mori;lt sil &0., hepropg Qu . 11hi oriago W > :lottasf meatse, M., tI Chepuman, 01 th. Urd ion. "ONLarbe 1t ime u t Ib 6fipti foré lb. Co the 5détb But Winai are uov W" e I uuà iR6 yry .G. tkéfiy roo Whilh>'.-GeOrpge i 0oes . Wl ddifieIV . H. B j- J.E~~. Dow, J.E. r.uodL 1. AyQ .,~O4p e DouÃaD, *te., etc., eoe. ITIK &LSThe panât ci, gra nJrors halà g 1I orf paraBsuad ImpIe ie- cldqer b ololgas ol ho prop.rty of Mr. Wut. d to their nomis and Mee eIooral ' 18, Oth con., Pickering, Malorn KeTagga, Poreiaulh i. 12th. Tho&. Ponoher, 'Thos. Bentl.y iîk meIabb JamesDunau D. 3J.e McPIlee of taraistock, Impléentasi W. P. Widd"ifild Manrice 'lolnaeiliTU lorty lof Mr. Frank Ftm1at- Wmx. Evart WM.- PorteOnê . w 3d cuWbiby, Tos dyq Thomas Qorrmley A. A. Post i ~. ilbiiki Aoliner.James Lund Luke -Bobirsop 8.1 ofhe~e md lt, ohif Kaditi John Farqiab ou .n sale of Wsid ottuJohn fi uroe John Pme E.. r hé y, O@l. Sylveuter. Machie Tbpuu GaUlovay b?#«M Stock, &C., pr@P. His Lordmhlp ita ddresai b t@Andoui in Soldons lot a. Oîh cou. jury snid that froux th. e leronm f Ohe X redue*dayi , Ooer..- plmoed befor. hiai by the auriEf, Il wvaM oher, auotioneer. quit, plain that thoir dufies olil4 not b le of faim steok, împle ho of à very louerons destription. Toai he property cf tir.Nelson appear.d tobeb.but oe eprison. Inlaol 41 'o p art cf lots 7 sud 8, lu chagd vîth "Y ofnel, -and h. u&at of Pickerin g on Tmesdmy' derstood tbat a case bald b..bbrm 'Ti before lthe3outy JudÈe and disa .w i 182.of. Usually vn hebKgrnd jury vas is ,Of - liiuds-RttmsaY W& brought together, it Was the daly et boI '44,Oilob5?r. L. protlding Judge tomxitan thé natawe'ol Pr J. X Ooronahe cfesmnd th. Wv4 l b*AWtb« Qoodles voold tboefois lbu Véey light Upup n hi. ocsalton. '.lat htei ver. ou* or ivo fbe's'oelas ti.d, they t wr atte sgal twbom forntlfsO b~ Jth~flXItt.grand uion embd found true bis,anid se thoir cases vemld mot iborolore qome .qc before Ibsa. Thoir only datill es as ,.1 et 30 ipeR ANNUM. u th.e opti bad amy kuovledge, voum1' p b. th. morsformel dulties ci .mmlnlng an thegpot and tateocf tb.e ourt onts, lu Llmauayi Sept. 28, su2 ad amy otbsr Instituions or publlêid- _____________OharticeoL and if aau this came IOIII.Ir. 99 kuovledgo interferi m2t te d .d C1h ot-ths prise 11.1 and th. mlnltatîon cf justice ih wodfld ho. thele IU ,onur cor retmig pace duiy 10 présent Ibe mrne so as te ha»-e gope p. bdoter éditorial .mremodvapplled by the propersauibui1il 192 nm Wook. ijgx. e L~i ordlship sdded Ibat h. un. k .,% à w'., -derstood frein the eherif that th.e Out' a Counle Poor Houe. on.. vW» ud.rgoing repaireswhich 9 - vold make tbe building more oclofce'- pruseulluent at th. lait able. Prom pliat h. samW Of Il, it vold I11 r4'boeu soecsIhet the grand compare? favorably with other court .'4 1 dboi esllncfahuses, notably vwith the court houes aI d hrou.. ii. erdjudgcioà Toronto, wheLchiboa mot beauen a efit r boté.. Wo lsme * gestalo for a long lime. At %bc other a de s ympt~tby in that rdlréec.ide ci 1h. lime -the jeople took a pieu. Wthés mach bomvolint in- in their publie buildings and in hmvimg k ate oe ir eoputes, and thom look vl, mnd did not grudge the. I bfolk lana Waterloo whsre meoemmry etpenso. He protostsd a a refuge b.d beau erected agminstmthlb.rlgid ecômomy which vasi ýxn4 te *rwovli, and that lQ-pom.d tte. opuhliro onivenieuce ; ' lIbtions vèes bout beimg. ecooomy ef Ibat kind vas thlovu svay, l mbt Sitmco&and York. EU& foritil as demirahie that -judga, jurera soltei lb. peeuolent to b. and sitors thomld have comfortable ac-4 bvad,dn o! tb.counly, 50 commodation.EuelM rkea ve.Dot.t i*ot mi#h lié. bromght ho- direcled ta 1h11 court bouse, -for "haeï unty ocbknlalta4nDit sa-vaU aotbimg before hlm to eau.. hlm t,1 domgo, or indu& tb revertto 11.1.11; hie i remmre vers made 11W apply goneUery. r-a.sly w o uccsd. inconclusion hie 1.*dMbp sailli thut ho. hrVough the wassIset aiWhlt- sav mc rexson vhy he shoulut deatl uMd" e'rn-the court mot té=» uy n x# ob bet éi 'hy mi ne oloeh. It vus orovaen eo id:1* oldr 00 e go»u&"i aixéesaitdec theumanalmesa~ mueacl 2 ê1p14YtI o thelb.baolaperforarance of thor *,Who 1 t.BtWUd The grand jurythe rtfrd. Rith hui.dglt »be~ A 4P.rjuqY. bho'loaWe ldd imete os"iéfwalmos vill iec fair s*.aalgfalely beon Iajor St.ý iaute vere dlmbaged. apole. maiset",o b I>o herlat h&# hg hautnepistatteuaî 0»1. t ' Beislrarof dld mt %te.0of- a 'y. Upothis ho wwbSý sattobe, lîs in lova isltlnsans d dpla. rt gnl)y. 1. &s6 flent, 'Ilngl. r employ conassifer bis ddees. Tria l- 0l pog leereesé playea A *:d for Sà iurday morng. h#.r:bo, ee.euI atm&d b o iuttW#al. odgln.,Q. O.,'for Ibs, Ceovu. à ibu 0 oab loid a l doir '.gs..LmasE rw-c. U '& nofir axpooup * ogflcy."Iîr>Uog*s0 .Mr.s, muaseauthe Orovu.'Mtsta thélbcourt th*l à >pet),W.ea dolighWtd biU haut been foum and lue1 d.fà oad 1ai ind l- tuil rst hsaltb ttblutasie. Thatiabemoh wt. poiand Wlnupltrmhadnil.dbeau issueut agamt hlm, Mud lias OM7r LucroamClub- h .d-.ubeuh efr b Wli hl ulém glory.. Ooumyjudgs, vho 0cosldered h.o bo authority to try tb. case. and ut*ôse rhe W.utirjank. quittsd. Thot t he leallimal*111 - stool agaluthum andt remaled unaues mv moà itaty Institution vili pod ofand thal vhethër the Con inné niai vasa, an essaI Zudge hautauthority or not , ar.i regard s no 11111. hpotne. beau tfleut and aquitt.d. il vWs4not4lla g11!1. Ws l asve uoblne Id intention Of 1h. Creva 1 place "1r9 aube~~ ~~ . -pen ibnk ra agi. 1-jry__27n ___ lh tve k eoree. n..enta as bc- e. mUs le bitl dnd vsrydhlu. tbremenp. uon J tq prodwrcehi£laeton aiadthen,16u * 1mltted fi-Myausaots.r- aȕ W ;vas'es apport ie. T'bat va ou be . .1 b, 4aî l'$, mmd ilnover sasW hlm uace. lite, utallft Wlby vbenWhou the, ild wmm il 1 )em aunt su 10 olieg 1Cobaourg. th. bavo bo.naorie.pcnLln villa hlm mSUfrac long ü?, t. the -proacut ime. died . 0rôSm-xaled by Mer. Bos. Q. C., ten viti quÃlnlmc, ,Çémmonocl vhou Ise, i4s 18. 'The irsi impSo 14I tli.-ais ix nsmacy tooh place ve h as1*nd a P." inw*uhnm vilia lm for -ay~mnici csp, ~ nigOurilnllmuy thce*va se"' .p*aofcrponelencu. Paritf 1 bhei rsq.cnen" e .lumodeot up- G b i put., ,nireDYlavabeealhe bueImpOduet lpjon xmy Pwal,-but iho 1h. m aelao e lissth mal b, riel. goed eaubsitmtai nt imay 1mb. Il. C. ,çksvcrs, $uaezarninet by - Mr.,Ribe. Tho erIt me1 mdft. ora was vbînIa vent-to bis fathW» mhoua. 1 0" oydagte memibroff AU ais y fatherm ua. l'h. f e nra a #on of lis. lauprcper icleWeuree I. bad oa 8i y.t g a May. Revu. Mr. E*,erd kusffev efor. then'. about Ibe goube the l. interviav Rota. Mn. td Mes. Laird a dmyséifa dmy Iaugbt. ud lb.theYoumgman ver. tU prêenta. ImatI im hé l.malter c pg mttieut befors ther. sbouad bc amy posur.. Mi. Iudlhls son wustoc ýomug to maeryendute'atalSfor tva or O tarse yearn. I bold lh. youugisu tisi001 hi val.a covard tagRet a Young girl in- du, tuq trouble. Hoetaifit voulut Dot ac- eni ýknevIedge if, sud nid h. b.d mn eider ClIs bhaait on hlm ubouldes hlan to lchuovi- edge il; thal hi BiB Dot vent la impli- c1 cale hîmaurf. 1tdI liho . ught tg set ae lier onitc!ftrouale. He said hmo écumla never tmb. a wife until ho veuli lie able te kesp ber. Mara. Laird bold ma tame storiea heard about 01 lb. Young people. RevB. hMe. Laird b seaeat latahs apon hil..!! tde e8 the matter. The Èon nid no moe. 'Mr. Laird salut in l 8 yems if tb. youug lady couduaeutberalf pni>pariy 2 viwtii hat," thmesemar.g. voulut tae plac. Blie'lsmy oasly danglteri elle bs 1lvay uved wlth me. I goq th e-eeïl fr-lieba t u.l 4l 4 heao- CZ %I e t n ler m i. Bord.,Pis. La es!r n..Iiak i t tné ~canytln &bout thelmpropoûtSrlacceofvhich il1 bu ha& pri'e'qpknowl&ldg-, hathb dune se*0 uu bave kuova visaI Sq have-a do e *o..l No .vlwno- vms ofleraut for. the de- sa toeu, vhlh abut on# 0sounacl for telb. ulantiffrtrep Y- r-Bos,0mbalà (fal! f eeutlMyiugngponabiss sa. lx dresse tthéb.,juy la mltaton of dama- Id ma. Irasbip l16 claagg suny I oeoun meneeci t Ibis klnd. H. dvell apon tiseshohgfemltIip iug et 10 éaly» aZ gea tolatheÇufaYe tbi~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~r assiafclc vsetgle the qto n rmaga. més - W W r Ti u ryatreou ata hl.' a h ury ber bt lanvediS o pli,à deîmgbue * ina1,000fr.ltix Tnu grnd1.rm. ue, .fjlvn- - e tche b. grmuJury Oet 10 OeusI 'f Ontio be lies #b'ooDmntola5e Yctw sms mat Offrt. v f thor a beuMIenYcmsbail Proseated te lu,. "allot sensr. ibn of -464-ent tb rý epasses- -T4hé ale!auda nt laims umuer as*., fxom tb. .:.cutors uadèr tbe jf lb. piigeai~mhwodi 1882,,by vihh a.addvs tain' to . ileferlbter'm of her vîlli paot ta th.e x.utoss ta lame« or bies benefiL.The oxecutor. made iaem tiii-a!,dm11r 10 yuars um it Marub, 1875, anu-t- mi widov I lut Deoimber. Thiepýiullff on- ,aed I6he h.leasefoc £balancu cf -tem ln volB. -%he lase Coun"eu Sagruosment thal tbe tenant va, te yfor the oeo$ion- of &abaixn cm the mpiac dueig lb. dirstyeuan md vas b. efléved î- ppythoonstou 1h. 14tohieand J. A. Mo. l l v e a &y t e i p l a & a i s . , , , , - ' a'rmés «s. bgI4U-e.oton la reocrer evalue of »Ode soised aMd Ih ay edefl. unduaer clatil mcrtg ag.mde Mb th. brus ýbeigm-n ilveonLoi wrtles st bset asdefndaimt .iseut re goode iaivas mDo-uaari-vtoýpay » debt. j. A. McGlilvcayfor IE.; lo. diche forBll Fndgomt reserveut Mda maccua Ieredto;be tahen. . - This ccuaeiuded thé,' business of! 1h. clan,ý» anIthe Court ress-ortly be- re nme -c'clock salmay q.vming. ouii Ontatno Agtcdlturml -Exbitiona. The thirlciehihbltlolol dêli-Oe0tan riolilturel Society cf South Omisdlo peus t I tby Tpteuday. Tise lo- ae@ vas,s usuelrather alin ou lb.. snting. The veallie«vasâne sud ao iutià ued ou ¶'amsumd Weduesday aring th. tva days cf the fair. Tbe tries; are veIll 811mB in mest eftbe lae, but mtll thece appemred a vmnt 1b thelubig fulînesi wbieh vu bave beu npon ether occasion@. The entries ithie different classes are as folleo: Saddle ce cabrrage, 90; aga-loultnral ,rmot, 44; impcrted dramghl herses, 8; Oauadîmn draught, 41. Durbajas. 46; ecod.O rds ,eloaee, 20; etuovus and kluopshire,28 ;Cotopdid51; llMnP- ir.., etc.,'28 ; gat ébeep. 10. ImprieBorshbs1 7;large breesi areel,- Bs, 5 *, Liut Von -tone th~e Sgd- bai! a124 li exiibi. we-la lb. '~Of Wbit- ivw lfoye. 1 la thi ld tuo hlm. 4ife pecby C. I,8-loI John ~cl,5-isI Jobau d inar, Brut-Jcf[ey, son, 2ud 3bau iller. Pair draugh% -boses, lst prWeu by. John DgdeienN.P p., BrVoklmf, 1-181t Boat 8 femïlui prise of Patiersonp Bro. NVhltby utpoiplov value $18, 2 -lutefryoa The osIcr lfilues, 2 y.arm mnd un- der, owmod by -zbiaitor,. 2-lot John Miller, 2uut>Jeey Bros. Judges-BI. lne, J. Corbet. B. Or- miston, sJ. Mo oub en, l oIai8esumd 4. GLASS V. OANADUAI< BRAUGE3T BOUES. Broed mare *ti foal by ber aide, lot peu.e by John RusseIl, Brougham, 5- lot aud SUd $eà &" Broo., Ord James 'Tbrue-yonr olut filly,ltp rize hy Wm. Bamobridge. cartage huiidor, oshava, se c le hifietrees velue -44, grut by ~. B. Taylor wbitbyt 2-lai84. fvinerldhl, 7-51 . Obini.. Oae»-year cilâl entire colt, 7-lut and 8mB Pier Pflumdun, 8rd D. Christie. Oue-yeoe oldt nu7,. 8aI H.ELDoolttle, 2d 39s. B. Thouisea. ý 4U scl ! 88, 8m-lai Joffrey Bras. Pilly d U188 -l1.1prise hy Arthur jobnstaa, 6reenvocd, 4-ist W. War- dur, Imu jefnyl Bru.,.cd -Jas. Liask. Pair draught bermes. 1e1 prize by T. Lavier, murebat, Wlitby,, ses et china value $7. Sudl by Wum. Nevport, carri. aSe builder, Wblbby. wbeelbarrov value i», S-ici JoinDryden. BdBfernale.. lit prize by W. T. ineOava, Xi on.y fmnning Mill value #80. siniser cf pifze 10 pay Mr. Dingle $10 ; Sud by J. B. Robereon & Becs., mcrchans, 'Vhitby, gooda.vblge Boat groomeutpale ct herses cf amy. data, lt prze y Rs Bis., mchus Wbtb, geodevalu $8.So2d by F. A. Onyj, 1osh, E r utpieby Wmn. el, Ferer' At-n-ae er ueyeue, 4-lst John Dryden, 2okd Joi7rey Bros., Bcd F. J.REy land.* 3pdgs-L . Bnrnet- J. Reumie, C. Westlake. eATTLE-DUR13AU-TH0OLOUG-n-uElD Bull. 15 ou1es-lat Wm. Huron a. Son, Sud 0. Lynde & Son, Srd R. Allen. Three odtBull, bcd prise by J. B. Dow, Barrister, WhlLy- Jamea Stokes, o. T iaopearolu bull,2-Bd irie by J.- B. Laing, Whiby-let A. * elanalon, 2»ad J. J. ,lfls. Temnrlhsg ,boUll 2-Bru prise by J. A. IbauBlé, hotelku.per, Whilby -le% W. Heron & Bon. BUll ielf, -Bcd prime by À. M.-Boes, Merdhant, Whiby- lut, .3. .Thomson Sud W. Herent afui. Cocv g imlk or lu cal!, 5-leS Tiareè t .a tv, 8-laI A. John- -clouu, Sud and Brut W. Harem & Son. Tvo-year old Isaifer, BrB p rise by J. -9,&undera. v ily. pair cf boe& Saut W. tluon & Son. Hlfeoi,islprime hy wm. BcBg. aoc. Myîtl. Bus! prise hy John Lavuler, Witby-leiiti2d aut led . Jebnston. Boit horstteimalade' bull sMd fine faniales, to, hé cvncd by iexhibitér. bigl- lfiliab.d firstâlsm over, vgutl#80., hY P. W. à GIon, M. P.. Osbava, vna th psy le the aocety 10, -lt "s'IO cilves, go1 b'oeubhit, ovueu lay .zlsbitor-4St À.Jolimmüon 2a4WsM Bout bull iaIly ago, le prie by '0. I. Fa d1er, <Oshawa,-Poir oler, vlus 20a Intprise. hy Wm.g? i iWblby, ~îo dW vaine $8, fi-ut À. Etrn, Son. -B.4,j Matclai.teck ifthti e in J E I i rde&uold- anal fpvairas,1 oIL l.. Ëei alr -of, Wether Lambâo, amy ed, peiz'es by H. H. Spencer,, o- a,5 -lot Geoarge Ormiaten, 2ne1 Thos.1 Bestu Fatl Sheep, amy hiseut, 2-1.1 WV. M.lMilie. Sime Jmdgem teisin Glas 18. emgLASS v»1V.mnB ~Boar, l dp rize by Guo. Ayree, blmck- sinith, Whitby, ncckyeke vatue #2.-C. ].yq4e & -son. )4Sow, 4-lit H. Ht. Spencer. .-Bate Pig cf 1882, 6-let J. P. Bâiller, laid A. Johnîto*v, Brut Jbu. Mowbray. 1Bow pig cf 1882, 6-1.1 OcGo. Mev. ibray, 2nd H. H. Spencer, Bcd G. Lyndo hSou. GLASS XVI. OTBIeRSUAI ERD. Bear, 4-1ft ,o. Eidley, 2ad J.QP. Boar pig cf 182, 8-1tA.N1. RIdley, 2nut T. Tomlin, Bcd T. Wilson. 8ev pig cf 1882, 10=l9t T. Wilson. 2od A. N. Ridley, 8rut T. Wilson. GLASS XVII. Bidley.- goy, 4-istIJno. Tmanne,nd andt Brut G. Scott. Boas pg fg Ai882, 7-151 . iBIy, 2m' and Brut C. Scott. -Boy pig- of 1882, I11ý1st J. Hallett, 2mB C. Ridly, Bd Jno. Tanner. 'à Fat Eeog, 5-lit Miobl. BoIid, 2md sud gd Jue. Taner. judges-M. Crawfeeth, Jme. MeEen- île sud A- Barmett. . GLASS XvIII. K. Smth, 2 Sud Iee o. Brahmas. llght 4.-lut T. T. Coleman, Sud W. H.. Brao. Cochins, huf 8-1.1 W. H. Brown,. Snd T. T. Coleman. Cocbon8, atnilge 4-lut T. T. Coleman, 212d W . laowne. Cochirie, white 2-lst W. 11. hlrawne. 2nd do. Darkings, wi-bite I-lesad 2nd W. H. Briaine. Dorkings, crlored 4-W. K. Smithl, 2nd W il. Bu-owne- Cr'une, dark-reds 8-lut J. D. Stoîts, Ses W. IL Brawne. Gama Du#,%vngs4-151 Isace V. Steele, Hâmburgs, ,ilver-epengled, &-lut W. H. Brovne, Sud John Tanner. Hamburga, doldem.sp.mglad, 8-W. B. Hambrgi, hleck, 6-let 1L. Bandai, 2nd W. H. Brown@. Posutgoldon-spangled, O-l13t and Suûd W. H.Brovno. Habucgs,goompnalu,-utm Pelanda. .11van-am 1.8, 8-lI W. a Busyne, SalutW. KL mib. Plymoutlh SiCk, 1 lT. T. Colemmn, Houdane, 8-lst and Sud W. H. Brovn'. Ble Gpilh -lst T. Blcoc, Sud W. R -Whit. Leghorna U-lut T. Bics. Sud L, Broya Leghorùi, U-luI T. Rice. Sud ' Pues. L -0 Blsck-rad <Game Bautms, 7-lsanammd S W. H. Bravas. ravaw-cd <Game Bantam,7-LBandae Turkeyabrans, 8-lt- mud InA W. il Takeys, vil%-Geo;-Anderson. G.ssei *bibe ,eiumn -lutT. T. Cole Wa W. . Brovae. uosat, hr»a lCina*, 6-4oamDu&L - <oes, oemmcn, 6-lai. E.L T. Pbulfp, 2Sr DUCks Aylabuny, 4-lut and Sud T.T Dmchm. Ronen, 5-lut T. T. Ooleus, 2r lýr.. PUlli. Dueks Pebla, 4-lut W. H. Brava., 21l c B* $idu,-lot MissA . E. NOtE -Collection ci, Pigeons, 12-lu1t i.. Bandp OaU.ovlsprlIot'Thom - lgé,W.»E. ikenu4, A. WaddeI, D.0G :ýM. i .Idek i--,H l Ip-enoerPn Jarry Llck8. loI peize by S7ion Fesser, Meichan$",Wbit. bé,S'et of china value. $7Géufev*OheO5e Deatr ,-J Bnsyr Wathermld 2. X* flsp i4m~dd2-patemoiiBrou.è Mowlng Machne 9Pattersoui Brou. i J JoXsePh HeU Mfg. -0. 2. T*e.horae 0an-a0, i-W. Bambnidge. One.hoyeeE»=, 4-W. Newport iilmmd W. rmmbrid&eS.* One.honse B3ti~, Wth top, 8:-W. Dam. brdge 1, W. Bewport 2. One.borne Phaelon, 1-W. liotJ one-borne Paetons iwith top,:,-W.Nv Gang Pie h, 2-Patterson Bras. Turnlp DA, 1-Thos. Moilania Stav Cuter, bore.paver, 2-Marit 1,l Pattermen Becs. 2. Heorse lImbe, 2-G. A. Masson 1, Patter- son Becn. il. * -.oh alf G. ]Pen, n arV oste J s B n . e Ghurn. 1-T. 90oani.'e Grain Otzaer, 1-PatteronDre.1 . Hôrge York namd levator, 1-W.- .481. anGa0«4-H.Thompamu. *Spocimen Pnmp.maker's work, rI-HenrE Thompson. jndges, Jas. PearSon, S. Macit ,George p.&Âtraeên-JeTy Liok 1, T. W ism th 2.. 1 ô Bmrly travberryt -+Wm. MaDi ,-. D. Stoi.2. 5 0ops ot Wine, 8ý-m Bia1 . De- hart 2. ô SweéI Donghm, 4-B. Deharl 1, X. 3; Fethergillil2. 5 Keswick Godlin, 8-JT. J. Fotheigilh1, D. MoGihiVrM2. a 5 Fan Pippins. OJ.D, Stofts 1, J. J Pothergiil2. 5 ToIlancA Pippinu.'7-19. N.- V muni 1 Win. Maon 2. ô Primate, 8-S, G . Wilson 1 J, J. FuIh- ergill 2. 6 Maiden's Bah, 4-J .LJeti J.K. Gordon 2. i St.Lawree, 7-T. T. Ci-1en-l, J. Lice 2. i ô Twonty Ounce, 8-J. D. S; , J. J.- ftthergill 2. *5 Duchesa Oldenburg, T-Wm. n- der8son 1, T. Em mett 2. 5 Kentish F111 Basket, 4-J. D. Stotta 1, T. T. Coleman 2, 1. 6 Golden Sweet, O-D. MeGivray I, J. Dail 2. , 6Ajexander ,T mitt1 .MGl ltvray 2. a à 0 Gravensîcin 8-J. J. Fethergll 1, J. D- Stoîls 2. -,5 Fae Jnnetting, 10-T. T. Coleman 1, J. J. Futhergill 2. 5 Colvert, -7-E. N. Vaznumn ,B. Dehsrl ka T. a, mil 9%- ,T o6 cah, -. . oeani1, J. D. tiS Lrik 2. of ealwinaS- J. tLrilli, J. D. tottuS2. 4 onbr Davsc, -. X. Sall 1.. K <r-i damk 2.- 6 olen 1, emtt, 16-T.2. --6- D. BttI -JD kte O7,eIY 6ekcl*aa-J. N. J.num 1,r. d.on 2. .Clea Bhua.:aiM& Goemu,*. '-JeeLik1 ôGNo.tom neS. -$r- i T 5 Socs Puiahn, 5-T. . Ç,Vanum 1, i J. Fotheni 2. - 6 8 à sbm.g 9-T. T, Colcuin , J. 5 Wpgnr,O -J. ,oisgl 1S.C -J. -J. 3$ Bltti1 . J De. Boveemau. a nine Iüe .IG.IlsnHmeFua3,1 D. BowBlotti ,J. 1i~GoeA. ise omhv eN ac12 18, 1-J. IV Jothergi12. n- Étna1.3.s. 2 aCuI eruiels inn. Dcke-Piar. D. icek "lI, L2nd.- 1 ý-- , , 104V . Steaie lst,-M is -Wili6m 2. --- Miss M. A. Hayes 2. r- v ' JMiesS. IE. Molutyrs. <.*cmlclne'sPliSbrtà bumia=a,iG.- ,Me...Bucch4,éaJohn 1)611 ilS.. GnesnePlem Siart.mtia nae- Piee-vrkQui, -Ms - ol 1, Miss J. Scott 2. Log cabin Qulit, 8-Mn. J. BruOI4 1, Unr. 'f A. M. Dlons 2. k - 1 - Tufi Qulit, 8-.Mca. À. DuRf 1, Missi-itJ. î oper2m LorD~Caver, 7-mss. J. L. Smihl, Pir. T. B. Smith R. Ccochet.*ork Ocmnnerpamo,1-nsM- Stirtevant. Si1k Quit, e -Mrt Steele 1, .in AL. De. lou 2. - Franoy Nettiiag, 2-MissI. MoVamal, Miný: M. Stefokland ,2. Lady's Des, lotie by J.H.ELl]e,iui'- niture dealer, Pickeng, villov araBlle value $8.50, 6-Miss E. Similth 1, Misses M. & S. E. Molntyre 2. Beet collection of Ladfe Undenclotbingj' hanutmeute, O-miss E. fittir ï, miss j. MoVean 2.- Best collection cf Lmdy's. Underciathing, machine meute., -Mlsz-M. Hays 1 MIsses m & S. FE. mointYre.oto -Pn.W Squeloh 1, M.. Leeper 2.- Stnicklsa d1,mrs. mcciatoeh 2. Crochet Wosk, cotton, S-Misa Hami 1, Mliss J. Mersh 2. Crochet Work1 -wôolen, 12-Misa J. Piarsh là Mise J., I. Prngale 2. Tetting. lot prise by Mes. B. Crosabj, Milliner, Whitby, bat valnc $2, 4-Miss J. MoVean 1, Miss A. M. Delang 2. Applique Work, 8:-Mes. John Bell 1, Mise M. strirà lemd 2. Embroidery on rnaslint, O-Miss J. Me- Veau 1, Pin. W. Squelch 2. - Emnbroiie?? nanicé, -Ms.W. Sulh Embcaidecy on silk, - 5-Mis J. MoVeAn- 1; Miss M. Stexoklendl 2.- Embroidcry ou Worsted, 8--Mes. J. Bell iMisa J. MoVean 2. 'Em *a rcieon Cotton, 5-Ml-tE, Smith. ~RaisedB ierianwoor ok, Mes.W. Squelch: là Mise-M. Strickland 2. 1 Fiat _Bakila oal wôos, - -Misi K. De- hart i, lot" Arnail 2. pool vor>'QI wôk l fr auoig Gutpurt-wanI.-is.1 prisbj,%. J. Johoian Chenllework, fine, 2-Pins. W. ggpeloh. Chenille work,. co ee-Mios J. Movean., - .Peianlodle peck1 -ï f.8le81l . aÙ& -- - - Twiiae work, 2ad pzize by Piokening Ncvsl Specimen oùfrlbZReidia.,,ith Cotton, 9--. .. Pie.John il 1, 4mi sfém * ~ lo.g , jf. Bell S. 8-s Creva yac, 7-Mss ~ Mo'Vati1Miss pJ. Gormeci 29. j . pnliagle'2. Pictune trame, 5-+Yre. Steele 1, Mise N. DJokom2. - - -ý S1peoimen . quunxge e6-MIssE~S Sot' 1, I b O I i g g i -I 10ib xtractel Hon'ey, prisef.1 Motapt Wl&bY gcodo vahue *,, ' aniey ttio> beome rep.ty De ib. Extracteut Honey, prx.cfWDJ loerna roobhin, homey ta beccima pooe.yoioeMStoneouse Ma"-al oles-sIM. eryL 10 Ibs 3iapIe Sugar-lat Mra GhasLyn5i aau-sI Mri-J W -Bar&mu Miss iu- lnmcf D)rze Fgul,-ri t Pics Omm edP it,-lsl Pira Jerry Lick, 2nd £IsýJDBSmith Seiecffrut peemetl ina m,- slMe Smith n Ca otl jeinjar f et ara> fn priseby LB Dopav le?,' Tinamitb, Pickering, fenil basket value #2~r oecm~ei if donor-lsl 14, na eLin E1u. jefly,-lzt Pins J- B Smith 2nud s J Breules jar cf pickle,-Ist xc= W -H.ayes, Sud C)herry win,-3ds isA Duf 2nd*xm Grape wine,-lut ssTmm Lair m lois thon 4lhs,-ls 't xi J BrouWts, Ld ar -lst xaG B8mlth, 2na dst1 eai- F ux ,J LSmith, Snd Doquet cf plovers, table.-st sua Wm. cf Ployeirg, hmn,-Iat A Luke, D i Of Gera----rfs,-ls vA Luke, ofbiali -dm Dhpa~oP~s-1t Mssn OultonX Lukeilae~Amlmv .DiipIsy otfAowoM -distcfrom a&U other entries, lia porckerip-ixvA Luke, 2ud xmrE HW Azani 1 Music an d Drama. fitNeLÈN Toà ei OÂD3N'- AT TEM E >D (Prom 0ttiw'Preû PrxesaSsept. 2Wr.) -Tt6ai.-Opera, Hoits. vaa crbvd- ed lai e*vcning, le vejoome lb. ,firsiap. mevelagti l~t~'bas, meldom haut Deat eck nisc, -im. J. 1.. Smillah,; PÃ"lut lace, 4 -Mýiss 1..Po'VeanPin.W K. Smlth-2. L. 1-V Lace weck,bonilon, -ilËESMYes1 Mi-se IL Btliklaid 2 Wbekd <l n,7.~na.John Bell l[j Teilet sot, 12-Mise- IM. J. Ana-enl 'olboun tidy, 18--Miss -W.HM Rayes ILCAMPM_ iii.., ce 'eepuum, s isclai., sut EhUlags r suravo,~u Miel-ais. .Lasfrd.-T ougisi hy Ilia -mollit plasi Pesai. Leird, e mitai, Pi~*o4héxub shoW-s, for lhesedpul r. . - lLc, eleh a ulmielhif malt ihat CLASS Xix- Umm I" szma