.C WL IN w.e xéol in tie Dep4tmeùt.,, ke faction guarantied. Vrwn Cali and see the I3argains in Flannels, Çloths, and Woolens. I, O . ~(Çk~O (Late~OB~T:~.' '-B~Y~, os: FURS FURS F U R BUOox BTRBT8'WmT.l XALD, 3! FURS! Sont h Sea Seal, Mink and Perýsîan'Lamb,8plendid .v alueès. ASE TO BE SHOWN OUJR FAMOUS GROS GRAIN SIÈXKSI AT $1.25, worth $1.50; $1.50' worth $1.75;ý $2 worth $2.56; $2,50 worth $8; $3.25 -worth *4. A fii range of Bî'ocaded Silks; Velvets, Satins and Ttim- min gs. ar No Trouble to Show Goods. inga and SaiaÀ am n T'ooth,, Eci' and Noauhe, Proitud Feet and Eu,':, and ail .thi' Palpa and lfoea. NoPiTtof n erth eq acon hOm aI a af 'ua. imnpi. 2d=exEternea Ead.AttJentaié but It.écumparativ.Iy trtfitui out1ay of 80 Cents. sud overy out suffer. ing th *Jncan avecbýao sait posidres proot 01 1ws daims. Diretéi a -MyeIn Lru gaé. BOLD BY ÂLL DRUGOISTLl AUDDRILEE8 in IINE. A. VOG=EE'& CO., justice Rendçred in a "Trade-Mare'ý Case at Borlxbay, India April 1[4 'Sa. Nslhoo Mooljee, a resident druggist at Bombay, lodia, offored "Pain Kiuer" for sale, an lnfringtnent of the genuine Davis' Pain Killer, M. H. Ballontins, agent of Ferry Davis & Son, entened oiît gainst bint. The.oso aa...cahled on the 14ch of Apnîl. The Court duund him gnilty oi'prating tbe Trad.e.Mark, "Pain Killor," and fened him 500 ru. pesa. Everywhere, at home and abroad, have Forry Davis à k Son autained their ighta 10 thesanme Pain Killer. Jildncy Diseasoe. Pain, Irritation, Rctention, Incon. tinence, Doposita, (Inaval, &o., cnred by "Buchnpaiba."% $1 .Promtp relief ln oiek beadacbê, dis- zines, caass, oonetipqtion, pain in the aide, to., guaranteed 10 those nsing Carter'@ LitleoLiver Pilla. One pihi a dose. 25 cents. Ki»Noties. of Birthat, Marviager and Deatha charged 50 cent# cao/s. MAIRRIED. POTHEI«ILL-JONES.DBy 1ev. .C. Wilson, brother in.law of the brideaasisîed by 11evG. H. Starr, at elle residenceofo tbi bride'. father, on thp lSth Oct., John J. Foth9grgill Esq., to Koa A. Jones youngest duughtcr of Getrge J'oe Es q., Etli ot Whitby. WITBY M IEs (ýiJIOUXICLP OFFICE, Oct. 25, lý,t2. Ylà ll Wheat............... U95@610 S'Wet.......0 95 1 02 BâriýY ............ ... () 0 (-e O0 70 Etye........................ 6 06 Pan.................... 065 ~0 75 Peas,, bak-ey ad ........ <0 8 O 90 blut eas ...............0 7 @ 1) 9 Oats , .......... 0 30 0 (40 Rasy................... 10 W 12 00 Clov ersoe e d .......... 0 < O0 0 Apples, per bas ...........O0 40 0 75 Pottoes,..... ...........O0 86 0 ~40 Egge ............018 0920 butter .................. 018 @ 025 Chaeue ..........*".......0 12 <j O 1 wood ........ 00 0 600 Ses kln.... 060 @ 075 C u. s ...... 0 10 'à 0 ýt Rides, perlb .. ..........06 oo o0fd Pork, psrowt............. 725 @ 8 25 Turnp... .. 0 . 0 ...015 @020 Celery, p.1 do.........O 050 40 Chickeno, perpair ...0.80w 0w Turkeys, par lb.....0 10 O014 Goose, prlb.......000 *ac000 Bee.Lb te cro.... 00-0' 8 50 Mlutton, by the oarcae.... O0 0750O0OS -Belal-lo-120. Veal, carcase G,7, retail..000 OO007 Bacon, Farmter'.........O 012 50O014 Ram di 0 o ..... .018 O0 15 lthbatý ar000 000 Shalo, Il il .... w Iladishea, Il Il...... 0 0065 00 Woolpu, ahel .... 011 a 091 .4 ~018,100 ol * outhepresent znonth Of Octo ber Di.' Carions toznaoh anù4<onatlpa.lloe Bittère aboulc b. laken 10 puuify 1the blOOd na til!y the syso.. Spinal the severe chbinaet of Dur Osadian Wnin.là To mw '.. . F,«ufr ýLine" iiGents'Yur nishig, Ties;0..o11arelhrt;Drawers, c,&.,'~ DOMINION WAEROO 'gý,r You;get good Suits, well macle and-efetltat be favorite Clot'hing Iloue DO;IIONWRE0MS EVERYBOb-Y ATTENDSTE RETOLEARING SALE 0F CARPETS AT D09INIO JWAý RE«ROOMS. -SPEOIAL REDIJOTIONS FOR CASH!I Of-EN GEO. o McDONALD, ~Téet 3Ring St., West, Oahawa. ejeS'8 u1 IN T N E> AID)VIE RI[IEME NTS. n Crea Sacific Sal L ~THE MONAfl GreatSactf ice SaleContains Seveni C> FI Mattor, and la a Mity upon Agricuit BOOTS'ANDSIIOES AT THE Sozib NIAMMUTH PARLOIR BOOU ANDMIHE STIJRgu , AISANCE or Deverel'a Block, Brook Street, Whitby. W dralTHEn MATTIE-W COLLINS.'TI OVER 010,000 WORTSS 0F NEW tsTOCK,'SUITABLE l'OR FALIL o ANtD IINTER WEAR, WHtCII WILL BE SOLD AT A Rit- DUCTIO*4 0F'TEX PER CENT. ON CAS R CE- FOR THIRTY DATS, IN ORDER -TO MAKE VI 9SAE AND A FULL CLEARANCE! 1 ç Customersam re yctfuivlted to all and sas lb. goo&L- everare h b. B A LA N CE alarg stckfrom a vh o umake à a accion. EvM'thiug ltai oamb.uosIlaS fr-anS aul of th etfor Ladies', Misse' Goulu'and Childrmp's wvar, aIlfirsl-cisa von and em- ThoWEKLY NMIL ilberne brscing the Istest styles. And look at lb. pricus? and thon ton per cent. taken off lb. Subuono'be now and gel lb. boni lm lowesl selling fiqures 1 The nevBerlin Foit Boots snd Ladiesa' Kids a speclaty. A lgdsock of Roithera, bougitt before the riso-austomors getting th. bone5t af th. advantugeoo uproba. TituNKs, TIttTNIK19 1I I VALISES, VÂLIORAf î The. lo;ss of the uuderpignsd of hei reseul ' imnses azplrfug inasfev Menthe. ompels hlm ta affer thesinducemnents; lantat ta a scin:o cf tlbéatelstock auEt osudi Shoes eror before expuaed for sale, nol only la Ibm tovu, butlu ntlb. ounly cf Ontario. Toronto. ONE .1 W- Corne ourly snd secure the hast ef the Bargirs Ma.Z5r~ W C ZZ GU. Contains Mme C aS maTaleç Oct. lOtit, 189., Dverel'. Block, Brook Strec, Wtly. ocutain o ejConin o Chà eso-aking, lb.ecun.of Rors AUCTION SAlLE ~wad.NOTED OCALIB&E WE wifl pay the aboie revard frcnm05NOTED FWB E 0F VÂLUABLH iLieConisltDypp.s ioHaace Indwgstn. 3ons~uitou or csieeav OE LA vhe~~~~~001uotol ite drelinsra eunolcmle il. a~andD.;~ .. etable Liver Plus, Qu1leusluvotvlng Pila of! ITCATED IN THE conti1i118 0 fl FCor"osel. by aM Drg- gt.Beare of coauotteanS imttauies.Wdxoî cz or y. ....emulne nasanfatuff red al 01MyJOIC. TOWNSHIP' OFWITB WEOIS COI "Tb$ "'P M e 18 in.No entranhrefr oSlg TH atI. t. Toonto. 1i-ruelb. tYniW e r.sts a The Executors of lte late JOHLN FITZ- PATRICK, vii oSer for sale, hl Publioevrysonlberto TEE WEE Anotton, atdiCATO H RAY'S HOTEL, By A. "CAUT 0F1T" inthe .~teTown ut Wh-' Ãby, ou Dcmoele Animaisnt 1 TRURSDIY, TILE 16TU DAY 'fiE DAILY MAIL, the hai 0r NOVEJIBER, A.D. 1882, -MMa wubto o st Tva o'olock, p.m., by LxiFA rmuzrxs, draaUctmlcinal Auctioneer, iu tva Parcels, the folloving land: PÂRCEL No. .-Beiug compoaad of 81 acres, more or lesu, part ut the Nortit hall A th. Tovuahlp uf Witby1ly* eat ot the Wittby sud, Port Perry W llsaw ilh vas ovned by te late John 1'itapatrlck la bisIifotlio. B sz fa PARCEL'No. .-Being composeS of lb. Nortit-Eastern quarter ut Lot number 24 in the Fourlt concession aiflte Tuwnship ut acreab More o. 7 bs. 'rÃ"od ana Thte foUt ael ZNo.% itatuatd vitt- pnve la one mile o!f te Corporation ufthlie Tovn< 3 lbs. for $1. hoi< ut Wittby. Thor. la oreted on titis Parcel bsns o eaehepdl. rc O.Superi am. lae y o dve g god >Utrame bfoe heBEbwrTe 0c uood tramebuildin ,cmpislng Ynaaenoifslr derti 50X84, hors. oats ¶~oShedimplement - v ork for un tstIbn a ythlng bouse, &o. Thitsa soayoung orciard elMu. Capital mntunmd.d.WWRvlUstarlymt.A Fl ui about 120 fruit Irme. commen la 11 adair nd teaihasblo 'opwb W n hmib A Ful Supply Thes tendis vell teuced, is o! ag= nalili »%wOO'il &"-Wsd gl Ialagut vel ut vfter, suddla. haily vted es. qvbâr. lavork for ns. Ilow i diti tte. g. esn insasfm nfat 25es per lb. AUil Parcel No. 2 l la intae adjoluingono- or gIve your vinSle la ltheb. tiea sion tu Parcel No. 1. Thora la a amal Ton cmn live aI home anSdc .e the beét N trame dvslling hans. on Ibis Parcal. Iti a*b business ilpyy lm zy-va.A 0100 U? vol vatereti by a living stresm ad s la <001uoan enu fail la mk.eaor61» sYby 1p'3 '- paaîure lande. engaging ai Caca. Cotly OnI an ltas - AT 'PRGeSB Titero la a god bricir Soiool Hous. vith- !e.Ooà ynd.aialyà carb.whn in J mile ut Parcel No. i1dr. due-,& sa, slm."t Th ucurof the respective l'annela THE- LARO EST wîlll be requtretilu opsy -dova at lb. lime u ROof!a4 LB the sate to th. Vendore, or titoir Bolicituore, a depoll o! 10 par cent. of lb.epurcitaso CAiu%. To Botta, Bosuti onouoy suod shall psy vititinon. monlb . tw tl. q.G heater a aufficieul amoual bt maie up ýà flap à with the deposit unelql4t thlb.purdiebmnofLmps ~ mouoy, ana i 0O eocto as tatutery Mort- '50Oh180 gage upon tte prmes pSritasd 10ssoue ; the haai suce f sgaid=p&caemoney payable in titre. annual lastalmenta viti ttet sî s at aix per cent. r sununa. tlponmsiing lte psymients "Jorosaid anS ezecullag l.A thepotfllyfo Munîgage, the .purcitaer vil bu enlitlei à ,ÇA s fféh BU ce uueansd possession of ltae aniS LZ V,"4-ud&une tth mia Furtiser particalars sud conditions of sala oaa ho obtaned frota Measrs Fareels eI.I> 8 Rutietige, Vendons" Bhiýcilus; ]»ev. J. J. MocHai.. Osiawa; Daniel Murphy, Gre. ___________ Wood, ana tram lt Auciloumer. Dat aint te ! sl a ista, Obsnceny -a- -- TH11E -CHE-APEST mnoral Neawspaper ICH 0F TE WEILIES > ity-two Cotumne of Readlng t Ldmitt.d to b. the beet author- 'i tural and CommeroJal mattèes1 fri 1898 ow, anid GET ' 162 rae* EGLOBE PRINTINS COMPANT, 0F YEAIR F]RE-Ee nIt to new auboibrafre. for the balance of d#ar ely, newupaper in Amerlos fer 18 monthe for $,0 DOLLAR A YEAR. 1883., pisNew* t.haa aY other Weekly la lb. Dominion. s a OatPruilEaiijxgGaneral ArIonure, &à . IET BEORTI. IPORTING NEWS 1 FOR MTE LRAL QM3E8TIONS AND ANSeWauES hà w "ud'o!f ormaI b lb.Agrlcultural 0ommuity sllhd ptacltlo»n, and lt.he plies publlahedby- I L112» fcxr C>3200r. HR MAIL laus=y PoaI.offcadtiresa ia orea" Bnitbin on KLY MAI for 18 iM i redeve a vainblaSu»'plmn, ouasbzln 42 Bqra'là o!lb.Mo,* alhsd 2eâ ct vmà nsawith Dsrptive Latter Pesas. aing Caudisa Nêaper, Prie.$7a Yeur. JSi8 DROP INPJCE n Wareltous! 8for $1. Eitma chobice [apan Tea ,e Gr~een Tes- 2 16-c e lb, una riBlaok Tes, 3,)s or $1, 17 Unes open to select from.- ofý- .Fresh .G round Dfes eumt that týF'IL 88Coesare a dChepes u o EY 0F FÂIMY GROCEIIfSX 1,TO 'SUIT PUBOH&8ER u-Now à - Iwind ute ALS SAES OLES.MR LI ______ .AL, î ESCStL BOO I!TA R-FK1:: U E yery- Farmer shou1d bave one,,as ,c UM0m. to set frorn; çl n- e hman prices. IHE SIOL la eeonmnde b PIihClfMsAppIe Parers, the best li th& rnarket; parescreand cPsa o"MA rs..&Bx C~~ES elices them; don't buy 'unti yon eee them. ' haan. lsr achoot bocks ni lec~ ict 8019s0"o ----- SHOZBOOKSI 1 losd la Laos ae cf1h. DIA t mty Iseh or 1Il, foDE 1 ar THE ~Our iiuul large stock of Hiardware; Painte, 011e, Glaês ' JROND "If 01!INENI uE O ALRI Putty, &c., whictl we offer cheap, being bought beforetheFORH ' -W o Tm, uB .m ilate rie in prée. LTiN cýw il00 lot uval 0 Éà rps and Lamp Goods. American -Goal 011, wliole- ni1pyoII.c sale and. retail. Get prices before buying elsewhere. Pyn,*eui, Penis, ~t tes t ro IzS.ISU la tl d tn Stovea and Tinware-Large etocks-cheap., Somelhing specini in DravizkkMoc aotcrt.W. T. ROUSS. Fun stock. *. bocks ue n4o x~run Ot.,Maob H A L . TY> C . H\J&.-B .RXk.> 0 6. .. ,,Institute,Mà odel and PublShosojI Tezi 'Books for Intermediato 1 have Uf use" Oalsrrh u1e1re S lu tameh ¶<0 rathe mi d atreS fona u Whitby, Ang. 29, 1882. 10-tf Liheral discountl 1eaoherog cas of Otarh If Ite.nu e continuS fors ~îaedo not forget rossonable lonsth oft lila. Bokr a W.t, bW. unI.LEMS.à iUâeo.bSIuhcr o U1ûRnîNû TWEEDS d GLOTH8!&.Â~< lai year, sud I lyes enlie usdlmaclon Tour OnuWbbySep. 61h48. H11l28 Catarrh Cure The Largeat',and.-most carèfully- selected stock 'in thé isj~Uaa coumty, -and-at prices to defy- any coptton. 1A8liuff HOURI 76 Comte a Botte. $8.0O a Du 4J& J~I & WJEJ&3E ~ ~ I~ smN8ý ..7 EMo&,u d4, Q O NTS' FIJRNISHINGS, Garme»ts made toLorder order on the '.shortestý notice, and, inithe latest, style of £fasbion. l . .. pT iREADY-MADECLOTHING _____ * i O~onstantly on hand.-8ýýomqthing nobby i oy'GODMIW Maréi 29, 1882. DNÂ-T HTY EW G0. N u l REU1ERS8ALE OF LANDE FIJ T-AXES TO.,NA o! ithounpc blveyiuiry !&gs, omadg > '.e o! Wr a pêtinieWý w t4e Wardenn d liSealt e Ucporaton WlhmWth~o rîi Total-AmI. JAMZF4 R0WE. late of Whilby la te' Oouniy610fà *aelo B7ulm.,vctdl inluor iaboùtI the mn@ ci fifinarsinlu, tr. on or belon.hlm11 6TO £~IN, VELV MATCH, A!J BIrue fl-N 7 1