Whitby Chronicle, 9 Nov 1882, p. 2

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He~-fl~. abie cmpound. àâpcuiid EIixtr. Mtacacoth Orpa iPOIU J* Mi. Robertson £& VI. OredIl sie.of good Opade Ostéle, ,'orue% 4opleesntop &c., lb, prop.rty of Mr- Mawma-1Eertas his prrnlqee ~lo~ScK1rrtorroad. Ivo miles woeusE the t« :rw iby, on hariday, Novr. àgrcl, 18M2. X, Fairbanks, Auconer. Sale gf SbOVIiOVCr Oatle, Ootswcéld I4heep. Olydeeal. Hor8ese, Berkshire PIlg, luplemute, *ce, the propsdgy of Mr. Robér$ Miller, et hie promies, lot to I u the Sud cou. Piokeriug on Tuede, ov,14h,188% L. air- Ohàaneary sesetf lons" and lots, ln 'the 'titage cf &ooklln, et the Globe hOlel, on- t.he1MM dey of Nov., 1882. 1.. Fairbanks, Auclioneer. Oheneery sel.of dwelling house.And loi lu the lova cf Whitby, et Bey'. >hotel. on Monday, Nov. 2Oth, 1882. L. Fa%-banks,Auioe. Anetion sels of fan lend, et Bay& h<tel fl th@ to*n cft Whfiby, on Thons. dey, Nv.i86b,' ýM the propext of th* late é : TOb g4 ONLY 's: 50 PIR ANHUM. Whltby, Thursay, Nov. 9, 1882. *lrJohi n sd IbmLlcauieed Vîctuallers. &X, àiNinaczoue IIOVKugNT. 9lîquor 1ev hoa 4te ei. S1., des. Belven esé,.. à- Iwles l, aesubsteuial ority of the public. Tesu- ljeet vbleIsr.gardlias - by svry on». Tiare te, $11 but active majexlly (sbeyoudtihat ho total ab- _bt-hliematas fan ibm atlain- - liatibey may. Au isane arises 7 POA-lbe greal maau of tIe iýeingibe fansticism t 10Con- I-au tI0 the liglil of expedi. r il. Thousa y tliaI bucreeleti a véstetlu-n à lbé sanction cf lav- li'iterout bu in tîle4ételi- st cf a IraMo ein provîione on s rame li qulors, leomIe].not bs de- îvet oft btîet m «aa se la he amas btohe oi propexty. on compensa. lo. If' publie Mnrality demiandt lat he ,,wW I basin..,on whldh &emane às e màd lalbr 91bli eime je >'ho abOlisbtheti l.publia uorsllty vc omit go té liaI. -nuit withont r nattg t"èaI abr oaltb blti 0j'nb Usf,.1tle eleetors of Ibis 00 86 ese e4mUsL - 13nptise iquof rafflebs e cl own >un untie certin l rtinle. The epsrly esate in lu lta, Iberetons, 110 vrstg Wvisa b.ld subjeclt t ressaija. -Iseilenses systsu e wer we e eluuiness ns- 11411oliepuli, anti eonmtituts ~Issaa-~y hicb lé rnaybe ed w ilbeut -Violation of PrIvaha ssoreiiy "hm beu takn on the bjst by Usm LOocal Qvenmant ; ant lit mulli&as, vil enleder brré- «bimlemon inathestracte? bave venle. so t ca gr"st ge"nte gotatorals. i. ppmat Ilcnse la i, isovever, Dol MWqM«04aflaly. léta j e p 'ver OÙ'#&& andecunt polay vhloli, vwilinglto promîet lu viêlolee baun le, tg M408 op g forvardfilna Pa% pi-oures afuuge b.tib expérience. enting belveen Sermethie govenu- ont cf the.provnlmbasuvu la the e of tbooue lets1ea toçper se P4raet &àaulacieu.. e »sarast anti & 00 j ut, "Iat iuristilullaovmr lb. bjeeI aspuel hoe oalleuget b> eibher i trais or Ilse pponeule vlhbeut lslç fou saeçy hog'<111ethcy 1mev ,t f." nothl e îù14 ansd bs at.1l ïuo« i 4ev wbil bi~a POWer.Ih-.â rouOtlapSa4. l1ss1m the esiouupof logue W4Iette.d ~ic the onterrpgelt losenlngmponeyu -bunbZ eeo*k1, ileadIoutt tou80SW reasolilW It. , hspuBÜrWeeM aue eveliable and suons veedily omvutibli then a»y ohnriean u lley dé lu the. bande eft h. eu nek angIth. 'log. The. ob>t Lof' the.Govrat la puslag l 'be Ad orblddl nobuàhlogis v.detedte pvlýét g.mbin**l siks. t ci aoturner of dcrnb*ü,l poloy, ebd one sgoeàuily svaded s-lé b. umelbese tôt th. purpoge lnteudsd. Both the insttutious whoeo dealinge have berna questloaedl are cf uadoubted eolvsuoy; both bave weelthy oepileta on thevir boards of dirsotors ; them stocks stand st the hlghest figurs, "d the oulcry raieed ageinet them je, of--& puruly sensational olaireter. Coalsit! d bb. lnu Wtby. An old Englieh miner, Who hes hel long expoenenthelb. oal mines la Eugleud, and who lu nov engaged la lb. Pesinsylvenie al SImines, slopp$ over et Whitby e shoi t tUrne mice, an declered with mach potlvrâeuthaïe Sial wonid bu louadt in, Wiby eue. aslghbbood. TIi eIty, ho. ep ed, poemsed *Il the naturelIares in-1 dicelive -f oteal. Bolngremrnded -cf vhat geologle ale ed e~rd, that &bis district dld net corne ilu lb.heoal bsaring reglen, he laughed e tt hem Ibsorelle knowlsdge, aseerting th&$ practial uxpenlence lied liretof or. proved their acentldo theones et fenl, and thst snob vould bu found tW bu Iths eues laWbitby, bosus day wb.n lhe proper meus vwoes taken for maklng the test. Coal, lis 1.11 eured, vould bo fonud boe, and amrneday the people vould yake up tW th. fact Ihal thhy bad berna for so mauy yesru vorking1 an>d oonlviog W, meke a living vhile lhey had mines otudiscovered vealî I benealli Iheir fest. Whitby, lhe pro. t dicte, vill y@& b. lisegrealeel lova ina canada, and lh. d.velopmsnt of ît le Soil trpeures Je all te ve wnted to pl0 lace . ovu and île people on theil hgh rosadtoi fame and fortune. a Tz.tano Uv rRz St>EwÂLK.-laM exemple ough W b. amade iluhe P. p 2 ishment of thos miechievonely luclined people vho vautouly tear up the pUdblié sidevaîks. Along several Dreeti of the. tovu, planks have berna rernoved and papiug lobleflot fa very dieron.. eleacter, vlere an nary stop le likoîy 1.0 leadte todiocaiclu or broken boues. Ou Mary sîreel eepeiM.lly tics. tiefredationm are noticeahle. It vas o ly lie olier day lItI-lie sute sIrsl vas repaireti-tse dautage beîug caumeti by vanton desî&tion oft Ue sidewal It te p'ow lu a wosm condition lIeu ever asftitl' cf mau-breps A ell as lrapm Ciel May leadti o soutemore c1 thcse Irondlmeseua ntde«pensive se- tiaus for damages againsl lhs corpora- tion. Stapaetofsoea tr-enaous blati abouldti u te Wpub an sud tW Ibis state cf linge anti prevcnh ibis vantea déatruetiou. Pmnbaps if a revarti vire offereti b>the. Mayor il vouIt lave tb. desireti effeet et brîngipg tise enipnite t., justice, eut baviog, «se vsbayes«it. sotb su exaupls mate cf heu as vuli prove a esution tb evil-tor of a like chanacter hiereftor. Ma. SAN K. MOAvbas resiuci# position ea couducton on tis Wsitby division 91 tie Mitilanti Raiivay, teadl11 a simiber pomition on the Cbicago, Mil. veuime & St. Panil Railvaj. Mr. Me- Cav rau ths firs iUms'bull train ovar the Whilby division, vîsa 15 vas tle WliSbj andi Port Penny Balve>, somna ton jean. &go, anti bu as sachai-ge cf trin Iroin t t "0 lie p lehisneug- tion. Bis@egreaile anti cthous m-ner mate lita vsny popula vilau tle patron. oflte s.n1.0Beuvas hexdvonking, puutei nd emaiient offier ; andtihlb.Company viii noS eaw fid auManbdhlailli@ plees viii Fisk Jubilee Singers" Con- cert, Music Hall, Nov, lOth. The immigratinto te.Nentl-west, oh a fev mentieachiat The imm~igration te lie Norhi-Weid k oum oltegamw ase Usequer turing tis put sescu 5teshlnsateti as atteô lu au ever-nlgtfollov -.Total «4000, pcesssiag about del Gol.xusei. Tise Iléona- $2,M.o000. The oxupoai"ofet b "sm beving tln lihaI bals, s900EPu.8,0 Ant*len, bout 27,000 canôtilse, lbiu ease boe Iinuntier màutyfrmguOntanle.Viverçx st ot rnIuhil e mt hélu, îeAMerlearelut ,au iu . ibic a uestion f muly te vbntet viWl vlles y""e them famille.',u Ix dm eeks MnU. Tlmefoily of lia ceaies l ebu»le"M h<)<<,vrkmwolmiar on thée part ef Sir 1cm'luào ge.thie suppeorcf famiise livin' bienà la I thls entcfhi. liest teeeas xhrb terente. îa.E uh aabcfhi. ,80 HSes*y#s hic'BoWsan leva are.aci V asU ualMd. ted.r wor*lihogronnét lis> antion, eud Min sàliub.ba. vIlIleexpeileti ron thle*'mgrt reprecmal ix vte-"a §Wsistoln days..Es attis Ibat bo' dutsc in aeou led mge r«peotS &muais peter islm gate b sorty laaàecnmeî t o a e5i-. àio poiu. K' ithi do ,-.. Lt la lie posul cae vent 11»v FÂvama Mex.-TIe rmsnj P do e Vtt"or hIejaiecl- filenbsofRed. Fatbi N aua.,-t ~~ Obeva, iW hleplesee tg eleain lIat. in lie .< àg the e&£O bcisuov enirely otfdanger front »Idn oféo iri ùiu&%Ofbis mesnt severe ilnees. a lav-ef£We vun ho eue, udsad.. 5(igesten la Ms Ilb sibaet iWii a Ilquon ie aiga n ssi Sonday, ah '0-0-lé uuai boni- cis-vas but- au adtu&4 tola". Ks-magt n i ulue0'eloe hi, tely te o -f« U amneuteet b>' BeyPatin OLaue "ae a ugg.sîluil in the IUitj mm Is> lt bûtserves tg camelenbitact tisedanger Fiak Jubilue. iner' Con.- >ani fer aaeblg otes.ý maasis sas 01 anu- ven oert, Music Hall, No-v. lOth e Joeal. Veen Ualc u$bonilnfC e leavAse, le is )r r ix lt e bl ailsptC i jere Mr Oeuezrgn tlug or edvanalna mweree la fôË*m île latereets. The ppeuditure of Ith hlgl lae vnung frons lb. rabepayes and rether négligent atteiadaea ltb, meetings of thb. isui atipi lbnouogh the irotne pf -bnlngl>g'la tor mat filnis reports, ansd repertlug' from commitiseeof a e bole, lizuflthaïb patnioleati e ud pnlslag exerbos Mmr. Greenvont al vubàacard fo the mayorihy, Se cmatie &gooti usys butor., anti v bhobby. he basthe rfgs shaffi bim tu dehim best tu ndlin tb establlsmenî c ufua nfals mi a otherviée te help la taklugthe houi ouâ of theetsongh cf desponti. -Ibos presumptieof 1 h. MOUlla mouse us ano a pi" .ovîrer . aiiie tilesme",,Mnd lasteati of quletly drop dprlt a»mod ave"ydsy. It lm abommsd.Bléosp Jamot, BW--bep lesr] antiArebblsbep Lyneh la gooti rousuý terni$. saping la se meny Worda the theY, do net pumaintellets boya li Irrel of e Pouie, ant Ial the de »I kuo*w vat 1h57are u ellg *bteu. Il eaU. upon Bisbep .Teneît toistraet h] a&emett> regard tulseif, mch r. peretion foi detraeton, Ihmmsayebin@ du.- Woi lbfont hlm tu a Obnistia Bisiop CI"eiry letserequestedtego mm@ ferr ertnti qurs up'vith thes orges Ia lita euha MàU mseail viiicual ns le*,s"su apology viii mfce .fou SU * th ahsWae ioa.,, 0f meous th. vieunebîs mMoblmbooaumil te tv llstlugulsbed blebopa i vend thsii aY' la lh. Mad officefortbvlth anc M&i thm editom's pardon for listing dered te differ frosu hlm lu e malter afeeltiuj thé welfareof thé Cethoîla youth.- United States ltîcelous. DEMOCRATS 8WEEP THE COUN- TBY. Bitunme frou thelsUnitedi Statms in- dicale hieS ti. Desuocrele have svept tle board, &at a comploe revulmion ci popular sentiment lu laver oet Iat part>. Nmw York lias gane Democrahi. liy ~ ~ deoî 4noe#IliG utaor, Mn 8seeehrjFlg bj a MaîonlljestimaI- et eI front 75,000 te 100,000. Gin. Botter bs ourniedMeaasus.tte b the somblu eDmocrais antdGx=no= MoU.,antiviii one .xeplin, vM -le the fixaIDernomrtla Govemor vie bas MU tiffim elutbab Statu for e genere. lion. Wieu ose txong a BeplIlean Stehe asMeabuette os Deuceratié ilei au evideace of the very abxong ruae- Molin &gai" t hiePe'uvr y nusomylvanla is beieve t t bu *bout tblrhy tbonsati Tise roeult vill genermiig bu ragaridd a fcrsuhativlug a*sw.epm*g beuomrtié ArluSuph ah lb. next Preeltial elea- lien. The people are evitenlly dsgusleti vUls tise corruption eud scandais of Be. publeanumie andtihe tlpmny of tbe mtacine syslem, atainemueti b> fonde oosslnsbutlons from lb. Oivil Service@ employee, Manthel.submrviecy of ltse Ilepabuicnleaders o hole suufeeur. îugnringseausbov by thuix refusai Se redue lie ppr"usio vr tarifbus 4oulriluted lu noosutaifl gr.te veil Ibe)m enocratiavote. ritle tethe oret# cf BepubleannitutIons hal Ueit9zenm appeer determnine to e ue- pres.'tIsa. abuses, andti 1.1perty lie. bave given va> belon. îthe urgent ne- esmily for a purifttieu f et s.peltical Fisk Jubilee Singers' Con- cert, Music Hall, NOV.- lOLh. ITcvn Cosacil. Witly, NOV.818. Regalarmeenslgeai tse come a!Mon- day aemmls. Proment -Urn. Blow, reeve [in te haIr&î] Ummu. Aun, a Camin, Foi. Long, Orntlste, agi Poveil. )Er. Long hrougiêsop lie rePart01 tis sosunttteson efian Md an aulas Imnu, andion mollstion e ouassi veu lonto cominhe tesa-r.Orius la thé chair. Reportreoosaeeedsdthi. nt 850, pro tt . lssetéw aerblgtoed. Mr. long utfa=l lie ativaniagoft hi. poauaad Se titi Mr. Blow mivng tlit vomdi i eS ooi avesMun for 41». Icisul bave il lthé bail.'Bep o~pte& ÂCOeennv-bUvCMMa~W gàat Ur. Ž!,e L bo licp »r ocf oomuecnuire 55 mpia Im e binlider, bua gven a terrible llov 10téi'theMail andte b.Part* *i l«usust fbave beau mati. Tambac kni h ilà ldLtin sayt-Qttim #w us e ponIer, p i*. Tescaea. Andtia P,ýeaad sai. muaI bave been th. inhenshunof auvn runProvit- -once, vhiI 1vas theîu- tâ l cah ti- cule ap'on th. Arehbim6p.'Tise won- tiber lo hbh, sala h e of1tbose Wbo mockqd tbm ptophlh t Onilthe b.Beta dIini nra unW heibe veed at meupi 'Bal ei sd. m lnicifnt. onplame, atiti o me tl bobles. If jeu to asr baîttidfd ovUI vl vetoltroh., Ma:rltnîfan G-Baffl. PS -gretalv afeared liaI rve Meur.SiStlh and *O'Donoboe, lut. s bid seape. I oea nov pla&ay m sas11a lis manifese oclup be i=mad lbci luargedIbfi'» tathet.,ea ly b. sa subjsck cf fanuber humuslabass. Qed pertica m e foi l hé. soben e anui p e. me pinaesvil b. sumhbn ibrati. foi 1 LThé Noei du lsbas boneýet . 4vida Llhiier frous Vnaoer', #vin ir au about oet lisgrend dolnses loyal e rmcpaus in.hms parteofithe.'Dom- i inlon lu honor cf Bis Xclnep eut B. R. r H. I en'h let jus have il zéept bu a apeabalpusalaunm sM elucy vante 3 t. knov if the . N.P.lanlOiriabin; vbah all the. re la about UManiin; behtien Movet outI go, "ana i th. mainin etflb.efly-Ebeksase. But tle letbhex anti repiy uay bu 'given lu confidence b yu fer yen next be I'en tbrue fmnti TIM 0'DA4Y. Subsci-iptlon Bock PubMiaIng. *A Pae a,4 làkktl.ch cf a Leadiusg fCunezJiecHosse-W/set e Tereo Daiy Nowqefefer hm. te Say of a Succe«ful FlbyPrm. (Prom oot Danl World, Sslurday, The publiobiug buainesao! ho-day lio an inuponlaul positl amouget tisacommnesa entriseaof our cous. lry, and is e el.grovh ef vbi hlma beuvery nma ikeitring the. paut1ev =m ar. 0ftlie amsbranches cr Ibis usine.. *a qu-hiof tgl MYau more extentieiti a l orahione or lm- porauîlsDorréultes Usa.l t h sunlptien booke publsi.Byi bis le mesul ths publiabin g cf ]po asoit by the regular ebunes ethe boek Iti., Iliese gele ahing leva by hovu, anti oouietymby ounhy, anti ff*Ucg a sys. temqli. athborougi esuvas ef the enie hernllcry.ITise b1 varhu ecdtth. bautkoeslibellh hoi Unitedi Statue andi Oauau 0»10,Wcv leed n lablal se tatanes s levorks as"1.Plalurstqueé OanSdàl, Iely illualrat eti stilocf the vrlblngm f Sbak.mpercDlakeas asti many oiens cf *gi ehatard antis- orn M vuias mamie important enrnt literalure se lt.he ihlas cf ark Twaln andi chiers. ,S= =as*e uo bock iplmet reav b.d ia conuienD scbuu w.nv boum Ses uaper Bn..., Bed-bnisr& , Carishe"£-Oc.,sud olire la-1 Ibis bralseleet -bhsb l Our en -4 muIelvacfOa mc ouuly' Tii. 22 feeîn vith-by 72 f t Ilang rlo.at tm.fte "le- "A ii't»» beu bes Dow " ens'is -aauhîrlîoao tie - rivels.ao 8p lix.oremae e eba Ptageu o«u ofvetcnitti ofhe sar aund A andeisti ia board mannedti I capshan. Fori-oeme ime lthe boat ri aiètei ail efforts l t ber amaos, eu lie Exceilency tben laid lold i 'thil resl, -Riosaid' iselpeti ber over, au ah. resohoti ber destination villici -sny farnheri diffculty. Thé faims Benuett sud Lumiby, anti of Mr. Foi tune and ti ox.vee visltei, anti som very enjoyable tiuek anti prairie ebicke ehooting va. foipti. 1h bas alreed been remanke thît Lordi Loi-uc is ANV"..1850 SSIAN. Tise Party lhen pseideulog thé val non roati ou lb. iropmsd roule of thi Ohusvap casxsl1 ebecti cf LaIs ,x thefeUe p rermaluéti f< tva aighte emjoyhrig'k«jy lb.epos onth b.Prairle. Caltwiver, Ibe'res! daeo f Mn.- Vernon, W vvshti J le about fiften miles frcm ibe beeti c tis laie, sud tb. Party tbeù turne back tb Speilemaobeen sacorteti by1 langenuber et ludians, aUl vo mouuhsd, fron thte Okanegan reserv 1 lieu. At LUngley excellent suipe amoi iug vase bleinati, New Wesbmlnabu vam reecieti from bliat pi... l un oi boat, andtihie ruea agoss o Neusaut iu the Alexander vas sa veryýplesean onie. Ri@ Excelléucy and parly ver deligîteti yul al tbey beard anti uaç ait Neneimo anti Wellington. At tlb baIl ou Fniday qvenlng tie Marqni von &Il bearta by daucing a Secte: »elî. 014 Scoicinen declareti thati reel lad neyer been tianet properi in the provlnee.tufl Ilal eveuing. The vater suppby at lb. bale fing Provngtifeive, thé ratepayen. helt i Iueetin o eday of lutI vee tc 0o0ierthé position. Mltiuamdiatlfactiau vea expresse. by Mr. Chnls. Mioore, Mn. F. Resu, Mr- Scetding, Dr. Slavon anti otiar leadiuî citizens ah lIe prissent condition of the vater supply. The foiloving nesoin. tiens vexe aubuittedti he mecting- lb. fiand st hird nteurnet Moveti by Mr. CIras. Moore, secon. ted by Mn, F. Kean- lso. That tîl meeting in cf opîin tbet tle proeeul mpply of vater is un- matiefatory ant i luaequate il uae ni fire. .2nd. Tial lIe Weter Worka Com- pany have broken lie commeanteubb lovu te releasetifrozu aiH furthér lia- hllity. . - 8rd. Thot tliii meeting voulti sanc- tion an expunditure ef fifteen or even lv.enty Ibousani dollars for the pur- posé ut pracuning au efftcient aupply uf voter. Ami the parti.. vIa badthLe iafor- lune bo bu bueruedti ulaI thélate fine vbo ver. inmursti vre stifachorily sud promptly setblet viti by lie differ- ouI inaursucoe éopeuie, anthle prom- puai. are Ibal the burnt -dIitret wiiî be ,reluIt m early ae passible vill a flue block of bick buildings. -'Mr. Tite andi Ift. laBts uent eoupieuciug ai once, aï2dlîftàive W hr kepe fsv"urabie cx- Set Io bave tbaîr building- completet byprlng.-Mr. jehusbon, atougb Ide building vasual luqnureti, expecta also bo reiuiid. Cn;nnlng:on. A naubuai impravemetut soceimu) basee liseormed. The officsrs ara- Prwesiau, Bey. W. Burns;- Vica-Presi. dmet, Win. MePhersoa; Secretary, R. Sblpman ; Treasai-e, Ise Learey; ileamittue cf Manaement, lirs.Bora eua Misses ]Kelly Cati llohneo1Mesan, MePherson. MOGar anti Mai. -Knoe urci auniivesary aervices n. mtetiadebon Thé li ailleM ae opodn muc le thi voetreiksh curt. Cannl4ngtîeLlbanpand Debatlug Clubst hitlitI sp.Ung tiecumme the içeshicu "Wb.hiciEdmâti oondmco note le bappumm ian Wueilh tees.?' Ifuswri.. & Erowu aend-, w' BiÏu- san uupporléd lien04U &ffimaive, ati àleur . J IIy a u nd- Arci. J. Sin- claIx li ugaiv.,' PreuldeulMr., Wý_9. I1oylé., ettar msunsinl1 4lb aiglhm*iÏs, de.1de4 la avýqr of lb. af- Irua-tive b>snning'i7MO. 'I i 's I îp 9 wasscrvecsgn hiéUnited' stlages"-ithout - knowucdg, cf Lie1 ourse tIre eonroversy vaq takiug. 6n' »0 lirelurn [ast 'Pridey hé reution bhe )wth great Conservative panbyin the wn Dominion. Nov be lie cne is ar- rs rivalinl Canada abstaineti from inter- ho fe ence vibli poliicai affair. H e 1M.kev no party but hie cvii people end Ddt bir spiritual interesî. Hé coofessed, bc howeverIliat le enbetained the 11gb- ad est respect for the Consrvative pany, utend from individuel -members lied ne- of ceiveti curte.7 andi kintiuess, impress-' r- iug hirn vtI thébcconviction lbhat th:ir teed tsthey would ual brespese upon ythe religions rights of théCatholie people, or offeuti their feelings.by wortis of inanl. 9. içUXOUv AND RIBALDEY. e Whati thon, vas hie surprise upon ke readisig in a papier supposed go b. theirf of ongan, au etistorisi article abonudingt or vith linul sud thé vileel ibeldryt Ir againet thé bigbêst eciloeufssbicdigni.- i- tary lu bbc erovinee. Whslfor?2 Be.i It -cause, fonsocîli, bhédan. bu exercise, thé of first anti moit important duby of bie bd office-expoibulatine vifth tb. Minister1 ai cf Educatlon aogauAt the introductionc Iinto Sabools frqueuted by Catholie ~.chiltiren of a book offensive to thein re- ' 1-ilgion, ite discipfilsi, and conventuale r inmtitutions. On tiu ground Hlm Grae.l nu bcd bedon abtacked as an intemmetdiler 10 and dictator, sud vituperabio i li al at its forme a ati ben licapeti upon hiru.a re Blore is ver proclaimeti againe a final f w prnuciple of the Catbolio religion. a ý le pensmons riglit of lb. Episcopate, e id rigbl vbioh no bieap oan renancep abodhpcmst hecnieaino under any blineal or, penalty. Hia i Y tb. book, end tie .outaetettedbti st r lic did no& regard Sir Walton Scott as f an enemy tb Cebbolioity. Scott itib mot professe religions zeel lu eny fomj. 0' IBis religion 'vas a polibical religion. p ée He followosl tbe viewa of bis party, bisd 1% weme directed chiofly f0 au illustration ir 10 of te. manners of accieby, anti bad re-p gard generelly tb 1h. mididle eges,tbbc is limes of fendalleru snd ctivalry. If fI "M4rmion' offeude Catbolic feeliugs, et 9 we reedily coudons the offence betiauseV e of se meny benutiful pictnmes of Cath- si t- clic 1ife, anlmated by lmEty Catholia lu- b] s piration, sud deveioping in the infor- ti rxabion of noble cheracters, with wbhicb th au etbors elegaul wniting@ abound. w "P.faxsion" wa ot compoosd by bhlm w vith a epcoei& spîte aganpt us. The cf breditionaî rendict of Engliali socieby, r( oeshered by boîtiers of thé At'bey lands,-in whlch Henry VIII. confisonbeti on pris. foc bou f immoral practices among the w: boly ilzmetes, ba tbhoongbly uinti h thecmmud of bbc pocb, sud thé vouder si i. thal ScolI, living iu the midut of tle.AI Eôgiisb ps-jutie, streibcned finun- th icially, ditiboi indulge mare freqnently th in a specdes of writiug celenilahedti Ta I fgrabify théeiporbiti taste nf anti-Cabli- th ale saiety in Euglandn th le lest cen- by tory. an TUE PLOT 0F MARISMON. sel Io "Marmion",offensive ho Cat1joiiea 2 n2 Ie it immoral?2 Is it irreliglbusP Is i il hiagotloally 'najuet-? je ig not ex. o ceedingly offensiv;e ta represent ho the b yvouth of the -Province Uic Catbliio ' institaliocf snpesior sanctity ne dons ép of abominable vie-,?Pla not>volunary Il' povsrty esf.ity asud obedience reple- an sentati se faikun ant i dlbouourecý,wlào et bat ie det is vanld tbbide their sebeme rot thie pritud friare representi ed s atidiceWt laaeeing, ehebbing, bravi. Go ing,-goang &boutbtowne anti caties wlien- tle lever 'vine antiase. doveti frecoly, anutis violatîi theb. ights of boapitality by H thé masi etrocions of ail crimes, thé HE foui disbououring ca! bliie-ost's'wir.fe il le it tiotdan offensive picînre of Catbolie life blial bas blén set befare bhc mind nig cf pure boys anti girls in Canada vbwen f th. vbcle -plot cff the pluoctae an ita. liN pou sud acilegions' intrigue b4een Èo e volupînous yonng chief" ninsd con- an secrateti nn. neanltiug la Ibis 'weak 10' creasture'e abandonment cf henself ta adj bis mest, bhem dighl- nom the couvent, 'v< bier compeuionsbip vibli bim, aniu for ' tbre. jears -in lostbeomé - turpitude of en li li ez "xailthé v wile diaguiseti hy ber timesiag lu male attire. Xeil not- offénsavu ýte uid#arestreligions feel.A luge tb-have couvent homes of liolinesa cfig c.pa bs vere - inuirder wàs'paosdTo ,ai dùugeosis -u udred l:est belowv lu tii amfoef b.rudierc uiÉther , ligit ner air ?'uisld unhr,? ý'At'- pi Ice lalcus - Plsoopatein' Lbe. matter of 'religions admo rol educaion of tb.: youth en- trused t6 thcm by God. Allieé would Bay was this (pointiug 10 the tabernacle sud, lifing hie night bhaud b eaen 1 if'tborcbesnob -a motiveth& sceka '4 gainîti - end@ by .such an' unwonîhy messie, May the Hcavcnly riatber, b tie menite of Rie Eternal Son, and he grace of HIes Hoiy Spirit, senti forth wislom sund powver le frusîrate il. WVashington Letter. Washingtan, D.C., Nov. 4, 1882. lu les han five weeke Cangrese 'vilI' be in session, anti wbile lie eleotion that is 10 aCor nexl veeli Cannet affect the -personnel cf thie Congre-d, ut vilI no doubt influence anti color ils aotion, sînd inaction on venions questions.'. -Memibexe oeCozsgrss ant lb-lst of fashionable Ppople Whc ornoe boeini the vinter w11 -nDohicé acmé cngea lun bh revilteti ésng n ë by Il*fil find lb. favorite promenade-Pnayî-. venue Avenne--isuprovei vill, a nov arlificial atone aide valk. Thay vill Oe e ansd besubifal reaitieucea Ihel baie riaen like magie &xring blé sum- mer. Fifleon yearse, e, c-pnivate -bonace& in Washington tint.were worlh 1#25,000 apiecé frsigbt bavé been coudt- éd on cnes fingere. Nov, they are numberéti by the. bndreti. The repaira anti improvemente ho the Exeontive Mansion nov nndemvsy vibl nal be.entirely complebeti befor lb. finît cf December. Tley are of e eouxe- wbal extensive chereoher. The prie-aIe apnntmonle of the Présider' nn!d thal portion of tb. building de%'- - hot thé transaction of bueinee, i,-.(-ifing the Cabinet roosu, tl. Presia- - .',private rceptiou mcom, andtihîe '%i-c-itive af- fioa, are, bovever, in a1. - - -1oould bepreparei for the Presii:--, e up- oun atiay'a notice. Thé Per- -n a ise- pécte t 0retun. to thé Whi u Plnisé le day, sà& the roome in question are ho- ing put in ortier for insînjil use. Thé pubic portion of bbc building, snobs .e utilizeti upon all state occasions,,anti for reoeptious.-geuernlly, ileteill lu pro- cage of improvemout. Messrs. Tiffany, VOC., cf Nov York, vbo bave bveu as- siguedtihîe vorliof nedeaoratiniz the blue andi red parlons and the ceilingin lié main corridor, commenced that work tic-day. This portion cf the vert wil b. of an elubarate chiaracter, and sill aatot ry muob ta thé appeerauci. of-bbc mausion. Thé Président viii notice n deoideti change for thec'botter in the Whitc House vhen hie reluisis. Thé Garficeld Monument feir vhicb nIll bé openeti a lew tiys belon. lb. -ogning ofthe Conkhusional session dili suIe-ad masuy -vieitoro la thé City. Arrengementhavbe..beau- maatie with th Italroatiafor reticeiround tript ckets b W s 4àgtn uring the lai-. 'he managers -arec'rapidly completing ffeir plans for *bat le expecteti te be, 5 far, thé mcml omzplet. industrial in art exhibiLîônn lIat haa ever boom cuonin Wagiinghu. The-'art aud ad- sissian comm itea pmet mest nigît, as id blé Iowa 'boardi. Circulara vers E leut ont offerluga prize-et #500 for th. )st baa fuplapd caon. ý*,IL inas een leoitedt b givé a nionalex saceti con- 'iit on Sunday, toe he 6,le twc Md the prncipal 4Iartiste - âpsrDg aï 1 Soli p ace trin lb.'evening. Thé c itundà et lIe (bapibol viiibe oCcupiei I lefur srflr Tdny arony, thé lorbai Mannfcimig Comipany sud se Japaesé marnfeoturing Company. hée centre vil consiet cf n temple enz lematllof thelbenterisèe. Wallard' laIl bas-bec.n engagét for District ex- hbibe. The boums turing vhioh lb. [r vii li e open _are l10 n.m. ho Mit. Since man noi - vmau elîhér eau vc a ash ýexllicus nti d- concertsoma toe, l itii ha lieering 'f xthosewvIl Lt re omisig ber.-Wbkniov liaI Washing. I )n hohels and b-carding bouts, nicely Io djuetedto b verypecniry calibre, ore neyer belone teasnerons or go 411l equippti- loi lh,-b4iine«cf eating d sleepin g se lê-th a ro n o . CIraULAn Ta LiaeisxzIirziirôas.-- birujuar l- h.béan iàsueti train he le o! Lie,.,Provincial Secxeliary. et- -ronlo, Cain g e ateiooficse 2apectte h utiesrenrdc L lem under the lasv,, 'IL Appearé coin- he ainI bas'- heen matie that many Iii. ne >ertors11Wc!f ibe opinion tli 111e )t erdaty :o proseoste fr offnceï Wy njmittte &d àt th(; - - -ina.. r.- ý 276 in. 1882. 'Aniother iâlgi in diiieclscd by lbe slali6bicu le that cf t] decreaéWot 75,071 -aires of land' nd tillage thle year as oompared viil lai Uleter.-is eobargeti witb no leu than4« 559 acres of the decraee-lbc deore lu ihé acreage of flez- alone being 81 648ýacres- in. one ycar. The apply 1ir pîcture of decay -preseuteti by Ilite, figures le only beigbteneti vbea -' find thint Lb. acreage under oàpu heen steetily tieciniîq io]hem5.20,4,0( acres-lu 1878. W ô5'081,058 l 882; 6" t ueforh cf l. mat oEY, A sil ng Oir ~ Brueh 'vithi zaam.e"i inrning, sas Each epock cf Tanrtx llyleld tW fts pove Binoves instsntly ail subetances saur;- eslIy, YOu'II Sd it a very preat treamre YW~!I prve by ita u6 -try il t lesur. DiSALL0WANOE OF TEE -BAILWÀ AOTS. --PUi.AaFaBIG IN rAyon or ruRort CIAL MIGHTS. Thé disailowauce of thé Railvey Act passeti by tie Provincial Legisînlure o Minitoba hy lbe Dominion Govexi ment lel like n homzbabeli epon Ahi eé of thé prairie Province. Pops 1er in,1dignahion ia gréat, anti meeting have beau callet l givé expression tc the feelings cf tle people vho, bavinl experieucet i he oaIo a liugeani grinting mohepoly in ite lileancy, hnom lao veli viet they bave lu expeot fron: tb. ochops hen il arrives ah ite ma. turity. This reckeesa lrnmpling npoi Prcvincial riglils bas erouseti thezu 10 i dangérons pitch. The Acta in quceai -nhbcizéti thé construction o! rilwayi thé lcrnlni of vhioh vere vithin the bonndsrléa of lie Provice, a&itere. fore clean7 vwibhin thé province o! 1hE Legialasmré b deal vibI. IT'a aEmar oNa's nirT-To iînpîové thi eppeitnnities preseutei for heelth, cheer. fluess, anticomfort. Ses bo itbnat Zexzs- le useti in jour fauuily fur Dyspepsrie and Biliousues. hIs lguaranteedta buremnov them. A Ga&Ipa CAPrAn, -Cept. Sari, Brooks af sein. BeoisnWho eaw tht disaster cf bbc Mystie star saya to-lbhe Kiugston whig 1"that Capt. W. S. Sbay, cf the propellen Neauba, lisa gème'un.' Witl the gale bowling terrificaily, cntd et, thé poni ofthe propellar, lbebursiat bier &runti antivent tb lh. schooner "I* on bke my oeIl," salthelb.speaker, "thel vlan bte propellorx-'clagedl course lier veel bouse tboce vatér. Huti theéeeing géex liroke bic cap- in lu atle prepeller veulti ual bave knevwh lab strnck hiM2. Aller ie piaketi up the Mystia- Star I vabchei hlm wih a glass for tire.ecslitiurs, sud et trues yen cotaual 1.1 teli vas ou top. 'Tbey, boti séeniedti be aII mixeti up. Soetisue obhisig but spray antifaai; vas visible, thé veasol leing baniat benénîl it. Tic caplain ol bhc N suha âs a plucky fello ' , anti you canlt give it le him, boo lond .1 Tisa Kîzpîs. -Docuentus reasiveti àk tb p D e p a r tin e t .- ,-zf , M a rin . - ia n t Pnslerieaa'are saidti 10 ompiétly exouer- ae the keeper of thé Lcuely landt ighbbouae of lie chrge tif îobig thé victime af tle Agie diQster -AsYr~s AT EHALirx- Bumxz>Devi. -At miduigit, Monday, fire van dis., covered luthe Provincial Poox Asylun il Haliez,. Nova Scolie. Tic flames spreati xapitily, sud 1h vaultiappear-lie e-bol. building vas leelmael. Ilin aaréd sévexal lives -bave been lî.' D1sAcaRacis FIE. - Etdy's grea illa anti prgnieoent ah uter. des- tryeti by fie on lIMtinretayeveening. Loss esniehed ah -about a iloiti- Af FPo r a enn»o lO0-e aigît ofslOo cash. l mne> vas bedÏroou afa- v ana. wlumg ueuuewcre CiOD gée sol ingue bindbal~ndlame dt»w tthe hé og-in#9 et'i s.The vorkitW18 le noceoerilY a slow oue, but filly Ihat ot. v ing va. emptiét.i. n the 1nisentisu. os- the. 4mee-M*u lie basemùeid, wbichtse- a. superln!ending engiee and lb. off,&. Op, - ale vore lying--th keep-uder, apreàl sg, -wothe bse of the long &W -shna 'tpul. )se- vator reacbins ltl. opof hhujt. nalj be uilding. -Tiedrf d5 ana in a fev he-$the main buidn.Ti- juet Un. thr é.eav in thlb' uiding wsu led a- ha ospital, au à'in l rabout sov- .enày Patiente,;mou of tlora perfect]7 he~c~ The. foro e, WUno fiércely' e, bnmn rzhi t Ih vey hospilal, sud taboyéif i th bt craokcdl.rof11 eh th. eaëd pouréd, -dovu lu s-treauzo of Dr, .brilliant firo and sBâtes fdcv on elr ; ÈsdeÀiiideadly shbvez,. rendcrMug any near approacli t0 tbe- bUlldiugalmougt .erlain dcclii. Nolvitbsl4inbg Ibis .tbere 'îyre lzundrede<.-ladlg cufle yb6ildlug if thbyoo-ul fojuud hber way lhrough 'lbthpIe... 'negveriadid go' 0u, but ' .thout gaianecould do 1-1 nolhing inIat immense bUilding sud bad iea- r t Ie yïrds.'-Aieallezul vas made rais 'lh. lcdders le lb. ta windove, "but lie, laddors- 'ere toci cf ehort-sudaller a firemen -wvas knocked 2-dovu byea falling brick, sud il:vae sie n Le thb. latdense ven vould lie evepl evay ain a fcv minutes,'lb.eallemphs erso sa etappeti. The fire-bprut out lbrough co the roof sud lbtenoue vas: one -neyer g té bi forgotten, Farx ibvie the roar of îd lie lames and crack of lhe busrsbing w elâtes vere',board lbhecrics cf the i reched patienlà lin the hospilal vho v- exe xoasting tb death..- Most of them n as baforé sated vere .hslplesé, could a not leavb theïr bede and pebape vexe n sbified by ensoke before lte cruel dames sa ieaolsed the m, but chfer veore'seelin W ce daeh\- bbheueelvee agaiuel thé window >- anti ding tb lie oasebs tf liteir ,strengtli vasenbausgtatior bande mmr. etd off, sud lhey feil back mbinothe ssetb. - ing câadran of diames. A vomnan vas seeu ho drag benself -W 1 he norner vin - redov aud force lier body hait ont 1111 se coula blreathô- lb. oool-air vithout. 8h.- jreniaineti lu Ihal position 1111 ber-head v as linineti off. It ls knornan tint there vere about seventy patiente in the hos- pitl, andt aer aee coulà li.e scertain- d, only blf-a-doz n vere carrieti cul beforetb.eflame. cntoff aui utiier ap. proacli b the place. A medical mane, vbo le in e position to kuov, estimabes the lose dil 1f. ta hé not lésa than dfty, aud these eI patients in thé boepiLý. 'The poor old, people. anai 11111e clidren lot ont of thec cher parts c f thc build- ing vexe fh*uddtlet 'I.loghber' lu a barn some littie distance, avey, sud wye there paokéd'arcund tih - srav andi blanketq tW kéep- thésucorafortable 1111 mcrning. The building is sill buraing fléxcely, andti lirée sno doubl 'viili e totally.déstroyeti, as-itlàl utlcnly beé- yond tliépover of thé re rmén vith lb. vater powee tîbeir cormmnd. The luist*1- hoBe burned. lé deeli number tIiny-one as far ia an ce .as- cerlaineti) cight bécg men andti tenly- be vmon. efolwiug ar.eiou names ai akeâgsi William Brelnn 52; 3amnesŽCorîbetf,45- 'W.Gt 22 ; Isaac Hubly, 50:.»Eleazr c enoui., 57f; Ann~e Abearu, 50; *1 Crir- lina Nie)y, 88 ; Mary, Daveaegb .75 Mary Leahy, 65 ; Anne, Pritbad, 78; Lily Lath. ,iinane, 21 ; )giiüByau,, 63 ; Margaret 1 cbofild, 48 ; Mary- Willamnu, coloxeti, 58ý liabchWood- isen, 25 ; Mary, Arnuold 67 ; Susea Bennett, 60 ; Êlize Hlhz, 27.;t - Mer- -garet Imaie,81;.- SerahIninew-'49 ;i Barah> Jobason, colorsd,.50 ; Ellsu "aclinu,ý 52. Elizabeth, MiIer, 80; Hoar.Yng, 76; Sophia saeçu, 85.-N*a RBNva ie not tbeduly ol fbrin detcetive Ê 1151, .20; Si c d'ei AI viont wèeic tva cx cdi ýtIc the nezu Bruis ,-ci- auwrilloifflea -t

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