CIIEAP DRESS r GOODS'! TIIING -W. exce! faqtion guai No.i B' Y ~oeST C&M GREAT C.LEARING SýAL, -SEASONABLE GOODS. -O-ONSIBTING 0F- Woolens, Blankets, .Flannels, Dress Goods, Mantie Cloths, Manties, Ties, TOGETHER WITH AN IMMENSE STOCK 0P STAPLES. ggrTH E 10 PER? comploesand NEW rrHoM s SALE WILL LAS't 60 DAYS.LIo display o Trimi ]Ratsa~dDnessiw ty;, 'ithe leadlzig aiapes aùd styles. Ti. ]Boot! taatY- sd a borate manner, thsDeP&rtmený..- We kepp only the test of othu, aud the workmûnshîp ir, perfect., Satis- Flimnels. Cloths and Wônýt;. WAR1T, BROOK STB~T HTY MCCA1S1-Sr iBegs to. infor-m bis frîends and the public that he lias jOPEINEJ) A-1 NEW STOR E In the premises next to kMs Agricultural Implement Shopt Vafwdoset Market, where will be fond CHOICE FRESH GROCERLES'. 0Of ail kinds, Cheap for Cash. Fine Flavored Teas, Itaw andfmd - $Upx, F'resh Ground Coffee, Spices, Canned Goods, Fruits, Oatmesl, and general Groc"bfMil hIinds. Try the New Cash Store-afew doorsouthofti rkwbeyo.1gtIebt value for your money. - la-WallPTaper for ,sal,fine stock-at Iésu$han cost. Butter, Eggs, Potatoe8, and aU k<dsof Farm Produce italcen in Whitby, Nov. 29th, 1882. TrHOM SM.ôA NEW ADVMTIBMETS. 1 HARPER'S WEEKLY. ILLUTRTA TED. )îar7iW# OÎekiy tands ai th.ehmad ci Aoiericau illustratod wely joural,. By Its u aptiman position ta pollUas, tmad.-M mial llutatiops, t. eefoly chomen seiaIs, short etoflam,t, sketches, anido. conrîbUted by th. toremoa rlma c authora ai the day, il camrlin.îvotlon mnd ettertaameot Wt thoumarida of Amern. can homes.. Il wull I wayo e he é ai o01th. publIawt ers ta nmaeHarptes Weekly th. met pop. niean am tcim fgly nevalppithe varld. HARPERR'8PERIONICALS, 1IAICP vM]IIcýT . ...........t400 MARPE1VS MAGAZINE......... 4 :O 1IEPER's AA......4 G Tihe TUBEZ abova pubUiamtioam0.. .'1000O à RIS YO1UNG PESOILE ... 150 IIAR MERIt IAGAZIE HAliPER'S YOUNG PROPLEf...î0 BARP'BRS PRANnEix SQUAEE LÎERAIT, On. Yeus 8( U b a..1 ~ Pau 0 efrer go aU auboariberm <th#A.UM;w D statu or <a0ia The Valunni. ahe WnAZg bog iwth Whu nostm.sla etlo"eliuIb derstood th" t h. subecriher wtbe. b'60~ raence wttheh.Nauner là .xt miCr I eoéà t ai oar. The laiPOnU AaUml Voumes pl e pet volume. Clal esse «» ene*"IlOUM0, Mit" îif4 bndlng, fv ii . eutby mail, ootpbl, ap neceipt of 01.00 .aeh. RemittaooeM eould bé ehaSILm'og)e tee Manoy Ordar or Dra%t b vol. Is e Ncwsorvers art ta gb o 0 h1ù ieOd'is4a. -tr tîO a. h#.proror Oft maw l BaoTurna Addremi HARPER&~BOERNwTn Haper'8Y. Bazar, 1883, p TI IIGKCOURT 0F1? U8TIOE*' Puraumtto the D*«reemcd mituorder las mai. the a IRIo" ui. t Ns>cli e ATr DEFOE** HOTEL, -EIXTiti VILLAGE 0OP UTICA.. st tb. bout ci Tvao'ook, jsm.,oun MONDAT, TERIENTS3D'A< OP DBOEMB% ,A. fD.. 189 3 1h. loIIovlng lacis: PÂEBCEL L-omtswaag u6 1. more et*mbIu fc.. Lete avalta th.fe '?eap4~o gd# Tt Lot o This lot han reue.!li*mm otherl 1174 l1« Timber") atAI nron, Baturay, 101h Dueuibext, Iteu é ,ti « lAeaitureirec4d o"alae eA09 itIl oqua, ééJoUe t eti« 1îm 1* tahs qaee.lolou:k S0 fou4 a a41.4 l 84 in5leet lagUs fullt of M icm square, as tei :10 la18 eot imjUis.a &S .7z oSî, 1of* mml l 0& m bameula:IhpqaIdin à lee x.auarab, asloule v: i1it au- la SISsc Th» Tuber *tnlbed mua I»of "m uttal verede. la tbePl " th e*m » no toatme4o.tbc e! en m Is Tm. GHEAP ND, GOOD ý,FITTING SÙITS!1 CIIAPOYERCOATS' 1FOR BOYS, ELA~ED CLIEAP TEAS, SUGARS CJEIP OVERGOATS AMERICAN Ti-T1:; STYLES! S, AND GENIERAL GROCERIES!1 J.0 B POWL-L Whitby, - Nov. l5the' 1882. NEW .ÂDVERTISEMENT%,. Great Sacrif ice 'Sale! BOOTS A-ND SIIOES, MAMMflTH PARLOR 188 r AND) Sffl STORE§ Deveril's Block, Brook Street, Whitby. MATTHEW COLLINS. OVEIt ioooWORTH 07 WEW STOCK, SUITAULE Ir FALL AU D %,riNTR e RWIH L&LnaEOLU) TA E DUCTIO pWTKtE ET NCS RCS OR THIIRTY DATSk IN OD*TOMAIEQUCESALE# DA BL, LAIIANCE 1 ouomera rreaetnl insl e au cmand mu1. =el.Pae bl the I po a 4 Lagemtofrm hlhamae o.E'y1hltag Ialeamb. Uoafr o-mO aau cidi batf g adn' Mma.'Get. ad hIdrn' .. mi frat-olmawftk and em- b1.Waesi tylW .And 1$;k at the. pri c m & Ihnton pet aenktken off the lovemt a.Ungfiura The n=vB.rlxnF1ot and adem idua à p.alay. k lare stock of Rubbers, bonght before th.e .cmtmrg t he b eefi di lb. dvat.eou uarcha.. TBUNfKS, 'riRuNqKs z -- VLSS A hini b oflag lthe taduoenmtos o l o a keaacri l eboul mtik et&Boot. and gho.. ever belore ezpyced fert*aml~i% o «dyla th. lovu, bdut Su t 'oib. u t u i o. SCoe erly and meure the boit etrtie DartiM" oct. 101h, IBM ,, .inm6 meksbk1ae, WIIby. of the J1IMWA EIEKN TeGRATESTLVINQ AUTBORS vehiwu rof. Na: Usler, t. 110W. Iue OWe Cbb e, Prf . wia SuiuhTe ,Re t ,tni. Rie.ïb T 'ULMa, ns ulek.cra&k gui Mmy o*merUV st -epaont$& ta b LitteIl'8 L!iig A ge Tam Ivzso u eaubhabd ot aaimaythuuemapIm soSta »Pm-u-a ",y oa*t ofii , aco epartmoi . £ledgeulrace umount o! MatIs itA"inoabasa ula. te ite weeky iotas, and ! wafthasfcor 1hla tbéefr invluale te el au éérlà ?thé flWGWJTIW NEW »ETSNNS -ONE ,TiEThe tv âIOat in DP. WLOZ puje IE RUY IIÂLSM la an ZbeitaOdfaam Uuth*ia applAI, h. antIi~ l çdTe ainfluencie which canmm usn uch pi oavulsive cnnghhtg. -THRElï ==doitheww ~piu=..Uta"! sauthmas t e a.iac li.. pa la md u* FOURa muocua rtsom Whculule"rb.anuzaua bedS Iy, catahe Ieoanusubias9M. mbdmhratanottdcl. HALL$ SATAR R.H -ieff~ ORLY INIERNAL CUIRE FOR CAJARRR SU' ix TmuE EAKET *bout cOrM& W. T. ]%Oum& hottie1, Wblve¶Mlfl'oe l==Coi" euse 0 aOtanb iif At m nbu ontinu" tnr W. I. RELLEMO 1.7.0Km * om tos.0 ola i unyai CIataxrh -Cure ss;oo aflu. SOALES, Every Farmer should have one, asi ýtey soon pay for themselves. We have a good assortment to select !rom; caland see them and get prices. Apple Jarers, the best« in the market; pares, co rs, slices them ; ont'tbuy until you see them. Our usual large stock of Hardware, Psiints, 011,e, las, Putt-Y, &o., wbich we offer cheap, being bought before thue late rie in price. c Lampe and Lamp Goods. Anierican Goal 011, whole- sale and retail. Get prices before ýbuying e1sewhère. -Stoves and Tinware-Large Étocks- HATCH Whilby, Aug. 29, 1882. 8PRING T.WEED8- à c Underandbiulrt conteinel ina ndrta ahe, «tlit ,aa m S Widdiield. Anationeer, Uxbt f3 R ETfflm.-IfOs5. PALffl 0 1 Hý-OTlESr Vendors oR -lfOTEE .,NDIM. ELE0TOVRS r CLOT8 ~ TOWN r W VLONT35MBY .Ipa The Largeet and most' carefuily, -e1ected sokin t he 2:7 *&ny ada rces to"defyany competition.l AND GEN~TS' FURNIBHfl«*Se -Carmonts mde to-order'ordêr on the sîhorteet.notice, - and in thé latest ityle of fa8bloni. B EADY--MADE 'CLOTrnING'ý Oo llsan tly on h n . S m t i i b i ~ b y i y o S8uite. Buffalo and othýer Robes - ri-eata z --t ILLUST2ATS». This populat jounal le à rfre copibin>.10 tion o0)? leralura ar a-laaiilou1». flu l storl., poem =el" pr eaby thebe ui Ingml POsesU«»$ Cehghe. atistiac emi. ocs; andiîn AUmatter atmi telasit ian It leUDÂulv £lly 4u lu e tb. i4ARPÈX'U PielIODICALO, pics Y". ~ , ..,& Poste1. date 'me ý CDONÂLD ice Gents' Ullderwear, Flannel -Shirts, Millinery IRLK) CENTjW11 be taken off ail purchases of $1.00 and up.-The stock, .owing to the unfavorable character of the season, le etiil very worth yonr attention.e. GEO.McDONALD, 3 King St., West, Oshawa. GROCERYI CAH. STORE 's DOMINION SCALES. QNSI unan kery, frm lette, ra Mn their c on- 4 the G R 0 GER Y -'ut@, lae A. lustien Ilet of âlrly- 14e r.- terasy 1A~~i - to bd- but. me-a, wbe 1 1- -1., ; "fi HARD-WAR Es