À >.EW T i~P ~ ~.TEOIt48DOW, ONETARIO DA IfK, WEITBY BBAiOxe, ISusB BME a MLII«IS 13kRRI8TERB & ATTOMMY AT LAW, SPLICITORS. 11 CXANCS9RYIIS RITCHIE9. W. H. BuleJs, Tronto. Wiiy AUN E. YR, Eut rWELL, LL.18 1> nBITR , Or. Officeirmoly 0 U£Oyà note1Broch8SirWbb. -at O'litLL1VAN & KERR, B ARRISTERS SOLICITORS, NOTA.- Rias PULI~C, &ÃŽ., &o. OFFICES -73 .offe Bireet, nul ltbo Dominion flaqk anrCoýrner. Xq; anA. D. A. Ã"Su.LLIW'. -g Eas. Ocober 28rd, 188. 1748 JAMMB KEIT1E GOIMPOI, Natary Publie, ae. Qf.DidsS, &rt al eafl cf xnitsonesiEotel. ooley le o uFtrlefuua-atl 1e DAVID ORNISTON, B.&., A TrOUNB-T-TLAW, SOLICITOR IN 0hanew. 7, Cneaor o Orncs-Ilb.thefficesont11 of 11.Poil OIlice, tu MoUMan'. Dlpck, lJrock Street, Whitby. ly.20 RUBOM. KENT. B AR'IITEESAT- A TO BN. e-wSlilous ovqsnceri, ho. OFFICE,-Ie, Victoria Chimbeaq, -No. 9, Victoria Street. G. YOUNG SEITIR, L L. B., B RSTER, &e, ho.-Moiey te tocs Opneîc-Over Dominion Bei, Whbby., Ian. 22,1878. <if-6 B u Chaney maAInsoivency ovy aurs, ho.Oho-.ei5l<, Street, Wbllby, 0Ont. J. RAMER GREHNWOOD, ATTORNEY 4N SOLICrVpRa, COU. Aj ayasce. notuiT Public &.-PSt Offie Dreyer No. 14 Whlîw .Ont. Fermasboght ama sAi; Marriage Sottie. aotW snA Tratts made. Speoeltle. Lois negotated os aU indi of Property. A TTOà NEY.AT-LAW, SOLICLTOB IN on, Brook, C. W. L. T. BARCLAT, LOCAL REGISTRIT 0F TIEE 13GU Lcourt c01Ju;"go; B@1lstmar01fthé Surrve Court;, Cle poihie Oounty cut, #», OOc. la Cai4l Roffe, Wbitby. JOHN ~L-,JW t.RRITERI-AT-L4W, SBOLIC1TOR B in lu anery. Convoner,ý. Offce-Devenli', Block, JBrqck Sireel, WhuLby. MONET TO LUILDt-Prtsat.RIN"s tunsumsnp tu 0210,e&aio ývu tati tersil. lOlauA& eILLRY L W0LO!T-UW cf Phsins 24~tqaQii@ Omcm.l1roc~-8i. Wblly, Oth,(bs mente loishe ClrEoNI a, M Lt Lu W. ADAMS, :IM J~ ZT. R0?8 OVER . . l M1OW sud lbert trteo. ,- - ceX 1 *8. : os IîbIYîbER - -MA 1~ nad- p~-' ~ V~AiK Olu NTh=IO YovToi , -nos $mocx.mse, ~1TBY JOHR L~~~B l ,. Prpif. mr IM13T *COIMrpa&TMo MI for Ouets. l. 0. W. .ZUMgrY,- -Prpio. <151. of 'Port CoIbarn.) Cunder the proeeu thpor eto i.ROYAL wMi b. fouid . oss eberIle Ac commodation for ponts. gV 8pocla st- Celo aD 10 .4. IDcllga1y.1 théIerîtslRtaPort Wbltby, Wich«me Mny fiand t caui Md ee hlm. Farmers an othera dolns business ob1thbamba WM vii u toaoomods- W PEÂ8EE-REKBS » sMner vili b. proviuIed v-w"boat t aireaonable Xste. GEORGE DItOWN, Wbltby, Klaroh lie, 1882. i BROUGHAM HOTEIL, Clerner Brock and Malia Straqein lthe1 Village of Brougham. Firal-cisa aouuodona. ]ue Lqnors aACar.Good .tabliag&,ad atteutive THOMAS POUCHE R, PRBop=ITOR. AJJCTIONZER for the. 'Ontario. ,Auetion salis of rad ïiit, feai Stock, suuffStnd4lt A t oaga 80-Iy to47, Dropsbani. ont.. WXITBY ROUUIE The. udaiugned voulaiIn"&m"i.to the publice111.11h. above premuses hâve beua n.wly bom i A 11.4up 1rfflhout, for lb. *uoocmmcdt altn gueste. Besi Wlne LkquorsmaAC1gsjs. -ýw e34 0I"u OF AAA-W.ZLS. AWa pure Rhn* Wine..Léger, Wbole. Boarders a 1km by Ibe wcek on'moiter- &te terme. 1 JOSEI>H A. B"ADELL. July. 211h 18 2 CARNEGIE HOUSEj PICKMUNG. JAMES CARNEGIR. Proprieto. This oumseulas bie % inu l ont. ae style, 4 the b.proprietorv lsie" bis W ne attent.atatn 0g1c. Liquors and m tthebeetbr;andi. Encllant 51.111- tut Md s511.e Plokerlng, May l7tà h. M1882. ilLACK HURLE OOTICL, Com. Pneu & Gsouou liEs., TOEOMTQ.i .lLFBBD OXOZI - ptpi* BTus, 0 1.00 FER DAY. Go"A stei- lW42Oer80bornas. Fital-lau »ote-i km.hlou or f*mea &mthe Irsv*Mwa .1-i . TLwolf Rws£ .y The abue. peuii ae béiewt"huby 81.4upone 1e- s eto!gue«wtsasa the. travelling PU blic. pRetWl*1%osOpi.a tsa afl boau C.N. VRL. D. S, flENTAL BOOMS remonA froeAt- kis.'.D gstore-ta oms anari Shia Bbine tore, Eing-St., Obv latrapeaon JugStree. Oe.lof Otsioletv 'MONEY ý-TO ýLO AN ,ffEMJ-Tsan, Xt- I to- -#le IIA-NGING -AND FA-NO Y.LA MIV8 LAÂ5P 6GOODS, dc., JUST R.EC ElVE DI -AT - w; fO Sf'- -- ' t - - WfIITBY, 'ONTAIO. 81ftElMM10SIG (EEGPfl=]ÇR» n KING8£14E8T TORONTO. zpà teYI1zs&Iit Md ATesa"&ts Fanoy DiarsA Desset Bêe. Faécy BeA-rooni Sets. FnyJugs sud Teapols. Sllsotlacd'ruha nAButter Coolera. BQrion Pated.oakâ-aôe. TmsTry sud Servemi Rotel and, 3ar ns GLOVIEB ISON, Dominion Wood Worhk, WHilTBY. Geo. Cormack, Ir UMBR UC RNT & BUILIDER Docni, Sssh sndBlinda. LUMI3ER vholesale aud reliag, or by >by th.ecar losa. Planing, Mouldingus of every dterp- tion, l'loornu, beethzgs belvlng, Re- *sing, Sbep aTurnng-. ScrolI.wek, etc., etc.' WhitbY. Ott. 18t1M-87. ,48 mETS lAPrnMay be f Wud on SI. at .L. (ac. P. Rovin h 00 Nevepar Ad- ven*ulslng Bua ma 1Sprue 8$.), vhare 4 Nwu ontm. i- MONEY TO LOAN!A 5100,00 7011it fs&TIIENT. ON =IEL ESTATE SÉOUEIT. At lovedt lving aof bateees à Moeeseum dvlhhlu1 daje 01 *p.' Wbitby. P.IwuruObI. Impcrtens, Des1erand~aual~nfsl LEA TH'ER AND, FINDINQ4 mal, 3819, Liombard St. ima cbaing Oross, Zuènon GLtE8ikà , PZOFTT à 00.'# R.W_. TTRE, &U tbe r, Mbutrea Whitby, Apznil88h. iS?. INCORPORATED 8. PA. BALL, C. NOUExSE, Wlb ApzU Wh81, UM UNTARIU BANKS forthe Fdds,!ehe et 4yofl u A&e c 151h tezitwebel~a m, 1d djela ausS euua u o hy« Ey ornertcf Rie uoara" rIng iai, prof seslon s .i u-vr soin, equ raw bs saisonc»,b y toeoulie.stm n TU -RTZIIËO'!I ROI) 5Efl Wl» do Ibisby lgiipuiaezn -ana &my 51e* The stcdi i 'lviki badw AWayfhm t Aud it-t ttud j4w AI shudder b Ta avito., Wlthfigurec AnAi atlatvbm They b*ani l's oh forsasmi Av ts 0from<l Ad d he earir' 00Il oilo elu: oaeé tEç8Ohtà pa Up ber., the vifs orftbe olA etvid- Efa. - ly-I1opug r- bar l, -là d -À "lth tva Icaens in 1, -Who~ ~bead gnmysulid' -- u i me of est leu anda eck. Cui,. -compsny;baiicg o i4ir-w b rdéked, sud-e s *u.u~. sal~d-at li tabai-The a01 hlgre.w vityý. The spirit of il, howver, luwholly e8cap.frôm my peu. -""Ag the, Sf.table grewgrad:aUly ogean'nd whoteiý i semore fanoy ôr' L. mot, he, old tmuid. seeemed ta 11ieuowly, 1 obà ginginto yuuîg and; hleider dis WcM&n gnaefül aud elegmuit cf'figure. ,i. F'ebo's face beamed wilb inspirati.on, âil>, -and ceemod ho radiale liglil. *The.. sd bu oe f Imy ovia 'iface eoftenesd mb biat a youthful Iliiel.: The wrnklee woyee nk,-ot of the Padroneýo, foréened, and'hie Uo1. loche iooXed- luminours, aw the eleciric bit vifé aIse eeemced to> grcw .grander asud iiu moe attractive inber dignity ; anéd' e. it$ff Ion -Affy, I tain l ut iy bhurt W ber. me PBRouim, on ber face, iudeed " thouglil,; "her- obeeke aâre li ibe l0rsl ed, blueh of morning.", Oun !'God heavena r, I whi8enêdt l Çand -ula'ho vas suco aggds Wùvec neat'-una v, i"fii s'l ,-vâià . çr., anail t] play te we M84 __________________- were'nôt, 0s seonnddi oe, i abslitsand ;Q <lai il er w44adom s hfiI.fol vhîch-,I had nual 'beforâ,- .Rive os BJIaoledi and oeresmied fioni 1 ti o iie, bookoase. on wich ho 'nOikhli. d.Lyd ian r ~and ho: Iooked eronnd'hiu. sndt à k tske utat owl-how- it How 9gît» rd tjhis L'tnrned ta' gaze At lhe plâyiil th. we e.abà lal n n Mymont Apoila niealock, ha wa.looa - Ming., Al 'thalma ci ýbwz $ i 193 nvae hie-broad, sae-t saed s-lim iloinïd, ligh daw -le he bhild, andl with.on'e of <lie.'go. The vou love, fliat bautl yonAs e women efler them v i'h- me nrang de -not tl e bVrke.-t sh4 _'th perfection 1of oà ai ofman. -_Ho eeoe an. sino 1f.. e li~eatuZandnner tuIa h nette, betahuly lllf K* netS, btathe dbm~i over ae"theteer$ léut. We-i zwe uotbu -a marié SI tana, miA parnl te-fom Oaile. Il raihovomah '4tito be-méntot aebout'e ud My emulngMd hl *n Lt tedof Vab.t wlnewan e.x'bLig u. A ué begining'hol, aD - lb. ald 1wel rlé sIW*»Iwalit thl alle t. I $11. SkowUiventtbt'sa ug upr nane aulnusuoecelu u x "la ton are uno Dao o e n my félly, ud bveaored i iiutend gVejon auj ahort ou ii y6uau 'ste al »",ayb üal -id iM* nt ov be te, ad tw,ÃŽl begoneet-iaforwn pr up. te al hawagl met nds oe hune te- meVù! gbisiat hoesae, "er i, I aeauji, bli arevl sre ÃŽ osyi m, T,?e eüs -ý1,0 b. e, of f ouviim Â"nf s yetnt li hein tebmAt euitheiny p.1 satud ne tel e .b1 e-ahid lu1 Iebsifrahecptre, get. bîà ýa ',,Vrs ùglt sae nulld vbaml ,Aem»dnefad, btiralasmA ai sutd" exiel, . ropectvAw ah. mi hti . si y deéf-, z ey ue bt OUnoI-&c uu rs eera. ar ynpsuM-e .o015.2 girl wbornc-I -1a-es.o im#mne4l isea rmforLai ho fle biicg dfali ai-I>. <o*r,,~ Crio' .putene , CIff leeprately in love witb f -udn g094loefll k;erw~i eave4ll~ <lbIhWadvone, ho lays li i&-.perteot tç~ino. 3iètr, b 2Oenoever suscb té .Wbre bevnocame fironi,2mcaunot splendidad'f lv--~it. equalb imagine, bl, 10nMy surpnwieo. i1w4alrws,.îo St. Pete'r." excl$it,.nhe es~n i #Op ta - ýA mn cf là ughtcn eb-oci tii.room,;, 04ee us. ùauaÃe, -pA *bg A -0 e-n r il laughton? -I -loôodet the -lponiqoliu seueri~on- Àfy ~ ýaurpunp. od-e shoci bi bo cksj pite lb. -n~hben-~oub414 rs etliitlrapge truilevwe "on i fae. sb*-bad e .-, eei 9i5 aAaeai. namea ho my friendua .d flaugly aualîn hpl . Ij "The god of Olympta shah 'Asoeide,»' Acea., st ' mpper.venmt -on - lsi'ptota an lb.eny of ail; sud lb. goa -af tbini. ber dédol hus~e.CurieOlynpuu gau uled an dded a~ vwaifhtonOf spiite, -i-hi# puis anA s"nt. AnA Iher vis-a a sOcùnd lao~ loétesuê8i~.1.ornpim.ne.~ bandsi overheeadi,-sà d the rvedagle- - 'f~y Jove,'Jlie :ee, (so=oo me, aboy"eh-bis r-n'hooh outitis vings and car, lasa- Eehua. Youneed.1 n41 - "lrhey,'are tald7gaay =y trulus i bIzai> aj mrs,"$u 4 ïpohhesq upetsle," 'siid O1 urla. "My frienl,'- feced: %res,48"sd- rtadjol -9thon bsaeid, hurcing ta me, "youn ne. bele. manjo. our -iut4 ies agatd Ycu shah ýknewwvho complexion is bigh enougb withe4 'veare. We ans a -1e* of l-the eiled Dlebg. Yma're titi lied pha [-gdu o!OlynpipeaIyeun- cervie. Al- bave . zeea-for.:niany a da. j&op zlW;me ta-pîomeut' yen ta Zens 1the lcok ,uuS-mowly wll your prt. oi Thunder; eallie bead-ol lb. table bis 1 tised 1co b. a lh liu ghte aA maller auguel ipousi e divine Juno. Tlxeui nau4l lie aïst poc, periasi; bht. ,on t 1theoppoMle aide , jle PblnApollo, do%-loch terribly dyspoptie aven oon!uy à lled Pebo, with hie sisIen, DOT. 'qans.- bürVüý-I# Lacibtu. Who, "Opcbiw 1"',a b.,enie,-Iiauswer. lia dicreputable perdan la aI bic aide *"Evcrybody han., even our coew ftiend, you vili esly gnoe. She fa Apbno- huovaswh*t sou are-, bat- ioes-aago or dite, ýwhiom we.cuill Affy, the, boat ereale purse, wbiob ia Dot 80o4em. I ope. As unsin Olyrpue-! beg jour pardon, I itl-uced tobh." . 1- iean in Rome." 11Aè for vunme." c eld thePadroneý, "Here. Heobe," ho onied, n'aAthiclove. snd b. eaugh '-up * huit. aAforin luly girl wio bsd cerved ne vas et hie'. ,hi$ rlghl ad lrspln ,"I le8146 usin no ntabosdiblate, venunoton hea auactue sint~sttunu -i~puu~-from. ien ivcyo y chal, lb.. inn4nbolulb.ptieastvold sud -ber ~~nihy'uoesl b. fullk enough, -AnAdtt<ouX su . ad OI s7nE-y Ooinilyà alt~ "Psbe 4ut, Andiqvp>p1fbU, bia h, -Ib leganl .1i1j vii:More WÃŽ1367 eb ean-erof Olympue, »Pliobé."gv Ps4Offl'e a vifs aA juhnl.ê'iln fc.-leé I'b kaue. lngu 4 lr t1oignlm u"'neho.aoSeehaFblI141" edoycu pu dou oùnuif2i~A -hie« otea e e.-t fanlu. ~ ~ ~ -ne su o'tmk alc c ernf en t1-a'vi fiaiat he jL. noit ilix Lliie jibIPtoi a box' y. Ileen alg " Oh, d rmï fslrl w5o ther i ,t iimA of fou." ned. r ver.,' olutterool lb~ beiug, n you ven9 .nohjà aloas ol my - t person -rixhi' I badIobeso.» amena r.l sud kneow liai I1-Wa ngay 1 I'ever I' 13oobus, l bue ahauggi viti ber sud] bene enuif bavely up. b3er-bn n eie sd, vil - su, "Well, roally1 don'f/se I eve. dcm t 4tau ien'cfho-ý ollo. ýè, 'Who ween flripdpOf *as iyliiesPîg, a ferced 1toe n id n selves,. and become lue com wee cuA oexpeoýt luî'n Mon. or le9s.eo I cufeéri - !notdie; xndve.are-iu ti lien sny montai cen ba. - vworabippeoas- thé Gd' ofcI, wur necafid cSt'nv cùhiboreýni odaue; :othu Qlae motit *Jl31upSr ukq . Diii f~orcbsVls SAVIIGS.. -110-lOI 0l Û Do ',M.', azuS. ýl nao. ceu. 7OR Cor"e à a.--