C-aJIl and, you will bë order of the.aday at The rllitary ea'tnP fôr No. 8 MilitarY Distriet viii probâbly b e heid ai Ca- bourg Iis yjeu. Preidaut Arhur heu, lu aordano. wutl théadviet cf bit Cabinet, vtoid the river asdharbour 1,11. Tisé prilter of the London Frcl&it bas been fonS *gully cf publisiing sediticus libel ocuoerniug the Pbcoix Park eusamisantlcn. Two bundrd and fly delegmies ef te Amalgamaiod Assocaion cf Iran Workers are lu aecret session et Chi. 'Cage. The 2'imcs foreaisadova lli4 wiseab Viii give below es fair average, barley rather laee han, au average, and cala a good yîcîS tu Ecgl.and binayesr. Al tbe contracte for lb. Ontario and Qaobec Beilway hâvenov been made.. Thé conditions requira lhe-completiou of tbe trat vitisin one jear. Tbe obe'a London correspondent cables thse Augto - Caneiie Land Company, cf wbicb Lord Erskine lu Proviaoual Ubirman, he@ issued ils fpocietus. Tho oIjeet o!lb. Compauy le speculalion in Ontario, Manitoban, sud Nortb.Wast lande. The Georgian Bay Raihwsy, wbich compleici tise conuection botwqeeu Lake Ere sud the Georgien Bey, vas for- mally opeued saI Wisrtcn, the nortbera ter;plnus of the read, yesterday vils gront Manifestations of >0>. The uev braueb epens up a large snd fertile tract of country. Tise inuiry by a eoronerao jury int tisa doiali of William Long, vso wvs. kieked la deatb on lb. nigisi cf tbe 121is d(Juin lutise rear of bis own bouse, Kingaton roaS, resulloS ini a verdict bolding Wm. Ashby sud Samuel Cooper guiliy cf caualug Long'. dealb. The prisonsrs vers oommitted oan aebarge cf mansieugisier. It is rumoured et Winnipeg that tb. Dominion Goverument vii change lhe Capital of Ibe Nortb-Wsst Territary from Biilieford te a nov tovu localed et the croseing of lb. Canada Pacifie - 1.iaar.- Pi& 'if llonaecrsak-". -, FPort QU'Appell. ble nrnw . tavu viii acmobrn maS. tbe eassern beibdqnsrlsr of lb. Mounted Polloe. Mrs. Sharp, lhe vidov cf à Memphis Judge, fulu love vith Capt. Leeci aud * asksd him te mari> ber. He bluming. ly declined. Bbc assureS hum IbathJer stale vas large euougb te support tbem bth, aud urgeS bersai ardeniiy, tut b. vas immovable, remludiug. ber tiat b. is# nover given ber suy en- couragementt, aud boping Ibai aise vouid net take bis asavr uukindly. But sho dd. She vraie a stat.ement cf ber sorrov, for tbe Appetzl, anS at- tempted suticie. a Tho appointimeul cf Mr. Tboman Hughes, Q. C. te a count cocurt Judgosbip vii l'e receivetd viii vory generai satistaction, aiasthe FeUi Mail Gazeile. The. proeuin genoration of lavyers sud poitu. clans bars almosi forgotten tisai1Mr. Hugies vas. suber eue or tise cher ; but Tom Brovnu euh blie@nanS flouriab. es, if possible, mare vi orusly than *ve. n .*Hughes 1= Salborne bas seicci s compehent lavysr for a poil lu blcb 'compétent lavyesu are fltalasa fund. Mfr. Mooren, Home Rule membur for CloumelI, ,uaved lbaItbe Passenger Acta require revision and reform. The. motion refer. 1e emigreiit, esoaieilly te thorne going te Amerlos. Il vas neg- aived. Pluudsrîug banda in Perc are coin- mitting horrible strocitieu, sud lie 0h1- iaî inidieade not seern 10o cre abêout suppreslng thsm. Sbould tise Cuuieus viîbdrav the. reign oet trror viicb voqid follov lu terrible toculempiate., lu a breecb cf promise casa inEng. land breugisi b> Miss Emil> Vyae, siaugilor cf a gentlemsan living aI Banset, againât Capt. Horace Wise, s commander lu lb. Chise.sleaussbip traSte andS ieiaging bte eNaval Be- serve, no witusswus cilleS by tise de- fendant, sud tIese umming up ai tise Court i. lie alorleet on record. Mr. Justice stepisen aia hies fummini! up vas compriged in two (syliable@., -'low usucis ?" Thse jury gave e verdict for lise plaintiff, witi £300 damages. In the Hanse of Comtmans NMr. Trev- Baronseoel ea te l'eo aften eta elav abb nowadas-ii. i Biom.body Wraxalh burnvorwe4ta a lote at Brighston$'aS Sii ilRichardE&nnei Moore, visa dws latti>, vue at an'ie "a tlr4delt trnioy at Spike Illad, Oot* iHarbor. A fel ,effort la opeén a Ceai tore in- bies on'a&usine faile,1 frein lao f csp PoomtsflrGeneri' aFwîett bas rn celved a latter llireat*niug bis Ilii., The ycile.v <ovqr apidee in luMate-- -The Jupanue lagahfaon b rite Corsea *hcq l'irn rob ud an tvisporuons ii -bu e quskv Wtelo à À iüw iledl rrA~R, T, t a T>. »irittab Consul *t , ko4 ý*ul'Iatentlcntthelb.ornait> of sbippn llve.ttopl in a brrelu, snd aeiidz Oux oui Ud - favorab grom arrivv. t the htiaud fer, marry. TeProvidence Star prints à liai ef 120 casus vere divorce petitilons have been granted b> tise Su preine Court of Rhsode Island, at ita lest tormu. ,la iiy.slgbt oetithe" instancese tbe cei. plaint appearsta bave- béeaunmade> by iii. vife agalnas th. busband. About 79,000 acre. lu Great Bristun are unSor hops, and tbé difforence 'o- tveen a good and an indiftcreut erop measamillions sterliug. À. poil crop realizas bal! a ton tolIte acre, sud thi.. at 025 per cvi., ansouats ou 70,000 acres la #17,6W,000- A blighted crop (there iu muahig 1151 bis yean) may bu estimated ou tbe, sea.e basic aibut 6700,000. Wisen a Phuladelpi&catpocf tise Gran Anm cflite Cpublic prepared tela fa ir. and somel'odyeoffered .0200 for thse refrealimeut privilego. 1Mr. Orim aaid lb. vauld lake chsarge et tissi Separîmeul, promiaiug Ibet tisere mbould be s large profit. At tise elose i. reporteS thti e vas only 87 aisd, ý and, alîhougis bo la an Aldermnan, tise post baordered an investigation. htisl nov stiteil tiaitishe Princea Louir« vili reasein in Canada until te expiration of the MarqÙiis ot Lorme', terni cf office. ha tise malter of lise Arrears Bill, Lord Calrna anS Mr. Cross favor s coin- promiue. Tisu aulisorilleis bavae auine oes- a"r lua &gain proclaim Limerick euly under lb. Bepression Act. George Lessard, bora 1777, appeareS lately in the. Conrtcf Records, Mautreal, acoampanyiug bis vif., ited as a vil- nasu. Ils marrieS only in 1878. Tise Permanent Under-Secretay of tise colonie. baloftiEngîsud 06 a apeciai mission tteseMarquis af Lamne. Thse questiou cf damages resuling from an undeserva.diy unfavorabie raîing by a mercantile agate> bas jumt been couidered b y the. UnitedStBltes District Court et Arkansas. Tisa Court laid dovu lthe principle liat if lb. agency aeted lu good faits, using al roasontaila precststions tu obtain trust- vorlby luformalfean sd communicetied so1r irhse Interesi domsnd.dcis knovisdge,lta lte matiqi vs. ca privîieged conmnnioaîion, sud tisp agoncy cauld not b. iseld in d»maee Ou tie chier baud, it vas raieS liat f the ageric> seuont uIbe orroneous rý port indiscrimiuaiely smeng ils subi r.cibers, vilioni regard la vietis tioy ver. Interestdin lukuoving 1t fluancial standing of tbe firin, bien 11 latter migit recover damages. N. 0. Poison & Ce.. druggist, &~ Kinggston, express. tsemnesav«e su ml$ prised aI lie malsof ]3urdockDBlon Bitteru ina hisailocality, wbera pataýt medîcinesanar bard te intreduce, bi*. say liey, "lise grass lut arderad a ler daya sinco. vilI cauvinca yen tisaiil demandÎls geai!, sud lisat il lu givi satisfaction te our customere" Tise neater va folrcv nature iu t e treatinent et diasue, Ib-more succe* fnl va ara. Dr. Fevier'a Extraclt! WiIS Straiwberry îla;Naiure'a Speeifi1. fer Coaers Morbus, Dyseutery, Co, aSd à iiformas cf Sunsser Complaiun It apeediiy cureCankor iu tis etei* ais or boelu, and as veil as adulta. > It HiC Stood the Test c T Je For lvauty-flve jean bauDr. Fov ans Exiract cf W liIS raib ery b j befare tise people, anS ils popirity &o-daay grealer tisan ever, bectuse fihhi& p raveS rellabla la the treasmeni of 4 forme cf Bavai Compinitesincident tise Summer sassont Tic indications of lie approacis aeaeon ceeus te hhreatenan aunuqi', amout cf lie varions formea!fbovai compiainte. Oui readera veald do vohi ta aupply thiemelves vilS saine roliable remedy like Docter Fovier'a Exiraet ot WiMd Stravbanry, as a uafegard agais. aI' m-udden altaoks o! ChooIr, Morbnt, Colle, Dj'aoaterjy, &o., liaI unlsas pr. mptly treatad are oftîcu uddènly faa Seroflsia a Sopraved condition a1 lte Fyitem oflen betedibsry, md aisaracterized by indolent lunouna, glandalar affections, baS blood auS W low condition ot vitalilytisai ttendstl varda conuuptien, vIsicil isea Serofula etf lieLngs. Bnideek Bloclo* Bitters cure Sorofulcue disearn tram aa pippla ha, an Abaceas, b> pnrfying tise blo, correeliug tie seeretions auS giviug eà ScalblIt> tan* te -isole ergn. tTisa besi evideuce of lte aupatiar- meni& sud virtues ef Dr. Fo-ile'i 3ý. liacolo! Wildiavbeiry mfor lbe ture et Samm2er Complaintls lu",atits pop- ularil> sud demazid la greabest vhera il bus.beau longeet kuovu. *DiL S. B. BEITTais ey ; "A& c raie pbyaielais do not, by Iheir profeesieush motlobuiumiS AU bfe'mble censit. tien, vbils t4iey sal4omcueleds- et te vblcbh ilu sivlays Bible lu cur variable lmat. a&bd under our imper- foot cirlllastlon. Spoclal rerneditu are oinreued te reatcre eiggmmfe bar. ipoaf o! elinheel $0lSa flosi oet ltsvaareidlte ep*arso"'nt. iDeveri'BoI LiOtion. Millineryv at Reduood rioes I Oarperts at Reduoed Pics w ainde Feit REats at Recluceci Priées. 1We iifl -sefl ails UMMER the. Yls at Cost. ýmAT RI--BDUCTION, A FULL STOCK 0F' GROCOERIES- The Highesf« Price paid for Fa.rm Produce. -Whitby,-Juue~ 28~>h, 1882. legsand Sp*»c', d9uîancd Sol é,On.roJ Sodil '1Too!h1 a cd r a cheFostd tFeet cnd Ears, and ait o!hep Pains and .Achs. IÇO Prsirsioiinseatl.eq"shgr. jà mmCh%,O a 9afe, guru., ostldpt. sii C*top Extunl seu-dl. AÀCitl emOOls but thi e MWMIadMVa 1"91 O5153ai of50 C<n.sUandcOeutoa m e . -A. VOGELER & Co.. The Docetcr'r Secret. robably nonewnvdevlopmerf WUl re surprise the public, htan tle"an t usnt. of succs fl certâin lesdins p ysoisus. lV-hen b.> bave a difficuit e Ibo of tbroal or"iuugdiseie ltai e. their scieanrLib u i, lb.> pré. s nib. Dr. Ring'* New D moeyfor, uuiptie n, C o UgIsd Coldu, bey. lb Ibeir own directions aud Dame atý b d. The. patient t eurrd, and tby t the credit.-Tribusw. Trial boattis Z i12,r"'et l ew'saDrug Store. largo, Ulerie. right. To worry about any Liver, Kidney urox -ile; peemily en or Diue. or Diabe., as Hop Bittera neyer faits of a cure wbere a cure lu possible, W. kbow Ibis. iaii'a sOts.rb Cure lu tabou luteru, al>y. Il actu directly upon lbe bloe4 and the mucous surfaces of 9bm ryslezn. Price 7fie. If Catarrb bau destroyed your seusé of sinali and hearlng.>Hals Catsrrh Cure wiU cure yod. 175 conteper bt lie. Druggista ssdi il. - $zon Rcward Io offored for auy carne ci Catarrb that cant b. cured vitb Hall's Catarrh Cure. Taken internally. Price.-78 cents. Tbrough tbe preut inout.b cf Zuy thse aumacb and Bowels kre very liable' ta becoine derauged. Thi oerpre.. ve&nlà iuv luDr. Carson'n ti"Uansd Constipation Bitters, for l'y hei n u lbe Digestive Organs are invigerate lb. Bowelu kept sldatthe biood rendered puru and cool. SoiS in larme bailles ai 60 oents byall Druggistn. W. B. Hovas agent. Those affected vus Ocalr Lungs, Sluggieh Liver or Derangeasantu of lt. Etadusys, shonid preure a package of Dr. Carson&. Lîver and Lanug cm. punaS. Eacb 50 cent tacksg. stick.. ibree pinte of Syrup. Ileas valuable collection of Boots, Herbe aud Barku, a.nd ils eaToltu ,are venderfuL.Fers" by aIl Drftgists. W. PLR Heaagent. A Word0c aution. As la usuaily tise case viiore su arti- oIe eftrlin. uenit bas attained a voilai vide rapotatian b> ils veuderful r.. mals, as the. celebrated Ehelrig Bittes, have donc, certain unprineipied pctu bava endeavored tha mitite Ibesa, AM expect te laduce an unueelUngp lie ho purée h bar 'frau ndulteatei. Ask yeur driuggist for tise genuine Bloe. trio Bitters, tisat ara guarauteed to curis' and take no albèe s lS by W.- E.ý Hovs a t 50 cs.. Dan't DoabtI L. Failoreis notalvayetellowed b> Sfali- ura, anS sltisougb yen may bave liiaS remedieà repeatedly vitisaut boefif, idon't Soubt tIsai yen v.i ll f he b, igist Exv-raa lu a- PORISiTe rameS> fit, corne, and oco ' useSai once' cureo3. This faut basbeebn-vonbel for by tbous. sunds visobave useS 1.' SolS by b, girns. N. 0. POLSON CO0., Proprî, lois, Kinastnu.- *IL Rers Aa tes Sëave. rat The. mobtiwondorful oburtieorçme- dl., kfthb.Pésent de>, ire . 0that corne frétn GerrnasyL or at lestong. lette théme Thé meut meent prepare. tion placed upon tb. marketl- n this toiitijy, leheU11Ri&T UEBMAN 1W. TIGGRATR, wheL bas - mover bien ;knowu. La fant in cuing ý P;Êm ue 01 o c l ali ter diseames resuling froni Oïa tozaux1ety, lftguor. laéitude, de- preuuii of upirits md foncticial de. rangenu»t@ai the nufrvous lystein. For sale %y droggias, <h gent free by oxil en recelpt oi price..61.00. Âddresu P. J." CIENEY, Toledo, 0., Sole 4geziI for tbb Ubiteil Stateo.. Baud for Thore vould bu 11111e if an> alkoue during tb. bot menthe ai July asud Augut, if every oee ould take Dr. Canon'& tomaeb and constipation Bittera, as they proentean d cure ail derangemauta cf tbé Stowsansd ]3oiW *a. $olin ~ large bottios et 50 cents by ail Droulâitg. W. B. Homie agent. WHITBY MARKETS. CuaoMzCLX u Ornz, Aug. loIM, 1SS2. Fu Tmeat............ 41 10 0-1120 r rnwet.......1 20 @12m Vaorpr cit ........... 820 8 180 Pea .................... 0 7 082 Pe, sblack-eyed........ 000* 000 Bue Pas. ........... 0600042 Ostu ..................c04e * 0 Ra ..........900 (41000 Cloer eed .............000 0 00M ....07 00, Butter........ ....0160 O019 Charbnue............... 01U a 0185 Wooa.u............... On 0 1960 Rider, PUerb............ 006 007 Tarne ............015 * 0 2Q Celer, perdesz.......... 080 040. Chicrns, perpaix ...080 Qo0ad 'Turkeyos4psr lb .....0100014 = e .......0000 000 B .y thenCaressen...500 O700 Mattio,by the car«»5.... 001 COS0 verl, u" 6070rew5i.. 0 08 a 012 = pu perbibe, ....040 04 Cabbs, perhbeail....... * w 000 Ehubs-b, Ver bunc ...000 4 00 Shaotu ~'000 W 'o sammTr;tr.b0070 0 fine1%.007 e 000Wo Ao ACaRDO ail v&neWho on merin fo=nthl.e kois mad iiÀllcretor yoeiâ:s 7IRIE 070=z E. '111e mq vwu êlueorerdby s*n'ionury z te t tIseBa. Zom T. lUxan, Seo ile sRots, N. ew Oita. WANTEDI>. LÂUBREIBcR BZMD Railb Otao diro C loge. Aj aiocea MES.DOUO BB HTALLR U E fi Umeoîameded by Phyalelans. Cabth fjim N avit-Cihlce ndUlcsrmllv bitaBlee aitNece t o fpesa o l lisvJlO, md h forAL TUE UNLI IIERMI CURtE FURt CATARIIH ga1lx i9ULET W~ $1 UU0~~ $ 10 0 MIy 1111e daugikrvs ruil i th tit slmh for lia ye sdir = a ey muni beueftlied by lb.~~~~ nu tdisOtmiCure' Ebe tu nov &bout Ouro&. W. T. EtUSN. Wg.0.t.r ouMncit l. iSr i havn sa"5511 albOiie, sd Iudg. lu u l.go rsi*i eie t dram ou beI.at, balli.il thcue ise m abarlni case cf Cbnh 5ue hocnUanued for a Ouis Hi 5010 ibu'5ti mrhCre2o lite lest ueranS lfva o, 0.e cc» fS lian Hall'8 atarrh Curié la "ol by aSU loacaltnS aAftDrugÙO~ sa eID luIPtulmSielrin ufetuo b 1. HnETS 00. ntua se',ft C t A e Nebsau6a at. joemB 1,p"segj '%"r 0 business naw betore the publie. SE STPcneu moka money faster ab wark foraus han at anyihing -elze, Capital ual needeti. W. viii start yen. 012aà dayaýnd u ards madce t home by lb., industious. , arnen, beys sna girls venteS evenyhere ta wank for us. Now', thse lima. Yen eau work iu spare lime ouly or giveu oa vitle lime la lb. businep,. Tou caniliv.est bmeranuS dc be vark., No other business viii psy yen nearly asveil Nô one eau4sJ.lto aise enalmaous _psy by eugalngat once. Castly OutL0t snd terme freeL Ma!neymsde fut, easily sua bouorsbiy. AdOres. Taux &d Ce., Augusta, Maine. -11 ComposeS srgiyuspowderedmmlo5In glaS8, lntheBE$tOfld C4EAPtSTbrCa- tor, ln tiicworld-tho BBSTbeSuse l tdoern nat gum,but forinma htgypoilshêd sur- face oser th. axilreaucins frition eat llght.filnsthe draftl the CIIOAPOS? bo- cause It cone-sNO MORE than Infétior br.ndo, suS o"noxarwIldo the. watt of two of any etter make. An5WoSu WeU for gsnveterm MinI eariug, Tbresbllg ma- e chin euPiauters, carnieges, n.iggIls, et., cu for WagmonCUARANTELED ta oanNfO Petralem. Baldbyeldealcrs 09er pcFoew Cpl of 2%inu oetkr «Se Hudrntt.. Newv York. levohui.d, 0. and Chioop.l SAMUOLROCERIs, & CO. Toronto.Ont.) remSoie.Agents for the Dominion. High Court ofdJ: stioe. *~~~0 ATUNOOUIT. TE UTUMN- CIRCUIT OP TEE TClhancery Divuicucfalte Higb Ceun ea Juice", for the Comni of ontmnlo, vifl - -4a 4'h1J. llbllmu plI h OF TOPWN - .~COR, -I3RO0K OR RBEDISTRIBUJTION. HACGH &BRO like Sir John ÀA-, stili corne out aheadl! 1 Iw IDW They have a large stock, bouglit before the late rise in price, ana are determined to give 'their eus.- tomera who may favqg thern with their patronage part of the benefit Tro. Builciers and Carpenters we wolild èay, yqu wfll frnd special advantages with us, by calling and getting price§. A large supply of Blacksmiths' and Carriage- Makers' Cnt Nails, 3 inch and over, $.2. 90, cash; special prices for large lots. Good quality. Whitby, May tjrd, 1882. 10f SPRI1N'G 'BOOTS AND AR R I-V A IL S before AND 10O1, AHu.. SI FIR8T smPuIIIP!OÈ ÂRIVED TRIS WE ansd Fancy.-Work Bake Fa"sy Prames. A compies.toki A v e r y l a r g e t " o ., 8c l é 35 Biýa nts a u A camiplete staocie i StIi IranS, ie et bie lo*esl rates, 90h4001 isSiateus, lneScitoo -sund miU Schaaolmesi s t hlove.t bic pniees. Se-Sunndav OchooLîbranle sudn suiSU I Î, l ibers dscn. 5 LJ r E C IWlssbby; March Plh,1882. m- OESI ' . f sa SUITABLE FOR -EVERYI3ODY.:l An immIff3esetock from whichi to make" N.EW, -T OýH Latest styles for Ladies', Goenln - and 1 isseà "-at remiariçabjylow- wathâ jrlces, -oz casl. cw' Custom Work 8au usta1,' a.Specialty. ,. wfIITB3-V, liîfemember--North Bt are Market loc'k,- Tusay 2th Sept, 1882, 4ty ailrehUrc huo'le lk ir e fSo co, '1H08. PAXTON; I> BhuiXWOOceSheril, C. 0* LAIJYS &kBh-go- The' 'Wbitby, Jaly 25,,'82L- * NOT ICE! ',Maroh 22, 1882, JOHN" SAIJND.E !Noe i HAfKET' lIOTWEEÈDS> &..C~ i Lagetaa at :0811 w 'tbjleedlng tlme. About severe colS vl uore. but ailer vua's BAUXL kanS oong S Il in order to Glear them . out DOROOK-ERY, OHEAP! ruas, '?nà th 4 ftu saULU l tlit tii La,' on tbi Dot bn [Ae tel 1pompxl' tadons 6% trk, L60 ie00 mern0 cif Biaté mtes Cou.' tue, sudS i- Ielima., aLUmerlck "Ise to-,by' Ir epaoioi: nu "rusele te, e. rny doers u.kln. kber af per. métropalis, a l isg ubs cf the p'odcvn lis boun- cowi *The IaW ]a"a ci i Arn i1r. uli-' MMzýý. l' tri= st tbe CUUIST w 1