Whitby Chronicle, 7 Sep 1882, p. 1

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»1 'Bq~ AI~p~r *A' L .W, sOL1ç2OR flolalIfà:lt*y 0. A. FAUWSIrZ,. .. PEDUE BBRSRSATA,'OLIEYS, SOlx ITOU, 0, IPTÂE, h.,ho oFrIOm - VS thé00ouge teel0nthébbcs ogios BamknWmaBloa, Bring sud Ta. ire eta, m'ont.. à-B., o.i»-v A. O'8ULLIVN W. E PEDU. Icbe 23 rd187 8 0. y4 h ÂTTORNUT- LA . LCT.ÂW Ndmry &o. i, h. m s.'se5S. B;ikarsat. pt DtioD N'OIKUTO .5. TONEY. AND W. OLICIOlE A Tqi6fl,, loieyamobe, ho.-S 09«ls.. a wa*m o, WBroo teet Feris bà M 1 j'afly- BtO L,& ava Doea nah RaotPnacu.) B ARLESAC. ATT RN- 9, -A-LW SOLICITOR IRai ton, BoSkm, . .HasE ..Ru. L. TOUOITN, L L.R 13ARUTaIJUT* h;OF ofo yte 091" ,Whly, Cour outW.tY JOUN HALL 1DOW, B ARISTB-AT-AWBOLIOITOB 0&OU&DSyorl tck. IBrook Street, Whbby. -0 ILONBT TO LEND-Private Ponde,4- in mup to SM, M .a loy ra t. cf ln- JOHN A. NMoGILLIVIRÂT, (huscm.srte Hl. .Bvu.) Umialsoupa u»l lIaOnt., - -U LcoAs ENGIUHWL LWb. J. E. (iALDRÀITH, MX-0-9 ORÂDUA+B gof Qnemu'o smalVictoria ulversl U.sh Mmbero et l. ollege cf Physiclas durgemonSutazie. Omo-Braek5, Wbltby, Oui., (Uibte doore molaI Bysleie) 7-y0 a. .J. GUWRU,29.D.9 - R2J0~1 T TIB O T GAOL, Wm. IRODRIEN, 5.1., N.R.Ces., GUTIS 18ITLLONDON, EE1G., cx te ey B.0. E L. OshwaOntario. B AD.' - - r . DOGAIT, phytotan, surgeon, &oucher, &0., am. Witi, Sept. 801, 187. .40 m R.Je . DAESNewapaper Row (Timel Ifdiugý,Niev York,'&@ autbortage fq co er o dworAMse. meaip je tise CR~rL t Wr A.DAMS?- XOme OVER R. H. ÂMUsoit% .lGrocery Store, Duulas's.i Wlby,. 51offiebouma frmoà9.»LnI138 , Mad frtc 1.80 teo .. .etudaca'Or.cflre sud Glibr tmtet. Q, N. VARI. Le . . ~ r~ ~3TH iserteil u mithe Teth extauh.id wi lmagoomat faboulemal StD= era T >therr-tux vliujln.brlqps Lux. ablOck, over Au-kta' rw io OfJaiba Wolfsnlaa,Dndau St.,WWbh. -DuRE-BEED COTSWOLJD ausEED .1. AND BUBBS=B.PFGE. - WM. M. mITLLER,- Bobo Bank Pari, Ciaruolp.O., Ontarc. Baide uanbrd m rksgtirep h.. =,uhslsaIo oesc. -ýý0 fbougit n »la ,~ 4G ONTARIONEMOTEL, (Uofie mi l«», ruov T4mmd o.)lba g aCpim*u.olasou..t, ptut.emtiveqytb.. and ntbusta . éabbm DE, ÂoOezd oDo&ane- etodlbiqu*ror aid CgraOmamodoa lahUngau.o R>sb ro ied. 1y40atru u "W . ma ----- ---b cml BROUGHAM HOTEL, CoreBrook «Sad àMaIn Streots, tn the Vilage oi Brougham. Ffrnt-elssa Soommodatlos. Beat Liqu ora snd Cigare. Good "iblng andl-attentive THOXÂS POUCEMP, PROPRIETOR. stock. ets, attenid a amodréa charges. A r T. POUCHER. 60-17 13024 7, Brogham, Ont. CENTRAL HOUSE,1 OIRAWA, ONT., W. B. McOAW, » Preprietor. Ylrst.cfl.naoocex«uoto. But iaies, Liqunramal Otgsra. Cool aabling ad evyblt sud fite up ibieughoul, for lb.aaczaodstoucfgucata.Bout wtaes, Aise pute Bina, Win@. Luger, Wboim. asuad Retail. Boatrdur taken by the vcek on moder- aMe terme- JOSEPH L A.BNDELL. Jaly, 2Mt 18m. 82. BLýACK RffU lE ISOTEL,* Cos,,Poxr h Gaomoa Ira, TOBRTO. (Lase cf Weflntgoi Rotai, Msarkbam.>- TERMS3, 11.00PB DI. bol alib- lmg for over 500 bais. Pirsi-clm a cec- modation for fumets md bhe travelling publinlugeneud. ly.4 TaE 30»USOII HOUBEII 'The aboyapraiffl ba-e boek-as by Attlup Worthe.roepite ef mv". BeI Wtau.saliuea.cflsr, ho. M"asta sH boum. Gool "aihlg, abea rooce, ail auibiten- rive ostier. WM. RGDO-SOE. TOR40'os, MIAR OAff8 AND TOBA OOISTS'-SUNDRIES, JUST JECEIVED AT WR,, H0OW84'8 DRG~O? CHj N A HA LL>e iKING-8T. -EAST TORONTO. lfaiyBr.akt ail Teu Set. yau*yiuàasndMa pmt soie BllPaeOrdom ansd 3utter Qoo"ma SiiPitdu keBaskts. HoW and Bar GUoda. GLOVUR SAMSION, ZIi3tre.. IN 8 ÙRA NCrE. pLobrmB.mFm hnasOumLon.. GILI1SPIE, M027ATT 00, Kimager, otreal AGUNOT EST&ÉLSHD IDuCAXA- V1.A la 180. DtlusItI lslty cf ail ibm stochoidulmr., uafl -amZeerv Whiihy, Apnl 91, 18SM1 A 88uranoe Oumpany. INCORPORATID :8îg. -8 8 SET S, $1,101,M 694. lusmram eobfefl st tije lovm ua Lm rate, o. 13ds Mwebsdia., sel Olbe property, le. damsge ci se MON EY TrO LO AN ON EAiY T£1938. W. E.LBILLINOS, solcitor. gr fic ve niroBsk, 11SILPIIOLINE 1LOTION."' Tmr a mal? "i'«emun bau tIRml diry " ictredma icmnvnaiia Iby moeuwbh sb=*"u S J fo« ae bsity atra eM mmom~'a~imî Lodo laiEaing. BOhUMtbMds faiam th&cmamm» a oanw Wbltby,ILMatc , lm&E ILI Dominion Wood Wo'k,-TBANIA W liii UT Geo. Cormaek, Lr UMBBB IMBROHANT & BUILDER. U-.&large tu ply of Bualera'pur%"s. lugs, Mud all kinzi of Twistd Mldiga, Doora, Saab sud Blinda. 0 LUMEER whele»Iansd retsIl, or by by thepatioad. PIanIng, Moudings of every 4escnp- ien,10f Forg, sheooug, She vng, Ke. »awit., Shapn, Turalng. Bcroll-work, etc.;tc. Whltbr, Oct. 151h. 87e. . 43 T MIe PAPUEa y b. faion lea oM. P. Reveu i osN.vsp"uerd. vertl.g Buau (10 Spruoa St.) vbmeàid vetlse cobc=&rey b. ,us for il m N"v Toua.--U MONEY TO iLOAN 1, ON REAL EBTÂTE 8EOURITY. At lovait livng rates c lait. ses everythtg go eli. 1 b lue. yen, 1niblid foi~ thé. uItin gy-800 Friedâ dtlà Bisr.' groatr lb cla1», h mot id Pdtdingnd. nob, 'B 1in, ybu îN :00ustei te oîly pýoor dev!âls na'bb.d fer weaohau~in4 and- lpa'dros1 rfafafro me Evéslb. the! a4tOf. tliei @%ô'ha-'-tfaokulchey Sur 're6mroa. 'r.-SMPrI lidt, rumu hiulap1e BiAÂlée oonsldtrmtlwm BU bu, aoflketlI aybf àidabe early ltee; M5camequ eo h ei oinbe eeh e* ta a lvaj raI. 5h. avetvotes orset Or abusie or a blxl, She neyer ueda votmll's mai Lt molslllng huferra;m. AndUIUB11h - abot limma ot. IeaU ,Éîuaht04ld Swo.pthg odfala- HENRIETTA TE-IPLE.- À ALOY4 STORIY RAM op "«Quolle sauoho <2maI lb ont, by i mass for 1m4gitiydollgb inblu hlg cf Iloa BOOK VI.. "Wrong, ir ?" **Te@,wr v 1mean, in lhare any mlaundrutanLg P have yon quar. mUed ? sN, ir, we bave mot qmuaald ; w, I tbhiuk ,your condua in v.r t ue h t- ofaloyer. AU emomai*y Elaid Mnt vin p*othwo hobtaby ýo.h poôwos< ofMe, air P" Uoftai* D ot, m"d 1haharfietsMb viii m more."dlaibqh 'Pis allume. sttam ia..8 Rstlmlffto*uheaqo;l sou é ici omr traaaa41, "-God God 1 whesa ud wliy rr- - olaim.d UBit atiffe, Ibo .sme fibg herou bbad. lilaitmie,-ir;, bdal v* -slma- lésuce o bisthou t 'ho"be* w » . UNell àafar,asud vrug hlu banhda. Vsulnaid toomatmimel aienlacs t6e t ageoee meslth uou hamZ ~Yuio WohoV eaI. Appy moe !rila 10î. * y&hofre e WHTILONARO f Ï WportraDeaRs sd suhTAMrsuet S LUATHER -AND FINiDIN,l c.Jas l ia. BakalImbtruTaaui ad I - BELTING ISdE TO OADE, on THOS. SLEIGH, IOJJSE & SIGYN PAINT-ER, -Oja nov te f ouad ai hm. Bop,- TWO DOORS WEST 0FPARSTRONG'B HOTEL, DUNDAS STRBET. fa 4.n1 Ordes prozaptly atteudied te. m Whitby. Apzil 14. 18W. -le C. N. VARS# L.. S, D ENAL 100B reiovdfom t lim h blrey' sore, Klng4b., 0Oabsw4 musses ou Ring B85 puât $6 No ri&i Ea 3 nv grapayau the limie yÏuwod4 wrrte for Town and Park- Lots FOR SALE. ONU LOT on, Brook Biai, ace ONEU13LOCÉ (Sft LoU),boetvun Breckmal Byron StrIai ONU IJOOR (Rive Lot.) W.of iýByme 1 Street. TWO LOTS ou 11gb tet. Ail lunlthe North Word, su autaige for building, gardeaor Pamicrepross '&Mr te- GO.T AJ via sou s.eurs s msa s . p* s reguisl oo. ' - . - *11.e I t.hl ye teposussY the ramIer aths of ail thm greilt,1 'Sl, fla imi fr . te cavrsYbup.les r<oe,t-nemprbp smr tari th .ubjao . was noltubuwryof t iorymgb.. that, hoh li ide sam IL nete eel inpg aradw, oiarilatbs liroitl 'et ai 11e rt la anu iphuagy'i. r wl eiesglfas.,Ia thsrim-owte a lace -.~l Alliilil -reateil for flfty Pound@, sud is -%rom- - b~is voilà sud familyir -ho" uforcedieo OHLAPTEB XVIII. theame syhm. a was introidtrood 1EmINÂm 1 AlESTS R MESES M i labowhit lu styIail 'he". Coe.rôom,1 YMIN» 18Attmtlm y Uflu- OR-bsînig- along, 1loe , unlroishel, saadel BUlà h LKII8Qtl ÀAUR TASEN TO A chaceber, viii a table -"d 7bouchesà Il mutI b. oe«0eu.ttbt bbc ffaira este 'eibh%ôsoma <geo iîuorler, if'pua- f of out Mone ota lla &critloal atat., S&Is, le ff0doibýIskia 68%sad-preont *vTy cm. intrsate f.li ttsometbing butnaOiffrom baliùgaàbamruopi,, h. bal Isleàit, luintbofr respeofive fortuites »con2tinoe cali èly to ring afitervas st baud. And 701, se valuireI l for tl. ..hait, heur, iu'brder 1h51»# birman plans s m cltontibcmight write malfoivra sr litar. Thei iuavollabl rfiaiswums reughl &bout waltet beard' hie coffes'roo m bell>rn , by au incident vbieo u e usticipa. bit nuer draamed-of notioing fi thoughl We. It so'Rppsned th*$ the etorm1 tbe momenttb. signal cf ithe privai. Intervew boee. BU ael aôh& & hi. tees. anded, sud sotnded viii a80 son vis everbeard hy a servait. 1bismucb .mphssia4 hbu rtwhdlup isirs. servant, Wbo bba agagad by Miss thteo stePa aI Î lime, aid liDtIY S Gtaudison n l Lu u asa mer ofpemel* betore oit heaaro sail ti a cluto e hioha oo fdon 'al olorli of liffereice vaos ecaioied by th. simple Muit.. Morris:klAv subeloôgo. la eronatmue, thai(caplai Armine vas 's -Uitu 0*lin ,wb4hi s éworth a s oi,, sud the poor iradasmoan ub. ri t6:1*Ozor.iotýjüdiî., 11 m huanr" 'said' Ferdinand. alotfor su bout .t. Iok l in ibsle"CaiI ge1 -t th g te al 0 Ii diies.ey'Moke a pipe, sud taikdaelpce' ov-w$t b.affairs cf bis uM-#rms a §ib Whoi. voul you Ilke.,pir Am- faeibai bêàtéh'mt*umKlsGr u unp sta tst cuittai? '.D>_yontl.a ïIe t# Op a Aolus vasW", o ow ovu ae«s parter oGf au*14r-3toat or ~hohtrhap~thelmo~ea,; bol, air 2"- Igsr~i ei44ui # 1clark f melu ' r Pi~?i2iItO5d~1$S4ift1iOtilu1< u ikeae ,ait! - lac, a' tblis esJqioyr1 à abthppiedTng'li. qksavl stT Ibe ber'of bi e ambrsda i peu.-, 4«es, air,,,, e9#,es. the bb vater. $do,ý alàsaiWM4084 atàé S etê, à 11% pardon, a.'No bfféDsoeiibopsr,: iml hlgverybàut oto e py bave, air..Sahu-b. te-bIs hslagatl sud." ' -' rusiesd imo' lxiii Tbank yjeu, I*11 t tou-nd toua sumd>14b1ke whabutor a vr.éslFgrlnaad ;,"gel me thai note ol. "Th. gas.h, " il FevIil. "AOd, Tei, aIr," repliel tich11111e iter,ý ptav. ai.eb t e "bowtug very1ev ubhe disapsrd "'Doa't vish te-be, upiàsnt," s "f ImUla -béskAffdaigroomý oaa."-draving.room vaut. ýoeàats fr sà1te Thoere là .mlhng aeilïgly l1 pua u .'rkaa mecitl nioble te-au ussi:Ferdinudl eior goelitlO ilt abOit dtiiàg.oo»4 Itcst lkamSome oré Mim., 'ebiithe Te.. coffe, Ioétdaa», t'ongueÎa a unlllaitel f an m arec et-uI dviL 'Aàr.gulàr u6b 1" .zmssêa oweVoeh~ aea uî Prdiandwai le exassteiI ibM hg- ifireiiuai wlioualtbe..Proo.edlan bail pstpiid-l 411delibeitoS:8 te > il lakùl oonu fêt gui ~c -11? eu.l bt.e iW b-ivl Thei. blfd hok" hà:bond. Oyou bis affairei hey beemedl inezliu1 set4,ar ypna"aretakeals èeffeoib, 80s e lwvu oW in--a- uml 8~ h las IsSbcoul soi long recenamlbare. 'f.t -U 42Wl8O,m ir.-natiout i ..a*tu .a - a .. ui .ftlaswr:.f 'bbst i! Morris e, Lev smvi ot gels a ib. d -,vealoge Ivo." - r -h.reo 'ioud ouils by a îob Who -li- uibbel fo 'lio 5*1~ ~ ~~~o vae!vi s' h imyy tMerdisid, but ha provel bis confidence tha~ gntoaiu' - iunee by lità i "M,i étai"slldmd it lb. dy- hl&- about dinuoeuolngbcok tIn usiring »in lâiaibi maatwak : mil tO -appetitsei adI~rle of, oaa6 faillent. The ý:-Champne madebs dos;ho a b# c his reece- ;tadfor g an-bleforgMIt:is CHAPTEIR x TUE 031815RAPIDLY ADVANS. 5< Iecnrisils Temaple began cumtol Lao droop. TbË. changu uSnt s Lord, Mon tut.by. ~e. ea~ Muttciliét b-S*ara raf"lii. se'- [lb. rici maIl dine wi&.h.-"bt Aà uamo. Whydo yint Iihie '"yda ady Bellair, vhteim ibe,: 'D-on't.ak imc; doa't aPeak tçoe. tione m1 ,' -iý' GaiI do anythinglr' maid Lord no# bn kno'Ww viatyen eau do. 1 have Gl Ihm tic,.-I l Maya have thm tic wenmy arbarse -lM trouble." *-"Mir doarest-frieîd; tboeonly frieul I»àbù cie bo t Hôv e&u-yo01uýbe se bard' -brei ' ,Iolê iihf.Is .d en an4 a. seVant wu cYeng.ve ;do,, syonb(ig. Â-à; v ybody. yo -lciowwhctbeolhey vail a sori La bo'iaçsI. rxiai, wbo lô-'vea ý bis. -mùaïjér. lore'î. zoom. Pet koodorature t bW if. bis, mutler Pt'B ail Lord' aýMfW ChaMdi0n ^-Lady Bisrt lave I nôl been be'ug you ail i ie. Tllcy havre tàkeu bfilà tepoî' ,." Mies 'mpeoesd181,room 4 tPoot orfatuto, Abo16 iu" hoked cet wvini.to, sI brld tbiuk fs lb. " hall Mu loi A. A. PORT9 ARCHITECT. ,a Orica, forth. prauft usl iresAl. roi Ilugaon Boal, pîo.ring. 4.15) . P. 0.o OSWdr harsdl TE O uimtsa Ay., an doslà SAVIkS AD.IGUI theAI boat cil nSwIluur DUBXÇTOBS-" JOHN lFOY, A. Q AWE,- PORT PEt, is*oi~. i se- mi. 10 '-agi. "aub 1 - . . A&P à MA» a 1 £Pply t*--

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