Whitby Chronicle, 27 Jul 1882, p. 2

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Ma le rlevla 1 càUIo<k54. S. Robeelsen &Bru. 000, suretider o 1h. indepeui elle#vof wu nerieâl "«MPartiameut, ta ,obtatu à place Of à few IbrougiotOU. -- uudred dollars a ye5r fer isÏ'on or O/1I Ute5,S115 tbtfftrR d .COUsla a cveyanl.cf 11ald f<>r:t score L do outbtg f1, ndLen autg, oom1pally, by Witc tI bis e l e. MKatjez' pebdboiu ra"t exet ofaj soli l iet or a pammi for whlity ewma vueffecbtive la ibis eal of Ot<Ly S ePaR t ANIIUM. in euh de.onîcu faver 1e tn. ingeff.,- Whtb.lbeu ba l pU1.Y1>5d takl WIIb$,Thnsda, JIy ',188. dr sont lu frormre public 'wOrk by i mê>e.ig lb. e t>' cue. who m ocd 2 Ill 2t 182 atrsâtor te vitoin ho cupies thIb . e r B f e. »The e lT.soe socred 64 > kh tai sc ient partuer or cf a chattel. rung lu the sotondnn p, qLyouaan ho b Intervention in -Egypt. bought for a muni cf moue>'. Such 1leheading thescore gWtb 19. Patoan d ité fg - iepoliticat baruacle; and itsmu0h Donatdson both ebtaned double ltgurs., iobm i ýpfaulr sympahies dare Q&Pta a shenm ~bgc~eupte lhok Whtby dia botter in their setdu- as j *wilh dimpproval ou te cours. cf Mr. s in Dame slortstW&ybeeing m ug, a. lie>'obtaiurd 67, Ibm redue7wmite bu Gtdto à éérne ogyt héot nte hrts -a e ergto iug their oppanents' lesd by ttréees n. 'The le Giaatos l reerucele g>'l. Toleliasaof members or exmemb#re of Palmer,-8. Ray', Trenaaeit, and Éli jk.. atsmùpt le Juglli>' Ibil oure. b>' TQud-partîsmeat wbo may hb. ceeu 8B u4 &U aIt tledveit. >onldsçnandSih lallugte basti«On ltat Arabi ?isba i a cousderablâ part of th. recel a i 14lte bowling ,for thlb.lsong~s Tl'. Iii. "prometulve cf gyptlau nution. Ottawa, ar b> a slnd>' cf thi rie l'~don silMatbîeee afc-Wltby., ifas al tbm cil>' botls. fieldtng an hot h ien *a hie faimt .111>', 550bom 14u <nires n error. Mr. Boultbe. i: staytng et Ottawa. 5Mr. G. Ltndmey ftoNçl~îcue.,Aud, How p 0h Mieindufnlcit e~5r. Kmggart la anotber ofi hogenue S.lRasy for Wbltby.,.being peetally w ti large fator amouga lb.e foreros -a bis barnacle whc, la a habiu eot. fhecapital. wnrthy of twentiop. Âppended tà tbé humble back, laeuquallinable ; butl Ilin M 5r. John Sbielde, lb. Toronto groee« scoreth s Dot th. cul>' factor la omad.eideut b>' aud Pacic Baitwa>' contracter, ' naabci% c.u aie oeeof. the hmngers-ou cf Providence 14 lit Ineig. 2dt IiifVff dbraeu' lb. fitt litho e cfIees lte support cf lte Preirwo i4 axes" a W ~~~b hu4c m' at, -wilt1 th Ibas ofme lie%2,00 of native Ori.. macous Hall. Thou specirnense MD o- .....s . mn autIis htans4 le b. ~pl$4, Patreoi. Policy.lericumam snob, sud oea>' b. uaMed Ob Llndmey,c ZLslogb Ma- mat', It tetr*iý, bâýe 1 b. latter- lu public -kuowledge 17 rll; but 4le wn .... . ..17ac& b Palrner.. 0 À a!<I0 teks partin téo* ; but aoi elnig ltbu lm7vwbmidlosl vie,.k bwbMt les bs! w~~n4rtssoIl ~ s@hll add no, eter fave1Mr. Hiatue . ~ ~ .anb1 uu lb esi4~ ., log #pIeLuissund p -ýiVosaitteG i t.024 II, . ; .. 14 e -ood pm*ly~îut 11 in Egypr anaseuators ba4dwe bopa 'p5dbI>c tI P ,Iau4 b M&Wltc.. .0 _P4so i Q4 n îet - ahonmedas butho tioks te Ibose puaniti 8111, Inftc*- b gisn ..Obîen~ suru tcf (ta<ct <bal lmagcounutry r.ad villa suaercu, c sudb Ir sis ale i 600- 00au. O ltes. relief cf bis appeitmeut to au office 7dahieaeu.... . -1 b golden.. 0e a t owouà* boli#e.thel Arsai 15 Us- which vms expected te km.p him, lun111eW tbMathieam S 2b golden. mdet2 la.4 ibl amonaaamouget au ileralt fpolitlcat deco'e nd Par' aies 7'a YHal h i l as pulâtion *à .dégraeleâ ai Ibat mentar>' independence, iu thie Nortb- noIet"....... .. 0 El1tma. Butc et te Palriè0larnsd bold, West. - IOtavoftas..... 6 Ezrs... Thep umrsmpule u Tiva tOtaadlug lbeTotal. ............68 Total....c... 6 E thMu.,Po# ar >usllfed t. in. put week induite a ver>' différent order .wru .c Kr.Gldsbn sofreme-den tram lte baruaceý-Mr. W. P. 218dn ga. mineq. et ee-nsurt aeordlug te thé Merdith, M.PP., lbe leader of the.Op- b Smeth ........ 6 b Hartey .... 4 î a va e bé utla practiesicommon poaition r inte OQntârio AaemblY enO t Duldc.4 neu . e hi. 1 roeindoue>' .o I lod flilen bDnad ..1b Smith... 8 *STA ana féneIbm worad¶aiuo! hePlam, 1 b w, b Don- eoLindiot',b Prisat .......................................5 of4bt.e.leat bus lltrmated4fibvalue lms ul.pronle atc S. Bay, b Smith. 0tb Denaldeon. -1 bAal a fsie etOrentl pl. bIong tst rumed to Ottawa hoo ee M pabmer e Marrianu, c Lîndie', & bout tbm inal.nee cf Affghanlslafl. Sir John Macdeuald ou lita recent Te- .......mu . 168Harley. 10 co i'l mut brars libsu*cf ltat turn frcm Riviere du Loup. TimI ligit Fjtiner, b Smith .... 1 bw,bpoleudmon 0 o e ar uetr te the tel- shews that lie harnacle vwme over- t'. , bDoun.. i b Smith ... lie. 0 vau>' bdwd o h ie yrpoets-TropaOSII. e Aiglea, b o Liudsey, bthe i Pi la motclOetlabe qualitiies medwdfrtelieb'rpee Smitla..........5Smith ...10 contir ofraiaie naticual test- tivea cf p te fAlinflence lu. Ontario, MaWbeson, uat eut.... 4 b Smithh.. ol ~> hrofotoed sbumd. that tcC d ut icle by aide withh a b Donmtdmn.... O eut onul..14ade ailis eok cf lidthe Mr. Meredith, tule>'bare Rone te Ottawa "'Extras .......9 Extras....'s &dn tbocudk of. thueurui c a"bg-ua"aanrdnii rol andtiionc r.-i usi fa"i übý eORn defeal for 5Mr. Mowul. A, t.iking out. Teýtal1.............. mTot-al. i,-..... 67 bc wi n1 ise a chngef -,corne cf tat emegu lanek u inte au- widh ouibtaIbm alane ci couce mont cf thIl arrivais," tliaIthie WmTBy COLL. INaTITUTE Vs. PORT PEUKY. pearu se> tplritemvauenetosali "big ptLal" goesate a v'gorous-but A eritokel match wae played et Port bor sprerrats, bov far ls il ta be vo are quit. cerlauftle-effort ht ei'o Mna ewe n st firalhu 1 wash fo t.lie e'..cf adialcapture lb. ",Oathalie Vole." Thé. Mail eleren cf the Whilb>' Coltegiste Imt tb 111.nsllli<u ofe otîo tel a thsth e bmarrivais luobude lb. tute Club sud tbe finI telaen cf Part Parai of Il to>' ne. Jeaoh lDmnoot, eueof the top. Pnry Our boys gare a good meaut b stugmi aola a peulmlootiasandal f oateb theseportsuandst gjp I ehqi>e t l b. e »dor- cf reretale Gaoise mal b.Prmu o oni> f Ibis Prorlue..; Ut. Fleming eft he Ferry club b>' 2 runs villa nine wieketa eâ tu h aoo otreal Pmoland '1r. Pauek Boy'leetgtau.cf uahonla l héberesult of tbm Ir" ish usian.Witateverthe w"balr ms~.sliinotn prvatlcu cf Irish Caîboic votèe. mi>' cm>'on 1h. sId lxxidg. g ,n~~. andb4 ou cteaubje4ot «I 'leade" arceridentiT olcffcPllpo»bAlsâ..ý. O b Allan.. o 0 ou f h repedi" t hl ée bePet cf Sir John Mac- Hln>Phlo4 nul cAt:l sai. 'c4Oer gum t . e, Very'"bet umoandSdUDIO ublti..1 malsa.Aua bre course. idifor cbtiulg 0ath lb.por i mliv. lu be Ltedfot b oal(rm eu-c ýal. clhiX=, t it prooéa Wth iàssuppot iner b Ala a...14 Pt $û. mlt4g cf t» Ib imalNova Sel l Prine dvmrd lgs1nt ,dui.......H..144 th~e bbût' ef Po tarie fûr M. ïKetdt-or, M repot M - gâ~lW~ pp, wlak anEmsernual- tu at.la b. il mi l lie sghlcf~u ' -P;;Z, nt cl.........th12 ty téo I ber ce îhome us:.- 2 y. AL O&tb.I uelyx"irpbphiflo... 6bis l i.nguuate lâ'fr the rmac.brin a e$flSl .ic bumsccmedOwfl ................. ô*W m~ttmeeG t.çuedsptam tnsfomig eTotal................. 9........ 2 he Wh nobe ibA#51imi .~îThe Civeliday. aoIST r3Z.lT lai lrningg 2uP nlme4. - 8 U, AIs, le maufrlmuda cf lhe boilée, a Mmaterwvieis tain OsMsuauea.Baltlte palb vbflaBgypl- is a ifre le se muais poltilal goo utar sasusletmlu, Ith"I lie bt.sk lb>' lte ,hsnip evi ar dvelroeouglallo be Us iteruo f iumauît. o vils i lb.th e mnez anmi %Cà of i ils oPgnci; but et 10ms<galfliuceomparai mets volume e benerc«ea Uàhleta belvsa li.aseonase dit phuntrm ervwiblah l»e' go ouepUc m UV axs now~ on ogéifr al niat M. rmoipts 'oftheliasresabtr *h 1h5 at tpa7ihte ina. thse semisel fin vitlsti il f. mea mysessioruel reboe' IPIe lo me b, a Mn o_ eu, s ke.sUcsm UXdh qWhr -savot. 4s essuie vr- momaa l ~etrof a aun tiun Iu addition ge rediteet ritva> tares, &Aebap execrsIn boat vili lav Ton- cule for- Whitbt' Harbor on teEmore ing of lhý, at of Auguat. The ram- àite et srrmngooieuts have nDowai llair arrangement& neant>' perfectet; to make te osiebration 1s comiplet$ sueceas. The prime ceps have 'timon procured,sd ani m>'be smemu iuth i cn. dcv of Mr. Baruard'.s jevain>' alono. Tiatsre beautfUlin tesign, s eli as cf -intrt.sic varlh, set apýpear insU verts>' ostnding for. Accordiug ho prmsnhtvices te atteudauce ot bauds 69 7 annela !b. cmont numer6na le compote foi the liberat prises effred. Quiax vs. VecmnR U D M)ommaeor- On, the sth tuai., ichael Viaer>' snt Josephs tfrnlson *M#o, sitar sltdig1 Ilaeinltbig before M. ltott, Police Magla- bi tyse iort Ferry, coniobet for ba- l.g , eMmlll a nmgsse sa . ]etllmere, cmeling tise latter grevions ball>' hras.'The a& oeseW"vesoseaencoet eoeusmenti tlu gslaslbsrt laisor, ma t tops>' sfio. 'sud col msseuonlng le 888 ,aobi, "u4 ta dmut11 cf permau l uiler' borut ef ont mosh in lugaoL TIse. ener vot tbtu' ldget la g&g 1 .oqpielîMn. J. B. Dow, ebtrauettrlxu Mr. JuticeOsi04er vnihscfKssbearOor- pu-M sd C«tfiordri:nuudw isiis l.'ý îcevurlonesud chiai pnoeedlnge voe bvqnghlap for rerlv-. * On lb.. seturu oflhe vmiteas aIOgeode' Hafllon 'tusM 'a I u, eiders vere grasahot dlarleg bot' pniacuet frein utody fOnibvitit.ounlte gi-omdat of Inrigulardin utheo proo.etingsef th 1in ualtrta.Tise pnioners retunu- oeto le o cm Frryon ebtolloviug det. T» DomMINe-x Barri, a nuvi, Cpu- -di otanK tbl>,gbmlngle combine bgla t. ltetar>'ey s "e i' S.,broa. cout- it pÃŽamfil, 4n dopeudeul discussio lo aum nsnieveTwhth bs nteélvdt I.bbctl, mn nt-..... pathereicu Palmer. b Graam, roc ont-.... 7 P'axten, b olden.... 18 Beatty, 'bw, b Hetten -.. i Allan, ruout--------'.i. Pi.illippo. mun out.O... Prince, b Palmer . i..i Teint........ ......L.. bPamer... s b Pamer..e.i b Palere.. 5 b Uolden. 4 munt..- c Brown G., b Laing... c nul out. - 6- rou ent. ... c Holden, b palmser. .. 9 c Laing. 'b bi0donz.... 01 ...o.....7 ... .. . ..d Thes Trades Demeaistrshicu The greM leses trnnsticsi iu Tcreuon aln my vas amu nquali- floal suoas allient &,00WOnkiaMea1 itsvlgIak~ pa th* lteproorssio., TiSOUSSi iS cfl spie. m int lte x itlin geuts ltr. eltnoibave bittleu s <bai 1210W POOPoit. .SlSnla 'seeces e eicst'»b Par nnlaa t u uns, sdaitghle itwua,êie.ltr ay for olo=la. Tise Osiffl Bselia o ensad.srt- ahlki tap_, Ibo.~rwsRilVte Mi. N W. rsv4torsi (Bo*u-Ot mds srruuthe oxla e. >'OO= W suuaI.sw'bo cuiterai implIetl6, viii fmniehsitili pc1ow>'tHr 0f lb.Ale .Ioler>,sut areel for -. Brov llai posite th. fader>' saisuiltin loro-rioni an14 painl mab Mr. Brown wull 0diiPY lis tuaventeiérdays, sut. Mon00da>', the 241h leisl., vili give employisreuî le bi auds.' nûý - -eu l t é .r- i ;~ ; ~ - ülentodiIgtobi e h sre si - '0 abacaupin# l w ei; e t a i ' y à ah u n , ti& t5 th é r &u e . 6 ,b c* - j ý a u n e o' sue-t b e rn ..--. bu " - -b v ý e ýid n e t t Boo mto a fe he~ .o e , h e lb i o e n : if i 0 lt s e b 't a n d c f ttiti' ý f'pIri e . r.j)à trWyg yo rsen a b av e bV .een it .1î aa'b i & rC, o noc, ana-I~ U.aynU~ td ares.l bad* Norta.Weela w.rown p întedand2fih> l-~i- der an b tg$an lie! asole reffiug Oefue th<e sadeoamp Of oI1lpu '0 5 k» rrsoddence. syndiesle CauRtract vas the utertadiig beoathe mlii x-âgesýé20etgiei le 1 hemair ralrn b b okert b lbow up lb i lwiy. a, ai dUap 1aka.. IbI ftu1 O b ýwar'iy:25. 1882. at-rock>', barren;inau t b c a e e rb'ho ly .i' e é a $ îrcee-y, eentya!~ teorus itey 'ambata vl-Superiarvbcereit voulit be enormoualy exciauged. TIh.egyptii, mueraI lie n riaboalotd t mertiiou1ùýi, sdee> osble oal'uwubrteor tno local ig woded ud gevé 0',~ ait fet or atd dekôr'Tre fe. id bveUtg1s7rpi w dod 1-Y,1 i tfs-udboy tileontfrm who 1,açeesped A bonetO q toer roui,eat d.iaai 4i4 ev'. lige rpseaM rentc amflr oilev i:ntef-sin-drnk;s'n augent ssu i cîst byadsrd teeîs aînm cf ltheCountry, sud for t1sejel Britisehtrooeocp uhials y Ibeirbots nodrl eo otx~ l.GvmrelsdPimnt ade vttt ecOUPY Bamiait. - ltselace b4%su îm u <pcn, i-oosi-rert e eoir. ican i oAUt potineIë 1;s>!a -ignernu aturea t ou accol c f lb. ererpressurs cf'-r dill ofal Im&U reus .lim rb a lidaa txne i b Wahe or awnlFneraIwerk, sund'in order ta tnyt'a fin thét ereusad anftecle ateland; atd<i.i otsiieite £0Ot ît 1 beg I'lrve tea &"but*- y", rosit- orders dm11>' recelveat a-ste HallWelki eomu rnclc it hlel ad EB!' TEEKTE, l thpov bic' ave béainruunùïng atIlaihît ring iu lbe Dominion, anal moun Ple~y Teihiiebauis&eil isîîlit dciels b.puI vse, utyu, t i rÃ"$.~tpnrit.g5Uia ~tlous.8tl cl 8bl d .bekbdie, sln&td Aatsiil we e *4y last vmr,,on y>' Sle ta wntwe4ulhs e "Il id ouAny_ e-s' yearl s t4ï - inglit eny Ï38r ta'sues sarci~tsla11o5 lu' rélaut.' h bu Preede~l.o I ~ ô'oôoIof fig t. crryhi gaItay'pnicea sp 4ano. 1 clîîaôer thià, Mlcîb , dllbdr, is e bu.I- ipse.Ail Ibis, bey- s080ta4MPOU larai suiimesl t1mad *b!intnea. o a «"ayfrerAt' ilura a>tibte, on, va nted nos carry l te > , pgd3Iu conolisihlg 9OOmrusa tthose m isérable kïi ottlaul'ee w ork i alf a day' fer ev en ' ourln eali sn ,> s drfiab e u n ,m b ark I' Po l " p d lofwk*,oforfor Ilafit eai iE aes aud keuhrctbnmrepniUit. itetlis, soit 4l0lc~ aiIe ouldotb& gxiysfheun ~frici. 'i ige ta grinulu .aà-noma s e D07et.fulli .ay'a psay. The -tai#nm 9us~u u sole moisson giron fue uhii -éb'~. ---- ' 'Brothera- Csbinot Faclorylcarpe as sâa thé11 î&id4foatl afor il, rnsien>' 5b0ps hava tlloeet <e I*ttetile, *dmu n~ltept iesuddtaet itflOiiDa o e l ta m mina 1hs1 May'net b. ln. tiink tbe Steve Fondra>'ieu nyl it'I!centy OnnRtst Gneps.Ajen eu lun îiiis tetîber. nvsutni lesni c rc1Wood vil! cp' ' . -'ù *eOa nle'fer etd ceunIr>' people on Thurodeyn urseGýLvs' aoiiÏii îitÃŽ4tumb>.' ÂIET5îOO -' ad, Ana' Ourte vs- gCola cuI ag, sikeudnet, likmor'u.lia l saSeo Ivo yonnbg bla est ' uîftb cnrael oul A eln fliédpnevils batd. Pal goUlu *oraeé Ilie a ilom nliiotg onItéir Astitesaditterlh.,.,: 'rit. ieulv it *as atitfor ta yropare hlm foi sMd 'lliéro it mr . Whiu bis nivne iia ô4 'le te eltung becume the race,, We teel 1c l galrlb nnmuî'tanlucousequenoi p .b. alye ide b a ooron wdh'-&thit pon ofau eu« rieneý ndhoe pr âW~he #psoce of theoultract vers thsforeigu situation le1ai c- l , th e diau b s e a n dt # i s b P a b rl c k p r n d o lf f u n s a tr w n , t C ito p e sr i cd t, t en, a h rk t hl b . e eQ r m 'o f lS l ' c o t um e ud th o p e er e ta - b r - g , b o n t s , ii vicked vont of vo. ecutbniatin races lunlttOeauws Dnvirag Park.-We vst one . 10 comon sncb s lite hmenicana îg t1e-:r-eftrs bil ires and suxioties of this-life vlit' vwoul ietatuehoeOothons lake -à band i lu a . ceià,sohsudé wMGifacu rau w&ten vorz. e and Injyintl, sud the grata thé. psrfcniua<e of equestiauiOom sa lon s, a iedes fleceu ul.bTE% W 6f OTE.oshia 'au> ut ta hé fouud iti Heaven. H 1 aet he .MiasAlexander aud tr>'. for wbicb It was willng t g te u Iorvn he hnd li ohe rpo'l l t d Petbnick ofAU llte glonios cf Par- Bieek. tsemot ti.cionbi deu of.Th su aate blsssed Augets sud Saints, Faîl preparehions have stready'ceum- veuh e oa-ived frcmbheanmoi, nnThenfrredcntoegptit e pr i fil iven Saint Faîbnicl i beseif, tliiineod amm oegme cf cur cluizensa, .sadp ml, ucntttoa b'.f.e'H lt se 4 pl cunilte eathere. Pat lissged hoaall Boue orai' lenihlie :beeu gctu n utheir juel nlpeei' noullîosfu i%ÇJO2H ieakuso b 1b tndevoetat mibtUn. mcd ap- coal. The boulati'fWoclnosday Imt dia pniviloges. gracIsand émoluments con. msulary 'vote oci'10,000 mue i cd te bic grsyeouciled be lte col eeheur thteof lhe wise luhera fa-rred on lhe Synùicate vue for liais oh- arry. Sir Citantes Dilke tcnied litaI e gratuit'd ffllicg is coipliebexienl' convention had been concindeal wilh c f the grand Hlereafter halaontl freen mcci AGod enagemipuî, selIt s jntewblsud thl priviteges mipnld 'France reilive t. the Suez canil. in b the gaod Prieal -, butfl lîl'ostrouble aed leme vaste ta slow in lie clnilsud raid.I sDuhoe4GZMXONO. t.d ais i'. vidalal the gionlei eft udr winter fuel i lu .!> an in No.iett l1 u oeAGIENOIIN dtae.~ ~ ~ um thrvpend1 os:m emIser or Decemnber. Tans of il are stili tIsat Lhés SyndIcale vil!l un ont ta Berlin, Juiy 22.ý-Tbe Prusaa Cross Isehoin l intse omforla of the place; tail>' leatuet h- hrbugb our atreel, net- ocmoe fhurbe.mnve seW tet auilsiou lbe po1iq o f lis~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~~~~h jllitsg.su bootat na itbtedigliedoingacèf fulill thm - viole'- agreenisut' ta -tbe Geroan>', iys : thetiilnnea hatigbisl Pen sudlWPelle> and, - Iso&ardec nau '.The bol>' frisât vint ah Sir John absud readiltàl' P1ig herhoe î&115 bitra coeftl-ga la mpossibl agedtiluuon11adrntga se Atmllatra'lonieu anuiameut cf Cou- since Eg7pt bas praotlea&li" aBunder. veli sttiuk ite b jernr.ma 'se ada v.ilIMiWul' tise zvtoIe-eptr5t y b emes fEu!n.-I am- nal fo isftdblt5o~ae p îel u a li V,aim isa a'oad ifw»iea1.0be oeeslu.o.' ice n ironl e tt.untlnteraea alauets auvea. u Ir eys~ meltIPi'hre"Tpsebaltpaa u~tb8lâ'r'ku&u tb~ubt5mld t tsepltilut Ie ela oin-baý,gîvpe i'vaa X'ospitlie rOau ere t aoi"ouIIUl'a esl'tereoze fo ,smet' pe uw ha T vsorraé luv iilb ené2mfo e peralntytues naen Blcne r.jbokn nt~ata>'eee mstr>,.a~ b>YJSÃŽnrtbre is ttsnBillTu %M4 u¶* t, i not prera k.stceleafead l isy' libt-eoîle b.Uw 'rT r~~ ma nd'al s fole'*A copa>'Emja sae, enoera, tabl." eeb>'neite. pv itaimï v raidesongt poitimi are be oy etFaatse lgif itne sp acelcbral~raIO apenmce utothn ouidealcuak onrSe vietitxe. Te&H the 005,p"ite (eu r opsel FI<s.ytanuuwsi u pr l iies, u aeMie anrlee u tanae vrstuiel Ahoaanrtll euu av IJaaisali cenetruet0 'a. . 1'perleti ie o fcnbbat ttaa dl.ehBui 4a eoatiguua, - grmme afaceks a vU, , rhé: Chalent.wrogsl e satusa es<rui iu~ allt 11"cshutdipli' l ae a essple ae-dimà wrilSld rTeadrantof he sb.le od lbs ple elan ee 7 eda. 1~av , l '. L t i l 1882.se s olo i A Cmpn To îhe Editorq'f the Claoniie: Dm Sm.-The folovlug, paregrapit appearel ibis veek'e Viaditr: îTba Wtiity Gazette syoi:-We et- vise mn, <lieu sud B i I tieu bChron- T h e C epser v sr 0 Are h i lug le dssce b>'whiclob.>' asépect no.l o'l uneEIt but tle disquailit>' car luperar>' Iers prO esteal inst auý holding an> toi, sud se0la>' befies te <issUesof, Ibisf rldu, sudniaseh&ceUnIr>' milarg, in îe ifnn,<ometbed 4 W&" Ia the L sa letTony parties o I*t! t.At lis. i0411e prlan oreh. hot.tanpi'lb I A sbuE I sottcuU!114. lelecAi, mno- au sucet lamarys aiIor*as>tsm crsts unend1 etrop eip, Aaia mon. a ose -camig s London' Jul>' 24.-AtAi xnri cm e t -' ipfes -lthe' ielloing' ieon bt Generl in .ls ié~ [on an>' cf engineers vIlla guu.oot n suid aluiug vIt seobjeet cf 'blétg 1 LrabV'a 'copIe mu azndâead>'la., bus ,névuliu hlms<laklngus 'aisallai ers>' tia it .str-aih'eo' ie oi gato-wite wovesvert' atrouiN cx amuies cf infur', -24 mounùtet .insu- r>' sut s oexpan>' cf iflles, foUavot, and ocnun a ovr4xïpiàad b tbeýe gyptI- aus fins lb. Ar4bs lecie shelter sItar 111 signalîitW-tise mine. vas tgàdItround ,ae sgrsal eolùmucfamke"ràe folloeetb>' laient 'epe he s.ltiaua vai dirited, lthe tal e esesrsdi mut thigré vnkivasoue.*' Tha' trcepe haçn rehurueateAlexeunis. Aflar- ywarIds Armbi arace ou lthe Alexan. ais walerworks juat. outid ,hlbUis sud sent vert leie luendot le blair dawu the plabe, but itavlng aihenet bis mnd eteired. Risenmen sachet part cf Remieli turing lthe nefeat. WO lIet noat>' uring tiese kinmiala. The sunimy's tee s anukuavu. Ons lte24lb lite -Brititb bad thier ,bruala vi1b-Aibi, Ibsir objoct being to occupy' Banulel,, whcb lb.>' sucxeeed ia oîirgwilitthlie lois 'an nu Ârsisi'a maillonaIet. el-DvWar Le poue u b. so- t' 't -, etae for rtosts ner jEgflYplmt rm lain ing heblsùlw lmc hfiS Ju aliî. Tulté1minamet oparsllus Is WlicomplteuiaendwitbPrlid' bich, snppie.oikisec f 6,000 psIoi~te prolec nf <b.canal. urietta Ibis itovavor, t~Fad aie i nn t aiat iteoealia ll lalers are in constt commncla villa Anbi, sd111 eposin ue arréat ias bi n acmxun db>"d oagit avili conmand 'us ùeS tetlcnl$«th<e ftn"qU i cèâcI pupil'to'piiéda d Ith1e't-pwr - choioà; jýud taie bigà1e'rý -ubjeai 'are"un" '.býÜàedlet tree goqz iualea"-of tMur. =ad limniledto eEngliasgrammar antl: lilerature, con Qition, dclition, srilb. sneiie su drsfig, ut 'cne cf lte- fotlowiug sn~e --or- Pogrupa, s~b 'option cf e'cniw;ta,ý vii., (1) ai- gebra -snk -EnClit: (2) lidmient'-u gsôg *pb ýS8) a>' uaof naturmi pbtboaepli"esixsr>.bo- ;()La- tI ; s> tvofetFrsaoh, Genman, .muzto. lu erder téprerent llnmmtùnity mut cnsequent orabemhlg .b canédi- lustmuaI have -attend tat tiear Sut 'leastinu 1h. Rii Scitoolor lu sut' Sece mt' . sbis' sàrequiredtot lfierst-class nm-profeesiouai teauhera' cer- tidoealci, eut for jui ndorsnioelr mu- itrieulaticeï yet tise parent orguandisu cf suth'Id tis et lisent>' aoselet vili thte approval cf .lie lest master an>' rmuahboized subjecta vbhicb viii isset suit lte purposea ef such. hii.- ig l Scooal Boards eau, i« Lb.>'choose, pro- vide instruction la ba 'su ad pninai- Cpie: snt praclice et agncullue. unit ) exl.hooks are -eniteniizefr 'Ibese Pur- The tuuiiition cf, ài ei cboai à grnt, leô bah. effsel tis' 51Jana ù Pon Ie esIts of'the lUfarmeiatoé r- 'nnlon averace eltentaanoe. su nalat, îof, BS& per iunt cf lthe LATIERT., ion Ihet A.rsbi'- viii mual sttack the The ML 'bisposition -houri>.' -At tsvbwssk Ibi rernni bs 1en - ry tlail n- hn tise nommes 'lbe bda Pl rugi thé A - zanu date land dat las

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