Whitby Chronicle, 7 Sep 1882, p. 3

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, 9r t'tc~ LUS BLOOR.' j - t goe QmwyterTf tu- Bode. sineugoalI T@5teh, Las'andIJ.uadache, Ps'ced Paim nemc Acohe& veoPrspsrstenencefirtis opus h .Jsrou Ou sM a str, "Pe, sie.4eut e . ep fat«ud ilssady. àA étile ffl utth* e ooniparetnt Drudoeu l Seu Im Ugis. l KEDI0IýE. Those effected il iveaI Lnngs, Blugglit UJvetý or Dermpugio ftbe Kindueysehotld préaurb a pufageof Dr. Oau.çn's Liver andi Long Cern- pounf. P.acb 6Mcent package maltes thr.e pinta cf liyou:. le te a vaeable celliquon e of ÀM, Hênbi acd Barkas, &ud l'trasnita ara onderftL. For sala b> &U Dhugglté. W. R. Hoyau agent. * A Word cf Caution. As leusaiiyý'th$ case visre aus ati. cie ef tune merit bha taned ae vend. vide reputation b>'lils vonderfiol ne. suite, as ibeftlebsaisd Eleoirlo Bilier he4ve dons uecetanu npnclid partis' have eudesv0red te imitais ibe anud expeci le induoesanunuepecting pub. liae perdissetheir frauduient wares. Asis our 'ruggist for th@. geues Eleo. trio Btos ia r nr.iadh us and taken ut)oh.os. 8c14 by W. R. Hevue ai 50 clu. -1 The Agony Oven. Wailing, the sourasetf5nomuais sis- ery te an>, beoMes, 8aOlr nelng PUT. NàstuesPAWLEOS CORN Exacroma servic.e ofpisasure., Cerne are emmll in sise, but their importance ie net te be judged b>' thir ie, as an>' one fond cf -a tramnp eau teetify. Try Punam's Etracter for corne. INo diseomfort, ne easetia application, Ï9 p blt etting, ansi >t a pleudfidi>' efficacous. Bold everyviere. Novai. CeXI-ÂaRUle-Wlh Oesoe Beck's fiue Loacon Microscos, w414, magnifies several thousaud duameters, H. D. Thatcher, a chemisât of 24 years e ber ues h.subjeoted Junean cd wlst, .,nte b ttetea a reful corn. panisen. Tii.' substances wanting in wict..r btter bave tuns busc traced ont and supplisd' te perfection vith uis Orange Butter Cler. The. microscope ia trulý an inatromne-t vewrth sud vondag. Ha i Catarrh Cire lu taken inter- naly.. lb nets directi>' npon Ibe blooti and Lhe muceus surfaces cf the system. Pries 75c. W. R. Hevee osesii su d druggi.t Whitby. 16 Catsnnh buiisa troysd your auns ef smel sud isearicg, HalI's <Jaarnis Cure vil cure yen. 75 conte fier bot- tle. Druggiei. ssii Il. $zoo Reward I& effered fer any caseofICtarr t liàei cant ho cured wîthh all's Catarri Cure. Teken internal. Pries 75 cents. A Remankabie Case. W. A. Edgere, ef Frankvile. auffered froin a diesase eoftth. Liver s»d Kiti. noys,taibrougisi uni se l<ma hbis lite vas deupairetioe; b. lay fer Issu aud thirteen days willieut an eperation lu his bovels after taidg onu bottîs ef Bundook BtMod Biters ise vasen- abied te baeve hie bsd aud drivse ot, tire. bottes more cempletut et cure, ond lho enys liai' he is ov wa botter sman ta ho hue beet for ivtw'y sars- C*ee -at lb*s.iDrog Store. -L"r *lie voult itt~Ile if sny sioGýï8 ýAu'lot, If everY -oezinewoold.' &4 7ulopD. 'Qsrgon's Skimaàeh ala , Cotil Dittuaas hey peevent ma ou» 'mli ilanmetaof th .Stomach al oy ilarge bttotet a '0=8nt by ail Dregoisa. W. R. Hbwve atges. Docline or man. Nervous Weaknusa. Dyopepuia. I- potence, &emai Debilit ,cored by 'WellIl aatb Re;ewar.!.g. Tise Boat Salve lun » e rd for "uts, BrulueScBreUleers, Salt I Bisan Pver Bore., iettar, hprà Had, C ilam.,4 Oboe, s"d a&l skii. rupticu.. and positive. Iy es0 Piles. It luà larauteed o give par. et-atsaotiton or mcouelv etunded. Pries 84 entper boa.- Tbrough the. pressaI oonth cf July the.. temach and Devais âre very hable to becone derauged. Thse proper pre- ventative is Dr. Carao'. Stonuacbuand Constipation Bittera, for ly tudruueo tha Digestive Organe are invigcrated tise Bowels kept and the. blood rend«ee pure and cool. 'Sold in large botles at 50 cents iiy ail Droigists. W. R. Hloyau agent. Filés and Bugs. Pleroabse, anû, beddqs, rtQl mniee, grepiers, chipinunuka, lekred ont by uÉ "uitonRts"1e 8CHOOL BO00KS HALF-PRIOE!1 k r 20 day vu viii saiithéefos1 vgSehool Joke at tise prices. hem av=peudud--about me;e.ioalrgulr sdllg price: FM1ST RADR, Part I - Se. 40 .*61de SECOZiD " . . . -ic TIRD- - - - 25c. POU1ITB < .. lW PIPTH " - . 84r. OPBLLI4G 1BOOK, .20. C T2!Xsladvatair of * break #n prie"s amuuIe l Mm --»ek VWANFt76#*h Province, "bd purcisaslug a vaj ry pg lot cf bocks at ery speelal rates te cove tise bigacoci Irada cf oh ouicerToronto and hoimbeshou Whave reacilveato a ee ci ousiomtersn u tsh places fu henedt of the.advatafflus purehmosi be.oed.- W. do not guiaranisetises.priosa heyozd 2das UÏtla sa~.ible tOAL pries. uay b. = by PuUthemw tis ai lime. Puel 'p 1 et ail Boke suseta igh, M. af bl. Sciocis, a1lmarlced aM bottom figures.. Sbtes, eus, snd 1>enils, ai hottom J. S. ROBEITBSO & BROS., Deverel'. Blcek, WbUity. Cor. Toronto & Adlaide ts, Toronto. Sept. flih, 1882IL8 Qooe" Ornes, sept. % 182M . FsU Wst ...........fi1OU *ai0 §PynlgWhA&ýW.... ...110 4*1là" i or «ot ......8'90 08380 Dubri.................. 0 &W0 ýe 0 70, Bye............ 00 o a0 00 pus .................. 077 O0 ù W Peu, biak.eyedà.......o o000 *0 0 U Bue eas- à............. 000 0 000 06" ................... 0 n 00 gay ".a.. .........1000 a-,2200] ......000 07 ÂApsr, fbùs ........... 0 0W 00' Egg.................oit SD0s Esaliar.................016 O019 ciseffe................... 019oi1, Wood .......... .... ..... 5OU- O60 Shldepeuis ........... 050 Pork, percvt.' ........ .79 te 0 00 Tu=îpdý............... 015 a 090 (r>, re4.00 080' Turke Ã"'iTr ~ . 10'ID014 000 QcoU' Beu,~, thesress..0U0O700, laitton,ity tEeceroes.... 001 <J006 Vea,cs e6c,7, rotMll 008 <3012 BaconieP er.......012 0 O14, Hns d .....018 Q015 p aisuruule. 040 Q060- os b g, per uead.......000 1000' u halot .......000 tQ 000 fg ...s," .. 000 o @ 00» ccun bd ...... 011 0'0 12 IL bas been remszked tisai the quo e. 5aIcot per lis.... O 007 @ 011 tation, "l is btter ho give hnters- 'Whiste lshPetrM-lb...... 007 mJO0 OU aVie,by tls o.dout ia Ppi>' to Dr. A"CA » Powier's Extrca0ofWIIO S0rabs1ry rro ail o "gsuiriu<frein the errer. Tbose vite raceive ubat,.got a roliale ...TedlalceissMyiih as aud infallahls remedy fer Choiera ,**Akneog. lyde scmf mnod&0. Merbus, Celle, Dyeeutery, Cacker et -Crelt esimnea ai tise etemboh andi Bovels, âne cli Som- cmdsevr ya tlaouayltSei Mer Cosmplaintie of Infatetaor Ad - teolse2c. eesu . snnr!af b, Tise fruilful seamon cf hejViar as pro- nzs oussrè,e Ye* ou. 118eo wiit mafbl bms-of gowaiCons. ___________ plaidts, inchl i m lrhoea -Dyseetry, NBW -P.lgfl n tom, M., se â p fs.gusrd andi poitive o cutre for tbeee dIslressing 5~d oltNq aRS AIzi suddenj-aud daugereus at suottblcg esnu rpea theolsi snd rlilabîs mod- nriÙ s lins Dr. Fowier'. Exîrcelo! Wil4 10LIjBOOKSt -W. B. eiiard,,pter M. M. OuCish ~ it~~dt L Wj) - iii JDyspm" la l lLswverifrni, aun-. lil as ihoatâteellfe beca&=# an Oeal ete a n m àa Uii 5 t te Iseir burden." Tire. bottes bf-';-,erdbok adventole s t Ms,. llln's ber nr.ý Bloed Bittascured hlm, ani he telle »ka-e1boiè ve, us-la> abrecosut leor tis" lie coderse CO~o» B OOKis"u sOxOt~,u. 3es i Ê' il tise best family tuedi o fu. n ov ef th us cuntry for Dyspeiaansd .Li..ve. r ISBADRP=T - S. Ooapalni. .' - , s, o- 0 tes a curs fer DY=yseseuj&.N ~* M 6a "Bp gu ,Ik î-zbo Colin- > T.f- cmgoSie tomassh C"apasl of tb T» M' Blemeê antW J3welO, *ad *11 ferme Of SPELLING DOOt, . 4 Sommeir Complainte, lter. a s@f ul sun, !ml s-rem.rqlte. odly more reliiuWe Ibis Dr. YoWer's Crayons, fi1ke, Peus,Peucià, Batlu ib. -Extr4oI ef Wiid fdrawlyer>'. Dl)rs bing and Exerette Bocks. vise 99s1it anti thes sehoboy-lt anseon gEtouesiing spdai in Drae Ssoj Tia0vellere wllun4 te bout -reme4 ' fus. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,rx Booksra.4, ls Palv' Ai nW , wbtoy, lu ;neieuiy 07 OUOO, OU Ç3the tle te orexuso, bêlai h-tUmerapplnted »a~ tu 2n'~ I L et i.kIsuuber, 88 1«- atof, RUJ. -lut ofthoron pe ~ueTot O.) Kfigtau, ghyr s4dtseEu tomre. Tii. bar in stccked wlth thea chojeout brandi of L ü g 11Imuort,1ai0 choices igar..GWosUg stttnin lî%0UN]b ontise2601o ',ga ntise 1: cars, near pickerlug estatioln G. T. B., apeeket book. The. owuar eau bave fgame by~~n property, and paylng oxPenses. STEPHEN MIT4SOBA'BEIT,ý os WA TD Cobourg. A KITCHEN GIRI4 AT ONCE- Wbubr, sept. 8, '81. Àoal7 oel winU-1!, ept. WImm Piop.u 8oj.t4 . theung obgettmaltatuacaiPObj *5 De Irnt oeitsevnac eZ'a «r for Tvelve olre srr.Tela as E OMrt.1a.t lor qi h *LLN-Ta 1ÂTDUJý c10 m,-0 > a- i j I (~YbeftpTeas and -a é' i ~rÃ"s 4., ýi8&dmg, CoatlmIa-e Wanted.,.j '~;A' .' tje'tm m -- v7 'CO ROI7A Or&d 'frare, ~a>d pright qeoi it u Piisno> ae b beet value obtainable. ~A Perýsenins %oo agocld v»*itam e*thelb ?oinlo E*ibition 'ê reuatdw tOu ir:c 04b4 ~yiGiyncrih >Pet o end o!main biding. . - HFaNzM~N k I&. cati f h aus Cavty-Chronlic and-Ulcerauvjn isa. itheuestule Purifier e1h.* mW RLOandla wrthAL that luChare frIlfor .J 'ee 39 01-mi W. IL HELLENS Wm.àmrom.ohýUI. tatoi-1-h. UN tu sold b7 man WhMiaale m ealrgIt Ho W- tpB$OWéIand, ont D,~;i!tuOta erreih thé, Is.bande! lb. W uen qAu4 te Se34 13 o0 the Uto ualdta h'vai fu'l ao -ASt4mBa otA mue to lavvUPenthe lands meutleceti tu thiseteli 1IV, r reau. oetaýXasl "h- 4Lt Wn&ITrT eus !SAY, the w». Rday cf D ?~jUT8O MDrKUWC - -part Lo.Cn Â4~ mtTaxes. Codta. TotaAMi Up t No. 25s, P l -6 eii VILLAGE OF PORT TEIRRY. (lamerons Plan, IMM.&h QU"ensg., 15, (~'m1 4 TOWN8IPO!iSI»rDE.t sa S 9i 0989 68- 2861 Palanw 1_ ~15 2289 948 pateRuO 7 49 1101 968 2864 ?Palesd Pu @ýbn 10, 7e8a 843 819 56 raunt4 Part ;,,le 5i 56,M6î eau~ L éauPeàce-sI., I ses8 27 892 ]Pgese put NSoth-Westà 10 9 2% .864 Ru 88 p*a 7 e.4 38 wnO P&tNoeliie.6 60tié 91" O à&U4 purt NOM ban 6 6~i8 23 Palen" put vofat lw \ 4 8 14- 43la 2,0 6088 pat PÙ-" 'i 4 22 889 219 "à 8 Patxt Pa liait 0 bU'80 liU i 970 u 204 pasie Part lou*h&H 218 8 purt osalahaIbf izt22 06pm TORISIIIF put 5~ O 18 R 100 E 100 G 100, Pt17. G 7 Part Gba 9 il 100, il L g they~ th o..o àW -,i- e.ugoütïitme 8 uUet rY;cgl4 e'he1~dgt.ros ~'a~os, t~RD;t thmit;,; é~~rs n Our.Usue~l large stock oH&ware,.am, *Jp t~.T'~4<~'W~ eI ýeap, beii3gbigt 'oe~h '4 - 'j ' .,.jw O Wiý,, tvByan. , 1882. 19tee to &»i -s- - .. i ID - t h Terier aini Geoka< inol D l TuesDÂ ,. Epm'r.- ~i hSaet Nma ARRVAL ,¶JT4J~EFOR~VRYOY j - An~~~ ~~ 7imnesokf~ iI~i~ re 6me~etoI. Lax, yè fr "dis'îa9t1mee 4' ~' "j .Geom Work a ~Z~J/rth for.i" ,Uý pffly "dY. out endeses det'teuse» la bottie, i te "Ey oee as We blgitly seO' of shel- ller of bisJ~ »>' tuai et. 1 oet.rfully %Whho.e ltait t Ieut egin. Mill prepea.- w nover beeso single ose.oe se, veakuses 36 fresu ssif. i4y, hns"M7. air, lasitude, îfe.ymail $1.00 per box;' &ddreu- P. J. tel.@ Agutufor feUr ircler. myn 0* ogeet om* tationers, 1h lb.>' are r r<. are net by eufferlug-; omaiood are Llite la Me5 aestise yltal , kot aay Whol Ltional dâeep 40 relief asd 6 Comrpound. eguiie ofus.M 51V -3 77 ,g or RAX4",

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