TAeO I D - - r IE B CC -, - eedlk t w*,I-GA - unl' TOBACIJUIVIST8' - 8UNDRIE6~, ~ ~B2" ?J0EI'VED' fl~ - - Ton il - ' -' BeC ei-, 5-itbe-we-Ie.t!l "ebe-eeWid,. Tboê taere uà z«« lnand'eoye~ the ah Baddtb, ton., -lheigh* -6k, waî( iù -oe~tul teo ae % no* 1e ansi neyer w i workirhal-e A e s'ilahnec, ______________ nSta, vçO xprnalî. - érireés? Bécane. q1h-teknow the name ditihut, rouwce c if. Mies Temùpleoi ld .t "Il je foDr my hamppineWia" zpfied Larbng 1" sý aiai Lady ]BeIli -Hmret.. . . . ~ i ~ ~~ "Thon, indees1 wm a ion ta 'leam CW571 1ea i dîtérm'lae - l", '- .. --& - - - foi ye. Iivuhis "H-leinthiâ oou1Lry2' naid Hens- yuOur houer, - y ho, "in;myb e ha tee fertoinate," egai& bit. i !114bous, a narn~ e t -Uiknown ta ori henyou ittpap, ead Oit Inlus ê1bach myt-"tonrato , lî gng usi7 1- - -M 2 I -' - --ùl0n t61eyF'lid m ad-J Lord Mendt os e0 moei'tk,a puil - ram.riuelamery aaltel"h -ad l-an'tIf-tn ë ore'~o~bgbUâ la ées b sif c't"dW paperlii. 4iéitl table. -h. Oootny rosvuèlmey. 4a OYFFtiO - 72 Yeiege Streul, nn eh Dominion Bamil, sud Corner Ziugsudti D. A. &'SULLIVAN. W. E. MERUE. BATJ & à .TOB=YT.LAW: cm.sy Â>blio, ho. Qi>t-D>U=l St., fa or vest cf ArnmstbOng'5Hoatal. DAVID OIiTON, B.., ATT0UNlEY.AT-LAWV, SOLICITOII 114 O)vlct-l"i the Ofilco ooutiofi tho Pet offic-e, in MtillUis Dock, Drock Street, WLitby. . y-l0 ROI11I48Oi&ILiENT, (LLTmi DuocAN & BouMWUe.) BARtISERSAT-AWATTO RN: OFPICZ.-Tn Victoria Chamubon, No. 9, Victoria Street. 1.0.RossiO, î. a Hzî]8TA.E.KZXf. G. YOVNlG 9IMIJTU, L L. B., B à 3MIISTRh., b.-Xooy tb Léon laitier ffiagâe Llensea. 0,,îcsn-Over Donion Bank,Whtby. Ta. 2 1878. <f. & RRISTER.AT.LAW, SOLICITOR streel, ihtby, ont. 1. APIER GIIENWOOD), A TTOBNIIY AND SOLICITOR, CON!- j'jmy ucer. li0tary Public &.-Post OEeDraOur No. il, wlh14, OuI- Farme bougtxo1*sa mis; i;mirage Setlle-- ment&s, WR4sudIustie de Specialtles Loans nugotlted ounIII indi cf Preperty. CHKARLES C. KELLER, (A 1T.ÂBfTLAW, OLICITOR fIN tonBrok O1W L. T. BARCLAY, T 0IL REOISTU.&T 0F THE I LAcout of Justice. ne ishear ofth Surrogate Court ; Clurl2 !thie Connty court,.&-o. Offie lun Gond KRouese, Whtby. Jeux DALà 15W, 3ARBEISTER-1ÂT-LAW. SOLICITOB - tu-reysaiir,&0. oMse-Deevulls loaks Brota Street, Wbiiby. ÛO0NET TO LENDU-PsIVitu PunIs -J lu sm anapp fl 8 st0a aloy raie o1-j jean A. NCQILLivitAT, nÂiUI11R& TTOI*E.AT.LAW, ýn itslftor ie h doct tu MaîoqHolu*n, hlxblldasOn. . - TEE AT LAW,ÇOIOITOE I13 Om ,Convoyanct, &a., &o. Sun. 000 SIrait, Osava*. J. E. GALBRAITH, 31.U., C RADUITE ad Queeu'e an& Vigtoria IUniverlies Member aoflime Collage of Pimymcian anS bargeous, Ontario. Onxo-»rdk-h.,Wbitby, Ont., (hral -~doors soutliof Royal Hoteu). IY-46 a. J. GUNN, M. D., 1CBG0N T TUF COUTY AOL, '4m Mci SiE, 1.1..M.lt.C.S., R fui-r A.LONDOJN, £NO., the e yo IL . Il. L., Oehawa. Ontario. Oit. D.$)AIT, P>hyg'ician, Surgeon, Accoucher. 4o., &o. Wbftby, Sept. 80th, 1874. 40 M t J.0 Ncwepare.: Row (isae" iifl>,New York, te anlleoteu lu eontra0l for'adveriiie. meula tu the CHBO.NiVLE aont, beustes W. ADAM1S) R00M8 OVER 1a. W,ÂME8oWBg 5Jme hois 001) ...t0 12 M., sPd fromn 1.80 o 6, p. tu. Beidenoe-Oor. cf Byron as Gilbert streets. Waet prlmoiplea oPl at.à , beet. 'eI iMwhGols-Ii4ve ' King reOsesM JOUNR oD1nteon' XGE~O~TUA CEBEÂTËD, Setisb nt1fe. At K&rhl. Welles tfpd - (1>4 > ,dÂmn é othr WEdITgbY.m JOHN eSLIZ., - ro*91o (il eto *elb Bisacostoue .'rot,.) Geesi L pors niaitr. omodlts ~Èy. Tes Iwo sç SAmv Whltq Stone wr., .very Mnd.. Hotélansi Bar Gel GLOVERBB RBN 4 impoite Whltby, Marob lut, 1882. Ii 1oinioIU Wood 0(1Wo07K&, BROUGHAM. HOTEL, Cornir Brook aud M" sStroots, lu the Village of iBrougham. First-la.. oooxmodatlona. Bu# Liquoru and C*gars.Geo s tablng ansi attentive THOÂS OUQ T.,PPIZTR. 604Y ' oA 4,BogaOt CENTRAL HOUSE, - OSHAWA, ONT., W. B. McGAW, - Proprietor. Flrst-olas sooommdallou. Det Wlnsa Liqair and Cige.rs Goosi atsbllng suâ attentives hoshlorm. ly.17 WHITEY HOU SE DUNDAS-ST, WHiJBY. Thre undoreignesi vou ntIltlnrto e b publie ttteaI b. im-e preOie s ib 6m b nsvly bult andi fitted UP Ibrougimout, for Oie accommodation of gnuett. Beal Win"s, Liquousud Cigaz. 'THE CIIEAM OF CANADA-WAI.Z LAOtll- Aise pure Riue Wiue. Lagur, Whole- sjalnd PotaitL Boarders taken by lime vece on moder- ste terrmB. JOSEPH A. BANDELL. Jualy, 281h 188. 2 BLACM IHUME hOTEL, Cou. PoF om aB"ru, TORONTO. ALFIWD OX.POID, - PBOPIMrOB. (LaIeetoSWelligtcu Hoel, ukbmela.) TE1IMS,'21.00 PER liÂT. Goods aabl. lng for over 800 hormis. First-clamu accom- modation for tannise sud 1h. travelling publie ine<oserai. -(y MHE HODOSON - .OUSE, (ae Tlmctiy O'Lsary's> DIIFFINS CEKPC EIG The slave premises have boun taken by Oie audersîgiua, irar e nov belmeg neviy at-led up for Ibm receplion al gueul, unS thme trsveiiing-pubfii.' Beu Wns, lqousa, ciga, &a. M"ultéa &Il bourm GooS ehabilg, shed rcoor, sud su allen. tive amie., WM. HIEG1Ggox. THO8. SLEIGH, HOUSE & SIGN PANER, -Cennov be feud s s sop,- TWO DOOBOa WEST 0F ÂBMSTERONG'8 HOTEL. DUN'DAS STREET. 9ý Ail Orders promptly stlended tle.as Wimiby, April lé, 1880. .16 C. N. VARSP, L. D; S. DENTAL MOUMS zrmored from Atw kilamo'a -Deug lere b ooro. over Enrn.o ing Stfei euh yueveryt=hn. yMm eu tor-fm lunies. Ladeu ak r"as m has onAnsi boys ca -ri Uade gre apay.,esdCex, LQ Town and,.Plark.- Lots OU OiiE j'Pm Mu-l FOR LE LOT on, 09o"k Qtmeoi iMe. Géo. Cormaek, Doorts; sud 1 Mûs. - ï Sen vhclene l a rets», ir ly by théecOÙioad. etc, e rJlBS PÂPHRsnay b. iound oun Me at 10Gea. P.Bar&»& Gos N.VipoIIIÂ" ,sllg Bursava<1D St. . hr verpg ontace esyb.uu~e or1) NV u. MONEY TO LOAN! GraispI, Moyyà TT 0& 00, a. W. TTEE», ail in lokod n laerge RowUSsÀY-i Wbltbyo êpril Wl em 8l8e A88urance Company. INCORI'ORATED z833. À .8 T A. HAw L, Iueuuaa.u ufeshIl oluu MO~YTO I .O AN' Applirt- W. H. BMINs, tW Offce ovoDr Onlarlo Bmnk, 1041 Wbttby. -1SULPHOLNE LOTION."t moQ u-, f r goba,# *pdrlfli, Stp lé Bt uno b. u~the n hegil# d1l tL men 0 bi T110-0l but al i zDlt ,t thé .prlp HEMEITTATEMPLE. A LOVE BTORX RT. HON. BENJAMIN DISRAELI, B4BL 0F BRIOONSEIBLD.) 4'Quoth Banoho, 'Bead t ont, by & moins; for 1 mlhtil7 dollght in heariug 1>f love BOOK VI. OREAPTER*V. WwllOEcmNria WMOLI,14 a cP A s EEazxax£BLA CE£AP!Z1 8 £5 I Wathdaho.vea, the bazsbbuui- 1 pLed bUltiei"dalnt*'lok h. n wsemtog. jX i awoi.stl oge oi yhe op$à c u o- WLW96111. 4 3eaiie;' t ap, 1 tctwx earnt.gê sua- daal .tpp0flu b m fo u oti. eoua, ouEa ctm inha Illuis, HéI be4#bqoe Ltêbimfrsb. lotbio. .qs. s1èrt In, ful »I~bt "6w tkd t U' **wa4tim sînl hMas- ON REAL ESTATE "SBtotnuEY. At l. utiige8 S0-0ltaréet s )mto ~ 10 secon vithmn 10 layM"o iou. ita 1 0MPEUEABV WhhbFebuai7101h 18m. BROTEER~ WHITBY, ONTANJO, LUTHER AND FINDI9I onUMELTWG MADE TU QEDRE SHORT NOMSO. <ie vth La4ey, -LsngJay& Bur., A RCHITRCT. Dosigni.1orbhumbs, viUuo O#qeBu emrci, fort"t , seet aibs U5mUI au xKngsen Ho ,Plks 4-tf) P. 0. Bou 0l mn SUII.S -AID ,LGACI> ady Bo îa r- ia e e ueu .- a"jM 6a q 1- e>. us napp -1 s 'uu flode, ~ ~ ~ ~ grnn su4eealoauotdpprdu .yeu ii h1 hPer"- - _41 the-dtivê. pm enbrt2Lt : ion 'a O uth'V a ,ltHo -dù e injuchon.ei é~pvobrdnahhoeid maâbyo till la ea ha h bY he>spotasd I noi-hemâeng drhIeat à ta do b l nme44bemi dtepabr -"u.o'e4Trgd pynlih t- lad 'ap~l$r.~wsnhr~3~ rt 'irrelf,her up against irreai'. ah 1ceo.~~~y le- ~l wè lk iilâtlae. Youv conaiu-ever-Y.eua lodendkt8ao4o3-rhmh:vbiiuesya.i. e omiabl-urely-"' cmtuuedvi& ne ocho! lnrbebuis,- "Frm all mnr, I Ihanli yen for sieé opeue4 ýp eag* ment saleen, -'N,--Friad you, shaH net-go. fUZpïedlliis baboséo tl he o amI--e gl no Pardon 113W kmatO:aeomAuhoa-d i:, ngoifl eplyn, peke for your make, I Mx'.I% Agpit 1s usdered >ppular lu Liis -polie for -i>..boast" ootuotry. -* ui ,oiolgfri~-", ilsl alnv reo," gala la ih. gardous, compeesirenpeotively reésioandi- v b nergy. 'II shsU sol a dlung-roenr - aud. s ceseevateey.etohobsaisi ef me,. tht I broko eve- cou. ceusideable di'meùnione., Iselathosinl secratasi by th. fineat emottime of eut Oie sideet fime gardons mai- a long naines, Nou, Ihave had-mry dream; building, coUtai the suvmer-room, lb.d 1h van but a droam; buitm*hu. Ilive, i milli Indisamahting, ansi soreenecl On -willliv. upon ilsswaooestmery." one aide trom tl im e~m ly by Veue. 'tAh i Ferdinandi, wimy vire yeunont Iani blinda, The m-aile eftIbis chambor frauli, why did yen conceà l yotur situa- weo alureel - ouhleely ceveresi witb liid ram me 2 cariostures and Ipente eof'lb.ecountry "No explanationse ofmine con ohange soate of Lady - Bellair'à Mrieue, aIl et eut respective ,ltuationc," esiFerdi- mmhcli ah. e k cari te vieit. Here aIse neosi ; "I jontobt mysîfI herefere by veo lion pazrrea,,ansisnoobleds of s naylug, tlimai1h as -net Mies Temple sweter volce, a monkey, sudalthe tam. mWhe had océaselen te crltiolee my cen- ode %sqnlrrel. - u»"'-- -- Lay Bellai.wvasseed je n chair, 'Yev ide]ry bitter.' thé Wakol, irbi@h a iuUIIl -Iiit ".Tho ady wb1m Iijueedpaïdexiol tawe ùll t1à mâeila¶4' d- - dtP malOt amiableofoS er Ionx - f ouly tu iiI&ê - a v@ ma s ae ippi1ein' . -étigude fer allihe a saiuggoi boUe1iil Yv p pIJl4 h ; m ns, F1-veulsi navet affect tIeeffegirm>r Jiel .YM,lm beUe.~e ai lltbatwlhfet oSo be lea -aà c M'X*U ter w my many -aibbtýdi rllL ""aI a eiei borxows, eeEr-IViPD~ ,lhIm yIsa ~1e. nn ter ta e o uellcMe i ~ Ibti admirable èn. -Âlme-1-.ai fosll> yh~ I~le.~~pIX a~- i ens, le theo r R 1DtA 1., -008* MUt115 » b1 'dY jured. And g ne diios.:a8u.mtL* geÃtlmanVr she sisi- tunns gto Mia. 'hlimameo e mwaividoal mime basi- o-. -Fafbeni. WelJrnllnotintosiîs adlined Our mutudlaltio1. -yotm~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~f havi e i en;h a u Wonld -that 'h ltbirail "-ur Mrs. Faneouri onsequntly okes. ila"- ,ver>'antena for an ontroduotion. - - *Yeur 4acinlwitié -couldý-, pt -in- "ient day de I i twli yod mbioh-I sow sol c e iaatr I-W#dueaday. le aur psnylil? Yen befere se llllt e--timated and, uo fe.biyA unsimake rofifoi--hlm; ho le MlY oompeehandeftby'me, la lime voe>C ir- «rcat*sh favorite. -AIl lie ladies are inu cnmte.nae, lmilth nly faalini4r love withh hbn." w oualsi provent Ont Union. Shena8y- <Jouerai Fineilît exPte3ed hie deep I amn confident se. vii)rat. ha ppy.ý sense of1he, lihbon or erilus ' n I con neyer make lber ne. Our'engage- ,-protoctosi blai aeengagea ou Wed;nea. 'menl lu o ld de.yn as ratime4he ramnît appointe» tl 1- d b&tn-~ yply-i ove lber - at alernom -anaoiP ciruit7i&7 o leinirgth tnId t hnansi y.ebo la jethea ery ame 9f. diztlnffled-wa'per»floa 6-54iaîreo u ibeh- -veorii - hal Ivoi Tliie"wa aurother lnoi à bn.wrry. -î-trust; I bo3lielu thtm'y con- "»a- -ôabtpýr, Lady - -, p-ver. beÃlite, -will mot nltimateiy, milI nôt 'aununid - - longs- obsor& --; -an»- ah.e eevery ÈUHv piu gdt bimP Ilgaked -Lsd-y' le And viiltue- &~odue-i Hoi4, Pqeurlys h*oWAn e' t liat..:tae; ]âUot 1h.4miat.>1and Bt., WiOb - 0sted -odoai whoe.- st e; l â e ,o b a u à te d a 1 0oe n - r L ý ff y!enredfrt- layélLaod-oohmh ' il0GlI ating 4ur :rtetompavne ,poerbap lu- Iflg.ye.WOI Ldady Boitair gave- sbsort sud âý4 j X "9,he éoË graoeena ned.Mrs.- MaUnlgo n~ra"- e L' - ognizd rsu MisTmle er«, âme; ier; "nebody. mua il-lop o gani .*ote1lo rooro." - '- eau"] "Lady Boll*ai l60so range, whiper.-;Ibt1d h ed Mm; Meitgpmeey lu-au apôlegioi--woty.fai te Miss Templei , dsemve wy4be- griete!O1 s3a" ceveelsg the retreal hby h. graetuV p sy ybû y tÃ"WI poreon ef Lord Oatehiinwhosn, . H0 "tok .i't "BSorne Irluh gusedemen,-I suppeo," hiabi8,J -et 1i eaid Lady Bellair. *I nover oheard e lapîkà trm&î1 hlm ; r hâte glardumon." EwmredLI I think,"sid Mr; Temnpe.,- roeavIi "«Do yen tiink ne 2V'si&Lady Bell- have doue ihia' air, who vasalways infiti£ood -by 1he "Hah I"Sa ,d lst word.- "I wlllsliwlIar burs. ILcua ie lu day andi Bntürday.- - I thhik 1 m iti ave kuowu hiegnnfhe.Ima - foi1uét teol hlm -net 10-go about:vitli-tht »eenld coue luu womi.'Sbeu je s, Ãverteni qe "Utt~~y" tté Tem~ rUciauiplu 4avrr1~ .wenmy- t',eeein ifai ïé #iLed r.' e.Borilngten, -my 11hbrg 8»%V&'à . adYa";ý bafl-hI' serve te knew lir ; yus voii ach-wir, pa04 iJIIOl thorakk. ait do -o it. -ber tna.1-é Nol « Dxà s'iPw&7 hue, aud makeloa er.' - - a>gtr0Idm "4Lady W omiandevUed-MY ady ." a P en n;ý "Ah l1îebe -viii- do fore ImecrI-1bGo -me In 'xiedeiimý eIoves s'lord,- MUy. - doit Judy, yen oome Mai1 tI~ 0s laIe. Andi ymam an al a ien l1 lea u ie mny dearoi M mimat le-hie Das cau. .mine, andsi slebinitk Lady Wo wi Hoeîlla, ýas sq--v. - Authoi'Ized srp.'?m. o-.- a"- Tins.. .5 lire