Whitby Chronicle, 13 Jul 1882, p. 4

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à U»uoi bisbodIy wu cas vet by a cottonmt>uti' eake l 6 os IM @uY. .Me.Wasslow-tuaPp1~ "Nu WUenfi ber vWU thelie s iforthélbIte, soi Ibluk ngt gf blluo; grft5.êtlrerwlse lie migbt hav 0 ,~ tes,>,c dWpapchtnt o baes r 4I~.fa4l1, a o od. k aie, I. we /z<r'zoif -large <opher 'Imake anon iyo - &"imlarlty of speech Tva Qeargia yonng vaOMen viresud' '~ & turalytreedani of toîoh dsîily oonfronted ini Ibe road by a big à rluee,or negleci ox une J0rattlosake. iBach arxned bersoif vith.180 CW<e f #Msel1 toert boailsnes5. api... of fonce rail, and th.enake (lad- . M S, ie% UlrWinitU Leecer0bO I lié rb",cralsWway, bu ithe gitls folbove i .w.m:o reedns, J< ~3 h'.:Ioi aufsu loto the woods -and killed il. It Wvas LAPSve I t t aemh oe,îl av fie tnlulaneiand Dne inches tu 0'îtbe t&te JO& fiea tmaeaigmCUtbe 8est ""' -ot b*M -.or klii Cnaa~alfhu, a'bte a b .imed iapmmy ehoulder ta foritiger of the 1.11 hbaud by a rattie ex,àIbo d sas o %" Ytb u Css I. $toyf ýorattrait attention; euae. The keeper's vite, MrS. Bwîng. , ers -aePm 0 leSU.diueaaOSOt r4i&yu1h fillps My aM tan,splithbeftlger on bath ideswvii i h om omit s âoVerta. Zfldo 're oioai an, eveulîg éa risor, ponred poviler loto the woundl,. _ .3zimN ZkC0 1 rat.ssU 1. CRKeY ba and arc andeetitetiti. 8bthengoiih8nimi IUG filtsa bon olyvy.hepleis drink .0» vhisk7 but ant"- ,aeoajie ut. H. suri*d., A to a seanboat o ar ~Au Immense ater x9socain. ywau lll. M X-r épo W te tsri Âv mm, Li4'DMm5 lii Maulli a atfish iaces long. r4*et Thk~ era1b0'Pi0 -uev"a i he serpen thé, Il e teJ îl - dered poarlesa 10 elibegr uwallow Or ý -U lu née s.7.Mach flos Twa racers 1v. (set i lengt àiftak. *5.8A. 2lIe af 'Warwlck, RI., ci a_ %*tma*u thébe V 8 aM.Oc nde n y oa Leuigf.; nt ith <rosi exatnssseverything eb ha ae .suai fwheil ÃŽe. o a wytaasna.O.tb I asetômafiùla th elsle. Plantefi 1841Y -i l gacul tou the foatsted ltaelf mround ber ankî; btre. feet &nBd î 1I hou afat ieb te lgh be lishafior ii.alier éndeavofd ta riaci ber neCk. véée teiwenîy t'ions bl rnfôda er Wight wlbonerenmlo,sln orghthbin off viti a hochet. Hl r ire5.ni avu&ae s*i itlilb 'Mse u acoutlng hi, cries braughtèler son ta ber aid.On.@ p4,lelia i-'kow aabe.of thi-isulâgtien attacbed 1..yosg udions, ý*qk 9 jrivw.rfit 1.iqey gueseir o ixallen tmnan, bit lhs speedily kîlled- il with bis vil tored for a Jear *vi W ebrini irgefi ~ o leeteul itheir boe, sd thon vent ta the relieof af hie *dotl ai easî (l're Par cent. hIs ina ta bleé,riandse ohi8d ilfb ater eu ite s,f>$Oioo. bcýýre flai4' wster-that lus 14 b i chaCIPtay ihâ anea î ovalviuqg no -las.W he b.mannfJ 'o h bookecanclsoif. Gargi aoRomys thtt Sn tier r, but al.a io velgto ta 1h. a aoi ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Gogù'P' delie.l.soht ef yî, iOvntn ai ot glcer vWho stores the vool. $gh bea vsolsaie assi bot* the. boff PÉa rattlemnake whieh WèIiâgilaihlpe fol elaw- vae ooleadre.dy ta s5pring. Nbtlciig '*rît iig aà the RîlO' J. B. Reoera tii bi slate, lt teaor ^&0. tiat the Snake looked unoammuoily Blugi&tniailq Y.# Baye, "My cavu *4 Wby dfi rau work -bis large, HY%"i ont il open weuh hie kulte, gal*ted int quntity of nilk an'd'candi. % ?@ lmen kls vork," te- an8 a foi eqirrel joinped ont nuti r tenilên afler I caminen@od ' feedlàg ensil., np a tree, wbere tbe cat it. Hia. dog age. I give oneilago one (ed a day ill bil chased th.e quirrel, wvhlcb, rooaniug place af leading hay, Stier fota 9f haY 4111 'Il Mid a gentle- close ta ltheSnake, bad beeau sappoti sid grain, the srnie se bebi~e fcodingI 117-1 nobodip e" baat, np jusl befote Hlyst rrived onLi tbe b oaeDitage. fier;"evey drniuie ..s ra ry aueful duriug the PuI san ais lie t',M. Plalodanie, effor looking lonig Iprlng, andisomeinies in he.Winter. 1Ehahouer ,write- haot ps andl. fulveta tlaster eci aif Hhake- as a ben g>setire. Titese eWnof a e~e'é. mo~umil; ~î.refiot w0 a leaca'P X9. Ho o y laow hoareit ? B11 mi bt hsve engrosi. lutte scis! fotions af sages d, le ie bcdebelng declded rtfte iio Oa v»ek m&ls" o 1&c1 " t 0a&" oicarne [V* *ltbl au îorne," modu »J ro dl.4, thé, "but vihtlI shanld it.wafàIlovl e nv iarsosi eers. A nib.St Ob he. ladic, aie ov b-notI,land Iabo aioto4e 0-:. ~ITbebinastagfe&i sa u alprem ivhm h ut.- bO-ad. I » aa.yosfdon't W - the " n ty, a."liti pale hié vas1 I Hacoulda't haver bten Weil vies il vws takes.!' Fashianable youglay dot.scliugler heàir belor. -rtinln,ý ."Wlt t rme niay nonie vson w. lbave etiffied off titis marial oilt" valering ,plaie,' fno se na ci.snoa salin drues eut -semse 0te shaldot as lavaéd eoslda sho11w.Site avepi 'the sir vlt b ler bars sm nsas ber fiogere w"*re coed viii. rin&s ahe aiemsd'td hrlii down the stairsoeverp, lime. Si. plungod ber fingers întoon' 41.b allr Ibê olbsr aidvpe b nionth , an tbior a' brianfi. obi of ber ne4.hhours qnietly pefibers narkhna sud abs picked it up u quicld sud salfi: "Hore 1 quick 1I uomeiady taslest ahaudksncbief. 1Isever carr amnsug s cobres ateIliat.» - Rad i. dog inlise mangue: is lay te eaen n op ean, sund plcnty of ecraiobinï and gretatô' a tewhsit lboy neeti. Ifany ttung pig e > 'blostbý cré- leanees ontte part cf lie awns'rs1in -providing to nucli stnssw for iedding, or froni overlaying by te so.'* A rail. togaix loches belatausté, .inuidê.aI th*'j»en to prevete ;ýI r0.cj alyp ovin rlaying. Tbls simpIs 4eteif uleraly isei voultisa"u millions a ole yal ý h a eus et Ibis country. Supiiaui perlions, are precitelythoe are-moat aflen deeeived. Suspicion il go rireiy direcied arigit, Ihel ucn lj moretota ý.match for iL; ;and op*weWsxn-svsr bogets cuunngvblcl la tbc dwarted and deformeclecbvertiu af lhe slave. fore toa eg=n:Lok fg.b Faublomble vomen bave la"ge batsL sud imaiibos$a. 'day 1 bs ltaéjoko cornes in, lie. hoartY mal lsagh gais ont. oreo Vaor prediolu a rsiuy .luv Weil fait tue OOY Seplmbor. sng à ourlots laval dt a b~ rogb - murt Mocattlsy againsl Jufge Vol Fieldi refu ief i l. leh. aim s ," " vos au error, aid tisaI il reultedlate eodlug'ber ta BLte prison.v.tp t eili rmainu. Tise suit la for 1.0 c the maga,hd as. è Uàbas py ad n i The finit vif. of BnighîmYTOuagtd convri e ?!hras('l6ai 0oI,îe1' nul 1 inl881,ud v n té OMODa.1LIý g Touai. hIsuaà$ lbisyb sgac ui O ) ed ebIoSl*0 sbullse n litwÏ4 no oppouillowit.nberbuband b- aUt h teialise l xertuiîfy mqg~ t I;jýsa8tSs(osi lte other veves, 0 v le .hilfiren sai mac u peublée'Iv Yo yeer 25.0000Worth fhat vu iidi ' rpali(a arbr InaaAP 'dukÃŽ$ aeh*,00,0 vas enzt ta cP lt yv.Aof te 8Su oaisl.-This iëi oeaM not bll ainet adelfer- I, s îéaeesin Dablia, an artisani ng toind murdereni u tisau*Le : Look ta the orchards aàbot l leue se.. Asaalvig utarle Il is anu OU mrte catit&ont viitsauk=-f. , reTheis maofi; are botter ai las mach chea pis iean lalen prusi viit lte eav. fi[ ac ttvsltiaeteany ced itjrdoge or alle rltenefiby ,vy disrlénds Iu'*eý. Wis *at bgota onflue îtùe or 1, . "Do yu ik1P1iiOlffl 1" S*ed IsO I»te eut( be iMdamsel vis éppeile~,inergo tb~flig.Wî iw ànc a ommoi I very dayllq r sl lu. 'ilons' & e" wvt-iUtel mms RmSU bais M I "t io th , la i t wbiu TM u th Uitd taes Soja th fMl . 25l,,cpt atl11. mg Ili4 ~rso~ saeIol aC~ UBRE ï- -.xem 4piô Haro Zou any exmu for snflerlng with DypçmOzor Lirez Cuiplalt 1 lu thora any îeaxon why you sboûId go cm fzom * gickjoad4cHbtual Cativoriouupl-1 tialoofthlieu ast rt buri. Wator- sp i o$tlie ,a 'brnin dst the an4djibzoha seoithe inoqUt up ealô f allèe .tinki, lotpbiZ yg al.J GO le yor Drugltand g&a battis 4 GreeIt AugnutFlou'orfor Coutu your cure k cort it, tif you loibt tIis, ge a Suiple BaIlle for 10 cents sud trf t. Twq dofeu:wi11 relieve yaa.. stor PHOSPHUATElS bre th. ouly pliysiolo. tis ~crvusuyseTlau4 troiisb ise sorce BllxirofPhO5Pb5toS sd Calisayt speedly- restores tis sor prastrale (tom menta sudpbfles exntinbris worry, ttem- eraa.rdos habits, su4 tisatrain ci olkonsu a fut Mefo by IL.a ction as a OhmclFood 'in pourisistog brain sma Der "e. 1 Aj I- ISTORY '" ÙJJNTyý,-OF0F QWFÂIUO W.Y! OMNBUES. RAILW i' 4jNS. WhI#by. Weh.Mtb. IsR ,14 'OR SA . THAT. DUIABLZ3 ON OLBOP.1'BSTE=T, p o moopied i'7 W.G ugZ a o , d 1rBrook Stret.' Wiatby, Feb. lot, 1682 -7 The "WIte"SwnMhie poil WILENCE, E -ARE, Axt) CHhSAPNESS. UNEXCELLED 1 A 7RSHLOT Olt- bVA'UTI.FUL MÂCINflS Whou fiaeapurc'hsuellthe Chas. suaIt, Mis. Wsu. Marhalit, bM. Wm. got.tl> MIs. Wm. Orager, ]ms.C. F. Stoer- ast -M B. .ArsUrl Un.Mis.Js. Heiti, M.- ZA.ICZbeUll ý Ina. Law4, » Mi:. s am el a ciil, M *tu. l ub r MttQsy.:'BrI'o ; Mm-Grills, Mms.-B. te~lqkgl5.e~ -, . IMTxuAn»1 XIo1,MIT1 1 1~ Rom, ai Pro. 7a aIT_ WILLaFAN to Octoer 1 '81 bo otniogt fo ,o *1i o 15,orwail e uxilo Sescf oa e a de- J..J l~f~J*aon4y l~ IMM.p È , iesM t Eo M~fIOH 0. 0 dI.OnÇ dnd Drnggluls, everyhare. th --- -- -- eUand, the goods ai -54 dtlaefrom SPRUE rý -te GUMu - armai ha<*ng Ã"segh. i. oto o knw o tke publié ai lag. Wad aeta# ioabu utU.5H mu m ets . a olsst rgd a.,.u5 -,. malab55ar atmse ,sgfatro& XBRZW4'~Q- < & . - 7.,an' AND 11AIR N E Sa;f WILLiA MHMPO 'LIA.THIER VALISES AND) SARAToGA TRUNXS. -A LOT 0F-, Vey asduame sud Oheap. iti l ealb.et MU~SI(~ ~umxh.k~4 x ~- ~tt' fi5hg1!WALXIffSf., I ~BR.&3H Ã"Y~ ~ i~illtimere 8L~eitlmate, ML'~ I MJl~sIi~8LLdiila ~ f52. ~ .. ff~~pap~4~Lî terPs.,Oor.glh~W~btUlsQ5tiet,~.~. i " -"2v"-'*':. C;' j i ~ ~ - -I I PAALOR BOOTaîfid 8HO8TOE Deverell's 'Block, Brock-St. Whitby, MATTHEW%-GOLNS ThfOrms_ OuBtOm3ers that at the ýabGove estabibet3ilb ~ootaud Shce etwpeen Toronito g~~ate1 D)on'tbe satisfled with 160-ga't thçe dipsp1yitèhov 'winow, fit'o ii mde«xani$ne anad eç for' -youorgl tI. tox,-fie w aydrybi,~ ~i~ a ooledffor iii the ]3oot a*.Sh hu, oldi. Rto~r ~f.i9i - earlityï, Nà blo I 'bt okht 18 tight, i yi ng ttitb oscià1pa ctder à h~ ~iwoù. sbadsWiarge_ uf'ocra uust establishmek iihiine ai bumnee See the new Berlin FeIt Boot.-LÉýaie'Fie ki~d ootâ STrunkS ana.- Valises in great vré,at 1'wesm Sold b y aun Druggsta.Pàise, 300par 0A AMDANS Wn usMurepatenta in the Unitedltes aon hojnime temua- Cillions. It i. bout ta taen msin b.Blttsthus uecung~ai7 years patent ; Obt boie' v be lmuted voyer:'ows c«os lunited "States Psien #6,oi 20,on niaking appiain lie balance àny vhsn patent ueloved. ceS1yeao,.7~4 Onz4teip0ofModel or &rawigig,'with desription ci isi4entioz4 vs Dppo Ie 118. ý olicitors cf Patents, [esementin vieze osuaw Ibis allier- listinent. '4-1 W 0"z T la 0 Y, glv.*esLnt~ sOUMi the- aaauiEan"0su rais gmwn by tfe"'cbe hilt em au7 lreoble4t potes Who àh; * iliti party ait eifa ,Iwo, Yeti with ;Zýftîý 4 llifflý 1 ý Aà bli, il.

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