a o cabo dsu npuou'.M e-g. *uTbelsvllAu*,' uKo yana Drooy T'~ Amou" MW WVIY,-ONAO Tuttn Nov. 711,1802. à 17BU -ôTi AT LAW, SOLICITORS IN 'Whtby 1 N ii 1 VN li- M WI". t 1I mLatelotbf thSmoc oume4, Toao Ravnkgtoomahl renonats!e H' t esal ta"iato mnbsee pose o'iô aoou-z ROYAL HOTrELO. G. W. RAMRY, Popil. (là "e of Port.colborai.) &Mmtraae i Preort1à ROYAL wm bb t pt d tt*hâ 4ry derabisac- hlm. Parzmers ma.! others .!eln< busimms ai th. Rarbor VIII fin.! good acomfmoda, wiii lie proin.!.! vtbboatastaizeonabis Whitby, Ma 1*, xe. il BROUG2HAM HOTEL, Corner Brock &ant-iléa n Breets, i te vinsageof rougtbam. Fimi-clomsaccommnodations. Rosi Lquais anud Cigars.Gooti eUlng anc ti antive THOMÂS POIJOEBl1 PEOPRIETOR.L i.jICENSE~Dg 0TMOviejor the Ontarlo. Auoc4cml«suis. a isl staie rm stock, eca., attind.am laratechaige.. Atidrem, T. PÇUOHRI, 50-1y Bol 47, Brongbaa0IL.Ot DIYNDÂB.ST, WHITBY.- 7be utsfat o!! niAo . b ns~t bafk ~*eti p- t *ue be U ie. uoomeodticnof las.Bou Win M. TM£ COMA OU CANADA --WAI..ZLAOMR Aisepureab=& Wine. L1«er>Whcia- naleMne Rta&" Boalrders taken by tho *tek en meder- ste teins * JOSEPS A. BQTDELL. Jaly, 28tb 180.WO. CARNEGIE HOUSE PICKERINIG. JAMES CARNEGIE. .Propr.. Tbis flouse bas lbcau fitted Ui kn a oe, ".An*lb.propriator ;&gins hm attegon toguet.Liqevs uMd ci-ars un sbranR. Uit Stmbi. in Mtdh.1 Pik InMay lut, 108 174 Toronto. Whitby. rAItRISTER, C'onty rovu Atorne~ 13 anti ÇouaIy 8ccitor. UBca,-Eott& wlng. Court 1HoueS, tbY. .48 JA E UTLEDIIE, i cupîedby Farewell & Rutictigo, nezt to Royal Rossi, Brook St., Whulby. -48 OFFICES -72 Tousu Street, nxi Demlnion Bank, à ndcorner Kn n Yinge SireatoTorcnto. D. A. O'sxlLr4'. J E ala. octaoar Oh.!, 188. 17-41 }ABRRIBTKR a TTOENEY-ATLA.&W: dusi dcc West io!Armstreng'p Hotol. oney to Loan-Prinate lunts--at low DAVID ORNISTON, B.A., ATTORNET-AT--LAW, SOLICITOR IN .Chancory, Conveyancer, &o. Orrîca-In th. Offiçoa auili o0lte Post office, in MeMiUlan'a Block, Brook Streot, Wb.tby. iy.10 ROBINSON & LENT, (Là » Dueces&h Rsmnecs.) B iRRISTERS-AT-LAW, ATTO RN. JJys, outeltors, Conveyaneers, &o. .OFFICE.-In Vlicla sChambona,-Ne. 9, Victoria Street. Go YOUNG 6SEITR, L l.- B., Orwsci-Over Dominion Blank, Whiby. Jan. 2241878. <i BÂRRI&TBl4 TeLArW SO iIXTOR sucer, &le. OffDiceDnrýl' IeBo~,Bok Street. Wbtby, Ont. J. lIAMEIL GlE£lNWOOD, TTOIINIA AND SOLICITOR, COU- fiyancer. Notary Public, ho-Poul Offic Drairsr No. 11, Whltby, Ont. arms bou fhiti sol.!; l4aurl ge Baila. iuts, Wilis andi Trusté sâe -ahetaiea oans negtiateon ouail indi !Poet. CHIlARLES C. K1qLLER, ATTORKEY.ÂT-LÂW, BOLIOXTOR IN L. T. BARCLAI, - T 0CM> EITILÂT OF TIUEGI .8.4Courteof Justice; RBglatrarof lbe S~ot>gate Court; Clark 0of th, Cosnty <J88ai, ho. OseiceCourd flose, WiktIby. i J0g H1ALL MÉO% SýTE-ÂT-LÂW. SOLIlTOIR Cancory, Cuaacz o -D Brl'. Rico,Brook Strea, upo0W0,-ai al ao - JOUX A* UeGILLIVRAY, *DoselcEakQ4ai'c bien jU ENG Ise 1LB B a 12à GA lJrAyjTU. ., XoPb p ans M anihrgeons, Ontario. & Oort q*th cf Royali Hotel). y4 atoe enOdis ileh -îw s.! the panly frim Lewision ikPoni Yen! para, ~ ~ ~ oý Jon lnai bengon o pat. Whitney vol anc n1d iht oldjppîtt li éne?. Mia 0 corg t he Oyeqe;' thé- gan Lifir teig lte ~pltco l oQ, lu,- what, if' yen .Milti alèan *b,7bý n~yat Baîton, vite adà dd Ûcohh 1: AT .,,VARIlETY ÂT- CoRNRit ~SOE F. A n ha>ftat Ah, ycsl1 but *anar m uen bnatu«M lev acI s iwù bere more ? For l iis z oom-. * cause Ibat bne~~li licol sud, n &bie~llo~~ k..tw my Ilca a. l5P, 1BOU~i thulgulIcan. iy l hon ýrelaied ink iidthe o!é spressaiug Mozrgan'p 1nW ipôsur.e of 7 th. seet ofe tut. cf Johugs, lé wau is.ý lcdges - nt , , ieBoy," t.estir. -Joline ggested ihat eboulti be sî1perae'li rm- pi&Saod-on a tannin Gftnada peut ré aneppe.!Ui yen if ydu AU! b.eautyI inov hseli1 1 "WiII yet ,-D shit 11!t V VMWEfTMY, NSI. ilKl8-T.EABT TORONTO-,p - nP TBE flBDRÂIiCo 0. or UniTéseaSots.maRug OS1 l on sots. iuT&BLIeN*» iM1782. Pae uetTe apta. - ERIMOFPATT &-00., BvzPlate.! ýtÉo*é'& td~for Caada DA ta1804. Manager, Moilal. AGENTTEST&AaITgHE]) lE ARIÀ- Dinlu nuited isiabllty c1 &UthBtockholdors, and hltesieatv Fond..Moderate ratms o!Preniu. C. NOURSE, Whitby, Aprl Aen,,hlMy Assurance Company. INCORPORATED z&33. Insurano, aecw te.the .lovesi orriet rates on Builigs, Mozuhandiso, andi other Prçperty, spinat loua or damuage byOr.. C.NORE Agent, WhItbl. ONTRJOBANK. OTIMla bby ibna adividenti NOîE beiba inw ofii frteçuzmitye l,! anttat a~ ývl epèjable tBaka.fiioe Fridaitihe lat dei of Docember nert. The tranafarbocks@I»WM itcoeatif reinlb. -Bi veer 0cti BDoad,- C. HLA4 OnL 1tag uak, iiirT aagr Toronto# 971 O(t, 1882. FARMERS le Worklnman, pid"ofsaicsme*4, ýamar man, requirsaai Ibis seeon cf1lb.year »m«n to tve cgwto hie sYtosu ant tb. bloc.! USE VITAUINE Uelby ail D=Ugiata. Price,- pu Talc A KBCNE0. bein-il-3 291'Oà OT iogmz'ins n W odd Ws. s G1eo Cormackgh tUMBEawR wWU eac&ilo md»tu.e Wt-hit 0" ne v., nr n! PHl antiBa Gonof tis. dn PpminiFlodn WooWork8 lvn,e etr, etc. t Bina WhtbER woloaiea«14rta1,or8b TEl fs PÂPRmy ha Rund on fla ais O e. P. Eowli * Oo's esuaper Ad-, VUWag pur«* eOhspineast.), vhare md. seriiagcentmacismoy be mâe!.foi Ilt m Naw Yoa~-8 MONEY TO. LOAN! ýoN ipRELETT EUIY moueyomassreu ila10 day.ofap 4"17 zons tAnq ~ING BRO~E8, WfflT~Y, ON?ÂIUO, £uiasu4<aalenau&Kaalafà eieaes sf~éli 'NAntis cf LEATHER ANO FINDINU An. ysSnoeO ltsoetitM2lcf oc, boldly and!piutnl iuaiUfl I knet xhM bt;OacorW ie$é uleü'à Mo ae&. lIat ,Xosa dm41.! the l nsi"a andntirneW, *the OfiSi-,t ~~ ateuhw &CI ,,,ilngs, sona.! montbs aftr ao* ailt' Jà save * uaod:oer iI tî - swi voila, ~-. 1- vi 1euie ! - *frtls~ rg ina A ,l vi g t i n g -t O z : ý e - Bt o u i b v e k t-e - l " , i it< l 1 . luo t -Ii on Gaeeror. OiroeT i d 3-ru - d0Mah' nM 1 nedaste4almà itaefforte urglug aW ho' Dm*ufii&m'anbùia&- *wj71 nindicale l,1vI eqo4aqîl *me la l vnow , vts ani5by. qa lta, tan Ras~~~~~~~~~~4-yn wetb &çrso lii iacei ~ ,e,0u thne-*", macso satzlias rU1on11noaa racaOrog lamd,16 ,y "4halmouis ttrelon sp (As t soventeigh dide, e . <sotnté,Jî a ïevhisiaga ebaiuha.! Tho tis, k p rmek M Ik, :baaiîoiain.f,va lem"-- tlio;can4idaIc Stoctia lube zabliet tet f li 5ho oilri Mobast, n ov, Iilasan-in ie-la -beor e aaat1oWor at Azdthowrlhnlrpiuboaubhfunessaulis Dr.. JoliuB. Evod.Dn* -Beoküi a. Hou ofton lbue ras ind, 114 scbopl.boy a i ! u Ifalts =me f 6 Wblsing la signailtune, adisilon soughul Korgao iaresiigeting ommtee. Tha At1 that »se iVtovw, anti thon scluuPerc4edsio ndng aut wdoda m ment anti foir t1 at efflieOum. a91 flo61 i, e fIti, ar ifêirv c tt etnlsy bll&4ta b P.i orae y thIr aaiue p10fa Tle*lahiOa". p I THOlt, wyMassfliWlin4ati al!, tenid nt! 1ua " -ujeâi. t asbê Rut. nhal o-iuIr it, al,1 d4rîg d yogà ebufvl 'a-%oalI. lioe.!VItfrt.der<isiispau eanough tl e dfepi th.candd&W tbü- AnlucL ntah.e l~u olKiI afla the aîtau jif1UVj1bêr *1raho Lise i n'aéOu~tè4ct Rai! wa sçtou et au*N4 J btbe Oprou WMboSdtI replyl - daslaboit, en iala M gnd virmmbd t** Il- ilof*ii4é natii Ihal touaI ^ doldetit o bepqut.I 1a spath IIte, t*dn' f71r1-X t Anmd;bgo, à Tor t in t, »Me ya *azlo taé1or-Thé- goi be, Aniai uthssan pot-vtn i - cl ted Tu oy >-.Tià * ý hop" > tiatfou*y- awd Domore raumbanei 1U»ev jl. J4, Wu,~~ b~ f Y«bi1éiýiw 4othsn Who eobueim Uav!, d To bâtnniliaialI tlâiu - eipllo1 a.tbem-'us. ti bé, =hÃŽc2b: raLp' zê*ab, anti .poitfblte pbsncp and! ëqp- éinu e 11wI'kdppoq griéat 0.fé osuea nuess as o ain alid ChOLPýéèr ywu -;inutaoli,éýet ai LGviboa îâidusa- 1- a< h Caïd. o 9e MrzgAu-,Ticcoton - roughi-- arg iiii lIfnal i-tham r isslitg ie!t eroitin.- uq fAt mrn e.yeaIfulya. ianotn ê à amffijgna audl01el -pnountai Iowa vn ii - ézon 0., 0nmig.of MaétervosoWu, d neidg tEe à ùlog îousof Ad&eýu'sbroil-ilz esi~H~ascdd a Wt p-d' en.u.svvlW imhovaIdo uliezu- eMrnpai ùi téIuug, belveen 12 sdin&-1 ooloc à ng# her-ztaý"heecli-fÃ" Iu'nza-lvwaueupeindedîto.byîha0 oIauer, offlan-May li MÛ iwagnvo iâtO b~ ~ ~ ~~h -vco pnn b oon, the -deep, six feet o1 , - il mxt' te éti due ibefrlif- introduce.! me, direotly a ftlrer at anti - vee." 'lmuùedialeWy eft :wýtibsud -btore aiyîlring mno lad -lItai iaatSvllc -, ve noeircî ,nl" "&bi! oray0-9, 4'I, ami nedyi anud -ïù,-61âoèËn u cUiir lt11,~iîe -bvêea épollug:ynall-iéiuià ter."emeb- c-Aslnl cf i ga Immedimlaly aftenward tblb. ci.man 'eouty>. oa13Wîteyc i.e carAt.- o-wn- the là dera&ni in tan: Ho*rd iitBuffilo,-"Olubbuclc cf Lë*éý -Wllevaliig fèn brekfast 1-stthe rom n ! lui, seareà gihrïdBheg-hb foot cf1»e. nomuian-acncneal uen trop. -ajcir-i argon. Ti~ vrs-*n~ pd-intë-the býW4écà , vhcre vaoe -Font sitng. Wlieuioallad ge broakies!, the anti In mMergau l ti 411 arrageý alady, azaflly logte. bore, monte for sending him bgo Câioda 1 "' -re :akstlat- han bnabanti badmeut cçuýpletd, -aid.!-ît hida family vpn annt o gcssm vtx a.!Cn oiô eu i f l. -Msa aio!tt aledyapearati. butltai va neeti net information iobcerfidly, an.! valked' fan thoanfor ohé b.d seul li in-gI. ii mupposote fiadstaiia a ra te ïifoésui olhsn villagan vIeS vaî vhiih uns. iôed lýb lhai-mifli! going on, tid fitibaforavo lied den i rvriwher', a, nopae Wènarczt -brasifia thebao-oA! . as- enylIde-body,,ta ascI'pat. cfWhicvl ,Moto ;Aufii.ana as MaeoUR in ai. a vea]WC'ced fenge I-a«tit tengpua. izlg tle l lai.ioom, tincwn* orarboà rd. HpRe-giampeti tht -vafeaundg lt -abs lied douee tar ek, uvl f.te otcuuen -itnulY.c -Fiflean or twenty mmii Garai,hforclngMongéslo nolluqà olel ~waa~iit. s,,nc ganng I ac li. al! aevcrly ilan. o&ba at a me, gs.bii-tiïcà as Wiil 1-.1 eiludit hienbro tîliv ~Ieîîsenit tj s-tated i .t raiit2oiteniutewwdov ulonrai"Yoi itommu ia -S unoffênpiit10armenI.ulh~ i let hitking the, {og,~wictolf 1ui lb~tnluoufi t okl-wuxe4y af -ltr ituCL. eX, s* Io4~~tiaevIIu~i4y oelarvnnd- <W.d enitsgy _ nioyv. gà ~iU ha tkeak ls fIapstl 1Oazin44w bal Wpuu'l," vus 4pai.prn~vp7 nolulg maiha.uttdaot Iw U o wü ý!.e ume-aan nr uow&couuMo.BnlW mo,- nareî à is? rin m %bèvnl à hDb - , - ca.B E G»2ouamTOROSTO. (LaiwottaEta arbm.) TEuauSpl ie' AT, GOM4 4W D ' INU CREK-"F1CK2RLJ¶G 'Âà ed up tor tti ne o r- ! gasa, nt C. ,N. VAflS, . S D~~~~~~~~o tNA. OM ios!fenM p tom,. , antd ilà *4t. ay, ï. ýIOO 1,L do- les, 0 f Bay: amyim heti, ,M4 et once: a.yen ta ie.sntiw -Jenney iWlby. .42 DANFORD. W131 Mut .n~eo Baia. - -- p 'Seet 1gter.- r-avay oulhy d maet le ,t' -n. GERMAN XNVIG< ~~hiebuêdgeiymI eue I I 'I o o tbi1hd Atm idc WMORT, TION,;a A. -A. -F ýpts O, 00 DRCT 0 BC. - c»o Ev '>Tiia 'tri - tio4 G TANS. 6L "Y ýl 4j L Il là - IN- Ll