Whitby Chronicle, 21 Sep 1882, p. 3

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Best àssortmnent- of Scotceh and Ca 1a Tweeds and- Tron.~lgaBlê1ý tenë'b Wôrséd OoitiÉgp.ý Nèw Styles lu Eg -hsd àrouHr ud 'oft Polt ats. UfQ.Osil u ad ee Our new Gooda. We m -eWell ?Anàaied toséer n rny oustomersdfiondae47>. No. 1 DEVEBELL'8BLOX, . - . BOK STlT ~T àt omuuw. guin.. am th oui, QP lae,#e ràfloot, 8 lI i P ad spprali, Da. and Tooth, rEao d l.a<aohe, F,'oft Fhot and Eu,'., and ail ethu Pointa nd leha,. l1.a.dy. aà *Waientaià t.ut te UpmdiilIy BOLD BY AU DRUOGIM SA"NDIDALEE il K3D10113 *A.. VOGBLER & CO.. DasMmua. j. M . . Littlethanks arl idue la hlm Who ouly gîvas avay vba lei.ofnono se ta hneif.11 The lhanks of invalida lhe vorld over are biug esbgver.d on lhe inventer na i dney-Wort, for it la giv. log healli lauail. Kiduay.Wort mates the btwoeU regulsr, cleanses the bloo4, *sudl radiealiy cures kidney diuse., gravai, piles, billons bhadache aud paina vilc are cauaeil by diwarderadlilver and idneys. Thausanda have beau oured-vhy ahould jounoual ry il. Tihe moat wanderful curative reine- dieu of the oent day, are thcoe thsi corne frein Qcurmany, or at léaat arigin. aie liera. The moal réceut prepara- Mion plaoed upon the.'marketinlu iis country. late Iba BET GELMÂN IN- VIGOIIATOR. whiah ha noyar beauq knowu ta lau in outlug a single case ai iionpcy, spiarzatorrhoea, voakus L5d aildiseas..reaulting front self. Abuse, as nervona dabiliily, inabllily, mentl a uîicy, languor, lasaitude, depraealon oipf its sud funetipual dat. augmeneft banarvous asalm. Foro saleob drugglosa, or seul ire. by mail Onou rcapt of lbprica, #1M 0par bax, or six baxes for #5.00. Âddreu P. 3. -CHENET, Toledo, O., sole Açaut for the UuitedBSttes. Bond for crcular. soid ity W. IR. Howae chêreisi sud1 druggiat Whitby. 11.11'& C&arnb Cure Io taken inter. Delly. Il c&s dractly upon ÃŽb. blood sud sbe wucoub surfaces cf the sysiere. Prie. 75c. W. B. ilowse chemnist sud drugglst Wbilby. If aiarrh bas detroyed- your seuse of amelI sud iesiog, HUnî'.atarrh Cure viii cure you. 75 cnte per bot- lle. Druggista oeilil1. S.zoo Rcward Ia offer.d for auy caba at Ctarri liai tan't b. cured viii all'. Catarrh Cure. Taken iulernally.- Pries 75 cents. Decline ai Mau. Nervous Weskness. Dybpejta lIm., potenca, Baznai Debiity~, enred by *Wls eat 3onwer.' $1. Buelerila Arnica Salve. The D..l Salve lun'-ihe vorid for 'lus,, Bruîme, $ScieUlcers,, saiRieum 'Foyer' Be@., MTe, Chappeid Hane, Chifi>ain.,.' Corna, anid ail 5kin Eruptiaus, and positive- ly cure. Piles. l la gusranted togiva par- lect satisfactio>n or money refuded Prie. 2à ceuls per box. Thtough tih. préent uiaulh of July tbe Siomach snd I3oweis sre very liabla ta becotua dsrauged. Tii. proper pre.- veiative le Dr. Carson'. StomUansd Constipation 13itter., for by their use lbe Digestive Organa are invigorated thé Bowels kept sud the bîood reudered pure aud cool. Sald lu largoebaiules ai 60 ceas by ail Druggisls. W.,1.Hovsa agent. Flics sud Bu g. Flia, roache.,,anis, bad.dugs, rate, mica, gropiiers, ciptuunka, cleared ont by'."lloungh on Bats.', 150. WHITJ3Y MARKERTS. CauONcaîrnOrrien, Sept. 20, 1882. PsIlWhaal .............. fi oo sgi o 8 ~ rn Whaai ............3110 115 oae.... ...........tegou Yv A Word of Caution. As ita nsually th. cata vb.r. anuri oe of trns mer bau attsined a world. vida reputation by ite voudorfal ré. suits, a. h. colebrated EleotioBittera bai, dons, certain unprinapled parti.. bave endeavored taeinilate thein, and exptol to, inuoe aun uuaapeotlng pubk. lie ta purohaue their fraudulent waies.. Ask jour druggiat for thé genuin.Eloc- rio tera, that are guarauieed ta ourst, aud take no othare. Sold by W. R. Hava. aet 50 cia. NEW ADVERTISEXENTS. CH-ANCERY SALE 0F VALUÂBLE FA RM LA NDSI 114 TME TOWNSHIP 0P WHITBY, Âdjclnlng thieTown ai Whilby. PDUBSUANT ta lhe judgînenl and fiuai JJ rdsr ai lhe Higi Court cf Justice (Chacery Divisicon)imade lu the cauae ai Eamsay va. Fualler tiare viii h soîd by Pébltc Auclion, vti liaae rbaliou of ai aiSCourttaiWhidby ,by ùr. Levi Fair- banks Auctlouéer aitlaay's HBalinlutle Tonuofihîti , 6the County of Utazlo on WEDI!RSJ&y, the Bissenti day ai Octèlîsi,1M%8 ai Tva o'clack lu lb. star. socs, the icIOUviaz valuaile Faim Imana bains lot Number Jwesuysves ln lie ard coneesaon aiftaeTownuhp ofWbigby, 5bd- jolalug thlia PaofaiWbitby, sud situste an tia Broek Boa whileh inn. froint Whiib HBarainarri raugh lieCocuaty ai On- tai,. (. Off1.et&umwhat e a"tua very vialet Bk recldance, aaafy »wu, wiîh i ramb Bain ouStane founation, viit s rool houas, stable sud shed iharsnudr, misa strame drlviug shsd adjoli.lag lhe liransd s storeliause usai for s4riug fruit, and tva ailier frame dweling boua.s, aIl iu goal! repar. U si tises60 acres a a larga youg or- ce of aibout Ivo itaousaud choie. Fruit trocs lu fuIl bearing condition, conalsting ai App1esoar, Plua, Grapes sud Charrias. Th ; e àll arliehlass, sud ie undar goal! culîlvallon, exaspt About Ste acres 01 bard. wood bmai sud allier limier. 'Pl iorti hall conilu 100 screa, more or leisa.'Plisbuilding# tharson consataloaià commodlcua trame Dam. Bltabla, sund 5sd sud s couloitablo rains Dwelllag Houae.. 'Pie sol la paally rltb dlay sud psply rici saudy bIn-, under fair cuit vallon, ani lier. ta a tlî igorehard lioreon aifs&bout 100 cooe= rutIrea. Tiare in a creak upon tibis 100 acrea. 'Pis saillihall sud ilia souti j"rler ara aiuadsutly waterad by sprug waLis 'Ple nortli hall ai tie seti hall lin no buildings tbareoa, sud about anc-hall in hardwood bual isulliter limier. 'Piere are tva -goal! sprilgd upon tua 50 acra. Thei raxiung part la a rich sandy Inm under cullivation. The aboya l"nda ill ha effaraS for salatu lis innor followiug, sud subjeet ta a ra. scrvcd bld inu eefi xd by lie Monter. 'Penders for tlb. aboya laîiL viiih e- celvad iy lia Local Muteir up te latonoclack &.m. of tia day ai sals iier for I»llie norili flqurir(2) tia nrli ball (8) the norh hallaotthe* saullihlland, (4)tie saulli quartai. 'PMme teara are netteL ha vltil!rawnunuleas by permlaal of aitli Muter, Thé 1*ndoýwM lb. affamaS by smotion in lis saime manusr sud aider sa soudndr are askad for. 'lThender ita obe st liberty ta put ilu&11 or any Sf sncb tendais n tha respective 'blde af lia paille ceriug. 'Phe Veudor vlll cuiy b. obligeS laelui- niatseac a olias btret cf tila teta ssadad wud'il not produce or fumiii deeds or document& nul lu bis pas- scuan. The purciaaars ai lie respective parves viii Wc reqaired ta psy dowu, ai lie lima af sale cr secepiauca of tender, ta thbe Vandar or bil. Soliior, a depoall ai léh psr cent of lie parciaaa £uey, sud ahall pay lie re- maluder tiereof ia liaheSuprrno Court ai Justice tu lie crédit aifts causa vili oue nionth licrealter, vitiont lulerest, anS on psyment ai vilci balance the purcias. crn viliibe otitleS te portions purclasel by tient respoctlvely.- The aier conditions aifsale are the standing conditions ai e Cliaue.ry Dli.- ion oallia saiS Court. Furiher particulara sud conditiona cf sale eaubW oltailuad Iron J. K. Gardon Vendor'a Sollitor, sudfro= lisai.Fars- well & Bailaige, sud tram J. H. Greenvood, Whiii, asfronthliauxdeudguad Mater ai tbli Court. "Daete s ltlidayof Septêabner, i8M. ego.IL AT1EL X. . GORDON, 1 Local Maa.r K.J.E Vedm h alitr, in4o Rys . .................O 8O 0 0 UL Peu, làoak.sysd. .0..080* 090 3 Wi Bleso ................ 000< 000 Obe y..............-..100 do Clovorsasd--- ------0 0, 200- 3 Alesr bs.......O 0 7O '70 ...loa.............. 040 ob05 ~ar...........14 <90 lq -~- ch«e"s......... ........ 01290 *1 Wood .............. .....60 98O- Calta sn .... ........ 0ê: Oijô Hldes, per lb ............. 0005* 064 E 'Purplps ...............035 0 00 NewaOomý chîsrypPer dus..........900 040' Chiekens, petpir . 0f0O'O60~bdalj Turkeys, petr ....... 010 'ê*0"RBND .G»"sepe lb ...... ,..O0ê0Oý,00 Cr-ARA G0 -Beef. y thecarosae..8.. 00 0-649 'i*t Sepç *Muto, bythe cro '..0 07 .000(3 en&~J lOof-1 o . * . 1 VoaIcsrense,........I.. 0o 1 014TUSDY, Bacondamina*.-*$ 5ois 0-1 ruapapabuabL..... 040 0-80 ýeb oc* o » 000.0000 - Woo, nvabs..,.î o it *0,312'WEDSRSDA wade.#, .......018 O01L rIafor gravlug roota for 1889: BoasIAve mseras ai s.....$$4# go sqeXnald . 5 2 do k5laeeMuglÃ". laUacsGot . 48 19 lsissSugar Baals.... 8 0 M: ',tri*eotaolia made villi 5.croexay on or bae x onday sud October. Bules ea Ua maSo iii 'acstrypesoualyora ~llraddrssaedBox 204,, Pott Ooic y.AUlautrias muai a e ampai viifOUnt, ta c0a expeufe flnp- liions fule. Sept. 19, 18a9. Saerotary. LYDIA Es PINKHAM'S V!ETABLE OOMOUND Im.allogitive Cura V. ans .ammo 'iIu bmm$isss iwa.mmm **"me» ~ aateewsbos.t fml ~Id Preparad bi a VWaus n...W 2cd .0, 1ci Dic...y loe tot avNoe7j. th-r-.. drecInq qq s,Wavbwgansd *' rn~d urvfloua. t.mlaaUdmy aM t e 1 tilep~ tq, oSw to,13 g i*.id etI the V13uiîi~I Il îb.j n bs.t iIbaCr 1 .C r !fiil 1 0 nx Ilegtt7. asc,* a n P betp 'T .*u .,lfrmc eaete orallciwvta .1f,1lý . c Atl' dawncagne 1>06.24 Irat" au'or ', i @lwcsr, ry CUSfdby 188 BS et . 'r-f on d seotp. l ar a ai 1rnWie ,.sLyzn. a L ri s.c cod iu of W lhct a eODaté VerilU, fo Mf~, rIS,.cfs." rrlptciai.Pabo SoCit'. .. s'fcL 9a00KrIAIIemI (acptyos, ibaPli. s, I pOunr laoi.ci wSg ndEl4 Uvil Dr B ba.Ç (t BOHOOLBook fIrSOHOOL BOOsa. aInlk Bfl, t "" I asOOMD Uà Ir-r-.TU MIW. A~, Brook SIsal. WJîilbySepl. '--o r rolothi, GE A CQ-ÇMPLETE S; O',DRY'.OOS, MILLLNERY AND GROlÇERIES, We would eaU. special attention to our Dres Goods and Millinerydeprmns ulsoko I'~in~1 l for FRail tra «de. Mllijiery ope)ning on .F.rday and Saturday the 22nd-and 03d 7 ns1 we we shahl be glad' to h ýave ë,a eau rôm ur ldy fiend whefrTr they purehase or not -Tailorig to order.--i.Best 200 yd-s. spools, ' o>~ t1 12 lbs. odProRc ugar for $1.Il lbs. best Refined Sugar for$1 10 lbs. -Granulated Swjr o $.Cha Teas and Gýeneral GrocerieS. JE ~ W'tm J~J i- w whitby, Sept1 9th, -1882. r-il 'i NS E DVE R 1' 18EM ENTS. TREMENDOIJS DROP IN, PRICES -Al~TRE- Braizijan lWareh-uso! 1 7 lbs. good 'Irpan Tes for $1. Extra ohoîce Japau,ý,Tea 3 lbs. for 1$1. Ohoice Greeu Tes, 25 ets per lb., nuul price 50c Superior Black Tes, 3 lbs. for $1, 17 diflerent Unmes open to select fromi. Caffees, st 25 ots per IL.Anl admit that FRASER'S Coffees are .the best sud cheapest in town. A CHOICE SUPPLY 0F FAMILY GROCERIES, AT PRICES TO SUIT PURCHÂSERS. Juat ta hand-New Raisins and lOrrants. THE LARGESI AND CHEAPE8T STOCK CRoOBaY ana GLÂBBWÂBE in the Oounty, conaialing af Blylieli Ohin.Teo Betto, BeautiUl GlauS ell., ana Ezupaved Goblets, nov styles, qI. Gem Jars t $1.25 per doz. A& large trat- ment af Lampsansd Lamp Goodi. Ev ~eraboua see aur handsome psinted lampe,ue G Mrant Tea Bottea ai$2.50 perstt, White Granite Chamber Bettrat $1 .5,0 snd $2 per oett. Blatnc Jars, uta. Acmli is respuctfully solicited before pnrlissing elsewherei Bâttlsfaol gnaraned a stthe BrazimanWaruhouae.. ses&t. 0 lmi FAT1T ýDevaraWa ýBlùek, EtutaS 31., lby, OuLi AND) WTNTBR sa.0 J-. N.A-LLIS fi-' 844m lT e b 1UR C t hî~ Ns t lkCb cal.ifor te f« s THE OI INTERN ALCIME FOR CAJARRII 1wKWTINMAU"ic . S100 $100s siont. onrt. - . T. EG(Bm ErbavaW" " a wn n OM" l. 8a af I Clsr If lsA un lme oan lm oà MU&u.W. a. xxLEia. laid yaa, na Slu atmsif e Stu HlaIIs Oatarrh -Cure 75 %eta "Ua08.00ai])0&- lent.1 BOOTS ADSHOES, AN, IMM1ENSE STOUK, No. 1, ' - MARKET: BLOCK, Pes eianù1z0 t4è'ensi, Boys;' and Girls'i Boots and Shoeý *aiaUl prios of the best m*e and description and latesi styles, Neyer before has the undersigued been able to offer a greater ,vrOty or botter ývaIne. Cust oâ&ordered-:ork as heiretôere;ý. ~ JOHN AUNDERBS Whitby, ~~Xo ýp4 0 N XI MBUT BW~OKj; HE INTZl almià-J. 44C- bo BROOK AND SOALES,' S CALES. Every Farmer should, have, one, as, they soon psy for themselves. We have a good assortmeRt- to select from ; cail and se lhem and get prices. Apple IParers, the bestinl the mar'ket ; pares, cores,, udi slices them; don't buy until you sec them. HARDWARE. Our usual large stock of Hardware, Paint% , ils, Glass, Putty, &o.,ý whioh we offer oheap, being boueh before the late rise in priCe. Lamps sud Lamp GoodB, Americau Coal Oui, whole-J sale sud retail. Get prices before buying elsewhere. Sboveis sud Tinware-Large stocki--lieap. HATGH Whitby, Âug. 29, 1882. & BRO,Y 10-tf Ltoqi n tioworla-i box wltII ine,. Fi~ s IE fi The Largesi sud moat carefifly selected stock in', tht county, sund -ai prices to defy suny competition2 AN EtNTS' FURNIS] S'INGS, » aud lu the latest style-ofâfaaim.nÉf~ Coutatl ouh~d.S~xiebig, iobby nb 2 ý oyst iri > 9, 1882., ru trtaf 6wSrn à 'JOHN r LANBS FORT. :4&oeQe, Hlt f h oSHAXV k STS ONLY Ta BE ruNmay & edne8day1 '1~ ~-- A CA urnishigHa;&o A Fuil Supp!y of Fresh G round 8PRING TWEEDS d CL OTHS, ed do th a Iu attisai iiyia - À "Y.' UAi th. sir Gar- >m th. mon. tipeead ta '0". asud if 'a(o a sl by sl. an questIo het pavais.1 S*miltaa to th. Mfrecs i Canada tItan a long dinlg lha lLongiros rof blab.sg bhe tati Ihat bai blao mail LAND, Paix. I irom Ban tiabi. Great ada at 1h. aon. ktgal psrty. Viltorla. lts Grand 'w oads 01., V CI

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