T Best ý,assortmeiit of Scotch and,1 Troumoinge, Black Ftéiôh Woi ~o' ~tIesn Eglil~aùda,*e i an Haa à sSoft now Got.Weaewi preptirod ,to ses aur "Q g à 888 our1 1. 00E STREET, ýAt Suocesor. to' ROBERt H. BIYCB, Oshawa. LL o E' E ~,I ~ a- SEMIeÂNNtIÂL DISPLÂY :OF PATTERN 'BONNETS, HATS, MILLINERY, MANTLES- AND RIOH MANILE MATE 1 1ALS, ON WEDNIESDA.Y AND PHURSDAYe October 4th and Sth, and foilowing days, When a magnificent display wi41 be made. The Ladies of Whitby are cordially invited to' be present. no IRCULAIS. M qa o" L VtM ( RIEU~AtIe, IJJgaa9, eta Dmokhefrau f1hCh 1-8 Zuq,*omW UI.W*iI'. d Fd t aord (a,, sol il ce On- Pn fr a in fo l u ha.b dno- SIiol vaabe I s tsel e Througbaitetot k seth- e éb irlo h Esuco &ia à dti a - is oGà i tU1 oréob roumubar.-Mas TlMI. sdy Oinar d«Sbr ralue, etarc, et n uma da, et.17 êtusbaSbtac muywuà , 1 bo e bdutg Thsud" aiW - ha t ngvar trs brtb*"iober ovp4n S. felg tinshf hee aten.ca aoblta 0'Lehery tac bWeos aiôlps, t e01b sb pe.2 a' dapoot . la181. ane draig ber bie v, iftr iut8tuytrs usd niaaywa ft'lât4af' Bol.. eya elryaunS luros ng Sudu"dist vsour oiboe aa kovbe 4Woli cdie b ln the'od e.. Tb* Tbs r mnetthe e st ad amit ote S.oluwbkofiMas, androftou br121h, obî"ththsr oua fboliomWdbeedc OL. argpintb~ iste osin> ouataibe MONAY.Befre . 1*rBe. n. deIF'rs of anireognd ble dis. corseoca"Biro r. eus Ibadtbur tbdie utub ord;" ée ete irs deeeas.S tas e da bitd orcfth.eJin ez, me. cao cf b. eldesfoaudhe ol y Areeta pionscra c-. MersDw a nS d er Sea" thérie mmcli ebldreneuS ed ctégrrl butadtemnabrls, .Ide 'et"y"g éryhielltht he yu cf be COUnTuWe Juliod'a:imiui oa. Mowo.rpefert la Z. horbsm Bqn, JnudalutSbochoBinocr ate o t viage -et Caaoin ialronu cantstoedre anthe clMtgby bfdes tbosxnn et $o eh. retô.aagThet eh ilhu AsM as in 'Oe' b.montéfo.m É tWIbo evbens aeredthat lb. girlth G"EO. 'ýMcDONqALD, 3Ring St., Weýst, Oshawa. WHITBY MARKR7'8. ] EW ADVERT8XNS COXouzLI Oruics, Sept. 27, 1M8. __.. > , Ml/hi CIA Ut iALEI 0F à AY.LUÂBLE IRESIDENCE 1 IN THB TOWN O0FPWITBY. reecul *0 povers CI saiso=taned inanIi suur f oigg, wbicb wlfl e pro- d440.5 et the ti's* of sae, tiero wllbe of- tated for sale, by Publie Antoet 11te inys ote he bmTown cetWbtby, by' V, Y1Fetrb&u4,Anoneer, on lledneody, the 2Oth dgy of October, 18,, STrséecleek la hs**erMOCu Ie hé . proprty. VW - Tb* X1bmv5sci LMtsX&i 4 10 ta e dTieto sa 4Doubue 'spum d!ownlots West of ettee i à k4mofWibby, buain p4tof lot le. m97 lusMPhs oosedeoaeM te Towusblp .1 Whitbs'. b Wa - l Qve ftuete4on lb. estsl3ee sBraa uhi Town of Wby. an4.vpso . M b ty N .Bor Sas bfrrsllce a sslogq a «sa. 'TzedeUnb êla à good aubdaeal âmie blln;ttetbulugsiMd fetices %buas ala h ins *"40aetiae wtt. bhoie= j I*aSOridm in ILvtr mquiaaW"d Itblterest aet M"e et s f oyupeu osaI pau tur fi= th a~sal o4aofo sl eam b.hdim thie A.nUouasrand W. IL Bnur l WIitbyaî» b. edo Oshawa, M tBie lm188. CRDIT SALE Farm Stock, Ipwrt,& Tb@ subsorier bsur.eelelld*mollcas» onewhole o laMsw*8Ic., u iMars U, - oi sélEu . aueOUAl uffIea rs lo t es Oauufl;1 Fm~ Spiolu9g«»-la. yinmbe ar"I~,Iiuatsl 1 lu.o II1T4db. Smal Ouist. Ire Ks~1.8it thet Wi to eu te Na " 1&,14 SU oUg Hmese Blaa beEss, Fd,itgasïwItb As lis Exeoanoru a' ndetià vruot ni, beAlokti1 wti te Ilot Me i e U 1 fundho ab ppaoved JointNoie. twt charged iroi dey c ef 5Wif nepad wlen - e.t- 953ANK Trave ,ae - . A BA~ r tLETE ,..lMlLLlNERY ?ùrn~shXngs, AND -ýGROOCERIES, 4 1'7 We would eal sp ecal. at.te4ation.:to: Our Dress Goods a4nd'Milinery departmentsi'- A fu-l stek of, FashioablelElats for Fal trade. iir yoýnn u rdy en aû~a, h 2d n 3dis. hnw sil ega ohv Cali from Our lady friends w14D&herthey purchase or not.-Tfor.g t oÈoder..-Best-200 'yds. spoo ,2fo1ýt. 12-ls. good Porto RiEco Suear for $1, 11 bs. best -Refine4d-ý,ugaxr for $,. 1. o lbs. Granulated"Sugrfr$.Chp Teasaud General'Groceries. __ __ gr r-' AM, à %~ ~a~=' Whitbv, Sept. l2th, 1882e 4 Ei.iy NE"W ÂDVERISEMENTS.* TREMENDOJS, DROP IN PR1ICB.S -AT THE- Brazifian W arehouse!1 7 ibe. gdJpau Tea for $1. , Extra, ohoice Japan Teas 3 iba. for $1l.- Choiee Green Teai, 25 ets 7per lb., usuel prices50.Seir Blaick Tea, 3 ibe. for $1, 17 f '~Ifferfen ies open to select from. Fuit Supply of Fresh G rund Coffees~ ait 25 tts per lb. Ail admit that FRASER?'B Coffées Ba-re the best and cheapest in town. À. CHOICE* SUPPLY 0F FÂMILY GIL0CERRE, AT PRICES TO SUIT PUBOHA.SERB. Just to hana-New Raisins ana Currants. THE- LARGESI -AND OHEAPESI STOCK OOOKRY and GLBSBW&B in'the'County, oonsisting of Stylieli China Teo Bette, Beaufiful Glausset,.iid a, grwvea Goblets, nov styles, qt. Gem Jarn ai IIý* per doz. A 4arge assoft- menit of Lampe sa Lamp Gooa. Every perion shoukb' sce our handsome pinted lampe, White GFranite -Tes Bette et $160O per sett., White Granite Ohamber Bette at $1 .50 and $2 per sett. AU cmis rimpectfully soUcitedl befors'purchasing else'where.- Saisfaction guaranteeda the Brasilian War0éhonse. BOOTS -AN D SHOES; AN IM~B TXR No. &Jt.. a~. Catret oth NsalCuvlty-Crola dm Ia~I Ej 01!IEuICURHE FUR Ce1ARRH; .W ;lîi A2tMon-f*g~i about sureS.W.- T.i, UE WELLÂIIDOnt.. mmrhxO m80 1 bavaeS4 H» all aluh o0e aiauo easa of (leterif If lius e h oýuetu a e uaoble ngthoci Ume. WWMA. OuI, Narob1% 380 ~'T Wt.'b WM , Dais HaEiS Oat&'rh -Oure- 75 Ce!iIý &iBOttWO 88.00 0 Bel IttufLb .J. 01U2EYOOTW, d ueieï0e, wmsUme, oiafab AT eA-iUNDER'$1i 1, - MÀAR(Et 'BLOC CO. B~~AND DI ',SýALCS- CSOALES.ýFARmr EyiyFarmer shoild havecone, as^."0 ýeysoqçé pay for Lthemaelves. We have.a, good soten Senngl.Tu tôseeet rom cail a~~~eethemand et pices tISUANT tu the i Appie'Parera, the best in, the -markt;, pares, ,cores, an~j~U ir slios tem-;dox'tb4' util o e e hem v Publie Anotionhiii - ouGqILeZDertiail, Isqùl irnkka; Anogctzbe=i l ýA,.,R- - W ýi4R'Eon WEDImEDAY, thé,. Our usual large' stok of Hardaware, ?aints, Oia lass, ete-P ?utty, &o, which w à offer ocheap, being, bouglit before ýthé 'olnng the TownofWci $1i laite rise inipie ris. rice.Harlwrnorth lhreugb lis Lampa and Lamp Goodsi. American Co 0,w ole ut1hé oth C"t sale and retýail.-. Get prices before buyingelgewhere4 -Stoves and Tinwae-Large stoks,-oheap. HATCGH &B Whitby, Aug. 29, 1882.. .5 1041f 8P8/RNG TWEEDS OVLOT The Largegt .an4ý IUoB~pa - 4]-GENTB' y liy POU] andi dc ENTIRELY NEW! Please examine, Ladies', Geuts'>, Boy.' an~ il o~ and S8o a',ut i rçé f thé best mksu ~esoiptiii sd laeat tyles, Neyer before bas the1imder.signed been ger vrey or botter,.Y'wi0. cuBtom and oraerea vor as heretofore. Wbity. ept 201802. JOHNW able to offer HEIN t- 2','..- s T-~~ -'J ~mu4 puai1 Whest ..............Si o()0 0xos 9 ria Wbst............110o 11l t ...8 20 O8580 Bey.................. 055 c 080 87y............. ;.... .. 05 060 Po .................... 077 00W Pois, *lack-eyed .......... 080 O '90 BluePos................ 000* 000 Obt............... ..00 0 0 40 lisp................... 1000W @12 M Cluver sied ............... 000 @0 70 Ipplea, parbu ...........00 n 70 'Poatoas.................. 040 rg 050 Egga...................0oit 0 16 Butter ................. 016 0 20 Cbeese ..................O012 0 O13 Woe........ .... ..... 00 600 shoevskle.......80 () 5 celfakln... :...........01ô00il Rides,purlb .......... 06W.@ 06$ Pork poewil*............ 925e 8526 .TQw .... .....016.0 020 0ae,107,Wdoz ...........080 *0 040 Oblokn, J>., ialr.... O 0 O@ 0 Tuksaer....... 010*0 14 Gesse pe000 ... cC 00 .:::.... O00 800 s licita, by the oa...007 <5008 Vael,careeas 8o7.ree".. 006 < 007 Bacon. Ferme .... A 19 ;oit4 Ho, ......01ois 0151 Parmîape, per bubeL...040 &s 060. Cbage, pur ho&&...000 50 00 0 00 *00 Ea81bae U 00 B000 WoS, uvaa....01b0 n "w8ahed ...........08<00 Salon Trent per lb. 007.. 00 000 wh Fa P b., ....007 <500W NEW ABVIRTIBEKENT& UNTAIOU LDIES' COLLÉEE N OTR l heobygiron thit the Nnth, of tbe outarlo Laies' Collgewmll"à » plfol Wth. Collige Builigs, on PUMDÂYTEE 90TH DAT 0F OCT. OBER, lm8, et Two orelock in bathe 0oo tepu tri" rlthe cf I pua olteér buiness#4 may ha bronh btr thé Uaeo4 et snobmeeingf«prthe' intaeslb. 1Gte ollege. WhUtby, 7tb. 1op., 18M. .-a l3est Breeds Rams.' .LADCMTWOLI> RANS for Sabt TOWN B y&=, TONHALL, WHITBt.' Saudy ept. BOth, 1882. «AL OuesCt Mit and, OreQ Sacco".$? '~nt ith b.Ne. T i. the O1 MIýNNIE ,FO$TE,.'S NORFOLK Colored 8TUDENTÃ" . flergasud De!oBeAErth. Apgeersuo.c Pei of ,AOcmpllabed mi' thé greeteat li,4sig "Tope," luaberorigina sud rnonel reuionof Trpy wÃŽth songuDeuoas. Banlo solos mSScaltles supiiorteSby ber ownepewl*? r reolta MAMUMoOiPack Çf Iiloodf4hne n thée ialleut .11114 astres. qp tlsAaioe ffuces -The" -ThoraqvA* kalt * i s b, apli a li111e of ove M. -wu tbic pI esiotry te de sbeau pr'evl Y. Mr « Hom chie hà h of letea d oue.. Mt matin, Wat fs.qc surs. *I' ,val duIAui Mill -m-MM9 ý 1 , j ,