rs"hri-Petry Davis hsoi> S alv-WU"t ,wCiarbll c.' lhe *Mnl - 8 041Bitter-Smith BD" -. a . Revu, dreggist. SL Nillélufor ber. Tii. cealur>'.- Wall pipcr. Roburion à Brom. flUOTION SALES. 10"6. siali cf horsem$ stocke in la Sts, ho ., on lot 6% Sud cou* Lt Wiiuuhy, pomny o!Mr. W. H. Thomaa, ou SalqarIa, lulOotebr.-L. -air tisiikmr ,Zquotlr On Tbun.dy. 1911 % ben, bas... saille, Impimentu, ho., lot 3o. S, 9tb oea. Plckirlng, ret o f Mn'. T. B. Hlcbigbttom - Parbanku, ate- Sale o! farni toek, impleenui, anti honseholti fgnitura, &o, lbpropeni>' of W. H. Orvis.- Lot 1, lu the lai con. Pickerng. on Prida>'Oo.lath 188.- Li, P. rboýk4 -Âuettousr. Mtonigge sale cf houme anti lot, lu \th$ tpvn of Wlîttii'Wodoemdayt 00t. mount a a t t o'qloek ps.". ]Pencher Anoticu. Cen, Or 4i9ai-o! Fsrn lo"k aud drpl.. montes, Le., lb. pro erty .-Of Mn. W n. Wood, lot 9 cotq01., Pckering, Thnraday, Oeî. 151h. Thon. Pencher, Âu.#lona me of farrn aiook, Inpl. niestea, hle propeni>' mi Mn. Neluon OlilpManion part of loe 7?and 8, in 'hl e>. of Plekertug eu Tucuday -* itbt ma. Rignt. .*cmtiry.quaitoa va. revved e0lime &ga at sncb length lu the mgue. Ibialva anet alnov racapi. the argumnts ativanoct. Au a tien of lb. moment, vsà rMay, hou. Y Jla bie!l tai the Faderai anti yMi irssl n ei, lItuttniatloti "Urbtlslla lu 1874, te pan Acts gtrtu effo t iiIheamfauné avad. - lu 1Ui-'a C!w'aya belonère msiakiug of the award, lb. Poderal andthei.Local verazena aoptat, onmr»iorduru oou"q p lon«4«, ioob tensont the as L e 'ibami "d Oonolutivo." éese fateiS eiutie, il aor judg- nient>, tic. W"iiole ute -ofIbmeu. ; ma in u4iit andi ne.on esoindetidis- amsulpn. *ller - ho.. ivo platgea b>' osetpnlut. moal, the Fedegorena.OM ament prsltta a.n la OD ogir, 'lglaa tivs Ote te i"'Wand nt ol i> »*tu» et. .empî it a. antim'à con- Ilsts,' lutai seneItebeela, on awr;failli, boumaI>'anti argument se oM iIg Ir"y ta a nabei asuetion et r' Diegdged I5deri o! h 'a. ,SÛth e MauiLOOepm motng-"1man- salon 1" For Ume tien ê mont# put" the leoiug. Qoaacvvirc ongan hbu beé p the 1lb.omena. "nimahuton tessIlli Ibee w»1Wbat nu"t &ilsenti- Ils, rdetellugpeople t"of h & tiieor ~oa leadlng Journal -atM pculy anti avové,di>'malt. lb. " u4 &baout the au of the vunk in lb. mbool. île politi. e: Ven4. urt1it&bhbsud. athough not -nuoLeWr weg. î mlalced th.* tent"m of*o iowhahlp. 1n*uios le veal h. breoders ud ,Importer4,-th. Meauti.. Miller sud Mr. Arhuir Johnulouwoe 1th. prlpal muiibiiomt o in.*mevery good , 481% ot b .v1e sown. The. th e bngthi Deoker sud O'LMst "ean w -:hUa l off lb. ,firaîpre_. GerovIFuol.d leam waa favouram oormoented upon by the.1la r gathoredt 10 ae h.apeedini oftlb.f 1 oues. -"ay anatubi ook lt.hea 1 voi athe firaI là i ir closan lu éi1 ring, and ber graeful lady rider ja ninchcoempllimuted.. -Mr. Win. M. Miller, cf Bého Bm&1 Penn wua the principal exhibitor n ohmep and bad tmre gocd uns," on l gronnd. Th@ dImRlay lu dalry prôduce vas ' collent, and in fruit aud roote vy y good. 11 inuthb. laiw .'deparirnent thon. u1 as nusa a very attrative 4lmplai. fisectlg mrnuc redit on iho.. cf b Thecomin he liatish1ôd0c ai -*t we1 for isilulon Md~ Hors, hoWever, va may azy t ýaithe. romulé of . »ex erimnent onfa th. fair 10 tovua ip czhlbliom hau not buneen b.aum btwai.ctpeoi, and thal tbé former pli,of opouiug the ex. bition t10&aI l isi gaub. rme.ld tu -if in tb. meantime a satlufotorY, ar- rangement caunot b. arrtv.d et for amealgamzation wtth the oounly exhibi lion, whioh hai been so oft.u *advotd in tb. colurnus of thb. OoIoLa. The ROot-crop Pris"u. Theoaar"d of the judges appoluted byý th. Wbiiby and Eut 'Whitby Agri. cuit"a Society bu been madoeu fol.1 Turnp-beatfiv. are-Johu Or. ilton, 11t1; John Howden. 2nd ; Ja. B. Ifathowmon, Srd. Boat 'bue sor.-Williamn Goodvin. lat; Robb & Broa., Snd ; Jgrneà Stoke seny., Ird. Maisgol-best one are-Wm. Kr li; obb à Bros., 2ud. Bemt haf-aor-John Orrnitons lot; George Minly, 2cd; Ju. Stokes, jr., rd. Carrota. - bemi half-aore - James Stokes, mec., lai; John Orin, 2nd; Jas. Stokes.,Ir., Ord. BSugar Beets.-beei haIf.or.ý-.Jobn Willia, lat; Charle Croat, Sud. Judge-Geo. OrmIston, MT. Rich- ardson, John Camplin. Ob#uary Dzà H or Me .MOEVMu.-Mne. MoRte., mother -oflth e Red. Paier MoEnies, P.P., dicd at Rochester test veek. :vit Paier McEotèeevu ai hi. mothen'e deaih bd, lb. B.vd. Fa- thdr Skally, frorn St. Mloha.l'm Palae aaying UM..ln his Place iu Wltby a;7 Omhawa on Sunday -liand ti ladlng t1 th. parochidauti..Prayera ver. offered in boib churohafo threpoe of theboutlof tb. d«ea.edMm lie. Enieewvuâ, lady af ihe kindemi andi memichaaitable disposition, » ar o ion Io mucti regretteti by a hout of monmng relatives andi fiands. 8h. died uroundedti lh &U. th.éonsia lattons cf the -churoh-a pettemu. vif. aimother. DEAiE or B. T. Hsux.-Kr. W. T. Harriaon. poalmamier at Brookil, on. cf th, earniotut meleransd b.a kucunn mo nt Ie tovnsbip ut Whthby, died tiaanearly houn Wedu.mday mora.- mg«. H. vu a native of1 xo=ingam ebfre Englanti, andi camée 10 Ihi. oonu. tryviien only 12 yearmof m n.eH W". a vry umful rman la his omi ad tobausa stive part lu ptublie a!i.l lin. o d.aîb--an office v to e MWedforsmre -14, ad h. &Mao #Mide4à he lpwnmhp U couilor&Mew nre lainpr*eviona y* ne H a v mia of large 0" a.rllrm.loâ and di..l deeply, au d..evey rfgnettde Oshava. Tic laterloo f thae 4"imac >a. beffa nevi>'pali anti caloomalneti, ais, dled " a nmk-sgmd 8. .Mr. IH. summervMo e lImamtthé Blaler mlii beaoshaamwati Bova 2uaii of'~nly~ luit. Mr. Tl'FI lilcth le t.yer M oltci LaM LIe abvmPie ol! nii Iaoc rs verecleinlu c.a W, ci->'nul4 . -ILonW, bs J. 0. ontale"kofbenlin vo.1.sud f e14 eoacle -la Ulss centj~le oup.. J B.tokoflm Broc. WhIiyWU LioOtera>' oà m Mti. -1. auzuv'uog -ruoams Duai .u*u. '-e huitîte o oil>'. eltr-dt, ci . ka J? baIl Re. n SsrN.,Do 2SD,il va.nooosdxawlng by à a pui, Boew i Bltr.- auor-4tceU! pin, by M i hL. 13arcl 3 PBobinu cu;ld, acuisinaIF caorsr.pà e fl BicE.-il nei ly'Jî C e . 2. -100y&ats d"ii«.Publie anti 8.p- j "Mao 80=oo6 only-lmt. peukuife b>' y 1fr. W. Gvengr Fank IHo-pper, Heo>' at. a»Sol ; Sud, InUtmlsiP. Ons l ton, Emq, P. Folcy, Se p*sébol ; Brd, n brméet. by Mnr. ,Wu>. TiIVÃŽD. Murphy, Oh4. HM yjti , tE., B AI ni ut rach asti dmk b>' Musn.J. IL Robet. sec * Binaý,,John ýcampbeU*;11lsd, waten4eolorbp pp5,»-qoEmnmett. 4.100 yantisdam , hutlalte anti teachera ulaaigouly-let, inkstaut a&W botllceb>' Mv. Mao llllugc, Jue. Je«"' mr.l~ u i-ltbo b> Mnt, J. H. Gomenc,- R. Drnes; 2Sud, uaýpkin ring b>' Mn. &mesA, Joeepb t.Iop, tep, ma" Iumr.fanal Il., In. a b by rUWAIlUU4 â f ateris; Sud, vater-pclor b>'-a nIMaGilli i fa> rdaonm- ib b. B. Dow, Seq, B.A., John Oarnpbeil; Sud, sauf. dm b>'9M. . P. Stevort, Geo. EsmelL. 1%Tg cf van, Honry.s. Public uchool an&i SEpamata achécir. lie Modeluhoolt anti Duftent-aL. uhooL Bahel oai-*p-. plet by Mr. 9.Uc>'. 7. Palling tbe atone, final til., -mati. talc eniy-lal, bat b>' Menu*. Boa Brou., George Dav.>'; Sud& glovcb>' Mdeamu. J. B. Powell & Coc., Jcbu Me- S. Tirs o eampionhp race fan the "h.aagerln Cap" pres.uted by thee Hon. Bir Bleton hLangevin. C.B., Miaister af Public Workm, Dominion cf Oanada sud the. vinna,'. modal proeatei by nI. luaper MoBrien sud Dises. Prnio pa Brown aud Wilii-Jer. Palmrc îant John Deebvoot i eq. ÃŽ. Klcklug thé. footballfinal Lie, hn- titale oniy-luI ,"Jersy" hby'Wm Smith, Emq., Columbus, Wm.Lmci. Mva>' u, vatereoolor b>' s pupil, Wm. JO0.Thr.eloggd race, Inttuta oi>'. Sautra-lIaeof penfu mer>by Ur. HIovI.. N. 'Brown ami W. -Walimr; Sud pair aapkil vlugs b>' Mt. Uo.Bas.>, JOlm BOdIS4Yasd W. liKoGuvma>. Jasions-lut, pai n uraflés..b>' iamm * Afldroev'a,L Bui ,*Wohn Ommiapb.U «;-Sd, painof mdcl ibi péesum b>' r. ï. Armaong, Mr. LïAwr dera Aaoug. il. Hardie uic", huituls oui>. Bmouo-lat. pair bozing glote b>'Un. Z.. LJammn tmllasafisùWarohoe,** Oie Pare>; Sud, vster-oolor b>' a pumplà & J..oampb.1L Jasion - lot, alv.n cap b>' Mn. Ar=84,B.A., W. Dicheli ; Sud, book b>' W. HE L Rtais, -nue Obronicle," John OCaipbell. l'a- à r Wbby U .- larnerd, Jobs T>,eaupuo; Sud, va«lor.oi >'a papil, W. GonI.- paër beon uglover b>'RB..LJamcmoa En'#, W. Wslera ; lad, Onti, alf-s. phiotographe bg )Mr. Barrelsudantipir of esusmb>'UrMn, l., obou, N. Bkown and JX«. Canpheli eqai 14.Em.ppas~ ac-libcek b>' J., 20&Junor baml«ahipM b a. aulelutmaca0. o. Warras.' le. Wikt t'it saaleh,,lmlitatats' hllm omnà &dea ir U r.o h lia PitasipaL neus.I u u5staIris a nIsa guwn ait. Fred. tsy, a lpilo, vbo W Siumt oomc là t tb euglue.ýroom-, b"d hi.héati oui ivo-tihlrtig off, Ie.viaig oui>'- lb, laoe -ibeali Il>. b Ibtw ll ,likel>' reae., Davli ý,Abarki1'baly bMimeti abtt- tIbe lbîid . bâtle *111vilk.l>' n.caven. I'n.dx PLuvoodie,-lie farenian, vwu atanetibyeoetbng lnewng iri on a car, vlcoh va il inauhiet, baltlie .lra:eaoaj-,' ecepeti elmeal nilinni, gam> rryvasIiaolat, e-Ancli>'Mo.ý iati>'cn aeddbadi>', sudl-.arana Otliýru eelet i algbi vpunda. Tic ivuo théana uMOÉna &Zont unei ci th% soa ill ii kel>'<tvamornaler détails. Il __- - > , 1 ,BRil-u saarnieti ýmmm, Iesving a vif. antioee huld. Gray, vauner.- rieti., Thesaili ha total -w".khuais boilesiabali"ti dmeébinar>' bcng etreva aotli u ««Jn diretin AAln>ual bu ane.bee hatheli jury c.n.uring- the engineer locr lem. acm nduglcoIlte eto po lb. Cclak valve eonu.dliag lb. boler vilithé u elle. Fathon Staffent où #"MamloaY1 TUE POEN OTIoNABLX M8 A TIlT. Lat it ada>' aWnrnamm lu 8Bk Mary'$ obancli, anti befone the -sermona, Brdi. Fathen Séaffoti spoke o et l. iibdnv- aiof "MUrnit>n" <nom toh ieteoft -books cutbonisoti for nos, ln thlb igla achools. H.mai il wua amalter ef grea imretance. santiee" uhioul Ib iwdcaimsui>dani <om &Il is points. «"Mannian," lho salti. va.-a purc fiction froin Po brilliant lmn«lia lion o! Sir Walter Scott one of lb. nosi brillaut wvrlta the, -Eugliab or la su>' cher louqgno But ithe quostion vas: hl it f tdxt-book le h. reati, anilyued, seuneti, onnentid on, eol&tnitéti ta menays> ati pnblialy r. oueéd b>' yaucg mon anti youug vemen lu publicecatmheforo mach othen sud b.. fore lie teehiermorne mile, moine fe. maie, $mrne iètenm o! religion. coimu>- uiies-ntun. Ne- <air miadêti man vold s>' asi. iAs & t.rt-book il h in.f fouaive 1taEsoma s ahoiée lua amoral -point of viav, as cehlltlaig andi piaciag b.iors the minaeof ite rectera the im- moral condueof *o! e.v6upatii. hTtis " .o fairs aier antid.rei nepriiaiie The bdek. an umeti, ppeeret id ehlm oh. Jelnb le le Pvtcmu"taat mol aala. Re ti ti t beliav lere va. e Protes. tait moihein1mu i hie ho «e'tla ulali le haa Wbeï ghtéi' Mlmiean 6d Vltthesrmutel4efhcetny Il vas tcrtall>'mot a &Uly tUi emt bltehé.y«Oug min&. o! giu sud boya. a it h. b.d lbe higheml opno f lb* monalil>'ofM-lt.evoucu the nue of 'Wannlon" a s Ic.bdck wuAi B"u MAgt,# ula es"d fo. biddtht lce cIofl lu*ie thsepanats achool andi omvenlturing iigh mebool wovk befln.hias ebooit-opened t mli. Ho ýP*110 k! 1PU" -vouiti réa tl sOboqiwbatlat chI vsd ILi Se niaCà IM forWittùbkm' ovW,-f* or uher i. ot4ln. INae'are "a'" aylnm là olirmy wbsh arefiMy oii .ro»b4 te f oetti:Wadiiet ulalie O.aholl is *W0eelUfdor Pn&ht..lem Mever>' doao;à inaimb. Auti auhool fautlIcl,.aheU chieli aô ty iel eo IbêrJlgtuu bl o aypna,oeimm... sa Pmessylulto Mte hid,. Rome.- an~ ~ on Oseitt dIMobumiaa e mi 4ee~vôu'aUuc entumpliht mulil>'. Btal~n au Jon Osg. -B SdSillio-lislp èvenby W. Ha.- lam-2, lui -ohntph Tw arolti*li J. Oarnpbéil, tua a«ior. Ouvîryear 614-ÃŽ, lat Jea. Johuaton, B Sud E. Ma.jor. Bpnng Jol-44iHMK zei, Sud ,fcahua Wright.2 ,Mare vitir fca144- 6lot W. sanguine, 2adE., Waker. t1 tvow a yéa r 0 ad 4tiiy-. lat J. John- -Ouayear aid Pilly-2, loi J. Jaok- I Rpniug Pilly-Z lai B. Walker, Sud2 J. Jackson. r addtle bors-laI prise giveçt by T.2 H.ý Dauouter-4, s A. 0. .W. Brown. Span Carniagé ores-lut prime gir. an by W. HamnlalF. J. Hylanti, Sund B. M. Denç rd Obu. Gould., single ..ig, ereli primà îv. en by te s*-(0 ent O -7, let Ju. a. Buerville, Sud D. lvckay. I Bingle DntvingH u e rv ora., lO baudsanti unde-imit primo givon by J. Ruddy-2 16, lat T. Doyle, Sud A. Btvadw Stamlon, ay age-1. 1.s J.B 1 lotplona. -n Son, Sud Chua. Goniti. Trotting Herne lu barmu-lai John1 Ralpb, 2.od Earcbom & Boni. Saioimpurlet, any .c-,laI Hal Borne, Sud Joa Beill ohn B.alpb, neoommeuded. » One yoar aid Biallio-4. Diaptt for the présent.1 8prin Colt-, lut G. Hcadde»,Jntl Fp. FMn. 1 Mare with foal-lat prime given by I. J. Goaqld Eaq...-7. lut Geo. Haddon, Sud P, Franklin. Tva yecr oa iPN>-?, loitJaa Stocka,4 Sud Wm. Tbornpaou. ~Oneypar olti Pilly-2. 1o1 M. Dcc. litl, Sud Janes Jackson. aprIug Plly-lot prime giron by A.1 H.'Badgerov-B, lot à . Willica, 2Su John Coites. ; Spcn geldinga or oaes-Isi prima givez4 by N. F. Patenoni-2, loi Vin- cent Waggq, Sud Robert 1Xek. OKIINAL PIIKPOE. Oue year aid tmfio-2. Sud A. Boss. - Bpriug Colt -7, lai Jame. Cotes, Sud George B.d. Mate vith foal- O, let Jas Coaf.., Sud Jma. Laak. Tvo Yeur old Fily-t. lai Ja. Stane- bou., Sud Eirchnan & son. One yecr aid Fily-5, lat W. Dcc. ,ltûe.Sud Wm. Wief. Bpring lilly-8. lai John M. Barna. Sud Jams..Leaak. gpau Geldinga or Marea-lâi prime giron b>' T. H.' Dancae-l. lai G. A. Snaith. Bau, ae-,la nGrabms; 2ai L. Burnetl. Two year aid Bull-S. lot R Short, Sud J. Boe.. Oua yean aid Bul-B, i G. Jlaokaon 2utilonn Tunner. Bau Cab, lai prime given b>' Laing & btebarry-lat A. Rose, Sud L. Burneil. Cov in caïU-ô~1 . Grahaa. 2Sud Thnee yean old Cov -'l' lai Earcb- man à Son. Twa year olti Keife-l, laietaob.h inu& Son. Tear cîti Heiien-2, lot anti Sud A. Rase. Leier CWl-1, lai anti SudL. Dur. H3ead-8, lai UL.Burneit.- Bull, may ag-4, Jame.«reliau. di- plama. Covîin al!-7, 1à $ A. Bou, Sud CGeo, 1:To es d, ifer-.8, lot W. Pacn- O. yaid lm , -. --,1 ndl One fer Cli-?. r2laotn Sud eep Elbearlins Ram-2 l1M .Rob&-Leug. W, -- là a5.& -à *a a- ont. M3. 1 Maa u n.. J. Word, pil M.n.. W. Sellera. Obeemc-4, lotai . H Su2d J.' Brueoa. POULTRT. Bronze Torkeys-4, lot W..H. Brovia Tqnkeys, msn>' ariety-2, let W. H. Brown.- Gem, large-S, let W. H. Brown. Geese, small-8, -lot W. H. Brown 2md John Ditif. Dncks. large--T, lai W. H. Bravn, 2d J. Duif. Duoka, amall-l, lst W. Hl. Broywn. Gaina Powlm-9, lotiJ. D. Siotla, Sud [Isao & BIaeL' Patige Cochiuu.-2, lat John Duif, Inti W. H. Brown.- . Buif Cochinsý-8, lat W. Z. Broya, 2ud Isaac & Biel Ligbt Brabma.-8, lai W. H. Brown, Sud Iaac& steel. Dank Dnehrnu-8, lai Sud Sud hIem S teil. Houdaum-S. lai W. H. Brown, Sud Iaac & steel. Plymouthi Bock&-4, bltIes & 81001 Sud W,. H. Brovwn. Hanburgso-8, lai W. H. Brown, Sud Iaac & Bte.l. Laghorn&--4, lai Tho.. Tbojnpsoii, 2ud, haac & stee. Pôlanda-S, lat and, SudW. H Brown. collection Pigeeua-.80 lai John Jury', Sud Ranolman k. Bon. Covêned Cardage, iugle-1, lot Sam!l Buggy, single, ne top-S, laI B. Gra- han Sud John Mfann. Double plesaure aleigli. ne bp-1, lat S. Gaamn' Cutter, ne top--I. 1.1 B. Gnahaco. Former'a Wagon-l. lei B. Graham. Denoorat apring Wagon-i.1 lotB. Gang Plov-l, let Paxton, Taté à Cen. Pur. Plov:S, let B. Sylves-, ien. Two-furrow PlowN-l, bei Paxton, Tate & Co. Iran Hanrow.-l, lst Jas. Swan. Fanciug Miln-S, lai Jas. Wein, Sud T. W. Dingle. Hiorsie-ehoce8 roin ammer-l, let James Swan. FALL APPLBS. Pippiui--O, laitlins. W. Mcddý Sud W. Tlkorpson. Jcnuetti.ngs-S8, lat J. Bovwerman, Sud J. Dnf. Au>' variety-O, 1,1 B. Neihonion, Sud J. Bell.' Collection ?allI Applea, bat pnizc gtv. an b>' C-Bharrcnd, 4 grape vinas, usent. ed-8, 1et L. Bayage, Sud John RBover. man. Golden Raaaots-17, lot W. 0. Rose,~ Sud A. Tbompton. Boibury Bouet". 9,lai W. O. Boa., Sud John Bovorman. Nonibonu Bpyllot1. W. CO. Boa., Sud JohnDu Peck'a Ploeant-S, let John Baver. man Sud J-. D, Slette. Ilhode Waand Grceos- 10. lat AISE amiono, llaidW. Thompeon.. Boen. DaVi-2, let W. B. ose, ad - 7cIIew -B.U.'ô*.r-, liW. ~ Bou,a., Jé1jiMJury. Ring TonpU:m Couniy-5&, letW. O. Bose Sud W. Thompdon. - " . Auitwn.-8, lut J. D. 81011, Sud John Doyermna., An>' vriely-ll, lai John McDdn. aid, Sud'A. Bengard. Crabe, l,.rge--7, lst John Wuen, Sud Poean.-0, lat T.& J Manderean1 Sud D. Sith. COnloti4 nacs4,im C Sa rend. mppI utO -hr lodom tce-45 ereet JL UB, MUoJELM =acéWork--i Ut Mi"a MoVean- PointLace W 1rk-8; 1ot Mima MoVOÃŽu, Sud i SWrlcklad. Iý - 1. Worked 841ipper., e lot X avalant book ,a , ;l 'b . J. 4) - ,tMr.W MeddndM li L. MoKosle Sud Mina M. L. MoXeumie. Toilet Sel-O, liMa19o>lo u Mia. Leaak. -Cotton Tldy-fllai M m. Hayes, Sud Misn Sirichiant. Woalen Tidy-ýlc, jet Misa Lak, 2nad -Mra. Hayes. BraldMt Tidy-1 lit un.. steol Ottoman-S, lai MU.. ,éyés. wax yrait-2, laitmr.. ayes, Sud 1fr.. W. Squéloh. Wax- ployer.. caloret-l1fr. ayeap, Sud Mn..Squeloh. Wax Waier Lilis-2, lot 1fmrHayeO3 2ud Mu.. Squelch. Paper Floýwers-8, lot UMra.HaýYes, Sud Emsr plevars, -1 latu, MD Cistie, Sud Mu.. Raye.. B earot FIgther Plovena-4, lot Mis emon SudlVi. Souelch. Z phrElower-S 1lot1Mr.Jas Bell, Ra& Fan2cy Ba.-,lai 1frs.A. 3amieon 2ud 1fr..StBl, 'Wall b'aùkei, Orsi primte, lony and il A. Jamýiempu,Sud Mvs.. Hayes. * réis Lmp-.S, lat Mv.Rayen. 2Sud Fancy Mal-b1, lai Mima MoVean, Sud umn. Hayes. poney Leatiier Work-SSlst Mm.. J. Pat- tev.on,,Snd 1fr.. D. Christie. Cou. Work-l, loi lin. Hayes. byC Farnoir.Wraaih. lat prise Ijn befl Tnpper-1li t mm..Hayes. nu À BTa. PortaxatiPalntig-l, Sud Mima Striek- land. 011 Paintng-2, lot Misa Str'tlant, Sud Mv.. D. Christie. paiun uWatercolorn - 1I.lti iss velvét Painting-1, lai Mr), Qto . Fbawer Painting-l, let Mi- Fruit Paintlng-l, lot Mm.. 1). ,1i4tus. PencilDrawing-4, jlaiMis 2Sd, Giliket Wier. Architectural dnawig-10la Lt ro. D.; Crayon Drawing-l, lai Miss Leask. mapping-2, lot 8cm Allsan, Sud A. w. Fsnc'y Pihn-l a .Mundy. Plan PiningllaiE.Mundy. CUtinphoto-i. let H. McKemiie. > Penrnanhlp-4, lat A. W. MOKSy, lad Gilbert Wieoe 7 'LEATIEER WOMI. Ulppe ther-2, lot R. Bundié. Sud k. SaéLeather-l, lai A. Pattoin. Omît -akan dresed-2, lai P. Bunile, 2Sud A. 1Paiterson. Fa= Hans-l, lot B, F. Ackerman. ,rianlge Harnai-i.lailotB. F. Ackérm&u. side.addle-l. lot B. F. Bacherman. Genv'. Sadde-l, lai B. F. Aokermcu StrnedHMonvs . ii J.noverma af bea*i've-45 14R.' Hrper.Sud B. Scout. wheati Fbowe-l4, %0- atish. Homexmuadéook alovs Pniture-l. .1 T. MoGrattali. Homemada ýOk aloYe Furniture, Cap. pez--l, lot 8. MoOawtan. IlatAir Dr=m,. horemad-l, lai Thon. McGrattsn.L Collection, hornerna Tinvan-l, lot T. »!Grailan. StnRed Bira-2, lUt John Jury, 2SufGeo. 9puio. g Whe1, -l' it oh Jsr meroutFriue-, Ai J.c>tt. sh-l, lit ÀA Biobandacu. - Vonet iWndov Blnd- lot+Rich- iu Wg i e~.lit à mra.APatterson stot.. Currenie-eT. .lm Kr.. G.Becynoldi. Sud Mza.. Bltte. . .t Cherry Wîne-8, lot Mms Seller.,, StT èaeris5Jrsse:ve&laugar-S. ,lot DBesac, Sud rm. Joël Shaw. *uJa att uvate-?,oi Mn MB 4 Zrd "a IMrsBesie BQ, ud fm.sUaw P e ea ÃOP-esi-, hi tfs. w=t Sellas.. 2p& Mm..harr Candusboxnls-ilo lt rDovak, loat-aMm- Lyeu aiea omincaice' ulieniauti >'oant ilualingoite cf main oureeti are icrat ffluno expu cf Cairo plungest. iBÃhe'lbyrntii t ânmes., In sud 'oui. -up -à nd, iôÃwn, 6ndiiantiround th* , wind.-nanreu', uxystenioua,zdim passages, vhon itl lu aJweya ly3lht, évonal ignoon,> 'ad 4a~as midîigbu italia!oferII é,X- -crp, or -lbé gleanifiewn-à , canvéff,.or latticec i iatov. The pasuengir aller bale oua>' npo sia'beovrdogeni ba so li Isepiü gurdiueo héebousegetcu o go s . Wvoe inloArsamincably'hclwoou wallso!mauur' atnlpedin blaek anti vhlle, orimaitýnti .witle, pasnag now 'and, again nrichi>. carnet gâte va>., aa mosono - fronia, or public loantains, vhorw,-,elthlanty mach their flii-<nom bras- nozzlés pro., jeciing irom 1h. mýaaoany ; b>' nysie- rions blauk vella vwillout a door or- îwindow- which _enclose, perohace, lavel>' inner courts,. iit wiih nich marbie, and aderneti vilb embroidereti colmmue anti foutain-now aneing a tinieti crocodile'sviugiag lu the.- nigbl, airnow meeting a veddiug Procession with torches. Itii. the eue cil>' ahil, and lu apiteoa I nllbtherash mieohi et *vrougbi by' so-cailei - "improvreno," -vhone the Eut o! Airauchiti anti o! Al8adin la piomiaul>' atidesail>' - ra- limeti. Yeu mccltue peopleo! .ê 'lThouaad anti- Où. Nighbs" lu lb. ;Course of&a single moonligit or mitta ', uinoll aloug thé muner bameanantiont.* of.lhe-vay quarter. ef li3 aine. "iAbçùr Hasamu," Baysa n haamnig antiaccunai&- Auxerican witer, eut b>' the gala ce I' passoti. mut 1. diaiiboly'smmv Renoua Alrasobid quietly go by l is i aiedis guise as a Mosul Marchant. 1 coula not butnt-' i hm, aine. I huev s m an>' cf lits niughl doixaga1û,the vaId Bagtad-timoo. But heonoui>' tarat l-ü, stead ai aciutiug,: ns fienta abaultido tu a masquerade.. There, too, vas iuf] bâti t'hePonter hurrymug ta Blunbatithe sailôr. h lomneti adff uWtchea hlm dis- apprar la thé black, ahitovu, bt 1 dloubled if hc conit !ramch lýgdad lu frne Ion thé eighihroDyalgex.- -- ovulag in, Booltla lu -a bat 'wiy, anêlaaleaiaae -begm*iiato lbel the pinci ai depreraon. Rîhér lima suh-. msil ta lbe necesaary reduclien lu reul, Mn. W. Qk. Boier, M.P., bu a bin m his ownbandas à large < arzm en bis ès. taie in Ferlaruhire. A- fanai noar Par- fer vbicb ibint>' years - mgo' va lot aI £500 bas reconil>' bee-n elei i £87à B, ad anoiher on the same astate vbloh fonneni>' loI aI £498 bas -bdoe la a > S8. - ant éistreti i hnowa ipo-1twit na,iëýe u wba ina.knovn antr -iticu' mêa. ner, t»Ouaisý, lieire bi Plccr,-esciOnt&a, "h ue n bc n- Flaeth,-a Dl, mu 1ani bu heiag - br.uli casita ive eto, ne. * fbou, Evoiryvie, aI haie anti- abreati, hae -Porry Daviï &Son suaa eior 'nigils tmbe aéhatib.Kier. Proablne iewd.vlopmeat Wini more sunnm >e t i ulioha't 1 r mi orel cf sucooe f-ceniainlleaii p h"""'sian.Whi le>'ave a dMffcul ose c! tbro.l or lIng duuoaso liii baffles Ibeir molculiflo skiUf,uhoy pnc. scrib*Di. King'is New Diacoveà >' for Qenapl~aaCgu -sud a43CldS, har- vili Ãbem ovîn directions andi asias ai. taheti. The paient- lacars&d,-t -.> gel lb. crodil.-ýTlbe'TrFiial boutles !roè al-HbWuéé>ng a o Largo - ità iReteli", a.. n tinenco4*plaçGsVl&C., caret b>' ----j and hop Too0th, Eaj Fet âa p. ~and~ 1>81. ~,od. 5ev. lut J-. 'Wie,44,Tgd. i loblot B vo â" LÈ-l'e* tid ai â'crli a Jr»k=i-2 ~Mr5. -14, lot No. W&-, - m'j ni