'r O' r':--t're.. ery a~t Reduced I~ ReducedvPrioeSs >rices. r We wffl Sdi Reduced ~ I. ait >SU1I rh Ughet]re pâcdfor- F174rm Poue Whitbyt Ji=O Q2thIa lw. at Coat. RJ~JDUC~ p~ arrive E 8m e --'e i - 'ION, ~In order -to -Cer te ôtbfr ýTON.t 0,0 D OROKER, OHAb P eol êS . ls. G WibQlae eq eol*ekgubmmaWlt't- - 1. tored eg1ww ýtirar. wtu Smabit L l trebaSsi ia. blýa eu&a a c,1> of lirep$'The5510Eçl.TboJ a raê a su 'Am ld Wh"ahextaDd 'rotPo s8a1' ou 'thre +~ e m Me temulaste Suez on e B 1300 -'The$mm$orlly-ôonptha tbeftré 9 le 08 ales tu lewtBh, bho 16 tilesi U>ob"lQt>m ptyi%5v the t>4 41sr thé throu.qhUeêdm wauoe ine:p«e.. irbýmml i 72tio= aüé à ý ICb W of 4*"êt Oi a véfor4' î ana front l7'oVI826 14.1 la lire surfae,# Blcrres, t -Slen u mm re fazull "nui ana d e rlminum depliof 26 falt- M - ourOnm euoe, beenfud'> Il it>0&l s«teamer.00 (sel lu',lV;. .jrenndi at DunechtRlHoe,.the leugthsand.6o fout hou&o. Tirrosdeys faintlyr»eat. je alie» botweei Sue& sud Porti , 1 Saved trour the Ponousc. If Thie Suez OknâAlednotla Oâfal properMa but arn u1rifilan eofthlrue oapa, lt For pesasDavid Allingswortir auffer. havîoog ni 1éok gate4 « 1sîyu1nijiugad wvilir rrumastistu, and uotwitiraland- 'euius.~ irelIe Saau 1he ~r1ealu. g tihe asemedical attendance, coulda suda iree ie hq liau Ite resuahit Oul Poious udla bb a ir raneaitlare nearly on the imas.ev.>, ual fond relief. Ee comme la lhe sciota iapslobete qu" a blg dilcirie 1S W, an u i . nacortc Iveen the Ioanais4vr ee p*so eft1aiet,,* neS Snsaiur lirai litheBe 6o6 ; t o b.h sup of a e esa vilie d hein ap. pli.dvi5irfremir ustWbroelt front a plledjte iretors of lire Poonhause branob et th»r * N9e uer Ogti, hev-vrw, i*di 4&b an ý ûî,i>eetebm.leIGern sud te a iran ocrol êf Sithe 9 iBEi'i 8mm e *.'04ýQÃŽi. us&sb,*wvuea vend u lutnc.' "tr=f nate m. Iortanti rioltlou; .far. vith14s tia mmd eir. I laiinpr&oti"blote <;Mo~tIrs- sepate lire controai ttirecasal, tie. tha". feae, f roW tbre ruter ofE i -Tinhe 'pu iSUir .ldsqbrvirk umbur fc f niep15h hriI ' ltrout the use o!iue 'ie thre canal bir ncaeass4frii> n22 viti à facts, se shove tsled, viii ho verified b1 total tonnage of 11,047 Ji j18fY, lo.21,. by tire oitar of-th Parlumoirtli lOua> 7218 steamers villa a total toage et Owaods..O 4,4,88tn>la Pl1 Tho re isb acn tonrnage iras ineessd (roi,8 teamen - 1 1ç - GuealDeiIl. taché, villa a tonage il 4,4471fln'189 en2- Froua Itlriel Pelaso. cf 14an' Boa nus- 257 etse wit h Aà tatt1 touguMo0f Mot, I irges me T117 reiat 8>448,184 toumn sSin. ErWoalatannage Pleaa tetainfora n à £cthe.banetfet i bt le .0dfon 4 trehef iere ve r ualeaeof FxuuYIAWS1TEUW wirole ilm' 96ta 89 rjuit elthlie vholà lu My owu famliy. My wif., for the tu 1881 aud for theirt fiY nanths af pes toIayers, bas beau in feble heali a tire preaen't.Yesril lboa dettiMftfur. -Yfl ri deb lliatid.generally. LaS C auti tirer ta 84 porcent Tire canal ia, more- spriug asirecondudsd toet f shotile of ba cvr, tire ulort rassi ta Bddà illuli liaPEsiutfl iPa sd , - iî wllNcd hutralia, st>d m t gtiffl -14MM -pO555OG W= %bu &boulr# elucdlI ,0 o --s.mcra- l l i W abiellle '"çmi it Skia fourt t1.a hdIM bft* 0neeiy tealier ilId ud e &U ltlie oed, and ja- a DowJà 'ter iresltirt e wotld tiraI tire cail tirehld ire kept hSiDtim>e for tum ymsrs, adsud . 1on esite sud (erste W58rise. But. luexellsadllu vogit rom 10 OPoqunds ta mon, land Smnlire 0017 o=ttt7 vbich eau 1824.1,bave .rmplayed phyiaisn, and guasnueetir. fréeedl t ftir.-Canal, oUed a grast vaiely of patent medi-cn sud ro=Iresu gofat recogOiued th 'eocmoe, Ste eexteut of I'undrdâ of dol-. us t.at ad ieairS pepnd#BliInter- l ansd I kmow hire reaivet! mare dtsthenéin. bheltS train lie Prxauvurs Syau? tirai aUi te rst toglber. My saiesi for th. A svBulria eau.-Th iPre Fr.8JSI .ae 7rylarge sud cautautly l-- e yth.! Poil-lanad paeile 0~adI oulImmllel e Jotion I&Uivy esudalire Ottav, 0Oiisi aevA erasat i agr Waddngt0i sud le eo* 1r llAllwaZI utwftl and Bridg eCompauy. bhlir irq 81< à douggi'ia. novert in iehr ii5 Lidge across ias îai rve PO ound Ourm au ig emle .Mp1Itmh unit. irehé oneS &0t et"994ecvugieaue. li 'c1 on Thui»day là lIa s oiZVu ppmg, «mm - lu meofthe 0OllaVi vr v ecu ltsth l e oman obervation tia rio~j py yM.T. U.lteaadr o shTI mIl5 C.049 ;Che,11ýUi ihe Great uai leta 5ia < le d . bd abitw li0 eigo Zsne~¶~enOlu.0>tiù& dedr" tby fa&While i<ors»na.sd O, W. aid $bd' iilayaiiBridge ot te -oe -té luItruell adOcur COmpmiy for th#e tvlaeet ýbaiingthe sufferinge et ireiýee. &.bridge etWadiPu oae- tir e. (Io Levrenoe. -Theire taleoSNev tOrk WPet u - faithoisd te 9cetrctinbut l -%."Whbath cr et o*uidivilla rapter. $au ,aîiormç lroeQainUliD, bd imillitrame, 1>P. 'tebe mllfiedhby Coogresu sea i ii T* or ,ohhiai o o -a nesi'oa r b ndit States Becrtary of v has y4V iafat » et 1h.séirei, semIsearaCamei of 4n..»Lr» ,Pb.sure osl 'Wrightl, COmet Bngle.#etof t uthl D n.tt s7Mtob« >< 'iaÃà l Sta.es.%139OMÂT. IdMN - Tii. News. lsyten renavatorr sud clameur; sud t sud leot Aare soerlau'i ireà y are, Caors.-Tbe Rusian rop Ipro&peotC ualutiy, a.ariug ont sud remvlng an*i a are, geueraelly upoakiflg, very râvorable niiirities ; sud,nt ualoIy, acminugs -iiispar eavy relus hbave &o baton prime curative, but asa thbugir pré- dovi tire Englieavireal crap tiraI Dol venîlve. à biascnop viii ire lu condition foi rar- AONLEaiG5 ;wrt. BAILWAY Ti USIOo.-SUffilnt favotir. I bave ohtaned lirrougir thee nse oft0 able pr6vieo have alrealy heaun redeived pour, wauslerftil rejuveouater, mnon a. Sc to practically casure ire ocapletion o f 'aXiMêl l Mden. nfui. the Grand Trunli sud Greal' Western ly restoncd-teel lira à yoir colt"~ ltailwrayu fusion. Reed lire advertisueet iu. suothur Pttair.M.Parne11, virose irealîicA ip iras ben sexiouu)y Sm aib h ie Tr Pgrtatir eol mnataof July i worry sud veiatibu. 0f tiipoliSo94athre Stomacir sud Boweii bro vcry lhable 0 leaderai tire Irlih party, -iras delermnii. le . oidtagg. ,Thiejoo pro~ ~ ed ippon relrlug troin active pitlcs f5 pï wC r.CMsn' i ikà ad' - minwe pto .of sea srong tibvim*4 Oontipalloi Bittt rfrby tlasir so Ta. CsasÂns i i Wi*zco1 e à t.-otese Tire Canadiens coe, -B.Rr V9 - evrwer orfUS --m ATAR% ~-ai, givon y oiu~woe thbis 1otbe"bitieu 1 ? e gi cee .oterumnlSviipa per box. t.m - .r~ ~ ~ u r of l-t h ty v b *f . 1y--fjèê, ar iceaw C im 1 CM &idop Si luei tg , c ý w ODM«' RIA L Le mdWb tALL B IRBTH Stati. egdfor il. 1 Io 3 D ~TŽ.E2U EEILfUilY 1 Ouns. h~I~ al' ~< ~ ma~They have a large stock, bouglit -bèfdr-,el b AA, . t <md~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ ~~ 0 ~ ,JIlLb of1.~e~HTRi UEFI1BU H A N D. the jatp nrise in prie, and are detormined to 'v lerCU Pais, HI2BY ARXTS.WIOsISO IIVCultomors Who may fayor them -with their patrong ato tI b n fQte'l ailIl UI b, Eai'O qfdf*u*#w, IQ## OmKz1F rom uIy19h I8w ath Watches, Key ad -i aut h eei ,owJtPte îetrb <dE', d I P [miWhest............ 1 *#1 2 WLSD n. Mr r.is.To Builders and Careters we .. iild'_ay, you will1 Hd Puhus anci Aches. Bprlng Wheat..........i ~~~~~~ 25' a 180 MU litt1c'datI>I eit au d M Catrrh Se'wni~ aî h aetd s cadrevntages wâi a ycoligadgttn rcs re4u on eariCi q ah t. oaZm Or = -t.......... CO gg~o v crm odcto»Cr"ah.ie.e OWpr.fcae.5>011 Snppiy of DlaCnmuo.oo 7008 lE W. T. HOUýSE. Alrg ~1i4,'adarareMks' LE4 DING aftfi, ao t itnp<o id ch.p Extésual Pm..... ........0() '48 o~cyor 60hanc~Sd M ou*I ill P0S14.............08 ~0 *w ceOnt I Ud ade'8@d1chs teCuails, 3 inch and over,$ 90, caà h,; speciail prÈices vopla, un 5 bave b.bpcad o "- Bie Peuoie 8c860 nd.x.aa Ont..hloi tram 1 , tgomdoneuLadies' dori edtthamatc Inns stck Ihhe eveisIMn, for large lot. God quahity. Ploierm .............. 4 0 Q*10 .E.ELE4 el)gurn eBudpi Wib, a rd, 1682. u ..... ......... 0 17 o0218[ WCes the row e st possible. -. ................ 5 oie1a8 019 004 h ?Ud 0.î1J7 cw._ -beum..............0. sa-Hae Wala, 1the à d the R -î*9H GF Mis, v ïb. 0 0a 0~o 014 Js103kain réâ mmllîa Y',adOo1u -08 andu s» yP . HNT*0..Tld O tan0 Tr-At . i c bit-1 bM rsibti .,.... 13 0- 14 aEeWe d94OStIetaSl Th.CI rIr",1fmyesh. valok alla.000 *00 immJosulyy hTrae r aaa.Jl! 3fNTN - prieî for ,,ah. . ý -. C la"l u a h e k eo«pewIlolteufa A CA,1R».M a mue05l o p t aXbu iet- 0 Co..aw000a1 Wechiiik ci ..v,â v - îtilled~~~~~~~~~~~~~~t tuallb l.MabWn, Dok- btb.UCutflOP L tBII &SeIbt..I'i" go.W Dr« yurbau. A crp HosSaitWi &C Th om r op cf C NWtlo . - . kn ,r... .. 0 00k-u E ,, s os nsurpiyl.se v12e-anan M.rtl. tile 8PRINfi T UL orf true merit bas attained e worldfl e -repulation by ite vanderful W cb ie ,Ibrated Eltetip Bttera * o>. iLl npt tpe2 Ãart4e cendeayored tla unitate'heux, an-& la purrbase their frandulent wru k -yOU drcggiat for thre genuine ee 0 Bitter, tOst abrc gu"ranteed ta d take.so tb.u , I4i VïnR vu I50 OSa xrervou.,ekee ymesa.Ia la ralier an ludeoint t.rm. as oôii. Iy u>derstoad * usitu O f aU l isuu.abodaocaa ie e; i urbedsell hf * ler s»d bla p lidl b ii Arnog th o st .preveli it aicai odien atachu af dimtaesc, a&e has fa 14u1 o t he, sommer sud PsU, anal i hira m -rus, ltet> 00co1 I~rroe, d.eaei', tc.. tirat OMie rav fas! I é $o bour.. That l Ov ùlaberead . Dr. P eoei Eirs f Wfad Strawb.o', aheuld b s th"4d br nu. in omeI'530Y. Oving épia""ein -the guuaièf argaais end Cor4i&Io, asud tas WOOdO eulurlir, wglea Dr. FOv¶er ,f etravire ryu lire lives CE rnay *n (%r ufa144 etIra ~JN~~M1IU & 1wJ 2~&ILW~T. -t TheLarï N r- c 1, g', A ~ >d. r1, ,' 1- lr C'el$..