Whitby Chronicle, 19 Oct 1882, p. 4

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Canosn% SLoMàsclu sud M)i jÀ. Wawa. BoWtIeai 60 Sf1mie by vould regain &bat elear on îe JUetly ooted, hU losuby uslsg Fountalu o.iéài b oe th aï boatinles' iugtnsethée ye, -and lo. thé et ,obtainaci by an"si of *Lotb. Pries FI your syso, foirocpe lat or bu replae. Ohuroh- y@ EWVO the i.bet. Prices c;ori Canadias »MFèvea the elreulatlen gbpepsý iallloUsuSe., as .10huwbotlesai 50 pés~ -and blotobes vanish liks osv u lumeu& la &p. tale, aI 10 oeute éa *g and lceloxng c00M- op@'& Begulallng Pilla, ample boe. eM BoitsUboal Foye »o O@blblaeu, dt rcplons, mad poitive. It in uaemuleedtoglas per- ,eïo,,Dnootoe's Secret. b& o nr eydvolopmenî viii - rý he publie, tbau te learn nessa cf séertin léadiug Whliulhey bavesa difficult r troat or lugR disame %bat ebibsr aieIifio bli, 1h07 pré- Dt;-Lug5 17vDhSeviy for rZgleStu rirpien'botge, thi ovu dfreQOtleuand c ta. d. Tb$ pmtbleila Cur.d, and tbey. te rýdiI..uiieua. Trialbaitlla bl Kaîva'a bwug hieu. Large a, buitatioa, EBOUntion, leon. es, Depeite, Ourvol, &o.. ente by hWù"ih l ýý_ tbh,*.éput âtbut or Joly a'addflsowal eb oréy hablé dus#umo.T"i. pioet pre. 4 rmosswo toaeB sd litera, for- by Ibeir U4s m bept i ns iiblocSedeéd ls.St a large bottiée Mi argloi. W. B. Hovse tIud ge*. 1 &Q81, bot#.Sng., re, ut te huàe bfrug'DD ?mboa Ut lnal.ad isa lu tliaiaid.buek Mai sy ' Ky qullus 'the great I.ady foi ti b ét ga luabsh seof aul amg ast *90ge au Cosse lakaf lasud iila sait os euCx iarunt.a- ~une lotci4uqd hdvpq Iutis laud..1% * la sikati clue $0 the e ecf Bmllv.y.~ Foi tuiubtr pmticulIaié-là y te Wm.ý Léaper, <llrmýnt; i rt PIOnmistont, S3*oett Wlitby, cita the nadeamgusd. THOS. POUCIIER, 'Whitby, Sud OeleboÈ, 18M2. 2Slnd HOUSE iYaRENT., ÇONTAMSNS EIT B9OMS. lu <ccd *fodrt 1sileu d odstable. pply ca Mils. DANFORD. Whhy ies16, 'a.If4 FOaLE, JY'8 S-NAilLy B, OHUONICLE OFFlCE. Whisby, Judly 25082.59-82 YEN CV4PNIq AOE FOR SALE. TUÂT DESIRABLE BRICK 0COTTAGE. ON COLBORNE STREE&T, AI presest accupled by W. Gmrnger, Esq. For particuùlats îpply te lir. Wm.Thomp. sons, sadéler. Brook Streel. Wbihby, Pcb. fat, 1889. .7 TN TEE MATTER 0F TEEB ESTATE :. 0F 3 . TI1OMPSON, Port Party, Statiouery asdFance yGonds Merhat.- Th. abalv;ë--'lid y. E.ThOmIPacu bas érs. outed an amagament et him astate and effecta taoAudrew Wilson, of Toronto, Conimerelal Travoller, sn trustes for ail -bisa editere, sud ail arties listing daims againat mad j. E._Thompson are requise5 ta fnrimh sanie vitb the vonchens ou vhlch tbey are baudS, ta thé saiS Audrev Wilson Or thé undezslgiicd ou or beforo thé tirst ay of Novmmber nett, sftet vhlch datéeithe saiS trustee viii proceed villi the dlmtibullOn ot the proceeds of the saia estate. having referenceo ely ta the dlaims uf whîch hoe shall thon hbite notice- Dated t-Tononto Ibis 22nd day ef Scptem- ber, AD., 1882. BEATTY, CHADWICK TH')?LION BLACK8iroczE, 8Sm 41 Solicitors fon Trustée. BlkUcsdbmud refe sal theé Irué Westui buiec hucs as becs shevuflu cutng HtadIl tà M 6e irt&mo,Lhit vr ô lmej" qus0 olrda e2 héstma'i 5usd rqtb s bwçf I n1tays I4teAO Ach tby odSbelîuatnlcle t iscévi aboffrOmi bi aissla omlluw >s fa ustsytbsrguOflusMeal ui4its4b5 chiaouietf 1baswcmm Ilujlt laeua LI>SInO1I<~W volf~ s ias AO4ES t àée oefyUvshtccslsv ba u e t ut It. upU usI ,éé une " 8.Lte CARERXEUDINE CCLR t~~th Ohss$Ss It eri" Ïtesévery oiof the, syaim, SMtjh iufésàdvigon It toates faintnusisbalsac7 auJ1CSTItoO Dm%45fti.s4ud i5V55W5ik. mt- éomiisg, Ussdsbs%, un~ I Ofr inmiiAfhoS, cet in hsrmnonvuvth Ila goatgisth e rnis ,urrztcn. lt cofflOUly8St par lctleoarsMisfor 8&, Mdi1im00141IW tsoiialw et mmuywb*o .bee. roriéto prtai hssIihiby±hié au og ihs.VM Mcom0Ws- be obt5ID5& by adrendU YT P., vitS bicuZ' for rcplY, of eftAer Mx ffla CoW»MPOUiS zltùorthe live?, lier hiloc llls weri we. j osli io peWml similiLIit£Mr teo diowâpiin u pepularuy. Au ma respect beréais AnÀ%u t et NWh o o sobâkpp15to degeeoo l obéfl. rmaaalz.has. la oe IL A.B6» uafly. -1îâtlimety upoù lb. bloa sud thé muéous atrfasesoet *0. ytem. Priles75e. W. &. Howaé chemusi anSd MORTGAGE- SALE 0F a VALUABLES RÊSIDENCE 14 Pnmuuut'O powe of"leamisoutalned lu an ludeuture of mortgagé, which Wini hé pro. dueed st the t.im.-o salé, thore * vi ii .- toed for aie by Public Auctou at the IoRoMto], lla theTovuof Whuiby, by 1g.Leti Fslrbauks, Anctoter, on Wednhesday, the 25th day of October, 1882, at Thm .o'clock in thé afternoon, the foi- lowing prcperty. riz. : The North hâlyer of Townulots Nos. 27 aud 28 inu the Sud Tierecf th. Srd Double Range of Town lots West of Brockstrnet in the Town cf Whltby, belug parb of lot Ne. 27 iu the Firat concession cf the Tévuship of Whitby. Thumêroîerty ia weU sltuuited on the West Ide"fEyrbnsInsct lin the Town of Wbltby, a»d vus ocuÉie, by X. W. B3rowu, Bu l s is reidence -or acteraI yesn. *Thédv. lng bouse in a gond Substautial framswbuiling; thé culbuflUD ana »fencés are ait <ccd -,ithe grounds, axe planted witb cholce fruit an m rnîental lce. tb. iié'of sale, eéougb vith n ee montis thelftder tho make osé,ourth of thé pur. bisae mon",, tbe balance te bepsl& lu flve ,quai tminu&I lastalaists ila nsiali thé -mm of ev.tsi et ,péa»M *hm thé dayof1maI.. Fa he~autcuIws and ocditlonu of sata eaulwybýlromtheAueclonser aud W. IL Dllinga, Esq., Wiby. sud the Vendor'a LYMAN tNGLISH, Ulll.41Veudor's Soicitor. OIAi. LADi' 8LEC N OTICE lsi bhereby giv»n ual the Nlnth jýq'Auual meeting of thé Shureboldar of thé Ontarôlo Ldie' ou«b iii e l placi e 1 isCollege Buildings,ou ÈRMDÂYo; TmE TR EDAY 0F OCT. st Two oelook lu thé aftersocu, fet lb. * P ,bher bsiessmqbbîultbfw thé Blaeedm iscbmelgfor ho Sterest of th. Colloe. wb"' 7*' up-JOUElem 10~, r Secte. lUE WESU8UAOVEBJISER ARD WEEKLY UBEIL Oir LONDOiL .OITÀMI. ps%=ut tebotes fox iM li. asu= 14, io, lms Éshiee Ty e vr atm ce U lua dms. yFe»CmlOgIs v ma eov.r, Couliàinformatwea, blute Wbiiby,C Ù4 Z" tat. etI2,000, subJecte bîtheroo un- .'~' tblhéd.be3atei sd Ba I Rs . BauS book abotktle5ts0itLeý. .51 ITTINGSOF THE DIVISION GOURT8~fOR.1S Pnbls èbédordeiofhe a ndm. Boha }MAY 2, uly 4. Sept. S. Port Perr-lsii 27,Mai. dià' ,r8, Ma l, 3ue 18,lIys8 ept. 41 Oct. 30, Nov. 90, âu:blgt- Fb. 9,Mr. 1, pr.; 18,MAY98 26, lune 28, Sept. 7, Oct 24, Dec. 6. ÂIel-a.17, lune 80, Sept. 9, Dac.?7. Whty e.13, '81. Clor cftbi. Peace astori.PBPHATRS aretise cul lebslo. eti ver. sBs. animu a' sompon peisceviolnstisabîte, sud t IIaof. érllalaewmeu &Wasieif.yt#action ua The "1Whitel Sewing Machine. FPOR iiLBNCE, BASE, URAIIILITY, FINISH, RANQE Or WOIRK, - AND CIIEÂNESS. VjLb£.,SH LOT OF B13AUTIFUL MACHINES DIRCT PROM THE FACTOBY, OEAPER THAN EVER! REEoNi I kiudly perxitted to-tbe followiu ladies boing a te* ci thé mai who bc 1sT'-urc! hae "White."-M&rg. Chia. Scott, Mre. Wm. IfarzhaI, lm. Wm. ai, s. Wm. Grauger, Mra. C.EP. Stev. B. Axuirmig, Mms.Jm .Raid, M A. a. ACamp1l, MUn. Juo. Law¶lert Mi. u 8..mnal .Umis.Jobw iTanr, Mi.AleJere1 Wbîtby ý 4rs. Benjamin Sole Agoni, Whtby 19. »ffletWhby. E Of AT *~ ~ ~ O j~astsc CAuboscia tho eénpibyrUvt nii WILLIAM THOMPSON lai ch. sddlr ntasesMé x aa 13=k Slrist, Whlby IWAXTÈII e O f the Grand,, iSq& -efnd 'Upri0t, W. coufidently siert that otiw Pianos are the best aleoh - Ever~pianp fnUy a ante fe ive mte  A Personal, inspection 1 iiite. EiNTZM" &CO., Main able. 117 King-St. West, Toronto. CHINA TEASTORE. Fresh CTroceries, Fine Flavôred Tes Raw and ]Reflned Suýgars. FAMMlY Gftfi1?ER-ils MW LL INflS AT. PLEA8E , A. LAND EýX AM INE.' A ulisortment luinOHINA G(*ABS& -CROKR ware, at 9xceédinigly low prices. p r i c e s . 0 1 % 0 M e SOctober 12, '81. DUNDÂS STREËt., EDIONMUSICAL TELEPII ONE. Yon can Laugh, Talc, Sn udPyTunestrnhi t a long distace. Cbildreu thst a re d Ciie.os=patunpsat once. ToTn aequal 1tuo lu.o lalut 1iouovedseM.ulO~~u~ t ply i. o enable su ue0 vthout thé slghes = , toper2rmj ,oce o bS sumétw4bate reé a »" os f lunes ebraigalthpplrAira, priuitéd u implePire on carda ta suit the instrument, a ovnetdsaefo h lul.lcs hlf s .eal read, sud hy mséns cf whio aeu, vithant the least musical1 kuowledge, eau perfora upibnstrument au ips ue isigbt. Pions a t!faaiarviiarsea.2a buudrds Of tunes vithoua crwhatever. "The Musical Telephone ia recgleu eue~ ~ ~ a cf0éms olv~t tha 'X Y. ' HTî@1. "The Musical Téléphoie 1 tu< poion » po tperdsrs=t t&swnotes te play tues"-N. .Sn nc .0 r bymllpsigepldanSrrgtered #800. No inuent seu by mail without being We SPROIALEOTI~- lixeHuicusep çpýapp - putehalmeofthé e annige~ turémdhs DON MUSICO tfb,pr thr"-,Ryt tflbs hrogio~ he 19. S. la Orne a*ro u Yen Ii ra.y untise PisueOrgan or iM*eloec, vih EDiEgoNqs INITATANEUS IISICuTo aunychutLn4 v un asrea pzumbers frS om 10 0(111la as plin as dayllgbt. No teaie useS. Ai l he popularéu,Àb..Mlin !opé ovl e. umwrfat!tel sstog isfcInsd ns u.Comlilets iugiruetlonm, vith m'on lcscfsisl el afor-017E DOLLA, Susan e aaoué cfLnei. ecmfot r t geua ated. For 1.0Vso wi mail ynuIu>soies Rhvrw for ene yeuansd msen pi"ceofet diseus Inonsatas sMomie ,lth hInstructions, or fur 18.00ve viii send, yon Ruiés l14VMz for on eu an sd oné cfEdlsu*zudsIcarelepbhuesreglsteréd by mail. Wbeu orderlng, plesé mentIo is.thepupeyou »v ibis adtertlmemeut lu. '111=80N. M~( ~MXT 215 & 917, WÀLNUT 8S2.9PEILADELPmÂ, pA. BEANCE OFFICB-280West Baltimore St., Baltimore, Md, M X . Sih et., Si. Louis, Me., 25 Sizth Avenus, Pittaburd, Ps., 857 ¶ntolsstreel, Bosieu,Maas., 62- 858. Quieu4i., Laucstsr,. Ps., Cor. 9th Walnut, Camdeu, E. J. 18330 - Established .or#ob Pari. sept.5* WC- hi4 MACK'B it&êNeTI Nv ! a 4 'I on - NglsfBeoaS, Beniiiorea powser. Iî repolrs kérvaus Wate, Bjuiu.- at m e a e tié Inte fect, Stre aié ts Brsfeélleci Drain anmi Batores-Brsn 2oSé and! Vigor lte éBExauaiil én r ive. Organe. Théere nce et theusauda trotem lb auInvaluale EeBmedy. The ifeije lIspIaht tôthe baste; sud each bot couais suacel for Ivo'weék's-rnedi- eablouand l isé ciséapetand bat. fapau Ksck's HRainett ie Wdtciue la solS i Diugglilm- at50ots per box, or 12 boxes for -»0, oir iiibe maliét free ni p-41og6 ou te- ceipto e b.Money', by eddie. i ef MACR'S MAGNETIO MEV ' -R . W indsor, C1or1i.- a d. ~~~eld ~ ~ E( iWlb yWE. Su i, sud ail FOU N DRY. J.entire cf the Whtby Foundry,vlll hereatter carry outhe - AND -CIIERAL- FOWNRY DISINE*SSI in ail is br isu a d trus l i h fi n vilihoale tefmlbal. ig rpu halls solon enjye y Ii etabih h ',tts ythe Br'own cà Pa2tteièo» "Manfg O., LEADINGMA CHINE8 I w h e lmpiDem.eWtisateflongixii -uhe lubia Wtienla. -rmash.etbn ô' pthe - ébé meutte 10castr 1 5 -. T o r t o ,; i O lt ., C a n d Bof CHITf GRAY S$ -u and th$us c EiÂaeDû. b I j GRAYrS ;~CoSYRUP CE zc di.o h U - e1. 'yi tu&GUM =C ' itsremarklèe poér in rkieing eertainform8a of BronohUMi, and ifs <iléiat specitZo ejfet in eunnb7 oZ atraehaciing Couglu, ja noue zoeU ffl by ag i reazeel£ chemis lm. ,ec.andu -~ ~~ ~~~ail -ns.ot'e~& f .5Spu, na e euR g t rr n l &r .N a o n u t le r e fuiLlteeu a o rcgwmte. 2mB, WATO col'0 *sle AbseùteiiÇCX.fier. IbebuapJtu cl~fUiUWbte8ét~eU8s*Ih Y »lvS.,cwsarfi5 G0OLDSMITI'8 HiALL Wall.>m khê ey thd qu*1ty gwiiekntehdndpri. '068 thc~e I possilble. 1Cmookoi ra seéy E1ectroý-P1ate.d Goèds,a fui stock. Forks, Spoons, Pinnier and Teuv KiVes,-in -PIàtedI, Ivry aMd Butter CoolersBettyDIb.es, <Cake -TO 8uTk AiLgBleTs. *1- - 1- ~wlu ed REPAEIRIWi HiO. e Doaf ePi'>': rade lu mycamc.- noises lu my iaead,> igat dea *bluk me. - F7URMFURNT Cheaper tluvinever, 'at: hi8new: doëre The undersl e iirtunn hauks tiotthepuifoi liberW patro'age ete»dM.-;to Idim, bÈès ot y"tbst having remm hie couimodi8""e liwpoub0 Ie 5mov o tnw= ùýter p thiàt to upy.rtli imts. Hie stqck of Furniture oznhraoes,,,very hà'ndsome 'a1 ?d evz tbi#at cm be. calle d fkr.in bi, i;g M xatii PHBOTOR APIHYS 'f 1 . 1 -!- ire, t , apode 1833-1 dei.6m" 1 r« "le

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