Whitby Chronicle, 14 Sep 1882, p. 4

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$0' horrl4 e«Peukves ai bât Akno<î À OmmUB .s. «0eaun sud Z vili a Te tesi sud t. gis-exat.d, rs4ned. À SM09 M tn uMd bouamatd comble- AMlx4train. ,j àsh a ma.s.gw r o a s friil Irsin, sud eau It "mlx.d."' l bn'1 -A &bu.do #in 1lgo$bat .coh traîna aheidd travel *apldly, aud cemellanea thoae la cedrable. growling aineng lii. "trogio." '*Ave vsamot their, coductorsanb. ,sd'a nervous man for tbo -Iincdrthh lica. '4émomber my vifs ta alok, Bcd Iaam alou. "W.'Il l t ou ontilbe,"-rplled tho eondnotov, tolidly. Ral as bout later the notions man, apprca.hsd hlm agala. 1 "j .gumsela .deffid now." aaid ho mounfully," but lad «ie yen a litie somehtbiug extra, Il yen -coold manage oa64b op vith th. Lierai. Maybe se.won'% b. se decompeeed but what 1 would rsoegcise ber 1" The ocunduotor growled et latIn, and] the man..qchidod. 'Oocdueor," sali!h. after an honr'a silence, I"codcâctor, if the vied lsn'l dsad ahead, 1 wiab yen wecld put ce so000 teain. 'J 1k. 1>@cee vhere my vif,. bu*tpd belortthe i.ombotoue ovuimblea toe piee. -Put yonrselt le 4,fu doidu* î" ala hd after a fou kibte èr,,e te à inote oing due rtt. along a 11111. ï" y't ou ociene a. me a«ainIl iboci 7ot401111" r'neted 1h. coocdue The. cersours man regerded Ui Win*d w,Îîentgobis &st. Two heuro laterslieoonduotoe, aaw hf;n ciatting Dlon't Ef.l o baily&bons yo& ife'a .4TInoe éïaj aU ounde," ighed the eVvous Mi 'hd you k. bot co particular about th - b iot* t" autered the .conduotor. t«uot p*. ,Thaal 11 igbl. Don't -2 éi% I': beefi gurlcg op, acd1 19 t te nteha. beau oetlawed slcwî1spoke teleu luat, ?Ib.fnujjsonsation oausae] bya bite tau. among blaok red, or Velleî upis, who have scier sIten ono be- te, le perhaps more than -matobai hbec lii.tables are turned aud the whlîe mnaustcaies 1cr tb. fiet lime uta »eqgrl. W. reanenber Ch@ exclamation JO *f QQ$ 1111tte boy whec a black mac came te bis latherts bon.t, «'Wb' dç>'ý you waah your faoe V' The PhbiliAdephi* Rçoof'4, otiuag 1h. arrival ofa4tay of Jewieh vfugees fret 1h4o( 11>... refug-dusa eserSaavà cird asU uh.y Ia*od e nthis WUPIy, ud«w, Iwo Isogro., eîpped 'luoeeal1y sa t&aalook et. them the, 'j hlhea~Irwhthosemen?" asle&'eê ose f tii. r"o"fa acommit ""*$ thqy aloi 2 vas aked. eîW#.U,whît makeothem oblack?" -1%».Y arenegroes, veplied the.tom- t1h tSforslsrelo4 -bis head and *preeeddto examine lb. oolored mn eIosr, Âàorowd socs gàberedacdnae liev abuok bande wlîh b.mAiaui bit Most cf ties u efusa, and shvuni -wha thedum17 banidever.e ffes The cbildv.s, cd 'tomns of lb vein eau la alsim vian theoQloe mon appuiaoed hm.. Tb@.yonngî É4$alongla tgr t e, héskirtaîo tfiitmtbors., illa tbe adut femalou "fi MbaoatalbiÏtbliaIthé.daii veépoisnt te the "tom f are»tien, ci to «àthbé 1p. The yeung celev M,. en Sao L sort theluseves, &ni tt 'o akgbberlst h ételiaeles. Lord8nslse u..declaredsia etrltledh ontg 01 tersmfru et te jD"9. Sai ut*e* . Ti. alsir cfaler $aleiUm 40 1h.elaleal1» et, the lae Lard Oh "4There have bsecn macy timeé, Put hlslory vue es ceigencls ï&rr« anicen, undi Ilbas bsec Iléi l *ltv duly ofiiithe st pveidency .of th* Oburch et Jecus Christ, lb, Latter DaY 16 sante, te «us ePîsi Lpited elogu e t. eb, people cier vwhom le1, t= Q. doué% of Ood they have been 40l-l 0 preolde. à condition eo f aira olcsta ît at prement wbicb malles h oiuiueu&lyase propor liaI v., auih.finoi ;prosaey M of the Oburob ebeuid addrosesye" th19 e epimhtle. The Edunuds tMw design- gi ed for ithe reprIei n id dutrue- -Tl iecfa of lion cf yoiel«ouf, hy q diafQraxtfohsaeag ail porsons i i tbe ifia.0 tory or ollior place@ ovri whicb7 lie M United StaIesahave excloiveariidietlon, 0e vie bavse ndopted in ebediecice te Iheir r reigion lb. principle cf oeltai elc . riags, became tel ivof the land, la Marci 22od, 1882. Am the lbv vequur. in cd Ove Commiiciocerti, uelecled by the Preaidant aud cenfirmed by 1he Sentei verescent te Ibis Territevy toenefovce fe lisl pvevipiona. AÂa.c obrah, vwrehave () repeatedly teetified in the moeut lecn 01 manner ibeitho leetitutienof maria vhuob tiI. lav taa ined ai, habeen revealed le i. by th. lmitf, and tc hal il le P' ri cf onr 'religion :that ltan infervovein vith eur deareat and holloat Y hopsa.oonneclod wiîlî eternity and tliaIla net froua Bey Inctai motiveasIbut bu- d acov. iglieve ve .houi .gar tii. 5ater f ie ianet o.mply wlh11 roquiréluas, vo bave eoaigâ -"lx doctrine. Il hem bien argued by lhie.#1 ignorant cf lie tirs,.ncaure o ithis do.. trine. and ho-win@eopernelY eennccte(ld 0 14 -ltb ail 0cr hope. cf etotuil hep. pinesu te Chat wv'rld beyond tie loMfb, jb tbint tli a18 sot s part ef env religion,9 litIlai eyale[à cf mavriage la net e religion ;liaI il fU te immotl an d à ous pracieshcking tote ireligions c$0460 of th. nation sibte aivialine o f car &go, and liai - legilatioe fremed -] 'for iî ~vesoud extirpation shonhd b. na h . TeFederZlIeiltv t herfer p td bis sot, and the. Fed- errai Exl'cntive affilxed te il his signa- f tuire. In regard toLenv religion ore plernal covenanle vo bave ne cfl-0 , promime te mate, cor prinoiples le bar.t 1ravay. Tlîey emainate from God, and are feucdsd upon the Bock cf Eter. nal Ags-will live sud exiat vien d empires, povero, and nctotasael crambie sud docay-and writh th. belpt efthle Almigbly va will guard earedlya cur covenant, and maietain env inter. est, and ho truc te env Goa !wble flime aexists, or oleruif y endures. Let nie ~guanO velcur fra.nchise, and ie one uciroken phaani cmitain aud sus. a tain env political statué., and au patriote "0 acd freenien operuie logther le dctence o f vhat Loy libertie are leftInu, ie de. Sfonce cf lie constitution, and le defeno. o f tie inalienablo rigi'.. cf mon, vhicb ýY rightsal ai up exial, and- are aboie and Ie befgre aIl constitution@, sud lins por- hl Pi topotriy tbe inestimable rigil le live, the riglîl te 1,0free, und1 B6 the rigilte opurest happleesautuifie.- 11leciod by any influence, power, or vou- Id bination." Thia document ie enppoped te have been ieued beces 11e ( omunionors- prouciiedanucath. dtatefttl te ths Miormons, The terni et cai says :- "I do solemnly yer, or affirin, tbat 1 amrnont a bigamiet nor polygamial, that I am Dot a vilator cf ths lava of lhs >0United Slalem pvohiinig bigamy or 2_ oIygmy -9liaI 1 do Det live o ou. habil vili more than ope veman iu Id marniage relation, cor dccc auy relation in exist belveen mes anyi veman l.wbiohbuba been entered loto or coi of ed in violation cf liegaa lava cf the liUncited StbaIes.prohibieg bigamy or & Polyffsay. sud '(if a vernie) tht 1Sm Id net lb. vifs of a polyganiiet, novr bave I entered loto relation witb cuy mac lu le violation of telie avae .United >1 Statesa concericg polygamuy or big. of . Il la smarkable liat misera ganer- es a.ly are long lived. Many yemra ago, or4 Samuel Bciley, a former in theoe Lao f ,d Wight'$ subjsctcd hîmaslf sud family to la inoaedible Privati In luonder to ave feod .for hertse iey mven diii, the plong'hing and iarrowing themlvea, à sud vould eocthe lb. ei ot anImale ,. vhich had died a caturaI death. Val eh ho lived le b. 92. ié The -nalo inhailacîs tfNAv Sni .Thia mal- amcoatfer the flina rfllug. - plic ol&"grande," but whsl àuth. sud ororu-c ctag lai,-oo Stercla lUehcimots -radil!» e.rI lid a fnb engriben undOr prea. tise 40- o1b.twls.-Liobecly, ïaysaoontempo ïý.'albumaolbdm luÏioreadici ivlaeàlth ]2 méddi uo, iis fouuiiila 411 'cor- Sprise, thhrenfrev, tbui brese of 'a oi o .6 cit bugt. u Wb oi IfOlay rmadyte aqu e l, îereom, àa «ètoit dIsarouad, the val. me, Sufit %occurv.ed ole s Kaiiv'pl nother ta i ok 1et ar tallant offlceî is:,.cr îî .1arite paye rho bey-viansnramomed by lhs Ehedive, ud&1cd lith" arncthp(U -ilm t lis- aBt uthiu lueimtlcte a-tb )rimatift o imply a oommand-;jet, Ialle tie bey mnbmltla, heéestlaY 14M4d as uhat. ie cn.idaml à,po [speullion Upona red fuhs. [sloorat, andi aum~or~ihllÈaic Europe", lib"wtiàrad > Oalemsu. Th îarviafe tloh p-ll ad VP a agrand rote, cemîiiig mifiF tiousand dollars. Of course the Bey h"i neyer loked uvp- sn ber face cuil aLler the nuptial keel r7a lied, &at& vien ,be d4k!ftither tié o 'his likiug. T*Ye ra bt'.ni vthli EhediveMolbar pereeiveid iut lie- Young viLe vue ciewly. pinîia tiWa3. At laet persistent ieqniny maie le girl liscloer 1ha5, Item tic vsryhur offlhé ber as bWls4e -_The gheAUg'o 1*MOte!l -i p* *'l igreas-siea'ed 6is dgbseaaddemzanded tiïlLebey noid b. pet te deati icmtanlly. He cld col refuse. The bey vas imnis- diately selzed, cceveyed by a guard 1,800 moiles tle souana, aud upea atm arrivai lhe goveveor-gsieval'vas aiderai te elvangle him ; but lie gev. ®rnot-gover1al bapponsiitlm h. Ie lits. loeg frieci et lbe eome.I dman and ahlowred hlm teu e. MmSixdffsrent cri- eru ver. sent -le kill i i, but net aofe them vas obtyed'. 1%e.iruiter (a cor- ieapondeut et the Piladelpbla Presa) sas lis gneah et tus gentleman ln lie Soudan f0.«pot bte menthe, and lisse facta came froda bis ove lips. À baller edncalcd manc» cci éldloin inds le tie @let," "*VicIer Hage,",Aiu,"'~b oer," ' "Goethe,'* "Relue," *"IrvMtég '#Do Fcnville sud cthers. Ho. A'euy joined Caravane viiho bewrllev oe a courney ef 1,50W miles le Cuvairsudvo- turned te Kharlcu-to become Goter. cor-General lu 1the very Capital vipre i. lad basa sent te bo pat le death. e lbas-ointe been Miciater of Public Instuion einlu 1e servie@ of teprisent A Pm 0 cure r<au V1 EXA=E WEAU,. N4lSbS, inIaIdIMUgL«ecerrbua, l reauel as saw nommeuame the Wssb, F»lou pPRO- LAPSUS UTZ, O&e. gýrrmat to the late, serAous ccd Immma ie iL. eteet, it ub agimt bapipr jegDy. msud te. .I d uztmg at rmegularyods. luyiHihJStu 1?à» 555*= 55 if 4lI. tnFbrm be oa a 104c' t th#àeeva*e t ai ad at M aend SM.Wtan. eadytbsllla "i-o ut. l ebox. 5.for ti UoM m ubb"t i Àrlm e PI EoOS PUEII0 wuTZU ee -afý,ip"Ro- f-ol nItiLa geo e IoItUWi ueeyu&pem. uuOeult.miSPO'Qrý e lTSlltlOoet1au uetI"riv.' ,Ï ob iumd liS Wcde, mee.len.tif sny llJ e pti ent@.'foreu Irateiih stalt. Ted me of _~Si!* emPl EVAXIV* L , - d., an. , 82 OeamvrtpIsu 11aiI1i1Lms Dtra lia, ré. psudas las va mysan former atieie Gty t. amy pl oh kodue t, .verM Ieu"P.st.ah ia thé iste orsâ. iI. are flarmaia) WbbyJi.8, YbMu-.1, ÂPt.-C 1 juneljluYS, -Sept.I1. Oct.92., por Prry-,TuI. 7 & r ~MayiOM ;nuBlcy 28,- , 0tu. 10e. 9O 2W 98, ~ ~ ~ 24 Nune8,21, D, e95 ~*0iiP~b~10,Mar.16,Ma?,ui9 .&hhenyM5.7, n 0, et 9, Deo. . Mr. 29FEWEL WVhftby, Dm . ,'81.: Olerk oft1h. Feace As k&,3"3 AND NERVE INVIGORI- Pao RUW'IA.TES axe lhe eni! physiolo- --a" apW mèwu, as ther elScntscf 0li ner;oauyeman rnh i sro of nftrve powe. De. WmB Ceipoun& Buxfr OfPhaaesaid Cealspeedily restores lsythem proît efrem mental *~d physicl eerieÙ, brain wqrr, intem- ~prao, tjou-habta a~tsala oi evils kuovu sa a fiat 11e, by Is a cliseiatà ciewca l Pe8 a i mu 1ngtba*iu s-a FOR SALE., BR IOK COTTAQE ()N CL'~3STREET, At presest oompied 37 W. Oruage, 1E1%- For PUXUCU&*elP1T t Mr. W.. TbOxnp- *O. rubkS&treet. Whltby, Fibêlot, 1M. . Ihe "While" Sci q Machine. rO1l iSILENCE, EINE, DURABILITY, FINISR, ANCHRAi'NESS. UNEXCELLED 9 A FEHLOT OF BRATTUTeL IACE;E8 DIBECT FR01! TUE PÂCTORY, CH~YERTE"N AVER! imFgRENOl blln8ly panntted to the iollovjng"esic, beua a fev of tie CMY vihobt've pgmiotuad the «Wiute.. -ara, ., AatO-i.In.Rai&, Mie. ~mmial ~ k~s 'Tanner, ati. Pickr=M lez. ~ .aleeIt.~te 1 *XrM&VXS - LIVE.AI OWC.G ZU ,aO qn. 1yea aaati*0o .18L PLE8C ALL :AND EXAMINE. Afuil asortmut i- n CEHM-, LASS & CROCIÇERYI wý%re, at exoeedinglyr low prios. ZITWffI~ÀX tocÏII ana inspeot the goods ana tiàe pceW. J. GIBSON, EI>I S 'N TEL1jiEýpùo'NE. Yon van Laugb, Tilk, Sing and Play Tunes lironghitilst a long distance. Cidrea JR thai carend figurescm n pl nes at once. 'The zne in equc te ay Fle or Olaienet. No heevledgo et Mto vo niredle pc I.'L aIesu n, ieuleaigsl lcncvladgeoetInstrumentai asie le tm at one, ts- rtthvq~eard iecd, ai bpuits-vho My one, viliou#thle haîtnnia uvage i ieo upon~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ltj hieIsrashad lyae Iagt.Pnh 1etmiliar W"iaia lay Oiu!#pt p vlt imy card *balv 'àh M Z11 tito ýr§tâudm o ub."-N. Y. $m. PrlcsO. r lagâQP ~ onvpdeal or anas tIantsent by nma i utiieu eng vo-for Maalered. Uend mceey by .O lette.mm SPEOXÂL NOTXCJ.-TX ea- os nly be porciassif et Ii.anas. *ftî tarera, l-.]RDIS W COX0. vrlbranches liroegiceltheXU. S. si - la OuneHeur Ire, - oloac, villa EIfONJ Pot tuovlf aslts iions cf Our-Place Dow in UneetLionsm. "2h =-- filg source of Foetr!ls esa t pieumentiond29 -M ' b- en ordering, >li thD Mo., 25 Sixti Avsa 59. 88 Qnaonu -UMML el.LADRLPHIA, PA. N. 81.1s., st. Leuls, atre.Boston, mass., imen, N. J. in oeil Dru r lette I WBI't'EY. TRilE tAU. Tm, G55*i, TRiS!EAUX vii b. funl scm& er>sral e teallon pldtg tisocmmrolalageny. ê16 f ______________ - - :~ asloma of Iem amMy, lim O f Bi-- oso, BeoeuWpro- rat fgh isslu - Dematoevha, mert. IXLpiu k;eruu, Wsie, Bejuee gin the. d Iaatell.ct, Btrntheosthe afuMidBr-ai»s d lorea BU=*ian ww uiYgcr te t/w Eahauated ine '0e-& Vain. Thi xre e ce -of tiensaude es il au nlaals Uedy. -The edicilu in pleeant t le iase, - an4 s ix couîins atiffclnt for twe weekad.i- to~slà u 1chmpw anadSbat ul 1 oearlcrpamaphiet wih-ve"e o lto mai fitolemy addro. nls4.a5Q fJorhbex.uiel la for pI ~ jt e' ïi.,ncnsy by afor 5 , '8mÂGIi i ' l Clize itta ci tmiy , ?cda uggS.tnoeseryvi"ad: k 6 §Wb .mP-wrj-' P.ARLOR BOOT and SHOE 81TIi'E!I Deverell's iBlock, B3r&k-St'Whtby, "WHITRY FOU N DRY, Ti =HEnnerhgee ikvig nriaelie entire c h Wxby oanrvi hereaüterCarryvun li MÀATTHE W QcLLINSI~,JJl~ MLMJ I-nfo ring custom ers that at, t4 abbè'e. ètaàb'liehment will be' feenti THZ "LRGEST, BËST. ean&FTNEST scortmuentcfsokf Boots aud lions ht ain t an& Montres! Don')4t bpk-06tisfled wlth looking at the displ1 in the show, vindou inh t ngem m aminc acasec for yu ecl tostore fMlea vil, e.veytin lim-oa b. onlis fer in lie -Bcd su ad-Sic. lUne, fer Laies, Mtss, Gensemiad hirens vear. Or $»0> tla cýf LO»'PRICE.3 Rubkru cf Sipie rquaWt i-t -No blow 1 bat- what is straight,- in saying that ini the Camc 'vel upa.e iUnderaignedlias no-w on band saslarge a.stockas MMeItesablishmntain hie lineoqf business. Seo the niçw Berlin Feit Boots.-Ladies' Fine Kid BçotI3 gW- Tnunks and Va:irei5 in greAt. varetys at Jowest pikos.MATTHEW ;COLLINS, Whitby, Ott, 26, '80. 1833- DEVERE#&EL'OO. 'Established !: 1 J833-] FURNITURE, chaperta eea i ew stre - BROOK STREET, -WHITBVM : finan if îebrnheani1miiyeirbo~ expereuosasd a ,undal citie& lbsy lation . BD genoyt y iiesabi- ment. The m oestahretotore mana-n fslaobylie BrcîWn -it Paitter»800 Manfg. Co', -, tM halccalleh e thé afiabManh cf ocr tetAblienl, sed SamsU hi -viies t lice-vie my laVer ai viii liait patronage' The pin-; -Perty iabau Atou a',al"vviain andvsrr.aalù ife-poilaue monta-ta cshperisor-tie proen sua- REPAIRING,ý Osurc,2"2»756FR A HSTORY CouNiTY q ,OTARO I ~ 'ONt ~êE~KA~ND5OME ~ vb~~ ,'oaoo- ~1 f j o' a q I -s- R.s -E glx>. lNo., ota-in-cf t0T T .r a ;ol'mft'b GUM. Ifs remarkcr te in i lv reUeing oertafn forma of Bonkiand iÙs aimost epccfwotfe in . owr &o- sinato hacking <ough8, ms MW oweU knmotAellSPi&IZ<i e-,large Nour,, wveclsreg am«5 , air -otin FoCh:Binai Sats mksteies ellhe Prlcfp ê dti -illa . t he Pinie efw1ai~ ah4P?&Tt lb*5t&&,5~ eal,,88Vlw&GBNTBS WANTED ia ~B61E HOU over 3010 yeîrs ne eàisb as dcneluy- thsesiyha'adn, Thhe andermiged&.in retÙrniuïg "th anis to, the publiaf ibera patronag xlsut4t-iinbgu'l-uikaW b aving rerm lài omocins uw premiem s »i.ow in a .beAitr oéili m U s&d eveeytbing liat cmafl * Udfr ii hihey ,an mauoxanainal ceaanc traIli wios rej[~W nengi le mit l.the osý. Pnuerpls ull sppled. 'F H bT 0RAP-H. WB ýRE 34 Of. v O. H. ~t FÂt - o' Dl Omoa omcs1uz wiiliy- Il toppli 9, Viole 3.13. Rai n ta s B. lu emâa.k MA ýz*.* 7- ý: - 'i t-,

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