-"J- MI Agà i »S"a sd u illet*$pot, Ib Ak*0s.torys byIlssuett 8pplng8 Thé passom Ia aums dv udà e y à ct or ïry, wbich vS god la lbNewSevIcrk correpond- eue$ of the Kura <af: Borne wég advettlwIm on autbouand mn pto WB p oco tion.'? Tb# plmn of adi ootattités Iepktag for the ad er tiser, Who '*.e.çf bees, ne4 tb b. feud Ili e boilding. -T4&t wilI known char. aoter, Dr. SUbs, bU bis ofice nt the legaticu aamedo and ti ilathougbt the avrsema ws u wýr.d by cmre- bedylt uey noýhlm. The pugnaclobs phyuëioian waes anry, but ho bad sens. enoagla Dot go sow lb ote 1,000 and ou@ applIcat for-'a froe pssage te £*vu$ rio kiup the devirs taitoo o;;Ls door a. dey long, There will ho h itta hboum, >a.uo k1l-.Uwn&tht 90U 'nt§ pet dayi l l wly sei man abould vaut Simfrunale ouulry, but 01f dlstinoe, a frts puisaeo mtilons eofvisaI mlgh t ji@:eOb woimet ourse coida bers, drsv thouade areu- sItre mâs>lb. mater, show- séeib agrea t apy men are ~7Whl Zg tevasté thi &~",. fati *wO oxpo e sela- Wfor "I,1%1hour flu a plut 01 k4ta one Pound aud gr.tlasjulo. cf tour limone, 0pee, stickeluuaniouor lia *bmeclime gélatine la Oaied, Pemron tht.. pinta ger and sa"i mmodistel>' Iy bagor Scearieoveiing; le mottds and setasiS. te m veAtheir-aueà a 1111e more ot* iedy ere wa eeln Lon- lr * A tum@ heluDîe Bib- p-hé imeciemdet etotaier, voru 1 .' aS viit tise tok.» cf tise a- 'à *Mdie.ta tuse 1lomsin Cath- te a. -c4idinal Manning Sas th lb.li. 1ilbbon 1'Army by à iia poution la lia ranks b> tise ofg mh. Newoa lIal .In do. 'Pl *Dba ilta.t e usieadhosien. le. pu "ho OcusÇ voiy od cause t n 144r t6lb.bounmn moul tuons liglato dabriÃiaïaitlie v4>rk et mo par. Ulomla«6041, bat of GoeS riuseei."' T,." Oblnoe ,sre arrestid in Phila. e_ fr__Teyexplalued ir ps a. Certainrans- ~ue Ieslps of Per wsM ant of ods s0oldtoi"et vu~ 0530tbte âs. ie l. proprie. erudi1t Ibmov w*bon l4spd Ibolu bjNrea O i#for Inn. The o sIe>'as >*" esabsIair, but the police mugIt- 1 GluPIraJuni..-.-ae grapes beforu th v ly Iripe-, Sbolthaun grmlly 9vr illIb#mbsteimon i"ai as wl,à vtimouriaastjely. Wild frapes wal-l n isak mu doma jelly as Difflwsuby , rom. apl Ie cul th. a lia, Vili ima theai #de dovwmrd. Whl e l bi e of ea"s quiteo dom, i.moma elcnert auis suinsidso anS sOdouble ueed ugir Ovér tise Wimls. b. *0al6m hWan b hur, su- $Iea pace timeion a hot diei, anS a ms â7om qulk. m iI>peu.-Tiameon ee heur hait 1ebc d abals>f si mu. 0(I f nii i tenduer, tion il time à lnmô,à nsanS nautnsg, I 8 t a ai ,l "Ie ssr l ol, bhast Umt«,te moud, pui tleice lu, mima ablit uai#O t Oaka-Thise l gt ueby ib eflp0pui.leoise v obt Beb oneald of a pl Wis.. ,AJhIê ver.-à -s ulule't" fS c bIsu hifeareth. on Mb «i4ileho.f Gentùmlan te oms sur. gogo niguor. &AcrwugInffIs aslm beau pmptualy 'holdln iug for aud î,erejult le', that--.imsugus ;'t bu*hela are now sbored lu sud aou'd< bIs barn,mrucb e t ilutterly.woftblb *thués Ths eibe-prédm- ugoioutbeNort-weet, end *en, orrboa ptices iu consequence. Acting on Iis bellt ho refusmd tô sowaâny grain for the seamon that b. phould used Il bis esmm lehaul sa, lbi p14 stock ýP ÊntbetI'jsud heo mliut bi bothered Witb oropi lu bbc field, The figisi belweensn Oansd HiIi, ai Jackson, Miss, vas vlth nov, heavY, loug-lasbed ýwbips. Two linos were drâwn igbb foot apdrt, aud these verO, oeSb bombatanta, vho voi' Mlrlpp.dto 'Ihe vaist. The vTicier W4 te b. the eue Who stood -lougesiti ecratch' A great crowd witnessed tii. brutal Oeîbiticn, vhich Méteil thris heours, and -roeulted lu a draw. Dciii wero terribly laaerated sud emhaustet4, but nelhher wonîd acknowledge lislmmo# boston. It nov transpires that Gui=eu boues tonuS thoir way lite tishé m Medical Museum at Washingto4 threugh a bargalu between Bev. M.' Hicks and Dr. Shafford, cf th. Mueeumii Il is aimag4d tiaI M, U. k# acespfd. of lnli atal daims b ýtbQrn.. Dr. Shaftord rsmeved the flosis cf lb fuse aud preserved il lu aleohal, the ex. pressien biug retainea as itl ue d aft.r deahThi re boues have airboa von1 bîsel, but are not yet articu. latsd. A -Nortis Carollus suake bail t;0 bond&. The vmildent hazing iu Wisccusilunal vortit>' la prompti>' follewed by expul- sion. Somae Ohio people vere se nager te get mule a cirons tlst <boy crushed a chlld te death. Tise feeling between ague sud quinine la oxceediugiy bitter. If yen begin by laying the foundation cf yon! bone is lh lies, yeu viii have to-sud by lhatchfug it h tlism. Feuderson naya ho, vishes h. vua ruiner, for rucner seau gainasoriency, sud tisaI ho hau nsver becu able te de. Before tise vedding day oe.wvasdear and b. vas ber Irèeure; bul afierward the became dearer and ho treasourr .'That priscor bas a very sineotis cunutenaoe." salai th. Judge tu the sheniff. 1-Yes," saiS the sberiff, ',he was ironed juil before he vas brougist in." Iu religion, talk ir brusa, action lu gold. The old dsrkey uid, Il Pecrs like I conid lalk more lu Oive minutes tiser.I cenu l lu v. nieyens." -Well, 1 saalldo my beal le have justice doue yen," @Mid the lawyer teo bis client. *Ilndeed, if yo are gains te udo that.'" repiîd thse rascai, III think I had botter be off et once." The autborities of a certainNetheru leva bave, iin aid, resolved le put devu gambllng sud rovdyisrn. aven if they have te arreet every policeman in the tavu. Wison a womnan ornes -te thse deor sud calis sfteî her bnsbcnd, "in RB.1't"fanlalsng lb. last syllable vith capital loUters., yen m'My knav aho lu net lu a capital humai. Through th. pussent usonth etfJtsly' theStomaeh sud Bovele hie veiy *hal 1o beoome daranged. Tisa proper pW. vonalve laDu. COnson'u Stomrasel 4 Constipation Bitters, for 1b, tiss us thhLDigestive Organe nre muVgoraa tMoea skep sud lthe blonS rendea pure sud cool. Sold lu large bottles i 50 cents b>' ail Diuggias. W. B.EHovpo agent. FIles sud Bugs. FMis, oaches, auts, bed-dugs, rate, mies, gropheus, cispmnukî, cloared oul by "R'ough on.Rata." Ibo. Rost sud Comfort tn tise Susfferng. ffl usifr rU«Ievng piboth internadIman tOxlrul. Il oem Paluinlutise aid, bak,' or bevels, Soie Thmtal>Riseunsaia TeehmeLsmbag u d dny lkini o0 the Bood and HeR064 su îtW"9 tavrl voudorfau" "Brovn'sHIouso Pma-, ce, baig acknovloeas ji tisegrub. Pai PAUi"ve, sudcf double lima trwgtb .01 anyOtheBor ir or Linmtla thu*.i voSholdb.in every fmlyready for aUs vison vauta, "à &al I aiy l the but remm e w rluhevold for Orsmpsth Stomac, anS ains u écimes c 4" These afbod vil svai 4a sa# lnlil prpcuue a p4olmge efU penad. e ia sdJM~m -. ~aoii5agcent Therm lo0yrup. bIs VpUSOn om,Ieb m sit '0' tsi *Du>ah aiDmgglts.il. B. va aonx VIG Tis mc woaçftlcuatvp remaf ,kipowc to u.timbalo i, Mesl uotyu)lauilea4drlii a~. ime.. ~e me ocat upara.- reumt1 bo RIL? 4tRM»l.. ~E rer au emteewitbi vbuà was5eiata AtekeIsflWcas~5V5teby5 ti tv-arîvvresthe. *eepings plctb,>.1 cvims an fcmm.e, th le .tep, m1t.hUà ilSl es oe, sud pirhaon thse pae cec~k ef vman tise fumai ros sa,* ms' siingeu srA smii IromqycstsIdutu", fiitigi<rw7, desrsirdlicwtiis TiseS ferlhico a .st.i ra caVgai.wf Frer t tu <rc eflCtOsoy Omlltatt a t.cetsp.ea a is arpaed INDUA E. li'iKlIAmg LOOR> puRFE -oth. Vie tomruad cnd Ogoed Parlttr ce prepâed stm n <avà WsuaAvenue, Lyu4 u & MaP.lrlc.tf éOfýLuc.SMb ttkil,'QiC O.i5ot thIiee £cm for Wgoir. uMn. fnikhaattt'ssly swacméleuso0£e gniulq7. wftbe.t'LYDIA e. ~~ - gjILfe Usl atarrh -Oure is takou inter- npi.It aqis dleeIly upon th. blood »a ÃŽd lb uo~utcof tfiiétrv . Puce 750. . R.novs e iemast and druggkist Whuby. 1,0 1 n r r)à r e 0't ,1 ' obnITY 0#1 diê?ixo, SITINIOSOFTfED-IYISIK019WT8 FOR 1682 j ib'-ln ,pâb. 1, )Mar. 1, 4pr. 1.M î,lune, July Sept. 1. Ot.1Nov.ý, Dec. l. lcl ui ,Sp.9 DuiaCjuek j~n Mar. 9, nov. 2. Port Porry-lii 9 lar.4, Alr , e ayiB lune 28, July 28, à ;ept. ,0* .10, Nov. 20, Dec>28. ti9xbrldÃe-Pc, 5, Mnx. 4ÂrjgMy28 lune -W. Sej>*. 600t. 24, 'Nor. 21, Dec. 20. Cannute-Peb. 9, Mnr.l'à , Apr. 18, May 26, lune 28, Srt.?7, Oct. 25, Dec. 6. eaei'ib10 Mnr. 16, Mlay.27, lune 29 Aherly-MniL. 17, lune 80, Sept. 9, Doc.?7. - N.E AUHWELL,. gicaa fglats knewn, asth re eornta cf' th n"ç% a tj suc MUIfIU/fUt i~ALtI - 0rF-A VALUABLE IR,1ES I DENCE 1 'iN TEE i op 0FwHi By. Puru apoversof sae contalned lu sn ludeture cOf rtgage, whlch viii b. pro. ducodaet he lime eot.sae, Ibore vill b cf- fua for aie by Piuli Aucton st the, Royal flotel, ln the Town cli tby, by Uir. Levi Fairbanks, Auctioneer, on Wednesday, the 2à th day of October, 1682, st Threes o'cîeck ln lb, citernoon, the foi. Ieving property. vIs . The North haives of Town lots Nos.27, and 28 lu th. Bnd TVer cf the SM Double Rcnge t61 Town. lots West cf Brook street in tthe Town of Wlitby, being parn cf lot No. 27 ln thse Firut concessiou cf tb. Township of VWbitby. This propertY lu utel ctualed ou tihe 'Wet aide otByron fireet In. the Town et Wllby, sn u asocoepied by N. W. Brown, as bhis realdeuce for several 7mas Be dweiiing housLâa cg>pd mulitatlai frasnc building;- the, onîblidiugo sud fencea are &lU good lise gronmde are planted wlth choicefruit &sud orummentci trees. TRRMS 0F SALB.L-One-tentis cash at thse lima cf sale, enougis vitisin ou. mouS)> theremiter te malteoue.fourth of the pur. Mi.amoneey, the balance lo be PAUdilu dv. za ulannual anstalmnenta vils lulerest at rate cf seven per cent per annurn fromi epaugularaȈ udogltions ét sale eau h, had from the Aucotieeau W. K. Blliugm. Eaq, Whitby. sud the V.ndor's solioitor. Oshaa, 251h S8 temnber, 1882. tin-Ai Veudor'.s oicitor. fINIARtO LAU1ES' COI[fCE1 ýOTIQE lu he-obygflea$ bte lNfthb of th*. Outario Ladies' GoU 4lii ta"e place l in.heCojiege B=, on FRIDAT, TEE 2OTUDAY 0F OCT- OBUR, 108%2, et Tvo oelock lu lh. aiternoon, fthe lspur. pose cf reMlig tel mie nud!Stsexeit, cousidering thoercrltof!issulugPr'ef ential Stock, eicmnaireorSsnob cther bdusies sMay bebrutb*ale. ise Sharoholders auch meeing for tii Intorcatet Ah. Cilege. Wby, 211h, 8ept4,18K ~ Sertsy REALT~ ~B WE~BLTU. 155'AII'I'l tUA~ FOR SILENCE, eASE4, DURABILITY, FINISH, RtANGE 0F WOR, UNEICELLEI DIBECT PROM TIE FÂCTOBT, ,EEAPER IEN EVER!1 MREPEB inElkinaly permitted to the following laies, being a few cf the mauy who bïve puvhsssdth6 IlWhit."-Me. Chas. Seitmia-m. --M-rhali i.m tu X. 4ýptmoUi. :à & ld, ÎÉ;..J.A.Ombllr.ueLcdr Mra. Sajnel Jackson. Mia. John Tanner, r l<r~Js~J~ffit Wltby ; 1r5.Bn5I Eatrlck, Plckezlng.. Soie Agent, wwmtby. L. ËAIRBANE, KIDNYe, LIVFR AND UOWKI*. P - taOU8AUOO CME SA D Dt&]E RY AND ~o~mte SlrootatlumlltuteMs large sud superterstoekcem~stng evsrj< lu lite Smiller>' lias. aime, LEk~1~ VALISES à ii>~ SÂRfl!OGk TRU~KS. a - -~T ~OW- L 4WLLbREN'8 04W~IA~SB i Dc,. us Jroa ti.sWb1h> -IT~ prioes. (Joctober 12,81. î1t exoeedinglyilow picesno à é6aW-ýedthaï" i s W. J. GIBSON, DUNDÂS STREET. ~i- D f UNmTJsIOM ~Ioi cs~h~ra~Sl±gand PuAI Tuunea1hrofgh'ilt, Cà nQzAî8tsw». kll d'e that msm read figure.ýoauplay lmes a&tonce. TleiToue troquai todô lk ?O~lnt ,N n leof M#sia r tO pb9rte it. -, fb. ~ Wtl0A~~tf n moues o tunes em?*solng ail the popular Airs, prlnted in simple9 on u re afasi the. Instrument, ati, sbvnt distance from th. month-plecel, mct t can b. easiy rd,.d byman fcl any ans, vithout thelea muial knowledge, can perforrn upon Fusmerrnrtu~a lns~ igt osn a utile Taîll vlhairs cauplaY hundedaet 4es ~ah car vhtove. "ii.Musical Telephone lseconda SPECIA l N e MsiTelpheoa'dïn iýil 1 uobedohnmnfc t4.rers, the. EDISON MUSIC CO., or tlrcugh their aeral branches througiiont i> U. S. ijmpnefiir)you « asyth .Piano Organ or Melodeon,,wltb EDIBON'8 ~iuus «r ai t es~AcoU ïram uûçm e¶i*40 ~séonpecs cfm~so snt rn~cr NMdOLauem. eud tam e catïu.o ts Ticboe wbo3 lf n"1 M conty awy frcâm.tdatr ie a. a nvt oreo oort. e ntuwated& we:e 0v.viimail y ou Enzsoa's Eu&viw for oneyen sand "voen piecesof Edison'. linstataneens Musie vlth tihe instructions or fur 88.00 ve viii end Yot Euzso'sEuzz fir eu ya aýon Ei -JIslel1elio-~regitmroby mail. Whon ordering, 19DISOIV MUEleCOMPANY) 215 d; $17 WAL1¶UT q% 2,PMIADELp PAA i"ABGE OMPCES-M iWest Ba a Ljc 5t.p oei Mal, 80 N. 6th et., St. Louis, "dtmbi aiu ouN. J 61. 0ýý"«ssa tP~335~~C~U~ ~~XJEIE ~U~ES 10 ALL 1'RAfN Express -t - ' ., SépI.~~~ 95hÛ1i Wityt - - ait Mfis l'y, £Unsof Beâiâa Fowsrý Ma rô r-; Ma.Wédl*l*tak, V fi frLm s cf Power. It eeirgka ou$mtfaite, Rejuge. niti the Jz <f inueZ, Sirsiefscm a Enfsebisti Brain a h -aireà oi'na8in meoiand Vigor go the Etehaued G - a~ Organe. The exporience cf thousauda, pves It lu valuable Eemedy. Tihe Paodile is piessant ta the tante, adeach x: containasuficiont for tvc veek'. mii- oatlen,sud lunfthechaapssf andf bof. fFall patclnls in oui pamnphlet, vbiah ve de. sire te mail fiee to any address. Mack'm Megnetie IMedicine lanselS 1»' r Sit-l 8 clu parbox, or 12ý boxes for celpi efthle rnny<.by sdaiesn#.. -Windsor. Ouf r anaS.. fid in Whitby by W. B. HO'-Vribaud aIl Druggiots, everyvbere. !Y-51 WHITBY PARLOIi' ,BOOTand SHOE STORE/I FOU N -DR*Y Devere11's -B Iock, B rock-St. Whitby, e-- MATTHE: W COLLIN.S Infmasouetomjeis tiat at thé abo-vç establi8hinent will be f&un& TlIE LÂRG]gWBt, BBBT, sédPM, ST asserinieftt ef steck of Boots end Shees between Toronto aud Montresi. Don't be .stsfied with looking at the display in the show _b. go in ana e;mine and eefor yonrselt luie store tmhed ýnitb t>" n eauhoà a11for in tlie Bo a Mé-mdfijo. lifor- LadieS, anl sd CW&diend wear. - ove, $M00 ouA of veJ' 8' AT LOW PRICEB! Rubbm «pSupevior quat. No 1low ' but w#à at is sti.aiht, ins -tatin the cases yé uup i hùudersigibi neton OW i a~e~k as Ineet ostabliasments lunlIdelUne ot business. Spe the new B3erlin Feit. Boots.m-Ladies' Fine Kid Boots £'YTrnks and Valises in great v'arlety, at' lowéÈt pria.. ý 1833.0 The MamunobhParlor Doot and Shge Store, 1833.1 ÃŽmesta-blished ?PURNITURE;& Cheoprth" eer, «t ki& nw 8tôr BROOk $ÃRiýT. WHliTBYa. The udersîgned l »' ii eIi iità "à fôbthée blie for the .liber#l patronageesAonda4to b4i, bbgu pt te tisai lmving rcmo'red te S< upply siliLeir waûts - 'of P~itl~ JI~~very hudome e, sn vrtmig~a>ai éc~ld~b ubsIie.n iteaii$ tiz 'i conhi&l~tis piea-a.itreuug t'siiêIhr ims.an -bTKRI>Ne. Li ù U - 4 <t i T IHE ussiersigned haviug purcbamed tie entire et the Whihby P ouudry, ii berea*er carry on the. AGBULIUBAL IMPLE1MEi1 GENEHAL FOONOBY BIJ3IISS, ln alâR 1 branthes,:sdtutb hiim ciud rusnt tacllit'y able te iti ohg eu tatien se long wanjd wIiembhh meut. Tii. Imp emohereta=fere mau- factuzed by tba vMill.111continue te be the. LEA DING ABIN8 vwiltho lnst'ovementatbati en tbepsrtlutrbran viii eAble us te, a4d', wo metn ts ishe.cS -44% maube. sid1U-e ven&7ls eoe no eybyaeaslng bmu t h T. G tE,,iaeWdb ThVe ..reat. Amea*n emofm CUGHgeJOLDS tS a" sdTomsiut - aUth aomSïpbnt& A .tcU MCtcdoniaSj. the.e SGR AYS 1 sprsspa .vie# ti». S Y R U 'oasauof laml arei iiypro- tl~t~ olt- 1ercd ai aumiptim.c poira~ tc tMi SPRUCL to drinkafcint P-r ucel - "cmfut .IÃŽs remarèqle power in relieving certain forma of -Brone/itia, anti ifs alaoet specifl4ceffeot in 'oui ob- atinate /aocng <J Uai o cl knocn f0 fthe publie at large. SeltZ tutçail repWablc ci=.& .Priae. 25 andt 0ecsi a bQtUc. lu s torâ a-, 8=gisp 'f cd pr- u'à w" 0oemu- ftsm car Revwe PPiUitsMark, and car ierappls adlabci. are akose itoed. XBRWA TON ce 00C., Whotsaale Dragglafs- GII4 Nictréan riifaitur5?5 FOR m or EARýpt MLLON ,,hen iesKuWi ~OD8,ITH'8 HALL. XýÇEW -e WODS .yO HAN-D*'. WaIt1it -Waà tohew",Key imd -proof esse. ades' Gold Watches, the ces the loiiest posble.- We#ntt Niclrle and other Clocke lu great varisty. Forks, Spooni, Dimier and Tes Xniwes, inPlated, ifr1, smd imitation Ivory Handies. Piole Fraines, Oruete, Butter (Joos, Bcrry Dihe, Cake TO SU=T ALL SIG-ETS JA MErS jomiSTON1, Maxh'2i1d8182. je. CR&WPIOBD, Master.) LEJ Lu fi= REPAIRING pramreo u: ae- Prompti>' attendeS le a:i lwesb.ralerfor sudheam1ot ash an dehivery Ihv engetybnlt EY Deau ,'hl 'da greMa esi-hhb PATT ER80N BIRo. IOhrbotevicuem.- anit Wbty; lune l9th, 88. li l onvcu4W-27oiJEA5mvai itsiozsa»ouavÂ&rrev. Write at once- 4.u-..-.,.is.à . crt... at.a 'a.... - L'IL for griotte, mite 10 t'- A ~LE WlaÈy, de 26 i inalit- 'Outil