraved nutrition, sud are pecullar te nervone, irritable* temnperaMiete. Palpitation, Intermittiug, or itre uiar puise, deff- caiîy qf bremubiand bi1hfad "yPle f aie reflex or sympaîhetio frein tofflac deagxetepeclaly ihat form' et dyurp0psia ii tc 0Idly cf ban Mn, Mlani Sf theesè"«cann e au a .Ir.ly CALISAYA foitifylug lhe, neurones -systees .sd rSïtorlng 1h.'dIgestive appabraitue11mb lie u»roà civl -Pain, Irglt*tiou, BotetioM, Incon. UeesP le t Diseuse or Diaibteasj, I Hp BIttai an PI Sf Sioth ald, .e04 hd Pest and Ea,'a, ad lehP Pain, and John.. ira Prepuation =. ouila qn11T. Lco n esau e. n. afm$e OU" ud om@ rtamu y.àft W1 t <bu supmfli = muootay tof 0curt. &bd «« 0» aliu. >D Wltb Punamnbave efr.a<>" uiain vmde Ptbal no cialmeM w IliftctioIaa th aenpuie i(&u. el BOdu s ALof suéem ofTB AnDDLEEsa 4boi. OGELE*r IM&Ia00. h. Dostor o Oecret mors surpie 'h pubic, imyu b ifam lb. set of nd uesn rlela dmbauin, ph Isian Wnu ty Lae a iWc e tbedn heinnopatintlsOU, Mhey o C.numptouOcahsmd oules a frée et Hove.'n Ding Store. Larg mize *LO.00 Buclmnle ArniceSaflve. Tii. Dnt Pgel. tu the moudilfor'uta4, US cents per box. Puls, aid Rage. Flies, toabbea, suie, b.d-duge, rats, mie@, grephère. ehlpSunks. elbaa.d oi by "RIoagh ou Rata.*' 1Me. M Cangeable veaiber le trylna k>tInsh nystenu, rendsriig il more hable10d- ,-epe. Aa apreveumtiveoi lkeen lJiy. CAMuon6 Stomib & Contpatlu Bitters. They pnriythe lbbood, cnra &UniliWue Slomnacb aud Liver disarderoi and 55v. tons and trongIM -'te the fsystem. Pion50cents.Forsilebysai Druggit.W. R.- Homie agent. Slck Heiache, Nnuralig4aDYspepim anid Constipation rciievedd u orbe tse ns. of Dr. Omron'. Stouincià&Cdu.. Mi ie Billers. Try thecu. They aid mdoffeotu&L Sou b7 aiUDing. £Mglt#. W.R.LiBons. Agoni. A Word of Caudion. Au1saleniy lb.he eue ar. anuanti * cl of lima menit bas attaind a wariA' vide rfpotation b7 11. voeudrfL nutas atlh eli&bieed loYleBli~ havc done, certiin nupninclieparl a bim ecndcavowd::u Ipitate thon, an4 w4»ect tbindues au, muuuepetlng pub, lic te purchas. lb.»' frauduloni mars S"Sme at 50 cIa WPRM REMEDY viii kIl athodiani vorm., aan& le aspicasant 1toUe os tho moot delicione ciny. Il dom met m«eto nis, sud eu b. givon miii. ou st aPartie,0cfpprsbomasi of doesg esf, sud italueti6, wmed.vidnvepu Maion by is tri e mdv anerf inulle, lun.»IMy Iael. lui. *Orig d elude ani useln = rinual. discovr.D qb 4é*Olvnd, butinlsion.bnyiag bs tins rouue4y, tiâtL. oher 's Tkieré àw c go nudirectt 10 asilon and p= our o n other bevydraughi of mrong drink, %m oi ut%& honnie dm eIlt f-r Ihe àtl. etil buoyine il produos-Ileas aler @&fet& of vhill maie hlm mote Miser- able "hai efore;-,it' eib tis drsadfl prat thalleo daily sending thoneande to iheir graves. .Aàxpmsdy for ail this le 'tona lu, b.erud friand of lemper. ao,-the boni snd purent of *Il medi- olu,-Biectrlc Bitter.. Boid by W. a. Hlovusat 50 conts. .Thi. monst monderful ô"rative-s dine of lb. prennt day, are' thon. ibai onus huom Qerman<, or ai mini orig- insle ther. The mnont reosat prepara lion plasd upou the markest lu thin #meu"r, le th. GBZ&T GE1IKAN IX - VIOGRTOR, vhièh han novyr béni kuovu 1 fn! l ouluga sinle cSe Mf nslfabau anrrounel n aiity, Maenlcity. lsauguo asiupde, de. pre»son et spIrite s ud 'fumloalde- raugenintn oSlb.hecVou eyst.m. Foresaleby druggiet, or sonl free by mal on r.ceit of pricn, #1.00. Âd<ireus P. J. OHESET, Toledo, 0., Soie Agent for lbé Unlod gstaeu. Bond for t Nowa#esof Bi7ths, m<wrae., msd Deadu h arged 50 emtoe s.l& BIRTHS. GlUIFFIN.-ÂI g&4Onaon l. tt July, the vifs of1Mr. JeremiaL Griffu, Jr.,c asu GRIFIN.-Âi Whithby ou the SAI lit., Honora, dauglaler of 1Mr. Jurs-, WA ien. JAtLUS AT A rf URE vant ONIN TERNAt COMI FORCAIRRHR $ 10 $100 about ainsO.W.T.OUE 1* fS à W. H. BELlUXE W.ont*, x*urcn5 HaisCa1tarrh Oure "de Oby s Wouui., mdEauf ousil 76Bsmu acilàhEuu ILs W. I80"9,Welland#. ot Ccuxzm OMMas, l liy 1, 8W X VîWbmt..........125'0 l'i ..uot ... ... a S s ?................. t. 1017 ou r4è, black-"My........*066-0 e ..na............. a O O Cia.............. 0,045 4e0'* ao <ss .........- 000 09 ....rem ....... j % .sl........ .* Cabbse ......d. 000 1500 thé «x banné. ce 0 fer iassd ,031 00 1 et 010Aduila tvnl.mro BEST'ýSkWu r'et Ùjh1 n and vuere to vork for nu., Nov le iilie.oucan work lixare ime onlY or give your ilole lime 10 l b ben. TuO. aithmi d doiUwork. -No oterbuineue viii psy yogine in w*IveL No co - tb maknorousjrw tu. omwnttdoet.leoslyond bonra. Afdirna Tans à Co.,ÂAugul4» 0GOL DSM ITH'8 HALLD NEW GOODS TO HAND- Waltham Watohea, Key sudJ Stem windling, AIso tic Patent dluel proof case. 0o Ladies' Gold Watoheg, the fmnest stock- I have overs howu, - qusity guaranteed sud pri- ces tie lowost possible. Walnutb, Niokie and other Olocis igroat varioty. Electro-Plated Geode, a fut stock. Forks, Sioonis, Pinner ana Tés Kuives, m Plâted, bory and imlitation Ivory Hanales. Pickle Freines, -'Cruets, ButterCoolor, Bry Dialie, claire Baskets, OCadBieeerm, &oe, SiP E C T AC'LES TO Sur UITA MESG pclfi1mca ErZOck4i., Wbitby. V" a2MBU~1 I 1 - . Ifyou vauot it. 1mevtue vains cfi imoney, try Io boiaew anme,, mmd Ilyoui vaut toko me l.vaine efE.trbi*o'* ol ec umeas uic.iala âiteot 'nue reat val» of'"i. LdiE uauu inup h z of Gerni the sInona .*bte one boiqa u»n Sb olm, ORR H :ISTIRUBUTTON. ATC H o 1ike, Sir, JohnA.stf corne out ahMad! They have a large stock, bouglit before- the late n'se in price, and are determined to givo -her eus- tomor who may favor them with their, patronlage part of the benefit i* To Builders a.na Carpenters we wouild say, you will- fld speciul sivantages with us,-by ealing aud getting prices. z' A large supply of Blacksmiths' and Carrnage MAliens. Cut Nails, 8 inch a.nd over, $2 90, ocsh; special pricesý for lago lots. Olood quality. Wbitby, May Brd, 1882. 10-tf SFRI.NG JA MÉB persoual attentio n- gunstÈ. li4 Cigareof tbe bout brande. Ezocflent1 iug rmd Shede., Vo48intmieci 11hal,18 (RA.WPOED, msj Wl maire ber-rcuarlripe IÂVIGCobourg;s Nas x& etret. Conjnecte aetBochestet - Yowr Central, NortheraOem j- ARR IV AL -0F- - -. PC.1i?.heuifl BOOTSAND SHOES,i.So,- SITITAUIiE FOR EYERYBODY.: An immense stock from whieh to miake, a seleetion.a Latest styles for. LaIdies', Gentlemen, and Misses, at remiarkably iow Thuis où ic"l wCustomn Work as usual, a- Bpeojiaty. E.&iCh Ii'emember--North -Store, Mafrket Block, Whitby, JOi-tN SAUNDERSý,k' oq Whitby, March .2g,1882. N. i17MARKET -BLOOR. INAlofl > n TWEED8 C Joba e firna n cot- 'on. çoena ir. AUl biery ho biie, adl, u ýd 131<- -ic lu- l, sic Colle. ai& *ver Sairnel i bud LLL.ýý l,'ý 1 1-1, ILIV 71 1 9 1 1,1

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