XE. &MRSTON BoLAI , 18. T uVzCExd'usnm<Y. e.0.oaa o; i!U182 Wrrv, . 2». BenOEZTAEY TUESU DJREO0TORS: D.HïTu.Y M OH Gamtxween. De-' OSMI8TOi4, Wmmur. JAMES STOCKS, Sa., CoLuxuvs. ALEX. WILSON, Aunavns. RULES *AND REGULAIONS. mesnammerfrtheurù er sduo@ethe li xhbton (exce tc,1' ood>b i rererruna 'ezhlbitlngihem; &a an I u oulIS arise0u tb subjeet, proofwilbu julreiNo animai chat 1c shown lunmre ta u ls o ~$stirs bd, an'dUos ahiowu l inegow eepstakes. uhici May aise ecpl t1.cstwhehint=hey atively belou1g). No n$bn1 aIqd oeter for exhbition mare thon distnct amai or terufrein 1he. brutThii.ule not te a t Mi" t -At gnâ l ,.'eçehble prodteN Pré s3aIw-b* e suai. argot"qqAi May bo 0th4uglýw te t <hmematedIn thelitmadotemmie lie aMount cf the premiun wlUbe u.wadte u article, howver deerving il ESlsttemade with the Secrstary, if by'letter, postpuld,) UP to estumay ovenn before the day cfEhi1io.Pouitively no eà trés Mbêmod dtr teday MentioDed without tii. payuent cf ton a try, sud coneoaccoant wlfl ay outrias tbclblut O ô iwuciriidjtl~f iIl be trct! y enfoed. lea 1«!Ãœe à "sls*m See dniutyfor psî cion, hot o4bthed oulr $0110 anits~unpymu fednohlaoi, etc 12 PM14 Ixwhbhab1h. eb. 0conta, A lock and koyw .fi. >1 ui.fô'e>cb upon Paymeuî cf the price thoreof, which will ho paid liupMre= e of Wkand key. ~IIKEaehluedber iipy'mont ci subsoiptien, wil hu funisbedl m*ba nbenlp &tlJ, which will admit tho porson whose nom. 4à tie tbroô,orany niember of hi. or ber fanily, twlce only dnring the xWbm.,ý:On&U ther occasions thoy will ho chargoi for ad- *6 0 ieaicn.members.Admùiaon-non.memfbers, 25.;, -.1% y6 jen cf âge, 15c. Tho entry tickt upen suimals p ersn briugigthon. ta thé show roftnd le gwith.=Auenimas r articles, without lbe Use cf rica Cnres ickets wîlll ho supplied. shielà meut be attaehied to or article enterod for eoinpetitioli. na mci intorfoing witb tîjo judgt's whle on dnty will e i to ywe verposs0le8re1at 0iner liemn i. ussfls*snw l rP power Iowarda 1the reeovery, but tbey wllnotet û nedtf1cm 11* e0Value thumuof. 71L.*aWnimaleccmpeting lu Closses 1, 0, 7 and 8 muit have cetiWeSpediree proucod for ires sud dans,'fromn tud gn erd Bcqk rsetively. Calves to be coudd e wimUl hojiISsah ut onriet.hro ut altogethà r enrissin r 18h7~xeopleu us e ere in prexuluma munt, lu ordor te Le eonldmai, $ u~d kuvuth b e omlaal, in Ivnitig, 4 uin e 144.' renunanot&ala for o on hefom lhe i rst day of ianuary in esêbjer, te be forfbitud, sud become part of the genemal funds bf haà =oM (ith 4auopt4en, howover, of thc allcwsnee o! 81.00, vhleh i ùybIe erbabinlupaymieritof nembership fom the followlng iboti. Mbproteste muat le fiurishod te the Socrtrj, lu writing, reithun o*n. wse* 4er thiexibition, sud inust sute the <rondScof 4.. t~cIe.h. omus cf procfhbeing on the exibior 104 NeôauhilgIor artice onexhibition vil! hc permaittRta le ka.freinMOh. toowli honl lhe Connut cf lhe Proildent or until 1M1h At haMfpait Twa o'clock on Tnesda> the 201h Boptember. «W ç"fn8my4lQ>rsnse ngageS about the buildings, eempt OMemerolbi e cu0t1 = Connllea and uarolà kars nule he bu luBiii ôrder thaIle Jndges znay Proéeéd la ivonk te mo ü»i *wadiwlkdt ~trpt on enxiibi.oru entering the grounds dn* src iabidig re so CloudeS uIiy theusuel entrj, fie.TuasASUL W -»gs xOieDLY cxxipocz.-Ai ai icur te Le mareS by the o .sdab,usd 4f whii.iduo notice vil! te gveulii. teaIftFr ma«M 1 fii ff , he day o! lesing, lie rfiuing o! a bel!1vil bd a notin t À& ugate loiaeie main huüuislg.audI) ogtz7 bonne thé upemboes cf #Eseve C«amitteeand otakers cxcepted. 91[ an laufr thd le ovuers cf proporly ogibitedvho vii!mecure ta io rtl ome.,yuou prieï ' çalsd tickets, ho ad. pCT urp Ocfp u ad'tskûsg chargeof Iheir pro. Penl. whflhe abeen doe te Preolent viii rder the gales te sud 1h. flievll! ha decared closeS. P.I~tuw1elat v et t!hle. bove ules te ho subjeel te ex- &:Mi# oaétsud : the nines publinied, and te ferfeit mil prss iela wI is éaiboSav hon.e KS."-Hoiauni tkets vil! ho supplied te partie *attosding ou PRIZE: ULr TFOR 18. >~~o oojITù PffNTO ,THE WOHLD. CLASSIFICATION. t7Oâm'oe BesaHrss. 16.- Other 8mai! Breedi. 8. turl xor4 17.LuWe Svwine (auj olic'r kind). t 10. Grai ipà em44. 404u~fed 2l.Duiq Produca. 7 . 22 PuaisImplement.. a* Q4 eop. 28. laoidies' Deptment. * Ihslra Dvus. 26.. là Weptarnto lamaapd&&. ma 21.,Msclneors. i4 A ABANGEMENTS.' .h.ranomentmsd l ho.T. iB. to issue4"ttumu Teà lcts ironsaul ittiobuiwp ~and clvlbt nluie Ii s~, fremZbi 1.18h !.er 108, bcddays ineluded. . Ab* *fti h.8 g d Baiwsky, for oue fore, Suring Uic Ivo Says cf!1.hulLn, SII sd 21$!. fptenher. 1882. -MM - ........ ........ ..... .. . .. . .. . .. . .-2 V IM 44We i g»42 ....... .. .. . .. . 2 .......... ....... sc tn"bM z Ȉ ' ,-otl ft e Houe cltit f18....... ... .... ............ ......... ue# .. ....4 8 2 -b t steel low vull O 1 .....................16 0 O Thre'(Ylt, orFios, 2Syemansd under, owned lky enhuitor .. e .. . 8 2 O lot, n.Sd 0tulli 1 utpr.so by B. MoLaughl' 0ubw wheerrW»Wu1e # M d P-sby 0:Ic iroo Maewit n!by bem sido, lot pia. by johin Bussefl, Brougham........................ 4 8 L~bee.ea c u .li .. 4 8 Carnage Builder, 0-w,1e go U" esvalue K4,8rd abyB a'ôWl1y4 I Two-yesr clii *Utlmie Ctl....... ............. Two-Weya old Fily .. ............ ...........4 8 ono.yà r eld enlir e ... C..lt..... Mn.uadill ................ ........ 4 8 Uose% 81of45 .. .....4 S Pair DhM ubt Herses, lut pise by T. Lawler, Mer- ebsà MWiby, sut ofç ça value #7, Sud Frize b' Wi 'V eomt, Cairnage Buidr, Whltby, whee~a....va......,ô .... ..... Bot . groon# 10t riie a J i, «pi by tu»o. Mrhaute, Whxtby, goodile 68, n ia.6 byP. AX Guy, Oabwa, 8rd prize 2 byWmWld ""Pumews âoel'for ?eue jean., 8 Ghe-e las SM 6. P" rhunSi-T oroughB r.4 Twout, lad. . ......l....... ;........................... 41 4 "Wur;........................ 4 8 Bulwo1, O«-arioUBul, n rise.* . Rs, Leaang, Whity................. ........... 4ý 8 Yeaýrlol hZiBndrise I'i LÀy. andRhoel. 'Yarin 4 8 orhisby - -..utdeç,....... 8 Be" -e1m to incldBuand................4 ThreymnldCc......,,.fihi.............4. 8 Tnwo.er ca Heifo, 8prise by .. anr, . Oshawa, wm cf b1rid. value he 2.'....... ....4 20 HesfeBullfi.st prie, botWm. UodyG.uc. ifyr, Oerawa e 880, pie albyF. W GlnM.pri, Wm. DurchoWhitbygpair lady'i boots value $2.. 6O-2 [LPodigrc-eu fIrolunferdl-LýwiflberMired for Durhasm Calie.]- B ............l...... ..:.............................#8 82 Cow, giviug =ÃŽsrin r ucal!.........................80. Bout HorS, 'toincIudb Bull and 5 fenud«a, te bc owned by mbbitor......... .....0 2 [Podlvesfe Fw od Bock wlll le n.tqulr.d fo r A*yrshire, CaIlle.]. Bull ....................... $8 94 Co*. gvin ilkrisf............. S Bestner&té iclua Baand 5 finales, ta b. bwudb eor~ 8 2 rPdW.e aidBoo vMiï** M îü "sreuhire '!atU.J Glass 9.-Gadeo. lt. anu. BrOsh g v ,Minehaflt , WIuia> vaie #ô; 2%, le by J. 8. Barnad, Jeveller, WhliW, Tlvua- ' r lii. cv, lot prise by Â.Bametl, Photo- -bb14h d macbinetvlue8 sud1 Toam cI e lfI'em....#...................... 5 YeallnHef.r.. ............. .. 4 Bot rdo!6 amle.............. .... S 'Fat ,OLor es, lut pi", by Groas & Guegor, I mrbt&4Wh h ..................... 4.....S fel pair Steorm ay agor bmead, 1ut pnize by Wn - u',Contracter, Wilhy.. ............ 5 ÈtsI ex or Bleor, lot Pni se b Y. B. MorgsO"av Sud prise by "Plceoig I)ns 5ter,' Pcknl berry roat pipa value 8 .0 ................ 5 ,kt1y, ;ioo21inch tii.value$10............. 10 Bart lstpnpo by Chas. Waslake, Bulober, Whit- by, *ad by W. J. Thompeen, Buteher, Whitby.... 838 Sh.arlingllm. . .................... ..S Whuhby, tinarïe vils.e82. , ...........Z Tire Ram, lot prise by W. P. covan, Olmaa;Sd. RAm mb......t.4........ ............. s~iean1 B9lutpse PC0. '* , e. 85 8 1 rllng m.................8 T»m Ews.b................... ................-a 'Two'BIeaiIig ZWSI .v *' Tva 0w Lamb2 E.e LU& $2 -'7 2 2 2 I 2 2 2 2 2 I ou si 88 "Soi 2- 2 o md, a 82 2 I 2 g' g Clu 1~-Hap~Ir,,Ozfordshiro aii4 Shrpsh Ba&M, lat prz'elehevEa 4$.lSd à mwbifdetolman sd neckyo ie 0ue......... 8 Sharl aIm .........b= ............... .... 2 PAMZmçà b.....>.. ........ . .... ........ ...... ................. ..... S auj breed, eue yeiy old sud - ......... p 'g 'O hI .7,, 1" 1- o O 'O' '0 O o O O' O; o; "G' o o SOc; 50& SOc "o .'0 0- G' o 7'o ubfj va j vvoV"vV@ ..... ... M Best 6 buohels>Pal! Whit (umà ooth head) lt prize by Oshawa Bteve:OoMpany, ceai il o tove vlue i ~...............81 Éotîkl~h f png Whshrit 4~ Black.eye Matrowfat TPeas, ù& aa 4mai!,ia grwn b exzliibor, 2nd pria. liy D., D!Wney, Two bmuqse .......... S7,g.....14 ....8 1 Barley, two.rowed .................... 8 2 B~rl7o........e................ . Pqp4 ...................... ... 8 2 * ~.Pusa~.... ......... 8 2 P~otiuo,....... ......... 8 2» Oat, '1ik............8 2 " Oat, white:.......................... 8 2 Twenty-five ears 0Cr, eight-rowed............. 2 11 si Corn, twelve.rowd............ 2 1 One, bushelTïmothy Seed ................. 2 1 Two buaheomBed Claver Siod, prize of James Bon- mie, ,lr*p, ione Improved Chiled Plow value *î6, tiover 'ioed te boocomo property cf douer.. «16 0 Oife bush.! lover 8eed...........................2 1 , ine Clover .......................2 1 Te nda SoweSish Tuimip Bord..,,...... 2 1 dwortel800e .t...... ...... 2 1 :'o» poiidO eed ..... .... . 1 Tareès.... ;....... .............2 12 Two buel"1ol, sping ................... 2 1 Bye; .n.ç.. ....... Barre' of Flowr froW= p> ot2 1 Oama~................. a 2 CIRES $Oý.-EoOtas i. Ujd.8 Onebushe! Pot&toefý Iar Bsuwoe.j...62 i 1 anyoa, -'_ 2 .1, 2 BotllettoiffPotatoesna azo lau ha= 2 igt oceTurnmpa .................. ...........I 0 2Eidtm ciMauigold Wurtzel, long rmd.....i 1 50o Id*Mangold WtrtelaOnLyeUwd.......1 500e 2 _4, Mangbld Wurtsol, 1" wglbe ..i Si)Oc 46 Carrots, long rad....... .........7 1 m0e 2 ..........e.. ...............1 O * otoag.... ......d.........1 me Twelve zitasAxuber Bugar Cane ................2 1 Cefleetlouof Pie-Id Boots, viz : Turnipa, Mangolda and Cairot&o-eight of euh varlety-loo, Potstoeu 0 unwsihed. The rootu te be eortified as cifield culture by l exhibitor, exceappotatoes......... 4 2 Beit1.2 Tumniogwn froxu te ueed of 'dtee1o rors. & Co*.'s pelected Pnrple-tolp sweds" and 0recto frominont lm .thon an a=fcrop. and Legt 12 Long Bed or ôthor vsriety of Mangold frox mot lmo than eone acre cf crop, -prise of Bteele Brôther, Oshawa. cbillad. rdploi4 và 1. 16 0 Oins 21-»ÂIY PO G SBest%0ba.Butter, zt p= aby-~W.H. Higgins, butter P t&U of a' toegiuehis uwOlo-.H 0 Boit 061s, MWsyertofWtiibI5, buun Desi .........54i no ..... .......i........ 40o dener......... ...........,.w~.1 lWn, bter -obeuu for. 0 0ileot CreckButter, o85lp,'e paler$, bter ,'tedftV» 2es 201& Farnuer's(ome. lefgWn. s han 2 u# 20 IFs., I rp e of dL o Wnr ....e.. e t 2 litMW IWrzeý]D.P Reeper, ,y kind... .... 1. '0- 2Mwum at Co, De................r8Plie 9Tvale tuigMtq i................ 14 2 2Wes ar'(ehone priag'ar le"........B roCriag .'n.. .8 20 Que4iolut Phmc, 1 'btop....... 8 TWc4Iorp............ ...... 2 Mu $7 h5s....... . ........ 8 2 las'22-Ydi I <t*er a4 y kgndh... . .... . ........ é.... . ...... 1 min'........ .............. i Vt4. iw am . ........i... 2a 12 hù 4iesCurkvtor.. .................28 i TOe. çro I!5o5.,,,7.. ~..... 2 Twe-orsouggylè. ;.- .- ....... 2 Que- I on., ! i t. ...... ..... ...1. .......ke.... ................ .. 2 i ......... . .. ....... . O 11v£ ..d...u..... .. . ....... . 2 i 'l. Btqe 0 ...."..... 2 4 NvIiit'a Frontignan.......... Beooction cf Gras of iaUkiunab 'l[t p'riz4 W. D. Gordon, Pielerin, oaae <iftufed birdi, .value ......0........... 12 oe's Golden Deop.. ...... .......* 12 Duané's Purple ........... e.......... 12 GeneralEla ......... n.....e............... 12 ImperWa Gage ..............1 .... ... 12 Lomubard ................ . ~........ et ... . ..1... 12 Ponds edhing .................i 12 Mxgnwnfonmz ............ .... ~12 Crib les,ýma]ll........................I erUtcu'Puii, flot leus than o'f é"- naii.k ....... ...... Bout o)loction cf Fruit of al hinds,1 'îý frors il other eniries, lot prie by;eto, 1; Homne Nurery. 20 Apple »Ireev Seth 0. Wilson, Z6 ppl frte5sO' W heado canlifio*................ téme-......... ............. egt ...... f 5f a heads .....C.................... I . ..............1$. $4; . i2.Tsbl. T .......... ... .. ..,...ô, i2rup............... ..........ê1 lmcckUl, grenoots .. .. . U~ Tomaoos..... h........ ..... I .8g à iâlo................................ Waare. ..... . ........ ......i 1MuakMel Ã"on ..ree .....e..... ....... M_-Ëtt o n h.» ................... . 5 hDa Rops .............. «.................. ~........ B. nof......................i PI 1 mý & ", 1-t . . . . . . . Pôat Oios.......... .WÀ. I L.06 sioc -500 500] 500 aOc 2.,os 10 jyr" Pull Cloth, hpnie opun.'akd mode by Jkand. 82" 81 Pull clitb;scSm as,............ ..... 2 1 Sntinet, hou idenadwovebyhand. 2 i Salnet, f&*hry macle .............. 2 i Wste'Tweed.............. ......._.. 2 1 Suxumer 'Tweed ..e.......................... 2 1 Pionne!, home made, epun. sud wove by bonaU 11WOOL...t...***...e......................... 2 1 10 yards Flanne!, home, made, by bond, cotton warp. If 1 Fl auel, factory-mn*de, .acl ol........ _I 46-'ulà i 1eoy mi, oettdon amp....... 2 . 1 Flauél................... 2 i Woolefl ................... - .64. %og C" pet, ectton w"rp home mSo 2 Pair W0QlomuBlols, homeur ....... 2 Pi6cleà Benketo,faty=4~.:.;7 pair Herse Blanketi. ..... .... ~ ." CPvrlal.eavoks........ ..... 2 0e pairlcu n$et,1 b ........ .L..9, 500 P e o ttd r t ...... ...... . . . . . . . : . Pair Woolen s ....... ......... ........ 5 Enots Plain Wooleu Ysmn......... ............... 5c 0 5 Enols Plain double sud twlstd ain., e 00 Wocleu Beg.......... ............ - 756 '600 X4agBug............. ....es....... 7e me Chi.....».e.......en........ . tI. Cbil~s i~à , zuali... ......... Getlmn' ~an ljt'hand ma&êSý.... ... ......sée ~ç.......................... 2' i .................... . ......................... 2 i . ....... ... .............. K............................. ...... 4 ' Csos.okCountorpaneï............... . 2 1 Sfikqu . ........... . ............. ....... .2 'FaiâilNthie«..............- ........... ' 00 Lsdy's Dresse, lut prise by J. Hl' îlPuiur Dealer, Puekeilng,'wlow cmdli'vlu 8.0.......50 #2 Boit collection -of lady'Uneoralotig aumd. 8 2 Eeatoll~tip c Laysundereotiiiug, mmehinexnade 8 2 PauyKmt2i.c~t8I~..i~.......................i e Franey îwtling, 1po ......... ................,i O, Crochet WSke6ttqcl5n. ...... 0 Aprlihe W k ...... ......... .........2 katbrcldey.c..dui.............. ........ 21 que * . 28O....7~......2 ....... ..se . . . ... ......... ~ ................. .... , 2 i 4....... ..2...o.................... 2 1 nlymbjct-Th........ 8- ya motto. The nau1e'e iiultà -*Wbe' i m e a seu etLV61ope, tUiomotto to b. w012on$1e OUtsdeOf tbae4nvlp. on or, beforoi-Sepi~th4188211 -e laas An.~zn ~ ~ O~ Pair Men'a iq ne Boots...gg...... Tb*,rMêen'iKp bO601B pe0 ......... ... 0 e mI9hid&BOotN.... ....... 2 L Boat. assortn-Otfooýt ana8inmkrý ok .' -Double. set of Heavy Haxness,lId prize byKingBos»g.- Tannero, Whitby, leatixor vAj 68 ý2 JOO'fBl H .rn w .. ............... .................2' sa... . ............... * Solo Leat*r: . ' uppp Brase, Bau.d.......... ..... .......Sr,5..85 *$4 Pin ......... *........ .1. -Onga.......... .................... Frit Work.,.................................8.. 2ý Scuture -in Marb............ ... . .,..-W 'S~ Ruade Work,. -Wood, 11paa yJJ. 'Iatiegi Whithy .. .....8........ '20, Iis.. oney i.lebprseo!J H5ovo, mer 15 lin HRoney in Cimb, pnxsof D' .Ã"ri;ntoû, Bamà r, Wbitby, hano ebecome pnop-rly'of door....6 o 10hb.. HDey la C'mb, prise -of L.OLcryuan Agent Picxkelmng, honeto become pro cf dà or. 5, O 12 lb. onéy ina Cemb,..pxs o & .ý nena Mjrtleî'h.uey te hicdme mcety7of dea, ...* 5 0 5 lhs. floney iii ComI, -prise o! W.: D. Bowrnan Bmoolilin, honey t. hecome prôpert7r o! ônr -.2.50...0 10 lb.s. Extrodted EHey rise ofG Dokle. ~jwm becomey-roperty-c 4r., .................. 6- 0O 10 Ibs. Extracted f Ëouy z rie à ! f Jâîmé Csmei, .hotel-keepers Pickeriug7 he.ney te enrôel o!faner ........... q4;....... ....;...............S 0 101h.s. l2ýka'le'aHoney; prise o! -.W. B- Havie, Dmuggst Whtliy, goode value8,onytlcm S mel of : ..................... 0 à ge?.lPxtacted- Hou ey, prise of W. ýD. Boitumnin, BroDoklip, honey te beceme preperty o! doer.. 2.50. 0 5 lb.. Béeswax, lot prisé hy John ijitr, Pioing, Itolian Bec value 04, beoa e cme prc>perty o! douer .............. ......-........... ..... 4 1 Maple Molasss.........................................i S1 '101h.0. Maple .8ugak..........................i 500 Catsup .................................................. 1 0 * pècimew of Driod Fruit ...d............... .......... .4 500 Cauned Frait . ........i O Spocimon of Frit, preserved lansugar..... .. .i... Gem Jars of-Psiserýved PearoutpaobA .Doe vol, Tnnih ri a~t value8, peurs te becozneprnty ai douer ..............2 0SO .......... Oo i n . . . . . . ..c. . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i ÈS q Burapber iea....,........... ...............'I O C u m n nt nx . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i raoWio... .......... . ..... Any allier varicty o!ý'iVBhe...............i..... TwO ~ud ra,-im ùdno e I..thon 41bs.ý 41 Collection of.Ganfpoouy,.home' ode ..............2- 'Collection o of leetlonery, baer.'.i.-d2 1 BeHi~.............. ....d d..- .O Best di ~o f ffdBirds, à nd Aiml,-Xpe Floral esigu. .............. .. 8 Béuge C s k±owezBiuo,, ....... 2. Bop t of, lowers,: houd........ I..........-. D.p'I yof ZGés....................... .... ... Disply of Dhlias. . DisplayfPa .............. -Besiw plaoai lantlPoe...' . . 4 fotdipa~ fAun........ .... 1.î 50.. - DspljofFloéno .dsticl"romail other outniosn . il.' ~ pys.,Piqliulng ' 2 - i. 2. i .7'..7 ..4~ S i .~-......-....--..,... 2' i .fN~7.2. .- i ?.7N.7. >. 2, '-.1 2' 3. 2 - - t- ~7~0If,,7.,7iN7.4.*..7~,<" 2 I 1 2 2'. Ina. 81, I 1 i 'Ai' '1 1 i .1 'i i O .0 o p o "p -"0 O .0 ..0 "'o 'O o 77.0 O 0 c 'il c '2 07. f SOi "f